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The use of games in teaching vocabulary

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES NGUYEN VU THUY TIEN THE USE OF GAMES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY SUBMITTED INPARTIAL FULFILMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF TESOL MA THESIS IN TESOL Code number: SUPERVISOR: NGUYEN HOANG TUAN, PH.D HO CHI MINH CITY, APRIL 2006 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled: THE USE OF GAMES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY In term of the statement of Requirements for Theses in Master’s Program issued by the Higher Degree Committee The thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree Ho Chi Minh City, 09th April 2006 NGUYEN VU THUY TIEN RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, NGUYEN VU THUY TIEN, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the library for the care, loan or reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh City, 09th April 2006 NGUYEN VU THUY TIEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Thesis Supervisor, Dr NGUYEN HOANG TUAN for his reading and reviewing a complete earlier manuscript of this study, as well as for his enormously significant advice, comments and suggestions during the study accomplishment I also own my tremendous thanks to Dr Dennis Berg for his providing the basic background knowledge of statistics and research as well as the useful reference books and documents on this area I would also like to thank my colleagues and students who have committed their intellectual energy to be part of the survey I am particularly indebted to my father and my husband for their support and encouragement during my post- graduate course, and my younger sister, whose comments contributed to the study’s improvement ABSTRACT The thesis attempts to investigate the effectiveness of games in teaching vocabulary, students ‘involvement in games as well as the possibility of game using to the variety of learners Accordingly, some solutions will be suggested to overcome the difficulties and to improve the use of games in teaching vocabulary in Ho Chi Minh City In order to find out the answer for the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through games, a quasi- experiment was implemented in two classes of English minor at Huflit University After the eight week quasi experiment, the pre-test and post test scores were compared to prove the effectiveness of using games in teaching Beside the quasi experiment, questionnaire and interviews were also carried out to teachers and students of different Universities and Language Centers The data collection and analysis from the questionnaire and interviews were the answers for students’ involvement and the possibility of game using to the large variety of learners From the study findings, educational implications and recommendations were raised to improve the use of games in classrooms Further research was suggested with the hope to investigate the different kinds of games and their relevant learners TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate of Originality I Retention and Use of the Thesis II Acknowledgements III Abstract IV Table of Contents V List of Tables VIII CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and significance of the study 1.2 Statement of purpose 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Assumptions 1.5 Organization of the remainder CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 CLT class and its essential changes 2.2 Games from different view points 12 2.3 Researches and articles deal with classroom games in particular 13 2.4 Vocabulary – role and position in language teaching 15 2.5 Human brain and the process of memory 18 2.6 Strategies in vocabulary teaching and learning 21 2.7 Games - Origination and development in teaching 26 2.8 Researches on teaching vocabulary through games 28 2.9 Demonstration of games in teaching vocabulary 33 2.10 Summary 44 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 46 3.1 Design and administration of data collection instruments 46 3.1.1 Population 46 3.1.2 Instruments 47 3.2 Data analysis 52 3.3 Summary 52 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 53 4.1 53 Result from the Quasi-Experiment 4.1.1 Pretest Similarity 53 4.1.2 Post- test Separateness 57 4.2 65 Questionnaire Results 4.2.1 An analysis of questionnaire to groups of learners 65 4.2.2 Comparision of the experimental group and control group 70 4.3 73 Interview results 4.3.1 Game benifits 74 4.3.2 Special benefit to children 77 4.3.3 Frequency of use 78 4.3.4 Teacher’s role 79 4.3.5 Problems and solutions 81 4.3.6 Different view points on games teaching to different ages 87 4.4 91 Summary CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 92 5.1 Recommendations to teachers 93 5.2 Delimitations and limitations 