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Bsi bs en 60898 1 2003 + a13 2012

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BRITISH STANDARD Electrical accessories – Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations – Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c operation ICS 29.120.50             BS EN EN 60898-1:2003 60898-1:2003 +A13:2012 +A1:2004 Incorporating Incorporating corrigenda CENELEC February 2004 andand amendments A11 June 2008 A12 and corrigenda February 2004 and June 2008 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 National foreword National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012, incorporating amendments A12:2008 and A13:2012, and corrigendum This British Standard is theA11:2005, UK implementation of EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004, February 2004.A11:2005 It is derived IEC 60898-1:2002, incorporating incorporating andfrom A12:2008, and corrigendum Februaryamendment 1:2002.ItItissupersedes BSIEC EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 which amendment will be withdrawn 2004 derived from 60898-1:2002, incorporating 1:2002 onsupersedes 21 May 2015 It BS EN 60898-1:2003 which is withdrawn The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags Tags indicating changes to IEC text carry the number of the IEC amendment For example, text altered by IEC amendment is indicated by !" The CENELEC common modifications have been implemented at the appropriate places in the text The start and finish of each common modification is indicated in the text by tags  Where a common modfication to an IEC amendment has been introduced, the tags carry the number of the amendment For example, the common modifications introduced by CENELEC to IEC amendment are indicated by ab Where a common modfication has been introduced by CENELEC amendment, the tags carry the number of the amendment For example, the common modifications introduced by CENELEC amendment A11 are indicated by ‚ National Annex NA (informative) reproduces CENELEC Interpretation Sheets 1–4, August 2007 Corrigendum February 2004 made changes to 5.2, 5.2.5, 5.3.1, 6.3, 8.1.3, 9.12.1, 9.12.11,, C.2, Annex E and Annex ZA The The UK UK participation participation in in its itspreparation preparationwas wasentrusted entrustedby byTechnical TechnicalCommittee Committee PEL/23, Electrical accessories, accessories, to to Subcommittee SubcommitteePEL/23/1, PEL/23/1,Circuit Circuit-breakers PEL/23, Electrical breakers and similar equipment equipment for for household household use use and similar A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users are responsible for its correct application Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations This British Standard was published under the authority of theBritish Standards Policywas and This Standard Strategy Committee published under the authority on September 2003 of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on September 2003 © The British Standards Institution 2012 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012 © BSI 2009 Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Amd No Date Amd No Date 15779 31 October 2006 15779 31 October 2006 30 June 2008 30 June 2008 30 April 2009 30 April 200 31 October 2012 ISBN 978 580 72588 ISBN 978 580 64611 Comments Comments See national foreword See national foreword Addition of National Annex NA, reproducing CENELEC Interpretation Addition of National Annex NA, reproducing Sheets 1–4 CENELEC Interpretation Sheets 1–4 Implementation of CENELEC amendment Implementation of CENELEC amendment A12:2008 A12:2008 Implementation of CENELEC amendment A13:2012 EN 60898-1:2003+A13 60898-1:2003+A1 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE +A11 June 2012 20 September EUROPÄISCHE NORM ICS 29.120.50 +A12 September 20 Incorporating corrigendum February 2004 Supersedes EN 60898:1991 + A1:1991 + A11:1994 + A12:1995 + A13:1995 + A14:1995 + A15:1995 + A16:1996 + A17:1998 + A18:1998 + A19:2000 English version Electrical accessories – ± Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c operation (IEC 60898-1:2002, modified) Petit appareillage électrique – Disjoncteurs pour la protection contre les surintensités pour installations domestiques et analogues Partie 1: Disjoncteurs pour le fonctionnement en courant alternatif (CEI 60898-1:2002, modifiée) Elektrisches Installationsmaterial – Leitungsschutzschalter für Hausinstallationen und ähnliche Zwecke Teil 1: Leitungsschutzschalter für Wechselstrom (AC) (IEC 60898-1:2002, modifiziert) This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-09-24 CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German) A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels © 2003 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members Ref No EN 