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radiology golden books Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging Dedication This book is dedicated to: Tom, Stephen, Ellen and Niamh (SR) Billy, Barry, Jack, Sam and Michael (MMcN) Nicola, Sarah, Emma, Jack and Nick (SE) Commissioning Editor: Timothy Horne Development Editor: Lulu Stader Project Manager: Elouise Ball Cover Design: Charles Gray Text Design: Stewart Larking Illustration Manager: Merlyn Harvey Illustrator: Amanda William Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging THIRD EDITION Stephanie Ryan FRCSI FFR(RCSI) Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin, Ireland Michelle McNicholas MRCPI FFR(RCSI) FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin, Ireland Stephen Eustace MSc(RadSci) MRCPI FFR(RCSI) FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Mater Misericordiae & Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospitals, Dublin, Ireland Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2011 An imprint of Elsevier Ltd First Edition © Saunders 1994 Second Edition © Elsevier Limited 2004 Third Edition © 2011, Elsevier Limited All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Rights Department: phone: (+1) 215 239 3804 (US) or (+44) 1865 843830 (UK); fax: (+44) 1865 853333; e-mail: healthpermissions@elsevier.com You may also complete your request online via the Elsevier website at http://www.elsevier.com/ permissions ISBN 978-0-7020-2971-4 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Notice Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research 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individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein The Publisher Working together to grow libraries in developing countries www.elsevier.com | www.bookaid.org | www.sabre.org Printed in China The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests Contents Preface vii Acknowledgements viii 1 Head and neck The The The The The The The The The The The skull and facial bones nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses mandible and teeth oral cavity and salivary glands orbital contents ear pharynx and related spaces nasopharynx and related spaces larynx thyroid and parathyroid glands neck vessels 13 16 19 24 28 32 32 38 40 43 2 The central nervous system 52 Cerebral hemispheres Cerebral cortex White matter of the hemispheres Basal ganglia Thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland Pituitary gland Limbic lobe The brainstem Cerebellum Ventricles, cisterns, CSF production and flow ventricles Meninges Arterial supply of the CNS Internal carotid artery Venous drainage of the brain 52 52 54 60 63 65 66 67 70 73 79 80 80 87 3 The spinal column and its contents 91 The vertebral column 91 Joints of the vertebral column 100 Ligaments of the vertebral column 102 The intervertebral discs 102 Blood supply of the vertebral column 105 The spinal cord 106 The spinal meninges 108 Blood supply of the spinal cord 108 4 The thorax 113 The thoracic cage 113 The diaphragm 117 The pleura The trachea and bronchi The lungs The mediastinal divisions The heart The great vessels The oesophagus The thoracic duct and mediastinal lymphatics The thymus The azygos system Important nerves of the mediastinum The mediastinum on the chest radiograph Cross-sectional anatomy 119 122 125 130 131 140 144 146 147 147 149 150 152 5 The abdomen 157 Anterior abdominal wall The stomach The duodenum The small intestine The ileocaecal valve The appendix The large intestine The liver The biliary system The pancreas The spleen The portal venous system The kidneys The ureter The adrenal glands The abdominal aorta The inferior vena cava Veins of the posterior abdominal wall The peritoneal spaces of the abdomen Cross-sectional anatomy of the upper abdomen 157 158 164 167 169 169 170 175 182 187 192 193 196 202 203 204 205 206 208 212 6 The pelvis 218 The bony pelvis, muscles and ligaments The pelvic floor The sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves of the pelvis The lower urinary tract The male urethra The female urethra The male reproductive organs The female reproductive tract Cross-sectional anatomy 218 221 222 226 230 232 233 233 239 247 Contents 7 The upper limb 251 The The The The The bones of the upper limb joints of the upper limb muscles of the upper limb arterial supply of the upper limb veins of the upper limb 251 257 275 276 278 8 The lower limb 280 The The The The The vi bones of the lower limb joints of the lower limb muscles of the lower limb arteries of the lower limb veins of the lower limb 280 287 305 306 310 9 The breast 313 General anatomy Lobular structure Blood supply Lymphatic drainage Radiology of the breast Age changes in the breast Radiological significance of breast density and parenchymal pattern 313 313 313 313 314 321 Index 325 321 Preface The first edition of this book was published 15 years ago and was welcomed by radiologists and other clinicians, but particularly by radiologists in training who sought to learn the anatomical basis of radiological imaging – usually early in their radiological training Over these years the anatomy of the human body remained unchanged of course, but the techniques used to image it have changed immeasurably Bronchography and lymphography have long since gone Diagnostic cardiac catheterization and diagnostic angiography have been largely replaced by CT and MR angiography CT has changed from being an axial imaging technique to being a rapid and powerful 3D imaging technique MR imaging techniques allow not only multiplanar and 3D views of anatomy but visualization of arterial and venous anatomy and, by tractography, direct imaging of the neural tracts in the brain Rapid advances in interventional radiological techniques guided by ultrasound, CT, MR and angiography require a new understanding of age-old anatomy In this third edition we have therefore addressed these new techniques, explored some areas in much greater detail than before and added over 140 new images including some colour images Such is the anatomical detail that can now be demonstrated by imaging that some diagrams can now be replaced by those images We have retained the successful organization of the book, with an initial traditional anatomical description of each organ or system followed by the radiological anatomy of that part of the body using all the relevant imaging modalities We have included a series of ‘radiology pearls’ with most sections to underscore clinically and radiologically important points Each chapter is illustrated, as before, with line diagrams, radiographs, angiograms, ultrasound, CT or MR images, as appropriate We have completely revised the text We have, despite all this, succeeded in keeping the size of the book manageable, especially with the exam candidate in mind We have also kept the cost of the book as low as was reasonably achievable! The authors have immense clinical experience as radiologists each in different subspecialties We all teach regularly and remain in contact with the needs of the examination candidates in a wide variety of medical disciplines We hope that this clinical experience is reflected in the content of the text and the choice of images in this new edition We trust that this third edition continues to be of use to radiologists and radiographers both in training and in practice, and to medical students, physicians and surgeons and all who use imaging as a vital part of patient care This third edition brings the basics of radiological anatomy to a new generation of radiologists in an ever-changing world of imaging Acknowledgements As for the first and second editions, we acknowledge the help of very many people in the amassing of radiological material for this book We have received much positive and some critical feedback from many people all over the world We have incorporated suggestions for improvement that we have received into each edition We are grateful to all our colleagues for their patience with our constant searches for the perfect image for ‘the book’ We are very grateful for the help of radiographers including Andrea Craddock and James Bisset at the Mater Hospital, Annette White at Cappagh Hospital and Sarah McGeough, Liliana Barreira and Martina Bonnar at the Children’s Hospital, Temple Street We acknowledge the help of Dr Leo Lawler, Dr Darra Murphy and Dr Martin Shelly at the Mater Hospital and Dr Aimen Quateen at Beaumont Hospital We are grateful to Timothy Horne of Elsevier who has spearheaded the production of a second and third edition of this book and to Lulu Stader, our editor, who tried to be patient with deadlines stretched and extended well beyond original plans Most of all, we thank our families for bearing with us as hours on end were spent with the computer rewriting the dreaded book, yet again We are extremely fortunate to have the approval of the late Professor J.B Coakley, Professor Emeritus of Anatomy at University College Hospital, Dublin, to use many of his excellent line drawings (Figs 1.43, 1.46, 1.49; 4.5A and B, 4.19, 4.21, 4.22, 4.35, 4.39) These have been appreciated by generations of medical students Fig 3.21A is reproduced with permission from Sheehy N, Boyle G, Meaney JFM 2005 High-resolution 3D contrastenhanced MRA of the normal anterior spinal arteries within the cervical region Radiology 236(2): 637–641 Fig 5.19B is courtesy of Siemens Fig 5.27 is adapted with permission from Covey AM et al 2004 Anatomic variations in portal vein anatomy American Journal of Radiology 183: 1055–1065 Head and neck CHAPTER CONTENTS The skull and facial bones The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses 