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NGUYỄN THỊ TÚ DUYÊN HỒNG ĐỨC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYỄN THỊ TÚ DUYÊN A STUDY ON MOTIVATIONS OF 11TH GRADE STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS GRADUATION THESIS AT NONG CONG I HIGH SCHOOL Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language THANH HÓA, 2022 THANH HÓA, 2022 HỒNG ĐỨC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES A STUDY ON MOTIVATIONS OF 11TH GRADE STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS AT NONG CONG I HIGH SCHOOL Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language Student: Nguyễn Thị Tú Duyên Student ID No.: 1867020007 Class: K21 – English Language Supervisor: M.A Lê Thị Hương (C) THANH HÓA, 2022 DECLARATION I sincerely affirm that the minor thesis entitled “A Study on Motivations of eleventh grade students in Learning English Writing Skills at Nông Cống I High School” is the result of my own work and effort in fulfillment of the requirements for graduate thesis at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hồng Đức University Thanh Hóa, March 20, 2022 Nguyễn Thị Tú Duyên i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I desire to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, M.A Lê Thị Hương (C) due to meaningful comments, devoted instruction and enthusiastic support she gave me, while I was conducting this research I wish to convey my special thanks to all the teacher as well as staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hong Duc University for their priceless knowledge and enthusiastic leadership during my four-year studying there I feel grateful to the students at Nông Cống I High School that helped me to collect data in my research Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my family because of their whole hearted encouragement and support ii ABSTRACTS In this report, the study investigates the motivations in writing lessons of 11th grade students at Nong Cong I High School to discover: Types of motivation possessed by 11th grade students at Nong Cong I High School Factors affecting 11th grade students in English writing lessons Motivational strategies highly evaluated by 11th grade students in English writing lessons The study was carried out with 100 11th grade students and English teachers at Nong Cong I High School In this study, survey questionnaires and classroom observation sheets were used for collecting data From the analysis of responses to the survey, it conveys the types of motivation of 11 graders, factors affecting students’ motivation and motivational strategies that students preferred in writing lessons There are also some recommendations that can be applied effectively about motivational strategies, for reinforcing students’ writing skills It is expected that contributions from the study from the study could be beneficial to the learning of English writing at Nong Cong I High School iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi CHART .vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii PART I INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Aim of the study Objectives of the study Research questions Research scope Research Methods The importance of research Design of the study PART II DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 WRITING SKILLS 1.1.1 Conception and features of writing 1.1.2 Approaches to teaching writing 1.2 Motivation 1.2.1 Conception 1.2.2 Types of motivation in foreign language learning 1.2.3 The importance of motivation in foreign language learning 10 1.2.4 Factors affecting motivation in foreign language learning 10 1.3 Summary 13 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 The setting of the study 14 2.1.1 An overview of research place 14 2.1.2 English teachers at Nong Cong I High School 14 2.1.3 11th grade students at Nong Cong I High School 15 iv 2.1.4 English teaching and learning situation at Nong Cong I High School 15 2.2 Methods of the study 16 2.2.1.The subjects of the study 16 2.2.2 Data collection instruments 17 2.2.3.Data collection procedures 17 2.2.4.Methods of data analysis 18 2.3 Summary 18 CHAPTER DATA ANALYSIS 19 3.1 Students’ motivation 19 3.1.1 Students’ attention in English writing lessons 19 3.1.2 Students' motivation styles 19 3.1.3 Students’ involvement in writing activities 21 3.1.4 Factors affecting students’ motivation 22 3.1.5 Problems of students in learning writing skills 23 3.2 Teachers-related factors affecting students’ motivation in English writing 23 3.2.1 Teachers’ time for stimulating students in writing lessons 23 3.2.2 Assistance from teachers during writing lessons 24 3.2.3 What the teachers reacted to reluctant students 25 3.3.4 Issues the teachers met when teaching English writing 25 3.3 Practical strategies and activities should be taken to motivate students in learning writing skills 26 3.4 Summary 27 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 28 4.1 Findings 28 4.1.1 Motivational styles of students 28 4.1.2 Factors affecting students’ motivation in learning writing skills 28 4.2 Summary 29 PART III CONCLUSION 30 5.1 Summary of the main ideas 30 5.1.1 Conclusion of the main ideas 30 5.1.2 Summary of the findings 30 5.2 Recommendations 31 5.3 Limitations 32 v 5.4 Suggestions for further study 33 