60898-1:2003 E Page Page2 BS ENEN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Foreword The text of document 23E/470/FDIS, future edition of IEC 60898-1, prepared by SC 23E, Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use, of IEC TC 23, Electrical accessories, together with common modifications prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as EN 60898-1 on 2002-09-24 This European Standard supersedes EN 60898:1991 + corrigendum October 1991 + A1:1991 + A11:1994 + A12:1995 + A13:1995 + A14:1995 + A15:1995 + A16:1996 + A17:1998 + A18:1998 + A19:2000 The following dates were fixed: – – latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2003-10-01 latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2008-10-01 Annexes designated "normative" are part of the body of the standard Annexes designated "informative" are given for information only In this standard, annexes B, C, E, H, I, ZA and ZB are normative and annexes A, D and F are informative Annexes ZA and ZB have been added by CENELEC In this standard, the following print types are used: - requirements: roman type; - test specifications: italic type; - notes: smaller roman type Endorsement notice The text of the International Standard IEC 60898-1:2002 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard Page with agreed common modifications BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Foreword to amendment A1 The text of amendment 1:2002 to the International Standard IEC 60898-1:2002, prepared by SC 23E, Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use, of IEC TC 23, Electrical accessories, together with common modifications prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as amendment A1 to EN 60898-1:2003 on 2004-03-16 The following dates were fixed: – latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2005-04-01 – latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the amendment have to be withdrawn (dow) 2008-10-01 Annex ZC has been added by CENELEC Endorsement notice The text of amendment 1:2002 to the International Standard IEC 60898-1:2002 was approved by CENELEC as an amendment to the European Standard with agreed common modifications as given below Foreword to amendment A11 This amendment, aiming to improve the interpretation of some requirements/testing specifications of EN 60898-1:2003, has been prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers Endorsement notice Page The text of amendment 1:2002 to the International Standard IEC 60898-1:2002 was approved by EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 modifications as given CENELEC as an amendment to the European Standard with agreed commonBS below Foreword to amendment A11 This amendment, aiming to improve the interpretation of some requirements/testing specifications of EN 60898-1:2003, has been prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications The text of the draft was submitted to Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as amendment A11 to EN 60898-1:2003 on 2005-05-01 The following dates were fixed: – latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2006-05-01 – latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the amendment have to be withdrawn (dow) 2010-05-01 Tables which are additional to those in IEC 60898-1 are prefixed “Z” Foreword to amendment A12 At the request of the German electrotechnical committee a draft for an amendment to the European Standard EN 60898-1:2003 was submitted to the CENELEC members for acceptance in May 2008 The text of the draft was accepted by CENELEC as amendment A12 to EN 60898-1:2003 on 2008-08-01 The following dates were fixed: – latest date by which the existence of the amendment has to be announced at national level – latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical EN 60898-1:2003/A13:2012 –2– national standard or by endorsement (doa) 2008-11-01 (dop) 2009-02-01 Foreword to amendment 13 Foreword This document (EN 60898-1:2003/A13:2012) has been prepared by CLC/TC 23E "Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications" The following dates are fixed: • latest date by which this document h (dop) 2013-05-21 as to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement • latest date by which the national (dow) 2015-05-21 standards conflicting with this document have to be withdrawn Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Clauses, subclauses, notes, tables, figures and annexes which are additional to those in IEC 60898-1:2003 are prefixed “Z” This standard covers the Principle Elements of the Safety Objectives for Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits (LVD - 2006/95/EC) Page Page4 BS ENEN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 CONTENTS Scope and object Normative references .9 Definitions 10 3.1 Devices 10 3.2 General terms 11 