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(Luận văn) factors afecting couples decision amking in comtemporary wedding event decoration , family influence social status, and pertinaol valuies

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY t to ng International School of Business hi ep w n lo ad y th ju Dinh Thi To Nhu yi pl n ua al n va FACTORS AFFECTING COUPLE’S DECISION MAKING IN CONTEMPORARY WEDDING EVENT DECORATION: FAMILY INFLUENCE, SOCIAL STATUS, AND PERSONAL VALUES ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) th Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY t to ng International School of Business hi ep w n lo ad y th ju Dinh Thi To Nhu yi pl n ua al FACTORS AFFECTING COUPLE’S DECISION MAKING IN CONTEMPORARY WEDDING EVENT DECORATION: FAMILY INFLUENCE, SOCIAL STATUS, AND PERSONAL VALUES n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm a Lu n ID: 22110040 n va y te re SUPERVISOR: Dr VO THI NGOC THUY Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 th MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) i Tables of Content Chapter 1: Introduction t to 1.1 Research background ng hi 1.2 Research objectives ep 1.3 Scope of the study and methodology w n 1.4 Research contribution lo ad 1.5 Research structure y th Chapter 2: Literature review ju yi 2.1 Concept of contemporary wedding and wedding event decoration pl ua al 2.1.1 A contemporary wedding n 2.1.2 Wedding event decoration va n 2.2 Definition of Consumer behavior and theories of factors fu ll affecting consumer purchasing decision m oi 2.3 Previous researches about factors affecting couple’s decision nh at making and identifying hypotheses in this study 10 z z 2.3.1 Family influence 11 vb jm ht 2.3.2 Social status 15 k 2.3.3 Personal values 16 gm Chapter 3: Research Methodology 21 l.c 3.1 Research process 21 om 3.3 Measurement scales 23 ey 4.2 Adjustment of hypotheses and research model 37 t re 4.1 Descriptive statistic of sample 29 n Chapter 4: Data Analysis 29 va 3.4 Quatitative pilot research and results 25 an Lu 3.2 Research design 22 ii 4.3 Testing of normal distribution 38 4.4 Regression analysis 39 t to 4.5 Findings 42 ng hi Chapter 5: General conclusion 46 ep 5.1 Contributions of research 46 w n 5.1.1 Theoretical contributions 46 lo ad 5.1.2 Managerial implications 47 y th 5.2 Limitations and further researches 48 ju yi 5.3 Conclusion 49 n ua al Appendix pl References n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re iii List of Figures and Charts t to Figure 2.1 Conceptual model: Factors affecting couple’s decision ng hi making in contemporary wedding event decoration: Family influence, ep social status and personal values 19 w n Figure 4.1: Adjustment model of the research 37 lo ad Chart 3.1 Research process 21 ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re iv List of Tables t to Table 2.1 Theories of factors affecting consumer purchasing decision 10 ng hi Table 2.2 Variables and previous researches 11 ep Table 3.1 Cronbach alpha result of pilot test 26 w n Table 3.2 KMO and Bartlett's Test result of pilot test 26 lo ad Table 3.3 Pattern Matrix result of pilot test 27 y th Table 4.1 Demographic statistics result 30 ju yi Table 4.2 Cronbach’s Alpha result of all variables 32 pl ua al Table 4.3 KMO and Bartlett's Test result of independent variables 33 n Table 4.4 Pattern Matrix of items 34 va n Table 4.5 KMO and Bartlett's Test result of Dependent variable 36 fu ll Table 4.6: Pearson Correlation Coefficient result 39 m oi Table 4.7 Regression Analysis and Anova’s test Result 41 nh at Table 4.8: Hypothesis testing 44 z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re Abstract t to Many recent years, Vietnamese young couples tend to organize their wedding event ng including many items of decoration such as photo booth, gallery table, aisle décor, stage hi ep backdrop, guest tables’ decoration and lighting system This absolutely generate more expense for their wedding; however they still determine to use the service So, what w n lo factors really affect consumption in wedding reception decoration? ad ju y th The aim of this thesis is to investigate and identify the real impacts on couple’s decision making in contemporary wedding event decoration, and to provide practical contributions yi pl for all suppliers of this field in Ho Chi Minh City for the next years This study was al n ua conducted in from September 2013 to April 2014 in inner areas of the city 135 couples n va who have just married within three years that used wedding event decoration served as ll fu subjects