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Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems Understanding ISO 9001 : 008 and Process-based Management Systems Creating a Process-based Management System for ISO 9001 : 008 and beyond Process Management Auditing for ISO 9001 : 008 Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems Ian Rosam and Rob Peddle (The High Performance Organisation Group Ltd) Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems U nderstanding I SO 0 : 20 and P ro cess-b ased M anagement Systems T his seco nd editio n p u b lished in the U K in 20 by B SI C hiswick High Ro ad Lo ndo n W4 4AL © B ritish Standards I nstitu tio n 20 F irst editio n p u b lished b y B SI in 20 I S BN 78 76 f B SI re erence: B I P 20 A catalo gu e reco rd fo r this b o o k is availab le fro m the B ritish Lib rary C opyright subsists in all BSI publications Except as permitted under the C opyright, D esigns and Patents Act 88 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission I f permission from BSI is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement D etails and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager, British Standards Institution, 89 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL G reat care has b een taken to ensu re accu racy in the co mp ilatio n and p rep aratio n o f this p u b licatio n Ho wever, since it is intended as a gu ide and no t a de f nitive statement, the au tho rs and B SI canno t in any circu mstances accep t resp o nsib ility fo r the resu lts o f any actio n taken o n the b asis o in the p u b licatio n no r fo r statu to ry rights Typ eset b y M o no lith – www mo no lith u k co m f P rinted b y Ber o rts f f the in o rmatio n co ntained any erro rs o r o missio ns T his es no t a ffect yo u r v Foreword Standards such as ISO 9001 evolve and develop to meet the changing needs o f their users and those affected by them This refects the changing business environment, the combined experience o f past application and the application o f new knowledge and techniques that have been found to work By being updated, there continues to be an established common baseline that organizations can follow, in the knowledge that this has been designed by industry pro fessionals and for industry, using the latest best-practice From this wide review, there is the knowledge that these standards can continue to be applied by others who wish to use the defned approach Updated versions o f management system standards therefore defne both good and latest practice in chosen subjects and can be relied upon as a baseline in the application o f good operational management Without such revisions, standards become stale and irrelevant The ISO 9000 series is no different in this respect and consequently, ISO 9001:2000 has been reviewed, amended and updated where necessary and the Standard reissued as ISO 9001:2008 The aim o f this book is not to explain the specifc differences between the two versions in great detail ( for they are relatively small and make little real difference to the Standard) but to help the reader understand and apply ISO 9001:2008 in their organization and ensure that this follows good practice The Standard does not tell you how to this, that is up to you, but thinking about what it is saying in the right way is critical to gaining the maximum beneft from its application ISO 9001:2000 introduced a signifcant change to the way organizations are structured and run This is known as process management and is a subject that will be covered in this book The 2008 version builds on this approach to management but does not introduce any major changes to either clauses or Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems vi f f f su b clau ses, ho wever, it es clari y certain issu es I , there o re, yo u are already registered to I SO 0 : 20 0 and are fo llo wing the p rincip les o u tlined in this b o o k then it is likely that yo u wo u ld already meet the requ irements o versio n Whether registered o r no t, i the p rincip les o f f f the 0 yo u have ap p lied the clau ses, rather then the standard, then the 20 versio n is yo u r chance to start to matu re yo u r management system to ap p ly what the standard really intended – to start to drive the b u siness b ene The 20 versio n o f ISO