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(Luận văn) high turnover rate of petrovietnam in malaysia project

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t to ng UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY hi ep International School of Business w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va TRẦN THỊ MỸ YẾN fu ll HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF PETROVIETNAM IN MALAYSIA PROJECT oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 th t to ng hi ep UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY w International School of Business n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu TRẦN THỊ MỸ YẾN oi m nh at HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF PETROVIETNAM IN MALAYSIA z z k jm ht vb PROJECT om n a Lu SUPERVISOR: LÊ THỊ THANH XUÂN l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 th t to ABSTRACT ng This thesis study high turnover rate in purchasing department of PVE, its reasons and its hi ep effect on company’s performance Turnover rate is more and more considered as an important factor to any business In depth interview was used to collect and analyze data w n of the study From the result of interviews, high turnover rate really exists in the company lo ad The three consequences of high turnover rate are productivity loss, delay of schedule, and y th turnover intention Job satisfaction in terms of pay and organizational commitment in terms ju yi of affective commitment were found to have negative relationship with high turnover rate pl This study also provides solutions and implementation plans for PVE to reduce turnover al n ua rate and increase its performance n va ll fu I INTRODUCTION oi m Company Profile at nh Background z Petrovietnam Investment Consultancy and Design JSC (PVE) was set up from the z ht vb equalization of State-owned Petroleum Investment Consultant Company (PVICC) April jm 10, 1998 from the equalization of State Owned Enterprise Vietnam Petroleum Corporation k (Petrovietnam) In 2005, Petro Vietnam Engineering (PVE) turned into a Joint Stock gm Company Also, in 2011, hierarchical structure is exchanged to Mother - Mother om l.c Subsidiary The oil and gas industry are a key industry in the nation, with potential for improvement in the coming years PetroVietnam's technique keeps on connecting with a Lu global markets, open doors for PVE to infiltrate remote markets through PVN's tasks Right n business Particularly, after the consummation of the change into the parent-backup y te re demonstrate, PVE reinforced its situation in the non-oil fields It working in wander and n va now, PVE has been allotted by Petro Vietnam to numerous significant activities in the th building consultancy for oil and gas, civil and industrial projects t to Key business activities: ng  Consulting on topographic survey, geological survey, current status survey, NDT hi ep test and technical services for offshore and offshore oil and gas, deep-water projects and other industrial projects w n lo  Consultancy on management of construction investment projects, supervision of ad projects belonging to the group or units of the Group, including projects on oil and y th ju gas, biofuels and other specialized projects yi Implementing EPC services, providing project management and supervisory pl  ua al services in upstream and downstream oil and gas and other industrial projects; n Providing consulting services on geological topography and non-destructive va inspection and testing for industrial and petroleum projects’ n ll fu Organization oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va to meet the needs of all customers Inside and outside Petro Vietnam th the leading companies in the region, providing high quality services at competitive prices y PV Engineering's mission is to become the number one corporation in Vietnam and one of te re PVE’s mission t to Problem Analysis ng Problem context hi ep In 2015, PVE become sub-contractor of TECHNICAS in RAPID project in Malaysia with w contract value over 51 million USD in packages: SMP, E & I, Painting, Fire Proofing, n lo Civil The RAPID project is one of the largest scale refinery projects in the world This ad petrochemical refinery has a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day and supplies naphtha and y th gas to petrochemical complexes and produces petrol and oil according to European ju yi standards Petrochemicals to increase the value of olefins from water separation towers and pl al the production of commercial petrochemical products including propane, polyethylene, n ua synthetic rubber In the domestic market, PVE has relatively few competitors, mainly n va foreign ones Therefore, the expansion of the Malaysian market will be an opportunity for ll fu PVE to improve its capacity as well as its position.In order to serve the project oi m implementation, PV Engineering has the need of recruiting 250 engineers and 500 workers