BS EN 61587-1:2017 BSI Standards Publication Mechanical structures for electronic equipment — Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 series Part 1: Environmental requirements, test set-up and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis under indoor condition use and transportation BS EN 61587-1:2017 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 61587-1:2017 It is identical to IEC 61587-1:2016 It supersedes BS EN 61587-1:2012, which is withdrawn The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee EPL/48, Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic equipment A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users are responsible for its correct application © The British Standards Institution 2017 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017 ISBN 978 580 85410 ICS 31.240 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 May 2017 Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affected EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM EN 61587-1 BS EN 61587-1:2017 April 201 ICS 31 240 Supersedes EN 61 587-1 :201 English Version Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 6091 and IEC 60297 series - Part : Environmental requirements, test set-up and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis under indoor condition use and transportation (IEC 61 587-1 :201 6) Structures mécaniques pour équipement électronique Essais pour les séries IEC 6091 et IEC 60297 - Partie : Exigences environnementales, montage d'essai et aspects liés la sécurité des baies, bâtis, bacs cartes et châssis dans des conditions d'utilisation intérieure ou de transport (IEC 61 587-1 :201 6) Mechanische Bauweisen für elektronische Einrichtungen Prüfungen für die Reihen IEC 6091 und IEC 60297 - Teil : Umgebungsanforderungen, Prüfaufbau und Sicherheitsaspekte für Schränke, Gestelle, Baugruppenträger und Einschübe bei Bedingungen in Innenräumen und beim Transport (IEC 61 587-1 :201 6) This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 201 7-01 -1 CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German) A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 7, B-1 000 Brussels © 201 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members Ref No EN 61 587-1 :201 E BS EN 61587-1:2017 EN 61 587-1 :201 European foreword The text of document 48D/623/FDIS, future edition of IEC 61 587-1 , prepared by SC 48D “Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment” of IEC/TC 48 “Electrical connectors and mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and approved by CENELEC as EN 61 587-1 :201 The following dates are fixed: • • latest date by which the document has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the document have to be withdrawn (dop) 201 7-1 0-21 (dow) 2020-04-21 This document supersedes EN 61 587-1 :201 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Endorsement notice The text of the International Standard IEC 61 587-1 :201 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated: IEC 60068 (series) NOTE Harmonized as EN 60068 (series) IEC 60068-2-75 NOTE Harmonized as EN 600068-2-75 IEC 62262 NOTE Harmonized as EN 62262 BS EN 61587-1:2017 EN 61 587-1 :201 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies NOTE When an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD applies NOTE Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available here: Publication IEC 60068-1 Year - IEC 60068-2-1 - IEC 60068-2-2 - IEC 60068-2-6 - IEC 60068-2-1 - IEC 60068-2-27 - IEC 60068-2-30 - IEC 60068-2-42 - IEC 60068-2-43 - IEC 60068-2-49 - IEC 60068-2-52 - IEC 60068-2-64 - IEC 60297 series IEC 60297-3-1 00 - IEC 60297-3-1 01 - Title EN/HD Environmental testing Part : General EN 60068-1 and guidance Environmental testing Part 2-1 : Tests - EN 60068-2-1 Test A: Cold Environmental testing Part 2-2: Tests - EN 60068-2-2 Test B: Dry heat Environmental testing Part 2-6: Tests - EN 60068-2-6 Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) Basic environmental testing procedures - EN 60068-2-1 Part 2-1 : Tests - Test Ka: Salt mist Environmental testing Part 2-27: Tests - EN 60068-2-27 Test Ea and guidance: Shock Environmental testing Part 2-30: Tests - EN 60068-2-30 Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (1 h + h cycle) Environmental testing Part 2-42: Tests - EN 60068-2-42 Test Kc: Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections Environmental testing