BS EN 12697-19:2012 BSI Standards Publication Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt Part 19: Permeability of specimen BS EN 12697-19:2012 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 12697-19:2012 It supersedes BS EN 12697-19:2004 which is withdrawn The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee B/510/1, Asphalt products A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users are responsible for its correct application © The British Standards Institution 2012 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012 ISBN 978 580 75770 ICS 93.080.20 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 May 2012 Amendments issued since publication Date Text affected BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM April 2012 ICS 93.080.20 Supersedes EN 12697-19:2004+A1:2007 English Version Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 19: Permeability of specimen Mélanges bitumineux - Méthodes d'essai pour mélange hydrocarboné chaud - Partie 19: Perméabilité des éprouvettes Asphalt - Prüfverfahren für Heißasphalt - Teil 19: Durchlässigkeit der Probekörper This European Standard was approved by CEN on 26 February 2012 CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German) A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNG Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels © 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members Ref No EN 12697-19:2012: E BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Contents page Foreword 3 1 Scope 6 2 Normative references 6 3 Principle 6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Vertical permeability 6 General 6 Apparatus for vertical permeability .6 Procedure .7 Calculation 8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Horizontal permeability 9 General 9 Apparatus for horizontal permeability 9 Procedure 10 Calculation 11 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Test report 12 General 12 Information on specimen 12 Information on the test and results 12 7 Precision 12 BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Foreword This document (EN 12697-19:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 227 “Road materials”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by October 2012 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights This document supersedes EN 12697-19:2004+A1:2007 The following is a list of significant technical changes since the previous edition: clarification in the scope that the method is for bituminous mixtures with interconnecting voids; clarification of the requirements for the permeameters for both vertical and horizontal permeability; note added that the measuring time can be decreased for large amounts of water for measuring both vertical and horizontal permeability; clarification that the typical value from the calculation of the horizontal permeability is only for when testing porous asphalt; additional item in test results on testing time, if less than 60 s, for individual samples This document is one of a series of standards as listed below: EN 12697-1, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 1: Soluble binder content EN 12697-2, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution EN 12697-3, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 3: Bitumen recovery: Rotary evaporator EN 12697-4, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 4: Bitumen recovery: Fractionating column EN 12697-5, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 5: Determination of the maximum density EN 12697-6, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 6: Determination of bulk density of bituminous specimens EN 12697-7, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 7: Determination of bulk density of bituminous specimens by gamma rays EN 12697-8, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 8: Determination of void characteristics of bituminous specimens BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) EN 12697-10, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 10: Compactibility EN 12697-11, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 11: Determination of the affinity between aggregate and bitumen EN 12697-12, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 12: Determination of the water sensitivity of bituminous specimens EN 12697-13, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 13: Temperature measurement EN 12697-14, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 14: Water content EN 12697-15, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 15: Determination of the segregation sensitivity EN 12697-16, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 16: Abrasion by studded tyres EN 12697-17, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 17: Particle loss of porous asphalt specimen EN 12697-18, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 18: Binder drainage EN 12697-19, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 19: Permeability of specimen EN 12697-20, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 20: Indentation using cube or cylindrical specimens EN 12697-21, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 21: Indentation using plate specimens EN 12697-22, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 22: Wheel tracking EN 12697-23, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 23: Determination of the indirect tensile strength of bituminous specimens EN 12697-24, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 24: Resistance to fatigue