who have experience and project ad speak English fluently from difference position to nh at work through recruitment website and newspaper In the first time of project, PVE try to z recruit the local worker but the salary is quite high and they did not hard working if z vb compare with Vietnamese worker After that, PVE - human resource change the plan to ht gm - Working condition: k jm recruit Vietnamese engineer and worker to save money and achieve better results + Transportation: From the living place to job site take 40 minutes by bus om l.c + The working time starts from 7:30 am to 10 pm, from Monday to Saturday a Lu - Compensation: The Company will pay for food, house allowance and ticket back to n n va Vietnam every six months working Benefit: one-month salary for bonus every end of Year condition: y - Living te re if working above year th + Accommodation: The Company rents the staff for a 40 'ride to the site t to + Water: In Johor Bahru, fresh water is very scarce and the dormitory which PVE rent did ng not have tap water Every day, the company will buy water from supplier to use Sometime hi ep per week, water for living is not enough Two-day bath time is very common + Food: Malaysia is a Muslim country, so only the Chinese markets have food such as in w n Vietnam The main food is chicken and beef, very rare green vegetables lo ad + Entertainment: On Sunday, staff can take ferry to Singapore, take bus to central city for y th coffee, shopping or stay at dormitory to play football, volley ball ju yi - Insurance: Employees will be insured under Vietnamese law pl ua al - Recruitment expense: Item n 131,579 186,886 158,721 26.12% 25.14% 287 243 651.17 653.17 ll oi m Number of employment recruit to 203 (USD/ at expense nh replace z 648.17 z person) 2017 fu Percentage (%) Recruitment 2016 n va Expense (USD) 2015 k jm ht vb gm This is the first project that PVE has executed abroad; hence, PVE can’t avoid problems l.c relating to culture, working routine, communication among engineers, workers from many om countries n a Lu n va - Number of resigned employee from 2015 to 2017 Jan Feb 15 18 Mar 13 10 th 2017 y 2016 te re 2015 t to ng hi 12 11 May 13 Jun 11 Jul 12 15 11 15 8 18 115 130 180 550 590 10% 21% 22% ep Apr w lo ad Sept n Aug ju y th Oct Nov yi pl Dec n Total employee ua al Total resigned employee va n % ll fu m oi - Project status nh Complete at z date as signed works and SMP Mar-18 Jun-18 Jul-15 Jun-18 Nov-18 75% Apr-16 Aug-18 Jan-19 82.17% Jul-16 Sep-18 Aug-19 57% 46 24 17 12 n va SMP 87% n Package 6A usd) a Lu Civil - Building 11 now complete om Package 11 (million l.c works until Jul-15 Electro Mechanical Package time gm Package Value k Civil & Building complete jm date Estimate ht contract Contract vb Description z Package Start % y te re slower than the time stipulated in the contract signed th Based on the progress of the project, we can see that the project implementation time is t to In Aug, 2017, PVE was invited to bid for two packages of 13 and 14 with a value around ng of 46 million USD However, due to high bidding prices and unpredictable progress from hi ep the previous contracts, PVE have been missed these packages There are many reasons for delaying the progress, but one of the main reasons that PVE w n has to deal with is the shortage of human resources and staff turnover lo ad The extension of the construction period compared to the original contract affects many y th parties involved in the project such as: Owner, design consultant, monitoring consultant, ju yi contractor construction Delayed progress reduces the credibility of the investment pl decision, for the investor The contractor have to increase costs, reduce the profitability of al n ua the project, reduce prestige and brand company To avoid this situation in future, we go to to improve it.Symptoms analysis n va analysis symptom to know that why high turnover rate quite high and what should we ll fu oi m To justify the existence and importance of problem why high turnover rate high, the first interview was conducted with Human Resource Manager and 04 staffs who have leave and nh at certain information about the issue to get their perceptions of the existence and effect of z jm ht vb From Interview with leave staff z this issue in the organization k It is easy to see that when an employee resigns, they never say their true reason gm There are dozens of reasons given by employees, such as: feeling inadequate, inadequacy om l.c of job capacity, inadequacy of job requirements, inadequate culture / school of the company There are also very personal reasons such as getting married, wanting to go to n a Lu school, wanting to quit work at home to take care of children, houses y be true, may be wrong for each person but it seems to have become some of the sample te re need to know the real reason to keep employees in the company The reasons above may n va All of these are benign and not offend people, but