Part 2-43: Tests - EN 60068-2-43 Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections Environmental testing Part 2: Tests Guidance to Test Kc: Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections Environmental testing Part 2-52: Tests - EN 60068-2-52 Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution) Environmental testing Part 2-64: Tests - EN 60068-2-64 Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (1 in) series Mechanical structures for electronic EN 60297-3-1 00 equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (1 in) series -Part 3-1 00: Basic dimensions of front panels, subracks, chassis, racks and cabinets Mechanical structures for electronic EN 60297-3-1 01 equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (1 in) series -Part 3-1 01 : Subracks and associated plugin units Year - series - - BS EN 61587-1:2017 EN 61 587-1 :201 IEC 60297-3-1 07 - IEC 60297-3-1 08 - IEC 6051 2-1 -1 - IEC 60529 - IEC 60654-4 - IEC 60695-1 -1 - IEC 60721 -3-3 - IEC 6091 series IEC 6091 7-2-1 - IEC 6091 7-2-2 - IEC 6091 7-2-3 - IEC 60950-1 (mod) 2005 + A1 (mod) + A2 (mod) 2009 201 Mechanical structures for electronic EN 60297-3-1 07 equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (1 in) series -Part 3-1 07: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in units, small form factor Mechanical structures for electronic EN 60297-3-1 08 equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (1 in) series -Part 08: Dimensions of R-type subracks and plug-in units Connectors for electronic equipment EN 6051 2-1 -1 Tests and measurements Part -1 : General examination - Test a: Visual examination Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Operating conditions for industrial-process EN 60654-4 measurement and control equipment -Part 4: Corrosive and erosive influences Fire hazard testing Part 1 -1 0: Test EN 60695-1 -1 flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods Classification of environmental conditions - EN 60721 -3-3 - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities Section 3: Stationary use at weatherprotected locations Modular order for the development of EN 6091 mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices Modular order for the development of EN 6091 7-2-1 mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices Part 2: Sectional specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice Section : Detail specification Dimensions for cabinets and racks Modular order for the development of EN 6091 7-2-2 mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices Part 2: Sectional specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice Section 2: Detail specification Dimensions for subracks, chassis, backplanes, front panels and plug-in units Modular order for the development of EN 6091 7-2-3 mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices Part 2-3: Sectional specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Extended detail specification Dimensions for subracks, chassis, backplanes, front panels and plug-in units Information technology equipment - Safety EN 60950-1 - Part : General requirements + A1 + A1 + A1 + AC + A2 - - - series - - - 2006 2009 201 201 201 201 BS EN 61587-1:2017 EN 61 587-1 :201 IEC 61 01 0-1 - IEC 61 373 - IEC 61 587-2 - IEC 61 587-3 - IEC 61 587-5 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use Part : General requirements Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock and vibration tests Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 6091 and IEC 60297 Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 6091 and IEC 60297 - Part 3: Electromagnetic shielding performance tests for cabinets and subracks Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 6091 and IEC 60297 - Part 5: Seismic tests for chassis, subracks, and plug-in units EN 61 01 0-1 - EN 61 373 - EN 61 587-2 - EN 61 587-3 - EN 61 587-5 - This page deliberately left blank BS EN 61587-1:2017 –2– I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I N TRODU CTI ON Scope N orm ati ve references Term s and d efi n i ti ons Classificati on of en viron m ental d itions General Clim atic tests 1 General 1 Col d, dry h eat an d d am p heat (cycl ic) 1 I n d ustrial atm osph ere Mech an ical tests 7 General Tests for su bracks or ch assis wi th an i ntegrated su brack an d associated plu g-i n un i ts accord i n g to I EC 6091 or I EC 60297 Static m ech an ical