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\ il ReadingExtra skillsactivities A resourcebook of multi-level E tr tr LI l_ l_ rhG' 1_ rr tr tr L' l_ l_ L rtr tr t r rt H L L r Lat rr r caNrsRrDGE UNTVERSITY PRESS Liz Driscoll I F T tI Contents il t t Ir I I I I Mop of the book Introduction Thonksond qcknowledgements Unit Personolinformqtion 10 Unit Thefomily 16 Unit Doi[ octivities 22 Unit Homes 28 :r Unit Townond country 34 Unit Trovelond tourism 40 a Unit Foodond drink 46 Unit Describingpeople 52 Unit Describingthings 58 Unit 10 Friendsond relotionships 64 :r Unit 11 Heolthond fitness 70 :r Unit 12 Leisuretime 76 !r !r !r Unit 13 Educotion 82 Unit 14 Theworld of work 88 Unit 15 Money 94 I I I il Unit 16 100 Unit 17 Postexperiences ond stories Scienceqnd technology Unit 18 Sociolond environmentolissues 112 t t lr I :r I I !t ir !r I 106 .# E c Personalinformation Keypars read-and-match forspecific reading for reading information, detail 40-50mins namesand read-and-do code-breaking mainideas, recognising reading lntensive 30-40mins whatfamous peoplesaid beforetheydied quotations matching withpeople textcohesion, paraphrasing 40-50mins 2.1 77 yearsoI marriage longest married couplein Britain reading comprehension fortexttypeand 40-50mins skimming forspecific topic,scanning pronoun words,identifying inferring references, fromtextual information clues, text reconstruction 2.2 What'sthe best aget0 get married? andthe marriage bestageto it note-taking for names, scanning for detail, reading theBritish and theirpets idiomsin identifying a text,workingout t h e i rm e a n i n g Elementary 1.1 Writearound theworld lntermediate 1.2 Thenumbers game norcnnel characteristics last 1.3 Famous Upper-intermediate words Thefamily Elementary lntermediate iate 2.3 lsthatfur Upper-intermed comment? Dailyactivities 3.1 WheredidI see Elementary you? lntermediate 3.2 Menwhocook Uooer-intermediate3.3 Snailmail Homes Elementary lntermediate upp.ii.i.ir.oiri 4.1 Roomto let 4.2 How you explainthat? 4.3 Hi-techhomes Townand country 5.1 Whatdoesthe Elementary signsay? lntermediate upp int.rr.Jiul.;.i meaning deducing fromcontext note-taking 40-50mins t 40-50mins E topic, 40-50mins to identify skimming mainideas, recognising thelines' reading'between for detail peoplewith reading for matching accommodation students accommodat!on language key extracting abouta reading urbanmyths information, andsuggesting with situation connected 40-50mins fr 40-50mins I tl"-.Lgr" ane1n!.nati9! Pt99i:!iic'!,9iyltn homesof the future studentsmake predictions and checkthemin a text for specific reading information +o-sor'ri.l main understanding identifying message, paraphrasing function, 40-50mins speed-reading, mainideas recognising 30-40mins signs signsintownand understanding country note-taking !lulng wild animalsthat havebeen found in cities intouch a tripto 6.2 Keeping NewZealand How stupidcan you be? fr fr f for detail, a text,using reading completing gap, information cluesto workoutthe a text contentof anothertext recreating textorganisation journeyswith a difference t fi s 40-50mins E E E - _tr 40-50mins itsending a terrifying driving suggesting expeyience Upper-intermediate;.; fr 40-50mins Traveland tourism a storyand 6.1 Lookbehindyou urbanmythabout ordering Elementary lntermediate fi meaning, s n a i l s ' a d d i c t i o nu n d e r s t a n d i n g a n deducing summarising newspaper inference, authentic to saliva article 5.2 Wherewouldyou cityor country Rlefelto!1ve? Animalcity dwellers lu:t9'.9g"qlliol :,gplgtilg key extracting solving whathappened problem information groupwork through lastweek question-and-answer, roleplay cooking 40-50mins # E F E E E E E # keyinformation 40-50mins extracting and e-mails ordering outa traveller's working itinerary 40-50mins text speed-reading, and separating summarising, organisation, stories ordering a text recreating f J I *-I -l -.I I f'F F F F F F I T T Foodand drink Elementary healthy diets _ th"g !g:t questionnaire completion 7.2 lt'snotwhatyou food-and-drink matching beginnings sentence structure, e a ta n dd r i n k quotations paraphrasing andendings of it'swhatyousay quotatlons Upp;;.il;;ili;i; 7.3 Howto diet il;;;";; prediction andtext completion 40-50mins i;i;;;i,i; 8.2 Hisor hers? escapefroma orderrng a story prisoner-of-war camp textorganisafion +O-SO mins readingfor detail, identifying topic sentence 40-50mins Intermediate 9.2 Don'tforgetto crimeprevention understanding howa product gadgetworks usingillustrations to 30-40mins deducemeaning, extracting keyinformation holidayitems matching textswith skimming for generalsense,40-50mins pananaS reading comprehension scanning for names, 30-40mins of anauthentic extracting keyinformation, newspaper article reading for detail " ?9-i5::: " Upper-intermediate 9.3 Can'tlive without bananas 1i @ 10 Friendsand relationships Elementary 10.1 Whatisa friend? textbasedaround