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(Luận văn) building social media content on facebook for cambridge language center

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GRADUATE THESIS TOPIC lu an BUILDING SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT ON FACEBOOK va n FOR CAMBRIDGE LANGUAGE CENTER ie gh tn to p PRACTICE UNIT: CLC ENGLISH CENTER d oa nl w an lu : Th.S Pham Hoang Cuong nf va Instructor Student’s full name oi lm ul : Nguyen Tuan Huy Student code z at nh Class : 5063106012 : CLC 6.1 z m co l gm : VI @ Course an Lu HaNoi, June 2019 n va ac th si DECLARATION I swear that this graduation thesis is my own study under the guidance of the professors of the Academy of Policy and Development The data and results in the thesis are honest and have not been published in any previous research Table data for analysis, comments, and evaluations collected from different sources are clearly labeled and sourced In addition, the subject also uses a number of lu an comments, reviews as well as data from other authors and organizations and is also n va shown in the reference section ie gh tn to p The results are completely honest I take full responsibilities for any invalid d oa nl w duplication that violates the rules of thesis writing oi lm ul nf va an lu z at nh Hanoi, June 5, 2019 z m co l gm @ Student Nguyen Tuan Huy an Lu n va ac th si THANK YOU First of all, I would like to thank CLC English Center and the Academy of Policy and Development for facilitating me during my internship and reporting graduation internship I would also like to express my gratitude to the Board of Directors, lu an brothers and sisters who are working in Marketing Department - Personnel of n va CLC English Center especially Ms Truong Thi Anh Tu for helping tn to enthusiastically in the internship and supply Provide necessary documents and ie gh data for me to complete graduation thesis p In particular, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr Pham nl w Hoang Cuong - Lecturer, Marketing Manager of the Training Management d oa Department, Academy of Policy and Development for guiding me sincerely to an lu complete the internship as well as writing this report nf va Finally, I would like to thank the teachers and friends in the Faculty of oi lm ul Foreign Economic Relations - Institute of Policy and Development for creating favorable conditions and support for me to complete my thematic internship z at nh Thank you very much! z Student m co l gm @ Ha Noi, June 2019 an Lu Nguyen Tuan Huy n va ac th si lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si INTRODUCTION The urgency of the subject Internet era boom in recent times has contributed to bringing businesses closer to their potential customers Gone are annoying phone calls or flyers through the door, modern businesses are interacting with customers through online social networks like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or LinkedIn Currently, in the brilliant era of the internet, you can unleash creative lu an content such as blog, videos, websites to attract customers to you, instead of n va traditional marketing methods Not only that, you can persuade customers to share Content is the power of dominance, which is an important factor to develop ie gh tn to those things with people around because of the power of the information network p the company's social media With increasingly fierce competition between nl w companies, companies that create better and more creative content will be more d oa successful Therefore, I chose the topic "Building social media content on an lu Facebook for Cambridge English center" to study u nf va Objectives of the study ll The thesis researches the theory of social networks, the theory of social m oi media used to develop social media for Cambridge language center Understand z at nh the current situation of building and developing the center's fanpage and group content and point out the limitations and reasons for affecting the effectiveness of z gm @ social media development for Cambridge English Language Center m co l Proposals and solutions to promote the company's social media effectiveness an Lu Object and scope of the study n va  Object: Social media content on facebook for Cambridge language center ac th si  Scope: - Research period: from February to April 2019 - Cambridge language center fanpage and group (facebook) Research methods - Theoretical research method: Synthesis of the theory of online market, social networking, social media, content marketing in books, newspapers, magazines, theses, on the internet and some related sources this topic - Statistical method by tables: Statistics of information and characteristics about popular social networks lu an - Methods of data collection: collecting data from reports and documents of n va working agencies, newspapers, television, internet and previous studies to gh tn Subject structure p ie The thesis consists of chapters: nl w Chapter 1: Rationale for social networking, social media and social media content va an lu language center d oa Chapter 2: The situation of deploying social media content of Cambridge Chapter 3: Proposals and solutions to promote social media effectiveness for the ll u nf Cambride language center oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si CHAPTER 1: RATIONALE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS, SOCIAL MEDIA AND SOCIAL CONTENT 1.1 The theory of social networks 1.1.1 Concept of social network lu an n va gh tn to p ie Picture 1 Illustration of social network nl w Social network (social network) is a service that connects the same hobby d oa members on the Internet together with many different purposes regardless of space an lu and time People who participate in social networks are called netizens u nf va Social networks have features such as chat, e-mail, movies, voice chat, file ll sharing, blog and editorial The innovation network is completely how netizens m oi link together and become an inevitable part of every day for