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Bsi bs 2a 302 2000 (2001) iso 5858 1999

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BRITISH STANDARD AEROSPACE SERIES BS 2 A 302 2000 ISO 5858 1999 Incorporating Corrigendum No 1 Nuts, self locking, with maximum operating temperatures less than or equal to 425 ?? ?? ? ?? ?C — Procure[.]

BRITISH STANDARD AEROSPACE SERIES BS A 302:2000 ISO 5858:1999 Incorporating Corrigendum No Nuts, self-locking, with maximum operating temperatures less than or equal to 425 ?C — Procurement specification ? ? ? ? ICS 49 030 30 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS A 302:2000 National foreword This British Standard reproduces verbatim ISO 5858: 999, including corrigendum November 2000, and implements it as the UK national standard It supersedes BS A 302: 992 which is withdrawn The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee ACE/1 2, Aerospace fasteners and fastening systems, to Subcommittee ACE/1 2/1 , Aerospace fasteners and fastening systems (International), which has the responsibility to: — aid enquirers to understand the text; — present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; — monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary Cross-references The British Standards which implement international publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the ISO title page, pages ii and iii, a blank page, pages to 26, an inside back cover and a back cover The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued This British Standard, having been prepared under the Amendments issued since publication direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on January 2000 © BSI 06-2001 ISBN 580 35431 Amd No Date Comments 3052 June 2001 Indicated by a sideline Corrigendum No INTERNATIONAL STANDARD I SO 5858 Second edition 999-1 -1 Corrected and reprinted 2000-1 -1 Aerospace — N u ts, sel f-l ocki n g , wi th m axi m u m operati n g tem peratu re l ess th an or eq u al to 425 ° C — Procu rem en t speci fi cati on Aéronautique et espace — Écrous freinage interne dont la température maximale d'utilisation est inférieure ou égale 425 ° C — Spécification d'approvisionnement A Reference number ISO 5858:1 999(E) I SO 5858: 99 9(E ) Page Con ten ts Scope N orm ati ve referen ces Term s an d d efi n i ti on s Qu al i ty assu ran ce 4 G en eral 4 M an u factu rer' s approval 4 Qu al i fi cati on of n u ts 4 Prod u cti on acceptan ce of n u ts 4 Qu al i fi cati on i n specti on an d test d i ti on s Prod u cti on acceptan ce i n specti on an d test d i ti on s 4 U se of " stati sti cal process trol (SPC) " 5 Tech n i cal req u i rem en ts An n ex A (normative) An n ex B (informative) ii Types of perm i ssi bl e su rface d i scon ti n u i ty Cross-secti on al area form u l a (see 5.1 4) 25 (see Tables and 4) 26 O I SO 5858: 99 9(E ) Forewo rd ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard ISO 5858 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles , Subcommittee SC 4, Aerospace fastener systems This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5858:1 991 ), which has been technically revised Annex A forms a normative part of this International Standard Annex B is for information only iii I N TER N ATI ON AL STAN DAR D O I SO 5858: 99(E) Aero space — N u ts, sel f-l ocki n g , wi th m axi m u m operati n g tem peratu re l ess th an or eq u al to 425 ° C — Procu rem en t speci fi cati on Sco p e This International Standard specifies the required characteristics for metric self-locking nuts, with MJ threads, for use in aerospace construction at a maximum temperature less than or equal to 425 ° C It is applicable to nuts as defined above, provided that reference is made to this International Standard in the relevant definition document N o rm ati ve referen ces The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications not apply However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards ISO 691 :1 997, Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Wrench and socket openings — Tolerances for general use ISO 463:1 982, Metallic and oxide coatings — Measurement of coating thickness — Microscopical method ISO 2859-1 :1 999, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part : Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection ISO 3452:1 984, Non-destructive testing — Penetrant inspection — General principles ISO 3887:1 976, Steel, non-alloy and low-alloy — Determination of depth of decarburization ISO 4288:1 996, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture ISO 5855-2:1 999, Aerospace — MJ threads — Part 2: Limit dimensions for bolts and nuts ISO 7403:1 998, Aerospace — Spline drives — Wrenching configuration — Metric series ISO 7481 :—1 , Aerospace — Self-locking nuts with maximum operating temperature less than or equal to 425 ° C — Test methods ) ISO 7870:1 993, Control charts — General guide and introduction ISO 7966:1 993, Acceptance control