f ts it sho u ld deliver 0 is, in all imp o rtant ways, a rep lica o 20 0 versio n, but as this has in many instances no t been e with many systems still really a 9 versio n, the text o ffectively f this f the imp lemented, bo o k will make f co mp ariso n to the 9 versio n We believe that this will be use ul fo r tho se who did no t really make the step change that the 20 0 versio n required F o r readers who wish to kno w the key changes in the 20 u p date, an o verview o p u rp o ses f the changes are co ntained at the end o f C hap ter 4, fo r f re erence C o ntents B us ine s s e s f rs t/s tandards s eco nd – The co nte xt • A short overview of the past, what ISO 9001:2008 really about and ho w to u nderstand it witho u t lo o king at the standard at all I S O 0 : 0 in o ve rvie w – The ‘ what’ 12 • A manager’s view of ISO 9001:2008, its principles and how it impacts on the business – The ‘what’ we have to achieve B us ine s s p ro ce s s manage me nt – The ‘ ho w’ 25 • I f ISO 9001:2008 describes the ‘what’ we have to achieve, this chapter covers the ‘how’ by introducing business management b y p ro cess T his chap ter describ es the b u siness as a system and inclu des the stru ctu re o f a p ro cess-b ased management system, u sing go o d p ractice, that meets the needs o f b o th the b u siness and I SO 0 : 20 I S O 0 : 0 in mo re de tail – T he ‘ gap ’ 38 • H aving covered what the standard is and how it is implemented this chap ter co vers the clau ses o f I SO 0 : 20 in mo re detail This chap ter has b een co nstru cted to allo w yo u to carry o u t a short gap analysis giving you a ‘picture’ of what you need to Whe re next – The ‘imp le me ntatio n p lan’ 06 • B ased on experience this chapter covers how to implement f b u siness p ro cess management, the p it alls to avo id as well as f f nding help and selecting a registratio n b o dy Re e re nce s 111 Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 00 Clause No What it says What it means Currently this and in the system Currently New to the this organization but not in the system out as a result o f measuring performance These are ‘mini improvements’ that don’t really need the full rigour o f a formal improvement process and occur as part o f day-to-day operations, perhaps as a part o f risk assessment or FM EA activity that will identi fy potential problems and determine how to handle them (Failure M ode E ffect Analysis – FM EA – is a technique for analysing the signi f cance o f the failure o f a given component or factor in a process.) Again you will need a procedure that describes this activity covering how potential problems are identi f ed and their causes, evaluating the need for action, d etermining and implementing the action and evaluating the action taken to see i f it has been e ffective Throughout, records need to be kept M any organizations combine corrective and preventive procedures, as the activity o ften happens at the same time T his co nclu des o u r detailed lo o k at I SO 0 : 20 As yo u can tell so metimes there are small clau ses with mo re signi f few wo rds, which are almo st hidden amo ngst b igger clau ses that ap p ear to have a cant imp act A go o d examp le o f this is the need fo r a co ntinu al imp ro vement p ro cess, looked at in Clause The clause doesn’t actually say it requires a process until you go back to the requ irements o f Su b clau se , when it b eco mes o b vio u s that o ne is actu ally requ ired To u nderstand I SO 0 : 0 yo u need to co ntinu ally make the links b etween the di case o f reading it and ap p lying each clau se and su b clau se in iso latio n fferent p arts; it is no t j u st a ISO 9001 :2008 in more detail – The ‘gap’ 01 What fo llo ws It is included fo r is an o verview o f the di fferences between the 20 0 and 20 versio ns o f ISO 00 tho se p eo p le who already have their o rganizatio n registered and need to ensure that any additio nal requirements are added into their system As o utlined in the fo rewo rd to this bo o k, the changes are mino r in nature, so tho se that are very mino r have been o mitted to ensure fo cus o n what really matters Secti on 1 Ref Ch an ge Wh at i t m ean s Para The design of the organization’s quality management system is def ned by the environment in which the organization sits including the risks it