in a study designed to investigate All responses of the questionnaires were made oi m on a 5-point Likert scale with the five elements that required investigating, including z uniqueness at nh family relations, wife/husband attitudes, social status, conformity and the need of z vb jm ht The results reveal that social status is the most important impact on the decision making of couples to use the wedding event decoration In addition, the communication of family k l.c gm members with couples makes a strong effect on their final decision Factors of conformity, the need of uniqueness and wife/husband attitudes also effect on couple’s om decision making an Lu Keywords: couple’s decision making, family relations, husband/wife attitudes, social n va status, conformity, need of uniqueness, wedding event decoration, Ho Chi Minh City ey t re Chapter 1: Introduction t to This chapter is a beginning of the thesis that includes five sections The research ng hi background is firstly presented Then, the research objectives of the thesis are ep discussed The chapter also introduces the contribution and scope of the study w Finally, the research structure is presented n lo ad 1.1 Research background y th ju Gidoni (2000) states that a contemporary Japanese wedding consists of traditional yi pl customs and Western-style ceremony because of economic motivations al n ua Similarly, a contemporary Vietnamese wedding combine the two parts After va wearing traditional outfits to join in a traditional wedding ceremony with a list of n rituals, bride and groom are ready to change their custom to Western style ones to ll fu oi m celebrate their wedding event with their friends, colleagues and relatives in a nh public institution In this event, many items of a Western-style wedding can be at applied such as white wedding gown, wedding cake, champagne fountain, z z dancing performance (Nguyen & Belk, 2012) and decoration Because of vb jm ht generating many things for a wedding event, budget for a contemporary wedding k is certainly higher than in the past According to a report of Home Credit group, gm an average of wedding budget of a couple is around VND100 million for 300 om l.c guests (Le, 2013) an Lu Wedding industry is more attractive for investors such as wedding event and convention, photography, wedding dress and make up, and decoration A report ey opened with many updated-Western styles in their showrooms Particularly, in ten t re compared to the last year More and more wedding dress stores and studios have n billion of profit in wedding event and convention field, an increase of 15% va of Doanh Nhan Sai Gon (2013) provides information of VND ten thousand recent years, wedding decoration field have developed very fast with many big suppliers like Vietnam Wedding Planner, Bliss, Confetti, V-Party, Hajime, Marry t to Me, Lemon Tree, Cleo, and so on Most of the decoration styles currently tend to ng hi follow Western wedding concept from photo booth, gallery table to the stage ep backdrop with many candles, fresh flowers, glasses and crystals A couple easily w search on the Internet through Google or Bing to find out the common style of n lo wedding event decoration and choose one supplier to make it on their wedding ad ju y th day yi Couples recently express their interesting on decoration in wedding event in Ho pl ua al Chi Minh City (HCMC) for a more pleasure and memorable wedding, as the n author observed through the Internet, online newspapers and social media and the va real experience of communications between the author and friends who have just n fu ll married However, wedding event decoration surely generates an amount of m oi budget that leads to find hard for them to determine to consume the service The nh number can increase to 10% of intend budget for a wedding (Le, 2013) So, what at z factors really affect consumption in wedding event decoration? z vb jm ht A recent research of Nguyen & Belk (2012) mentions about the changes of k wedding consumption in Vietnam after Doi Moi from some aspects such as social gm values, social relations, and gender roles Especially, in the research, they state l.c that filial piety is still one of the most important fundamental values of om Vietnamese kinship That can affect wedding consumption because couples an Lu respect opinions of their elder members in the family In addition, as a study of n va Cotte and Wood (2004), “family socialization is a rich field in consumer Western wedding concept into their weddings to show the social status or family status by spending some luxury