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Teaching english speaking skills to twelfth grade students at hoang hoa iv high school dificulties and suggested solutions

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HONG DUC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TRAN THI UYEN TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS TO TWELFTH - GRADE STUDENTS AT HOANG HOA IV HIGH SCHOOL - DIFFICULTIES AND SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS GRADUATION THESIS Thanh Hoa, June 2021 i DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief, this gradate thesis contains no material which has previously been submitted and accepted for any other degree in any university The thesis is my own work and based on my own research It involves no material previously published or written by any other person, except where due reference is made in the paper ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the process of implementation and completion of this graduation paper, I have received many helpful assistance, guidance and encouragements from my teachers, friends and family First of all, I would like to send my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Le Thi Huong C for giving me helpful advice, suggestions, timely guidance, supports and feedback when I carried out my study in order that I am able to shape my ideas, better my organization and complete parts of the study It is an undeniable fact that this graduation paper would not have been completed without her help and support Furthermore, I am also grateful to all the lecturers of Faculty of Foreign Language, Hong Duc University for their useful materials, valuable instructions and advice for my research In addition, I am appreciative of students at Hoang Hoa IV high school who participated in the study, specifically in the survey and interview helping me to collect necessary and useful information to implement the research Last but not least, I thank my dear family and friends who have supported and encouraged me throughout the process of implementation the study Thanh Hoa, 6th June 2021 Student Tran Thi Uyen iii ABSTRACT This graduation thesis aimed at investigating some difficulties that students and teachers at Hoang Hoa IV High School have encountered in speaking lessons The causes of those difficulties were also investigated in order to find the solutions to solve these problems Two questionnaires were used to investigate the research questions were delivered to English teachers and 105 twelfth-grade students at Hoang Hoa IV High School These questions were concerned with students‟ and teachers‟ difficulties in English speaking lessons, the causes of those difficulties, how often they practiced English and in what ways they practiced, how to improve their English speaking ability on their own, as well as any comments they would like to add The data collected were analyzed quantitatively The results showed that the participants have encountered many difficulties in English speaking lessons such as; lack of motivation, anxiety or lack of confidence, lack of vocabularies, structures, lack of opportunities to use English in real life, low linguistic competence and low communicative competence, etc…as listed in the finding part The reasons for these difficulties were mostly come from the teachers; the students and the school context On the basis of the data analysis, some recommendations were made for the improvement of quality of teaching and learning English at Hoang Hoa IV High School The study is, thus, significant in helping Hoang Hoa IV English teachers and students to deal with common problems they are facing iv TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES viii PART A INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims and significance of the study Scope of the study Research questions Research methods Design of study PART B THE STUDY CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Communicative approach to language teaching 1.1.1 Understanding of Communication 1.1.2 Communicative language teaching 1.2 Overview of speaking activities 1.2.1 Understanding of speaking skills 1.2.2 Theories of teaching speaking skills 1.2.3 Characteristics of a successful speaking activity 1.2.4 Principles in teaching speaking in CLT 1.2.5 Problems with speaking activities 1.2.6 Factors affecting English speaking skills CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY 13 2.1 Context of the study 13 2.1.1 An overview of the research site 13 v 2.1.2 Description of the students at Hoang Hoa IV High School 13 2.1.3 Description of the teachers at Hoang Hoa IV High School 13 2.1.4 Description of physical setting 14 2.2 Methodology 14 2.2.1 Participants 14 2.2.2 Research instruments 15 2.2.3 Data analysis 15 2.3 Presentation of statistical results 15 2.3.1 Results and discussions from the questionnaires for the students 15 2.3.2 Results and discussions from the questionnaires for the teachers 25 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS 