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ffim$s$sk e ffim*sffs#m ffimwmffifu ffim$ffiffp rerew ffisstrt ffiwffiffiffi*-$ I t: 'll':-: r'4i' ,,,.,),,;:w i , ,; ::t,l tr MAC MILLN I Introductions Vocabulary Grammar Starter unit pase4 m Freetime Free-timeactivities r Characteradjectives ru lT activities ffi-Fil1ffis gE Technology @ pagel8 - Strange true! but 'robs Classroom language r Presentsimple and adverbs of frequency r Presentcontinuous and time expressions Gerunds hl /c://aul r P a s ts i m p l e Pastcontinuous Word stress P a s st i m p l ea n d p a s tc o n t i n u o u s Sentence stress : :5?:;;';"Jjectives when and while r Presentand pasttenses page30 r VocabularY tEl *tF- *rf, m ffi m H m ffi ffi Special places Grammar r Sketch Project r Placesto visit r Formation of adverbs r Comparatives and superlatives t ( n o t )a s a s too, enough and nof enough r F u n d r a i s i n gi d e a s t make and Presentperfect t for and since Contractions r Travel r Extreme adjectives r Presentprefect and past simple r Quantity lz:l /t:l lil lo:l let/ /u:/ page 46 Heroes page58 lncredible ,ourneys page70 Vocabulary On screen Grammar r Sketch Project r Films Suff ixes r Futuretenses:will, be going to, present continuous r Firstconditional Sentence stress and weak forms Making friends r Verb and noun collocations O b l i g a t i o n ,p r o h i b i t i o n a n d a d v i c e r Secondconditional ar lti lul /ct/ r Music Negative prefixes r The passive r Active and passive r Tenserevision page 85 Good friends page 98 World of muslc Sentence stress and,a/ p a g e1 Vocabulary Grammar r Sketch Project 1s u n d e rp r e s s u r e 1: :brity hobbies I I Sport I I r A personalprofile At home Makingsuggestions J o i n i n gi d e a s Famoussporting events History a I : - gh-tech bedroom : - racle- thanks to :+:^nology A social network Outshopping r Requestsand offers (1) A thank you letter lnformalletter Famousinventions and inventors Science l':codiles in the pool -'ee c o u p l eg e t h o m e s a f e l y Sharkattack! Talkingwith friends Tellinganecdotes A descriptionof an accident Timeexpressions Famouswriters and books Literature a ,,orldof heritage r :^ emailfrom New York Amazing places A day out Describing a place r A travelguideentry r Qualifiers ffi Famousplaces m ffi m Geography ':lng woman in school '-^draising project Charity appears 5e ena Giomez,Goodwill 1- bassador e World on Wheels 5.:c sailor r A sponsored walk r Requestsand offers (2) A magazinearticle so and because Famousheroes and heroines History Dream holidays r At the station Describinga journey A descriptionof a journey Linkers ffi Famousjourneys Science -^e future of film r , r a k ea { i l m i n H o l l y w o o d ! Df i l m s r At the cinema Askingfor and g i v i n go p i n i o n s Afilm review r G i v i n go p i n i o n s ffi F a m o ufsi l m s a n df i l m - m a k e r s m Art ' " ' ; k i n g f r i e n d sa t h o m e a n d ::r-oad J'lestionnaire e historyof musicplayers ,'.'rat'son your mp3 player? r My gang r Anim6 star r A party Describing people r Goingto a concert A g r e e i n ga n d disagreeing r Aformal letter Linkersof addition and contrast A m u s i c ahl e r o Timeexpressions ffi F a m o u fsr i e n d s h i p s ffi rcT ffi F a m o um s usic andmusicians m Music ffi HI Starter unit lntroductions Look at the picture.What are their names? m Listenand choosethe correctwords Hi, f'm Megan.I'm 14 I 15 | 16.My hobbiesare readingand listeningto music.Thisis my friend Dan Hello.l'm Dan.I like playingfootball/ tennis/ computergamesand goingto the cinema Hi f'm Rita.l'm 13 | 14 / 15.I lovesport.My favouritesport is swimming/ tennis/ football We all live / go to school/ study in Reading, a town near London.lt's a great place m INTERFACE Introduceyourselfto a friend Vocabulary Match adjectives1-6 with the oppositesa-f a) b) c) d) expensive e) good f) tall old fat big bad small short young slim cheap Choosethe odd one out trousers,shirt,chemist,trainers bank,cinema,mountain,station history,geography,football,science summer,winter;snow,spring knee,mouth, nose,eye kitchen,bathroom,sofa,study Add one more word to eachgroup in exercise5' 13 Grammar v Write questions Correctthe sentences ' Dan a n d M e g a ni sf r i e n d s i Rita'sfavouritesportare swimming lr4egan livewith her parentsin Reading : R i t ad o n ' tl i k et e n n i s : Danand Ritadon't goingto the sameschool Do Dan like playingfootball? ' Hasgot Meganany brothersand sisters? I Bethis Dan'sbestfriendand him sistertoo can/ you / swim? your bestfriend I like lchocolate? havegot / you / any pets? there/ a computer/ in your bedroom? there/ any good shops/ whereyou live? can/ speak/ French? Choosethe correctwords ' How / What isyour name? How / What old areyou? Where/ When you live? j What / Why are your hobbies? Why / Who isyour