3.3 Constructional elements 13 3.4 Conditions of operation 15 3.5 Characteristic quantities 16 3.6 Definitions related to insulation co-ordination 20 Classification 22 4.1 According to the number of poles: 22 4.2 According to the protection against external influences: 22 4.3 According to the method of mounting: 22 4.4 According to the method of connection: 22 4.5 According to the instantaneous tripping current (see 3.5.17): 23 4.6 According to the I2 t characteristics 23 Characteristics of circuit-breakers 23 5.1 List of characteristics 23 5.2 Rated quantities 23 5.3 Standard and preferred values 25 Marking and other product information 27 6.1 Standard marking 27 6.2 Additional marking 28 6.3 Guidance table for marking 29 Standard conditions for operation in service 30 7.1 7.2 Ambient air temperature range 30 Altitude 30 Requirements for construction and operation 31 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 Mechanical design 31 Protection against electric shock 39 Dielectric properties and isolating capability 40 Temperature-rise 40 Uninterrupted duty 41 Automatic operation 41 Mechanical and electrical endurance 43 Performance at short-circuit currents 43 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact 43 Resistance to heat 44 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire 44 Resistance to rusting 44 8.13 Power loss 44 8.14 Electromagnetic immunity .44 8.15 Electromagnetic emission .44 Page Page 55 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Page BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Tests 45 9.1 Type tests and test sequences 45 Tests 9.2 Test 9.1 Type conditions tests and test sequences 46 45 9.3 Test of indelibility of marking 47 9.2 Test conditions 46 9.4 Test Test of parts and connections 47 9.3 of reliability indelibilityofofscrews, markingcurrent-carrying 47 9.5 Test of reliability of terminals for external conductors 49 9.4 Test of reliability of screws, current-carrying parts and connections 47 9.6 electric shock 50 9.5 Test Test of of protection reliability ofagainst terminals for external conductors 49 9.7 Test of dielectric properties and isolating capability 51 9.6 Test of protection against electric shock 50 9.8 andand measurement of power loss 56 9.7 Test Test of of temperature-rise dielectric properties isolating capability 51 9.9 Test 28-day 57 9.8 of test temperature-rise and measurement of power loss 56 9.10 Test of tripping characteristic 57 9.9 28-day test 57 9.11 and electrical endurance 59 9.10 Test Test of of mechanical tripping characteristic 57 9.12 Short-circuit tests 61 9.11 Test of mechanical and electrical endurance 59 9.13 Short-circuit Mechanical stresses 73 9.12 tests 61 9.14 of resistance to heat 73 77 9.13 Test Mechanical stresses 9.15 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire (glow-wire test) 78 9.14 Test of resistance to heat 77 9.16 of resistance to rusting 78 9.15 Test Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire (glow-wire test) 78 9.16 Test of resistance to rustingof 78 Annex A (informative) Determination short-circuit power factor 92 B (informative) (normative) Determination and creepage 92 93 Annex A Determinationofofclearances short-circuit power factordistances C (normative) Determination Test sequences number and of samples necessary prove Annex B of and clearances creepage distancesto 93 compliance with the standard 96 Annex C (normative) Test sequences and number of samples necessary to prove Annex D (informative) Co-ordination under short-circuit conditions between a compliance with the standard 96 circuit-breaker and another short-circuit protective device (SCPD) associated in the Annex D (informative) Co-ordination under short-circuit conditions between a same circuit 102 circuit-breaker and another short-circuit protective device (SCPD) associated in the Annexcircuit F (informative) Examples of terminals 102 111 same Annex G (void) F (informative) Examples of terminals 114 111 H (normative) Arrangement for short-circuit test 114 115 Annex G (void) Annex H I (normative) tests 118 (normative) Routine Arrangement for short-circuit test 115 Annex JI (normative) (normative) Particular requirements for circuit-breakers with screwless type Routine tests 118 terminals for external copper conductors 119 Annex J (normative) Particular requirements for circuit-breakers with screwless type terminals for external Particular copper conductors Annex K (normative) requirements for circuit-breakers with flat quick-connect 119 terminations 128 Annex K (normative) Particular requirements for circuit-breakers with flat quick-connect terminations Annex ZA (normative) Classification of circuit-breakers into energy limiting classes 128 135 Annex ZB International publications quoted into in this standard withclasses the reference 135 ZA (normative) Classification