for human resource management, we th and "available to use" for employees looking to find another position t to In the meantime, the reason for the actual shift and could be difficult to say such as ng inadequate wages, inadequate corporate policies, or simply discord with a colleague in the hi ep company It may be because of your behavior: favoring one person over another, overemphasizing someone and having "shady" actions such as having a very private w n meeting with a member of a company / A group that other people in the same department lo ad cannot understand is happening or is there a new project or job? y th After conducting the interview with the leaving staffs, the main reasons of leaving are ju yi recognized There are three main reasons of leaving that include no attractive pl compensation, job stress and poor working environment Most of the leaving staff provided al n ua that they leave the company because the compensation policy is not suitable for them They va shared that working abroad is especial job which is different to other jobs Their working n time depends to project schedule which company signed with customer They have to day fu ll and night to keep the timelines According to one of leaving staffs, “When I interview, they m oi just talk about working time from Monday to Saturday as normal but when I come here I nh have to wake up from 5am and working until 10 or 11 pm everyday” About Working at z environment, other guide complaint that “Very terrible We did not have enough water to z ht vb washing, cleaning Sometime when I start to take a bath, the water is not enough The jm company pay for food and house but I cannot eat meal with Malaysia style And when I k asked about compensation, most of them said that It was not fair One guide talks like that gm “I think it is low I work very hard, from 7am and back to dormitory around 10 pm My It is not fair Maybe in here, nothing is fair.” om l.c friend work in head office, he just working hours per days but he received bonus like me a Lu The interview investigated the main reasons of leaving are about the poor compensation n n va policy, poor working environment and job stress y is executed This interview with her will assist to find the way to solve the problem of the te re To understand more about these policies, the interview with the Human Resource Manager th company t to From Interview with Human Resource Manager ng The interview with the Human Resource Manager to understand more about the hi ep compensation policy of company Also, it assists to recognize the reasons of setting up these policies w n lo After interviewing, it is found out that the HR manager had good evaluation on the ad performance of leaving staffs The HR manager said these staffs left the company because y th they did not have opportunities for promotion, job stress and low salary It seems to be that ju yi the HR manager did not know the real reasons but she also consider how to change it She pl al explained that this policy was unfair for everyone and make them unhappy because they n ua have to work harder if compare with Vietnam office The CEO did not know the difficulties n va of uncomfortable time when sale staffs comply with this policy ll fu At the beginning, the CEO thought if company paid high salary, the staffs had to be oi m responsible to work hard However, after discussion, she understood that the compensation nh policy for abroad staff is so important to keep the high-performance staffs Good staffs will at feel unfair when they contribute too much for the company but they not receive any z z thing The CEO stated that “If this is the reason that sale staffs leave the company, I will vb jm ht set up the commission policy to keep the good performance staffs because they are main staffs to earn the profit for company.” But how to change, she said “I think that must be k for long time before become joint stock company om l.c gm change the thinking of Board of Director because you know, we are government company There are a lot of symptoms but we can find down three main symptoms as show below: a Lu Firstly, high stress on regular tasks, and the gap in term of working skills are the symptoms n experience in oil and gas civil work but not all of them have that The PVE staff shared y te re their feeling about work overload because of the daily operation To explain for the n va that were observed by the HR managers PVE This project require person who have progress issues, political relations, technical risks, resources, safety pressure, language, th symptoms, the project team staffs expressed that they have to face with a lot of difficulties: t to A: After 01 year working very hard in here, I’m tired and I don’t know what will I be in ng the future, no promote, low salary, stress hi ep 4) Really, I don’t know about this issue I will represent it to supervisors Do you want to share more things? w n lo A: Yes, I have to work almost whole week