EN 12697-25, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 25: Cyclic compression test EN 12697-26, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 26: Stiffness EN 12697-27, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 27: Sampling EN 12697-28, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 28: Preparation of samples for determining binder content, water content and grading EN 12697-29, Bituminous mixtures — Test method for hot mix asphalt — Part 29: Determination of the dimensions of a bituminous specimen EN 12697-30, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 30: Specimen preparation by impact compactor EN 12697-31, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 31: Specimen preparation by gyratory compactor EN 12697-32, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 32: Laboratory compaction of bituminous mixtures by vibratory compactor BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) EN 12697-33, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 33: Specimen prepared by roller compactor EN 12697-34, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 34: Marshall test EN 12697-35, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 35: Laboratory mixing EN 12697-36, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 36: Determination of the thickness of a bituminous pavement EN 12697-37, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 37: Hot sand test for the adhesivity of binder on precoated chippings for HRA EN 12697-38, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 38: Common equipment and calibration EN 12697-39, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 39: Binder content by ignition EN 12697-40, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 40: In situ drainability EN 12697-41, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 41: Resistance to de-icing fluids EN 12697-42, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 42: Amount of coarse foreign matters in reclaimed asphalt EN 12697-43, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 43: Resistance to fuel EN 12697-44, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 44: Crack propagation by semi-circular bending test EN 12697-45, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 45: Saturation ageing tensile stiffness (SATS) conditioning test EN 12697-46, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 46: Low temperature cracking and properties by uniaxial tension tests EN 12697-47, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 47: Determination of the ash content of natural asphalt prEN 12697-48, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 48: Inter-layer bond strength1) prEN 12697-49, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 49: Determination of friction 1) after polishing prEN 12697-50, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 50: Scuffing resistance of 1) surface course According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom 1) In preparation BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Scope This European Standard specifies a method for determining the vertical and horizontal permeability of cylindrical specimens of bituminous mixtures with interconnecting voids The standard applies to specimens cored out of the road, specimens from laboratory made slabs or laboratory specimens prepared with a compaction device provided the thickness of the specimen is not less than twice the nominal maximum particle size of the aggregate in the mixture The nominal diameter of specimens should be either 100 mm or 150 mm unless the nominal maximum particle size of the aggregate size exceeds 22 mm, when the nominal diameter is 150 mm Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies EN 12697-29, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods for hot mix asphalt — Part 29: Determination of the dimensions of a bituminous specimen Principle A column of water with a constant height is applied to a cylindrical specimen and is allowed to permeate through the specimen for a controlled time in either a vertical or horizontal direction depending upon the parameter being measured The resultant flow rate of the water Qv or Qh is a calculated measure of the permeability value Kv or Kh The test is carried out at ambient temperature NOTE When the void content of the same specimen is determined, the relationship between permeability and void content can be established Vertical permeability 4.1 General In this method, only the water flow in a vertical direction through the specimen is measured 4.2 Apparatus for vertical permeability 4.2.1 Apparatus as shown in Figure The dimensions shall be such so as to ensure the water column height is (300 ± 1) mm The external diameter of the tube and any fittings shall be such that no water can flow between the wall of the tube and the specimen when in place; the thickness of the tube shall be sufficient to ensure it retains its shape but shall not be more than mm NOTE mm The external diameter of the tube should generally be greater than the diameter of the specimen by up to NOTE A suitable rubber cuff that fits snugly around the tube and sample is one method to ensure that no water can flow between the two Another approach that could be used is to attach the plastic tube with duck tape to the specimen 4.2.2 A balance with suitable capacity and capable of weighing to the nearest 0,5 g BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) 4.3 Procedure 4.3.1 Determine the dimensions of the specimen, to the nearest