services Another research shows that couples ey social status element in wedding consumption when young couples include t re behavior” (p.78) The research of Nguyen & Belk (2012) also points out the focus on their wedding as a performance day of their status, society level or the wealth instead of happiness of the day they can share their lives together (Adrian, t to 2003) According to the research of Nguyen & Belk (2012), values also make an ng hi effect on wedding consumption because of the importance and unique of a ep wedding as Vietnamese rituals Clawson and Vinson (1977) suggest that personal w value is considered as one of the strongest impacts on consumer behavior n lo Particularly, Partner (2001) states about a vital role of lifestyle in a special event ad ju y th such as weddings yi These results of researches which were conducted in many countries as well as in pl ua al Vietnam found out factors affecting to consumer decision making in general n Many weddings recently have been included decoration that opens opportunities va for event decoration suppliers to provide many services in Ho Chi Minh City n fu ll This study raises research objectives about exploring the real factors affecting on m oi final decision making of couples that can create more suitable services to save nh time of consultancy and persuasion to improve competitive advantage in market at z z 1.2 Research objectives ht vb k jm Because consumer behavior is a rich field that need to be explored, many gm researches were conducted to find out the factors that affecting consumer l.c behavior decision making These researches help managers, businesses can om understand thoroughly about the customer insight and offer the best products and an Lu services for them Thus, based on the literature review of consumer behavior and n decoration in Ho Chi Minh city, the study aims: va affecting of some factors, and especially in the context of wedding event To propose a model that predicting some factors affecting wedding event decoration in Ho Chi Minh city ey t re  60 t to ng hi ep  District  District  District  District  District  District  District  District  District  District 10  District 11  Tan Binh  Phu Nhuan  Go Vap  Binh Thanh w n 29 How long have you married? lo  One year ago ad  Three months ago  Six months ago  Three years ago ju y th  Two years ago yi pl n ua al Bảng câu hỏi tiếng Việt n va Bảng khảo sát yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc định cặp đôi ll fu việc chi tiêu cho trang trí tiệc cưới Tp.HCM m oi at nh Phần 1: Sự ảnh hưởng từ gia đình Gia đình hỗ trợ chúng tơi mặt tài Gia đình cung cấp thêm thơng tin giúp chúng tơi định Gia đình hy vọng sử dụng Mối quan hệ dịch vụ trang trí tiệc cưới Gia đình chúng tơi thảo gia đình luận nhiều vấn đề trang trí tiệc cưới Gia đình thuyết phục chúng tơi sử dụng trang trí tiệc cưới Nhìn chung, mối quan hệ gia đình ảnh hưởng nhiều đến định Chúng đồng ý sử dụng trang trí tiệc cưới Chúng thảo thuận nhiều trước Thái độ định vợ/chồng Chúng quan tâm đến ý kiến đối phương 10 Chúng tơi cho hội để trình bày z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 61 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th Địa vị xã hội yi quan điểm 11 Nhìn chung, thái độ chồng/vợ ảnh hưởng đến định Phần 2: Địa vị xã hội 12 Chúng tơi chứng tỏ có khả năng, điều kiện để tổ chức đám cưới đáng mơ ước 13 Chúng tơi làm bật vị trí sử dụng dịch vụ trang trí tiệc cưới 14 Chúng tơi nhận diện người nhóm dựa việc trang trí tiệc cưới 15 Chúng tơi thể phong cách riêng lễ cưới với khách mời thân thuộc 16 Nhìn chung, việc thể địa vị xã hội ảnh hưởng đến định Phần 3: Giá trị cá nhân 17 Chúng cho khách mời ngưỡng mộ phần trang trí tiệc cưới 18 Chúng nghĩ khách mời ấn tượng phần trang trí tiệc cưới 19 Vì chúng tơi thuộc nhóm nên chúng tơi sử dụng xu hướng trang trí tiệc cưới 20 Chúng chịu ảnh hưởng tham dự đám cưới khác có sử dụng trang trí tiệc cưới 21 Nhìn chung, phù hợp ảnh hưởng đến định chúng tơi 22 Nhờ có trang trí tiệc cưới, thể phong cách 23 Chúng tơi muốn tổ chức tiệc cưới thật khác với người 24 Phong cách tiệc cưới u thích chúng tơi thể tính chất cá nhân 25 Nhìn chung, ảnh hưởng đến định pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z Sự phù hợp k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va Sự ey t re 62 t to ng hi ep Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Không đồng ý Không ý kiến Đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý Thơng tin cá nhân: w n lo 26 Trình độ học vấn (mức cao hai anh/chị) ad  Trung học  Cao đẳng y th  Tiến sĩ ju  Thạc sĩ  Đại học yi pl 27 Mức lương hai anh/chị (mỗi tháng) al n ua  10 – 20 triệu đồng  20 – 30 triệu đồng  30 – 40 triệu đồng n va  40 – 50 triệu đồng  over 50 triệu đồng ll fu 28 Anh/chị sống quận nào?  