PowerPoint Presentation Vùng biển nước ta bao bọc Correct Click anywhere to continue Incorrect Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer The correct answer is You did not ans[.]
Vùng biển nước ta bao bọc: A) Phía đơng, nam tây bắc B) Vùng biển nước ta bao bọc: Phía đơng, phía nam C) Phía đơng, nam tây nam The correct answer is: Correct -answer: anywhere Incorrect The answer is: to Correct - Click Click anywhere to Incorrect Click Click anywhere anywhere to to Your answer: Yourcorrect You did not answer this You not answer this continue continue You must answer the continue continue You mustdid answer the question question question completely You answered this question completely You answered this correctly! correctly! before continuing before continuing Submit Submit Clear Clear Complete the sentence below by filling in the blanks 2+1= 3+1= 3+3= Correct Correct Click Click anywhere anywhere to to continue continue Your Your answer: answer: Incorrect Incorrect Click Click anywhere anywhere to to continue continue You did this You did not not answer answer this You answered this correctly! You answered this correctly! The correct question completely is: The correct question answer completely is: You must answer the You mustanswer answer the question question before before continuing continuing Submit Submit Clear Clear Quiz Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Question Feedback/Review Feedback/Review Information Information Will Will Appear Appear Here Here Continue Review Quiz