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PRACTICE TEST 3 PRACTICE TEST 4 Choose the word with the different stress pattern 1 A children B neighbour C famous D approve 2 A equipment B mountainous C imagine D related 3 A instrument B manager C[.]

PRACTICE TEST Choose the word with the different stress pattern A children B neighbour A equipment B mountainous C famous C imagine D approve D related A instrument B manager C officer D adventure A discover B difficult C invention D important A carefully B malaria C beginning D provision Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence Don't move Mike is photographing the deer and we don't want to … it off A get B go C scare D fear You'll want to buy this typewriter It has been equipped … all of the latest accessories including a 5,000character storage memory A by B almost C for D with The earthquake that struck the village was terrible About 75 percent of the buildings were … destroyed within minutes A complete B completed C completely D completing People in the fur industry believe that the practice of killing animals for … fur should continue A its B their C them D theirs 10 The fur industry claims that fur is a national form of … that man has worn since prehistoric times A cloth B clothes C clothing D clothe 11 Opponents believe that there are now so many different kinds of clothing that fur is no longer … A need B necessary C necessity D needy 12 Anna and Susie didn't hear what the teacher said because they were whispering to … in the back of the classroom about the boy in fifth grade A each other B one another C together D themselves 13 Paul drew a funny picture of the teacher on the board, but it had been … before she entered the classroom A erased B left C rubbed D disappeared 14 Carl … two hours at the dentist's office today having some fillings put in The dentist worked very well so he wasn't scared at all A spared B spent C took D wasted 15 The vocabulary list had been … by all of the students, and each one scored over 90 percent on the exam A remembered B reminded C memorized D known 16 The English … strong traditions A have much B has much C has many D have many 17 Peter painted the room black It looks dark and dreary He … chosen a different colour A had to B should have C must have D could have been 18 You haven't eaten anything since yesterday You … be really hungry A might B will C can D m us t 19 I still can't believe it My bicycle … last night A was stolen B was stealing C stolen D stole 20 The university … by private funds as well as by tuition income and grants A supports B is supporting C is supported D has supported 21 When I was little, my father said … talk to strangers A don't B I shouldn't C t h at I d on ' t D that shouldn't 22 A fortune-teller predicted … inherit a lot of money before the end of the year A what I B that I C what I will D that I would 23 Daisy's marriage has been arranged by her family She is marrying a man … A she hardly knows him B whom she hardly know C she hardly knows D that she hardly know 24 That book is by a famous anthropologist It's about the people in Samoa … for two years A that she lived B that she lived among them C among whom she lived D where she lived among them 25 Instead of … about the good news, Peter seemed to be indifferent A exciting B being excited C to excite D to be excited Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage Any change in one part of an ecosystem can cause changes in other parts Droughts, storms, and fires can change ecosystems Some changes (26) … ecosystems If there is too (27) … rainfall, plants will not have enough water to live If a kind of plant dies off, the animals that (28)… it may also die or move away Some changes are good for ecosystems Some pine forests need (29) … for the pine trees to reproduce The seeds are sealed inside pinecones Heat from a forest fire melts the seal and lets the seeds (30) … Polluting the air, soil, and water can harm ecosystems Building (31) … on rivers for electric power and irrigation can harm ecosystems (32) … the rivers Bulldozing wetlands and cutting down (33) … destroy ecosystems Ecologists are working with companies and governments to find better ways of (34) … fish, cutting down trees, and building dams They are looking for ways to get food, lumber, and other products for people (35) … causing harm to ecosystems 26 A harms B harmful C harmless D harm 27 A little B a little C few D a few 28 A fed B feed C feed on - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG D food 29 A flame B fires C blaze D burning 30 A out B in C go D fly 31 A moats B ditches D dams 32 A on B around c bridges c over 33 A hills B jungles D woods 34 A catching B holding c forests c carrying D under D taking 35 A avoid B without D no c not Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 36 "Cigarette?" he asked "No, thanks." I said A He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused B He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him C He offered me a cigarette, but I promptly declined D He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once 37 The doctor said, "You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine." A Jasmine's doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days B The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest C It is the doctor's recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly D The doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days' rest 38 "I will pay back the money, Gloria." said Ivan A Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money B Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back C Ivan promised to pay back Gloria's money D Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria 39 The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was too rough A The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea B The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in C The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming D The sea was too rough to the children's swimming 40 "Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarah?" asked Frederic A Frederic invited Sarah to his birthday party B Frederic asked if Sarah was able to come to his birthday party C Frederic asked Sarah if she liked his birthday party or not D Frederic reminded Sarah of his coming birthday party Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a leading city The city (41) … with factories, large office buildings, banks, restaurants, religious shrines, and shops of all sizes It is a center for Japanese art and is home to more than 100 colleges and universities (42) … at the head of Tokyo Bay, the city is also a major seaport Many people move from other parts of Japan (43) … college and then work in Tokyo Most Japanese companies have (44) … headquarters in Tokyo At the heart of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace surrounded by a large park This is (45) … the emperor of Japan lives with his family Japan's emperors once (46) … the country, but today they have (47) … real power Located near the palace (48) … the most important government buildings, including the National Diet Building That’s where Japan's parliament meets Tokyo is one of the world's biggest and most crowded cities So (49) … ride on its subway trains that the city employs "people pushers." These white-gloved workers push passengers into crowded subway cars so that the doors (50) … close 41 A is filled B fills C full D is full 42 A Laid B Located C Set D Put 43 A attend B to attending C attending D to attend 44 A theirs B the C their D its 45 A what B where C place D there 46 A having ruled B had ruled C ruled D ruling 47 A a few B few C a little D little 48 A are B is C have been D has been 49 A few people B many people C little person D much person 50 A will B would C can D c ould Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence 51 …, he felt so unhappy and lonely A Despite of his wealth B Rich as was he C Rich as he was D Despite he was so rich 52 Peter asked me … A what time does the film start B what time the film starts C what time the film started D what time did the film start 53 She will be ill … A unless she takes a few days' rest B provided she takes a few days' rest C in case she takes a few days' rest D if she takes a few days' rest 54 … as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell A That we refer to it B What we refer to C To which we refer D What we refer to 55 Never before … as accelerated as they are now during the technological age A have historical changes been B have been historical changes C historical changes have been D historical have changes been Read the passage and choose the best answer When the Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by the people of France, the people in America did not understand that Miss Liberty was a gift to all the Americans They thought she was a - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG gift only to New York So they didn't want to pay for her base At that time, Joseph Pulitzer was editor of the World newspaper He wrote stories that asked people to give money to help pay for Miss Liberty's base Pulitzer asked his friends who worked at other cities' newspapers to help Soon the country knew that Miss Liberty was a gift for everyone The people sent money At last there was enough money to build the base In Paris, the huge statue was taken down piece by piece She was carefully packed in 214 boxes In June 1884, she left for America When Miss Liberty's ship arrived in America, ninety boats greeted her with flags flying They went with her into New York Harbour The base, which had to be very big and solid to hold the lady, was not finished So Miss Liberty was stored on Bedloe's Island When the last stone of the base was put in place, the workers showered coins from their pockets into the wet mortar They were very happy Next came the hard task of putting Miss Liberty together The people on shore watched each day as the framework rose higher into the sky Then came the copper "skin." Miss Liberty began as a sign of the friendship between the two countries Since that time, she has come to mean freedom for the Americans 56 The Americans didn't want to pay for building Miss Liberty's base at first because … A they had, financial difficulty at that time B they thought she was a gift only to New York C they didn't like the statue D they wanted the French to give the statue and the base altogether 57 Which of the following is TRUE about Joseph Pulitzer? A At that time, he worked as an editor of a magazine B He asked people to give money to help pay for Miss Liberty's travel to New York C He went around and asked for money for the base D He asked people to give money to help pay for Miss Liberty's base by means of his profession 58 According to the passage, which of the following best describes the sequence of stages that the statue passed through? A packed in boxes, carried overseas, taken apart, put together, stored on an island B put together, stored on an island, packed in boxes, carried overseas, taken apart C taken apart, packed in boxes, carried overseas, stored on an island, put together D put together, taken apart, packed in boxes, carried overseas, stored on an island 59 What does it mean by the copper "skin"? A The complexion of Miss Liberty is the colour of copper B They coated the statue with copper C The statue is made of copper D Miss Liberty is skinny 60 When did people give Miss Liberty the copper "skin"? A After taking the statue apart B Before putting the statue together C Before the workers showered coins from their pockets into the wet mortar D After putting the statue together on the base 61 When was the Statue of Liberty