bestfriend? Where/ Who did you go on holiday? ' tt{' FFt l I I trurenrACE Workin pairs.Askandanswerthe questions in exercise 14 7l'lt ) t I lrurunrnCEWork in pairs.Ask and answer the questionsin exercise13 ttVhatis vour name? Canvou swim? My name is Peter tO took at the words in the box Whichare countable and whichare uncountable nouns? bread apple tomato money chocolate water fruit milk juice grape tl aOOfive morewords to eachgroup in exercise10 tl took at the picture.Completethe sentences with is / isn't or are/ aren't Thereir somefruit T h e r e a n ya p p l e s T h e r e a n ym i l k T h e r e s o m eb r e a d T h e r e a n yc h o c o l a t e T h e r e s o m eg r a p e s Yes, I can Classroomlanguage 15 Matchquestions1-7 with answersa-9 How you sayodpowiedZin English? What doesstampmean? How you spellit? What haveyou got for number4? What you think? Canyou lend me a pencil,please? How you pronounceWales? a) lwelzl b) Yes,of course c) I've got true d) | agreewith you e) Answer f) T-H-E-R-E g) A stampissomethingyou put on a letterto showyou havepaidto postit - - - a ffilr,r*"n to Megan andDan.whatisMegan's favouritefree time activity? Work in pairs.Ask and answer ; t t INTERFACE the question Vocabulary1 Free-time activities How you spendyour free time? Lookat the words in the box Match pictures1-4 with activitiesin the box voluntarywork relax makemodels playan instrument learna language chatonline go to the cinema playtennis go to the gym playcomputergames go to a disco go out for a meal go to a youth group draw cartoons ffilr,rr"nand repeat " m Listenand repeatthe words /o/volunteer,model,online lctl draw,sport,boring leulgo, disco,don't b m Completethe sentences with words and phrases in exercise'1 twicea | a language.I go to Germanclasses week I likeworkingwith my hands.| of animals I often or | a lot of exercise | o n c ea w e e k l v i s i e o p l ei n h o s p i t a l | sometimes with my friends.We lovepizza! | lovetechnology I often or ,6 Pronunciation lpl lcl leul Listenand repeat the sentences Reading took at the title of the text What you think the text is about? a) Teenagers areworriedaboutschool b) Teenagers are stressed becausethey too manyactivities lmogine ihe situolion., your porentscome home from work.They?e tired,but they don't relox.Insteod, they hove o full progromme of octiviiies.Your dod hos o music lesson,then he does some work for the next doy ond ihen he preporesihe evening meol Affereoting,he does voluntorywork ot the hospitol Yourmum ploystennis,then she studiesfor on hour, eots ond then goes to her computer closs.Doesthis sound crozy?Wellfor some teenogers,it'stypicoll - EUSyreenqgers Usethe title to helpyou guesswhat the text is about ARead and listen.Whichfree-timeactivities coesthe writer talk about? I Readthe text againand choosethe correctwords ' The writer isdescribing / imagininghlsparents' eveningroutines i Nearlythree-quarters / Almosttwo-thirdsof Britishteenagers sportsin their free time i Beththinksthat only parents/ parentsand f riendsput pressure on teenagers -1 In herfreetime, Bethdoesn'tdo many/ does a lot of activities Beththinksthat teenagers shouldenjoytheir / don't needmuchfreetime Match 1-5 with a-e Thencheckyour answersin the text prepare d o have 'l go help to a) sport b) a meal c) to guitarclasses d ) a t a n a n i m a rl e f u g e e) fun I I aros vorE lt'sa goodideato tearnnew thingsoutsideschool Doyouagree? Manyfamousactors,likeOrlando Bloom,were membersof the National YouthTheatre In Britoin,doing orgonizedoctivitiesoutsideschool, such os ploying on instrumentor going to o youth group,is populor for young people.Around59% sport os o free-timeoctivitv.Aboui 30%of teens regulorlyvolunteer,for exompie they help oi on onimol refuge.Poreniswonl iheir childrento well of school.but thev olso wont them to nove oiher skills.such os leorninglonguoges.Theywont them to toke port in community ociivitiessuch qs volunteering.But ore they putting their children under too much pressure? A teenogertolks Thirteen-yeor-oldBeth Boileyis o typicol teenoger.'Yougei o lot of pressurefrom your porents to study ond you get pressure from your friendsto go out ond hove fun.l'm olwoysbusy l'm in o youth theotre ond we o ploy every yeor.I go to guitor closses,bosketboll club ond I help ot home too I hordly ever wotch TV during the week becouse I don't usuollvhove time! lt's reollysiressfulsometimesi Advice However,Beth hos some good odvice:'Don't ky to too much Hovefun doing octivities ond leorningnew things,but don't get stressed tool' j,tq,A*gffig!v.o"! !ee$ t9 enjoyyou1llfe Grammar Present tenses f t t ] t I INTERFACE Write five questionswith How often ? Ask and answerin pairs How often you play football? I often meet my friendson Friday Sheis alwaystired after school I neverplay football Shedoesn'tusuallyhavetime