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ASM 1 C programming 1619 FPT Greenwich (Distinction Super Sale)

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Điểm của bài asm còn tùy thuộc vào người chấm. Chỉ cần paraphase bài này là có thể pass. 1 trong nhưng tool paraphase mình recommend là quillbot.The submission is in the form of 1 document.● You must use the Times font with 12pt size, turn on page numbering; set line spacing to 1.3 andmargins to be as follows: left = 1.25cm, right = 1cm, top = 1cm, bottom = 1cm. Citation andreferences must follow the Harvard referencing style. ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure Submission date Date Received 1st submission Resubmission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Student ID Class Assessor name Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice Student’s signature Grading grid P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 ❒ Summative Feedback: Grade: Lecturer Signature: ❒ Resubmission Feedback: Assessor Signature: Date: Table of Contents I Network Network definiton Ξ First of all, network also known as computer networking, which can be understand as a group of computers utilizing a principles of general communication protocols over digital connections for the intention of sharing resources located upon or accommodated by network nodes ... https:www.dnsstuff.comdatabreach 10 1 Dobran, B., 2 019 Information Security Risk Management: Build a Strong Program Online Available at: https:phoenixnap.combloginformation security riskmanagement garg, r., 20 21 Threats... List and give examples with dates 12 Propose a method to assess and treat IT security risks (M1) 18 TASK DESCRIBE AT LEAST ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY PROCEDURES (P2) .20 Definition... Dan Swinhoe, 20 21 The 15 biggest data breaches of the 21st century, s.l.: s.n Ohri, A., 20 21 What Is DMZ Network Online Available at: https:www.jigsawacademy.comblogscyber security whatisdmz

ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 1: Programming Submission date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Nguyen Huy Hoang Student ID GCH200739 Class GCH0908 Assessor name Lai Manh Dung Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice Student’s signature HOANG` Grading grid P2 P3 P4 P5 M2 M3 M4 D2 D3 D4  Summative Feedback: Grade: Lecturer Signature:  Resubmission Feedback: Assessor Signature: Date: Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction to MY program 1.1 Introduction 1.2 List of user requirements of my application 1.3 Overview / Explaination programming paradigms 10 2.1 Procedural Programming PARADIGM 10 2.2 Oject-Orient Programming Paradigm 11 2.3 Event-Drivent Programming 14 2.4 The relationship Between three programming paradigms ABOVE 15 2.5 Explaination How PARADIGMS APPLIED IN MY SOFTWARE 15 IDE features 16 3.1 Introduce to IDE: 16 3.2 Features of IDE and how it manage code: 17 o Using IDE to implement analgorithm in a program: 18 3.3 Using IDE and Without Using IDE To Write Code 19 3.3.1 Using IDE: 19 3.3.2 Without Using IDE: 21 3.4 3.4.1 DEBUGGING 21 DEFINITION 21 3.4.2 Debugging in IDE: 23 3.4.3 Conclusion 27 Design and Implementation 28 4.1 Flowchart of the application 28 4.2 Source code and screenshots of the final application 29 4.3 CODING STANDARD 45 References 48 Figure 1: List user requirements Figure 2: Flowchart describe program Figure 3: Main interface of software tab Figure 4: Main interface of application tab Figure 5: Main interface of software tab Figure 6: Short source code procedural programming in C# 10 Figure 7: Short source code describe OOP in C# 12 Figure 8: Short source code EDP in C# 14 Figure 9: Interface of VISUAL STUDIO 2019 IDE 17 Figure 10: Short source code implement algorithm 18 Figure 11: Using IDE to write code 19 Figure 12: Imane debug 23 Figure 13: DEbugging image STEP OVER 24 Figure 14: Watch in Autos 25 Figure 15: IDE warning when program has error 26 Figure 16:Debuging QUICKWATCH 27 Figure 17: Flowchart of My APPlication 28 Figure 18: Screen Shot event of tab employment when start loading 30 Figure 19: Event of click BUTTON Fill info 31 Figure 20: Applicant info Table 31 Figure 21: Screen Shot Event of click CHECK BUTTON 32 Figure 22: Check Button 33 Figure 23: When Phone number is in appropriate 33 Figure 24: When Date of Birth is empty 34 Figure 25: When Lastname Textbox still empty 34 Figure 26: Soure code EVENT of CLick Print button 35 Figure 27: Click the print button 36 Figure 28: Edit button 37 Figure 29: SOURCE CODE EVENT OF CLICK RESET BUTTON 38 Figure 30: Reset Button 38 Figure 31: RESET BUTTON 39 Figure 32: SOURCE CODE EVENT OF CLICK LIGHT/Dark mode 39 Figure 33: Light mode 40 Figure 34: Dark mode 40 Figure 35: Source code event of click ADD button 41 Figure 36: Add info1 42 Figure 37: Add button2 43 Figure 38: Event when click Search buttn 44 Figure 39: Screenshot when the Search button click 44 Figure 40: Coding standard Example 45 Figure 41: Coding standard example 46 Introduction to MY program 1.1 Introduction About my application: RSS - also stand for Recuitment Support Software, which is typical software built and developed for support company(virtual illustration) in handle and analyze basic tasks which is commonly existed in recuitment field 1.2 List of user requirements of my application Figure 1: List user requirements 1.3 Overview / Explaination Recruitment Support Software(RSS) is my application which wil be used by intervewers particularly employer’s secretary and employee manager(employer) with the need of entering and storing informations that they just get The problem In there is how to enter and store data (formatted as string) in the form of a program and user can handle these data To meet this problem, this application operate as a digital text program which can record, enter, check and print primary information of applicant include: Name, Date of birth, Gender, Phone number, Degree, Skills and Desired field Not only that, this application also have some useful function to support interviewers to check and edit this infor if it be wrong, reset infor input if it is no longer required and the employer can search infor and contract with applicant