and very tired after back from work, but the ad result which I receive in end of year is the same with office staff Do you think it fair? y th ju Thank you so much We should have a suggestion about this issue Have a nice day yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th 37 t to ng hi ep Appendix 2: w 2nd Round Interview: leave staff , Human Resource Manager and Project Manager n lo ad Transcript y th 25 ju Age yi pl Location Ho Chi Minh City ua al Male n Gender n va Single ll fu Marital Status m Civil engineering oi Occupation at nh 1,600 USD/ Month Working Experience at PVE 06 month z Salary z k jm ht vb l.c gm 1) What factors contributed to your decision to resign? om A: Hm I know that PVE is good company in Vietnam but in here I cannot promote because a Lu they just give the change to their family or friend For me, I didn’t know anybody who have n power like that So, I think that I have to chance to find down another opportunity to n va promote te re 2) What factors of the new job attract you? y th A: Of course, it’s salary After that is promotion program 3) Do you feel you were suitable for current position? 38 t to A: It is not suitable, that’s a reason why I quit this job ng Could you let me know why it is not suitable for you? hi ep - I cannot stay at Malaysia for long time When I interview, they just talk about working w time from Monday to Saturday as normal but when I come here I have to wake up from n lo 5am and working until 10 or 11 pm every day When I interview, they didn’t tell me that I ad have to stay in job site year or maybe 02 year, 03 year until project finish y th ju 4) How you think about living condition? yi pl - Very terrible We did not have enough water to washing, cleaning Sometime when I start al eat meal with Malaysia style n ua to take a bath, the water is not enough The company pay for food and house but I cannot va n 5) Did you meet any difficulty in communication with your line supervisor/manage? ll fu oi m A; Yes, sure He always gave me unclear assignment and add more job for me I’m procurement executive but when I came there, they ask me work like store keeper and nh at admin work How can I improve my work in future? z z 6) How you think about the bonus/incentive structure for your position? vb jm ht A: I think it is low I work very hard, from 7am and back to dormitory around 10 pm My k friend work in head office, he just working hours per days but he received bonus like me om l.c 7) How you think about your career development at PVE? gm It is not fair Maybe in here, nothing is fair a Lu A: No comment, I didn’t see any development policy in this company I am working like n machine, day by day, from Monday to Saturday Could you let me know what I can learn n va in that project? te re 8) Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving? y th 39 t to A: Sure, there are thousands of thing that they need to to keep me The first thing I want ng to suggest is kick my director and replace by me He didn’t know how to run foreign hi ep project 9) What changes you suggest to improve your position and the company? w n lo A: Yes, they need to study project careful before start and listen staff more to improve ad working environment, salary ranking, incentive policy to adopt labor market y th ju 10) If company changing, will you consider coming back to the company? yi pl - If they have project in Vietnam, maybe I will consider al n ua 11) Thank you for your sharing n va ll fu Transcript oi m 25 Location Ho Chi Minh City Gender Male Marital Status Single Occupation Civil engineering Salary 1,600 USD/ Month Working Experience at PVE 06 month at nh Age z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th 1)What factors contributed to your decision to resign? 40 t to A: Thank for your question After short time work with PVE, I recognize that the company ng culture is not suitable for me, especial is the way that manager promote someone Another hi ep thing is living condition, I cannot live in Johor Bahru anymore Working time is long, salary low and no commission… w n 2) What factors of the new job attract you? lo ad A: For me, I looking for a job with high salary and can develop in future y th ju 3) Do you feel you were suitable for current position? yi pl A: I think that, my characteristic is rather with current job requirement, except the location n ua al is not suitable for me n va 4) Did you meet any difficulty in communication with your line supervisor/manage? ll fu A: I don’t think my problem is communication, but have some issues with him He always oi m give me difficult job and give very easy job to another that he likes Last time, he asked me to contact with supplier to rent a crane After I got quotations, he called another one and nh at signed contract with him Maybe they gave him commission? Do you know that how much z jm ht vb 5) How you think about living condition? z I have to try to get that quotation in Malaysia? Haiz k - It’s