30 3.1 Difficulties from the students 30 3.1.1 Lack of motivation 30 3.1.2 Anxiety or lack of confidence 30 3.1.3 Lack of vocabularies, structures 31 3.1.4 Lack of opportunities to use English in real life 31 3.1.5 Low linguistic competence and low communicative competence 32 3.1.6 Using mother tongue problem 32 3.1.7 Pronunciation problems 32 3.2 Difficulties from the teachers 33 3.3 Other difficulties 33 3.3.1 Large class size 33 3.3.2 Time constraint 33 3.3.3 Lack of reference materials 34 3.3.4 Lack of facilities 34 PART C CONCLUSION 35 Summary of the study 35 Suggestions 35 2.1 Motivate students to participate in the speaking skills lessons 36 2.1.1 Create a warm class atmosphere 37 vi 2.1.2 Vary the teaching techniques 37 2.1.3 Provide more interesting topics to motivate students‟ participation 38 2.1.4 Encourage students to participate in the speaking activities 38 2.1.5 Equip teaching facilities 39 2.2 Help students to be confident 39 2.3 Help students overcome pronunciation problems 40 2.4 Overcome time constraint problem 40 2.5 Improve students‟ linguistic competence 41 2.6 Overcome the using of mother tongue problem 41 2.7 Create opportunities for students to use English in real life 42 REFERENCES 43 APPENDIX 1A (VIETNAMESE VERSION) 45 APPENDIX 1B (ENGLISH VERSION) 50 APPENDIX 54 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS B.A: Bachelor of Arts CLT: Communication Language Teaching PW: pair work GR: group work I: interview UP: using pictures G: game D: drama De: debate RP: role play ST: story telling P: presentation N0 : number %: percentage viii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Tables Table 1: Students‟ level of language learning 16 Table 2: Students‟ motivation for learning English 16 Table 3: Students‟ self- improvement of speaking skills 20 Table 4a: The frequency of using techniques 21 Table 4b: Students‟ opinions towards teachers‟ teaching speaking techniques 21 Table 5: Students‟ difficulties in speaking lessons 23 Table 6: Factors affecting Hoang Hoa IV students‟ participating in English classroom activities 23 Table 7: Students‟ expectation from the teachers 24 Table 8: The teachers‟ age and their teaching experience 25 Table 9: Teachers‟ difficulties in teaching English speaking skills 27 Table 10: Teachers‟ solutions to the problems 28 Table 11: Teachers‟ suggestions to overcome the difficulties 29 Figures Figure 1: Students‟ attitudes towards English speaking skills 17 Figure 2: Students‟ opinions on the speaking topics in the textbooks 18 Figure 3: Frequency of students‟ speaking participation 18 Figure 4: Opportunities to use English outside classroom 19 Figure 5: Teachers‟ attitude towards speaking skills 26 Figure 6: Teachers‟ techniques of teaching speaking skills 27 PART A INTRODUCTION Rationale English language is considered as a global language to communicate between people and people around the world In every country, the students are compelled to study English language One of the main tasks assigned to English language teaching at school is that of training students to be communicatively competent For many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues However, with the rapid progress of globalization, English speaking skill is thought to be the key to one‟s success in his career The goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance Classroom activities that develop learners‟ ability to express themselves through speech would therefore seem to be an important component of a language course Due to some objective and subjective reasons, teaching and learning English in general and teaching and learning speaking in particular does not come up to the study goals A great deal of researches has shown that students are often hesitant and anxious about speaking the target language in class Despite teachers‟ efforts to provide students with opportunities to develop their communicative skills, how to teach and learn speaking skills effectively is still a challenging question to both teachers and students to many high schools in Vietnam At Hoang Hoa IV High School, the situation is the same For most students, they find speaking especially important yet challenging one What can we, as teachers, to help our learners overcome their problems and take advantage of opportunities to practice speaking? 43 REFERENCES [1] Bygate, M (1987) Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press [2] Brown, G & G Yule (1983a) Discourse Analysis Cambridge University Press [3] Brown, G & G Yule (1983b) Teaching the Spoken Language Cambridge University Press [4] Douglas, R J., Deiss, S R., and Whatley, A M (1999) A pulse-coded communications infrastructure for neuromorphic systems In Maass, W and Bishop, C., editors, Pulsed Neural Networks MIT-Press, Cambridge [5] Dörnyei, Z.(2003) Attitudes, orientations, and motivations in language learning: Advances in theory, research, and applications, Language Learning [6] Fiske (1990)Kthleen (2005) Definition of Communication [7] Gardner,R.& Lambert, W.