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(Luận văn) directives in the movie green book

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY ĐỖ VŨ HOÀNG TÂM lu an n va to ie gh tn DIRECTIVES IN THE MOVIE p “GREEN BOOK” d oa nl w nf va an lu lm ul z at nh oi MASTER THESIS IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS z m co l gm @ BINH DINH, 2020 an Lu n va ac th si lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY ĐỖ VŨ HOÀNG TÂM lu an n va tn to p ie gh DIRECTIVES IN THE MOVIE d oa nl w “GREEN BOOK” nf va an lu lm ul z at nh oi Field: English Linguistics Code: z gm @ m co l Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYỄN QUANG NGOẠN an Lu n va ac th si lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN ĐỖ VŨ HOÀNG TÂM lu an n va p ie gh tn to HÀNH VI CẦU KHIẾN TRONG BỘ PHIM “GREEN BOOK” d oa nl w nf va an lu Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh Mã số: z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ Người hướng dẫn: PGS.TS NGUYỄN QUANG NGOẠN an Lu n va ac th si lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP The thesis is accomplished by my own work and due acknowledgement is produced whenever information is derived from other sources No part of this thesis has or is being simultaneously submitted for any other qualification at any university Quy Nhon, 2020 lu an DO VU HOANG TAM n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Assoc Prof Nguyen Quang Ngoan, my supervisor, who kindly provides me with appropriate direction, useful suggestions and critical comments so that I can accomplish this thesis in time Secondly, I would like to owe the completion of this thesis to all the lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages in specific and to Quy Nhon University in general who have provided precious materials and support for me not only in lu an English major but also in other fields of knowledge va Last but not least, my big thank is credited to my family, my friends and my n colleagues who have provided me a host of favorable conditions and materials p ie gh tn to during this period so that I can successfully finish the thesis d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si iii ABSTRACT This thesis demonstrates the results of a research into structural and functional features of directives produced by the two main characters in the movie “Green Book” on the basis of prominent characteristics on each type A combination of analytic, synthetic, descriptive, and contrastive methods is employed for data analysis The theoretical framework is adapted from the those from three leading linguistics For structural features of directives, the researcher has her thesis based on theoretical framework of Ervin – Tripp (1976) Similarly, for functional features lu an of directives, Bach and Harnish’s (1979) framework is considered as the most n va fundamental basis for data analysis In terms of the direct/ indirect analysis, the this study is the transcript of the movie “Green Book” with 398 samples of gh tn to researcher mainly focuses on the George Yule’s (1996) basis The data source of p ie directives selected in the conversations of the two main characters The results unfold typical structural and functional features of directives and level of frequency nl w they are used in the movie “Green Book”, which could provide a profound insight oa into structures and functions of directives The results of the study are expected to d contribute to the teaching and learning of speech acts in English in particular and lu nf va an the success of communication in English conversations in general z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si iv TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research Aim and Objectives lu 1.2.1 Research Aim an 1.2.2 Research Objectives n va tn to 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Scope of the Study p ie gh 1.5 Significance of the Study w 1.6 The Organization of the thesis oa nl CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW d 2.1 An Overview of the Speech Act theory an lu 2.1.1 Definition of Speech Act nf va 2.1.2 Levels of Speech Act lm ul 2.1.3 Classification of speech acts z at nh oi 2.2 An Overview of English directives 12 2.2.1 Structural features of English directives 12 z 2.2.2 Functional features of English directives 18 @ l gm 2.3 Indirect Speech Acts 20 m co 2.3.1 Definition of indirect speech acts 20 an Lu n va ac th si 75 manner, in comparison with Dr Shirley, who is apparently exerted to garner a more smooth-and-subtle way to disclose his desires, just like what a nobleoriginated artist is expected to be 4.3.2 Distribution of indirect directives uttered by Tony Lip and Dr Shirley Table 4.8 illustrates the information about the degree of indirectness showcased via the number of indirect directives uttered by Tony Lip and Dr Shirley It is easily recognizable that the single most paramountly impressive element witnessing from the data is the gigantic outnumbering quantity of indirect directives made by Dr Shirley over those produced by Tony Lip It is lu an irrefutable that the majority of indirect directives uttered by Dr Shirley va accounts for in the vicinity of 66.84% with 123 out of 184 utterances in n Table 4.8: Distribution of indirect directives uttered by Tony Lip and Dr Shirley p ie gh tn to comparison with 92 out of 214 utterances made by Tony Lip Tony Lip STRUCTURES % 00 Number 02 % 1.08% 