quite good because company pay for that, I can save money One thing I had gm complaint id the place who we live did not have tap water Total of engineer live in there that in the future D.E.P is famous gift for birthday n a Lu 6) How you think about the bonus/incentive structure for your position? om l.c around 500, and normally if I took a bath late, maybe no more water Last time, we kidding n va A: It is not clear The company should adjust it to calculate the incentive following the sale te re income result, not following the company profit result y 7) How you think about your career development at PVE? th 41 t to A: It is not fair The company only promote their family member, no change for outside ng guide hi ep 8) Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving? w B: Yes, of course Let me back to Vietnam to the project n lo 9) What changes you suggest to improve your position and the company? ad y th A: They need to employee professional advisor to improve all policies to make the staff ju more happy and reasonable yi pl 10) If company changing, Will you consider coming back to the company? ua al A: No, the policy is not only reason I leave company There are a hundred of thing to n n va change and I make sure that they cannot change all ll fu 11)Thank you for your sharing oi m nh at Transcript z z 25 Location Ho Chi Minh City Gender Male Marital Status Married Occupation Civil engineering Salary 1,800 USD/ Month Working Experience at PVE 1,5 years k jm ht vb Age om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th 1)What factors contributed to your decision to resign? 42 t to A: You have to work in Malaysia, and the company le me back to Vietnam 02 times per ng year My wife didn’t like that She said my salary is not high So, why I didn’t back to hi ep Vietnam to find a job with same salary and can stay with my family After considering, I think its a good idea, so I need to quick immediately w n 2) What factors of the new job attract you? lo ad A: There are many factor effect to my decision, but I will consider the working location, it y th should be near my house After that is working environment, the second thing is salary ju yi When I interview to PVE, they said that they let me work in Vietnam But after 06 month, pl ua al a lot of people resign So they require me to transfer the job n 3) Do you feel you were suitable for current position? va n A: It is so so, the job requirement is suitable to me but the location is not My wife and my fu ll children also complaint me about time and no holiday m oi 4) How you think about living condition in jobsite? nh at A: Have you ever take a bath two-day one time? It is very common in jobsite And the food z z is not suitable for me They rent a Vietnamese chef but he stays in Malaysia for long time vb so his cooking style is not suitable for me And at weekend, no entertainment The internet k jm ht is not good Sometime have, sometime not gm 5) Did you meet any difficulty in communication with your line supervisor/manage? om l.c A: Maybe, I think that I pick a wrong manager He unfair, messy in management He doesn’t know exactly what he want in his staff But I’m not care about that I’m sure that n y than ever but no thing difference between working in Vietnam and in Malaysia te re A: It is not bad I we compare with other company in this field, it is just a little bit lower n va 6) How you think about the bonus/incentive structure for your position? a Lu they never ask me quick the job until I want Laugh th 7) How you think about your career development at PVE? 43 t to A: Forget about that when I joint this company, I know that I never get any opportunities ng to promote You know why, right? hi ep 8) Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving? w A: No way, I give company a lot of chance to prevent my leave but they ignore You know, n lo there are not only me leaving the company I work there more than one year and I know ad that nothing will be change in future Believe me So, event they everything, I don’t y th change me decision ju yi 9)What changes you suggest to improve your position and the company? pl al n policy ua A: BOD need to sit down to find down all conflict and issue in incentive policy and labor va n I suggest them to study competitor They build a nice policy and good environment for ll fu staff oi m 10)If company changing, Will you consider coming back to the company? at nh A: How about salary, promotion program? Do they change? If they change, maybe I will z z come back But I think that it just happen when you dreaming vb k jm ht 11) Thank you so much for your idea gm Transcript Gender Male Marital Status Married n va Ho Chi Minh City n Location a Lu 32 om l.c Age y te re th 44 t to Civil engineering Salary 1,400 USD/ Month ng Occupation hi ep Years w Working Experience at PVE n lo ad y th 1)What factors contributed to your decision to resign? ju yi A: My friend have introduce my another opportunities