(1972) Attitudes and Motivation in Language Learning 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Press [17] Rivers, W.M (1968) Teaching Foreign-Language Skills The University of Chicago Press [18] Savignon, S, & Berns, M.S (Eds.) (1984).Initiatives in communicative language teaching Reading, MA : Addison- Wesley [19] Skehan, P (1989) Individual differences in second language learning London: Edward Arnold [20] Spielberger, C (1983) Manual for the sate-trait Anxiety Inventory Palo, Calif: Consulting Psychologists Press [21] Thompson N (2003) Communication and Language A Handbook of Theory and Practice Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke [22] Ur, P (1996), A Course in Language Teaching Cambridge CUP [23] Van Lier, L (1996) Interaction in the language curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy, and authenticity London: Longman [24] Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Việt Nam (2016) [25] Nguyen and Nguyen (2001) Definition of speaking skills 45 APPENDIX 1A (VIETNAMESE VERSION) PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA Phiếu điều tra nhằm mục đích thu thập ý kiến em học sinh lớp 12 trường THPT Hoang Hoa IV giúp cho đề tài nghiên cứu “những khó khăn việc dạy học nói tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 12 trường THPT Hoang Hoa IV” Câu trả lời em bổ ích góp phần quan trọng nghiên cứu nhằm cải thiện cách dạy nói tiếng Anh trường Ý kiến em dùng cho mục đích nghiên cứu khơng mang mục đích khác Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác em! Xin em vui lịng điền vào thơng tin cá nhân sau: Tuổi:…………………………… G Hãy đánh dấu (√) vào câu trả lời em cho phù hợp: Kết môn tiếng Anh em học kỳ vừa qua là: Trong kỹ học tiếng Anh em thấy khó : Kỹ viết Tại em học tiếng Anh? nghề nghiệp, thăng tiến… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 46 Theo em chủ đề nói sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh lớp 12 ( chương trình chuẩn )mà em học là: ……… Mức độ tham gia vào hoạt động nói tiếng Anh lớp em nào? Em có hội thực hành nói tiếng Anh ngồi lớp học em hay khơng? Em làm để trau dồi kỹ nói tiếng Anh mình: (1 ln ln; thường xuyên; thỉnh thoảng; không bao giờ) Tích cực tham gia hoạt động nói lớp em Tham gia hoạt động ngoại khóa câu lạc tiếng Anh trường… Nghe đọc theo băng đĩa hình qua internet Tham gia tập nói tiếng Anh theo nhóm ngồi lớp học Nói chuyện với người nước Các hoạt động khác (xin em vui lịng ghi rõ hoạt động gì?) ……………………………………………………………………………… 47 Giáo viên em có tổ chức hoạt động sau học nói khơng, em thích hoạt động khơng thích hoạt động nào: (1 luôn; thường xuyên; thỉnh thoảng; khơng bao giờ) Thích Khơng thích Trò chơi Sử dụng tranh ảnh, vật thật, … Sử dụng trang thiết bị máy móc, cơng nghệ thơng tin… Diễn kịch Phỏng vấn Đóng vai Tranh luận Thuyết trình Kể chuyện Thảo luận theo nhóm Thực hành theo cặp Những hoạt động khác (xin em vui lòng ghi rõ hoạt động gì?) ………………………………………… Theo em hoạt động có phù hợp với em hay khơng? Nếu khơng chúng có vấn đề gì?………………………………………….…… Nếu em mắc lỗi nói giáo viên em thường: cách gì?)………………………… 48 Trong tiết học kỹ nói em có gặp khó khăn sau khơng: (1 ln luôn; thường xuyên; thỉnh thoảng; không bao giờ) Em không hiểu yêu cầu thực hành( hay yêu cầu giáo viên) Em khơng có ý để nói Em khơng diễn đạt ý thiếu từ vựng cấu trúc Lớp q đơng nên em khơng có hội để nói Ngại nói tiếng Anh trước lớp sợ mắc lỗi Ngại nói bạn xung quanh em chưa quen biết Phát âm tiếng anh em không chuẩn nên em không tự tin Thiếu hiểu biết vấn đề văn hóa, lĩnh vực khác đời sống xã hội Những khó khăn khác (xin em vui lịng ghi rõ khó khăn gì?) …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 10.Theo em tác nhân làm cho em gặp khó khăn trên: hệ thơng tin nên khơng gây hứng thú để em nói Do bạn lớp nên làm cho em ngại giao tiếp tiếng anh ế lớp học không phù hợp …………………………………………………………………… ………… 49 12 Theo em giáo viên phải làm để em hăng say tham gia vào hoạt động nói: ác em mắc lỗi học nói chức trị chơi ngơn ngữ tiết hoc nói để em tham gia nói tự nhiên anh, đố vui để học, … gì?)…….…………………… 50 APPENDIX 1B (ENGLISH VERSION) SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS This survey questionnaire is designed for my research into the difficulties in teaching English speaking skills to the 12th - grade students at Hoang Hoa IV High School Your responses are very important to the success of the survey The data will be used only for the purpose of research, not for any other purposes, and you can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Your co-operation will be highly appreciated Thank you very much for your co-operation! Please feel free to write down some information about yourselves! Years of learning English: ………… Add Questions Put tick(s) (√) to choose the suitable answer(s) for the following questions: Your result in the last term is… : According to you, which skill is the most difficult? Why you learn English? iden the society, culture and language knowledge ….