REFERENCES 34 APPENDICES I APPENDIX I APPENDIX IV APPENDIX VI vi LIST OF TABLES Table Reasons for learning English writing Table Students’ activities in class Table Factors affecting students’ motivation in learning English writing skills Table Issues encountered by 11th grade student in learning Eglish writing skills Table Teachers’ time for stimulating students in English writing lessons Table Assistance from teachers during English writing lessons Table What the teachers reacted to reluctant students Table Issues the teachers met when teaching English writing Table Students’ responses to activities held by the teachers and their arrangement CHART Chart Students’ attention in English writing lessons vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS L2: Second language SLA: Second Language Acquisition Etc: Et cetera M.A: Master of Arts viii excitement), and teaching and learning settings (classroom atmosphere) were all considered in the study as factors that made learners reluctant to write 4.2 Summary In summary, the data analyses in this chapter are presented to find answers to three research questions at Nong Cong I High School: types of motivation eleventh grade students possessed in writing lessons; major factors affecting eleventh grade students' motivation; and motivational strategies that should be used in writing lessons The two survey questionnaires and two observation sheets were used to collect all of the data from the study instruments 29 PART III CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of the main ideas 5.1.1 Conclusion of the main ideas The purpose of this study was to learn about the current state of motivation in writing classes among eleventh grade students at Nong Cong I High School Overall, the goal was to improve English teaching and learning at Nong Cong I High School in general, and English writing in particular Several perspectives on motivation were examined in the study, including motivational beliefs and the five major categories of motivation (including intrinsic, extrinsic, integrative, instrumental, and resultative) In the theoretical framework, the critical functions of motivation in foreign language learning were established, followed by factors affecting learners, teachers, and learning conditions The writing process and methods for teaching this talent were thoroughly examined Motivation has, without a doubt, been a source of worry for a large number of scholars, both linguists and researchers Gardner, Brown, Dorneyi, Raimes, and other theorists contributed to the research This study was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies Data was gathered for analysis from the responses of 100 eleventh grade students and information from observation sheets In the third week of semester one of the school year 2021-2022, the questionnaires were distributed to the subjects and then collected again The data were quickly summarized in tables and graphs for further analysis 5.1.2 Summary of the findings To begin with, the findings of the study revealed that the majority of eleventh grade students at Nong Cong I High School were extrinsically motivated, with only a few being intrinsically motivated This fact motivates teachers at this school to develop techniques to increase students' internal drive to improve writing skills while also maintaining the other types of motivation (extrinsic, instrumental, intrinsic, integrative, and resultative) Second, teachers (teaching methods and enthusiasm), students (poor English proficiency and inadequate background knowledge), and teaching and learning 30 settings all have an impact on eleventh grade students' motivation (the class atmosphere) As a result, there should be ways to reduce these influences in order to improve the effectiveness of writing classes Finally, pre-teaching activities (vocabulary and structure teaching and eliciting ideas) should be used to teach writing eleventh grade students at Nong Cong I High School, as should using teaching aids (such as models, authentic materials, and extra activities), applying communicative activities (pair or group writing and peer correcting), and providing regular feedback and encouragement 5.2 Recommendations Some recommendations for teachers can be made based on the research findings presented above To begin with, the findings of a study showed most eleventh grade students at Nong Cong I High School lacked intrinsic motivation prompted teachers at this school to take on the role of facilitator by using various measures to boost this vital type of motivation They can, for example, foster and enhance student autonomy so that they are not reliant on external rewards or praise Furthermore, it is recommended that teachers use prizes and praise carefully and judiciously so that pupils can identify their own self-satisfaction in having completed a task successfully Aside from that, students should set some personal goals for themselves and use technology to help them achieve them.Setting personal goals for pupils and leveraging their learning styles can also assist them in taking control of their own education Furthermore, the teaching materials should be tailored to the needs of the students Students are more likely to learn if they believe what they are studying is relevant to their lives