Do you usuallydo activitiesafter school? l'm watchingTV at the moment I took at the sentencesin the table Findexamples of the presentsimplein the text on page Choosethe correctwords to completethe rule for when we usethe presentsimple We usethe presentsimplefor actionshappening now / habitsand routines Adverbs of frequency Copyand completethe table with the adverbsof frequencyin the box always never sometimes 0o/o (1) Lookat the sentencesin the presentsimple table and completethe rulesfor the positionof adverbsof frequency a) Adverbsof frequencygo before/ after the main verb exceptwith the verb be b) Adverbsof frequencygo before/ after the verb be Sheisn't studyingmathsthis week Are you chattingonline now? Lookat the sentencesin the table.Choosethe correctwords to completethe rule for when we usethe presentcontinuous We usethe presentcontinuousfor actions happeningnow / habitsand routines Time expressions Copyand completethe table with time for the presentsimpleand the expressions presentcontinuous everyday at the moment now usually twice a week often this week always everyday Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of the verbsin brackets Completethe sentenceswith the adverbsof frequencyand the correctform of the verbs in brackets I aftet+dosports.(do / often) She her f riendsat the weekend.(meet/ usually) They happy.(be/ sometimes) We to music.(listen/ hardlyever) He to parties.(go/ never) | a car.(drive/ always) You (volunteer/ often) She to the gym.(go/ sometimes) | (play)computergameseveryday Sheusually (do)voluntarywork once a week At the moment,we (draw)cartoons He (play)tennistwicea week | (chat)onlinenow My mum and dad always (relax)on Sunday evenings Theyoften (go)to the cinemaat the weekend | (go)to a discothisweek l(l Completethe sentences with the correctform of the verbsin brackets.Usethe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous Simonuwt talkLvg(nottalk) about hisfree-time activities now ) r e n c hs,h e A t t h e m o m e n tK a r e n ( l e a r nF (not study)Spanish He (not usuallyplay)an instrument, but he often (go)to the gym They (not do) anythingat the moment,they ( r e l a x ) | (not meet)my friendseveryday,I usually (see)them at the weekend tl g & K n\ Listening IR Ll #!W Sport Choosethe correctwords -cm Cruise andWittSmith(1) is / are bothactors -rey (2) share/ sharingan unusuaI hobby,too :'reyboth lovefencing.TomCruise(3) travets/ is tnvelting a lot for hisjob but whenhe (4) doesn't nake / isn't makinga fi[m he spends a lot of timeat 'ome.In fact.he (5) has havea specialroomin his / rcusejust for fencingandhe often(6) practises / is pactisingfor hours!At the moment,English footbatl ptayerDavidBeckham (7) lives/ is tivingin America andhe'sptayingfor an American he team.Apparentty often(S) goes/ is goingto TomCruise's houseto funcewith his friends 14 Lookat the picturesand answerthe questions What sportsare these? Wheredo peopledo thesesports? What equipmentdo you needto each sport? Do you thesesports? |5 fm Listento Benandchoosethe correctanswers t2 Writequestionsusingthe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous " -l W h a tl y o u / u s u a l l yI d o / a t t h e w e e k e n d ? How/ often / you/watch films? Where/ youI usually/ meetyour friends? WhatI you ldo / now? What/ you/ wear/ at the moment? you i listento music/ now? FFT IB I t I rrrrre nrACEwork in pairs.Askandanswer t h e q u e s t i o n si n e x e r c i s e1 Sf B e ni s 2| 3y e a r so l d Hisfavouritesportistennis/ running He always/ sometimesfeelsbetter after runningreallyfast At the momentthingsare going reallywell / badlyfor Ben Benmeetshisfriendseveryday / weekend o r a m m a rg u i d ep a g e1 16 tisten again.Are the sentences true or false? Correctthe falsesentences Bendoesn'toften go running Benplaystenniseveryday Benisn'tfeelingstressed now Benplaystenniswhen he feelsstressed Benand hisparentsusuallytalk aboutany oroblems Speaking At home Listen Lookat the picture.Whereare Dan,Ritaand Megan?What are they doing? @ 7:-) IEEI Listento the first part of Megan and Rita's conversation.Choosethe correctanswers The programmeon TV is / isn't very good Ritasuggestsplayingfootball / tennis Theydon't go outsidebecauseit's raining/ dark F) IIEI Listento the secondpart of the conversation Whichfilm they decideto watch? OK.What you want to watch? l've got loadsof films: Alicein Wonderland,Avatar, RobinHood Practise Listenagainand repeatthe dialogue Readthe dialogueand order the words fancy/ Do / playing/ you / a computergame? somemusic/ let's/ No,/ instead/ listen/ to listeningto / fancyI you I my LadyGagaCD/ Do Let's/ listento / instead/ the new GorillazCD good/ OK/ idea Functional language Making suggestions Do you fancywatchinga DVD? Let'sget somepizza / Goodidea./ OK X No,that's boring I No, let'sget a curryinstead Grammar