faces The management system is not designed in isolation from the outside world As explained in this book the system and therefore the organization is driven by the business environment in which it f nds itsel f Care needs to be taken to interpret the word ‘environment’ as ‘business environment’ – i.e everything outside of the business that will affect what it does and how it does it – The description of the relationship between ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 has changed They continue to complement each other ISO 9001 sets the baseline and ISO 9004 outlines guidance on improving the system to gain maximum business benef t from it Para A comment has been added that the development of ISO 9001 :2008 made due consideration to ISO 4001 :2004 ISO 9001 is the baseline for a business management system As ISO 4001 :2004 was written after the 2000 version of ISO 9001 a degree of catching-up was required to bring both Standards into line and ensure they are fully consistent Bullets a) & b) Again, statutory requirements have been added (as in Section 0.1 ) Clari f cation that the system must meet statutory requirements that effect the organization and that these should be built into the system Notes Note clari f es that the Standard covers the products customers purchase and that have been produced from the realization processes Make sure that all products that customers buy have been included, and all processes that def ne, create and deliver these products have been included in the system Note has been added to explain that statutory and regulatory requirements may be expressed as legal requirements I f the system has been created following the guidance in this book then this wouldn’t be a problem as you should have automatically applied all requirements, from whatever source Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 02 Secti on 4.1 Ref Bullets C h an ge a) The word ‘identi fy’ has been replaced with ‘determine’ e) Where ‘applicable’ has been added to ‘measure’ Wh at i t m ean s This means that the processes needed to be defned within the system rather just identifed Not all processes should be measured although it may be good practice to so This change allows the organization to make this choice, but any measurement should be linked to provide better understanding o f the e ffectiveness o f delivery o f customer/ stakeholder needs and the organization’s business objectives Para The statement regarding outsourced processes Organizations o ften manage costs and emphasizes that those that have been e ffectiveness by outsourcing specialist outsourced must be controlled from within the processes to other organizations Where this system takes place, the management system must show how this outsourced activity is managed and controlled You simply cannot abdicate responsibility even though the activity is managed and delivered elsewhere The level o f management needed should refect the level o f risk to the e ffective delivery o f what the organization does Notes Note ‘analysis and improvement’ added This clarifes that processes are needed to show how analysis and improvement take place within the system Note has been added giving a defnition o f an See above comment outsourced process 4.2.1 Notes Note expands on the type o f control that This is a useful list to ensure that outsourced may be applied to outsourced processes processes are managed See above comment Note has been added to clari fy that a single This is obvious really, just use your common document may include the requirements for sense There are no prizes for the amount one or more procedures o f documentation created, only for having an e ffective system ISO 9001 :2008 in more detail – The ‘gap’ 03 Secti on 5 Ref Para Ch an ge Wh at i t m ean s Th e req u i rem ent th at th e m an agem en t Th e m an agem en t system i s th e organ i zati on , represen tati ve need s to be a m em ber o f th e an d th e organ i zati on exi sts to d el i ver organ i zati on’ s m an agem en t objecti ves so i t m akes sen se for own ersh i p to exi st at th e h i gh est l evel I t d oes n ot say th at it h as to be, for exam pl e, ‘ … a fu l l y em pl oyed mem ber o f staff or d i rector o f th e bu si n ess’ , bu t th ey d o n eed to h ave d em onstrabl e respon si bi l i ty wi th i n an d i n pu t at th e sen