98 5.3 Further research 99 REFERENCES 100 APPENDIX A: Post – test designe 105 APPENDIX B: Questionnaire 111 APPENDIX C: Some games designed for the quasi-experiment 113 APPENDIX D: Raw data 122 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Richarch, J.C Platt’s word classification 17 Table 2.2: Oxford’s Mental Strategy 20 Table 4.1: Comparison of total 54 Table 4.2: Comparison of age 54 Table 4.3: Proportion between male and female 55 Table 4.4: Students’ mean of pre-test 55 Table 4.5 Students’ mean of post-test 57 Table 4.6: Comparison of pre-test and post-test means 58 Table 4.7: Chinese Class’s pre- test score distribution 62 Table 4.8: Chinese Class’s post- test score distribution 63 Table 4.9: Japanese Class’s pre- test score distribution 63 Table 4.10: Japanese Class’s post- test score distribution 64 Table 4.11: The Comparison of bad scores 64 Table 4.12: The Comparison of good scores 65 Table 4.13: Background information on leaner samples 66 Table 4.15: Learners’ opinion about proportion of frequency use in class 68 Table 4.16: Learners’ opinion about when to use games 69 Table 4.17: Methods that students and adults enhance their vocabulary 69 Table 4.18: Students ‘ opinion about frequency use 71 Table 4.19: Comparison of Japanese class ‘methods of vocabulary enhancement 72 Table 4.20: Learners’ opinion about proportion of frequency use in class 73 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Vocabulary is a crucial tool to convey meaning It is true that the more vocabulary a person obtains, the better he expresses his ideas, opinions and feelings According to Wilkin, vocabulary plays a very essential role in communication: “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed” The same point of view came from Allen (1983): “Lexical problems frequently interfere with communication; communication breaks down when people not use the right words” Whereas an incorrectly grammatical sentence can be understood with no little difficulty through communication, it is hardly the case in the lack of vocabulary Thus, vocabulary is one of the key elements in language teaching and learning The reality has proved that a limited vocabulary stock causes many difficulties for learners to improve their skills A limited vocabulary background forces learners to encounter more challenges in reading for comprehension Poor vocabulary generally creates a great deal of arduousness Learners encounter too many new words in a text as it is too difficult to guess unknown vocabulary Therefore, insufficient vocabulary learners usually get poor scores for the reading section Regarding the boarder meaning of language learning, apart from poor test score, learners generally have to face many difficulties to develop their reading skill 10 Public telephone dial A long distance call Telephone I’m just returning your call I’ll put you through to Mr Could I speak to Helen, please? Game 12 A local call Phone book General Knowledge Quiz Which is the heaviest among iron, lead and gold? (gold) Which is further from the sun, the earth or the Mars? ( the Mars) Which is the oldest religion in the word, Christianity, Buddhism or Islam? (Buddhism) Which is the second biggest country in the word? (Canada) Which is the closest to the equator, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore or Cairo? (Singapore) Which is the highest mountain in the word? (the Everest) Which country has the largest population in the word? (China) Which animal is faster, a lion or a cheetah? ( a cheetah) Which is the most ancient monument in the word? (the Pyramids) 10 Who are the better drivers between men and women? 119 The student who first gives the answer for each question receives a point The teacher asks him/ her the new words in each question The game can be played in groups, pairs or individually Game 13 (page 42) The learners work in groups to match the new words with the pictures All the words and the pictures relates to EYES Game 14 (page 43) The class is divided into groups The representatives of each group stand in a row facing the board All students are named with the numbers from to The teacher writes the new words on the board and shouts out a word in Vietnamese All students of the three groups run as quickly as they can to the board and clap and read the new word in English The fastest student has the right to continue the game and stands after student in his/ her group The two other losing players go back to their seats The game continues with all students New words: eye muscle, eyebrow, eyelid, eye lashes, lens, eyeball, retina, iris, optic nerve, eye shadow Game 15 (page 45) The pictures on page 44 are enlarged, cut and divided to the whole class A student plays the role of a customer When he comes into the class, all students ask: “Can we help you?” “Yes, I’m looking for a tie” The student who has the picture of a tie