l oad tests of a su brack or a chassis wi th an integrated su brack 2 D yn am ic m ech an ical l oad tests for a su brack or a ch assis with an integrated su brack 7 Vibration and shock test of a m ass loaded pl ug -i n un i t 22 Static an d d yn am ic m ech an ical l oad tests for cabinets or racks 30 General 30 Cabin et an d rack – Static load tests 30 3 Cabin et or rack – Vibration an d sh ock tests 37 Cabin et – I m pact tests 40 Safety aspects 41 Safety aspects – G en eral 41 Earth bon d 41 Earth bon d – G en eral 41 2 Test procedure – Earth bon d 42 Fl amm abi l ity 42 Degrees of protecti on provid ed by encl osures (I P Cod e) 42 Bibl i ograph y 43 Figu re – Static m ech an ical load test fixture for a subrack or a ch assis wi th an i ntegrated su brack Figu re – Sin g le poin t (P3) load test for a su brack Figu re – Sin g le poin t (P3) load test for a ch assi s with an i ntegrated subrack Figu re – Sin g le poin t (P4) l oad test for a su brack or a ch assis with an integrated subrack Figu re – Test fixtu re wi th a subrack u n der test Figu re – Test fixtu re wi th a chassis with an i nteg rated subrack u n der test Figu re – Test setup an d m easurem ent point 20 Figu re – Overview of a typical plu g-in un i t and test fixtu re 23 Figu re – Overview of a typi cal plu g-in un i t test fixture – Section al views 24 BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 –3– Fi gu re – Typical m ass l oad ed plu g-i n u ni t 25 Figu re 1 – Typi cal m ass load ed h ost plug-i n u n it assem bled wi th a m ass l oad ed m ezzan i n e pl ug-in u n it 26 Figu re – Lifting test for cabin ets or racks 32 Figu re – Stiffness test for cabi n ets or racks 33 Figu re – Test set u p for cabi n ets an d racks – N om in al l oad test 35 Figu re – Test set u p for cabi n ets or racks – Vibration an d sh ock tests 38 Tabl e – Exam pl es showin g references to tests Tabl e – Cl assificati ons for cold, dry h eat and d am p heat 1 Tabl e – Cl assificati ons for in d ustri al atm osph ere Tabl e – Static m ech an i cal load perform ance l evels for su bracks – Vertical m ou n ted plu g-i n un i ts Tabl e – Typi cal test report of the m ech an ical P3 l oad test Tabl e – Static m ech an i cal load perform ance l evels for su bracks – H ori zontal m ounted plu g-i n u ni ts Tabl e – Typi cal test report of the m ech an ical P4 load test Tabl e – I EC 60297 seri es su bracks wi th m ass load ed plu g-i n u ni ts 21 Tabl e – I EC 6091 seri es su bracks wi th m ass load ed plu g-i n u ni ts 21 Tabl e – Su brack or ch assis wi th integ rated su brack – Total m ass test categori es 22 Tabl e 1 – Typical sh ock test report of su brack or chassis wi th an i n tegrated su brack 22 Tabl e – Typical vi brati on test report of subrack or ch assis wi th an in tegrated subrack 22 Tabl e – I EC 60297 seri es m ass l oad ed pl u g-in un its 27 Tabl e – I EC 6091 seri es m ass l oad ed pl u g-in un its 27 Tabl e – Typical sh ock test report of a plu g-in u n it 28 Tabl e – Typical vi brati on test report of a plu g-in u n it 28 Tabl e – Vibration an d shock classifications for subracks, chassis wi th i ntegrated subracks an d associated plu g-i n un i ts 29 Tabl e – Com bi ned classificati on l evels for cabi net or rack n om in al l oad, l ifti ng , and stiffn ess tests 30 Tabl e – Cl assification l evels for i n di vid ual l y reported cabi net or rack nom inal l oad tests 31 Tabl e 20 – Cl assification l evels for i n di vid ual l y reported cabin et or rack lift tests 31 Tabl e 21 – Cl assification l evels for i n di vid ual l y reported cabi net or rack sti ffness test 31 Tabl e 22 – Typical test report of a cabin et or rack l iftin g test 32 Tabl e 23 – Typical test report of th e cabin et or rack stiffness test 33 Tabl e 24 – Cabi n et or rack, nom i nal l oad test valu es 36 Tabl e 25 – Typical test report of th e cabin et or rack nom in al l oad test 37 Tabl e 26 – Typical test report of th e cabin et or rack com bin ed static l oad test 37 Tabl e 27 – Static l oad distributi on withi n the cabi n et or rack 38 Tabl e 28 – Vibration an d shock classifications for cabi n ets or racks 39 Tabl e 29 – I m pact cl assificati ons for cabin ets 40 Tabl e 30 – Degrees of protection provid ed by encl osures (I P Cod e) 42 BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 33 – Test conditions a) The test sam ple shal l be bolted to th e floor usi ng th e stan d ard bol t-down positions an d shall