13 The mandible and teeth 16 The oral cavity and salivary glands 19 The orbital contents 24 The ear 28 The pharynx and related spaces 32 The nasopharynx and related spaces 32 The larynx 38 The thyroid and parathyroid glands 40 The neck vessels 43 The skull and facial bones The skull consists of the calvarium, facial bones and mandible The calvarium is the brain case and comprises the skull vault and skull base The bones of the calvarium and face are joined at immovable fibrous joints, except for the temporomandibular joint, which is a movable cartilaginous joint The skull vault (Figs 1.1–1.4) The skull vault is made up of several flat bones, joined at sutures, which can be recognized on skull radiographs The bones consist of the diploic space – a cancellous layer containing vascular spaces – sandwiched between the inner and outer tables of cortical bone The skull is covered by periosteum, © 2011, Elsevier Ltd DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-7020-2971-4.00006-X 1 which is continuous with the fibrous tissue in the sutures The periosteum is called the pericranium externally and on the deep surface of the skull is called endosteum The endosteum is the outer layer of the dura The diploic veins within the skull are large, valveless vessels with thin walls They communicate with the meningeal veins, the dural sinuses and the scalp veins The paired parietal bones form much of the side and the roof of the skull and are joined in the midline at the sagittal suture Parietal foramina are paired foramina or areas of thin bone close to the midline in the parietal bones They are often visible on a radiograph, may be big and may even be palpable They may transmit emissary veins from the sagittal sinus The frontal bone forms the front of the skull vault It is formed by two frontal bones that unite at the metopic suture The frontal bones join the parietal bones at the coronal suture The junction of coronal and sagittal sutures is known as the bregma The occipital bone forms the back of the skull vault and is joined to the parietal bones at the lambdoid suture The lambdoid and sagittal sutures join at a point known as the lambda The greater wing of sphenoid and the squamous part of the temporal bone form the side of the skull vault below the frontal and parietal bones The sutures formed here are: (i) the sphenosquamosal suture between the sphenoid and temporal bones; (ii) the sphenofrontal and sphenoparietal sutures between greater wing of sphenoid and frontal and parietal bones; and (iii) the squamosal suture between temporal and parietal bones The sphenofrontal, sphenoparietal and squamosal sutures form a continuous curved line (Fig 1.1) The intersection of the sutures between the frontal, sphenoidal, parietal and temporal bones is termed the pterion and provides a surface marking for the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery on the lateral skull radiograph The asterion is the point where the squamosal suture meets the lambdoid suture This page intentionally left blank Index A ring, 146 abdomen axial section below the kidneys, 216–217, 216f level of pancreas body, 214–215, 215f level of pancreas head and renal hila, 215–216, 216f level of porta hepatis, 214, 214f upper liver and spleen, 212–213, 213f computed tomography, 160f–161f, 197f lymphatic drainage, 207–208, 207t peritoneal spaces, 208–212 development and terminology, 208–211, 209f radiological features, 212 plain films, 158, 159f abdominal wall anterior, 157–158 muscle layers, 157 properitoneal fat, 158 radiological features, 158 umbilical ligaments, 157 posterior radiological features, 207 veins of, 206–208, 206f accessory arteries, 200 accessory fissure, 121, 126, 128–129 accessory hemiazygos vein, 147–148 accessory hemidiaphragm, 119b accessory meningeal artery, 48, 80 accessory spleen, 192 acetabular angle, 288 acetabular labrum, 289 acetabular ligament, transverse, 287 acetabulum, 287 Achilles tendon, 301–304 acini (breast), 313 acini (lung), 125 acoustic nerve, 30–31 acromioclavicular joint, 258 acromion, 251, 252f adductor muscles of the thigh, 305 adenoids, 35, 37 aditus ad antrum, 28–29 adrenal arteries, 203–204 adrenal glands, 164f, 197f, 203–204 arterial supply, 203 axial section level of the pancreas body, 215 level of the porta hepatis, 214 development, 203 radiological features, 203–204 variants, 203 venous drainage, 203 adrenal veins, 203 afferent arterioles, 198 air ventriculography, 76–77 alae of the sacrum, 92, 218 alar ligament, 101 ALPSA lesion, 260b alveolar arteries, 17 alveolar border, 16–17 alveolar process, 15 ambient cisterns, 77 © 2011, Elsevier Ltd DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-7020-2971-4.00015-0 ampulla of Vater, 165, 167, 183, 187 amygdala, 62 amygdaloid body, 60 anal canal, 225–226, 226f blood supply, 225–226, 227f lymph drainage, 226 anal sphincters external, 221–222, 223f, 225, 250 internal, 225 anal triangle, 222 anastomotic veins inferior (of Labbé), 88 superior (of Trolard), 88 anatomical asplenia, 192 angiocardiography, 139 angiography abdominal aorta, 164f, 172f–173f, 205 adrenal glands, 204 bronchial, 111b, 130 carotid arteries, 87 cerebral veins, 89–90, 90f coeliac trunk, 164, 164f–165f coronary, 139 duodenum, 167 hepatic, 164f, 181 iliac vessels, 228f, 229 kidneys, 201 large intestine, 175 lower limb, 309 magnetic resonance, 309 pancreas, 192 pulmonary, 130 radionuclide cerebral, 87 spinal, 106, 111, 112f subclavian vessels, 50 upper limb, 278 vertebral arteries, 87 angular vein, 25 ankle joint, 299–300, 300f biomechanics, 300 extensors, 305 medial/lateral ligaments, 300 radiological features, 300–303 arthrography, 300–301 computed tomography, 301 magnetic resonance imaging, 301–303, 301f–302f plain films, 300 relevant magnetic resonance imaging anatomy, 303–305 annular pancreas, 187 annulus fibrosus, 103–105 annulus of Zinn, 25 anococcygeal body, 221–222, 225 anterior commissure, 39, 55–56, 58f, 59 anterolateral impingement syndrome, 304 antimesenteric border, 168 antrum, 163–164 aorta, 123f, 140–143, 142f–143f abdominal, 204–205, 204f branches, 205 radiological features, 205 ascending, 140–142, 154 axial section level of the pancreas head and renal hila, 215 level of the porta hepatis, 214 descending, 143, 145 pelvis, 226 radiology, 151 Index aortic arch, 42, 45f, 140–143, 152 variations, 142–143 aortic isthmus, 143b aortic knuckle, 150–151 aortic nipple, 150–151, 151f aortic valve, 134, 135f, 137, 138f aortocaval nodes, 207–208 aortograms, 45f, 142f aortopulmonary mediastinal stripe, 152 aortopulmonary window, 150–151 apical ligament, 101 appendiceal abscess, 170 appendices epiploicae, 170 appendices of epididymis, 238b appendicular artery, 170b appendix, intestinal, 169–170 radiological features, 170 variation in position, 169, 170f appendix of testis, 238b aqueous humour, 26 arachnodactyly, 257 arachnoid granulation pits, 10 arachnoid granulations, 78, 89 calcification, 11 arachnoid mater, 79, 108 arachnoid villi, 78 arcuate arteries, 201b arcuate eminence, 29–30 arcuate fibres, 54 arcuate ligaments, 117, 118f arcuate line, 218, 218b areae gastricae, 158, 161b arteria radicularis magna, 108, 111 arteries see specific anatomical area; specific arteries arteriography see angiography artery of Adamkiewicz, 108, 111 arthrography ankle joint, 300–301 elbow joint, 267 facet joints, 101 hip joint, 288 knee joint, 293–294 shoulder joint, 258–259 temporomandibular joint, 19 wrist joint, 271 articular facets, 91–92 articular processes, 91, 93 articular tubercle, 17 aryepiglottic folds, 38–40 arytenoid cartilages, 38–40 ascending colon, 170–171, 175 ascites, 211b asplenia, anatomical/functional, 192 association (arcuate) fibres, 54 association cortex occipital, 54 parietal, 54 temporal, 54 326 asterion, 1, 3f atlantoaxial distance, 101 atlantoaxial joint, 5f, 101 atlanto-occipital joint, 101 atlanto-occipital junction, 97 atlas, 91–92, 93f dens of, 5f ossification, 100 atrial appendages, 132, 144 atrioventricular bundle of His, 137 atrioventricular node, 137 attic, 28–29 auditory artery, internal, 9, 30f, 86 auditory canal external, 32 internal, 9, 32 auditory cortex, 54 auditory meatus external, 2f, 28 internal, 9, 9t, 29–32 auricular artery, posterior, 46 auricular vein, posterior, 49 axillary artery, 313 axillary lymph nodes, 313–314 axillary nerve, 50–51 axillary veins, 278 axis, 92, 94f ossification, 100 azygo-oesophageal line, 122f, 146, 151f, 152 azygos fissure, 125–126, 126f, 128–129 azygos system, 132f, 143f, 145, 147–148, 149f–150f, 154f azygos vein, 108, 144, 146–148, 152, 206–207 B ring, 146 Baker ’s cyst, 293 barium enema examinations, 170 ileocaecal valve, 169 large intestine, 174–175 rectum, 226 sigmoid colon, 226 barium follow-through, 169 barium meal examination, double contrast, 161, 163f barium studies, 146 duodenum, 163f, 166f, 167 small intestine, 166f, 169 barium-swallow technique, 146 basal ganglia, 60–63, 62f calcification, 11 radiological features, 62–63 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 62–63 ultrasound, 63 basal vein (of Rosenthal), 88 basilar artery, 70, 86–87 basilic vein, 275, 278 basivertebral veins, 93, 105–106 basivertebral venous trunk, 99 benign prostatic hypertrophy, 234b biceps muscle, 267–268, 275 biceps tendons, 267–268 bicipitolabral complex, 260 bile ducts, 182f–186f common, 183, 184b, 185 extrahepatic, 185b intrahepatic, 185, 185b variation, 184, 184f biliary system, 182–187, 183f radiological features, 185–187 computed tomography of the biliary tree, 186 contrast examinations, 185, 185f MR cholangiography, 186, 186f plain films, 185 scintigraphy, 186–187 ultrasound, 184f, 185 relations, 182f biliary tree, computed tomography, 186 bipartite patella, 