charts ) To be published (Revision of ISO 7481 :1 984) I SO 5858: 99 9(E ) ISO 8258:1 991 , Shewhart control charts ISO 8788:—2 , Aerospace — Nuts, metric — Tolerances of form and position ) ISO 9002:1 994, Quality systems — Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing ISO 9227:1 990, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Salt spray tests ISO/TR 3425:1 995, Guide for the selection of statistical methods in standardization and specification Term s an d d efi n i ti o n s For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply d efi n i ti on d ocu m en t document specifying all the requirements for nuts, i.e.:  metallurgical;  geometrical and dimensional;  functional (strength and temperature classes) NOTE The definition document may be an International Standard, a national standard, or an in-house standard or drawing fi n i sh ed n u t nut ready for use, inclusive of any possible treatments and/or surface coatings, as specified in the definition document 3 batch definite quantity of some commodity manufactured or produced under conditions which are presumed to be uniform NOTE For the purposes of this International Standard, a batch is a quantity of finished nuts, of the same type and same diameter, produced from a material obtained from the same melt, manufactured in the course of the same production cycle, following the same manufacturing route and having undergone all the relevant heat treatments and surface treatments crack rupture in the material which may extend in any direction and which may be intercrystalline or transcrystalline in character seam open surface defect resulting from extension of the metal l ap folding over of unwelded metal that can arise when the material is formed (drawing) or in the finished product (pressing or forging) ) To be published (Revision of ISO 8788:1 987) I SO 5858: 999 (E ) i n cl u si on s non-metallic particles originating from the material manufacturing process NOTE These particles may be isolated or arranged in strings cri ti cal d efect defect that, according to judgement and experience, is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals using, maintaining, or depending upon the considered product, or that is likely to prevent performance of the function of a major end item m aj or d efect defect, other than critical, that is likely to result in a failure or to reduce materially the usability of the considered product for its intended purpose m i n o r d efect defect that is not likely to reduce materially the usability of the considered product for its intended purpose, or that is a departure from established specifications having little bearing on the effective use or operation of this product 1 sam p l i n g p l an plan according to which one or more samples are taken in order to obtain information and possibly reach a decision NOTE For the purposes of this International Standard, each sampling plan specifies the number of nuts to be inspected as a function of the size of the batch and the acceptance number [ number of defective items acceptable (Ac) ] ) si m pl e ran d o m sam pl i n g sampling of n items from a population of N items in such a way that all possible combinations of n items have the same probability of being chosen 3 acceptan ce q u al i ty l i m i t AQL maximum percent defective (or the maximum number of defects per hundred units) that, for purposes of sampling inspection, can be considered satisfactory as a process average NOTE Variant: quality level which in a sampling plan corresponds to a specified but relatively high probability of acceptance l i m i ti n g q u al i ty LQ ^ sampling plan & quality level which corresponds to a specified and relatively low probability of acceptance NOTE It is the limiting lot quality characteristic that the consumer is willing to accept with a low probability that a lot of this quality would occur NOTE For the purposes of this International Standard, the limiting quality given in Table corresponds to a consumer's risk of % ) Supplementary information taken from ISO 2859-1 I SO 5858: 99 9(E ) sel f-l o cki n g torq u e torque to be applied to the nut or bolt to maintain its movement of rotation in relation to the associated part, the assembly being under no axial load and the nut-locking system being completely engaged with the bolt (two pitches minimum protrusion, including the end chamfer) seati n g torq u e tightening torque to be applied to the nut or bolt to introduce or to increase the axial load in the assembly u n seati n g torq u e untightening torque to be applied to the nut or bolt to reduce or remove the axial load in the assembly breakaway torq u e torque required to start unscrewing the nut or bolt with respect to the associated part, with the nut-locking device still fully engaged on the bolt, but after the axial load in the assembly has been removed by unscrewing half a turn followed by a halt in rotational movement wren ch torq u e tightening