millimetre, according to EN 12697-29 The thickness shall be greater than 25 % of the diameter and greater than twice the nominal maximum aggregate size of the mixture 4.3.2 If the specimen is trimmed by saw cutting, it shall be cleaned prior to testing, to prevent restriction of the water flow 4.3.3 The test shall be carried out at ambient temperature within the ranges of 15 °C to 25 °C and shall be monitored and recorded Place the specimen in a rubber cuff Insert a plastic tube in the cuff and place it on top of the specimen Carefully inflate the rubber cuff with air to at least 50 kPa, so that it presses firmly around the wall of the specimen to prevent leakage of water along the wall A seal needs to be ensured between the cuff and the tube Dimensions in millimetres Key water supply specimen water column water bath plastic tube perforated plate rubber cuff (optional) collecting reservoir outlet to maintain water column height Figure — Apparatus for vertical permeability 4.3.4 Place the cuff with the specimen on a perforated plate and place it in a container that is filled with water to the maximum level Adjust the feet of the perforated plate in such a way that the upper side of the specimen is at the same level as the water in the bath Allow the water to flow into the specimen for approximately 10 After this time, it is assumed that the specimen is saturated with water and all enclosed air is removed BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) 4.3.5 Fill the plastic tube with water There is an outlet in the plastic tube, so that a water column height of (300 ± 1) mm is always maintained 4.3.6 Allow the water to flow through the specimen into a container The container shall be located above a second container of mass m1 into which the water passing through the sample can overflow into at the level of the top of the sample After about min, empty the second container and collect the water that flows through into the weighed second container for a certain time t, minimum 60 s After the time t weigh the second container together with the collected water m2 NOTE At a voids content of about 20 %, the vertical flow of water is about l/min to 10 I/min It should be noted, however, that when the test is carried out on a core taken from the road surface, the surface can be somewhat clogged and although still retaining 20 % voids may not have a flow in this range NOTE The measuring time can be decreased from 60 s if the amount of water exceeds l The decreased measuring time should then be reported in the test report 4.3.7 Repeat the test on the same specimen 4.4 Calculation 4.4.1 Determine the vertical flow of water through the specimen Qv as follows: Qv = (m − m1 ) × 10 −6 t (1) where Qv is the vertical flow, through the specimen, in cubic metres per second (m /s); m1 is the mass of the empty second container, in grams ± 0,5 g (g); m2 is the mass of the filled second container, in grams ± 0,5 g (g); t is the time of collecting the water, in seconds (s); Calculate the vertical permeability Kv according to the formula of Darcy: 4.4.2 Kv = × Qv × l (2) h ×π D where Kv is the vertical permeability, in metres per second, (m/s); Qv is the vertical flow through the specimen, in cubic metres per second (m /s); l is the thickness of the specimen, in metres (m); h is the actual height of water column, in metres (m); D is the diameter of the specimen, in metres (m) NOTE –3 –3 Usually the permeability is between 0,5 × 10 m/s and 3,5 × 10 m/s, when testing porous asphalt BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Horizontal permeability 5.1 General In this test method, the water flows partially in a horizontal direction through the specimen The result of the test is a combination of vertical and horizontal permeability 5.2 Apparatus for horizontal permeability 5.2.1 Apparatus as shown in Figure The external diameter of the upper and lower tubes and any fittings shall be such that no water can flow between the wall of the upper and lower tubes nor between the lower tube and the specimen when in place; the thickness of the tubes shall be sufficient to ensure it retains its shape but shall not be more than mm NOTE to mm The external diameter of the upper tube should generally be greater than the diameter of the specimen by up NOTE A suitable rubber cuff that fits snugly around the tubes is one method to ensure that no water can flow between the two Another approach that could be used is to attach the two plastic tubes with duck tape 5.2.2 The tray in which the specimen sits shall be held in place by adjustable feet or other suitable means so that the upper face of the specimen is horizontal and the height of the top of the upper tube shall be capable of being adjusted to attain the required distance above the upper face of the specimen NOTE 5.2.3 NOTE 5.2.4 A tray capacity of l to l is recommended Collecting reservoir of suitable size A capacity of 15 l is recommended A balance with suitable capacity and capable of weighing to the nearest 0,5 g BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Dimensions in millimetres Key water supply lower plastic tube water column specimen upper plastic tube collecting reservoir rubber cuff (optional) support outlet to maintain water column height Figure — Apparatus for horizontal permeability NOTE The rubber cuff is not strictly necessary for the horizontal permeability It is only used to keep the apparatus unchanged from that for vertical permeability 5.3 Procedure 5.3.1 Determine the dimensions of the specimen, to the nearest millimetre, according