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A study on the english majored sophomores’ responses to peer review technique and the difficulties in applying the activities in their writing 2 classes at ffl, iuh graduation thesis facu

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Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - - GRADUATIONTHESIS STUDENT NAME: LE HOANG PHUC ID NUMBER: 18072551 CLASS CODE: DHAV14E COHORT: 2018 - 2022 SUPERVISOR NAME: LE THI THUY.MA HCMC, 12/2021 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Student name : ………………Le Hoang Phuc…………………………… ID Number : ………………18072551…………………………… Class Code : …………………DHAV14E………………………… Cohort : …………………2018-2022………………………… Supervisor Name : ………………LE THI THUY, M.A.…………………………… Student’s declaration: I declare that this graduation report is entirely my own work and does not involve in plagiarism or collusion It also has not been accepted as part of a submission to another purpose elsewhere I accept heavy penalty for any cheating or plagiarism Date submitted Signed Word count : ………9th December 2021……………… : ……………………… : 9656 words Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 A STUDY ON THE ENGLISH-MAJORED SOPHOMORES’ RESPONSES TO PEER REVIEW TECHNIQUE AND THE DIFFICULTIES IN APPLYING THE ACTIVITIES IN THEIR WRITING CLASSES AT FFL, IUH Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 ABSTRACT For English language learners, especially the starters, learning how to write is essential However, it is unfortunate that most of them find it difficult in improving their writing skills I order to so, a research on applying peer evaluation technique for feedbacks on students’ writings has been carried out The main subjects of this research are the sophomores who are participating in Writing courses at FFL in IUH The two instruments that have been used to collect data are quantitative and qualitative methods Through the observation of the Writing classes (to observe the teachers’ instructions; the students’ attitudes toward pair and group activities; the progress of applying peer review technique), and the collection of data from the students’ feedbacks in class (to clarify the quality of the given suggestions) and the answers recommended by 232 participated sophomores in the online questionnaire survey (to discover the learners’ difficulties and the reasons behind it) Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT During the process of doing my graduation thesis, I have received a lot of support and encouragement and that has helped me to get through this period completely Although this is not a perfect graduation thesis, but this is the result of my hard-working time and I will always remember these meaningful days First, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor - Ms Le Thi Thuy She was very patient in guiding and giving me valid feedbacks, pointing out the mistakes that I still have and how to fix them in this graduation thesis For me, Ms Thuy is one of the most wonderful and caring supervisor Second, I want to thank my team members They are responsible members, full of enthusiasm, energy and always optimistic although the process we did our research not easy at all Completing this research is the result of long days of hard work and the process we putted our effort Finally, I would like to thank the sophomores at IUH and the teachers who are teaching at FFL, IUH They created a convenient condition and always able to help and that’s why it was possible for me to successfully complete this research I will always appreciate this help and the time I did graduation thesis will be my fond memories about the lastest time of student life Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Table of Contents MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE Error! Bookmark not defined INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY Error! Bookmark not defined ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Research question 1.4 Scope of the study Chapter II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 An overview of peer evaluation 2.2 An overview of paragraph writing 2.2.1 The definition of writing 2.2.2 The process of writing 2.2.3 The definition of paragraph 2.2.4 The structure of a paragraph 2.3 Techniques in writing class 2.3.1 Rubrics for evaluation (instructions) 2.3.2 Students’ challenges/difficulties in applying peer evaluation activity 2.3.3 Investigation in students’ responses of peer evaluation 10 2.4 Further summary 13 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN 16 3.1 Research site/Context: 17 3.2 Participants/Objects: 17 3.3 Research methodology and research methods 17 3.4 Procedures 19 3.5 Data analysis 20 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 22 Chapter V Conclusion 41 References 44 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 1.1 Rationale In the learning process of a new language, the four obligatory skills that learners must acquire are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing However, standing out from the rest, Writing is frequently being underestimated by many learners for its lack of attentions and low expectations For instance, writing learners cannot figure out and solve the literary mistakes they have made in their writing assignments since the teacher did not have enough time to correct all of them in details and the numbers of attendance in one writing class are too many For those reasons, the researchers believed that peer review technique is an alternative method of enhancing and improving the learning experience of this skill by applying it into Writing classes However, the researchers did not have any further information on the difficulties the students may encounter when participating in this experiment process Therefore, a study on the English-majored sophomores’ responses to peer review technique and the difficulties in applying the activities in their writing classes at FFL, IUH is needed to address this issue This method assists learners, especially English-majored sophomores at IUH, in the progress of getting familiar to peer review technique and improving the learners’ writing quality through peer assessments in writing classes 1.2 Research Objectives In this specific research, the researchers mainly focus on the responses and the difficulties of English-majored sophomores at IUH when taking part in the peer review activities Firstly, the researchers’ main aim is to figure out what difficulties second year English-majored students will encounter in writing classes and how they will response to those challenges Secondly, through this research, researchers will be able to have a closer look at the reasons that lead to such difficulties in applying peer evaluation technique Finally, the researchers are looking forward to the soon-conducted fact that this peer review technique will be widely used and become one of many effective methods of improving students' writing skills in writing classes 1.3 Research question What are the English-majored sophomores’ perceptions of peer evaluation in Writing classes at IUH? What are the difficulties that the learners may encounter when applying peer evaluation technique in Writing classes at IUH? What are the factors that lead to these difficulties in applying peer review technique in Writing classes at IUH? Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 1.4 Scope of the study Because of the limitation of time, abilities, and conditions of the researchers, especially when the researchers’ country is going through the COVID-19 pandemic, the study encounters several obstacles First of all, the research team was only able to poll over roughly 200 Englishmajored sophomores through online questionnaire survey The researchers enlisted the help of a big number of IUH sophomores majoring in English in order to ensure and increase the reliability of the research Moreover, because this topic is relatively new to the researchers, finding references for it can be a bit challenging In conclusion, the researchers hope to unravel the difficulties and its reasons in the process of applying online peer evaluation in writing classes of English-majored sophomores at IUH Nonetheless, the researchers also want to know whether applying online peer-evaluation is one of many effective strategies for English language learners to improve their writing skills in online classes or not Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A ID number: 18072551 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 body and introduction, with understandable Introduction Transitions are body draws awkward satisfying audience conclusion Main conclusion points satisfying Main conclusion conclusion A few transitions part and are smoothly ease in the and is points are clearly connected with transitions made and smoothly connected with transitions Performance Very (3) little Little gestures or Adequate use of Effective use of gestures or eye eye gestures, gestures, contact Monotone voice contact, Monotone voice or language, or volume insufficient contact insufficient volume poise Reading of notes reliance only Speech is Little Heavy voice eye eye contact, and Limited vivid language, and voice add to oral fillers and interest to speech nonverbal Poised with use of notes Abundant distractions Uses notes for reference often oral fillers and a wide range of only unintelligible nonverbal pronunciation fillers distractions features nonverbal on No oral and Mispronunciatio distractions Clear ns are frequent pronunciation and cause some difficulty for the listener Time No regard for Presentation Presentation Presentation given management time constraints given within given within two within (2) six five or three minutes constraints above above or below or seven four minutes above minutes or below allotted time Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A the or or below the time the allotted time allotted time 65 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Questions Unable to response respond many (2) questions Most questions Nearly are questions are responded responded knowledgably and knowledgably respectively responded competently all All questions are and respectively Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 66 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Rubrics for Written Graduation Thesis - Examiner (80%) Item/ Weight Unsatisfactor Developing Satisfactory Exemplary y 10 are 10 There (3) consistent several mistakes in mistakes the required the required format format Coherence The The paper is The and development presented with presented Organizatio of connected logical sequence well-developed n (4) vague; and and is no apparent logical in There are minor There are mistakes in the hardly any required mistakes in the format required format concept ideas, order are Format paper There and clear paper is The in clearly well paper is stated, well organized organized There are minor There are hardly any and transitions of presentation Language There Usage consistent several spelling (3) spelling and spelling and grammar spelling grammar grammar mistakes in the grammar mistakes in mistakes paper mistakes in the the paper the paper Rationale The and are rationale There are in and paper The rationale The rationale of The rationale of of the research of the research topic the research topic objectives topic area is research of research unclearly topic (5) described Introduction 10 the is defined The coherent presented and significance and interesting Little evidence the objectives of the manner The shows significance paper and significance and justified and objectives objectives of the is adequately is introduced in a is and well significance objectives of the paper is justified Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 67 well Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 of the research the paper is topic justified Research Research Research Research Research questions questions are questions are questions are questions (5) not defined coherently successfully are and scientifically clearly defined meaningful defined and challenging Literature Definitions Definition of Key concepts The Review of key concepts are concepts related concepts related 15 terms/conc is recognized to the research to the research epts (5) insufficient topic topic are 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Design methodology methodology Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 68 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc 15 ID number: 18072551 Collecting The author The author and describes the correctly analyzing data presents data (5) collecting and data analyzing stages analyzing stages analyzing collecting and clearly correctly and stages but the analyzing author clearly The description stages does not form the author author presents the data presents the data collecting collecting and The makes and author also outlines data great use of the a coherent and the analysis logical whole The analysis author chooses analysis The analysis demonstrates the methods author chooses methods a sensibly the relevant analysis good in the