282 bladder, 230–231, 231f, 248 blood supply, 231 lymph drainage, 231 radiology, 231–232 rupture, 231b blood supply see specific anatomical region body wall, axial section below the kidneys, 216–217 level of pancreas body, 214 level of pancreas head and renal hila, 215 level of porta hepatis, 214 through upper liver and spleen, 212 Boehler ’s critical angle of calcaneus, 285, 286f bone age, 257 bone density, 281–282, 284b bone marrow patterns, 260–264, 264f bony labyrinth, 29–30, 32 bony pelvis, 218–220, 219f brachial artery, 275, 277–278 brachial cephalic artery, 42 brachial plexus, 50–51, 50f–51f radiology, 51 brachiocephalic artery, 143 brachiocephalic veins, 49–50, 144, 152 tributaries of the, 144 brachium conjunctivum, 72 brachium pontis, 72 brain arterial supply, 87 magnetic resonance imaging, 55f–57f, 59f neonatal, ultrasound examination of, 54, 60, 61f–62f, 63, 65, 76, 76f, 87 venous drainage, 87–90, 87f see also specific areas brainstem, 64f, 67–70 see also medulla oblongata; midbrain; pons breasts age changes in, 321 blood supply, 313, 315f general anatomy, 313, 314f–315f lobular structure, 313, 316f lymphatic drainage, 313–314, 315f mammographic patterns, 317f, 321 radiological significance of density and parenchymal pattern, 321–323 radiology magnetic resonance imaging, 321, 322f mammography, 314–321, 317f–320f sentinel node mapping, 321, 322f ultrasound, 314–321, 321f bregma, 1, 2f, 4f broad ligament, 240, 242f–243f, 243 Broca’s speech area, 52 Brodel’s line, 202b bronchi, 123–125 blood supply, 125 left main, 124 radiological features, 125, 129–130 relations of, 123–125, 123f right main, 123 bronchial angiography, 130 bronchial arteries, 127, 143 bronchial tree, 120f, 124f, 128–130 bronchial veins, 127, 148 bronchopulmonary segments, 124f–125f, 126, 129 buccopharyngeal fascia, 32, 35 Buck’s fascia, 239 Bufort complex, 260, 264f Bugs Bunny sign, 267 bundle of His, 137 caecum, 170, 175 calcaneal tendon, 301–304 calcaneofibular ligament, 300, 303 Index calcaneus, 284 Boehler ’s critical angle of, 285, 286f calcar avis, 74 calcarine artery, 86 calcarine sulcus, 54 callosal sulcus, 54 callosomarginal artery, 84 calvarium, calyces, 196, 200 canals of Lambert, 126 Cantlie’s line, 177 capitellum, pseudodefect of, 268–269 cardia, 158 cardiac contour, 137 cardiac veins, 137 cardiophrenic angle, 150–151 cardiothoracic ratio, 137b carina, 122–123 caroticotympanic artery, 81 carotid arteries, 80 anatomical relations in the carotid sheath common carotid artery, 44 external carotid artery, 45 internal carotid artery, 44 angiography, 87 common, 43–44, 43f–44f absent, 143 left, 143 radiology, 49 external, 43–45, 43f–44f branches, 45–48, 45f–46f radiology, 49 internal, 43–44, 43f–44f, 80–87 branches, 81–85, 82f calcification, 11 radiology, 49 in the neck, 43–48, 43f–44f, 48f radiology, 49 angiography, 49 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 49 ultrasound, 49 carotid sheath, 40, 42, 44–45 carotid sulcus, carpal angle, 257 carpal bones, 255f–256f, 256 ossification, 256 radiological features, 256 supernumerary, 256 carpal tunnel, 274, 274f carpometacarpal joints, 269 cartilaginous endplates, 103, 105 cauda equina, 106, 109 caudate nucleus, 61–62 caudate process of the caudate lobe, 175, 179 cavernosography, 239 cavernous artery, 81 cavernous plexus, 80–81 cavernous sinus, 25, 88 cavography, 206 cavum velum interpositum, 74, 75f, 77 cavum vergae, 76 central nervous system arterial supply, 80, 87 central retinal artery, 25 central sulcus (of Rolando), 52, 54 central tendon, 117 cephalic vein, 278–279 cerebellar arteries anterior inferior (AICA), 32, 73, 86 posterior inferior (PICA), 72, 86 superior, 73, 86 cerebellar peduncles, 69–72 cerebellar vein, precentral, 73, 89 cerebellomedullary cistern, 77 cerebellum, 70–73, 71f–72f arterial supply, 72–73 function, 72 hemispheres, 72 peduncles, 72 radiological features, 73 subdivisions, 72 venous drainage, 73 vermis, 72 cerebral aqueduct, 75–76 cerebral arteries, 81f anterior, 83–84, 87 hypoplastic proximal segment, 87 middle, 84–85 posterior, 79, 86 cerebral cortex, 52–54 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 54 insula (of Reil), 54 radiological features, 54 ultrasound, 54 see also frontal lobe; occipital lobe; parietal lobe; temporal lobe cerebral hemispheres, 52, 53f cerebral peduncles, 69 cerebral veins deep, 88, 89f great (of Galen), 73, 88 internal, 88 radiological features, 89–90 superficial, 88 superficial middle, 88 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 73, 107 production and flow, 78 radiological features, 78–79 magnetic resonance flow study, 79 radionuclide cisternography, 78–79 skull radiographs, 78 cervical artery, ascending, 105 cervical canal, 240, 246 cervical glands, 247 cervical ligaments, transverse, 240 cervical myelography, 78, 109 cervical rib, 97, 100b, 115, 116f cervical spine, 96f radiographs, 97 spinal cord radiographic appearance, 109 cervical vertebrae, 91–92, 92f–94f ossification, 100f seventh, 100 typical, 91 cervix, 244, 246b Chamberlain’s line, 97 Chilaiditi’s syndrome, 174b chondroglossus, 20 chordae tendineae, 133–134 choroid, 26–27 choroid plexus, 11, 73–74 choroid vein, 88 choroidal arteries, 74 anterior, 74, 81–82 posterior, 74, 86 ciliary body, 26 ciliary muscle, 26 cingulate gyrus, 54, 66 cingulate sulcus, 54 circle of Willis, 81f, 84f–85f, 86–87 commonest variants of, 86–87 circumflex arteries, 136–137, 140 cistern of the velum interpositum see cavum velum interpositum cisterna chyli, 146, 207–208 cisterna magna, 77 claustrum, 60, 62, 63f clavicle, 251–253, 252f–253f ossification, 253 radiological features, 253 clinoid processes, 4f, clivus, 4f, coccygeus complex, 221 coccygeus muscle, 222 coccyx, 93, 218–219 cochlea, 29–30, 32 cochlear aqueduct, 29–30 cochlear duct, 31f cochlear implant, 32 cochlear nerve, 32 coeliac artery, 165f, 189, 204f coeliac nodes, 207 coeliac trunk, 158, 164, 164f–165f colic arteries left, 174 middle, 173 right, 173 collateral air drift, 126 collateral arteries, 310 collateral ligaments, 296 injury, 275 lateral, 267, 292, 296, 303–305 medial, 292, 296–298, 300, 303 Colles’ fascia, 157 colliculi, midbrain, 69 colon see large intestine colonography, computed tomography see computed tomography colonography column of Bertin, 200 columns of Morgagni, 223 commissural fibres, 54–57, 56f radiological features, 57–60, 61f communicating arteries anterior, 84, 87 hypoplastic, 87 posterior, 81 hypoplastic, 86–87 large, 86–87 computed tomography see specific anatomical areas computed tomography angioportography (CTAP), 181 computed tomography colonography, 175 rectum, 226 sigmoid colon, 226 conchae, 13 conducting system of heart, 137 condylar (mandibular) canal, 4f condylar process, 16–17 cones, 26 conjunctiva, 25 constrictor muscles, pharyngeal, 32 contrast examinations biliary system, 185 bladder, 232 cross-sectional imaging, 222f–223f, 232 female urethra, 233 see also specific contrast media contrast ventriculography, 76–77 Cooper ’s ligaments, 313 coracoacromial arch, 260 coracobrachialis muscle, 275 coracoid process, 251 cornea, 25–27 corniculate cartilages, 39 cornua, 38 coronal structure, coronal suture, 2f–5f coronary angiography, 139 327 Index coronary arteries, 135–137, 136f, 154–156 dominance, 136–137, 140 left, 134–137, 136f branches, 136–137 posterior, 140 right, 134–136, 135f branches, 135–136 coronary blood flow, 140 coronary calcium score, 140 coronary dominance, 136–137, 140 coronary ligaments, 211 coronary sinus, 132, 134–135, 137 coronoid process, 16–17 corpora cavernosa, 239 corpora quadrigemini, 69 corpus callosum, 54–55, 56f–58f, 57, 59–60, 66 corpus spongiosum, 232, 239 corpus striatum, 60, 62 cortical bodies, 203 costal cartilages, 114–115 costal levators, 115 costocervical artery, 50 costocervical trunk, 277 Couinaud classification, 177–178 Cowper ’s gland, 232 cranial fossae, 6f, anterior, 6f, undulating floor of, 4f middle, 6f, 8, 29b posterior, 6f, 8, 29b cranial nerves, 9, 12, 69–70 see also specific nerves cranial ultrasound, 78, 78f craniopharyngioma, 65 cremasteric venous plexus, 238 cribriform plate, 1–8, 6f cricoid cartilage, 38–40 cricopharyngeus muscle, 144, 146 cricothyroid membrane, 38 cricotracheal membrane, 38 crista falciformis, 30–31 crista galli, 1–8, 5f crista terminalis, 132 cruciate ligaments, 292, 298 anterior, 298 posterior, 298 cruciform ligament, 101 crura cerebri, 69 crura of diaphragm, 117, 118f crus cerebri, 69 crus of the fornix, 67 crypts of Lieberkühn, 175b cuneiform cartilages, 39 cystic duct, 184 dacryocystography, 28 de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 273 deltoid ligament, 292, 296–298, 300, 303 328 deltoid muscle, 275 Denonvillier ’s fascia, 233–234 dens of atlas, 5f dental arteries inferior, 48 superior, 48 dental pantomography, 18–19, 20f dentate line, 225b dentate nucleus, 11 denticulate ligament, 108 dependent visceral sign, 119b dermatomes, 106b, 107f descending arteries anterior, 136 left, 140 posterior, 140 descending colon, 170–171, 175 dextrocardia, 119b diaphragm, 117–119, 118f axial section level of the porta hepatis, 214 level of the upper liver and spleen, 212–213 blood supply, 118 domes, 119 nerve supply, 119 openings in, 117, 118f partial reduplication, 119b radiological features, 118f, 119, 120f structures that pierce, 117–118 diaphragma sellae, 79 diencephalon, 63 digastric line, 97 digastric muscle anterior belly of, 20, 21f posterior belly of, 20 digits injury, 275 tendons and soft-tissue anatomy, 275, 275f diploic markings, 10 diploic space, 1, 10–11 diploic veins, 1, 4f diploic venous confluence, 4f discography, 105 Doppler ultrasound, lower limb, 312 dorsal hood, 275 dorsal roots, 106 dorsalis pedis artery, 308–309 dorsum