Content-based activities and courses are another technique to naturally drive students to learn writing abilities The exercises' goal is to make students more linguistically interested by focusing them on fascinating, relevant subject-matter content Finally, enhancing students' confidence in their ability to succeed is another strategy to boost intrinsic drive Second, the research found that teachers' teaching approaches and behaviors had a significant impact on students' motivation That is why presenting all of the 31 tasks in a compelling manner (explaining the task's purpose and utility, as well as providing students with relevant task-solving tools) can aid in increasing students' motivation to learn the skills Authentic resources and extracurricular activities can help teachers engage pupils in the lessons The enthusiasm and devotion of teachers will also play a significant role in pupils' motivation After class, teachers might meet with students individually to discuss things It's also a good idea for teachers to urge pupils to contact them if they have a problem Furthermore, some variables affecting students' motivation are caused by the students themselves; as a result, teachers should have techniques in place to assist these students in resolving their issues Teachers, for example, should focus more on improving students' vocabulary and grammar structures not only in writing classes, but also in other classes such as reading or language emphasis classes Teachers can also supply students with articles that are relevant or particularly fascinating to assist them broaden their knowledge Additionally, during writing lessons, teachers must encourage student cooperation by creating pair or group exercises Because they know they can rely on their peers, students' expectations of success are likely to be higher when they collaborate with one another This method of utilizing communicative activities is referred to as "communicative activities” Teachers can use this strategy of using communicative activities to tackle the challenge of a large class Another suggestion is to establish a nice and encouraging environment in the classroom Teachers should encourage pupils to take risks and embrace mistakes as a natural part of the learning process Only in this way can students feel safe taking risks and writing without fear of being judged or embarrassed, perhaps increasing their engagement in the writing process Teachers' positive interactions with students, as well as students' harmonious relationships with one another, contribute to a welcoming environment in the classroom It's also a good idea to employ humour to create a soothing atmosphere inside 5.3 Limitations In each study report, limitations are unavoidable This isn't the case with this minor thesis The study looks into the environment of English writing instruction 32 and learning for eleventh grade students at Nong Cong I High School The findings and implications will be used to have a better understanding of the teaching and learning environment at this institution The study, however, has the following limitations due to the time and length constraints of a minor thesis: First of all, the limitation of participants (with 100 eleventh grade students only) makes the study less reliable As a result, the findings of which are clearly not generalized to all the eleventh grade students at the school Secondly, there are many different factors affecting students’ motivation learning writing skills such as learners' personal attributes (aptitude, previous language learning experience), learners' attitudes (sentiment towards the target language) and learners' belief about themselves (anxiety, expectations about one's ability to succeed), but the researcher did not had chance to explore Finally, the study was conducted at the start of the school year, when eleventh grade students were likely to be newcomers with new friends, new teachers, and new teaching and learning methods or strategies Furthermore, at the time the survey questionnaires were distributed and the observation was conducted, only a few writing classes had been delivered As a result, the conclusions reached are only valid for the pupils at that given time 5.4 Suggestions for further study The goal of the study was to improve the English writing skills of 11th It is critical to consider an understanding of the circumstance for this long-term goal As a result, additional research might be done on the spot For starters, the same incentive study might be applied to other language skills (listening skills, reading skills) with a larger number of participants Furthermore, future research may focus on tenth or twelfth students Second, investigations on additional factors influencing students' motivation to study English can be conducted Finally, studies should be carried out in the middle or at the conclusion of the school year so that the research findings can be viewed from a different perspective 33 REFERENCES Boughey, C (1997) Learning to write by writing to learn: a group- work approach, ELT Journal, 51(2), p.126-134 Byrne, D (1998) Teaching Writing Skills Longman Carroll, J B (1962) The prediction of success in intensive foreign language training: Training research and education Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press