i or man agem en t l evel Provi d in g th i s i s th e case, i t cou l d be, for exam pl e, a speci al i st su l tan t, especi al l y wh ere th ere i s a sm al l organ i zati on th at n eed s th i s ad d i ti on al experti se a) I n th e 2000 versi on peopl e h ave to be Th ey both real l y m ean th e sam e i n th e real com peten t wh ere wh at th ey d o affects worl d : be su re th at peopl e wh o can e ffect ‘ prod u ct q u al i ty’ Th e 2008 versi on states th at wh at i s prod u ced and d el i vered to cu stom ers peopl e n eed to be com peten t wh ere th ey are com peten t i n th ei r j ob ‘ affect form i ty to prod u ct req u i rem en ts’ b) c) Th i s states th at ‘ wh ere appl i cabl e’ trai ni n g Th ere fore th ere n eed s to be a d i rect l i n k i n n eed s to be provi d ed ‘ to ach i eve th e n ecessary appl yi n g trai n i n g wh ere th ere i s a n eed to com peten ce’ d evel op com petence N ow i ncl u d es i n form ati on system s rath er th an Cl ari j u st states com m u n i cati on system need to cover h ow I T an d oth er f es th at th e processes i n th e m an agem en t i n form ati on system s are m an aged , m easu red an d i m proved N ew n ote ad d ed to cl ari fy wh at work N o fu rth er expl an ati on n eed ed en vi ronm en t m ean s an d gi ves exam pl es su ch as n oi se, tem peratu re an d h u m i d i ty d) Th e word ‘ d eterm i n ed ’ h as ch an ged to N o fu rth er expl an ati on n eed ed ‘ si d ered n ecessary’ N otes N ote ad d ed to expl n wh at th e ph rase ‘ post N o fu rth er expl an ati on n eed ed d el i very acti vi ti es’ m ay i n cl u d e, i e warran ty provi si on s, etc N otes A n ote h as been ad d ed to say th at d esi gn an d d evel opmen t revi ew, veri f cati on an d I t i s u p to you as to h ow th ese acti vi ti es are perform ed an d th e resu l ts record ed val i d ati on h ave d i sti nct pu rposes Th ey can be Th ere fore d esi gn a process th at m eets you r d u cted an d record ed separatel y or i n an y n eed s an d m an ages you r ri sks Provi d i n g you com bi n ati on , as su i tabl e for th e prod u ct an d can be su re al l el em en ts th at are need ed are th e organ i zati on i n cl u d ed th en th at i s OK Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 04 Secti on Ref N otes C h an ge Wh at i t m ean s N ew note ad d ed to say th at th e d esi gn m u st M ake su re th i s el em en t i s i n cl u d ed i n you r i n cl u d e h ow th e prod u ct wi l l be preserved d esi gn process ‘ Preserved ’ m ean s th at i t wi l l sti l l be ft for pu rpose wh en i t i s n eed ed , so th i s can appl y to both ph ysi cal an d i n formati on types o f prod u cts Para An ad d ed req u i rem en t to cl ari fy th at i n specti on an d test statu s m u st be i d en ti f ed ‘ th rou gh ou t I t m u st be cl ear th rou gh ou t prod u cti on wh at th e statu s o f th e prod u ct i s prod u ct real i zati on’ N otes f cati on Th e ph rase ‘ an d personal d ata’ h as been ad d ed Cl ari th at personal d ata i s i n cl u d ed an d to th e n ote abou t i n tel l ectu al property th at processes or su pporti n g proced u res n eed to sh ow h ow th i s i s protected as m u ch as al l oth er i n tel l ectu al property u sed i n th e process N otes Th i s expl n s th at wh ere com pu ter so ftware i s I f you u se com pu ter so ftware to test a u sed to m easu re th e acceptabi l i ty o f prod u cts prod u ct, th e so ftware/h ard ware system i tsel f an d servi ces i t m u st tai n veri f gu rati on f cati on an d m an agem en t to en su re i ts m u st be m n tai n ed , ch anges m anaged an d , typi cal l y, th ere wou l d be som e m eth od for ongoi n g su i tabi l i ty ch ecki ng i t works as i t sh ou l d A note h as been ad d ed givin g som e exampl es as N o fu rth er expl an ati on n eed ed to h ow cu stomer percepti on can be m easu red Para M an agem en t respon si bl e for th e area au d i ted Th i s m ean s th at i t i s th e l i n e m an ager’ s m u st ensu re th at ‘ n ecessary correcti on s an d respon si bi l i ty n ot th e q u al i ty m an ager’ s to correcti ve acti on s’ are taken fol l owi ng au d i t i m pl em en t ch an ges resu l ts 8 f) e) Cl ari f cati on th at ch ecki n g th e e ffecti ven ess Th e correcti ve acti on n eed s to be e ffecti ve, o f an y correcti ve acti on m ad e n eed s to be so th e