The passive m INTERFACE work in pairs.Askandanswer yourquestions in exercise The phonographwas inventedby Edison Records were developedin the 1940s YouTubeis usedby millionsof people Records are madeof plastic The phonographwasn't inventedin 1880 Records weren't developeduntilthe 1940s Thephonographisn't usednowadays Records aren't madeof glass When was the phonographinvented? WereCDssold before 1982? ls YouTubewatchedby manypeople? What are recordsmadeof? Lookat the sentencesin the table and the rules below How you saythe sentencesin your language? a) We form the presentsimplepassivewith the presentsimpleof the verb be + pastparticiple b) We usethe passive when we want to stressthe action,not the personwho doesit Active:Peopledownload millionsof songs every day Passive: Millions of songsare downloaded every day Completethe sentences with the presentsimple passiveform of the verbs in brackets How a song is recorded Microphonesare put (put) in different parts of the recordingstudio.The headof the (1) (make)of metalthatformsan microphone electromagnet The sound(2) (record)on tape assoundwaves.Soundengineers makesureall the notes(3) (capture) on tape.Thetape (4) (divide)into 16tracksand eachinstrument(5) (record)on a differenttrack of the tape Special effects(5) (add)if necessary Thetape (7) (edit)to makethe final tape or 'mastertape'.The mastertape (8) (use)to makea masterdiscand then copies(9) (make) Write questionsusingthe passive computers I uselat your school? Are carnputerswed at yonr sch.aol? t how / your bedroom/ decorate? dictionaries / allow/ in your Englishclass? new musicvideos/ upload/ onto YouTube everyday? how often / festivals/ celebrate/ in your region? musicI playI duringlessons / at your school? i'" -"" , 'il,12j neadthe sentencesin the table How we form the pastsimplepassive? Completethe text with the past simple passiveof the verbs in brackets TteScrueantPepper anum G0ue1 Thisatbumby the Beatles is sti[[populartoday Thefamouscover & |} was desgned ! (design)by Peter B[ake Thepeopte on the coverwere - [arge a[['modets' pictures which ( ) ( m a k eo)f card.Thepeopte (2) (choose) by the Beattes because theyadmired them,atthough at [eastthreepeoplefromtheiroriginalList(3) (notinclude) (4) in the end.The65 modeLs (make)by PeterB[akeandJannHaworth andthe photo(5) (take)by Michael Cooper on 30th March1967 (6) (comptete) Therecording in April1967and the single(Z) (pl.ay) on the radiofor the first timein May.Theatbum(8) (retease) in June 1967althoughsomeearlycopies(9) (sel.t) a monthbeforein Mav The Beatlesare one of the mostfamous bandsever.Theyhavesold more than 1.5billionrecordsaroundthe world! Write questionsusingthe pastsimplepassive who / the cover/ design/ by? Whl was the coverdestgnrd by? who / the people/ choose/ by? how manypeople/ not include/ in the final photo? the models/ make/ by MichaelCooper? who / the photo I take / by? when / the recording/ complete? when / the single/ first/ playon the radio? the album/ release I in i967? any earlycopies/ sell? Listening Anim6 star tltl Why you think sheis famous? What you think shelikes doing in her freetime? 12 took at the text in exercise6 and answerthe questionsin exercise7 Rebecca Flintis yearsold a )1 b )1 s c)15 Shehasbecomeespecially famousin a )B r i t a i n b)Japan c) America Rebecca becamefamousafter s h e a) released her first album b)startedher own musicwebsite c) postedvideosof herselfdancingon youTube Shebecameinterestedin Japanese comicsand cartoons yearsago a)two b)three c) four Rebecca's first DVDwas releasedlast a)September b)November c) December Rebecca for the first time in October a) performedlive b)wentto Japan c) had a numberone hit Vtatchquestions1-5 with answersa-e What'syourfavouritealbum? Who were the songswritten by? Who wasthe coverdesignedby? When was it released? Why you like it? a) lt was releasedin 2008 b) Because the songlyricsare brilliantand the musicisgood,of coursel c) l'vegot no ideawho designedit, but I like it d) Off with their headsby The KaiserChiefs e) Theywere written by RickyWilson,I think work in pairs.Ask and answer m INTERFACE the questionsin exercise9 about your favourite album pf cr" ar guidepage120 Pronunciation Sentencestress and lel m Listenandrepeatthe sentences Which " syllables havethe mainstressin each sentence? Whathappens to the wordsin blue? Recordsare madeof plastic The phonograghwas inventedby Edison When were the songswritten? Are computersusedat your school? b Ef Listenand repeatthe words and phrases with the /a/sound m EEEIListento the programme and answerthe questions Wht was the coverde.sgnedby? The caverwas desgwd by peter Elake, tO Lookat the pictureand answer the questions t3 Listenagain.Are the sentences true or false? Correctthe false sentences Millionsof peoplehavewatchedRebecca Flint,s YouTubevideos Anim6 