to EN 12697-29 The thickness shall be greater than 25 % of the diameter and greater than twice the nominal maximum aggregate size of the mixture 5.3.2 If the specimen is trimmed by saw cutting, it shall be cleaned prior to testing, to prevent restriction of the water flow 5.3.3 The test shall be carried out at ambient temperature within the ranges of 15 °C to 25 °C and shall be monitored and recorded Seal the bottom of the specimen, for example with paraffin wax, so that no water can flow in a vertical direction out of the specimen Fix a plastic tube, with a height of about 100 mm and the same diameter as the specimen, on the upper circumference of the specimen using a glue or high viscosity silicone Insert the plastic tube and specimen in a rubber cuff in such a way that only the plastic tube is in the cuff Insert a second tube in the cuff on top of the plastic tube that is already fixed to the specimen 5.3.4 Place the cuff with the specimen on a perforated plate and place it in a container filled to the maximum level Adjust the feet of the plate so that the upper side of the specimen is at the same level as the water in the container Allow the water to flow into the specimen for approximately 10 After this time, it is assumed that the specimen is saturated with water and all enclosed air is removed 10 BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) Fill the upper tube with water 5.3.5 5.3.6 Initially, allow the water to flow horizontally through the specimen and into a container for about The container shall be located above a second container of mass m1 into which the water passing through the sample can overflow into at the level of the bottom of the lower plastic tube After about min, empty the second container and collect the water that flows through into the weighed second container for a certain time t, minimum 60 s After the time t weigh the second container together with the collected water m2 NOTE At a voids content of about 20 % the horizontal flow of water is about l/min to 10 l/min It should be noted, however that when the test is carried out on a core taken from the road surface, the surface can be somewhat clogged and although still retaining 20 % voids may not have a flow in this range NOTE The measuring time can be decreased from 60 s if the amount of water exceeds l The decreased measuring time should then be reported in the test report Repeat the test on the same specimen 5.3.7 5.4 Calculation 5.4.1 Determine the horizontal flow of water through the specimen Qh as follows: Qh = (m − m1 ) × 10 −6 t (3) where Qh is the horizontal flow through the specimen, in cubic metres per second (m /s); m1 is the mass of the empty second container, in grams ± 0,5 g (g); m2 is the mass of the filled second container, in grams ± 0,5 g (g); t 5.4.2 is the time of collecting the water, in seconds (s) Calculate the horizontal permeability Kh according to the modified formula of Darcy: Kh = Qh × l Qh × l = ( H + P + 0,5 l ) × (π × D × l ) (300 + 0,5 l ) × (π × D × l ) (4) where Kh is the horizontal permeability, in metres per second (m /s); Qh is the horizontal flow through the specimen, in cubic metres per second (m /s); l is the thickness of the specimen, in metres (m); (H + P + ½ l) is the actual height of water column, in metres (m); H is the distance of the outlet of the upper tube to the lower tube, in metres (m); P is the height of the lower tube that is fixed to the specimen, in metres (m); (π × D × l) is the vertical area of the specimen (flow-out area), in square metres (m ); D is the diameter of the specimen, in metre (m) 11 BS EN 12697-19:2012 EN 12697-19:2012 (E) NOTE 6.1 –3 Usually the permeability is between 0,5 × 10 m/s and 3,5 × 10 –3 m/s, when testing porous asphalt Test report General The test report shall contain the following general information: a) name and address of the testing laboratory; b) a unique serial number for the test report; c) name of client; d) the number and date of this European Standard; e) signature of person accepting technical responsibility for the test report; f) date of issue 6.2 Information on specimen The test report shall contain the following information on specimen: a) type and origin of bituminous mixture; b) method of manufacture of the bituminous mixture (where appropriate); c) method of compaction (where appropriate); d) the measuring time (if less than 60 s) 6.3 Information on the test and results The test report shall contain the following information on the test and results: a) the average of the two tests as the vertical permeability of the specimen; b) the average of the two tests as the horizontal permeability of the specimen; c) temperature at which the test was carried out; d) sample identification Precision The precision of this test has not yet been established 12 This page deliberately left blank NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Institution (BSI) BSI is the national body responsible for preparing British Standards and other standards-related publications, information and services BSI is incorporated by Royal Charter British Standards and other standardization products are published by BSI Standards Limited About us Revisions We bring together business, industry, government, consumers, innovators and others to shape their combined experience and expertise into standards -based solutions Our British Standards and other publications are updated by amendment or revision The knowledge embodied in our standards has been carefully 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