proced u re n eed s to sh ow h ow th i s carri ed ou t ch ecki n g takes pl ace Cl ari f cati on th at ch ecki n g th e e ffecti ven ess Th e preven ti ve acti on n eed s to be e ffecti ve, o f an y preven ti ve acti on m ad e need s to be so th e proced u re n eed s to sh ow th i s ch ecki ng carri ed ou t takes pl ace 05 Whe re next – T he ‘ imp le me ntatio n p lan’ G etting s tarte d When co nsidering imp lementing a p ro cess-b ased management system it is critical to create a p lan that describ es the step s invo lved This p lan really needs to start with b u ilding an awareness amo ng senio r management o f I S O 0 : 0 , p ro cess-b ased management and the imp act it will have o n the o rganizatio n O u r exp erience sho ws that this awareness needs to e ffect fo cu s o n its f o n b u siness resu lts and imp ro ving b u siness p er o rmance, rather than the detail of the Standard You have to make sure they understand ‘what’s in it for them’ – the more there is the more they will engage I magine that when yo u are p rep aring to p resent the case to yo u r senio r management team fo r imp lementing and/o r registering to I SO 0 : 20 , yo u will have o nly to minu tes to co mmu nicate the critical p o ints, so there will b e little ro o m fo r the detail o f the Standard B y all means u se the f gu res and examp les in this b o o k An examp le p resentatio n may inclu de: • an o verview o • an intro du ctio n to p ro cess-b ased management systems; • examp les • b ene f ts • o u tline o f f I SO 0 : 0 ; o ther management systems; o thers have fo u nd; p ro j ect p lan O nce awareness and interest have b een created, the next step is to de f ne what f p ro cesses make u p the system This needs to b e co mp leted and agreed b e o re any map p ing o f p ro cesses o r any o ther activity takes p lace This activity sho u ld Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 06 inclu de the senio r management team and is a lo gical extensio n to the awareness b rie f ng I t is very di ff cu lt to b u ild a system witho u t this initial step , and early o n in this b o o k we emp hasized the need to de f ne the system e ffectively to b egin with M any o rganizatio ns are temp ted to skip this, b u t exp erience sho ws that this is the most important step Even if you can’t get the senior management f we can’t emphasize this enough If you start to build your system from anything invo lved as mu ch as yo u wo u ld like, this stage sho u ld still b e yo u r rst step – else, yo u will b e heading in the wro ng directio n An examp le imp lementation p lan Steps Sen i or m an agem en t awaren ess Tips Keep i t sh ort an d to th e poi n t F ocu s on th e organ i zati on an d resu l ts rath er th an th e d etai l o f f th e Stan d ard I d en ti y key bu si n ess processes an d F i rst key step D on’ t m ove on u n ti l th i s i s th e seq u en ce agreed by th e m an agem en t team I n vol ve th e m an agem en t team as m u ch as possi bl e De fne process own ers/l ead ers an d h ow processes wi l l be d e fne Process own ers are n orm al l y sen i or m an agers f n ed f Keep th i s ‘ pacy ’ to m n tai n m om en tu m i n su b- processes th e proj ect an d m ap to a si sten t l evel o De cross- u n cti on al processes an d d etai l Separate th e ‘ wh at’ from f th e ‘ h ow ’ f U se cross- u n cti on al team s as req u i red G n agreem en t to th e processes Th i s f rm s th e seq u en ce o f th e processes f an d th e system i tsel Ad d i n proced u res an d agree C reate a sh ort pol i cy d ocu m en t O u tl i n e th e scope o process f fram ework th e system , pol i cy, an d a d escri pti on o f th e system Th i s d oes n ot n eed to be a l on g d ocu m en t an d we su ggest i t i s posi ti on ed as a pu bl i ci ty pi ece th at you wou l d be pl eased ff to h an d to a cu stom er or n ew sta m em ber I n cl u d e col ou r an d pi ctu res as req u i red Th e d esi gn for bran d i n g th i s cou l d fol l ow an y corporate Where next – The ‘implementation plan’ 07 Steps Create manual Tips The structure o f I SO 9001 : 2008 and the way it is implemented ‘lends’ itsel f to a so ftwarebased solution rather than a paper-based one The important point for the manual is that you can show the links between the system, the processes and supporting documents and procedures De f ne process