sellae, 4f, 8, 10 dromedary hump, 200, 201b ductus venosum, 175 duodenal bulb, 165, 167 duodenal papilla, 165 duodenum, 164–167, 165f–166f arterial supply, 165f, 167 axial section below the kidneys, 217 level of the pancreas body, 215 level of the pancreas head and renal hila, 216 lymphatic drainage, 167 radiological features, 167 angiography, 167 barium studies, 163f, 166f, 167 ultrasound, 167 venous drainage, 167 dura mater, 79, 108 dural calcification, 11 dural sac, 108 dural sinuses, 1, 10 dynamic imaging, rectum, 226 dynamic proctography, 222 ear, 28–32, 29f development, 31 external, 28, 31 inner, 29–32, 30f–31f middle, 28–29, 31–32 radiology, 32 computed tomography, 32 magnetic resonance imaging, 32 plain films, 32 echocardiography, 137–139 ectopic pancreas, 187 efferent ductules, 236 ejaculatory ducts, 232 elbow joint, 264–266, 265f–266f development, 266, 266t ossification centres, 266, 266t pseudolesions, 268–269 radiological features, 267–268 arthrography, 267 magnetic resonance imaging, 265f–266f, 267–268 plain films, 267 trauma, 268–269 embolization of angiomatous vessels, 111 bronchial, 111b for epistaxis, 16b endolymph, 30 endolymphatic duct, 30 endolymphatic sac, 30 endometrium, 240, 244–246 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), 185, 185f, 191 endosteum, endovaginal ultrasound, 244f, 245 enteroclysis, 169 ependyma, 73 epicondylitis lateral, 268 medial, 268 epididymis, 236, 237f appendices, 238b blood supply, 238 cysts, 237b radiology, 238 epidural injection, 109, 112 epidural nerve block, 112 epidural space, 110 epidural vein, 109 epigastric arteries, inferior, 228, 238 epiglottis, 4f, 37–40 epiphyseal line, oblique, 285b epiploic appendagitis, 170b epiploic foramen (of Winslow), 209 epistaxis, embolization for, 16b epitympanic recess, 28–29 equator, 25 ethmoid air cells, 5f ethmoid arteries, 79 ethmoid bone, 1–8, 2f, 5f ethmoid sinuses, 15 ethmoidal air cells, 13 ethmoidal cells, 4f eustachian tube, 28–29, 33 exomphalos, 174 extensor carpi ulnaris tendon, 273–274 extradural haematoma, 80 extradural injection, 109 extradural space, 110 extraocular muscles, 24–27 eye anterior segment, 26 internal anatomy and coverings, 25f, 26 posterior segment, 26 radiology, 26–27, 26f computed tomography, 27, 27f magnetic resonance imaging, 27, 27f plain films, 26 ultrasound, 26–27, 26f fabella, 281 facet arthrography, 101 facet joint block, 112 facet joints, 101–102 facial arteries, 14, 45–46 facial bones, 1–13 facial nerve, 29–32 facial veins, 47f, 49 faecoliths, 170 falciform ligament, 175, 209, 214 fallopian tubes, 241–243 blood supply, 241f, 243 lymph drainage, 243 false vocal cords, 39–40 falx cerebelli, 11, 79, 90 falx cerebri, 79 fat lines, 158 fauces, 19–20 Index feeding studies, videofluoroscopic, 37–38 femoral arteries common, 306 lateral circumflex, 306 medial circumflex, 306 superficial, 306 femoral nerve, 229 femur, 280–287, 281f blood supply, 280–281, 280b bone density, 281–282 neck version, 281b ossification, 281 radiological features, 280–282 trabecular markings, 281–282, 282f ferritin deposition, 69 fetal lobulation, 192 fibula, 283, 283f ossification, 283–284 radiological features, 283–284 filum terminale, 106 fimbria of the hippocampus, 67 first extensor compartment syndrome, 273 fissure for the ligamentum venosum, 175 fissures of lungs, 121, 122f, 128–130 flexor digitorum profundus, 275 flexor digitorum superficialis tendon, 275 flexor hallucis longus, 304 flocculus, 72 fluoroscopy, heart, 137 fontanelles, 3f, 10–11, 11b foot arches, 284–285 biomechanics, 300 bones, 284–285, 284f–285f coalition, 286–287 ossification, 286–287 radiological features, 285–287, 285f–286f foramen lacerum, 9, 9t foramen magnum, 4f, 8–9, 9t, 78f foramen ovale, 7f, 9, 9t foramen rotundum, 5f, 8–9, 9t, 35–36 foramen spinosum, 9, 9t foramen transversarium, 91–92 foramina of the skull base, 6f–7f, 8–9, 9t forceps major, 55 forceps minor, 55 forearm, 275–276, 276f fornix, 67, 67f fossa ovalis, 132 fossae of Rosenmueller, 33, 37 frontal bone, 1, 2f orbital plates, zygomatic process, 5f frontal lobe, 52–53 motor cortex, 52 prefrontal area, 53 premotor cortex, 52 frontal sinuses, 4f–5f, 13–14, 16 frontopolar artery, 84 functional asplenia, 192 fundus (stomach), 158 fundus (uterus), 240 gallbladder, 175, 182–183 arterial supply, 183 normal variants, 182–183 radiological features, 185 relations, 182 venous drainage, 183 gamekeeper ’s thumb, 275 gastric antrum, 158 gastric arteries left, 145, 160–161 right, 160–161, 167 short, 160–161 gastric nodes, 207 gastric veins left, 145, 160 right, 160 short, 160 gastrocolic ligament, 171, 209, 211 gastroduodenal artery, 167 gastroepiploic arteries left, 160–161 right, 160–161, 167 gastroepiploic veins, 160 gastrohepatic ligament, 209, 211 gastrohepatic recess, 211–212 gastro-oesophageal junction, 158, 163–164 gastropancreatic fold, 211 gastrophrenic ligaments, 208, 211 gastrosplenic ligament, 209, 211 geniculate bodies, 63 genioglossus, 20, 21f germinal epithelium, 243 germinal matrix, 76b Gerota’s fascia, 198 glans penis, 239 glenohumeral joint see shoulder joint glenohumeral ligaments, 260 glenoid labrum, 260 glenoid process, 251 globe, 24–27 globus pallidus, 63b glomerulus, 199 glossoepiglottic folds, 38 glottis, 39 gluteal arteries inferior, 227 superior, 227 gluteus maximus, 220, 247 gluteus medius, 220 gluteus minimus, 220, 247 golfer ’s elbow, 268 great vessels, 123f, 131f–132f, 140–144, 152f–154f radiology, 144, 150 greater cornua/horns, 39 grey matter, 60, 62, 66, 72, 107 Guyon’s canal, 274, 274f H line, 246–247 habenular commissure, 11, 56–57 calcification, 11 haemochromatosis, 193b HAGL injury, 260b Haller ’s cells, 15 hamstrings, 305 hand intrinsic muscles, 274–275 radiological features, 269–275 spaces of the palm of, 274 see also specific bones; specific joints hard palate, 4f–5f, 19–22 Hartmann’s pouch, 182 haustra, 174–175 heart, 131–140 apex, 131–132 arteries see coronary arteries atria, 131–132 left, 134 right, 132 chambers and valves, 131f– 132f, 132–135, 134f–135f, 137, 137b, 138f conducting system, 137 gross anatomy and orientation, 120f–121f, 131–132, 131f–132f radiology, 137–140, 150 angiocardiography, 139 chest radiography, 137 computed tomography, 139–140, 139f coronary angiography, 139 echocardiography, 137–139 fluoroscopy, 137–140 magnetic resonance imaging, 140 nuclear medicine, 139 PET CT, 140 veins, 137, 137f ventricles, 131–132 left, 134–135 right, 133–134 heel-pad thickness, 285, 286f hemiazygos vein, 147–148, 206–207 hemiballismus, 63 hepatic arteries, 160, 177–178 accessory branches, 178 common, 178 embolization, 181 variations in, 178 hepatic ducts, 183, 185 accessory, 184 common, 183 double, 184 hepatic nodes, 207 hepatic veins, 177, 179 hepatic venography, 181–182 hepaticoduodenal ligament, 209, 211 hepatorenal space, 211 hilar angle, 129 hilar point, 129 Hilton’s white line, 225b hilum of the kidneys, 196, 215–216 hip joint, 287 extensor muscles, 305 in infants, 287–288, 288f radiological features, 287–289 arthrography, 288 computed tomography, 288–289 magnetic resonance imaging, 289, 290f–292f plain films, 287–288 radiography, 288 ultrasound of the infant hip, 288, 288f hippocampal commissure, 57 hippocampus, 67, 68f horseshoe kidney, 200 humeral line, anterior, 253 humerus, 252f–254f, 253 medial epicondyle avulsion, 254 ossification, 254 radiological features, 253–254 hyaline membrane, 26 hydrocele, 237b hyoglossus, 20, 21f hyoid bone, 39–40 hypoglossal canal, 9, 9t hypophyseal arteries, 65 hypophysis cerebri see pituitary gland hypothalamus, 63–64, 64f, 74f radiological features, 64 hypothenar compartment, 274 hypothenar eminence, 274 hypotonic duodenography, 189 hysterosalpingography, 247, 248f ileal loops, 168 ileocaecal valve, 169, 169f ileocolic artery, 173 ileum, 167, 168t ileus formation, 188b iliac angle, 288 iliac arteries deep circumflex, 228 external, 228, 228f 329 Index internal, 225–227, 227f–228f, 231, 235, 240 iliac crest, 218 iliac spines, 218 iliac veins, 222f, 228–229, 231, 235, 240 iliacus muscle, 220, 247 iliococcygeal line, 246–247 iliococcygeus, 222 iliofemoral ligament, 287 iliolumbar artery, 227 iliolumbar ligament, 220 iliopectineal eminence, 218 iliopectineal line, 218, 218b, 220 iliopsoas muscle, 220 ilium, 218 impingement syndromes, 304 incisura, 158 incudomallear joint, 29 incus, 29, 29f, 32 induseum griseum, 66, 68f inferior vena cava, 150, 205–206 axial section, 215 congenital absence, 207 embryology and variants, 205–206 persistent left-sided, 205–206 radiology, 206 tributaries, 205 infracolic space, 212 infraglottic larynx, 39 inframesocolic mesenteries/spaces, 212 infraorbital artery, 12–13, 48 infraorbital canal, 13 infraorbital foramen, 2f infraorbital groove, 13 infraorbital nerve, 12–13 infrapatellar fat pad, 293 infraspinatus muscle, 260 infratemporal fossa, 11, 35, 35f infratemporal space, 35, 35f infundibula, 196, 200 infundibular stalk, 64 infundibulum, 65 inguinal ligament, 220 inner skull table, 4f innominate bones, 218 innominate line, 5f, 13, 175b insula (of Reil), 54 interatrial septa, 132 intercarpal joints, 269, 270f–271f interclinoid ligaments, 11 intercostal arteries, 114, 118, 143, 313 intercostal muscles, 115 intercostal space, 114–115 intercostal veins, 114–115, 149f left superior, 144 interlobar arteries, 126, 198 interlobar fissures, 121, 122f, 125 interlobular arteries, 198 330 interlobular veins, 198 interosseous arteries, 276–278 interosseous border, 283 interosseous membrane, 275–276 interosseous nerves, 276 interpedicular distance, 97 interpeduncular cistern, 77 intersection syndrome, 273 interspinous ligaments, 102 interthalamic adhesion, 63, 75 intertransverse ligaments, 102 intertrochanteric line, 280 interventricular