gives it to him and the whole class Game 16 (Page 50, 51) Quiz: The class is divided into groups The group answers the most questions wins the game 120 This is the country between India and Tibet (Nepal) What’s its capital city? (Kathmandu) How you call a temple for worship? (Temple) Which of the following pictures shows the rapid? (The teacher shows the students pictures) Which word means “fascinating”: attractive, luxurious, arduous Game 17 (Page 52) Students cooperate in groups to find as many words and phrases that show direction as they can in a limited time The group which finds the most words wins the game Game 18 (Page 56) Students cooperate in groups to match the phrases to their corresponding paragraphs and pictures of famous sights in the world The group which finishes first wins the game Game 19 ( Page 58) Students work in pairs to find the homophones and homonyms of the provided words watt, wear, buy, here, no, sore, week, paw, there, would, see left, flat, country, play, fine, play, lift, present Game 20 (Page 66) The teacher divides the class into three groups, and asks learners study the body parts of a doll A right answer will gain a point for the group, but points will be subtracted if it is wrong 121 APPENDIX B POST- TEST DESIGNE Vocabulary Test Time allotted: 45 minutes Name: -Class: -1 A is a member of a race people originally from Asian, who move from places to places in caravans and live there A modern gypsy B MPs C rebel _travel and congregate in groups Their lifestyle rejects many of the values of settled society A New Age Travelers B mortgage C value added tax He has been out of work for years and lived on _ A insurance B social security benefit C nature’s children Every few month, a/ an _ occurs, the land shakes so violently that roads break up, buildings and bridges collapse A earthquake B equator C blink _ is an agreement by which money is lent by a bank for buying houses or other property A taxes B incomes C mortgage Buddhism is an older _ than Christianity A credit B belief 122 C religion The colored part of the eye is called A iris A few B retina C optic nerve people have red and pink eyes, but these are very rare A signal B albino C terrific “ To catch somebody’s eye” means A to agree with somebody B to ignore someone C to attract someone’s attention 10 Jack writes great children’s stories He’s very and always think of new ideas A easy-going B creative C responsible 11 Sam is very and moody He gets angry easily at unimportant things A well of B anxious C bad temper 12 Mary’s so that she’s always giving her friends and relatives presents I wish there were more people like her in the world A sociable B reliable C generous 13.After the yacht sank, they jumped into a life raft, caught fished and ate them A rare B cooked 14.Many people believe in the visits of A creators B thoughts 123 C raw from space to our earth C creature 15 I felt it’s difficult to read, so I went to the A contact lenses B optician’s 16 Earth watch is a/ an to get some glasses C retina that finds volunteer for expedition to study and explore different parts of the world A finance center B organization C adventure weekend 17 Ancient is found in the Central America and Australia A homepage 18 B civilization C earthquake is the moisture exuded from skin when it’s hot A blink B sweat C earthquake 19 As an engineer of construction company, I spend a lot of time at the construction A department B outdoors 20 After her father’s death, she C sites all money, the house and the garden A rented B removed 21 The man needed 462 stitches, but his C inherited made everyone surprised A survival 22 Net got his B championship C life after his leg had been amputated because of his mother’s meanness A revenge B witch 124 C blood 23 Rio de Janeiro is closer to the than Cairo A north pole B equator C exploration 24 The Parthenon is a classical Greek built between 447 and 432, which refers to the worship of Athena A church B pagoda C temple 25 If you like something, your pupils will unconsciously when you look at it A become smaller 26 B control C delate New Orleans has a population of about 550 000 and it’s very cosmopolitan with from many country A immigrant B ingredient C pollution 27 We call someone who studies and treats mental illnesses A psychiatrist 28 B sociologist C psychologist is a sport o jumping from the aircraft and falling for as long as one safely can before opening the parachute A hang- gliding B horse- racing C sky-diving 29 The has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886 A Pyramids B Eiffel Tower C Statue of Liberty 30 Taj Mahal, which means” The crow of the preserved tomb in the word A Place B Peace C Palace 125 ”, is the most well 31 In theory, extra classes are optional, but in practice they are A Private B common C Compulsory 32 In a typical school system in many countries, there are two kinds