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Z80 is VI XỬ LÝ

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Z80 Instruction Set Z80 Instruction Set Structure of Instructions Every instruction consists of an operational Code (OP Code) and if necessary an address part for the operand(s) Z80 OP Code 1 Byte (ex[.]

Z80 Instruction Set : Structure of Instructions Every instruction consists of an operational Code (OP-Code) and -if necessary- an address part for the operand(s) OP-Code Address(es) Operand(s) Z80: OP-Code Byte (exceptions: in OPs using index registers the OP-Code is two bytes) the instruction set is not orthogonal R1 op R2 (A) op R (A1) op (A2) (A1) op (A2)  R3  R  R  (A3) f A, op: binary operation, : transfer, A: address, R: register Z80 Address Modes (1) Implied The instruction has only an OP-Code, the register is "implied" in the code Ex: CPL (Complement A): A  ¬ A, OP-Code 2FH Register Direct The Instruction has only an OP-Code, both source and destination registers are defined in this code Ex: LD A,B (Load A with contents of B): A  B, OP-Code 78H Register Indirect The instruction has only the OP-Code, the destination register is defined in this code and a 16Bit register containing the address of the source operand Ex: LD A,(HL) (Load A from address contained in HL): A  (HL), 7EH Z80 Address Modes (2) Immediate The instruction contains the value of the operand immediately eg LD BC,1000H: BC  1000H, Op-Code 01H 00H 10H eg LD A,1FH: A  1FH, Op-Code 3EH 1FH OP-Code OP-Code n m m 8-bit operand m 16-bit operand {m,n} Extended (Direct) The address of the operad is given as part of the instruction eg LD A,(1000H): A  (1000H), OP-Code 3AH 00H 10H OP-Code memory n m m address n operand Z80 Address Modes (3) OP-Code offset Relative The address is relative to PC (only for Branches!) eg JR 10H: PC  PC + 10H Op-Code 18H 0EH PC next OP-Code Hint for JR e: memory PC OP-Code (JR) PC+2 x=e-2 next instruction destination address: (PC + 2) + x = PC + e -126 e=x+2 x: (-128, +127) e: (-126, +129) +129 Z80 Address Modes (4) Indexed The address of the operand is constructed from the index register (all instructions with index registers have byte OP-Codes!) eg LD A,(IX + 10H): A  (IX + 10H,) Code DDH 7EH 10H operand OP-Code1 OP-Code2 dislpacement d sign extended d d: signed 8-bit (-128, +127) IX or IY operand Z80 Address Modes (5) Modified Page Zero A fixed address correspondence only used for the restart instruction eg RST 20H: Stack  PC, PCH  00H, PCL  20H, OP-Code E7H RST p: Opcode 11 t 111 B with: Bit t p t p 000 00H 100 20H 001 08H 101 28H 010 10H 110 30H 011 18H 111 38H Direct addressing of a bit for bit manipulations eg SET 3,A (Set bit of A to 1): A3  1, OP-Code CBH DFH (SET b,A: Ab  1, OP-Code CBH 11 b 111B) Z80 Address Modes (6) I/O Addressing Only with special I/O commands (IOREQ = 1, MREQ = 0) Ex: IN A,(10H): A  (n), OP-Code DBH 10H Hint (A7, , A0)  n and (A15, , A8)  A By loading A before using an I/O instruction the available space for I/O-addresses can be extended Sample Line from Instruction Set Listing Mnemonic ADD A,(HL) IN A,(n) Symbolic Operation A  A+(HL) A  (n) Flags S Z H P/V N C   X  X V  • • X • X • • • # of Bytes # of M Cycles Opcode 76 543 210 10 000 110 11 011 011 n # of T states 11 Hex 86 DB Comments n to A0  A7 Acc to A8  A15 Instruction Classes • • • • • • • Data Transfer Group Arithmetic Group Logical and Rotate Group Branch Group Stack, I/O, and Machine Contol Group Exchange, Block Transfer, and Search Group Bit Manipulation Group Data Transfer Group OP Code Hex Mnemonic 78 21 00 07 LD A,B LD HL,0700H Symbolic Operation Description AB place a copy of B in A HL  0700H load HL with 0700H load IX with the contents of memory DD 2A 00 07 LD IX,(0700H) IX  (0700H) starting at location 0700H * * Low Address (0700H) = Least Significant Byte (LSB) High Address (0701H) = Most Signifikant Byte (MSB) Arithmetic Group OP Code Hex 80 09 Mnemonic Symbolic Operation Description B is added to A, ADD A,B AA+B result in A BC is added to HL, ADD HL,BC HL  HL + BC result in HL Logic and Rotate Group OP Code Symbolic Mnemonic Hex Operation A0 AND B BE CP (HL) Description Bitwise AND-operation of A  A · B A and B, result in A the contents of the memory location A - (HL) addressed by HL is subtracted from A, set flags, A unchanged OP Code Hex C3 00 01 30 (e-2) CD 00 01 C9 Branch Group Symbolic Mnemonic Operation Description PC  0100H control is tranferred to address 0100H JR NC,0100H PC  PC + e control is transferred to address in PC + offset e if Carry-Flag is CALL 0100H (SP-1)  PCh * (SP-2)  PCl * PC  0100H SP  SP - control is transferred to subroutine at address 0100H, return address is stored on stack, SP is decremented by RET PCl  (SP) * PCh  (SP+1) * SP  SP + control is transferred to address on top of stack (return address), SP is incremented by JP 0100H * PCh/l: high/low order byte of PC Stack, I/O, and Machine Control Group OP Code Hex Mnemonic C5 PUSH BC C1 POP BC Symbolic Operation (SP-1)  B (SP-2)  C SP  SP - C  (SP) B  (SP+1) SP  SP + Description BC is copied to top of stack, SP is decremented by top of stack is copied to BC, SP is incremented by Exchange, Block Transfer, and Search Group OP Code Hex Mnemonic D9 EXX ED B8 LDDR ED A1 CPI Symbolic Operation BC  B'C' DE  D'E' HL  H'L' (DE)  (HL) DE  DE - HL  HL - BC  BC - A - (HL) HL  HL + BC  BC - Description exchange of primary and alternative general purpose registers load location (DE) with location (HL), decrement DE, HL, and BC, repeat until BC = compare location (HL) with accumulator, increment HL, decrement BC, set flags, A unchanged Bit Manipulation Group OP Code Hex Mnemonic CB 61 CB 74 BIT 4,C SET 6,H CB 97 RES 6,H * Symbolic Operation Z  ¬C4 * Description H6  * test bit of C, set Z flag set bit of H to H6  * set bit of H to the Index at the register denotes the bitpostion in that register

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 08:05