Quận  Quận  Quận  Quận 10  Quận 11 oi at nh  Quận  Một năm trước om l.c  Ba năm trước gm  Hai năm trước k  Sáu tháng trước  Quận Bình Thạnh jm  Ba tháng trước  Quận Tân Bình ht 29 Anh/chị cưới bao lâu? z  Quận Phú Nhuận  Quận Gò Vấp  Quận vb  Quận  Quận z  Quận m  Quận an Lu n va ey t re 63 Appendix 2: Table, chart in Literature Review t to ng hi Cultural Social Personal Psychological ep Age and life cycle Motivation w Reference n stage lo Culture ad groups y th Occupation Buyer ju Economic situation yi Learning Family pl Subculture Perception al ua Lifestyle n Beliefs and class status Personality and self- attitudes n Roles and va Social fu ll concept oi m nh Exhibit 2.1 Factors affecting consumer purchasing decision of Kotler and at Armstrong (2011) z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 64 Appendix 3: Reliability analysis and measurement scales Scale: Decision Making t to ng hi ep Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Alpha Items 774 w n lo Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 19.05 8.380 2.895 ad ju y th yi pl Scale: Family Influence al of n ua n va Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N Alpha Items 845 ll fu oi m Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 17.46 13.109 3.621 at nh z z k of jm ht an Lu Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 15.59 5.869 2.423 om l.c gm Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N Alpha Items 777 vb Scale: Wife/Husband Attitudes n va ey Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N Alpha Items 831 t re Scale: Social status of 65 t to Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 13.82 9.023 3.004 ng hi ep Scale: Conformity w Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N Alpha Items 820 n of lo ad ju y th yi Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 13.91 7.929 2.816 pl n ua al n va Scale: Need for Uniqueness oi m of ll fu at nh Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N Alpha Items 800 z z k jm ht vb Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items 11.03 5.655 2.378 om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 66 Appendix 4: Explotation Factor Analysis Result t to EFA result of independent variables ng hi ep w KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi-Square Sphericity df Sig .819 n 1230.477 190 000 lo ad y th ju Communalities Initial Extraction FI1 690 739 FI2 527 483 FI3 555 615 FI4 508 502 FI5 576 626 WH1 371 337 WH2 319 311 WH3 606 680 WH4 630 722 SS1 703 661 SS2 582 606 SS3 577 441 SS4 629 630 PC1 497 472 PC2 533 538 PC3 567 526 PC4 632 699 PN1 471 512 PN2 503 601 PN3 507 611 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings ey Factor Rotation Sums of Squared Loading sa t re Total Variance Explained 67 % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Variance % Variance % 6.426 32.129 32.129 6.014 30.072 30.072 4.860 2.350 11.750 43.880 1.933 9.667 39.740 4.126 1.865 9.327 53.206 1.452 7.262 47.002 3.251 1.573 7.865 61.072 1.141 5.705 52.707 2.931 1.200 6.001 67.073 771 3.853 56.560 3.054 942 4.712 71.785 812 4.058 75.842 671 3.354 79.197 611 3.053 82.250 2.305 84.556 dimen 10 461 sion0 11 449 2.245 86.800 12 423 2.114 88.915 13 384 1.920 90.834 14 358 1.791 92.626 15 320 1.600 94.226 16 299 1.493 95.719 17 274 1.369 97.088 18 242 1.208 98.295 19 179 896 99.191 20 162 809 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring a When factors are correlated sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance Total t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z om l.c gm k jm ht vb an Lu 844 729 688 507 n va 794 706 705 701 ey t re SS2 SS4 SS1 SS3 FI5 FI4 FI3 FI1 FI2 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 843 767 684 633 Pattern Matrix Factor 68 t to ng hi ep w n WH3 834 WH4 809 WH2 552 WH1 539 PN2 781 PN3 718 PN1 673 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization lo ad ju y th KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling 802 Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi-Square 1143.482 Sphericity df 171 Sig .000 yi pl n ua al n va Communalities Initial Extraction FI1 661 705 FI3 547 593 FI4 507 520 FI5 576 671 WH1 371 338 WH2 318 310 WH3 604 679 WH4 630 721 SS1 692 624 SS2 582 602 SS3 567 467 SS4 627 645 PC1 497 471 PC2 533 541 PC3 566 526 PC4 618 691 PN1 471 519 PN2 502 618 PN3 507 602 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 