is a styleof cartoonbasedon Japanese mangacomics Rebecca hasthe third mostpopularmusic websitein Japan FruitsBasketisthe nameof her first album Rebecca's first DVDwent to numbereight in the Japanese DVDcharts 113 Speaking Going to a concert Listen { Haveyou ever been to a concert?Did you enioy it? t Kt Listento Megan and Rita'sconversation Choosethe correctwords Theyhave been / are going to a concert' The concertis next week / month The concertis in Manchester/ London Listento Megan, Rita and Dan'sconversation K Who is going to the Gorillazconcert? Readand listenagain.Checkyour answer It'sgreat they are back togethe4but Robbiewas alwaysthe bestmemberof the band OK, but I think the concert will be great.I reallywant to go I totally disagree.TheY were loadsbetter without him I can't.l'm goingto a Gorillazconcert,do you want to comewith me instead? Practise Listenagainand repeatthe dialogue write Me too or Me neitherto agreewith these sentences ,{[.14 I love pop music | don't like rockmusic I want to go to their next concert | don't think the new albumisverygood | preferIisteningto musicon my mp3 playerto listeningto cDs Functional language Agreeing and disagreeing I think sotoo Me too Me neither I totallydisagree l'm not sure I seewhat you mean Speaking task Culture Write a new dialoguebetweenyou and a friend Famousmusic and musicians ret EEE!Readand listen.Answerthe questions What canyou seeat the SydneyOperaHouse apart from opera? How manypeoplego to performances at the SydneyOperaHouseeveryyear? Where is The Met? a ffi What famousmusicvenuesare there in your country? wortUookSpeakingpracticepage134 :1,15 Vocabulary Reading Negative prefixes Readsentences1-3 and find three negativeprefixes Thesongisn'tveryoriginal- it'sreallyunoriginal That doesn'tmakesense- it'scompletelyillogical lt's impossible to usethis website- it'sjust not possible to use Lookat the words in the box How you say them in your language?What you think the text is about? mp3 player illegaldownloads downloaders ' pay for sharesongs copy Copyand completethe table with the words in the box mRead andlisten.Answerthe questions ff.:::f,;ffi ff:xffi, #'?:T;J.1 original patient reliable trustworthy legal adventurous f riendly nwrigtnnL m LtmpassthLe LLkgbaL Listen, checkandrepeat Completethe sentences with the negativeform of adjectivesin exercise2 Shenever helpsher friends- she'sreallyuwuppartlve | don't understandwhat the questionmeans,so it's to answer Theyarevery and hatewaitingfor anything! You don't haveto that - it's That isagainstthe law.lt's Don'ttell him your secrets He's and a n d he'll h e ' l ltell tell What percentageof songdownloadswere paid for lastyear? On average,how manyillegally-downloaded songsdo peopleaged'14-17have? What kindsof illegalcopyingdo teenagers do? How werethe authorities thinkingof stopping illegalcopying? What hasOrangedone?How will this helpstop illegaldownloads? Doesthe writerthink illegaldownloadswill be a problemin the future? ,ffiffi# 'm Tenserevision Grammarz 10 Active and passive presentsimpleto talk about habits presentcontinuousto talk about an actionin progressnow past simpleto talk abouta completed actionin the past pastcontinuousto talk about an actionin progressin the past will to makea predictionabout the future presentperfectsimpleto talk about a past experienceor actionat an indefinite time in the past took at the readingtext again and find an exampfeof the presentsimpfepassive and the past simpfepassive took at the examplesand compfete the rufes with active or passive I tti"o" ll i*r*o > thz pht Thz u w_g r ,a p h l l w a s_.rytzoq ' I i r n r r -t 't oy rawon r| Il I a) sentences startwith the personor thing that doesthe action b) sentences startwith the personor thing the actionis done to c) W.eusebyto introducethe person who doesor did the actionin sentences d) lt is.not alwaysnecessary to includeby in sentences nead the text in exercise6 again Match the verbs in bold in the text with the tenses below 1l neadthe text about LeonaLewis and choosethe correctanswers Rewrite the sentencesusing the correctform of the passive.Omit by where possibfe Theyproducerecordsin factories are prodwed {n Ydt factarLes ChrisMartin wrote Vivata Vida Vivala Vida Radiostationsplay a lot of songseveryday A lot of songs Theyreleased their albumin 2001 T h e i l b u m IVtymum didn,t permit us to watch that film We DJsplaythat songall the time Sheinvitedhim to the concert H e a) was a) became a) hasbecome a) nominated a) didn't win a) released a) download a) was downloaded a) went 10 a) sold 11 a) does 12 a) is b) is b) was become b) becomes b) was nominated b) hasn'twon b) hasreleased b) are downloaded b) downloaded b) was gone b) were sold b) isdoing b) will be Hl or" ar suidepase120 117 Writing A musical hero l mRead andlisten.Answer the questions Where and when was Duffy born? W h a t d o e ss h e d o ? When did she become famous? What are her main musical achievements? W h a t e l s ed o e s s h e d o ? W h y d o e st h e w r i t e r a d m i r eh e r ? M1 mueicalhero Duff1 was o":J::1,u,lJiXllio*,,, Ann Aim6e rn,,, *,H*',;T#J}Y:,',,^^"*.': ti,yd?:r":*'nth:_!fN:r* rocrfoy\i"l* 1\uuh, ilil:il';.3':1t^ :i;1lil;i:Hl#:T;: / ln from tha album,wasnumbsronofor fivewapKt 200{, Duff1uroniho GrammlAurardfor gesI?op\,loca\ , for iwoothorar^rarde Albumandshewarnomina'tod performed \iveaI concorB and rhe hat lhyn, frincv world ln Duff1 releasad har zlto, all overihe festivals 'taKa Endlessll, bu'tdacidsd'to a.long album, second "' " 1il:',.