of circuit-breakers energy limiting of the relavent European publications 137 Annex ZB (normative) International publications quoted in this standard with the reference of the relavent European publications 137 Annex ZC (normative) Special national conditions 138 ZD (normative) (informative)Special List of national clauses that require retesting����������������������������������������������138 Annex ZC conditions 138 Bibliography 139 Bibliography Figure – Thread forming tapping screw 3.3.22 139 79 Figure cutting tapping – Thread forming tappingscrew screw3.3.23 3.3.22 79 Figure – Thread Single-pole circuit-breaker or 3.3.23 individual pole of multipole circuit-breaker 79 cutting tapping screw 4a– –Single-pole Two-pole circuit-breaker one protected pole 80 Figure circuit-breakerwith or individual pole of multipole circuit-breaker 79 4b – Two-pole circuit-breaker with two 80 Figure 4a one protected protected poles pole Figure circuit-breaker with (or three single-pole circuit-breakers) 4b– –Three-pole Two-pole circuit-breaker two protected poles 80 Figure 81 – Four-pole Three-polecircuit-breaker circuit-breaker (or three single-pole circuit-breakers) 80 Figure – Four-pole circuit-breaker 81 Page 131 Page 131 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 ! Thermocouple IEC 1156/02 Figure K.1 – Example of position of the thermocouple for measurement of the temperature-rise Table K.3 – Dimensions of tabs Dimensions in millimetres A Nominal size B C D E F J M N P 0,84 6,40 4,1 2,0 12 ° 2,5 2,0 1,8 0,77 6,20 3,6 1,6 8° 2,2 1,8 0,7 0,84 6,40 4,7 2,0 12 ° 1,8 0,77 6,20 4,3 1,6 8° 0,7 Dimple 1,0 0,7 7,8 6,3 × 0,8 1,0 Q 8,9 Hole 0,5 7,8 NOTE For the dimensions A to Q refer to figures K.2 to K.5 NOTE Where two values are shown in one column, they give the maximum and the minimum dimension 8,9 " Page Page132 132 BS ENEN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 ! NOTE Bevel A of 45 ° need not be a straight line if it is within the confines shown NOTE Dimension L is not specified and may vary by the application (for example fixing) NOTE Dimension C of tabs may be produced from more than one layer of material provided that the resulting tab complies in all respects with the requirements of this standard A radius on the longitudinal edge of the tab is permissible NOTE The sketches are not intended to govern the design except with regard to the dimensions shown NOTE The thickness C of the male tab may vary beyond Q or beyond B + 1,14 mm (0,043 in) NOTE All portions of the tabs are flat and free of burrs or raised plateaus, except that there may be a raised plateau over the stock thickness of 0,025 mm (0,001 in) per side, in an area defined by a line surrounding the detent and distant from it by 1,3 mm (0,051 in) Figure K.2 – Dimensions of male tabs " Page 133 Page 133 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 ! Detent shall be located within 0,076 mm (0,003 in) of the centre-line of the tab Figure K.3 – Dimensions of round dimple detents (see figure K.2) Detent shall be located within 0,13 mm (0,005 in) of the centre-line of the tab Figure K.4 – Dimensions of rectangular dimple detents (see figure K.2) Detent shall be located within 0,076 mm (0,003 in) of the centre-line of the tab Figure K.5 – Dimensions of hole detents " Page Page134 134 BS ENEN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 ! B3 X B3 L2 IEC 1157/02 Dimensions B3 and L2 are mandatory NOTE For determining female connector dimensions varying from B3 and L2 it is necessary to refer to the tab dimensions in order to ensure that in the most onerous conditions the engagement (and detent, if fitted) between tab and female connector is correct NOTE If a detent is provided, the dimension X is at manufacturer’s discretion in order to meet the requirements of the performance clauses NOTE Female connectors should be so designed that undue insertion of the conductor into the crimping area is visible or prevented by a stop in order to avoid any interference between the conductor and a fully inserted tab NOTE The sketches are not intended to govern the design except as regards the dimensions shown Figure K.6 – Dimensions of female connectors Table K.4 – Dimensions of female connectors Tab size mm 6,3 × 0.8 K.10 Dimensions of female connector mm B3 max L2 max 7,8 3,5 Reference documents IEC 60760:1989, Flat, quick-connect terminations _ " EN 60898-1:2003/A13:2012 –4– Page 135 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 Annex ZA Replace by: Annex ZA (normative)  Classification of circuit-breakers Type B and C up to and including 63 A into energy limiting classes Circuit-breakers of B-type and C-type up to and including 63 A, shall be classified into energy limiting classes or in accordance with Table ZA.1 or Table ZA.2, as applicable, and be marked with the number of