Dornyei, Z (2001) Motivational strategies in the language classroom Cambridge: University Press, p.2 Ellis, R (1994) The Study of Second Language Acquisition Oxford: Oxford University Press Falk, J (1978) Linguistics and language: A survey of basic concepts and implications (2nd Ed.) John Wiley and Sons Gardner, R C & Lambert, W (1972) Attitudes and motivation in second language learning Rowley, Mass: Newbury Gardner, R C (1985) Social psychology and language learning: The role of attitudes and motivation London: Edward Arnold Harmer, J (1991) The practice of English language teaching London: Longman, p.3 10 Harmer, J (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching Longman, p.51 11 Harris, J (1993) Introducing Writing London: Penguin English, p.10 12 Hermann, G (1980) Attitudes and success in Children’s learning of English as a second language: The motivational versus the resultative hypothesis English Language Teaching Journal 13 Keller, J.M (1983) Motivational design of instruction In C.M.Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories and models (pp.386-433) Hillslade, New Jersey: Erlabum, p.389 14 Lightbown, P.M., & Spada, N (1999) How languages are learned Oxford: Oxford University, p.56 15 Lightbown, P.M., & Spada, N (1999) How languages are learned Oxford: Oxford University 34 16 Littlewood, W (1998) Foreign and Second Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 17 Nunan, D (1991) Research Methods in Language Learning Cambridge University Press 18 P D MacIntyre, “Language Anxiety: A Review of the Research for Language Teachers,” In” D J Young, Ed (1999), Affect in Foreign Language and Second Language Learning: A Practical Guide to Creating a Low-Anxiety Classroom Atmosphere, McGraw-Hill, Boston, p.24- 45 19 Parsons, R., Hinson, S., Brown, D (2001) Educational psychology: practitioner – researcher models of teaching University of Virginia: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, p.28 20 Raimes,A (1993) Techniques in Teaching Writing OUP 21 Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L (1968) Pygmalion in the classroom The urban review 22 Saville-Troike, M (2006) Introducing Second Language Acquisition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 23 Spaulding, Cheryl L (1992) Motivation in the Classroom New York: McGrawHill, p.5 24 Spielberger, C D (1966) Theory and research on anxiety Anxiety and behavior New York: Academic press 25 Sternberg, R J (1997) The concept of intelligence and its role in lifelong learning and success American Psychologist 26 Tribble, C (1996) Writing England: Oxford University Press, p.3-11 27 Tribble, C (1996) Writing Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, p.37 35 APPENDICES STUDENT SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ( APPLIED TO 100 STUDENTS ) APPENDIX This survey is part of my research project, " a study on motivations of eleventh grade students in learning English writing skills at Nong Cong I High School” It would be extremely helpful if you could aid me in accomplishing the following tasks All of the information you've supplied is extremely useful and should only be used for academic purposes Thank you so much for your assistance! I Your personal details Tell us about your hometown Your age is Years spent learning English: II If necessary, please circle or write in brief the right replies You want to improve your English writing skills A I completely agree B Agree C I have no idea D Disagree E I completely disagree You are interested in improving your English writing skills because: (You can circle more than answer) A English is a required course in your program B You want to make your parents proud of you C You are fond of learning English writing skills D You're fascinated with English culture and people E You wish to pass the exam/get good grades in English examinations F You want to be able to communicate fluently in English G You believe that English will be useful in your future employment H Others: …………………………………………………… You (you may circle more than one answer) A are frequently eager to write thoroughly on all topics in writing courses I B simply write about what you're interested in C frequently writes about themes for which some recommended ideas or models are provided D hardly ever writes E don't bother writing anything F Others: What are your biggest challenges when it comes to English writing lessons? (You may circle more than one response) A A deficiency in vocabulary and grammatical structures B A scarcity of concepts C The impracticality of the given themes (the recipient's or the purpose's intent is unclear) D Fears of making mistakes and receiving poor grades E Others: ………………………………………………… What elements can have an impact on your motivation in writing classes? (You have the option of circling more than one answer.) A the methods of instruction used by the teacher B The excitement of the teacher C The learning environment and conditions in the classroom (class size, learning environment) D Your fear of making mistakes and/or receiving poor grades E Your grammatical and lexical deficiencies F Others: You enjoy writing while you're practicing your skills A individually B working in pairs C in small groups Which of the following activities would you like your teacher to utilize