To explain how the software can solve this problem, there is a flowchart below: Figure 2: Flowchart describe program Particularly, the information of applicant will be got input first After the data(information) is put in, The program is able to print out first without having to go through the check process, besides if it is not necessary to print the program can go straight to the next process of checking information of applicant When checking the input data, if there have any wrong or inappropriate input informations, the program will back to entering the input information for employer’s secretary can examine and re-type In other case, once the input is invalid or nothing wrong, the infor will be put into suitable list immediately for other task can be executed There are two image of main interface of this software: Figure 3: Main interface of software tab Figure 5: Main interface of software tab Figure 4: Main interface of application tab 2 programming paradigms 2.1 Procedural Programming PARADIGM Procedural programming is also known as a instructor who give a list to tell computer, step-by-step, what need to do, in an arrangement of how to execute from the first code to the second,etc which may contain loops It depends on the how programmer to contribute a solution to handle a problem or to contribute an answer Procedural programming languages can be told consist C, C++, Fortran, Pascal and some others (Maurizio.G, Simone.M, 2010) Figure 6: Short source code procedural programming in C# Explain source code: In this screen shot, the source code is built as Procedural programming in C# Particularly, the souce code will be executed from the first line of code In this source code, program will implement from assigning the string datatypes with variables and print it out to Console This is just a short code, in other case, even when the total line of code is up thousands line, the program always implement in an order from the top line to the down line  Print info button:  When user need to print information that just be entered into the brief info to help watching this information more easier To meet this need, there is Print info button avaiable, which will export information datas which are in the information table to the brief information table Figure 26: Soure code EVENT of CLick Print button  When user clicks this button obviously the information of applicant will fill in the brief info for user to watch it easily but user cannot edit or enter extra data into this table All text boxes in information table are read only mode one more time when button print is clicked Information like Degree, Field, Gender, Name, Age will print in the text boxes of the brief info table by Tostring() Syntax Two message box will display to ask user to make sure the select printting  There are two special points in this button The first point is when user click this button, all TextBoxs and ComboBox to enter or select also set in Readonly mode(make user cannot change any thing in there) The second point is in the entering info process, user not yet input the age information of applicant, but in brief info table, the program had a ablity to calculate the exact age of this person by convenient C# code inside application Figure 27: Click the print button  Edit Button:   Because when user clicks Print button, all TextBoxs also back to Readonly mode Nevertheless, if user want to edit some info if it is wrong there are a button avaiable to help this task and this is Edit Button When this button is click, user will have two choices, one is Also edit in Filling part appear in Tab employment, one is just editing in brief info table If user select Yes, all Textboxs will back to the editable mode for user can edit Besides, if user select No, only Textbox appear in brief info table can change Figure 28: Edit button   Basically, Edit button just has a function which permit all TextBoxs or just TextBoxs in brief info table based on select of user can be changed And these informations after changing will be stored into database of this app Reset Button: Figure 29: SOURCE CODE EVENT OF CLICK RESET BUTTON This button is a tool for user can delete all information in all TextBoxs appear in Tab employment(all text box is set back to NULL) and user can re-enter or finnish the program  When user click Reset button, program will display a Notice which examine whether user make sure that user want to reset all data Figure 30: Reset Button After reset, all TextBoxs of this Application will be empty Figure 31: RESET BUTTON  Light/Dark mode Button: Figure 32: SOURCE CODE EVENT OF CLICK LIGHT/Dark mode  To help change the view in this application and help user can use it even in the dark space, the application have two button which are Light and Dark mode button will help user change view in this application The syntax in this source code is assigning the back ground of the panel to the command New bitmap and Application.StartupPath to find the path to resouce of image Figure 33: Light mode Figure 34: Dark mode  ADD Info Button: When all information entering is done, nothing wrong and all tasks in the first Tab(tab Employment) also done, user can add this information of applicant into the list of suitable applicant list which located in second Tab(tab Manage) Figure 35: Source code event of click ADD button This is one of the main event of my application It play a role as a filter machine not only get the input from user into variables(class Employee) but it also check and examine whether the info is suitable with the condition of employment privacy This source code is not complicated It just consists some if-else statement with the conditition inside and assignment value data from the user in text boxes to the list and store them to handle others tasks Some message boxes also be used in this source code Nevertheless, if the data user have any wrong or the condition of employment is not suitable, the program will notify immediately Figure 36: Add info1 In this image, the applicant is still too young to get recruited to the company, the program notify immediately that this applicant is not suitable and this information of she cannot be added into the list of suitable applicant And