of school: and private schools A state 33 B boarding C mixed influenza is so dangerous that a great number of people in the world may be going to be killed A Accurate B Asian 34 If I had better A allowance C Avian , I’d apply for that job B qualification C salary 35 A hard had which protects your head is a A mask B helmet C balaclava 36 In 1905, the German physicist named Albert Einstein proposed the of relativity A hoot B theory C liquid 37 The area is polluted because of factories with black smoke coming out of the A misery B traffic C chimney 38 Last summer, Fred Kennedy built a in his garden to put 45 budgies A Alarm clock B aviary C court 126 39 Although the end of “The Titanic” is no surprise, it is still incredibly A moving B famous 40 I like C insecure films because it is important for me to improve my English A subtitled B dubbed C starred 41 The new technology of the industrial made cotton the cheapest fabric in history A hoot B theory C liquid 42 The athletic contest of throwing heavy mental is called A weight lifting B shot put C sprint 43 In 1973, Skylab was launched by USA, but in the end of 1974, it was in the space until 1979 A abandoned B destroyed 44 Doctors say that this case of C burnt is rare, but they hope that Sarah’s memory will slowly return A amnesia B anemia C Aztec 45 In 1994, Jupiter, the largest planet in our , was struck by 21 pieces of a comet A respiratory system B lunar system The end 127 C solar system APPENDIX C QUESTIONNAIRE The data would be useful for our research on The Use of Games in Teaching Vocabulary Please answer the following questions by ticking in the provided boxes For question 11 and 12, more than one possible answer is accepted How old are you? 5-15 15-22 > 22 How many years have you been learning English? 1-3 4-7 >7 What is your job?/ What is your major? Do you want to improve your English vocabulary? Yes No Do you want to play games in class? Yes No Do you want to lean English vocabulary with games? Yes No How often should games be used in class? Once or twice a month Once a week 128 Every day Should games be used only to relax when the whole class is too tired? Yes No 10 Is learning vocabulary through games is not as effective as writing a word several times into a notebook? Yes No 11 Have you ever learned English vocabulary through games? Yes 12 When did your teachers organize class game? B at the end of term C At the end of period D To present and review lessons 13 How you improve your vocabulary? A Writing down new words in a notebook and learn by heart B Saying the words many times C Creating my own sentences in which I use the words D Others 129 No APPENDIX D RAW DATA CHINESE CLASS PRE XTEST Xavr NO STUDENTS'NAME Nguyen thi Tram Anh Mai Tan Duan Phan Trung Dung Nguyen Thanh Dat Nguyen Hai Dang Nguyen thi Hong Diep La Tu Hoa Luu Cam Hue Tran Khanh Linh Luu Yen Ngoc Thai Nhu Ngoc Nguyen Cao Nguyen Cao thi Thuy Nguyen t Bich Thuy Ng Bach Thanh Truc Nguyen Duy Vinh Dang My Yen Vu Thanh Xuan Vo t Thanh Hong Bui t Kim Anh 6 7 6 AVERAGE OR MEAN 6,2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VARIANCE STANDARD DEVIATION = ACCEPTABLE MARKS = 7,38 130 -0,2 -2,2 -0,2 -1,2 -0,2 0,9 1,9 0,9 0,9 1,9 -1,2 -0,2 -1,2 -0,2 0,9 -1,2 -0,2 1,9 -2,2 0,9 (XPOST X (XXavr)2 TEST Xavr Xavr)2 0,0225 4,6225 0,0225 1,3225 0,0225 0,7225 3,4225 0,7225 0,7225 3,4225 1,3225 0,0225 1,3225 0,0225 0,7225 1,3225 0,0225 3,4225 4,6225 0,7225 6 5,5 8 6,5 5,5 4,5 6 5 0,25 0,0625 -1,75 3,0625 0,25 0,0625 -0,75 0,5625 -0,25 0,0625 1,25 1,5625 2,25 5,0625 1,25 1,5625 2,25 5,0625 0,75 0,5625 -0,25 0,0625 -1,25 1,5625 0,25 0,0625 -0,75 0,5625 0,25 0,0625 -0,75 0,5625 -2,75 7,5625 1,25 1,5625 -0,75 0,5625 -0,75 0,5625 5,8 1,5026 1,6184 1,2258 1,2722 7,02 4,92 4,48 JAPANESE CLASS NO STUDENTS'NAME Tran thi Thu Hang Le Truong Huu Tran Thuy Lam Ho thi Ngoc Mai Tran thi Nhu Ngoc Nguyen Cam Nhung Vuong Phuc Huynh Nhu Tran thi Xuan Phuong Nguyen My Truc Quyen To Xuan Thu Doan Thi Thuan Nguyen Quynh Trang Nguyen thi Thuy Trang Le Bao Tran Nguyen thi Nguyet Truc Tran Quoc Trung Le Thuy Vy Chu thi Hai Yen 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AVERAGE OR MEAN PRE X (XPOST X (XTEST Xavr Xavr)2 TEST Xavr Xavr)2 8 7 8 6 STANDARD DEVIATION = 131 5,9753 2,4198 0,3086 5,9753 2,4198 0,3086 2,4198 0,3086 5,9753 0,3086 2,0864 2,4198 2,4198 2,4198 0,1975 2,0864 0,1975 0,1975 6,4 VARIANCE ACCEPTABLE MARKS = -2,4 1,6 0,6 -2,4 1,6 0,6 1,6 0,6 -2,4 0,6 -1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 -0,4 -1,4 -0,4 -0,4 5,5 8,5 7,5 8 8,5 6,5 7 -1,92 3,6736 0,58 0,3403 1,08 1,1736 -1,42 2,0069 1,58 2,5069 0,08 0,0069 0,58 0,3403 -0,42 0,1736 -1,42 2,0069 0,58 0,3403 -1,42 2,0069 1,08 1,1736 0,58 0,3403 1,58 2,5069 0,58 0,3403 -0,92 0,8403 -0,42 0,1736 -0,42 0,1736 7,4 2,2614 1,1838 1,5038 1,0880 7,95 8,50 4,94 6,33 132 133

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2023, 20:46