hundreds of millions z at nh of members around the world These services have many ways for members to find friends and partners: based on group, based on personal information, or based on z gm @ personal interests, areas of interest: business, purchase m co l + Basically, social networking is like an open website with many different applications Social networks are different from regular websites in the way of an Lu information transmission and application integration n va ac th si + In essence, social networking is a form of word of mouth marketing on the Internet environment A statistic made by Appota (Vietnam) on the use of smartphones (smartphones) helps us understand the purpose of using Internet in Vietnam Accordingly, telephone internet users spend a lot of time on social networks, texting and searching for entertainment information Conversely, reading via phone accounts for a low percentage of time These are completely identical results compared to using the Internet on a computer Entertainment needs are still the thing that the majority of Internet users in Vietnam seek lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w an lu u nf va Picture Statistics on the use of smartphones in Vietnam (according to statistics in the second quarter of 2018) – ll m oi Source: soha.vn z at nh The meaning of social networks: z gm @ - Strong connection and sharing It breaks down geographical, language, l gender and national separations Every member of the social network is connected m co and each is a link to create a vast network of information an Lu - Create an Internet-based system that allows users to communicate and share information effectively, beyond the geographical and time limits n va ac th si - Enhance the role of each citizen in creating relationships and selforganization around common interests in communities that promote the association of social organizations - Update news, knowledge, trends: Facebook with the ability to like pages, readers will immediately receive updated information of their favorite or interested websites about all categories and suppliers or houses Ads can also quickly update the latest trends of their favorite fields You can also watch news or update the latest movies, music video clips on youtube, facebook or other social network sites very quickly lu - Improving the quality and speed of newspapers and public services: Due to an n va the fast updating and spreading features of social networks, press agencies and mass media are actively posting at the same time on paper , in your online to gh tn newspaper and website to keep up with the trend of the times and keep your p ie readership Legal agencies or public services are also gradually "airing" social w networks to update their news and new regulations or listen to criticism of people's oa nl opinions to help reduce bureaucracy complex or error in public service, to move d toward a more intelligent and simplified public administration lu va an - Improving life skills and knowledge: Currently, on social networks, there u nf are more and more foreign language, cooking, repair, communication, ll psychological and sports teaching sites for you to see, Self-study without going to m oi class or paying fees Thanks to participating in this online community, we are z at nh becoming more and more complete with the basic skills needed in modern life such z as using foreign languages, civilized communication or having a healthy body @ l gm - As a business and advertising channel: The dream of owning a fashion, electronic or book shop is not too far away thanks to the speed of image and m co information transfer via Twitter, Zalo, Viber or Facebook an Lu Risks and harms of social networks: n va ac th si - Reduce interaction with people: When spending too much time on social networks, attention to those present in real life is less, relationships gradually become distant - Increasing the feeling of wanting to draw attention: Posting vague and confusing states on Facebook to attract the attention of others is becoming an annoying habit of social network users The competitive battle likes and announces that there will be no end - Risk of depression: According to recent studies, people who regularly use social networks often have more negative emotions, including depression Using lu social networks is particularly harmful to people with pre-existing depression If an n va you start feeling sad, pessimistic, stop using social networks for a while tn to - Lack of privacy: Social networking sites are still silently saving (and ie gh selling) your personal information p - The risk of contacting with inaccurate and unhealthy information: Is a nl w channel to receive information, but the information on social networks is not d oa verified, resulting in incorrect and incorrect information good content is simply an lu information like sentences Controlling quality and content of information posted u nf va on social networks is a difficult problem, it is impossible to avoid encountering an unhealthy information while using social networks ll m oi - Spending too much time: Spending too much time on social networks z at nh makes a tight time that is needed to rest, relax and reduce the quality of work and life z @ gm 1.1.2 Popular social networks m co l Table 1 Popular social networks an Lu n va ac th si  Facebook With tons of millions of Facebook users, it is a good market for small businesses With low advertising costs, businesses can reach millions of potential customers everywhere Hence, this is an opportunity for small businesses to build their brands Multi-dimensional interaction will help small businesses improve the quality of products and services The more Quickly resolve customer inquiries, the more business improves their after-sales service With outstanding advantages, Facebook is an effective online marketing trend that most small and medium businesses and retail businesses lu choose for their business strategy Currently the main communication center an n va is also via Facebook channel and