39 18.22% 68 36.95% for an exclamation 00 00 02 1.08% 17 7.94% 10 5.43% for a command/ request 28 13.08% 18 9.78% for an exclamation 01 0.46% 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 for a question oa for a command/ request d an lu ative nl w Number 00 nf va Declar - Interrog - for an exclamation 00 for a statement 00 gm 00 for a question 00 00 00 @ 00 m co l Exclam - for a question z ative for a statement z at nh oi Imper - for a statement lm ul ative Dr Donald Shirley an Lu n va ac th si 76 ative Others for a command/request 00 00 00 00 two functions 06 2.80% 22 11.95% Intended meaning # Literal meaning 01 0.46% 01 0.54% 92/214 42.99% 123/184 66.84% (100%) (100%) TOTAL (100%) With regard to Dr Shirley, the most noticeably thought-provoking feature garnered from the data is the paramount popularity of declaratives for a command/request, coming in the first place with 36.95% (with 68 utterances) It is widely confined that indirect speech acts have multiple meanings, which lu an are literal and implied meanings With an intellectual artist such as Dr va Shirley, the exploitation of declaratives for a command/request is deemed as n in such a smooth but diversified pattern in noble-class at the time What is gh tn to one of the most highly-appreciated methods for inquiring an order or a request p ie more, indirect speech acts are considered to be polite Indirectness is a widely w used conversational strategy People are in tendency to apply indirect speech oa nl acts mainly in correlation with politeness because sometimes direct d addressees may even appear impolite as in “Would you lend me some lu an money?” and “Lend me some money!” Therefore, Dr Shirley is believed to nf va be in great favor for indirect directives as an effectively politeness-evoking lm ul tool during his communicative process COUNTRY ROAD z at nh oi (4.37) Setting: QUICK SHOT OF THE CADDY WHIPPING DOWN A After Anderson (a white-old owner) rejects to let Dr Shirley use the restroom in z gm @ the plantation where he comes to perform Dr Shirley has to go back to his motel and comes back for the show Dr Shirley stews in the back seat l m co - LIP: Why don’t I just pull over you can piss in the woods? an Lu n va ac th si 77 - DR SHIRLEY: Animals go in the woods - LIP: But it’s twenty minutes if we go back to your motel In example (4.37), it is obviously perceived that Dr Shirley utters a declarative for a turn-down command/request when Tony suggests a measure to pull the car over by the woods for saving a lot of time In this case, Dr Shirley is claimed to showcase his highly-awared self-esteem by protecting his dignity from being treated like animals By uttering cleverly a hint “Animals go in the woods”, Dr Shirley strongly reinforces his determined request In addition, it is the politeness-maintaining purpose that Dr Shirley lu is expected to give massive emphasis on as well an va Ranking next in the second ranking is others for two functions with 11.95% n (22 utterances) The third place is clearly made up by interrogatives for a gh tn to command/request, equivalent to 9.78% (with 18 utterances) It is widely p ie believed that indirect speech acts have multiple meanings, which are literal and implied meanings This leads to the variety of indirect meanings and nl w functions involved in To shed light on the diversity of functions when d oa exerting a single declarative for a host of implied functions accompanied an lu with, let take example (4.38) as a representative nf va (4.38) Setting: POLICE STATION – NIGHT No one speaks Then z at nh oi lm ul Shirley trails Lip as they exit the police station and walk toward the parking lot - DR SHIRLEY: They were wrong for the way they treated me, and you rewarded them z - LIP: I was hired to make sure you get from one show to the next How I it gm @ shouldn’t matter to you co l In detail, it is apparently perceived that Dr Shirley’s intention when he produces the declarative “They were wrong for the way they treated me, and m an Lu n va ac th si 78 you rewarded them.” is for a statement and a question On the first layer of meaning, Dr Shirley displays his opinions as a denial statement about the police’s illegal jailing On the second line, it is an question from Tony that emerges from the context “Why did you reward them for illegal imprisoning me?” Obviously, Dr Shirley requires Tony’s answer for his rewarding act without Shirley’s permission Therefore, in this situation, Dr Shirley is performing two indirect intentions through the utilization of a declarative With respect to Tony Lip, declaratives for a command/ request is asserted to account for the largest quantity (approximately 18.22% with 39 utterances), lu taking up the second ranking is interrogatives for a command/request with an va 13.08% The third most-favored place is taken by interrogatives for a n statement with 7.94% (equivalent to 17 utterances) To be more specific, Lip is evidently acclaimed to employ declaratives for a gh tn to Tony p ie command/request and interrogatives for a command/request to their extremity on account of its indirectness and Tony’s disadvantageous position nl w during communicative procedures Indeed, one of the most striking elements d oa for the exploitation of indirect declaratives and interrogatives must be their an lu diversified usefulness and reduction of level of avuncular tone with other listeners in real-life settings nf va lm ul Furthermore, interrogatives