The to the data makes in the The mainly chosen command and summarize to answer the reliable use of information summarize research the method provided by the information data provided by the questions, but the author has Findings The good use of the are and The methods to best the data an insufficient & command of Discussion the methods 15 Relevance The between demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates research a poor level of a satisfactory adequate levels of advanced levels of findings and understanding understanding understanding in understanding in objectives in the analysis in the the analysis of the the analysis of the (5) of the research analysis of the research findings findings The research research findings The findings findings author are The author The research The author The author demonstrates research findings research The research are findings adequate relevant relevant are to the inadequate in findings may to the objectives objectives of the meeting be Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A adequate of the study study 69 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 objectives of but not study described as Evaluating The thesis does The research The and not succeed in findings make findings make a findings make a discussing making a good the findings contribution to contribution to contribution (10) the knowledge the knowledge the base base base of the minor of the research The significant to contribution to the knowledge knowledge of discipline and discipline field of study field of study field of study No & Reconmme logical The base the of the discipline discipline and Conclusion research and and field of study The conclusions The conclusions conclusions are conclusions are are are reached logically and logically and The answers to answers to between research partially ndation (10) Answers to logical research link questions the conclusions studied and and discussion research questions is left about them is somewhat almost entirely unclear presented research questions are questions explained in a explained good in manner The final a are coherent manner The summary final summary is missing or it is final summary communicates relevant unconnected the purpose and communicates findings of the the study The author and findings of demonstrates the study The adequate author understanding of demonstrates only Conclusion from 15 perspective of the purpose and findings of final the study The summary in no author Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A partially the communicates the research The The presented and objectives 70 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 way demonstrates the strengths and good communicates quite adequate weaknesses of understanding of own the strengths and the purpose understanding and findings of of the strengths his/her research weaknesses the study The and his/her author weaknesses of research demonstrates his/her inadequate research of own own understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of his/her own research Referencing (5) References are The The referencing The referencing of poor referencing is is in a proper is in a proper and quality The in manner and the extensive format and manner layout manner layout are the layout of bibliography inconsistent the largely in line of and not in line bibliography with APA style bibliography are with is style APA a proper but consistent with APA style There of the is The format and layout correct the and line with APA style are, however, a number of inconsistencie s Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A in 71 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Rubrics for Oral Presentation - Examiner (20%) Item/ Weight Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary 10 Content Organizational Organizational Appropriate Organizational (6) structure present structure present organizational pattern but unclear with clearly pattern used and compelling underdeveloped introduction, easy to follow moves audience introduction, body with through body and with and A and speech introduction, with understandable Introduction Transitions are body draws awkward satisfying audience conclusion Main conclusion points satisfying Main conclusion conclusion developed is few transitions part and are smoothly connected ease in the and is points are clearly with transitions made and smoothly connected with transitions Performance Very (6) Little gestures or Adequate use of Effective use of gestures or eye eye gestures, gestures, contact Monotone voice contact, Monotone voice or language, Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A little contact insufficient eye eye contact, and vivid language, and 72 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc or ID number: 18072551 insufficient volume volume poise Reading of notes reliance only Speech is Little Heavy voice Limited voice to add oral fillers and interest to speech nonverbal Poised with use of notes Abundant distractions Uses notes for reference often oral fillers and a wide range of only unintelligible nonverbal pronunciation fillers distractions features nonverbal on No oral and Mispronunciatio distractions Clear ns are frequent pronunciation and cause some difficulty for the listener Time No regard for Presentation Presentation Presentation given management time constraints given within given within two within (4) six five or three minutes constraints above above or below or seven four minutes above minutes or below the allotted time or or below the time the allotted time allotted time Questions Unable to response respond many (4) questions Most questions Nearly are questions are responded responded knowledgably and knowledgably respectively responded competently all All questions are and respectively Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 73 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Rubrics for Supervisor’s Appraisal (10%) Item/ Weight Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary 10 Communication Students show a Students show an Students show a Students show a skill weak adequate good very (2) communication communication communication communication good skill in meetings skill in meetings skill in meetings skill in meetings with the with the with the with the supervisor and supervisor and supervisor and supervisor and group members group members Punctuality Students (2) always late in sometimes late in usually meetings are Students group members are Students group members are Students punctual always punctual with meetings with