n ot use a pl i nth /base, castors or feet b) N o n om in al l oads (N L) sh all be used for th is test Test procedure a) Appl y a stead y force (P2), even l y d istri buted over th e sh aded area of Figure 3, on th e front of the cabi net an d rack u nd er test b) Mai ntain l oad for a period of m in m in im um , th en rem ove load c) Appl y a stead y force (P2), even l y d istri buted over th e sh aded area of Figure 3, on th e si de of the cabinet and rack un der test d) Mai ntain l oad for a period of m in m in im um P2 P2 P2 Al tern ati ve 00 m m Fron t Si d e Cabi n et or rack Fl oor IEC Figure – Stiffness test for cabinets or racks Assessment following the tests a) After the front and side tests no deform ati on of parts th at affect form , fit or function wi th regard to th e rel evan t detail specification sh all be all owed b) Earth bon d conti n uity ch eck to be carri ed out i n accord ance wi th c) A typical report of th e test resu l ts of th e cabin et or rack stiffness test is sh own in Table 23 Table 23 – Typical test report of the cabinet or rack stiffness test Cabinet per IEC (report selected size) Cabinet size H×W×D Cabinet stiffness test ST I EC 60297-3-1 00 800 × 600 × 800 ST4 Cabinet or rack – Nominal load test General For the pu rpose of th e n om in al load test a set up per th e cabin et or rack exam ple in Fig ure shou ld be foll owed to keep cabin et l oad in g consi stent H owever, th e verti cal m em bers of an em pty cabin et or rack accord ing to I EC 6091 or I EC 60297 acceptin g the attachm en t of subracks or ch assis in accord ance with I EC 6091 or I EC 60297 m ay be confi gured eith er front m ou nted or recessed m ou nted or both For the purpose of a l oad test the load d istri bu tion shal l be as shown i n Fi gure I f the cabi n et or rack is n ot d esign ed to su pport loads sim ilar to load M 4, M m ay be om itted an d replaced with ad di ti on al M l oads The nom i nal l oad (N Lx) sh al l be selected from Table or Tabl e an d d istri buted in the cabin et BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 34 – I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 or rack accord in g to Table 24 The test sam pl e shal l at a m in im um compl y with th e N L1 of 200 kg, see Table or Table Dimensions in millimetres W C or W C0 D or D C0 5×A Du m m y l oad M ( × posi ti on s) Centre of gravi ty of du m m y subracks or ch assi s H or H C0 A 00 Du m m y l oad M 300 400 Y Z X IEC Key For D, W C and H see I EC 60297-3-1 00 For D C0 , W C0 an d H C see I EC 6091 7-2-1 a) Test set up using M4 load BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 35 – D or D C0 W C or W C0 Du m m y l oad M m ay al so be attached to rear of cabi net/rack Du m m y l oad M (typi cal ) Locati on of Cen tre of gravi ty (CG) sh al l be reported H or H C0 A CG IEC Key For D, W C and H see I EC 60297-3-1 00 For D C0 , W C0 an d H C see I EC 6091 7-2-1 b) Alternative test set up without M4 load Figure – Test set up for cabinets and racks – Nominal load test BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 36 – I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Table 24 – Cabinet or rack, nominal load test values Cabinets or racks according to IEC 60297-3-1 00 IEC 6091 7-2-1 A M3 M4 Total load (NLx) 265, 23 85 200 23 285 400 68 460 800 68 660 000 00 000 500 23 85 200 23 285 400 68 460 800 68 660 000 00 000 500 mm 250 kg kg kg Total l oad N Lx m ay be ach i eved ei th er by com bi ned M3 an d M l oads as i n di cated above or by u si ng onl y M l oad s d i stri bu ted th rou gh out the h ei gh t an d d epth of th e cabi n et or rack Detai l s of l oad d i stri bu ti on shal l be i ncl ud ed i n the test report Key – A = H ei g ht of th e d um m y l oad s M i n the u pper secti on – M4 = Du m m y l oad wei g h t i n th e l ower secti on of th e cabi n et Test conditions a) The test sam pl e sh all not be bolted to the fl oor but pl aced on a rigi d floor b) The test sam pl e sh all be assem bl ed as per th e i n ten ded use cond i tion (i e feet or castors or a pl in th/base is attach ed) Details of the assem bl y used for th e test sh al l be reported c) The cabi net front m ay or m ay n ot be assem bl ed with a fron t d oor accord i n g to th e i nten d ed use Detai ls of the assem bl y used for th e test sh al l be reported d) The cabi n et rear m ay or m ay not be assem bled with a rear panel or a rear d oor accord i ng to th e i nten d ed