has initially achieved efficiency However, tn to the content on the facebook of the center has not been optimized, it should pay more attention to this issue to make the fanpage optimization level on gh p ie search engine effective oa nl w  Youtube d Youtube is a channel that can give customers an overview of products and lu an services, which has the highest number of user access in the world Youtube is u nf va also one of the effective marketing strategy for small businesses with a small ll budget for advertising Business need to set up youtube channel of the m oi company Regularly upload videos of English lectures, English tips or how to z at nh correct English pronunciation Posting videos regularly creates positive conditions for the company's youtube channel to appear at the top of the z gm @ search engine m co l  Websites Website is the address for customers to search for products information an Lu and services about businesses This is also the place to build the brand and n va reputation of the business from the first steps With small advertising and ac th si 54 SEO costs, the website of the business has the top position on search engines Since then, your products and services can reach customers quickly This is one of the best online marketing methods for small businesses 3.2.3 Using Facebook Ads With outstanding user advantages and interactivity, Facebook is a lucrative market for all parties There is no reason why Facebook ignores a service that allows users to buy ads for their products / services With a new center established as Cambridge language center, facebook advertising is a lu an good choice to bring the center more popular to everyone va n - How Facebook works: ie gh tn to Businesses pay Facebook to display ads for people who are interested p in their content w • Facebook is paid to show ads • Then the Center will send ads to Facebook and describe who will see it: gender, age, place of life, interests d oa nl • Businesses create an ad • The center will create an ad that introduces the new center and offers incentives for students to register for the first course ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ • The right person to watch the ad • Those who match the criteria will see the ad of the center an Lu Picture Process of advertsing on Facebook n va ac th si 55 Advantages of Facebook advertising: + Always aiming at the right target customers: The Center can adjust the audience for its advertising campaign for example: Men and women living in Hanoi, aged 12 to 25 years old, like English + Only pay when people want to use their services: Facebook allows you to choose CPC advertising (cost per click) or CPM (cost per impression) With CPC, you will only have to pay for those who click on the ad, and for lu CPM, you will have to pay at least from $ 0.03 / 1000 lane to display the an n va advertisement This is a very reasonable cost gh tn to + High flexibility: > Adjust campaign easily You can switch between two forms of payment ie p from CPC to CPM and vice versa Further other parameters are also easily oa nl w adjusted to optimize the advertising campaign d > The content of facebook ads displays images and description attached an lu va > Facebook ad content can include the interaction of friends / users to services ll u nf / products to increase reliability m oi + No budget dependency: It is not necessary to pay a fixed budget, to match the campaign z at nh depending on the circumstances, which may adjust daily or monthly budgets z @ gm + Reasonable ad delivery: Facebook ensures that ads will be distributed m co l evenly based on your budget, there will be no cases of advertising focusing too much on this person but ignoring others So Quang always appears to an Lu potential customers n va ac th si 56 3.2.4 Improve the effectiveness of content Content is the easiest factor to reach content spread, spread emotions Some common content types: + Update products / services from the store + Preferred content + Post a question form for the comment reader to answer + Organize the competition lu an + Event organization va n + Social content ie gh tn to + Information about brands p + Other types of content oa nl w To make good content, besides analyzing the right target audience, you need good writing skills d lu va an The center needs to identify the target audience based on the market u nf segment and the type of service that the center provides, thereby providing ll appropriate content to customers Then create a detailed content plan that fits oi m the company's orientation z at nh How to make a detailed Content plan: z First must have a general plan: @ l gm Plan is generally a plan used to orient fanpage content over a long period of time, usually for year or by quarter Common Plan usually consists m co of the following sub-sections, presenting each item in one or several slides: an Lu Brief Recap n va Objective ac th si 57 Target Audience The Insight The Touch Point Fanpage Concept: based on analyzes from to to give direction Tone & Mood: Main content & main colors of fanpage Compare with competitors Content Direction 10 Content Management 11 KPI & Cost lu - After having a general plan, it is necessary to have a detailed plan for an each day: Post what, post how Making plan by day will help businesses n va control the content of information transmitted is not misleading and correct in to gh tn the original orientation The existence of a detailed plan like this will help reduce many risks, ie p one of the risks is: nl w + Content workers not understand the brand, transmit the wrong d oa message on social networks lu wrong message ll u nf va an + The content maker does not understand the product, conveys the oi m + Content creators post inaccurate information original orientation z at nh + Content creators post inconsistent information according to the z m co l gm  Images help increase interaction by 39% @ Some notes when building content: - Not only posts with images are more noticeable than other categories an Lu such as links, videos