the in meetings with in meetings with the supervisor supervisor the supervisor the supervisor Continuous Students improvement an show Students show a Students show a Students show a (6) attitude towards towards assigned towards assigned towards unwilling positive assigned work, work, complete work work attitude positive complete work, late often and sometimes make reference are no can make complete assigned work, late work on time or complete work and make alternative on time or make a arrangement and alternative from relevant reference make the supervisor from supervisor attitude willing attitude a good arrangement and the reference from the make supervisor a good reference from the supervisor Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 74 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Rubrics for Teamwork (10%) Rubrics for Supervisor’s Appraisal (5%) Rubrics for Peer Evaluation (5%) Rubrics for Supervisor’s Appraisal (5%) Student’s name: LE HOANG PHUC Student code: 18072551 Item/ Weight Unsatisfactory Developing A procedure for no planning& & making decisions decision making is established by process, decisions the group, but it are is There planning Group Planning is & Decision made by not clear and/or it focuses individuals on individuals The group does not establish roles Roles Distribution & for each member and/or workload unequally distributed Meeting Minutes the is The group establishes informal roles for each member The workload could be distributed more equally Satisfactory Exemplary A clear procedure for planning & making decisions in research work is informally established by all members of the group A clear procedure for planning & making decisions in research work is formally established by all members of the group The group establishes clear and formal roles 10 for each member and distributes the workload equally The group establishes and documents clear and formal roles for each member and distributes the workload equally Scheduled meetings Scheduled Scheduled meetings Scheduled minutes are rarely meetings minutes minutes are usually meetings minutes recorded and the are often recorded recorded and the are always efforts are scattered and the contribution of each recorded and the Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 75 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 contribution of team members are contribution each team members identified each are NOT identified members of team are identified Rubrics for Peer Evaluation (5%) Name of member: LE HOANG PHUC Item/ Weight Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary Collects Collects Contribution to the team project ……9.5……… … Does not collect any relevant information; no useful suggestions to address team's needs; information when Collects basic, prodded; tries to useful information offer some ideas, related but to the well research, not developed, and not occasionally offers clearly expressed, useful ideas to meet to 10 team's the team's needs; meet needs; presents and to the team a great deal of relevant information; offers well-developed and clearly expressed ideas directly related to the group's topic Performs assigned Does not perform tasks but assigned reminders; Taking often responsibility meetings tasks; many misses attends needs meetings Performs and, regularly but assigned when present, does generally does not attends ……9.5……… not have anything say … all Performs all tasks tasks; very meetings attends anything regularly constructive to constructive; say; on sometimes expects effectively; relies effectively; all and meetings and usually participates participates enthusiastically; others to the others to his/her work; Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A work; 76 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc Working with others ……9.5……… … ID number: 18072551 Rarely listens to, Usually listens to shares with, and others but supports the efforts sometimes of others; often not pay uses inappropriate attention does much when language; often is others talk, and not a good team assumes their ideas member will not work; Generally listens to others' points of Almost always view; always uses listens to others and and their ideas; appropriate helps respectful them language; tries to develop their ideas make a definite while giving them effort to understand full credit others' ideas; Total: 28.5 /3 = 9.5 Evaluator's name: BUI HOANG PHUONG NHI Date of evaluation: 09/12/2021 Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 77 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 Name of member: LE HOANG PHUC Item/ Weight Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary Collects Collects Contribution to the team project ……9………… Does not collect any relevant information; no useful suggestions to address team's needs; information when Collects basic, prodded; tries to useful information offer some ideas, related but not to the well research, developed, and not occasionally offers clearly expressed, useful ideas to meet to 10 meet team's the team's needs; needs; presents and to the team a great deal of relevant information; offers well-developed and clearly expressed ideas directly related to the group's topic Performs assigned Does not perform tasks but tasks; many assigned reminders; misses attends Taking often responsibility meetings needs meetings Performs but assigned and, regularly when present, does generally does not attends ……9………… not have anything say all Performs all tasks tasks; very meetings attends anything regularly all and meetings and usually participates participates constructive to constructive; say; on sometimes expects effectively; relies effectively; enthusiastically; others to the others to his/her work; Working with others work; Rarely listens to, Usually listens to Generally listens to Almost shares with, and others but others' supports the efforts sometimes of others; often not Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A pay points always of listens to others does view; always uses and their ideas; much appropriate and helps them 78 Submitted by Le Hoang Phuc ID number: 18072551 ……9………… uses inappropriate attention when respectful develop their ideas language; often is others talk, and language; tries to while giving them not a good team assumes their ideas make member will not work; a definite full credit effort to understand others' ideas; Total: 29 /3 = Evaluator's name: NGUYEN THI NGOC QUYEN Date of evaluation: 09/12/2021 Supervisor: Le Thi Thuy, M.A 79

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2023, 06:45