-#,1{:::: ::trt T:; rvcordeda songtorthe \!ar Chi\dHeroetchari\ monel in rorchirdron :y"ffi)T-:Hifr'H:'* i ,0," rr-o"Otfm hermuaicandherworkio helpothors Language Time expressions TaylorSwiftwas born in 1989.She released her f irstsingleat the age of 17 ano her secondalbumcameout a yearlater.lt was numberone for 11weeks.Two yearsago she won a Grammyand sincethen shehaswon other awards.Lastyear,shewent on her 'Speak her Now' world tour.Shehasjust released shewas presented fourth album,'Red'.Recently, of her with a Kids'Choiceawardin recoqnition charitablework write a short description(120-150words)about your musicalhero, Lookat the Languagefocus.How you saythe time expressions in your language? Choosethe correctanswers He becamefamousin / at the age of 25 He released hisfirst albumtwo yearslast/ later Kid Cudiwas born in / at 1984 Last/ Recently,he sangwith LadyGaga Sincethen / Sincehe hassungwith Common a new single He hasjust / for released A yearago / last he starredin a TV series He isthinkingaboutdoinga film now / since HissingleDay 'n'Nite was in the top ten for / during two weeks 10 Last/ Lateryear,he was nominatedfor three Grammyawards 118 ffi worruookWritingguidepage91 Music lnstruments in a iazz band T h e r ea r e f o u r m a i n g r o u p so f m u s i c a il n s t r u m e n t sb: r a s s , T h e d o u b l e b a s sa n d t h e p i a n o a r e s t r i n gi n s t r u m e n t s w o o d w i n d ,s t r i n ga n d p e r c u s s i o nT h e r ea r e i n s t r u m e n t s M u s i ci s m a d e b y v i b r a t i n gt h e i rs t r i n g s Y o uu s ea b o w from each of these categoriesin a typical jazzband o r y o u r f i n g e r st o v i b r a t et h e s t r i n g so n a d o u b l e b a s s , but you pressthe keyson a piano keyboardto make T h e t r u m p e t a n d t h e t r o m b o n ea r e b o t h b r a s s t h e s t r i n g sv i b r a t e T h e t h i c k e rt h e s t r i n g ,t h e s l o w e ri t i n s t r u m e n t sA b r a s si n s t r u m e nits m a d e o f m e t a la n d v i b r a t e sa n d t h e d e e p e rt h e s o u n d i s y o u r l i p sv i b r a t ea s y o u b l o w a i r i n t o t h e m o u t h p i e c eT he trumpet hasthree valveswhich you pressto play different The drums are a type of percussion instrument.you hit n o t e s ,b u t t h e t r o m b o n eh a sa l o n g t u b e w h i c ny o u m o v e or shakepercussioninstruments You can hit drums with up or down Musicianscan also affectthe pitch of a note d r u m s t i c k so r y o u r h a n d s ,a n d t h e s o u n d i s m a d e b v t h e b y c h a n g i n gt h e p o s i t i o no f t h e i r m o u t h a n d l i p so n r n e drum skin vibratinqafterwaros mouthpiece T h e s a x o p h o n ea n d t h e c j a r i n e ta r e w o o d w i n di n s t r u m e n t se, v e nt h o u g h t h e s a x o p h o n ei s m a d e o f m e t a l B o t h t h e s ei n s t r u m e n t h s a v ea r e e d o v e rt h e m o u t h p i e c ea n d t h i s v i b r a t e sa s t h e o l a v e r b l o w sa i r i n t o t h e i n s t r u m e n tT h e a i r t h e n v i b r a t e st h r o u g ht h e i n s t r u m e n tT h e b i g g e r t h e i n s t r u m e n tt,h e d e e p e rt h e s o u n di s ffil *""u andtisten.Answerthequestion What type of instrumentisthe piano? w Sf W Vocabularyguide E r@ r u r l r D rL ffiffiffi @ @ffiffi Wffiry a record musicfestival play live at a concert a recording studio go to number one Negative prefixes impractical unoriginal unsupportive unhappy unnecessary r,vortUookcLtL activities page 98 unimaginative impossible unreliable impatient untrustworthy imperfect unadventurous i l l o g i c a l unfriendly illegal recorda song releasean album an album cover form a band song lyrics go on tour Grammar guide The passive:present simPle The passive:past simPle Am I invited? No, l'm not Yes,lam Was I invited? No, lwasn't Yes,lwas Are you invited? Yes,you are No,you aren't Wereyou invited? Yes,you were No, you weren't ls he / she/ it invited? No, he isn't Yes,he is Washe lshe lit invited? No, he wasn't Yes,he was Are we I you /they invited? No, we aren't Yes,we are Werewe I you lthey invited? Yes,we were No, we weren't