and product measures or key These need to include ‘metrics’, i e performance indicators (KPI s) with targets something as a percentage o f something else Targets indicate the level o f performance required M ost processes and sub-processes have KPI s Train internal auditors to audit for compliance M ake sure any training you purchase follows and e ffectiveness the advice in ‘Getting help’, below Carry out awareness training for managers Keep this short, to the point and relevant to and staff to launch the system the aud ience Operate the system Carry on ‘business as normal’ Keep track o f the areas and processes that are new to your organization to make sure they are being implemented Collect and collate KPI in formation and carry M easure performance Carry out audits out aud its and close them down by carrying out any corrective action Audit both compliance and e ffectiveness I denti fy improvement project(s) Run your management review as part o f normal business, making sure that the senior management team review KPI results, audit results, customer satis faction in formation, etc to identi fy improvements and resource needs Keep records Deliver improvement projects Pick a simple, straightforward improvement to start with so that everyone can see the link between the process, the results, the change and the improved results Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 08 Steps Keep goi n g for Tips th ree m on th s at l east To create th e n ecessary evi d en ce for th e assessm en t an d m ore i m portan tl y to gi ve th e system ti m e to ‘ bed d own’ i n th e organ i zati on IF YOU REQUIRE THIRD PARTY REGISTRATION – Arran ge pre- assessm en t from you r regi strati on bod y Th i s i s n ot o ffered by al l regi strati on bod i es f bu t i s a u se u l tool to h el p i n trod u ce th e system Th i s al l ows you to get to kn ow you r f au d i tor an d to i d en ti y an y l arge gaps or poi n ts you m ay h ave m i ssed IF YOU REQUIRE THIRD PARTY REGISTRATION – Th e regi strati on assessm en t i tsel f Th ere i s n o n eed to pan i c over th e actu al assessm en t You r regi strati on bod y wan ts you f to be su ccess u l , so treat th em as col l eagu es wi th th e sam e m an d you wi l l ben e th e assessm en t an d i ts f n d i n gs ft from H owever, m ake su re th at you sel ect a regi strati on bod y th at i s fol l owi n g th e pri n ci pl es ou tl i n ed i n th i s book an d appl i es th em to th ei r own bu si n ess, oth erwi se th ere m ay be a m i sm atch i n u n d erstan d i n g H ave a party C el ebrate su ccess Ho w lo ng the p lan takes to imp lement is u p to yo u and the reso u rces availab le Keep the imp lementatio n mo ving at sp eed and rememb er, as with any change, some people will like it, others won’t and some will simply not care; but that is u p to them Yo u are p resu mab ly reading this b ecau se yo u are either interested in the su b j ect o r need to p u t in p lace a management system that will imp ro ve yo u r f o rganizatio n and its p er o rmance, so : • stay fo cu sed • seek su p p o rt • invo lve o n the end go al; fro m the management team when yo u need it; as many p eo p le as yo u can thro u gho u t the p lan; as the facilitator rather than the ‘doer’ supporting others; • act f and yo u will have a su ccess u l imp lementatio n Where next – The ‘implementation plan’ 09 How I go about auditing my processes? Apart from the implementation o f process-based management, which usually brings about a signifcant change to the way organizations operate, another big change is caused by the need to look at both compliance and effectiveness This is likely to be how systems and processes are audited It is worth briefy discussing their impact, as every organization needs to audit what it does as one o f the requirements for ISO 9001:2008 How to audit is covered in detail in the auditing book that forms part o f this series, but in overview the need for change is being highlighted and further driven by the impact o f the 2008/2009 fnancial meltdown, where traditional practices, including auditing, as much as others, completely failed to prevent what actually took place – a failure o f systems, processes, measurement and risk management What is important is that these lessons are learnt, so that the same failure does not occur to your system