use Detai ls of th e assem bl y used for th e test sh al l be reported e) The cabin et si d e(s) m ay or m ay n ot be assem bl ed wi th a side cover(s) accord ing to the i nten d ed use Detai ls of the assem bl y used for th e test sh al l be reported Test procedure a) The test load d istribution is accord i n g to Fi gure b) The test sam pl e load is to be selected from Table 24 c) The M3 d um m y l oads shall be assem bled to th e cabinet or rack via th e front m oun ted cabin et or rack m oun ti n g fl anges, an d option ally vi a th e ad d iti onal m ou nti ng fl an g es in accord ance with I EC 6091 7-2-1 or rear vertical m em bers accord in g to Figure and Figu re of I EC 60297-3-1 00: 2008, see Figure I f add i tion al m oun tin g fl an ges are used th is sh ou ld be n oted in the report Th e d um m y l oad m ou n ti n g fl an ges sh all be i n accord ance with I EC 6091 7-2-1 or I EC 60297-3-1 00 an d rigi d en ou gh to support th e dum m y load M withou t deflection The M d um m y loads shal l be bol ted to th e cabin et or rack vertical m em bers vi a a m in im um of M screws an d be ti gh ten ed to th e recom m end ed torqu e values d) The M4 d umm y l oad (if u sed) sh al l be assem bled to the cabin et or rack base as sh own in Fi gu re 4a For th e 000 kg load th e weig ht m ay be d istri bu ted on th e entire base area, m aintai n in g the 400 m m hei ght, so th at steel m ay be used for th e weig ht e) M ntain l oad for a period of m in m in im um f) Deform ati on of al l vertical m em bers in th e Y d irecti on rel ati ve to th e floor sh al l be less th an m m BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 37 – g) Earth bon d conti n ui ty ch eck to be carri ed out in accord ance wi th h) N o d eform ation th at wou ld affect form , fi t or functi on (e g , open i ng or cl osi ng of cabi n et doors) sh all be all owed Assessment following the test a) N o d eform ati on th at wou ld affect form , fi t or function (e g , open i ng or cl osi ng of cabin et doors) sh all be all owed b) Earth bon d conti n uity ch eck to be carri ed out i n accord ance to c) Typical reports of the test resu lts of th e cabi n et or rack nom i nal l oad test an d the com bi ned static load test are sh own in Tabl e 25 and Tabl e 26 Table 25 – Typical test report of the cabinet or rack nominal load test Cabinet per IEC (report selected size) Cabinet size Cabinet load test I EC 60297-3-1 00 000 × 600 × 600 N L3 H ×W× D Cabinet assembl y NL Cabi net tested wi th fron t an d rear d oors, si d e pan el s, an d casters attached Table 26 – Typical test report of the cabinet or rack combined static load test Cabinet per IEC (report selected size) Cabinet size Cabinet load test Cabinet lifting test H ×W× D NL LT I EC 60297-3-1 00 000 × 600 × 600 7.3.3 Cabinet stiffness test ST SL6 Cabinet or rack – Vibration and shock tests General This stan dard d istig u ish es between com pl iance for vibrati on (DLxV) an d com pli an ce for sh ock (DLxS) tests to perm it users to choose specific applicati on tests (see Clause 5, paragraph 4) The tests sh al l be carri ed ou t on a cabin et set-u p as shown in Figure and Tabl e 27 Th e test cabin et consists of a fram e, front door, rear door, two sid e pan els and a top cover Th e rack consists of a fram e on l y M ou nti ng of the test sam pl e to the test tabl e is vi a th e bottom (floor) m oun tin g poin ts The vibration and shock cl assificati on levels are sh own in Tabl e 28 BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 38 – I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Dimensions in millimetres 600 600 5×A Dum m y l oad M ( × posi ti on s) Cen tre of gravi ty of du m m y subracks or chassi s 000 A 00 Dum m y l oad M 300 400 Y Z X IEC Figure – Test set up for cabinets or racks – Vibration and shock tests Table 27 – Static load distribution within the cabinet or rack Cabinets according to IEC 60297-3-1 00 IEC 6091 7-2-1 A M3 M4 Total load 265, 10 00 50 250 10 00 50 mm kg kg kg Am pl itud e, waveform s and d u rati on of shock di ffer si g n i fi can tl y from sei sm i c tests as speci fi ed i n I EC 61 587-2 Key – A = H ei g h t of the d u m m y l oads M i n th e u pper secti on – M4 = Dum m y l oad wei g h t i n th e l ower secti on of th e cabi n et BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 39 – Table 28 – Vibration and shock classifications for cabinets or racks Classification Application examples Vibration