foramen (of Monro), 73, 76 interventricular septa, 132 intervertebral discs, 101–105 radiological features, 105 intervertebral foramen, 97–98 intranuclear cleft, 105 intraoccipital sutures, 10 intravenous injection of contrast, 279 intravenous urography (IVU) kidneys, 199f, 200 stomach, 161 ureter, 199f, 202–203 iris, 26 ischial spine, 218 ischial tuberosity, 218 ischiofemoral ligament, 287 ischiorectal fossa, 222, 250 ischium, 218 isotope bone scan, 251 isotope ventilation-perfusion scanning, 130 isthmus, 22 jejunal loops, 168 jejunum, 167, 168t axial section, 217 jersey finger, 275 jugular arch, 49 jugular foramen, 9, 9t jugular veins, 40, 42 anterior, 40, 49 external, 40, 49 internal, 49 junction lines, 120f, 121, 122f, 152f–153f, 155f anterior, 152 posterior, 122f, 151–152 junctional cortical defects, 201b junctional parenchymal defects, 201b kidneys, 196–202, 196f abnormalities and variants, 200 accessory arteries, 200 axial section, 215–217 blood supply, 197–198, 215 development, 199–200 ectopic, 200 fascial spaces, 198–199, 198f–199f fetal lobulation, 200, 200b hilum, 196 horseshoe, 200 lymphatic drainage, 198 pancake, 200 pelvic, 200 radiological features, 200–202 arteriography, 201 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 160f–161f, 197f, 201 interventional procedures, 201–202 intravenous urography, 199f, 200 plain films, 200 scintigraphy, 202 ultrasound, 200–201 venography, 201 relations, 197, 197f size, 200 thoracic, 200 venous drainage, 198 Killian’s dehiscence, 32b knee joint, 289–293, 294f extensor mechanism, 298–299 internal structures, 292–293, 294f radiological features, 293–294 arthrography, 293–294 magnetic resonance imaging, 294, 296f–298f plain films, 293, 295f relevant magnetic resonance imaging anatomy, 294–299 labral tears, 260, 260b, 289b labyrinthine (internal auditory) artery, 86 labyrinths bony, 29–30, 32 membranous, 30, 30f lacrimal apparatus, 28, 28f lacrimal bone, 2f lacrimal canaliculi, 28 lacrimal duct, 12 lacrimal fossa, 28 lacrimal gland, 12, 24–25, 27–28 radiology, 28 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 28 dacryocystography, 28 lacrimal puncta, 28 lacrimal sac, 12, 28 lambda, 1, 2f–4f lambdoid structure, lambdoid suture, 1, 2f–5f lamina dura, 8, 18, 19f lamina papyracea, 11–12 lamina terminalis, 75 laminae, vertebral, 92–93 large intestine, 170–175 arterial supply, 172f–173f, 173–174 ascending colon, 170–171, 175 axial section, 217 descending colon, 170–171, 175 development, 174 lymphatic drainage, 174 malrotation, 174, 175b obstruction, 174t peritoneal attachments, 168f, 171–173 radiological features, 174–175 angiography, 175 computed tomography, 175 double-contrast bearingenema examination, 174–175 plain films, 174 relations of the, 173 sigmoid colon see sigmoid colon transverse colon, 170–171, 174–175, 213 venous drainage, 174 laryngeal folds, 38 laryngeal ventricle, 39–40 laryngopharynx, 36–37 larynx, 38–40, 38f–39f calcification, 40 cross-sectional anatomy, 39–40, 40f–41f glottic level, 39, 40f–41f infraglottic level, 39–40, 40f–41f radiology, 40 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 40, 41f plain films, 40 supraglottic level, 39, 40f–41f lateral apertures (of Luschka), 75 lateral conal fascia, 198 lateral epicondylitis, 268 lateral recess, 107 lateral sulcus, 52 lens, 26–27 calcification, 11 lenticulostriate arteries, 82, 84–85 lentiform nucleus, 61–62 lesser cornua/horns, 39 lesser sac, 158 associated ligaments, 209, 209f–210f ligaments of, 211 recesses of, 211 leukodystrophies, 59b levator ani, 221–222, 250 levator muscle, 19–20 Index levator palpebrae, 28 levator palpebrae superioris, 25 levator plate, 221–222 levator veli palatini, 33–35 ligament of Treitz, 166, 167b ligamenta flava, 102 ligaments see specific anatomical regions/structures ligamentum nuchae, 102 ligamentum patellae, 292 ligamentum teres, 175, 179–180, 181b, 287 ligamentum venosum (superior), 175, 179–180, 181b limbic lobe, 66–67, 67f limbus, 25–26 lingual artery, 45 lingual tonsils, 37 lingual vein, 49 lingula, 72 Little’s area, 14b liver, 175–182, 176f arterial supply, 178 variations in, 178 axial section, 212–213, 213f level of the pancreas body, 215 level of the pancreas head and renal hila, 215 level of the porta hepatis, 214 level of the upper liver and spleen, 213 bare area, 212 focal fatty infiltration, 181b focal fatty sparing, 181b lymphatic drainage, 179 old lobar anatomy, 177 radiological features, 179–182 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 160f–161f, 163f–164f, 179–181, 213f–216f CT angioportography, 181 hepatic arteriography, 164f, 181 hepatic artery embolization, 181 hepatic venography, 181–182 plain films, 159f, 179 portal venography, 181 scintigraphy, 182 ultrasound, 180f, 181 segmental anatomy, 176f–177f, 177–178, 177t surfaces, 175 venous drainage, 179, 179f–180f longitudinal ligaments anterior, 102 posterior, 102 lordosis, 91 lower limb arteries, 306–310, 308f–310f radiological features, 309–310 bones, 280–287 dermatomes, 107f joints, 287–305 muscles, 305–306, 307f–308f veins, 310–312, 311f radiological features, 311–312 lower oesophageal sphincter, 158 lumbar facet joints, 102 lumbar puncture for myelography, 102 lumbar ribs, 92 lumbar spine, 97f anomalous anatomy, 220 radiographs, 97, 103f–104f oblique views, 97 spinal cord radiographic appearance, 109, 110f lumbar veins, 108 ascending, 207 lumbar vertebrae, 92, 95f anterior wedging, 97 ossification, 100 lumbarization, 97, 220 lumbosacral plexus, 229 lumbricals, 274 lunatotriquetral ligament, 272 lung roots, 128, 128f lungs, 125–130 accessory fissures, 125–126, 126f blood supply, 126–127 radiological features, 129–130 bronchopulmonary segments, 124f–125f, 126 interlobar fissures, 122f, 125 lobes, 125, 125f lower limits at rest, 121t lymphatics, 127, 128f radiological features, 129 radiological features, 128–130 blood supply, 129–130 bronchial angiography, 130 computed tomography, 130 isotope ventilation-perfusion scanning, 130 lateral chest radiograph, 121f, 129–130 lymphatics, 129 magnetic resonance imaging, 130 PA chest radiograph, 120f, 128–129 pulmonary angiography, 130 lymphangiography, pelvic, 229 lymphatic drainage see specific anatomical structures/ regions lymphography, abdominal, 208 lymphoid follicles, 175b M line, 246–247 McGregor ’s line, 97 macula, 26 magenstrasse, 158, 158b, 161b magnetic resonance angiography, 309 magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRCP), 185–186, 186f magnetic resonance imaging see specific anatomical areas magnetic resonance urography, 203 magnetic resonance venography, 89, 89f–90f malar bone see zygoma mallet finger, 275 malleus, 29, 32 mamillary bodies, 64 mamillary process, 92 mammary artery, internal, 50, 313 mammography, 314–321, 317f–320f patterns, 317f, 321 mandible, 1, 2f, 11, 16–17 angle of, 5f, 16–17 computed tomography, 16f inner aspect, 16f neck of, 4f radiology, 18–19 arthrography, 19 cross-sectional imaging, 18 dental pantomography, 18–19, 20f plain films, 18 ramus, 16–17 mandibular canal, 17–18 mandibular foramen, 17–18 mandibular notch, 16–17 manubrium, 115 marginal artery, 135, 174 marrow patterns, 260–264, 264f massa intermedia, 63, 75 mastoid air cells, 4f, 29b mastoid process, 2f, 5f maxilla, 2f, 11 frontal process, 2f orbital process, 12 palatine process, 13 maxillary artery, 12–13, 35–36, 48, 80 maxillary sinuses, 4f–5f, 13, 15–16 maxillary vein, 49 meati, 13 middle, 13 Meckel’s cave, 65, 66f Meckel’s diverticulum, 168, 168b medial epicondyle avulsion, 254 medial epicondylitis, 268 median aperture (of Magendie), 75 median nerve, 275–276 median vein of the forearm, 278 mediastinal contours, 151 mediastinal divisions, 130–131, 131f mediastinal lines, 120f–122f, 151–152, 151f–152f mediastinal lymph nodes, 147 mediastinum anterior, 131 on the chest radiograph, 150–152 frontal, 150–151 lateral, 151 mediastinal lines, 120f–122f, 151–152, 151f–152f cross-sectional anatomy, 152–156 level T3, 152, 153f level T4, 152, 155f level T5, 154, 155f level T6, 154–156, 155f level T8, 156, 156f level T10, 156, 156f important nerves of, 149–150 lymphatics, 146–147 middle, 131 posterior, 131 superior, 131 mediastinum testis, 236 medulla oblongata, 70 blood supply, 70 cranial nerves, 70 external features, 70 radiological features, 70 medullary veins, 89 membrana tectoria, 101 membranous labyrinth, 30, 30f mendosal sutures, 10 meningeal arteries, 12, 48, 79 meningeal veins, meningeal vessels, middle, 4f, 10 meninges, 79–80 arterial supply, 79–80 nerve supply, 80 radiological features, 80 spinal, 108, 108f see also arachnoid mater; dura mater; pia mater meningohypophyseal artery, 81 menisci anatomy, 294–296 discoid, 294–295 lateral, 292–294 medial, 292, 294 radiological features, 293–294 tears, 294–296 meniscofemoral ligament, 293 mental foramen, 2f, 17–18 mesencephalic veins, posterior, 88 331 Index mesenteric arteries inferior, 173f–174f, 174 superior, 168, 172f, 173 mesenteric nodes, 207 mesenteric veins inferior, 174, 179, 194 superior, 160, 168, 174, 178–179, 188, 193 mesentery, development and terminology, 208–211 meso-ovarium, 243 metacarpal index, 257 metacarpal sign, 257 metacarpals, 256 ossification, 257 radiological features, 257 metopic suture, 3f, 10 midbrain, 69 blood supply, 69 cranial nerves, 69 external features, 69 internal features, 69, 69f radiological features, 69 midcarpal joint, 269 midpalmar space, 274 Mirizzi’s syndrome, 184b mitral valve, 134, 138f molars, 5f Morrison’s pouch, 211, 211b motor cortex, 52 mouth see oral cavity muscles see specific anatomical regions/structures; specific muscles musculocutaneous nerve, 50–51 myelography, 102 lumbar puncture for, 102 spinal cord appearance, 109, 110f technique, 109 mylohyoid