or regular text, but it actually accounts for 93% of all n va outstanding posts According to Kissmetrics, compared to text-only posts, ac th si 58 images get 53% more likes, 104% comments and more than 84% click on links (very impressive) And as I mentioned before, using images seems to be the best presentation - Wishpond's data shows: In general, photos with articles have a 120% higher interest than normal posts, and photo albums increase interest by up to 180% This is a surprise to me, it seems that if you have a lot of images to share, you should put it into a photo album that is better than leaving each image separately lu  Short article of interest more than 23% an - First of all, short articles will be convenient for posting on Twitter n va Writing under 250 words can help you gain 60% higher interest than other to gh tn forms If you drop to at least 80 characters, this number can be up to 66% - In fact, the key, quick and accurate articles are the ones that deliver ie p the most effective results Perhaps that is why Facebook fans like the article d oa nl w with such an image an lu  Using emoticons to increase comments up to 33% u nf va According to AMEX graphics graphics forums, emoticons can lead to big differences in your interest rate The inclusion of an emoticons in the ll oi m article not only attracted 33% of interest, but it was also 33% better shared It z at nh even gets 57% more likes than non-emoticons The trend of using moticons has created a more intimate feeling in z communication, and almost all users like it gm @ m co l  Engagement rate on Thursday and Friday is higher than 18% Buddymedia's study found that, compared to other days of the week, an Lu the rate of time spent on Facebook was 18% higher on Thursday and Friday n va They said: "The less they work, the more they use Facebook." ac th si 59 Determine the best day to write articles: In the posts from Monday to Friday, 86% of the engagement is on posts on Thursdays and Fridays In general, the best time for posting new articles is on the weekend The study also found that Facebook showed that users' "happiness index" increased by 10% on Friday On average, the number of people who noticed posts from Monday to Wednesday was only 3.5% and increased to 18% on Saturday The study also considered many different areas, including sports, retail, buying sell cars and health care, to see which day is the best in each area Although there are lu differences, most of them use Facebook around the weekend, from an Wednesday to Friday There seems to be no field to use Facebook on Monday n va or Tuesday tn to p ie gh  Ask questions to increase 100% of comments nl w According to Kissmetrics, you'll get twice as much feedback as those d oa with only text HubSpot also shared a similar finding, although these studies an lu indicate that the question article is often clicked and shared by fewer people u nf va than other types of articles The keywords that attract the most attention are "Should", "Maybe" ll oi m "Which" and "Who" Open questions such as "why" and "how" will make z at nh people think more to give the correct answer z  35% of people clicked like a Facebook page to participate in @ l gm competitions A report earlier this year showed that 35% of users clicked like m co Facebook pages for the purpose of participating in competitions only The an Lu "photo naming" test actually brings comments 5.5 times higher than normal n va posts ac th si 60 In Buddymedia's report, contest-related keywords such as winners, conditions for participation, competitions, promotion are all attracted more participation  42% of users click like to receive coupons According to Social Stacked, 42% of people click like a Facebook page to get coupons or discounts A study by Wildfire Interactive showed that advertising campaigns based on purchase coupons received the highest interest rates Gifts and sweepstakes also received very high attention, only lu after the coupon an In fact, the fanpage of the center has not yet diversified the forms of n va content, the direct broadcast too much causes discouragement for viewers, to gh tn few articles for open questions, the relaxed articles also appear less The center has not paid much attention to posting time to increase interaction ie p efficiency w oa nl 3.2.5 Notes about fanpage d - Fanpage’s name: fanpage name is very important we will not be lu va an able to change fanpage's name if we have more than 100 likes fanpage name should be set so that it is easy to remember and friendly with google search u nf ll engine some tips for fanpage name: should be identical with the brand, or m oi coincide with the products and services you are providing such as: phone z at nh accessories, wedding car rental, hair salon search engine google.com will index your fanpage in high rankings if the keyword that the user searches z gm @ matches or is similar to the name of fanpage m co l - Logo Design: Your logo always comes with every content you post on Facebook so you should choose a suitable Logo and should not change an Lu during page development process n va ac th si 61 - Cover photo design: Photo cover is where you can promote your image most visually whenever people visit the page Photo cover should be changed to make new page and suitable for each of your events - About page: Information about your page, should include your company address, shop - Customize the URL to your fanpage: This is extremely important, it helps your Fanpage become more professional Just like the Fanpage name, the page URL is also one of the important criteria for the results of Google.com search engine lu an  To attract more members to fanpage: va n The greater the number of your members, the higher your Ranking on to gh tn Facebook and Google will be This also means that people will easily find p ie your Fanpage nl w Methods to attract members: d oa - You can increase the number of members by building practical and an lu featured content (sometimes you can post funny and meaningful images to u nf va relax for