DL4V DL5V DL6V Low l evel of shock and vi brati on , m n l y stati onary use Load ed cabi n et for norm al han d l i n g an d servi ce i n factori es and offi ces (cl ass 3M 2, I EC 60721 -3-3) Mod erate l evel of sh ock an d vi brati on , stati onary an d m obi l e use Load ed cabi n et for rai l way, m otorway si gn al l i ng appl i cati on s, cl ose to rotati n g m achi n es (cl ass 3M 4, I EC 60721 -3-3) H i gh l evel of shock and vi brati on Appl i cati on s such as com m erci al shi ps – l ow l evel m i l i tary req u i rem ents (cl ass 3M 6, I EC 60721 -3-3) Test Fc: Vibration sinu soidal , according to IEC 60068-2-6 Classifi- Test Ea: Shock test Y-axes onl y, cation half sine wave, according to IEC 60068-2-27 Shock Frequen cy Defl ection Acceleration Peak Duration Number range amplitude amplitude acceleration time of shocks Hz mm m /s 2 to ,5 – to 200 – to 3, – to 200 – 10 to 7, – to 200 – 20 m /s ms DL4S 40 18 DL5S 00 11 DL6S 250 11 Test condition a) The cabi n et an d rack u nd er test shall be m ou n ted to th e vibrati on or shock table vi a i nten d ed bol t-d own (fl oor) positi ons b) I n order to sim ul ate th e operatin g d itions, rear or top structural su pports m ay be used Detai ls of th e assem bl y u sed for the test shal l be reported c) The cabinet front m ay or m ay n ot be assem bl ed with a fron t d oor accord in g to th e i nten d ed use Detai ls of the assem bl y used for th e test sh all be reported d) The cabi n et rear m ay or m ay not be assem bled with a rear panel or a rear d oor accord i ng to th e i nten d ed use Detai ls of th e assem bl y used for th e test sh al l be reported e) The cabi n et si d e(s) m ay or m ay n ot be assem bl ed with a si de cover(s) accord i ng to the i nten d ed use Details of the assem bl y used for th e test sh all be reported f) The M3 d umm y loads shal l be assem bl ed to th e cabi net or rack via th e front m oun ted cabi n et or rack m ounti n g flan ges, see Figure The dum m y l oad m ou nti ng fl ang es sh all be in accord ance wi th I EC 6091 7-2-1 or I EC 60297-3-1 00 an d rigi d enou g h to support th e dum m y l oad M withou t deflection The M d um m y l oads shal l be bol ted to th e cabin et or BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 40 – I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 rack vertical m em bers vi a a m in im um of M screws an d be ti gh ten ed to th e recom m end ed torqu e val ues g) The M dum m y l oad shal l be assem bl ed to the cabi net or rack base as sh own i n Fi gu re Test procedure Accord i n g to I EC 60068-2-6 Transit tim e: octave/m in u te Test axes: Test duration/axis: Resonance search : Resonance test: x-y-z (Y axis is sel ected as bei n g th e m ost severe) frequ ency cycl es H z to 00 H z, m /s accelerati on Resonance with a m agn i ficati on factor of to shall h ave th e vi bration am plitu de i ncreased u nti l th e m agn ification factor reach es to This level shal l be m aintain ed for a period of not l ess th an m in Assessment following the test a) N o deform ation or d am age of parts that affect form , fit or fu ncti on sh all be al lowed after th e tests b) Earth bon d contin ui ty ch eck to be carri ed out i n accord ance with 7.3.4 Cabinet – Impact tests General The purpose of th ese tests is to eval u ate the im pact resistance of the ou ter parts of a cabi n et, such as d oors, covers or wi n dow or d ispl ay sections Eq u ipm ent shal l n ot cause a h azard wh en su bj ected to im pact l ikel y to occur i n norm al use To ach ieve th is req u irem ent, eq u i pm ent sh al l h ave ad equ ate m ech an ical stren gth and el ectrical i nsu l ati on Severity classification shou l d be sel ected accord in g to I EC 62262 (superced i n g the prior I EC 60068-2-75 req u irem en t) Th e appl icabl e selection is sh own i n Table 29 Oth er classes sh ou l d be selected accord in g to I EC 62262 Table 29 – Impact classifications for cabinets Energy value Classification Application examples J Metal cover surfaces of cabinet Door view panels, windows using glass, plastic, etc I K04 Equ i pm en t for gen eral el ectron i cs (m easurem en t, l aboratory) u se 0, 0, (I K02) I K07 Equ i pm en t for gen eral i n du stri al el ectroni cs (offi ce, l aboratory) use 0, (I K02) I K08 Equ i pm en t for gen eral i n du stri al el ectroni cs, m obi l e appl i cati on s (factory, outd oor) u se 0, 35 (I K03) Test procedure N um ber of im pacts: fi ve i n each of the three axes (x, y, z) of th e sam ple BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 41 – The sam ple sh al l be m oun ted on a ri gi d su pport th at m ay be assum ed to be ri gid en ough if it does n ot m ove m ore th an 0, m m und er th e effect of a d irectl y appl ied im pact of th e specified l evel of energ y for th e test The im pact test sh al l be perform ed on l y on in d ivi du al cabi n et parts such as doors an d covers (not a subrack or ch assi s) install ed i n their inten ded confi guration Parts have th ei r m oun ti n g screws tigh ten ed with th e m anufacturers recom m end ed torq u e appl ied I f th e pen d u lum test is in ven ient, it is perm itted to sim u late h orizon tal i m pacts on vertical or sl opi n g surfaces by m ountin g th e sam ple at 90° to i ts n orm al positi on and appl yi n g th e vertical im pact test i nstead of the pen du lum test I m pact locations sh all be determ i ned on th e sam ple, correspon d i ng to wh ere d am age is m ost l ikel y to occur i n practice Assessment following the tests a) N o d eform ation or dam age of parts th at affect form , fit or fu ncti on shal l be all owed after th e tests b) Earth bon d conti n ui ty ch eck to be carri ed out i n accord ance wi th 8 Safety aspects 8.1 Safety aspects – General Safety aspects cover both h um an hazard an d prod uct safety and are m andatory for fu l l com pli ance with th is part of I EC 61 587 Th e m echan ical d esign of cabinets, racks, su bracks, chassis wi th an i n tegrated su brack and associ ated plu g-i n u n its shal l have ad eq u ate d esi gn consid erations to preven t d ang er or h azards to peopl e an d to be an ad eq uate barrier agai nst un auth orized access to the in teri or The m echan ical parts of th e enclosure sh al l be free of sh arp ed ges, burrs, etc th at cou l d present a safety hazard to person n el in volved i n th eir assem bl y, i nstal lation, use or m ainten ance I EC 60950-1 contains add ition al safety requ irem ents for inform ation techn ol og y eq u i pm ent, i ncl u d in g el ectrical busi ness equ i pm ent, th at is m ains-powered or battery-powered, or is n ected d irectl y to a telecomm un ications n etwork Cabin ets, racks, subracks, chassis wi th an in tegrated su brack and associ ated plu g-in u n its in ten ded for use i n th is en vironm ent shou l d review I EC 60950-1 : 2005, Cl ause for safety com pli ance 8.2 8.2.1 Earth bond Earth bond – General Safety aspects sh al l be in accord ance wi th I EC 61 01 0-1 I n ord er to protect ag n st tact wi th shock hazard voltag es, al l m etalli c com pon en ts of th e cabi n et, rack, su brack, chassis with an integrated su brack an d associated plu g-i n un i ts wh ich can be touch ed sh al l be el ectricall y in tercon nected Experience h as shown that m ou nting screws alon e d o n ot represent suffici entl y reli able d ucti ve nections Ad di tion al m easures sh all be taken, such as are req u ired for exam pl e i n front pan els m ade from insu l ating m aterial and usin g m etal lic locks, h in ges, etc Th e resistance of th e n ection between the protecti ve earth in g term in al or earth i ng contact an d parts req u ired to be earthed shal l be l ess than 0, Ω BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 42 – 8.2.2 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Test procedure – Earth bond The test shal l be in accordance with I EC 61 01 0-1 The test current used for determ in in g the im pedance sh al l be reported 8.3 Flammability Al l m ateri als used in th e construction, com pon en ts an d parts i nsi de a cabinet, racks or subracks sh al l m in im i ze the propag ati on of fire Fl amm abi li ty is covered in I EC 60695-1 -1 I n order to prevent a fire, al l m ateri als shal l com ply wi th fl amm abili ty cl ass of V2, or better, accord ing to I EC 60695-1 -1 8.4 Degrees of protection provided by enclosu res (IP Code) I t is th e i ntenti on of th i s su bcl ause to ensure that th e relevant level of h um an protection ag nst h azard is m ain tained U se Table 30 for cl assification selecti on on l y Refer to I EC 60529 for fu ll d etails Table 30 – Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Classification Protection ag ainst Test condition s Assessment during or following the test I P20 Contact wi th h azardous com ponents by fi n g er or sol i d forei g n bod y, di am eter 2, m m or above Arti cu