line, 20 mylohyoid muscle, 20, 21f myocardial bridging, 140b myometrium, 244–245 nabothian cysts, 246, 246b nasal bones, 2f, 11, 13f nasal cavity, 13–14 blood supply, 14 floor of the, 13 radiology, 16 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 16 plain films, 16 nasal septum, 2f, 5f, 13 nasal spines, anterior, 2f nasal turbinate, inferior, 5f nasofrontal suture, 2f–3f nasolacrimal duct, 13, 28 332 nasopharynx, 32–35, 34f, 37 cross-sectional anatomy, 33f–35f, 37 lymphatic drainage, 35 pathology, 38b spaces related to, 35–36, 35f–36f navicular fossa, 232 neck veins, 47f–48f, 49 neck vessels, 43–51 neonatal brain, ultrasound see brain, neonatal, ultrasound examination of nephron, 196 nerve supply see specific anatomical regions nerves see specific nerves neural arch, 91 neural foramina, 93, 107–108 neurocentral joints (of Luschka), 91, 101 nuclear imaging see specific anatomical areas nucleus pulposus, 103, 105 nutrient arteries, scaphoid, 256 oblique fissures, 129–130, 152 oblique muscles external, 157 inferior, 25 internal, 157 superior, 25 oblique popliteal ligament, 292 obturator artery, 227 obturator foramen, 218, 220 obturator internus muscle, 220, 248 obturator membrane, 220 obturator nerve, 229 occipital artery, 46, 80 occipital association cortex, 54 occipital bone, 1, 2f, 5f, occipital lobe, 54 occipital association cortex, 54 visual cortex, 54 occipital protuberance external, 2f, 4f internal, 4f occipital vertebrae, 97 odontoid process, 91–92 oesophageal hiatus, 117 oesophageal vestibule, 146 oesophagogastric junction, 158 oesophagus, 143f, 144–146, 145f, 155f–156f blood supply, 145 lymph drainage, 146 radiology, 146 olecranon fossa, 253 olive, 70 omentum, 208 ophthalmic arteries, 8, 11–12, 14, 25, 79, 81, 82f ophthalmic veins inferior, 12–13, 25–26 superior, 25–27 ophthalmic vessels, 24–25 optic canal, 8, 9t, 11, 13 optic chiasm, 64 optic disc, 26 optic foramen, 11, 13 optic nerve, 8, 11, 24–27 optic nerve glioma, 59b ora serrata, 26 oral cavity, 19–20 floor of the, 21f lymphatic drainage, 20 muscles, 20 radiology, 20–22, 21f roof of the, 13 orbit, bony, 11–13, 14f floor of, 4f, 12–13, 26b radiology of, 13 computed tomography, 13 plain films, 13 roof of, 4f, 11 wall, 11–12 orbital contents, 24–28, 25f radiology, 26–27 computed tomography, 27, 27f magnetic resonance imaging, 27, 27f plain films, 26 ultrasound, 26–27, 26f orbital fissure inferior, 2f, 9t, 12–13 superior, 2f, 5f, 8, 9t, 12 orbital plates, 1–8 orbital process, 15 orbital septum, 24–25 orbitofrontal artery, 84 organ of Morgagni, 238b oropharynx, 36–37 os external, 240 internal, 240 ossicles, 28–29, 32 osteoporosis, 98b, 281–282 ostiomeatal complex, 15 ostium, maxillary, 15 outer skull table, 4f oval window, 29 ovarian artery, 243 ovarian fimbria, 243 ovarian ligament, 243 ovarian vein, 243 ovaries, 243 blood supply, 243 lymph drainage, 243 radiology, 246 pacchionian granulations see arachnoid granulations palatal muscles, 33–35 palatal studies, 37–38 palatine artery, greater, 14, 48 palatine bone, 13 palatine canal, greater, 35–36 palatine process, 13, 15 palatine tonsils, 19–20 palatoglossus, 19–20 palatopharyngeal arch, 33–35 palatopharyngeus, 19–20 palmar aponeurosis, 274 pampiniform venous plexus, 238 pancake kidney, 200 pancreas, 158, 187–192, 188f arterial supply, 188, 191f axial section, 214–215 level of the pancreas body, 215 level of the pancreas head and renal hila, 215 body, 187 development, 189f dorsal, 187 ectopic, 187 head, 187 left-sided, 187 lymphatic drainage, 188 neck, 187 radiological features, 188–192 angiography, 192 computed tomography, 160f, 189–191 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, 185f, 191 hypotonic duodenography, 189 magnetic resonance imaging, 186f, 191 plain films, 188 ultrasound, 189, 191f venography, 192 tail, 187 variations in anatomy, 187 venous drainage, 188 ventral, 187 pancreas divisum, 187, 187b pancreatic artery, dorsal, 188 pancreatic ducts, 187, 188f, 189 accessory (of Santorini), 187 axial section, 215 main, 187 pancreatic rests, 187 pancreatica magna artery, 188 pancreaticoduodenal arteries inferior, 167, 172f, 188 superior, 167, 188 pancreaticosplenic nodes, 207 papillary muscles, blood supply, 140 papillary process, 181b para-aortic nodes, 207–208 Index paracolic gutters, 171, 175, 212 paralaryngeal space, 39 parametrial ligaments, 240 paranasal sinuses, 14–15 radiology, 16 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 16 plain films, 16 parapharyngeal space, 34f, 35, 37 pararectal fat, 223–225 pararenal spaces anterior, 199 paraspinal lines, 97, 152 parathyroid glands, 40, 43 radiology, 43 cross-sectional imaging, 43 nuclear medicine studies, 43 paratracheal stripe posterior, 129 right, 151 paraumbilical veins, 175 parietal association cortex, 54 parietal bones, 1, 2f parietal foramina, parietal lobe, 53–54 parietal association cortex, 54 sensory cortex, 53 parietal pleura, 119, 121 parietal star, 4f parieto-occipital artery, 86 parieto-occipital sulcus, 52, 54 Parkinson’s disease, 63b parotid duct, 24 parotid gland, 19–20, 22–24, 22f, 37 radiography, 22f–23f pars interarticularis, 93 pars intermedia, 65 Passavant ridge, 33–35 patella, 282 bipartite, 282 comminuted fracture, 282 dislocation, 282 ossification, 282 radiological features, 282 transverse fracture, 282 patellar retinaculae, 292 patellofemoral tracking, 282 pelvic floor, 221–222 female, 240f–243f, 245f–246f male, 223f–225f, 235f radiology, 222 pelvic kidney, 200 pelvic ring, 220 pelvis blood supply, 226–229 cross-sectional anatomy, 247–250 cross-sectional imaging, 220, 222f–224f female cross-sectional anatomy lower sacral level, 249f, 250 midsacral level, 247–249, 248f through the perineum, 224f, 250 differences between male and, 220 radiology, 243–247 computed tomography, 247, 249f dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, 246–247, 246f hysterosalpingography, 247, 248f magnetic resonance imaging, 245f–246f, 246 ultrasound, 243–246, 244f vaginography, 247 lymphatics, 229 male, 221f cross-sectional anatomy lower sacral level, 249–250, 249f midsacral level, 247–249, 248f through the perineum, 224f, 250 differences between female and, 220 nerves, 229–230 penile sonourethrography, 232–233 penis, 239, 239f blood supply, 239 radiology, 239 perforated substance, posterior, 64 perforating arteries, 306–309 perforating veins, 311 pericallosal artery, 84 pericallosal cistern, 77 pericardial recesses, 132, 133f pericardial sinuses, 132 pericardium, 133f radiological features, 132, 133f pericranium, perilymph, 30 perineal body, 221–222, 225 perineal membrane, 222 perineal muscles, transverse, 222 perineum, 221–222 periodontal membrane, 18, 19f periorbita, 13, 24–25 periosteum, perirectal fascia, 223–225, 248 perirectal fat, 223–225, 248 perirectal nodes, 207 perirenal space, 198 perisplenic space, 211 peritoneal reflections, 231 peritoneal spaces, 208–212 development and terminology, 208–211, 209f radiological features, 212 peritoneum, 231 peroneal artery, 308 peroneal tendons, 304 Perthes lesion, 260b petiole, 38 petroclinoid ligaments, 11 petrosal sinuses inferior, 9, 88 superior, 88 petrous bone, 28–29, 32 petrous ridge, 5f Peyer ’s patches, 168 phalanges (hand), 256 ossification, 257 radiological features, 257 pharyngeal artery, ascending, 45, 80 pharyngeal constrictor muscles, 32–35 pharyngeal recesses, 33, 37 pharyngeal tonsils, 37 pharyngeal vein, 49 pharyngobasilar fascia, 32–33 pharyngoepiglottic folds, 39 pharynx, 32, 33f radiology, 37–38 cross-sectional imaging, 38 palatal studies and videofluoroscopic feeding studies, 37–38 plain films, 37, 37f phrenic artery, inferior, 118 phrenic nerves, 117, 149, 149b phrenicocolic ligament, 171, 209, 211 pia mater, 79, 108 pineal gland, 11, 56f–57f, 63–64 calcification, 11 radiological features, 64 pinna, 28 piriform fossae, 37 piriform sinuses, 38b piriformis muscles, 220, 247 pituitary fossa, 4f, 8, 8f, 10, 15 elongation, 10 floor of, 5f pituitary gland, 65–66, 66f blood supply, 65 radiological features, 65–66 computed tomography, 66 magnetic resonance imaging, 65, 66f skull radiographs, 65 plantaris tendon, 299 planum sphenoidale, 4f–5f platysma, 21f pleura, 119–122, 122f lower limits at rest, 121t radiological features, 120f, 121–122, 122f, 152f–153f, 155f pleuro-oesophageal line, 152 plicae pamatae, 247 plicae semilunaris, 167 pneumoencephalography, 76–78 poles, 25 polysplenia, 192 pons, 67, 69–70 blood supply, 70 cranial nerves, 70 external features, 69–70 radiological features, 70 pontine artery, 86 pontine cistern, 77 pontine veins, 89 pontomesencephalic veins, 88 popliteal artery, 306–308, 310f popliteus tendon, 299 pores of Kohn, 126 porta hepatis, 175, 214, 214f portacaval node, 207–208 portacaval space, 195b portal system, 145 portal veins, 177–179, 178f, 188, 194–195 portal venography, 181 portal venous system, 193–196, 193f–194f radiological features, 195–196 portography direct, 195–196 indirect, 196 portal venous system, 195–196 spleen, 193b transumbilical, 195 portosystemic anastomoses, 194f, 195, 195t portosystemic communications, 194f porus acousticus, 31 positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET/CT) heart, 140, 141f mediastinal lymphatics, 147 postcentral gyrus, 53 posterior commissure, 39, 56 posterior fossa, veins of the, 88–89 posterior impingement, 304 posterolateral artery, 140 pouch of Douglas, 239 preaortic nodes, 207 precentral gyrus, 52 premotor cortex, 52 preoccipital notch, 52, 53f prepyloric vein (of Mayo), 167 pretracheal fascia, 40 333 Index prevertebral muscles, 43 prevertebral soft tissues, 4f principal plane, 177 processus vaginalis, 236 profunda femoris artery, 306 projection fibres, 54, 57 radiological features, 57–60, 61f promontory, 