Fans), share links to get more people to know their Fanpage ll - Choose a frequency for posting reasonable information for the page, m oi avoid causing discomfort to the Fan by posting too many news on the page z at nh and posting too thick news, as well as posting news that is objectionable and inappropriate match Page criteria z @ l gm - Build page tabs such as Event, Note, Invite Friend, Application tab - Your Facebook Page link and website: You can set Like box to your m co website so that when people access your website, it can Like Fanpage via an Lu Facebook Like button In the opposite direction on Facebook Page, you post n va ac th si 62 links from the website so that those who like your page know more about the website Important indicators: - Total Likes: the number of members of the page, the members will receive the activities of the page - Friends of Fans: The total number of members' members, these users can also be updated with information from Page if the members interact with Page lu an n va - People Talking About This: The number of people who are interested in the page ie gh tn to - Weekly Total Reach: Total number of users who read information p from Page during the week w oa nl - Total Subscribes: Number of registered members updated regularly d  To improve fanpage quality: an lu u nf va - Organize events: You can organize your fanpage photo contests such ll as Miss contest, beautiful house photos, pet photos, homemade funny photos, m oi or an online game like sweepstakes with gifts are the products you are z at nh offering To help organize and manage these events you should use the applications (Applications) installed on Fanpage The Center organized a z gm @ "Dollars" photo and video contest on Halloween and gained great attention from everyone m co l - Build applications, forums on Fanpage: With the advantage of the an Lu number of members available applications on Facebook is a great tool for n va your business Some applications that businesses are using are very successful ac th si 63 today such as: Store Application, group buying application, forum (forum) on Fanpage 3.2.6 Cambridge language center's resource enhancement solution for social media Solutions to increase resources for social media including human resources, technology and media budgets This is an essential element of the Cambridge language center's social media development  Human resource solutions lu Currently the human resources of the communication and marketing an n va department of the center are still very thin because all communication activities are undertaken by one person Therefore, it is necessary to to gh tn reorganize the structure and operation of the marketing department so that the p ie marketing activities of the center take place quickly and smoothly, bringing w about the highest efficiency If there is no capacity to increase the number of d quality oa nl human resources, it can foster the expertise of markeitng to increase the lu va an Communication - marketing department needs specialization ll u nf  Technology solutions m oi Ensure the equipment for communication activities such as stable z at nh internet-connected computers, desk phones, mobile phones, printers, z photocopiers, internal information networks and management software @ customer relations software for communication and business activities of gm m co l the company in general Always updating information on algorithms of Facebook and other an Lu social networks as well as information on the website is also an extremely n va important factor in maintaining the competitive advantage for the center ac th si 64  Budget solutions Invest more in communication costs Upgrade the facilities and working environment of the center with a view to brand communication for the center, bringing customers' trust, showing the center's professionalism lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 65 CONCLUSION Through the time of observation and practical experience at Cambridge language center, I have learned a lot of experiences It is a very meaningful time to help me apply professional knowledge to my work and be supplemented with practical knowledge and experience for later work Based on the application of research methods, the project has completed the following contents: lu an - Chapter 1: Systemized the theoretical basis related to social and social n va media, social media content, affirming the role of social media content gh tn to - Chapter 2: On the basis of analyzing the status of social media content on the Facebook of Cambridge Language Center, the communication effectiveness of ie p the center can be assessed, drawing on their achieved and uncompleted w oa nl - Chapter 3: Proposals and solutions to improve the social media d effectiveness of Cambridge language center include: an lu u nf va + Develop communication messages ll + Combining communication channels with each other oi m + Improve the effectiveness of content z at nh + The note about Fanpage z @ + Strengthen resources for communication activities l gm Thereby, I also understand the responsibility of a communication worker for m co a company that always requires sensitivity and creativity With the knowledge an Lu learned at the school along with practical experience at the company will help me n va in the communication work later ac th si 66 Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr Pham Hoang Cuong, who has always been enthusiastic to guide us throughout the journey from equipping professional knowledge to practical work experience Because knowledge and experience are not so much, my report cannot help but avoid shortcomings I look forward to receiving suggestions from teachers, teachers and friends so that I can complete this thesis more comprehensively Thank you lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 67 lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w oi lm ul nf va an lu z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th 68 si

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