the energy limiting class in a square adjoining the symbol given in f) of Clause This classification shall not be applied to circuit-breakers type D and to circuit-breakers with rated current higher than 63 A Table ZA.1 – Permissible I2t (let-through) values for circuit-breakers type B with rated current up to and including 63 A Type B Rated shortcircuit capacity A Class ≤ 63 A 000 500 000 No limits specified 10 000 Class ≤ 16 A 20 A, 25 A, 32 A 40 A 50 A, 63 A 15 000 18 000 21 600 28 000 25 000 32 000 38 400 48 000 35 000 45 000 54 000 65 000 70 000 90 000 108 000 135 000 Table ZA.2 – Permissible I2t (let-through) values for circuit breakers type C with rated current up to and including 63 A Type C Rated shortcircuit capacity A Class ≤ 63 A 000 500 000 10 000 No limits specified Class ≤ 16 A 20 A, 25 A, 32 A 40 A 50 A, 63 A 17 000 20 000 24 000 30 000 28 000 37 000 45 000 55 000 40 000 52 000 63 000 75 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 145 000 The maximum I2t values measured during the test of Icn (test sequence E1 or E2 as applicable) in accordance with serve as reference values for the classification Compliance with the requirements of Tables ZA.1 and ZA.2 is checked on the circuit-breakers with the highest rated current available within the range covered by each of these tables Page 136 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 –5– EN 60898-1:2003/A13:2012 If these current ratings are not included in the samples submitted to test sequence E1 or E2 of Annex C, the appropriate number of samples of these ratings shall be additionally submitted to that test sequence None of the values measured shall exceed the permissible I2t value of the proposed energy limiting class in accordance with Tables ZA.1 and ZA.2 If circuit-breakers rated 40 A are submitted with the range of circuit-breakers with rating exceeding 16 A and their measured I2t values are lower than those indicated in Table ZA.1 or Table ZA.2 for rating 32 A, no relevant test is necessary for the circuit-breakers rated 32 A If circuit-breakers rated 50 A or 63 A are submitted with the range of circuit-breakers with rating exceeding 32 A and their measured I2t values are lower than those indicated in Table ZA.1 or Table ZA.2 for rating 40 A, no relevant test is necessary for the circuit-breakers rated 40 A. Add a new annex: Annex ZD (informative) List of clauses that require retesting Based on EN 60898-1:2003, A1:2004, A11:2005 and A12:2008, the following tests and/or requirements have been technically modified and may require retesting or inspection as applicable: - 6.3 Guidance table for marking, line j) of the table (including the comparison of already measured i²t values with new Tables ZA.1 and ZA.2) Page 137 Page 137 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Annex ZB (normative) International publications quoted in this standard with the reference of the relevant European publications When the international publication has been modified by CENELEC common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD applies IEC publication Date Title EN/HD Date IEC 60038 1983 IEC standard voltages HD 472 S1 1989 IEC 60050(441) 1984 International Electromechanical Vocabulary (IEV) Chapter 441 Switchgear controlgear and fuses - IEC 60051 Series Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories EN 60051 Series IEC 60060-1 + Corr March 1989 1990 High-voltage test techniques ± Part 1: General definitions and test requirements HD 588.1 S1 1991 IEC 60112 – Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials EN 60112 2003 Series Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V – – IEC 60269 Series Low-voltage fuses EN 60269 Series IEC 60364 Series Electrical installations of buildings HD 384 Series IEC 60364-4-41 1992 Electrical installations of buildings ± Part 4: Protection for safety ± Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock HD 384.4.41 1996 IEC 60364-4-473 (mod) 1977 HD 384.4.473 1980 A1 1998 Electrical installations of buildings ± Part 4: Protection for safety ± Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for safety ± Section 473: Measures of protection against overcurrent – – IEC 60417 Series Graphical symbols for use on equipment EN 60417 Series IEC 60529 – Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) EN 60529 1991 3) Insulation co-ordination for equipment within low-voltage systems ± Part Principles requirements and tests HD 625.1 S1 1996 3) Fire hazard testing - Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods ± Glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure EN 60695-2-10 2001 3) IEC 60947-1 (mod) 1999 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear ± Part General rules EN 60947-1 1999 IEC 60947-2 1995 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear ± Part Circuitbreakers EN 