………………………………………… 51 What you think about the speaking topics in the textbook “Tieng Anh 12”? …………………………………………………………………… ………… How often you take part in speaking activities in your class? Do you have opportunities to speak English outside your classes? What you to improve your English speaking skills? (1 always; often; sometimes; never ) Try to participate in English speaking activities whenever you can Take part in English speaking club at your school Listen and repeat through CD tapes or from the Internet Participate in group practicing inside and outside the classroom Talk to foreigners Try to participate in English speaking activities whenever you can Others (please specify) …………………………………………… What activities your teachers often in your English speaking classes? Which activities you like and which activities you dislike? (1 always; often; sometimes; never ) Games Using pictures, real objects Using information technology Drama Interview Like Dislike 52 Role play Debate Presentation Story telling Group works Pair works Others (please specify) ……………… Do you think your teachers‟ techniques of teaching speaking are suitable for you? If no, what are the problems? …………………………………………………… If you make mistakes during your performing, your teachers often: ect e mistakes and ask you and your classmates to correct them Others……………………………………………………………………… 10 Do you encounter any difficulties in your English speaking classes? (1 always; often; sometimes; never ) Not understand the requirements Lack of ideas Lack of vocabularies and structures Have no opportunities to speak Afraid of making mistakes Being afraid of the strange partners Pronunciation problems Lack of society knowledge Others (please specify) ……………………………… 53 11 What factors cause the above difficulties? (1 always; often; sometimes; never ) The aims of study English is not for communicative Boring topics Teachers‟ techniques are boring Lack of authentic materials Lack of facilities Unsuitable teachers‟ correction ways Students‟ shyness Being afraid of the strange partners Low communicative competence Classroom setting The aims of study English is not for communicative 12 According to you, what should your English teachers to encourage you to participate in English speaking activities? regularly etc… hers (please specify) ……………………………………………………………………… ……… ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE! 54 APPENDIX SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS This survey questionnaire is designed for my research into the difficulties in teaching English speaking skills to the twelfth - grade students at Hoang Hoa IV High School Your responses are very important to the success of the survey The data will be used only for the purpose of research, not for any other purposes, and you can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Your co-operation will be highly appreciated Thank you very much for your co-operation! Please feel free to write down some information about yourselves! Age: Years of teaching English:…………………………….………………… Questions Put tick(s) (√) to choose the suitable answer(s) for the following questions: Have you ever been trained in Communicative Language teaching (CLT)? If yes, where and how many times:…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Do you apply CLT in your teaching speaking skills to your students? If no, what method you use:……………………………………………… In your opinions, speaking skills are……………………………………… rtant as other skills …………………………… 55 In your opinion, the aim of teaching speaking at your school is to enable the students: ractice grammar structures What you think about the speaking topics of the textbook “Tieng Anh 12” ( Basic stream)? specify)…………………………………………………………………… What activities you often in your English speaking classes? …………………………………………………………………… ………… Do you always use English in your classes? If no, specify the reasons…………………………………………… 56 Do you encounter any difficulties in your teaching speaking skills to the tenth form students? If yes, they are…………………………………………………………… tence - confidence - tongue during group work/ pair work ti-level classes ………………………………………………………….…………………… When your students reluctant to speaking English in classes, you usually……… ge them to speak by asking easier questions ………………………………………………………………………………… 10 When your students show low motivation in speaking lessons, you often… atmosphere of the class (play games, sing an English song…) 57 11 How you deal with students‟ low linguistic competence? time to prepare ……………………………………… ……………………………………… 12 What you to prevent your students from using Vietnamese in speaking classes? Go round more often to check students‟ practising ………………………………………………………………………………… 13 What, you think, should be done to improve teaching speaking skills to the tenth form students at Hoang Hoa IV High School? -improvement in methodology as well as linguistic competence ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………….……… ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE!

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2023, 00:22

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