to urge you to write in writing class? (You have the option of circling more than one answer.) A Requesting that you write right away II B Introducing new terms and structures that will be employed in the writing job ahead of time C Assist you in generating ideas or creating outlines prior to assigning you to write D Providing you with writing examples E Giving you a time limit on which to complete the work F Changing or altering the writing activities to make them more appropriate for you G Creating a variety of activities to boost your motivation H Assigning you to work in groups or pairs I Swapping your products so you may inspect them K Regularly providing feedback on your writings by marking and commenting on them L Giving you incentives or praising students with good writings in front of the class M Others: ……………………………………………………… Thank you so much for your assistance! III APPENDIX SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS This survey is conducted as a part of my research “A study on motivations of eleventh grade students in learning English writing skills at Nong Cong I High School” Your assistance in completing the following items is highly appreciated All the information provided by you is of great use and for study purpose only Thank you very much for your cooperation! I Your personal information Your age……………………………… Your hometown… Years spent learning English: II Please circle or tick (√) the appropriate answers or write in brief where necessary In which stage of a writing lesson you often motivate your students? (you can circle more than one answer) A The pre-writing stage B The while-writing stage C The post-writing stage D All the above mentioned stages F None of them In writing lessons, how often you let students write Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never A Individually B in pair C in group 3.When your students are unwilling to write in class, you ……… (You can circle more than one answer) A let them free and never check their writings B Ask their problems and try to help them solve the problems IV C encourage them to write by rewarding (marks, presents, etc.) D others: ………………………………………………………… In writing lessons, you often A go around the classroom to help students if needed B remain at your seat and wait for students’ writing C stand near the students who are good at writing D Others: …………………… …………………… What are your problems in teaching writing skills? (You can circle more than one answer) A A large class B students’ low proficiency of English C students’ lack of background knowledge D Others: …………………… …………………… Thank you very much for your cooperation! V APPENDIX PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT (DÀNH CHO HỌC SINH) Các bạn thân mến, Phiếu khảo sát thiết kế để phục vụ cho nghiên cứu với đề tài “Nghiên cứu động học viết Tiếng Anh học sinh lớp 11 Trường THPT Nông Cống I” Thông tin bạn cung cấp để hồn thiện phiếu điều tra có ý nghĩa quan trọng đề tài nghiên cứu Dữ liệu điều tra nhằm mục đích phục vụ cho việc nghiên cứu người cung cấp thông tin không bị nhận dạng nội dung thảo luận Cảm ơn bạn nhiều! I Thông tin cá nhân Quê quán: …………………………… Tuổi:……………………… Bạn học Tiếng Anh bao lâu? II Khoanh tròn vào lựa chọn ghi câu trả lời ngắn cho câu hỏi sau: Bạn thích học kĩ viết Tiếng Anh A Rất đồng ý B Đồng ý C Khơng có ý kiến D Khơng đồng ý E Rất không đồng ý Bạn học kĩ viết Tiếng Anh vì: (Bạn khoanh tròn nhiều đáp án ) A Tiếng Anh mơn học bắt buộc chương trình học cuả bạn B Bạn muốn làm bố mẹ hài lòng C Bạn thích học kĩ viết Tiếng Anh D Bạn muốn tìm hiểu văn hóa người nước Anh E Bạn muốn đạt điểm cao kì thi kiểm tra Tiếng Anh F Bạn muốn giao tiếp tốt Tiếng Anh G Bạn nghĩ Tiếng Anh cần thiết cho công việc bạn tương lai H Lí khác: ……………………………………………………… VI Trong học viết Tiếng Anh, bạn (Bạn khoanh trịn nhiều đáp án) A thường hào hứng viết tất chủ đề viết B thường viết giáo viên gợi ý số ý tưởng cung cấp viết mẫu cho chủ đề viết C đặt bút viết D không viết viết E Ý kiến khác: ………………………………………………………… Trong tiết học viết bạn thường gặp khó khăn sau đây? (Bạn khoanh trịn nhiều đáp án) A Thiếu từ vựng cấu trúc ngữ pháp để viết B Thiếu ý tưởng để viết C Các chủ đề viết thiếu tính thực tế( mục đích người đọc/ nhận không rõ ràng) D Sợ mắc lỗi bị điểm E Ý kiến khác: ………………………………………………… Những yếu tố sau ảnh hưởng đến động lực học bạn học viết Tiếng Anh? (Bạn khoanh tròn nhiều đáp án) A phương pháp dạy giáo viên B nhiệt tình giáo viên C tâm lí sợ mắc lỗi bị điểm D Điều kiện khơng khí lớp học.(thái độ viết bạn khác lớp đơng ít) E thiếu từ vựng cấu trúc ngữ pháp để viết F Ý kiến khác: ………………………………………………………… Khi viết bài, bạn thích viết A cá nhân B theo cặp C theo nhóm Trong tiết học viết bạn thích giáo viên áp dụng họat động sau đây? (Bạn khoanh tròn nhiều đáp án) VII A Yêu cầu bạn viết mà khơng dạy B Dạy trước cụm từ cấu trúc liên quan đến viết C giúp bạn tìm ý làm dàn ý trước viết D Cung cấp viết mẫu cho bạn trước viết E Yêu cầu bạn viết khoảng thời gian định F Điều chỉnh hoạt động viết cho chúng phù hợp với bạn G Thiết kế nhiều họat động khác để thức đẩy động học viết bạn H Yêu cầu bạn viết theo cặp nhóm I Yêu cầu bạn chữa viết theo cặp J khen ngợi thưởng học sinh có viết tốt trước lớp K Khen ngợi thưởng cho bạn bạn có viết tốt L Ý kiến khác:: ……………………………………………………… Cảm ơn hợp tác bạn! VIII