60947-2 1996 IEC 62019 1999 Electrical accessories ± Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use ± Auxiliary contact units ISO/IEC Guide 1991 General terms and their definitions concerning standardization and related activities IEC 60227 4) 2) 2) IEC 60664-1 (mod) –2) IEC 60695-2-10 1) 2) 3) 4) – 2) 1) The title of HD 472 S1 is: Nominal voltages for low voltage public electricity supply systems Undated reference Valid edition at date of issue The HD 21 series, which is related to, but not directly equivalent with the IEC 60227 series, applies instead 3) Page Page138 138 BS ENEN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 a Annex ZC (normative) Special national conditions Special national condition: National characteristic or practice that cannot be changed even over a long period, e.g climatic conditions, electrical earthing conditions If it affects harmonization, it forms part of the European Standard For the countries in which the relevant special national conditions apply these provisions are normative, for other countries they are informative Clause Special national condition J.1 Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, ƒ Text deleted „ Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland –5– The upper limit of current for use of screwless terminals is 16 A J.3.3 EN 60898-1:2003/A13:2012 Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, If these current ratingsand areUnited not included Switzerland Kingdomin the samples submitted to test sequence E1 or E2 of Annex C, the appropriate number of samples of these ratings shall be additionally submitted to that test sequence of the values type measured shall the permissible I2t value of the proposed OnlyNone universal screwless terminals areexceed accepted energy limiting class in accordance with Tables ZA.1 and ZA.2 IfK.1 circuit-breakers rated 40 AItaly, are submitted with the circuit-breakers with rating exceeding Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain andrange UnitedofKingdom 16 A and their measured I2t values are lower than those indicated in Table ZA.1 or Table ZA.2 for rating 32 A,The no relevant test is necessary for the circuit-breakers rated 32 A use of circuit-breakers with flat quick-connect terminations for rated currents up to and includingrated 20 A 50 is accepted If circuit-breakers A or 63 A are submitted with the range of circuit-breakers with rating exceeding 32 A and their measured I2t values are lower than those indicated in Table ZA.1 or Table ZA.2 Belgium, for ratingFrance, 40 A, no relevant test Spain is necessary for the circuit-breakers rated 40 A K.8.2.2 Italy, Portugal, and United Kingdom The use for rated currents up to and including 20 A b Add a new annex:  Annex ZD (informative) List of clauses that require retesting Based on EN 60898-1:2003, A1:2004, A11:2005 and A12:2008, the following tests and/or requirements have been technically modified and may require retesting or inspection as applicable: - 6.3 Guidance table for marking, line j) of the table (including the comparison of already measured i²t values with new Tables ZA.1 and ZA.2)  Page 139 Page 139 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A13:2012 BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Bibliography IEC 60898-2:1996, Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations ± Part 2: Circuit-breakers for a.c and d.c operation IEC 61009-1:1996, Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO© s) ± Part 1: General rules IEC 61009-2-1:1991, Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBO© s) ± Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO© s functionally independent of line voltage IEC 61009-2-2:1991, Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO© s) ± Part 2-2: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO© s functionally dependent on line voltage ISO 2039-2:1987, Plastics ± Determination of hardness ± Part 2: Rockwell hardness _ blank BSEN EN60898-1:2003+A13:2012 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 BS National Annex NA (informative) 1–4 CENELEC Interpretation Sheets 1±4 This National Annex NA reproduces CENELEC Interpretation Sheets 1–4 (August 2007) © BSI The 2008 British Standards Institution 2012 © 141 141 EN 60898-1/IS1 Interpretation Sheet EN 60898-1:2003 English version _ Foreword This Interpretation Sheet to the European Standard EN 60898-1:2003 was prepared by the Interpretation Panel of the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC on 2007-05-07 First paragraph of Subclauses 9.5 and 9.5 Tests of reliability of screw-type terminals for external copper conductors Compliance with the requirements of 8.1.5 is checked… Circuit-breakers shall be provided with terminals which shall allow the connection of copper conductors having nominal cross-sectional areas as shown in