and untightening torques which the driving feature of the nut has to withstand repeatedly without any permanent deformation which would prevent the appropriate wrench from being used or preclude re-use of the nut Qu al i ty assu ran ce 4 G en eral M an u factu rer' s approval The manufacturer shall conform to the quality assurance and approval procedures defined by ISO 9002 The purpose of these procedures is to ensure that a manufacturer has a quality system and the capability for continuous production of nuts complying with the specified quality requirements Approval of the manufacturer shall be granted by the Certification Authorities, or their appointed representative, who may be the prime contractor Qu al i fi cati on of n u ts The purpose of qualification inspections and tests of nuts is to check that the design and manufacturing conditions for a nut allow it to satisfy the requirements of this International Standard Qualification of the nuts shall be granted by the Certification Authorities in the purchaser's country, or their appointed representative, who may be the prime contractor Prod u cti on accep tan ce of n u ts The purpose of production acceptance inspection and tests of a nut is to check, as simply as possible, using a method which is inexpensive but the most representative of the actual conditions of use, with the uncertainty inherent in statistical sampling, that the nuts satisfy the requirements of this International Standard Production acceptance inspections and tests shall be carried out by the manufacturer, or under his responsibility The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the nuts manufactured ) E(999 : 8585 OSI I SO 5858: 99 9(E ) Tabl e Su bcl au se Ch aracteri sti c (continued) Tech n i cal req u i rem en t Vi brati on n o Seal i n g Swag i n g 1 M etal l i c cap The finished nuts shall be capable of absorbing, without failure, the energy imparted by vibrations, tremors, shocks, etc., that are likely to be experienced in operation without suffering any structural damage (cracks, fracture of the insert, expulsion of the locking elements, fracture of threads, etc.) or any loss of their locking characteristics p si ze See ISO 7481 The tightening torque specified in Table shall be applied five times n o i tarbi V a dehsinif llahs stun 0ehT Qualification ,gnibrosba fo elbapac eb ygrene eht ,eruliaf tuohtiw ,snoitarbiv yb detrapmi ,.cte ,skcohs ,sromert eb ot ylekil era taht noitarepo ni decneirepxe yna gnireffus tuohtiw egamad larutcurts eht fo erutcarf ,skcarc( eht fo noislupxe ,tresni erutcarf ,stnemele gnikcol yna ro ).cte ,sdaerht fo gnikcol rieht fo ssol scitsiretcarahc tset d n a 847 OSI e euqrot gnin 01 elbaT ni evif deilppa semit -fles latemdetset eb o ot desopxe gnitarepo m ni deificeps tnemucod n gninethgit e eht rof deilp emit tsrif The test shall be performed for a period of time equivalent to 30 000 cycles of vibration at 30 Hz eb llahs tse fo doirep a 03 ot tnelav ta noitarbiv zH 03 Rotation of the nut, relative to the bolt, less than or equal to 360° is permissible ,tun eht fo n ssel ,tlob eh si ° 063 ot l elbissimrep Failure of the bolt shall not be considered as grounds for rejecting the nut llahs tlob eh sa deredisn eht gnitceje tun o a dehsiniF stun gnilaes Qualification erusserp a dnatshtiw llahs Production Tables s 03 rof aPM 53,0 fo acceptance 1 egakael tuohtiwand noitanimaxe deerga eb o resu eht nee )rerutcafun Visual examination In the event of any doubt as to the nature of the defects detected, inspect defective nuts at a magnification of × after sectioning dehsinif afo knahs 5ehT Qualification eb llahs stun hcnilc Production 3, deralf gnieb foTable elbapac acceptance column B ot loot lacinoc ° 06 a gnisu 2,1 × retemaid lanigiro sti ro gnikcarc tuohtiw gnirutcarf noitanimax tbuod yna f eht fo eruta tcepsni ,det a ta stun ev fo noitacifin gninoitces Visual examination ton llahsa pac ehT5 Qualification tun eht morf etarapes Production Table 3, yllaudarg si tlob a nehw acceptance column B eht hguorht pu dewercs eht setartenep dna tun pac noitanimaxe Finished sealing nuts shall withstand a pressure of 0,35 MPa for 30 s without leakage Visual examination (method to be agreed upon between the user and manufacturer) The shank of finished clinch nuts shall be capable of being flared using a 60° conical tool to ,2 × its original diameter without cracking or fracturing The cap shall not separate from the nut when a bolt is gradually screwed up through the nut and penetrates the cap 01 1 41 n Half of the all-metal selflocking nuts to be tested (five) shall be exposed to the maximum operating temperature specified in the definition document before the tightening torque is applied for the first time 5 )deunitnoc( esu al cbu S ci tsi retcarah C tn em eri u q er l aci n h ceT I n sp ecti o n an d test Test categ o ry Sam p l e m eth od el baT g n i l aeS g n i g awS p p ac ci l l ateM

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