/home/gencode/overflow/cen/w12799/127 1 18153 Li ce ns ed C op y o pu jw b9 4 op u jw b9 4, O pe n U ni ve rs ity T he J IS C , 0 1 N ov em be r 20 04 , U nc on tr ol le d C op y, ( c) B S I BRITISH S[.]
Licensed Copy: opu-jwb94 opu-jwb94, Open University The JISC, 01 November 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI British Standard A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to opu-jwb94 opu-jwb94 01 November 2004 This is an uncontrolled copy Ensure use of the most current version of this document by searching British Standards Online at bsonline.techindex.co.uk BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 12799:2000 Licensed Copy: opu-jwb94 opu-jwb94, Open University The JISC, 01 November 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Incorporating Amendment No Brazing — Non-destructive examination of brazed joints The European Standard EN 12799:2000, with the incorporation of amendment A1:2003, has the status of a British Standard ICS 25.160.50 12&23