69 Total Variance Explained t to ng hi ep w n Rotation Sums of Extraction Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings Loading Factor sa % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Total Variance % Variance % 6.003 31.595 31.595 5.596 29.455 29.455 4.445 2.308 12.149 43.744 1.891 9.951 39.406 3.094 1.859 9.783 53.528 1.446 7.609 47.016 3.617 1.550 8.159 61.687 1.125 5.919 52.934 2.879 1.200 6.315 68.002 785 4.133 57.067 3.044 884 4.651 72.653 808 4.253 76.906 621 3.269 80.175 611 3.213 83.389 dimen 10 449 2.363 85.752 sion0 11 425 2.235 87.987 12 401 2.112 90.099 13 369 1.941 92.040 14 324 1.706 93.746 15 314 1.652 95.398 16 279 1.467 96.866 17 246 1.293 98.159 18 188 989 99.148 19 162 852 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring a When factors are correlated sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu EFA result of dependent variable ey 162.646 10 000 t re 782 n va KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi-Square Sphericity df Sig 70 t to ng hi ep w n Communalities Initial Extraction DM1 1.000 554 DM2 1.000 501 DM3 1.000 696 DM4 1.000 437 DM5 1.000 451 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis lo ad Total Variance Explained y th Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Component % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Variance % Variance % 2.640 52.796 52.796 2.640 52.796 52.796 807 16.137 68.933 dimension 624 12.473 81.406 565 11.307 92.713 364 7.287 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Initial Eigenvalues ju yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm Component Matrix Component DM1 745 DM2 708 DM3 834 DM4 661 DM5 672 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis an Lu n va ey t re 71 Appendix 5: Correlation Matrix t to ng hi ep w Descriptive Statistics Std Mean Deviation DMN 19.0543 2.89480 SSN 17.3256 3.74200 PCN 13.9070 2.81581 FIN 10.6667 2.34632 WHN 15.5891 2.42259 PNN 11.0310 2.37808 N n 129 129 129 129 129 129 lo ad y th ju Correlations yi pl n ua ll fu z z ht vb k l.c gm WHN 554 281 285 216 1.000 284 000 001 001 007 001 129 129 129 129 129 129 om FIN 624 571 222 1.000 216 334 000 000 006 007 000 129 129 129 129 129 129 jm PCN 510 348 1.000 222 285 264 000 000 006 001 001 129 129 129 129 129 129 at nh PNN 628 431 264 334 284 1.000 000 000 001 000 001 129 129 129 129 129 129 an Lu va n DM 129 Missing 3.8109 ey Valid t re Mean oi Statistics of Description N SSN 768 1.000 348 571 281 431 000 000 000 001 000 129 129 129 129 129 129 m N va Sig (1-tailed) n DMN SSN PCN FIN WHN PNN DMN SSN PCN FIN WHN PNN DMN SSN PCN FIN WHN PNN al Pearson Correlation DMN 1.000 768 510 624 554 628 000 000 000 000 000 129 129 129 129 129 129 72 t to ng hi ep Median 4.0000 Std Deviation 57896 Skewness -1.166 Std Error of Skewness 213 Kurtosis 1.400 Std Error of Kurtosis 423 w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 73 Appendix 6: Regression Analysis t to ng hi ep w n Variables Entered/Removedb Variables Variables Model Method Entered Removed PNN PCN WHN FIN Enter a SSN a All requested variables entered b Dependent Variable: DMN Model Summary Change Statistics Adjusted Std Error R Model R R of the R Square F Sig F Square df1 df2 Square Estimate Change Change Change a 918 842 835 1.17425 842 130.981 123 000 lo ad ju y th yi pl al n ua a Predictors: (Constant) PNN PCN WHN FIN SSN ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Regression 903.021 180.604 130.981 000a Residual 169.599 123 1.379 Total 1072.620 128 a Predictors: (Constant) PNN PCN WHN FIN SSN b Dependent Variable: DMN Coefficientsa Standar Unstandardiz dized Collinearity ed Correlations Coeffic Statistics Coefficients Model t Sig ients Std ZeroToler B Beta Partial Part VIF Error order ance (Constant) -.160 825 -.194 846 SSN 306 037 395 8.335 000 768 601 299 572 1.748 PCN 183 040 178 4.526 000 510 378 162 832 1.202 FIN 262 054 212 4.814 000 624 398 173 663 1.509 WHN 324 046 271 6.987 000 554 533 251 855 1.170 PNN 321 050 263 6.445 000 628 502 231 769 1.300 a Dependent Variable: DMN n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 74 Collinearity Diagnosticsa Model Dimension Eigenvalue t to ng hi ep w 5.879 038 030 024 018 011 a Dependent Variable: DMN di me nsi on n Variance Proportions Condition Index (Constant) SSN PCN FIN WHN PNN 1.000 00 00 00 00 00 00 12.411 02 12 22 31 06 00 14.058 00 01 18 09 00 84 15.521 09 11 45 05 25 08 18.096 00 74 12 49 09 08 22.960 88 02 03 05 60 01 lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re

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