29, 29f pronator quadratus, 255–256 properitoneal fat, 158 prostate gland, 233–234, 234f–235f blood supply, 235 radiology, 235–236 zonal anatomy, 234, 234f prostatic capsule, 233–234 prostatic surgery, nerve-sparing, 236 prostatic urethra, 232 prostatic utricle, 232 prostatic venous plexus, 233–235 pseudocyst, 188b psoas muscles, 220, 247 pterion, 1, 2f–3f pterygoid artery, 81 pterygoid hamulus, 32 pterygoid muscles lateral, 37 medial, 17 pterygoid plate lateral, 2f, 37 medial, 32, 37 pterygomaxillary fissure, 35 pterygopalatine fossa, 35–36, 36f pubic bone, 218 pubic tubercle, 218 pubocervical ligaments, 240 pubococcygeus, 222 pubofemoral ligament, 287 puboprostatic ligament, 233–234 puborectalis, 222, 250 pudendal arteries, 227, 239 pudendal canal, 229–230, 230f pudendal nerve, 229–230, 230f pulmonary angiography, 130 pulmonary arteries, 126–127, 126f, 131f, 144, 154 left, 127, 129 radiological features, 129, 150–151 right, 126, 129 pulmonary ligaments, 121–122 pulmonary trunk, 126, 129, 144 pulmonary valve, 133–134, 135f, 138f pulmonary veins, 127, 127f, 130, 154 radiological features, 129, 151 pulp cavity, 18, 19f pupil, 26 pyloric canal, 158 pyloric stenosis, 164b 334 pylorus, 158, 164b pyramid, 70 pyramidal tracts, 107 quadriceps femoris muscle, 305 quadrigeminal cistern, 77 radial artery, 277 radial nerve, 50–51, 276 radicular arteries, 108 radiculomedullary arteries, 108 radiocarpal joint, 269, 270f–271f radionuclide cerebral angiography, 87 radionuclide cisternography, 78–79 radioulnar joint, inferior, 269, 270f–271f radius, 254–255, 254f–255f ossification, 256 radiological features, 255–256 raphe, 20 raspberry tumour, 168 Rathke’s pouch, 65 rectal arteries, 225–226 middle, 227 superior, 174 rectal veins, 225–226 rectum, 173, 223–225, 225f radiology, 226 rectus abdominis muscle, 157 rectus femoris, 305 rectus muscles inferior, 25, 26b lateral, 25 medial, 25 superior, 25 rectus sheath, 157 recurrent artery (of Heubner), 83–84 recurrent laryngeal nerves, 149 recurrent meningeal nerve of Luschka, 104–105 red nuclei, 69 Reidl’s lobe, 182b renal arteries, 197–198 renal fascia, 198 renal veins, 198 reproductive organs/tract female, 239–247 male, 233–239 restiform body, 70, 72 rete testis, 236, 238b reticuloendothelial system, 193b retina, 26–27 retroaortic nodes, 208 retrobulbar fat, 26–27 retrocrural space, 212–213 retrograde urethrography, 232–233 retromandibular vein, 49 retroperitoneum, 198 retropubic fatty space (of Retzius), 230 rheumatoid arthritis, 102b rhomboid fossa, 253b rib notching, 115, 115b ribs, 113, 116f atypical, 113–114, 114f cervical, 97, 100b, 115, 116f eleventh, 114 first, 113, 114f lumbar, 92 ossification, 92 second, 113 tenth, 114 twelfth, 114 typical, 113, 114f rima glottis, 39 rods, 26 roof of orbit, 4f rotator cuff, 260 round ligament of the liver, 175 round ligament of the uterus, 240 round window, 29, 29f rugae, 158, 161, 161b saccule, membranous labyrinth, 30 saccule of the larynx, 39 sacral arteries, lateral, 227 sacral canal, 218 sacral foramina, 218 sacral hiatus, 218 sacral promontory, 92, 220 sacralization, 97, 220 sacroiliac joints, 101, 219–220 sacroiliac ligaments, 219 sacrospinous ligament, 219 sacrotuberous ligament, 219, 250 sacrum, 92–93, 95f, 218 anomalous anatomy, 220 saggital sinuses inferior, 88 superior, 88 saggital suture, 1, 3f, 5f sail sign, 147 salivary glands, 22–24, 22f–23f radiology, 24 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 22f, 24 nuclear imaging, 24 sialography, 23f, 24 ultrasound, 24, 24f saphenous veins long, 310–311 short, 310–311 sartorius, 305 scalenus anterior muscle, 49–50, 143–144 scalp veins, scaphoid injury, 273–274 nutrient arteries, 256 scapholunate angle, 272f scapholunate ligament, 271–273 scapula, 251, 252f ossification, 251 radiological features, 251 Scarpa’s fascia, 157 Schatzki ring, 146 sciatic foramina greater, 219 lesser, 219 sciatic nerve, 223f–224f, 229, 230b scintigraphy biliary system, 186–187 hepatic, 182 kidneys, 202 spleen, 193b sclera, 25–27 scrotum, 236, 238 scutum, 28–29 secondary cleft sign, 289b sella turcica see pituitary fossa semicircular canals, 29–30, 32 semilunar cartilages see menisci seminal colliculus, 232 seminal vesicles, 231f, 235, 235f, 249f blood supply, 235 lymph drainage, 235 nerve supply, 235 radiology, 235–236 seminiferous tubules, 236 sensory cortex, 53 sentinel loop, 188b sentinel node mapping, 321, 322f septal vein, 88 septum pellucidum, 73, 76 serratus posterior inferior, 115 serratus posterior superior, 115 sesamoid bones, 257, 281, 286, 286f Shenton’s line, 280–281, 288, 288f shoulder joint, 258, 261f–262f articular surfaces, 258 capsule, 258 ligaments, 258 radiological features, 258–260 stability, 258, 260 synovium, 258 sialography, 23f, 24 sigmoid artery, 174 sigmoid colon, 171–173, 175, 222–223 blood supply, 223 lymph drainage, 223 radiology, 226 sigmoid sinus, 88 sinoatrial node, 137 sinus of the larynx, 39 sinus tarsi, ligaments of the, 303–304 Index sinuses, 4f, 10, 14–15, 15f see also specific sinuses sinuses of Valsalva, 134 situs inversus, 129 Skene’s tubules, 233 skier ’s thumb, 275 skull, 1–13, 2f bony landmarks, calcification, 11 computed tomography, 3f growing, 10–11 lateral radiograph, 4f neonatal, 10–11 OM radiograph, 12f sinuses/air cells, SMV view, 7f, 10 soft tissues, vascular markings, skull base, 1–8 foramina of the, 6f–7f, 8–9, 9t individual bones, internal aspect, 6f radiological features, 10 cross-sectional imaging, 10 plain films, 10 skull vault, cross-sectional imaging, 10 growth, 11 plain films, 10 radiological features, 10 SMV view, 10 thickness, 10 small cardiac vein, 137 small intestine, 167–169 arterial supply, 168, 172f lymphatic drainage, 168 Meckel’s diverticulum, 168 obstruction, 168–169, 174t radiological features, 168–169 angiography, 169 barium studies, 166f, 169 computed tomography, 169 plain films, 168–169 venous drainage, 168 small-bowel enema, 169 snapping knee syndrome, 295 soft palate, 4f, 19–22, 33–35 soleal line, 283, 283f sonohysterography, 245 spermatic cord, 237 cysts, 237b spermatic fasciae, 236 spermatoceles, 237b sphenoethmoidal recess, 13 sphenofrontal suture, 1, 2f sphenoid air cells, 13 sphenoid bone, 6f, greater wing of, 1, 2f, 4f–5f, lesser wing of, 2f, 5f, sphenoid ridge, sphenoid sinuses, 4f, 13, 15 pneumatization, 10, 16 spheno-occipital synchondrosis, 10 sphenopalatine artery, 14, 48 sphenopalatine foramen, 35–36 sphenoparietal sinus, 88 sphenoparietal suture, 1, 2f sphenosquamosal suture, 1, 2f spheno-temporal suture, 3f sphincter of Oddi, 165, 183 spina bifida, 100 anterior, 100 posterior, 100 spinal angiography, 106, 111, 112f spinal arteries anterior, 86, 108 posterior, 86 posterolateral, 108 spinal canal measurement, 97–98 spinal cord, 106–108 blood supply, 108–112 arteries, 108, 109f radiological features, 109–111 venous drainage, 108 cross-section, 106–108, 106f radiological features, 109–111 computed tomography, 98f, 110 epidural space, 110 magnetic resonance imaging, 98f–100f, 103f–104f, 110 myelographic appearance, 109 myelographic technique, 109 spinal angiography, 111, 112f spinal ultrasound, 111, 111f therapeutic interventions, 112 spinal meninges, 108, 108f spinal nerve roots, 106, 110 spinal nerves, 91, 106, 111 spinal segment, 106 spinal ultrasound, 111, 111f spine see cervical spine; lumbar spine; thoracic spine; vertebrae/vertebral column spinocerebellar tracts, 107 spinothalamic tracts, 107 spinous processes, 92–93 spiral valves of Heister, 182, 185b splanchnic nerves, 118, 235 spleen, 158, 192–193 accessory, 192 axial section, 212–213, 213f level of the porta hepatis, 214 level of the upper liver and spleen, 213 blood supply, 192 fetal lobulation, 192 multiple, 192 radiological features, 192–193 computed tomography, 160f, 163f–164f, 193, 197f magnetic resonance imaging, 193 plain films, 192 portography, 193 scintigraphy, 193 ultrasound, 192–193 variants, 192 wandering, 192 splenic artery, 158, 160, 192 splenic flexure, 171, 175, 213 splenic hump, 200, 201b splenic vein, 160, 178–179, 188, 189b, 194–195 splenoportography, 195–196 splenorenal ligament, 187, 209, 211 splenules, 192 splenunculi, 192 squamosal suture, 1, 2f–3f stapes, 29, 29f Stensen’s duct, 24 sternal angle, 115b sternoclavicular joint, 257–258 sternocleidomastoid muscles, 39 sternomastoid muscles, 40, 42 sternum, 100–102, 117f ossification, 116 radiological features, 116–117, 117f stomach, 158–164 anterior relations, 158 arterial supply, 160, 162f, 164f–165f axial section, 213 lymph drainage, 161 muscle layers, 158 orifices, 158 posterior relations, 158, 162f radiological features, 161–164 angiography of the coeliac trunk, 164 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 161–163 double-contrast barium-meal examination, 161 plain films, 161 ultrasound, 163–164 venous drainage, 160–161, 162f stomach bed, 158 straight sinus, 88 strap muscles, 43 striate arteries, 82, 84–85 styloglossus, 20, 21f stylohyoid, 20 stylohyoid ligament, 39 styloid process, 2f, 4f, stylomastoid artery, 46 subacromial bursography, 259 subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, 258, 259f subarachnoid cisterns, 74f, 77 radiological features, 77–78 cervical myelography, 78 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 77–78 cranial ultrasound, 78, 78f pneumoencephalography, 78 subarachnoid haemorrhage, 80 subarachnoid space, 79, 108 subcapital fracture, 281 subclavian arteries, 42, 49–50, 143–144, 276–277 aberrant right, 143 angiogram, 47f branches, 50 left, 144 radiology, 50 subclavian veins, 50, 278 subcostal groove, 115, 116f subcostal muscles, 115 subdural haematoma, 80 subdural injection, 109 subdural space, 108 subendometrial halo, 244–245 subhepatic spaces, 211–212 subhyaloid