Active and passive The Beatleswrote the song TheymakeCDsfrom plastic Somebodywrites the lyrics Theyrecordthe song The songwas written by The Beatles CDsare madefrom Plastic The lyricsare written The songis recorded w",a@,4 the pfuwgraph 'lhe phtwgraph workbook A2Q l W*rJ1Wt"'d vocabulary plus page 107 Grammar reference page 124 Progresscheck Music Match 1-5 with a-f to makephrases release record playlive 4go goto form a) at a concert b) a band c) a songin the studio d) a new album e) numberone f) on tour Negative prefixes Completethe sentences with the negativeforms of the words in brackets.Useun-, il- and im- Kateis not verycreativeat all,she'sreally (imaginative) Peterhateswaiting.He'svery (patient) Theyare very , they neverwant to try anything new (adventurous) Thosechildrenneversay'hello'.They're (friendly) Youcan'tdependon them.They're (trustworthy) Thatdoesn'tmakesense,it's (logical) Active and passive Rewritethe sentencesusingthe passive.Start with the underlinedwords Omit by where possible A famousartistdesigned the albumcover My friend wrote that song Peopleplayedmusicthousands of yearsago Studentsusecomputersin manyschools Edisoninventedmanymachines Theygivemusiclessons in all Britishschools Tenserevision Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of the verbsin brackets We (visit)the museumlastyear Jane (play)tenniseverysummer l l i v e i n O x f o r dn o w ,b u t l t h i n k | ( l i v e )i n Londonwhen l'm older They (watch)a DVDwhen I arrived | (do)thisexercise at the moment TheJonasBrothers (win)manyawardssince thev started Grammar build up mmHmmmmms Choosethe correctwords Write sentences and questionsusingthe present simplepassive CDs/ use/to storemusic How many/ CDs/ sell/ everyyear? Thatsong/ play/ a lot on the radio What colour/ your classroom / paint? That song/ not listento / very often nowadays DVDs/ not sell/ in that shop Completethe sentencesand questionswith the pastsimplepassiveform of the verbsin brackets That record (release)lastyear W h e n ( t h eb a n d/ f o r m ) ? The lyrics (not put) on the cover Who (thosecovers/ design)by? Millionsof musicvideos (download) lastyear Thatsong (not write)by Eminem Marehallbruce MaLherelll (1) ueuallyknowsI ie ueually knownby hiearzislicnameEminem.He (2) is I wasa ra??er,recordproducerand actor Hefiret, (3) becameI was becomingpopularin 999 whenhiealbumThe)lim thady LP(4) releasedI was released.Thealbum (5) becameI was becometh e f aeNesLsellinqsolo albuminhisbory andit,(6) wonI waswinning a Grammy for DeetRapAlbum.)incethen,Eminem (7) wonI hae wonmanyother awarde.Hissongs(B) downloadI are downloaded allthe Nimeand he'e still verypopular He (9)wasaleoetarringI hasalgostarcedinahitfilm.Wha| else(1O) doeehedo I willhedo inNhefuhure?Whoknowsl ,"rri Gramrnar I Choosethe correctwords The soundtrack If you (1) watch / watched a silent film, a film without any speaking in it, you'd know immediately that the film was different But would you think the same if the film (2) has / had no music? yes, you probably would The music is a verv important Dart of the film If it is a horror film, like Scream, the' music (3) would / will make you more frightened lf it (4) was / is an action film, like a James Bond film, the music will make the scene more exciting A film (5) doesn't has to / has to have music i-' ft: s' Films had music before thev had words In the 1920s music (6) wrote / wis written for silent movies The music was played by a piano player in the cinema while people (7) were watched / watched the film When sound was introduced to films, musicals (films with singing and dancing), became very popular.Lots of songs (8) were released/ are releasedon albums and became hits In the 1940s and 1950s many famous composers, including Duke Ellington and Leonard Bernstein, (9) wrote / were wrote film sqores, or music, for the movies Some directors use the same composers for most of their films For example, if Steven Spielbergwants a film score, (10) he'll / he'd ask John Williams.Williams has written the music for lots of famous films, including Sfar Warc,the Harry Potterseries,and the IndianaJones series.He has won the Oscar for Best Original Score five times Many films (1 1) use / are used differenttunes, often called themes, for important characters Famous examplesof this technigue are the themes for Darth Vader,Luke Skywalker and prjncess Leia in John Williams's score for Star Wars.When the audiencehear the music, thev know the character ( 12) will / is going to appear What about the future? Most people agree that films (13) will / won't always need music Film soundtrack CDs are big-selling albums The soundtrack album of the 1992 film The Bodgguard (14) was sold / sold 44 million copies- it,s one of the biggest-sellingalbums of all time But most of all, a good film score is important Can you imagine watching James Bond without the music? It's impossible.You (15) mustn't / must hear the music too *T-,r rj ?: ? !, r.