Table Question: For a same design construction of a terminal, is Table to refer to the minimum and the maximum rated current of homogenous series of circuit-breakers or only to the rated current of the tested device ? Interpretation: For the same design and construction of a terminal, within an homogenous series of circuit-breakers, the terminals are fitted with copper conductors of the smallest and largest cross-sectional areas, as specified in Table according to the minimum and the maximum rated current of the range, solid or stranded, whichever is the most unfavourable Each conductor is then subjected to a pull of the value, in newtons, shown in Table 11, according to the relevant Cross-section of the tested conductor When it is necessary, the tested values, for the different cross-sections with the relevant pulling force, shall be clearly indicated in the test report 142 142 © The British Standards Institution © BSI 2012 2008 BSEN EN60898-1:2003+A13:2012 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 BS EXAMPLE 1: For a product of rated current equal to 63 A, the range of nominal cross-sections to be clamped is 10 mm to 25 mm according to Table According to Table 11, the test shall be performed with a cable of 10 mm cross-section and a pulling force of 80 N followed by another test with a cable of 25 mm cross-section and a pulling force of 100 N EXAMPLE 2: For a product with a range of 10 to 63 A, the range of nominal cross-sections to be clamped is mm to 25 mm According to Table 11, the test shall be performed with a cable of mm cross-section and a pulling force of 50 N followed by another test with a cable of 25 mm cross-section and a pulling force of 100 N _ August 2007 © BSI The 2008 British Standards Institution 2012 © 143 143 EN 60898-1/IS2 Interpretation Sheet EN 60898-1:2003 English version _ Foreword This Interpretation Sheet to the European Standard EN 60898-1:2003 was prepared by the Interpretation Panel of the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC on 2007-05-07 Subclause 9.9, first five paragraphs The circuit-breaker is subjected to 28 cycles, each cycle comprising 21 h with a current equal to the rated current at an open circuit voltage of at least 30 V, and h without current under the test conditions of 9.2 1) The circuit-breaker is in the closed position, the current being established and interrupted by an auxiliary switch During this test the circuit-breaker shall not trip During the last period of current flow the temperature-rise of the terminals shall be measured This temperature-rise shall not exceed the value measured during the temperature-rise test (see 9.8) by more than 15 K Immediately after this measurement of the temperature-rise, the current is steadily increased within s to the conventional tripping current Question: Is it correct to perform the whole test at ambient temperature and to verify at the end of the test the tripping of the MCB at the conventional tripping current, which is referred to 30 °C ? Interpretation: Yes, the whole test shall be performed at ambient temperature Tripping tests being performed according to the conditions of 8.6.1 and 9.10 _ August 2007 1) For information, the st paragraph of 9.2 reads as follows: The circuit-breaker is mounted individually, vertically and in free air at an ambient temperature between 20 °C and 25 °C, unless otherwise specified, and is protected against undue external heating or cooling 144 144 © The British Standards Institution © BSI2012 2008 EN 60898-1/IS3 Interpretation Sheet EN 60898-1:2003 English version _ Foreword This Interpretation Sheet to the European Standard EN 60898-1:2003 was prepared by the Interpretation Panel of the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 23E, Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC on 2007-05-07 Subclause For the upper values of the test current, the test is made at rated voltage Un (phase to neutral) with a power factor between 0,95 and The sequence of operation is O-t-CO-t-CO-t-CO The interval t being as defined in The tripping time of the O operation is measured After each operation the indicating means shall show the open position of the contacts Question: In 9.10, there is a reference to the requirements of 8.6.1, where according to Table (Time-current operating characteristics), the test shall be performed without previous loading, at the reference calibration temperature (30 °C) Is it allowed to perform the test at ambient temperature? Interpretation: Yes, it will be allowed to perform the test at ambient temperature instead of the reference temperature The ambient temperature has no direct influence on the instantaneous tripping of MCB’s (Magnetic coil only) _ August 2007 © © The BSI British 2008 Standards Institution 2012 145 145

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