Li ce ns ed C op y W an g B in , I S O /E xc ha ng e C hi na S ta nd ar ds In fo rm at io n C en tr e, 0 4 F eb ru ar y 20 04 , U nc on tr ol le d C op y, ( c) B S I BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 60512 10 4[.]
Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/Exchange China Standards Information Centre, 04 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI British Standard A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to Wang Bin 04 February 2004 This is an uncontrolled copy Ensure use of the most current version of this document by searching British Standards Online at Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/Exchange China Standards Information Centre, 04 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD Connectors for electronic equipment — Tests and measurements — Part 10-4: Impact tests (free components), static load tests (fixed components), endurance tests and overload tests — Test 10d: Electrical overload (connectors) The European Standard EN 60512-10-4:2003 has the status of a British Standard ICS 31.220.10 12&23