with higher salary and high level in pl ua al Vietnam So, after considering in some week, I decide to cast new challenge n 2) What factors of the new job attract you? va n A: For me, working environment, promotion and salary also will attracted me when I find ll fu another job oi m at nh 3) Do you feel you were suitable for current position? A: Totally no, I need to change my job I don’t know, but I didn’t feel happy with this job z z So I need to find another opportunities in other company k A: I never eat a lot of meat in my life before I joint this project jm ht vb 4) Do you have any comment in living condition? gm 5) Did you meet any difficulty in communication with your line supervisor/manage? l.c om A: He’s ok and I don’t have any issue in communication with him But I think his English n va 6) How you think about the bonus/incentive structure for your position? n support, I don’t know what I following her requirement or not a Lu is not good, and That’s reason why I have to work by myself You know, without manager y te re A: It is not fair The manager takes too much and staffs just get a few pennies And nothing th difference for bonus from project work and admin work 7) How you think about your career development at PVE? 45 t to A: I love your question, I never heard about in this company Please subject to our BOD ng be fair in promotion, maybe they forget to set up that program for this company hi ep 8) Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving? w A: The mother company should change another BOD, find a new guide to create a better n lo policy, better management and give me high salary ad y th 9) What changes you suggest to improve your position and the company? ju A: No way, there are many people event me to change to improve but they don’t listen yi pl You know, the company need to be restructure especially form top guide al n ua 10)If company changing, Will you consider coming back to the company? n va A: No way, I have my dream job So, nothing gonna change my decision ll fu 11)Thank you alot oi m nh at Transcript z z 36 Location Ho Chi Minh City Gender Female Marital Status Married Occupation Human Manager k jm ht vb Age om l.c gm n a Lu n va Years y te re Working Experience at PVE th 1) What are the problems that you think it is happening in our hotel? 46 t to A: With my field, I am headache about finding the new employees for project in ng Malaysia The requirement is 500 engineers but every year half of them resign hi ep Turnover rate is my concern now 1) Can you please explain more about the issues? w n lo A: We are belonging to the government company, so our basic salary is not really high ad compare with the market The rate is less than the market rate about 25-35%, or we can y th say that our salary is lower compare with the same position in Malaysia About bonus, ju yi we could not guarantee about the bonus with the new employees It not stables, and it pl n ua find the qualify staff al based on our revenues, as well our parent company, it is the first thing that I could not va Secondly, engineer in Rapid project the special position, it need the human who have n ll fu the huge knowledge about good communication, and speak fluent English Therefore, oi m sometime, our company recruite some of the candidate without the civil background at then they quit the job nh that they not understand about their position Then, they just work for the month, z z vb Thirdly, most of them complaint about living condition The place which we rent for jm ht them to live did not have tap water, so we have to buy water day by day and it is not k enough for hundred of person use To save money, we rent a vietnamese living in gm Malaysia cooking, for me it ok but for them it is not suitable om l.c 3) About promotion program at the PVE, what is your valuation about that at PVE? now we didn’t have any program like that n a Lu A: I need to say sorry for the things if it makes you feel disappointed however, until n va 4) Do you think training is another ways to motivate the employee? te re A: Of course, yes! It shows your concern about company with the employees Or, it y th makes employees feel like they can learn the new things, and not feel boring with their job However, at the moment, I observe that each manager in the different department 47 t to just on job training They not have the coaching, or training system for the whole ng staff, so it easy to lead to the conflict in decision making hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi Transcript 6: Human Resource Manager pl ua al 1) How you evaluate the performance of leaving staffs? n A: All of them work hard and are responsible with the job I especially evaluate their very n va high performance fu ll 2) Do you know the reasons why they leave the company? m oi A: Most of them told me that they want to have more opportunities and challenges in new nh at area of job One of them has some personal issues and the last one