and its supporting processes As a result, auditing practice is evolving as follows, and your auditing techniques need to address this changing requirement, in order to fully support your organization’s business objectives Traditional approach F ocu ses on prod u ci n g pi ctu res o F ocu ses on l ooki n g at ou tpu ts f th e past For the future this includes Looks at wh at i s l i kel y to h appen i n th e fu tu re F ocu ses on beh avi ou rs th at prod u ce ou tcom es F ocu ses on com pl i an ce f Prod u ces tacti cal i n orm ati on F ocu ses on ri sk an d e ffecti ven ess f Prod u ces strategi c i n orm ati on reporti n g agai n st obj ecti ves F ocu ses on th e paper worl d F ocu ses on th e real worl d , n ot j u st wh at peopl e say or wri te d own What if I already have existing processes and other documents? Many organizations already have documented processes, procedures or other documents they use to manage their business Some organizations may already have documentation as a result o f implementing ISO 9001:2000 I f you still want them and they add value to your organization, all these can be included in your new process-based management system So to start with don’t throw Understanding IS O 001 : 008 and Process-based Management S ystems 110 them away b u t b u ild yo u r system u sing the ap p ro ach describ ed and inco rp o rate what yo u need fro m f yo u r existing b u siness in o rmatio n and cu ments at the ap p ro p riate p lace in the system G etting help T here are many p laces where yo u can get help and su p p o rt I nevitab ly the ‘quality’ of this help and support can vary between suppliers A good source is to co ntact o ther o rganizatio ns that have imp lemented a p ro cess- b ased management system and learn fro m them Ask what they learnt and what they wo u ld o r wouldn’t next time If you need external support or facilitation, points to co nsider are as • • • fo llo ws: D o they u nderstand p ro cess management? Ho w many p ro cess-b ased management systems have they p u t in p lace? D o they have a view o f what the fu tu re lo o ks like o r ho w yo u r system may b e develo p ed? • Are they willing to inclu de areas that are o b vio u sly no t co vered b y I SO 0 : 20 b u t are p art o • f yo u r o rganizatio n? D o they u nderstand b etter, o r as well as, yo u r senio r management team ho w an o rganizatio n o r b u siness wo rks? • Are they ‘all-rounders’ able to speak to and work with people from across yo u r o rganizatio n and at any level? T here are, o f co u rse, many o ther qu estio ns yo u co u ld ask a su p p lier J u st make f su re yo u are getting the right in o rmatio n and ap p ro ach And fo r yo u r o rganizatio n fnally We ho p e yo u have enj o yed reading this sho rt bo o k and that it has given yo u an insight into ISO 0 : 20 and ho w it is imp lemented P ro cess-based management is a very large su bj ect that, in theo ry, kno ws no bo undaries N ew management discip lines and metho ds are being created all the time The chances are that they will be included in yo ur management system as the system itsel yo ur o rganizatio n matu res Any o ne o f p er o rmance o fo r f yo ur f these f and may have a p o sitive imp act o n the o rganizatio n o r business, so make su re they are co nsidered inclu sio n to sup p o rt e ffective delivery o f yo u r business o bj ectives f O ur website at www the-hpo com provides more in ormation and examples that you can use to help understand and implement ISO 001 : 2008 It also contains a knowledge hub that you can use to keep up to date with latest developments 111 Re ferences International standards ISO 9000: 2000 , Q ual i ty m anagem ent s y s tem s – Fundam ental s and v o cabul ary ISO 9001 : 2008 , Q ual i ty m anagem ent s y s tem s – Requi rem ents ISO 9004: 2000 , Q ual i ty m anagem ent s y s tem s – G ui del i nes fo r f per o rm ance i m pro v em ents Other books in the series BIP 201 (2009) and bey o nd, C reati ng a pro ces s - bas ed m anagem ent s y s tem Pro ces s Managem ent Audi ti ng (ISBN 978 80 6765 ) Author contact details rob peddle@the-hpo com ian rosam@the-hpo com Telephone: IS O 001 : 008 London, BSI (ISBN 978 80 6765 4) BIP 201 (2009) Email: fo r +44 (0) 208 44 0701 fo r IS O 001 : 008, London, BSI

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 17:20