for a statement is believed to exert as one of the most highly-supported indirect directives in the movie surveyed The act of z at nh oi uttering an interrogative for a statement is necessary for warning intentions also needs to be signified Indeed, interrogatives for a statement provides the z speaker with a chance to give warnings/threats to the listeners, with the hope @ m co l gm of last option before violence-involved resorting an Lu n va ac th si 79 In a nutshell, from the data investigated, it is widely garnered that the total number of indirect directives produced by Dr Shirley is astoundingly surpassed those uttered by Tony Lip It could be concluded that Dr Shirley is expected to convey his personal thoughts and feelings in such an indirect and politeness-preserving manner, in stark contrast with Tony Lip, who is apparently in great favor to showcase a more barefaced and open way to unfold his commands, typically represented for people from middle and working class at the US society at that historical period of time lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 80 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS As shown in the foregoing chapter, conclusions about the structural and functional features of directives, accompanied with the direct/indirect directives in the movie “Green Book” are drawn in this chapter Moreover, implications and limitations are also provided before some research topics are suggested for further researches 5.1 Conclusions The study has discussed structural and functional features of directives, as lu an well as the similarities and differences in structural and functional features va between 214 samples from Tony Lip’s transcripts and 184 samples of n Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are used with the assistance of ie gh tn to directives from Dr Shirley p descriptive, contrastive, analytic, and synthetic methods for the study The major conclusions drawn to answer the three research questions are w oa nl presented as follows d 5.1.1 Conclusions concerning structural features of directives uttered by lu nf va an the two main characters From the results of the research, there are some similarities and discrepancies z at nh oi a Similarities lm ul in the structural features of directives uttered by the two main characters Generally, it is easily recognized that hints, non-explicit question directives z and imperatives take up the three highest rates in the total number of @ structural features of directives uttered by both Tony Lip and Dr Shirley gm co l The other three kinds including imbedded imperatives, need statement and permission directives are not frequently employed in the movie surveyed m an Lu n va ac th si 81 b Differences Overall, the total number of structural features of directives uttered by Tony Lip strikingly exceeds those produced by Dr Shirley In spite of the fact that both of the main characters display their strong favor for hints, non-explicit question directives and imperatives, there is likely to point out some disparities in their ranks comprising the first, second and the third place With reference to Tony Lip, non-explicit question directives make up the biggest percentage (33.65%), following in the second ranking is imperatives lu with 30.37% while hints are clearly asserted to occupy the next highest an favorable place, with over one third of the total figures n va most predominant frequency type, coming in the first place among the six gh tn to As regards Dr Shirley, hints (accounting for two-fifths) appears to attain the p ie types of directives forms investigated Next, whereas the second rank belongs w to imperatives (59 utterances), non-explicit question directives rank the third oa nl with 44 utterances, equivalent to 24.00% d 5.1.2 Conclusions concerning functional features of directives uttered by lu nf va an the two main characters From the results of the research, there are some equivalences and differences in z at nh oi a Similarities lm ul the functional features of directive uttered by two main characters Generally, it is easily recognized that requestives, requirements, questions and z advisories are considered to make up the four most prevalent kinds in the total @ number of functional features of directives produced by both characters gm m emerged in the movie surveyed co l The other two types including prohibitives, and permissives are not frequently an Lu n va ac th si 82 b Differences In general, the total number of functional features of directives uttered by Tony Lip are exceptionally surpassed those produced by Dr Shirley Despite the fact that both main characters expose their highly-favored tendency for requestives, requirements, questions and advisories, there is the likelihood that some disparities in their ranks including the first, second and the third place are asserted With respect to Tony Lip, requestives is observed to account for the biggest percentage (55.60%, with 119 utterances), followed in the second ranking by lu an advisories with 20.56% The third place is taken by questions, with 17.28% n va (equivalent to 37 utterances) gh tn to As regards Dr Shirley, in the same fashion, requestives is undeniably perceived to occupy the most ubiquitous function, accounting for 44.02% ie p with 82 utterances Attaining the next most prevalence ranking is nl w requirements (37.50% with 69 utterances) while advisories takes the third