said that abroad job was z not suitable with her anymore because she didn’t want to work late She needs to go home z ht vb soon to take care of her family k jm They shared me their leaving reasons as above but I think that the main reason is that job company to have more opportunities for promotion om 3) Could you tell me the working hour policy of the company? l.c gm stress and opportunities to promote Therefore, maybe they want to move to the other a Lu A: Similar to the other companies and following the Labor Law, our company set the policy n for Malaysia project we set difference policy, working time from Monday to Saturday, and n va of working hours per day from 8am-5pm including hour of lunch time in Vietnam But te re we will pay for them food, accommodation and transportation to jobsite y th 4) Could you tell me why the company set this policy? 48 t to A: I think that this policy is suitable for project work because PVE sign contract with main ng contractor base on price and timeline, and if we late, the will charge us lot of money This hi ep policy will help the company to manage time of staff effectively Everyone needs to comply with the policy of company, not except me I know they work hard, but if compare with w n Vietnam market, they receive high salary lo ad 5) Maybe you right, this policy is so effective to manage the time of staff but it may cause y th them stress because their working time is too long.? If this policy cause dissatisfaction for ju yi staffs and they intend to leave the company, will you change the policy? pl al A: I will not consider changing it to be more suitable for them because business is business n ua We need to follow project timeline, so, no choice for me va 6) Could you share me about commission for Malayisa project? n fu ll A: Actually, our company doesn’t pay extra commission for them However, we will pay m oi the bonus for all staff (Vietnam and Malaysia) at the end of the year After one year, z competitive compare to other companies at nh company will pay the 13th month salary Furthermore, I think that our salary is so high and z ht vb 7) I know that the salary is so competitive compare to other companies However, the jm compensation is also important for staff because it will motivate sale staffs to work hard k If the company doesn’t pay extra commission for them, it seems to be unfair for the staffs gm because they work harder than Vietnam staff If they are not happy and leave the om l.c companies because of no compensation policy, you intend to set up new policy? a Lu Uhm At the beginning, I just think that our company pays high salary than other companies so that it may cover the commission Also, I believe that with the high salary, the staff will n good performance staffs I think that must be change the thinking of Board of Director 49 th more and more staffs leave the company, but to set up the commission policy to keep the y extra commission, it will be unfair for the staffs who work hard If this is the reason that te re responsibility to work hard for the company However, maybe you right, if we don’t pay n va be happy to work here And when they received the high salary, they need to have t to because you know, we are government company for long time before become joint stock ng company hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl ua al Transcript 6: Project Manager n 1) Hi, how are you Can you give me a minute to interview? n va A: I’m fine Yes I was ready fu ll 2) What you think about the human resource situation in Malaysia for the Rapid project? oi m at Almost every month there are people off work nh A: Since the beginning of the project, we have been dealing with a lot of human problems z z 3) Can you share why? ht vb jm A: I have talked to some of you, they have given the reason is the job over, long working k time but the salary is low Previously, PVE had a 5-6-month salary each year But starting gm with the falling price of oil, we only paid 13 monthly salaries for both the office and foreign promoted when you work here because the whole is his grandson om l.c projects The oil and gas industry are no longer as potent as before You say you not get a Lu 4) Do you think it's time to change the way you manage your compensation policy? n va A: I think the board should reconsider the personnel situation There should be a n y te re professional consulting firm on how to improve th 5) Do you think PVE can change? 50 t to A: PVE is a public company for a very long time After all, they are still carrying state- ng style governance But in my opinion, when it comes to world markets, PVE must change hi ep to adapt and expand the market Due to inadequate human resources, the project tender has dropped a new $ million package So, I think PVE is forced to change its vision and w n strategy lo ad 6) Thanks for sharing ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th 51

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