-3.4.* Correctthe sentences.Thereare two errors in each l'll met you to the cinemaat 7pm lf you'llwork hard,you'llpassing your exams t - tosoinsonholiday ffffiT"rr3o'nn mea rie' rbe fllli#*ourdtord Thephonographwasinventingfor $ketch true or false?Correctthe falsesentences n ffil Listen.Arethe sentences 1 Adam is goingout for dinner pen Pal Grahamis Steve's Adamand Hannahare goingto seea JamesBondfilm Beadoesn'tlikeJamesBondfilms Adam borrowssomemoneyfrom Bea Listenand read.Checkyour ansvvers' ThePenPaI Steve: Hi,Adam.What haveyou beendoing? Adam: Gettingdressed Ellie: Whereareyou going? Bea: He'sgoingto meetGraham Steve: Who'sGraham? my pen pal.He'sbeenmy pen pal Adam: Graham's for a year now He'sgreat at writing letters in lotsof and emails,and he'sinterested things.He comesfrom Canada Steve: Why hashe cometo London? Adam: To visithisuncle Ellie: But what doesGrahamlook like?How will you recognise him if you'venevermet him before? Adam: Grahamsentme a photographof himself with hisfamily.He'stall with shortbrownhair Steve: 5o,whereareyou going? Adam: Thecinema.We'regoingto seethe new lastweek JamesBondfilm lt was released Bea: What?JamesBond!How you know he will enjoyit? Adam: Well.I loveJamesBondfilms,and in one of hisemailsGrahamtold me he enjoysthem too Steve: I totally agree.They'refantastic Bea: I don't agree.What you think, Ellie? Ellie: I don't reallylikethem,but I lovethe music Steve: Oh,yeah.TheJamesBondmusicis amazing! Bea: But it'sreallyold lt waswritten in the 1950s Steve: lt's still great Ellie: What areyou goingto afterthe film? Adam: I don't know Haveyou got any ideas? Ellie: You shouldgo for a tour of the Towerof London.Grahamwill likethat Haveyou got Bea: But it'svery expensive enoughmoney? Adam: Not really Bea: Here,l'll lendyou somemoney.Youcan pay me backlater Adam: Thanks,Bea.You'rethe best.Seeyou later! Work in groupsof four Practiseand performthe sketch' Learnyour lines Think about what objectsyou need Remember to hearyou to speakclearlyfor the audience Project fnrmaband! d4ii,,rtr,{+J!iiiii,ji:ri!n !*6;6_,;4d;,i;,i:*!i@dr.i+ii:4&i :*!ed;!i;ar5€-;n ldeas What type of band you want to invent: heavymetal,pop, indie,hip hop, pr"f., g;,hZ whv? Group work What'syour band,sname? Who are the members? What instrumentscanthey play? What'stheir CDcalled? What'stheir hit songcalled? Write Write a pressreleaseabout your band Include recentnews,tour datesand news about a new CD Check Swapyour writing with a partnerand check punctuation, spelling,word orderand Interestingvocabularv Visuals Takephotos.ordraw picturesof your band uestgnan albumcover Display Make a posteror chooseanotherway of displaying your work,suchas pr"r"nt"tion Includeyour text, photosand "aitwork Show your projectto the class Infinitive Pastsimple Past participle be lbi'^l begin /bI'grn/ break /brerk/ bring,&rrq/ build/brld/ buy lbarl choose/furzl come lk,tml /dur/ drink /drr4k/ drive /drarv/ eat li|tl fall lfttll find /farndl fly lflail forget /far'getl get lgetl give /grvl go lgaul have /hev/ hear/hrer/ know /neo/ learn/lsrrn/ leave /lirv/ loselTutzl make /merk/ meet /mirt/ pay lpetl put /put/ read /rird/ run /r^n/ say /ser/ see/sil/ sell/sel/ sing/s14/ sit lsrt/ speak/spirk/ take /terkl teach/tirtJ/ tell /tel/ think /Ornk/ wear /weer/ win /wrn/ write /rartl was / were lwnzl, lwstrl began lbt'gr:nl broke /brauk/ brought lbrc'ttl built /btlt/ b o u g h t/ b c : l i choselfeuzl came/kelm/ , : did /dtd/ beenibirnl begunlbl'g,tn/ ' broken/'breuken/ brought lbrv,tl built /brlt/ bought lbcirl chosenl'{euznl t, come/krr,ml :I done /drrni o r u n K/ o r ^ K / driveni 'drrven/ ' ,' , eaten/'irtenl fallenl'fcllen/ , , r, foundlfaundl flown /fleun/ forgotten lfer'goten/ ,' " got /gDt/ grven/'grveni gone /gDru had /had/ heard/hsrrd/ known lnaunl learnt / learned lls'^rntl, /lslrnd/ left /letti lost/lost/ made/merdl met /met/ paid/perd/ ,, ll put /put/ ; read /red/ run lttnl saidrlsedl seen/siln/ sold /seuld/ sung/sArJ/ sat/sat/ spoken/'speuken/ taken /'terken/ taughtitcrtl told lteuld/ thoughtiOcrtl worn /wcrrn/ won /w^n/ written l'rttanl | | t l I l d r a n K/ d r e K / drove /dreuv/ ate /ert/ fellifel/ | l f l t T O U n Oi l a u n o i flew /flur/ forgot ifer'go1/ got lgr-tl gave/gerv/ went /went/ had /had/ heard /hsrrd/ Knew/nJu:/ learnt / learned llsrntl , /lslrnd/ left /lel-t/ lost /lnst/ m a d e/ m e r o / met /met/ paro/pero/ put /put/ read/red/ ran lrrnl | | | | t , - t - - - i l ) s a r o/ s e o / saw /scl/ sofd isauld/' sang /seIJ/ , sat /saet/ spoke /spauk/ took itokl taught /tcrt/ told /teold/ thought /0crt/ wore /wJlr/ won /w^n/ wrote /raot/ : 'i r :

Ngày đăng: 15/05/2023, 10:50


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