d oa position with 22 utterances, equivalent to 12.00% nf va main characters an lu 5.1.3 Conclusions concerning direct/indirect directives uttered by the two lm ul In terms of the direct/indirect directives conveyed through the number of direct directives uttered in the movie by the two main characters It is easily z at nh oi attained that the single most strikingly remarkable extracting from the data is the huge surpassing quantity of direct directives made by Tony Lip over those z produced by Dr Shirley It is noteworthy that the majority of direct directives @ gm uttered by Tony Lip accounts for approximately 61.68% with 132 utterances m co l compared to 82 out of 184 utterances made by Dr Shirley an Lu n va ac th si 83 From the findings, the total number of direct directives conducted by Tony Lip is tremendously surmounted those produced by Dr Shirley It could be concluded that Tony Lip is supposed to express his opinions and affections in such a direct and straightforward manner, in comparison with Dr Shirley, who is apparently exerted to garner a more smooth-and-subtle way to disclose his desires, just like what a noble-originated artist is expected to be As regards indirect directives uttered in the movie by Tony Lip and Dr Shirley the single most paramountly impressive element witnessing from the data is the gigantic outnumbering quantity of indirect directives made by Dr lu an Shirley over those produced by Tony Lip It is irrefutable that the majority of n va indirect directives uttered by Dr Donald Shirley accounts for in the vicinity utterances made by Tony Lip gh tn to of 66.84% with 123 out of 184 utterances compared to 92 out of 214 p ie In a nutshell, from the data investigated, the total number of indirect w directives produced by the character Dr Donald Shirley is astoundingly oa nl surpassed those uttered by the character Tony Lip It could be concluded that d Dr Shirley is expected to convey his personal thoughts and feelings in such lu an an indirect and politeness-preserving manner, in stark contrast with Tony Lip, nf va who is apparently in great favor to showcase a more barefaced and open way lm ul to unfold his commands, typically represented for people from the middle and working class in the US society at the historical period of time z at nh oi 5.2 Implications z The study is of vital importance for users of English including both teachers gm @ and learners m co language used in the movie “Green Book” l Firstly, the study assists learners of English to obtain a deep insight into the an Lu n va ac th si 84 Secondly, due to the fact that the study is conducted to investigate structural and functional directives emerged in the conversations in the movie, it enables teachers of English to employ directives successfully in daily communication in general as well as in teaching in class in particular As a result, teachers of English potentially achieve their directives’ underlying purposes in a politeness-sparking way Thirdly, the data of the study are utterances taken from the movie “Green Book”, they are uttered naturally in the target language - English Therefore, learners of English can use the direct and indirect directives to practice lu regularly in daily conversations for different purposes, which helps them an va intensify their understanding, interpretation, and performance of directives n in English gh tn to Last but not least, by using and comprehending English directives in the p ie movie surveyed, not only teachers but also learners can build up and w maintain interpersonal relationships with other people d oa nl 5.3 Limitations of the study an lu One of the limitations of the study is the source of data for analysis Obviously, the directives are collected from the two main characters Tony nf va Lip and Dr Shirley, which is in general obtain different turns of speaking lm ul basing on the film plots Hence, data might not be abundant and adequate z at nh oi Another limitation lies in the number of directives gathered from the two main characters As a matter of fact, due to the lack of efficient time, the researcher did not have enough time to consider other types of speech acts z gm @ used in the movie “Green Book” The last limitation is that some linguistic aspects are not investigated such as m co l politeness strategies, hedges, or implicatures an Lu n va ac th si 85 5.4 Suggestions for Further Research It is believed more studies can be conducted to investigate: - Directives in other movies; - Politeness markers of the conversations in the movie “Green Book” - A Contrastive Study of Directives in a movie in English and one in Vietnamese lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w nf va an lu z at nh oi lm ul z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 86 REFERENCES Austin, J L (1962) How to things with words Cambridge: Harvard University Press Andrew R C., (2019) What to Know About the Controversy Surrounding the Movie Green Book Retrieved on February 20, 2019 from URL: https://time.com/5527806/green-book-movie-controversy/ Bach, K., & Harnish, R (1979) Linguistic communication and speech acts lu an Cambridge: Cambridge University Press va Brown, R W & Gilman, A (1960) The pronouns of power and solidarity In n M.A Thesis, Quy Nhon University ie gh tn to T Sebeok (ed.), Style in language Cambridge: MIT Press, pp 76-253 p Clark, H H (1979) Responding to 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