the program just get only informations which is appropriate and meet the employment privacy Figure 37: Add button2 Whenever user click button, the program will display a notification that whether user need to review information again If user needs, the program will allow user check until these done If not, the program will self-check again and add this information if this suitable This screen shot is when the information is brought into list of suitable applicant via Addinfo Button Tab 2(Manage)  Search Button: To easy for inspecting information of applicant, there are the button which allows user can search information depend on name of applicant Figure 38: Event when click Search button In this source code, Using for loop to both apply algorithm are Compare and search algorithm to find the information of applicant who is in the finding requirement of user Specifically, For loop run until the times less than total of the rows Then, if statement is used to compare between values in the first column which also is the column contains nam value of applicant If the value is as same as the finding name, program will call full information of this row and print it to message box And this row will be deleted if user want Figure 39: Screenshot when the Search button click 4.3 CODING STANDARD 4.3.1 Definition: Coding standard is a group of standard for a particular programming language that suggest programming style, practices, and methods written in that language (Rupareliya, 2020) These standard commonly cover file organization, indentation, comments, declarations, statements, white space, naming conventions, programming practices, programming principles, programming rules of thumb, architectural best practices, etc 4.3.2 Common aspects of coding standard:  Naming standards for local variables, global variables, constants and functions:  Meaningful and understandable variables name supports anyone to understand why use it  Local variables ought to be named using pascal case lettering starting with small letter (e.g isData) meanwhile Global variables names ought to start with a up-case letter (e.g GetTheBag) Constant names ought to be formed utilizing up-case letters only (e.g ICES) (Multidots, 2020)  It is better to avoid the use of digits in variable names Variable names must not be placed in accented Vietnamese  The names of the function should be written in camel case starting with small letters  The name of the function must describe the reason of using the function clearly and briefly  Format:  Like coding in any programming language Formatting has to with line breaks, indentation, and spacing (Multidots, 2020)  Curly brackets: these symbols must be put under the line if, for, while etc Figure 40: Coding standard Example in my app  Comment: Comment need to be simple as possible and never write comment that repeat the code Figure 41: Coding standard example in my app   Blank line: The lines of code that are related to each other should be put in one block Two blocks of code should be separated by a blank line (Blokdyk, 2019)  Make lines at same level of nesting stand out 4.3.3 Benefits of coding standard  Coding standard helps programmer boost the effective productivity of the software and decrease the development time  Coding standard play a huge role in detecting errors in the each line of code, therefore it helps to decrease the extra cost incurred by the software project (Multidots, 2020)  If coding standard are applied to design and maintain properly, the software code become more and more readable and understandable Thus it reduces the complexity of the code (Rupareliya, 2020) Because of the readability and understandability, working in group between programmer and debugger as well as IT student and Lecturer become more easier Sharing source code to use or learn in collaboration also gets more convenient     It reduces the hidden cost for developing the software The coding standards support enhance effect and distintion the source code It eventually bring benefits developers since programmer can know what a particular module of code will (Rupareliya, 2020) And this reduces the chances of project failure to a great extent The use of the right design and valid linking of modules helps construct an nice solution that meets all client requests Easier debug: Coding standards in source code is vital to decrease the time taken for debugging the code and provide the best outputs to end-users (Multidots, 2020) Implementing the proper coding standards helps create an already optimized code that ultimately helps eliminate the possible mistakes which will be found after the enhance time ends References Blokdyk, G., 2019 Integrated Development Environment a Complete Guide s.l.:Emereo Pty Limited Codeacademy, 2019 Codecademy [Online] Available at: https://www.codecademy.com/articles/what-is-an-ide educba, n.d educba [Online] Available at: https://www.educba.com/what-is-debugging/ Farell, J., 2011 An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design ed Boston, MA: Cengage Learning Maurizio.G, Simone.M, 2010 Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms s.l.:Springer-Verlag London Moo, 2017 mooict [Online] Available at: https://www.mooict.com/what-are-procedural-event-driven-and-object-orientated-programming/ Multidots, 2020 multidots [Online] Available at: https://www.multidots.com/importance-of-code-quality-and-coding-standard-in-software-development/ Nyakundi, H., 2021 Freecodecamp [Online] Available at: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-an-ide-in-programming-an-ide-definition-for-developers/ Purdum, J., 2013 Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with C# s.l.:John Wiley and Sons redhat, n.d redhat [Online] Available at: https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/middleware/what-is-ide Rupareliya, M., 2020 yourstory [Online] Available at: https://yourstory.com/mystory/coding-standards-benefits-requirements-performance/amp S.Gillis, A., 2017 techtarget [Online] Available at: https://searchapparchitecture.techtarget.com/definition/object-oriented-programming-OOP Schach, S., 2006 Classical Software Engineering s.l.:s.n

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2023, 11:44