reading and the word friendG) matching Intermediate 10.2 Howto make newfriends I T I I l't IT wavsto meet newpeople Upper-intermediate 10.3 Fiancee losesher customs and ringin Easter egg traditons note-taking reading comprehension recognising dictionary 40-50mins definitions andseparating fromexamples, speedreading, scanning for specific words,skimming for text type , reading for detail, ;o-;o;;; inferring information fromtextualclues extracting key information 30-40mins SWap l1 Healthand fitness Elementary 11.1 Dailywake-up and exercise routine warm-uo lntermediate 11.2 WhatshallI do, t T 40-50mins profileof a circus reading comprehension skimming for gist, performer recognising mainideas, textcohesion T I I text structureand coherence, identifying humorous ideas 8.1 How I look? Describingthings Elementary 9.1 Don'tgo out withoutyour minder T t T SO-+O rin, Elementary Upper-intermediate 8.3 Whatdo men cosmetic surgery note-taking really thinkof cosmetic surgery? T I 40-50mins Describingpeople T I I making a personalised responSe lntermediate approach to dieting T I I I your 7.1 Putting eatinghabitsto upper-intermeoiate rr.a iniane;J 12 Leisuretime Elementary Intermediate 12.1 A lifeof leisure jokes health l- *31jr?"- following instructions usingillustrations andcarrying outan to deducemeaning exercise routrne 30-40mins punchlines matching 30-40mins canfanaa cfrr rair rra crg:liol:_ p3t-lPlT?t.q 11j!rot< carefulnexttime I -i I 'l shehearda voicesay, cangetyourballfor you,princess'' Suddenly, 'No'no" shesaid' of the pond' Shelookedround,andsawthe headof a frogpoppingabovethe surface desires'' 'l wouldneverenslave to workfor my selfish a memberof anotherspecies ,well,whatif we makea dealon a contingency l'llgetyourballfor youif youdo me basis? Thefrogsaid, a favourin return?' t Thefrogdivedintothe waterandsoon arrangement gladlyagreedto thismostequitable Theprincess 'Nowthatl'vedone wlththe gold.nballin hismouth.Hespatthe ballon the bankandsaid, emerged attractionbetweenthe species'' yo, uiuuorr,l,dliketo exploreyourviewson physical F b ts 'You whatthefrogwastalkingabout'Thefrogcontinued' see'I am not couldn'timagine Theprincess hascasta spellon me'Whilemy frogformis no reallya frogat all.l'mreat[,a man,but un euilsorcerer to be amongpeopleagain' betieror worse- ontydifferent thanmy humanform,I wouldso muchlike princess.' Andthe onlythingthatcanbreakthisspellis a kissfroma I I I I I I I I I I I I il F q t I I 'Fairto bothof us!' 'l couldhavedonethat YouthinkI myself!WhY hireda lawYer?' I i i i 5Amanwhohadbeenhurtinamotoraccidentspentsevera|weeksin he washobblingalongthe streeton 'Glad Afterhisrelease, hospital -r 'Well,' 'mYdoctorsaYs 'Hello, , Jim,'saidthefriend whenhe metan oldfriend crutches without get along get I can you can to seeyou up andaboutagain'Howlongwill it be before now,but mYlawYer them rid of thosecrutches?' saysI can't.' ' , ' s a i d J i m , ' ' protestedhis A farmlaboureraccusedof the theftof a wheelbarrow 'Yousay counselsaid, prosecuting in court.In examinatton, innocence you areinnocent,yet you haveheardthe evidenceof two witnesses who swearthat theysawyoutakethe wheelbarrow'' ' , ' a i dt h ea c c u s e d ' - ' 'l'd go overmy will A womanvisitedherfamilylawyerandsaid, liketo "'' about worried l'ma bit again,Mr Jenks 'Don'tworry,MrsSmith,'saidthe lawyer,'justleaveit allto me'' ' , ' s a i dM r sS m i t hw i t s i g h '." ' ' ' ^ _- 1>6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l 'That's nothing,' - can oroducetwelvewitnesses who willswearthattheY didn'tseeme lakeit.' iX L -r I l I 'l suppose I maYaswell,' l i o u ' l l g ei t a l li nt h e end.' i i i Theystoppedbeforea A couplewerewalkingthrougha cemetery' 'Hereliesa lawyerand , inscription: - - - - - - - l '* tombstonewhichbori the following L -t wife' his to an honestman.'Thehusbandturned ' 'Youwouldn'tthinkthere'd , ' s a i dt h em a n , ' ' 'for two men 'Howwouldit be be room,' , againsthisneighbour g A farmerwasengagedin litigation in sucha smallgrave.' the farmeraskedhislawyer' if I sentthe judgeJcoupleoJnice,fit ducksZ' 'That ruin 'Don'tyou darel'saidthe lawyer,aghast' wouldcompletely -i>€ i yourchances.' r l Thecasecameto courtandjudgementwasgivenin favourof the 'But 'Yes, I sent i I did,' andsaidas muchto hisclient' farmer.Thelawyerwassurprised W e l | , I e x p e c t i t w a s t h e d u c k s t h a t d i d i t , , s a i d t h e f a r m e r w i t h a gthem r i n ' intheotherchaP's i name.' i Youdon,tmeantoSayyousentthemaftera||l,exc|aimedthe|awyer ' ' s a i d t h e f a r m 'e' r.' ' ' I , t I I I I I l0Amanaccusedofstea|ingawatchwasacquittedoninsufficient 'l understand,' 'That evidence.Helateraskedhislawyer,'Whatdoes"acquitted"meanT' mustmeanthat I cankeeP 'lt means,'saidhislawyer,'thatthe courthasfoundyou innocent' the watch.' Youarefreeto go.' r -L - V oxo 1r a.eading Press2004 University @ Cambridge ExtrqbyLizDriscoll J J I i I I I I t Vb 117