space, 26 sublingual gland, 21f, 24 submandibular duct, 24 submandibular gland, 23f–24f, 24 subphrenic spaces, 211–212 subscapularis, 260 substantia nigra, 69 subtalar joint, 305 subthalamic nuclei, 63, 63b sulcus chiasmaticus, superior vena cava, 144, 150 supracondylar process, 269 supraoptic recess, 75 supraorbital artery, 10 supraorbital foramen, 2f supraorbital vein, 25 suprapatellar bursa, 289, 293 suprapineal recess, 75 suprasellar cisterns, 77 supraspinatus muscle, 258, 260 supraspinous ligament, 102 suspensory ligament of the ovary, 243 sustentaculum tali, 284 sutures, 1, 2f–3f, 5f, 10–11 sylvian fissure, 52 sylvian point, 87 sylvian triangle, 87 sympathetic trunk, 150 symphysis menti, 16–18 symphysis pubis, 218, 289, 293f symphysography, 289, 293f syndesmosis, 303 335 Index syndesmotic impingement syndrome, 304 taeniae coli, 170 talocalcaneal joint, 305 talocalcaneonavicular joint, 305 talofibular ligament anterior, 300, 303 posterior, 300, 303 talus, 284 tapetum, 55, 59, 73 teardrop sign, 26b teeth nomenclature and anatomy, 17–18 radiology, 18–19, 20f arthrography, 19 cross-sectional imaging, 18 dental pantomography, 18–19, 20f plain films, 18 structure, 19f tegmen tympani, 28–29, 29b, 29f tegmentum, 69 tela choroidea, 74 temporal arteries, superficial, 10, 46–48 temporal association cortex, 54 temporal bone, 1, 2f, temporal fossa, 11 temporal gyri inferior, 54 middle, 54 superior, 54 temporal lobe, 54 auditory cortex, 54 temporal association cortex, 54 uncus of the, 79 temporal veins, superficial, 49 temporomandibular fossa, 17 temporomandibular joint, 1, 4f, 17, 17f magnetic resonance imaging, 18f radiography, 17f temporoparietal suture see squamosal suture tendinous arch, 221–222, 223f tennis elbow, 268 Tenon’s capsule, 25 tensor veli palatini, 19–20, 33–35 tentorial notch, 79 tentorium cerebelli, 79, 90 calcification, 11 teres minor, 260 terminal ventricle, 107 testicular artery, 238 testicular vein, 238 testis, 236, 237f appendix, 238b blood supply, 238 336 lymph drainage, 238 radiology, 238–239, 238f size, 236 thalamic nuclei, 63 thalamostriate arteries, 86 thalamostriate vein, 88 thalamus, 63 radiological features, 64 thecal sac, 108 thenar compartment, 274 thenar eminence, 274–275 thenar space, 274 thoracic arteries, internal, 276 thoracic cage, 113–117 muscles, 115 radiological features, 115, 116f see also costal cartilages; ribs; sternum thoracic duct, 146–147 thoracic kidney, 200 thoracic (mammary) vein, 144 thoracic spine, 96f radiographs, 97 spinal cord radiographic appearance, 109 thoracic vertebrae, 92, 94f thymus, 147, 148f–149f radiology, 147 thyrocervical trunk, 50, 276 thyroglossal cyst, 42b thyroglossal duct, 42b thyrohyoid ligaments, 39 thyrohyoid membrane, 39 thyroid arteries inferior, 42, 145 superior, 42, 45–48 thyroid cartilage, 38–40 thyroid gland, 40–42 blood supply and lymph drainage, 42 cross-sectional anatomy, 42, 42f ectopic tissue, 42–43, 42b pyramidal lobe, 42b radiology, 42f, 43 computed tomography, 43 magnetic resonance imaging, 43 nuclear medicine studies, 43 ultrasound, 43 thyroid notch, superior, 38 thyroid veins inferior, 42, 144–145 middle, 42, 49 superior, 42, 49 thyroidea ima, 42 tibia, 283, 283f in adulthood, 283–284 ossification, 283 radiological features, 283–284 tibial arteries anterior, 308 posterior, 308 tibial tuberosity, 283 tibialis anterior tendon, 305 tibialis posterior tendon, 304 tibiofibular joints, 299 tibioperoneal trunk, 308 tomography, 200 tongue, 37, 39–40 base of, 4f muscles, 20–22, 21f tonsils, 72 torus tubarius, 33 trachea, 122–123 blood supply, 123 radiological features, 125, 128–129 relations of, 122–123, 123f cervical, 122–123 thoracic, 123 tracheal stripe, posterior, 152 tracheobronchial nodes, 127, 147 tracheo-oesophageal stripe, 129 transitional vertebrae, 97 transrectal ultrasound, 212, 235–236 transumbilical portography, 195 transvaginal ultrasound, 244f, 245 transverse colon, 170–171, 174–175, 213 transverse fissure, 126, 128–129 transverse ligament, 293 transverse mesocolon, 158, 212 transverse mucosal fold, 146 transverse processes, 92–93, 100b transverse sinus, 4f, 88 transversus abdominis muscle, 157 triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), 272–273, 273f triceps muscle, 255, 268 triceps tendon, 268 tricuspid valve, 133–134, 138f trigeminal cave, 79 trigeminal nerve, 80 trigone, 230 trimalleolar fracture, 300 triticeal cartilages, 40 trochlea, 25 trochlear fossa, 254–255 trochlear groove/ridge, pseudodefect of, 268 true vocal cords, 39–40 tuber cinereum, 64 tuberculum sellae, 4f, tubular ectasia, 238b tunica albuginea, 236, 239, 243 tunica dartos, 236 tunica vaginalis, 236 turbinates, 13 Twining’s line, 75, 126 tympanic membrane, 28 U fibres, 59b ulna, 254–255, 254f–255f ossification, 256 radiological features, 255–256 ulnar artery, 277–278 ulnar collateral ligament, 267 ulnar nerve, 50–51 ultrasound see specific anatomical areas umbilical artery, 227, 227b umbilical ligaments, 157 lateral, 157, 227b medial, 157, 227, 227b median, 157, 227b, 232b uncinate process, 15, 187 uncovertebral joints, 91 undulating floor of anterior cranial fossa, 4f upper limb arterial supply, 276–278, 278f radiological features, 278 bones, 251–257 dermatomes, 107f joints, 257–275 muscles, 275–276 veins, 278–279, 278f radiological features, 279 urachus, 232b ureterocele, 202 ureters, 199f, 202–203 abnormalities and variants, 202 blood supply, 202 calculi, 203 development, 202 duplication, 202 ectopic, 202 pelvic, 230 radiological features, 202–203 urethra, 230, 231f female, 233 radiology, 233 male, 231f–232f, 232–233 bulbous, 232 membranous, 232 penile, 232 prostatic, 232 radiology, 232–233, 232f urethral glands, 233 urethral meatus, external, 233 urethral orifice, external, 232 urethral sphincter external, 232–233 internal, 232–233 urinary continence in females, 233 urinary tract, lower, 230–232 urogenital diaphragm, membranous, 232 urogenital triangle, 250 anterior, 222 uterine artery, 227, 240, 243 Index uterine tubes, 241–243 blood supply, 241f, 243 lymph drainage, 243 uterosacral ligaments, 240 uterus, 240–241, 241f–243f blood supply, 241f, 243 ligamentous support, 240f–242f lymph drainage, 243 normal variants, 241 other supports, 240–241 radiology, 244f, 246–247 utricle, 30 utriculosaccular duct, 30 uveal tract, 26 uvula, 19–20 vagina, 239–240, 240f blood supply, 240 lymph drainage, 240 radiology, 244f, 246b vaginal canal, 246 vaginal stripe, 244–245, 244f vaginography, 247 vagus nerves, 149 valleculae, 4f, 38–40, 38b, 72 valve of Hasner, 28 valves of Houston, 223 valvulae conniventes, 167 vas deferens, 237–238 vasography, 236 vastus muscles, 305 veins/venous drainage see specific anatomical regions; specific anatomical structures venacavography, superior, 279 venography adrenal glands, 204 hepatic, 181–182 iliac vessels, 229 lower limb, 311–312 pancreas, 192 portal, 181 renal, 201 retrograde, 312 upper limb, 279 venous sinuses, 87–90, 87f ventral median fissure, 70 ventral roots, 106 ventricular system, 73–79 cerebral aqueduct, 75–76 fourth ventricle, 73f–74f, 75–76 lateral ventricles, 73–75, 73f body, 73 choroid plexus, 74 frontal (anterior) horn, 73, 76 occipital horn, 74 temporal (inferior) horn, 73–74, 76 radiological features, 75–77 computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, 75–76 pneumoencephalopathy and air/contrast ventriculography, 76–77 skull radiographs, 75 ultrasound examination of the neonatal brain, 76, 76f third ventricle, 73f–74f, 75–76 ventricular veins, 137 ventriculography, contrast, 76–77 vermian arteries, 86 vermian veins inferior, 89 superior, 73, 89 vermis, 72 vertebra prominens, 92 vertebrae/vertebral column, 91–100 blood supply, 105–106 radiological features, 106 computed tomography, 97–98, 98f joints, 100–102 radiological features, 101–102 ligaments, 102, 105f radiological features, 102 magnetic resonance imaging, 98–99, 99f–100f occipital, 97 ossification, 99–100, 100f radiological features, 93–99 transitional, 97 typical, 91, 99–100 see also specific vertebrae vertebral arteries, 70, 80, 83f, 85–87, 108, 276 angiography, 87 left, 143 in the neck, 50 vertebral bodies, 91–93, 101–102, 105–106 vertebral veins, 49, 108 vertebral venous plexus, 206, 235 vertebrobasilar system, 81f, 83f, 85–86 vertex, 4f verumontanum, 232 vesical arteries inferior, 227, 235, 238 Superior, 227 vestibular aqueduct, 29–30 vestibular duct, 31f vestibular nerve, 30–31 vestibular vocal cords, 39 vestibule (ear), 29–30, 32 vestibule (larynx), 39–40 videofluoroscopic feeding studies, 37–38 Virchow node, 146b visceral pleura, 119 visual cortex, 54 vitellointestinal duct, 168 vitreous, 26 vitreous body, 26 vocal cords, 39–40 vocal ligaments, 38 voiding cystourethrography, 232–233 volar plate, 275 Waldeyer ’s ring, 37 wandering spleen, 192 Ward’s triangle, 281–282 watershed area, 174b Weigert-Meyer law, 202 Wharton’s duct, 24 white line, 221–222, 223f white matter, 54–60, 72, 107 association (arcuate) fibres, 54 commissural fibres, 54–57, 56f radiological features, 57–60, 61f disorders, 59b internal capsule, 57, 59 myelinated/unmyelinated, 59b, 60f projection fibres, 54, 57 radiological features, 57–60, 61f U fibres, 59b wormian bones, 3f, 10 wrist biomechanics, 269 extensor tendons, 273 flexor tendons, 273 radiological features, 269–275, 270f–271f arthrography, 271 magnetic resonance imaging, 271–275 plain films, 270–271 tendon injury, 273–274 see also specific bones; specific joints xiphoid process, 115–116 Y line, 288 Zuckerkandl’s fascia, 198 zygoma, 2f, 11 OM projection, 11, 12f zygomatic arch, 2f, zygomatic bone, 2f, 5f zygomatic process, 5f, 8, 15 zygomaticofrontal suture, 2f–3f, 5f zygomaticotemporal suture, 2f 337 This page intentionally left blank