presented to the US people? A In the 18th century B In the 19th century C In the early 1884 D In the late 18th century 62 Miss Liberty was stored on Bedloe's Island when she arrived in New York because … A the big, solid base for her was not finished B the huge statue was taken down piece by piece C the workers needed more time to collect coins D she needed a copper skin first 63 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word base? A Foot B Bottom C Pedestal D Sole 64 What does the word They in the 2nd paragraph refer to? A The pockets B The coins C The workers D The people on shore 65 All of the following statements are correct, EXCEPT … A Miss Liberty began as a sign of the friendship between two countries, France and the USA B The American Government sent money to build the base for the statue C When Miss Liberty's ship arrived in America, she was welcomed by ninety boats with flags flying D The money the American people sent was enough to build the base for the Statue of Liberty Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting 66 O c e a n s o f t h e wo r l d e x e r t s s t r o n g i n fl u e n c e s o n m e w e a t h e r o v e r the Earth's surface 67 In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they had invented a fl y i n g m a c h i n e , h i s n e w s w a s ge n e r a l l y i g n o r e d 68.A l e x a n d e r C a l d e r , w h o w a s o r i g i n a l l y i n t e r e s t e d i n m e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e ri n g , la t e r b e c a me a s c u lp t u re 69 T h e fi r st n a t i o n a l p a r k i n w o r l d , Y e l l o w s t o n e N a t i o n a l P a r k , w a s es t a b li s he d i n 87 70 M a gn ifi c e nt m ou nt a in s a n d c o as t a l s c en e r y i s B r it i sh Co l um b ia ' s chief tourist attractions Read the passage and choose the best answer The person I am going to write about is Charlie Chaplin He has always been one of my favourite actors and I really admire his films Charlie was born in London in 1889 Both his parents were music hall presenters His father was a drunk and his mother later went mad Life was hard and Charlie and his half-brother, Sidney, were sent to an orphanage for a time He first appeared on the stage when he was seven and by the time he was ten he was a regular performer When he was 17, he went on a tour of the USA where he was spotted and given a part in a Hollywood film His early films were not particularly successful but in 1915 he made his masterpiece, The Tramp, in which he first appeared in the baggy trousers and with the hat and cane Soon he had had his own studio built and was making his own films which included The Gold Rush, Modern Time and The Great Dictator In the 1940s his reputation in the USA started to decline Silent films were no longer so popular Chaplin went to Europe but was not allowed to return to the USA because he was suspected of being a communist The authorities awarded an Oscar, but by this time he had made Switzerland his home In 1972 he briefly returned to the United States to receive several tributes, among them a special Academy Award for his contributions to the film industry He was knighted in 1975 Charlie did not have a very happy personal - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG life and was married four times He only found happiness with his fourth marriage in 1943 When he died on Christmas Day 1977, the world has lost one of the greatest ever comedians 71 Between the time he was seven and ten years old, Charlie Chaplin A lived in an orphanage with his half-brother B performed in the USA C began to perform regularly D made a lot of money 72 Baggy trousers with the hat and cane were typical of Charlie Chaplin in A only his first film The Tramp B many of his films C his private life D his studio in Hollywood 73 The word spotted is closest in meaning to A recognized B marked C place D dot 74 How old was Charlie Chaplin when he first performed in America? A When he was seven B When he was ten C When he was seventeen D In 1915 75 he made his masterpiece, The Tramp is similar in meaning to … A He made The Tramp with very great skill B The Tramp was made from a piece of news given by his master C The Tramp was directed by his master D He made The Tramp from his master's idea 76 The 1940s was the decade A when silent films were not shown in the USA B when he was no longer well-known C when returned to the USA after a long time in Switzerland D when he was not very popular in the USA 77 How many countries did he live in? A One B Two C Three D Four 78 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT A Charlie Chaplin did not have a happy childhood B The Tramp was the film in which Charlie Chaplin first appeared as an actor C Charlie Chaplin was born in England and became famous in the USA D Charlie Chaplin was given awards and knighted in recognition of his contributions to the film industry 79 W h a t d o e s t h e w r i t e r i m p l y b y t h e f a c t t h a t C h a r l i e C h a p l i n w a s married four times? A That he was an attractive man B That many women loved him C That he didn't succeed in his marriage life D That he needed more children 80 What does the writer think of Charlie Chaplin? A The writer looks down on him because of his poor family B The writer supports his choosing Switzerland his new home C The writer feels sorry for his personal life D The writer looks up to him The end SCĐ: Điểm: M«n TiÕng Anh TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC 2007-2008 Lu ý: - ThÝ sinh dùng bút tô kín ô tròn mục số báo danh mà đề thi trớc làm Cách tô sai: - Đối với câu trắc nghiệm, thí sinh đợc chọn tô kín ô tròn tơng ứng với phơng án trả lời Cách tô : 01 02 28 29 55 56 - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 - – EDITED BY HO NGOC AN- DATE HIGH SCHOOL- LAM DONG

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 07:27