l ated test fi nger m m di am eter an d obj ect probe 2, m m d i am eter (bal l ) Test fi nger i s abl e to pen etrate by up to 80 m m and sh al l h ave suffi ci en t cl earan ce from hazard ous com pon en ts Obj ect probe shal l be u n abl e to pen etrate throu gh an open i n g I P30 Contact wi th h azardous com ponents by tool and sol i d forei g n bod y, di am eter 2, m m or above Obj ect probe, 2, m m d i am eter Obj ect probe sh al l be u nabl e to pen etrate an d su ffi ci ent cl earan ce sh al l be m n tai n ed I P42 Contact wi th h azardous com ponents by probe an d sol i d forei g n bod y, di am eter m m or above: water d ri p u p to 5° i ncl i nati on of obj ect Obj ect probe, m m d i am eter Obj ect probe sh al l be u nabl e to pen etrate and suffi ci ent cl earan ce sh al l be m n tai n ed Contact wi th h azardous com ponents by wi re Sm al l q uanti ti es of d u st Water spl ash ed from al l di recti on s Obj ect probe, m m d i am eter Du st ch am ber Water sprayi ng eq ui pm en t, swi ng pi pe I P54 Dri p box Water d ri p shal l not h ave any d am agi n g effect Obj ect probe sh al l be u nabl e to pen etrate an d su ffi ci ent cl earan ce sh al l be m n tai n ed On l y sm al l q u anti ti es of d ust shal l be abl e to pen etrate, fu ncti on an d safety (gen erati on of l eakag e cu rren ts) sh al l be u ni m pai red Water spl ashed from al l d i recti ons sh al l n ot h ave any d am agi n g effect BS EN 61587-1:2017 I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 43 – Bibliograph y I EC 60068 (all parts), Environmental testing I EC 60068-2-75, Environmental testing – Part 2-75: Tests – Test Eh: Hammer tests I EC 62262, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code) _ BS EN 61587-1:2017 – 44 – I EC 61 587-1 : 201 © I EC 201 SOMMAI RE AVAN T-PROPOS 47 I N TRODU CTI ON 49 Dom ain e d ’appl ication 50 Références norm ati ves 50 Term es et d éfi n itions 52 Classificati on des d itions d'en viron n em ent 52 Général ités 53 Essais clim ati q ues 54 Général ités 54 Froid, ch aleur sèch e et chal eur h um ide (cycliq u e) 55 Atm osph ère i nd ustri el le 56 Essais m écan iq u es 57 7 Général ités 57 Essais des bacs cartes ou d es ch âssis avec u n bac cartes intégré et d es un ités enfich abl es associées conform ém en t l'I EC 6091 ou l'I EC 60297 57 Essais de ch arg e m écan i qu e statiqu e d 'u n bac cartes ou d'u n châssis avec un bac cartes i ntégré 57 2 Essais de ch arge m écan i qu e d yn am i q ue d 'u n bac cartes ou d'u n châssis avec u n bac cartes in tégré 61 Essai de ch ocs et d e vibrations d'u n e u n ité enfich able ch argée par u ne m asse 67 Essais de ch arg e m écan i qu e stati qu e et d yn am i qu e d es bai es ou d es bâtis 75 Généralités 75 Bai e et bâti – Essais d e charg e statiq u e 76 3 Bai e ou bâti – Essais d e vibrations et d e chocs 83 Essais d'im pacts sur un e baie 86 Aspects l i és l a sécurité 87 Aspects l i és l a sécurité – Gén éral i tés 87 Liaison de m asse 88 Liaison de m asse – Gén éralités 88 2 Procéd ure d ’essai – Li aison de m asse 88 I nflam m abi l ité 88 Degrés d e protection procurés par les en veloppes (Cod e I P) 88 Bibl i ographi e 90 Figu re – Bâti d'essai d e ch arge m écan i qu e stati qu e d'u n bac cartes ou d'un châssis avec u n bac cartes in tégré 57 Figu re – Essai de charge ponctu elle (P3) pour u n bac cartes 58 Figu re – Essai de charge ponctu elle (P3) pour u n ch âssis avec u n bac cartes i ntégré 59 Figu re – Essai de charge ponctu elle (P4) pour u n bac cartes ou u n ch âssis avec u n bac cartes i ntégré 60 Figu re – Bâti d'essai avec u n bac cartes en essai 62 Figu re – Bâti d'essai avec u n bac cartes i ntégré en essai 63 Figu re – Mon tage d'essai et poi nt d e m esure 65 Figu re – Vue d'ensem bl e d'un e u n ité enfichabl e et d 'u n bâti d 'essai typi q u es 68 This page deliberately left blank This page deliberately left blank NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Institution (BSI) BSI is the national body responsible for preparing British Standards and other standards-related publications, information and services BSI is incorporated by Royal Charter British Standards and other standardization products are published by BSI Standards Limited About us Reproducing extracts We bring together business, industry, government, consumers, innovators and others to shape their combined experience and expertise into 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