TECHNIC AL REPORT ISO/TR 22351 First edition 01 5-09-01 Societal security — Emergency management — Message structure for exchange of information Sécurité sociétale — Gestion des urgences — Message structures pour échanger d’information Reference number ISO/TR 2 : 01 (E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci fied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 ii I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions The EMSI message 4.1 General 4.2 EMSI content 4.3 EMSI structure 4.5 Rules for the list of elements 4.6 Implementation of the EMSI 4.4 General rules for the de finition of elements The EMSI codes dictionary The role of the codes Rules Code structure 2 Code elements Examples Annex A (informative) Example of EMSI messages Annex B (informative) EMSI elements and codes 17 Bibliography 90 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n iii ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identi fied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO speci fic terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TB T) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 92 , iv I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Security and resilience © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Introduction Clear situation awareness is a key factor for effective emergency response The building of an o p e rati o n a l p ic tu re is b ased on the i n te g ratio n a nd a s s e s s me n t d i ffe re nt te a m s o f re s p o nde r s a n d o the r i n fo r m atio n s o u rc e s fro m the I t re l ie s o n e xc h a n ge o f i n fo r m ati o n of i n fo r m atio n c o l l e c te d T he ability to exchange information in a timely and secure manner is critical to the effective conduct of emergency management This Te c h n i c a l Re p o r t p ro p o s e s a s tr uc tu re d me s s a ge in o rde r to fac i l i t ate the s e e xc h a n ge s T he message is flexible with regard to the regulations of nations and organizations It helps the operational information exchange between organizations, especially when different terminologies or different languages are used as in civil–military cooperation, trans-border collaboration or multi-agency emergencies It enables all involved organizations to co-operate with a high level of interoperability as de s c r ib e d i n I S O 2 T h i s Te c h n ic a l Re p o r t i s b a s e d o n re s u l t s fro m the C E N Wo rks ho p A g re e me n t C WA p u b l i s he d i n March 2009 as the Tactical Situation Object (TSO) by a European Frame Work Program project © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n v I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Societal security — Emergency management — Message structure for exchange of information Scope This Technical Report describes a message structure for the exchange of information between organizations involved in emergency management An organization can ingest the received information, based on the message structure, in its own operational picture The structured message is called Emergency Management Shared Information (EMSI) This Technical Report describes the message structure built in order to facilitate interoperability between existing and new information systems The intended audience of this Technical Report is control room engineers, information systems designers and decision makers in emergency management NOTE The EMSI can be used complementary to other message protocols, as for example the common alert protocol (C AP) Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies ISO 22300, Societal security — Terminology 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and de finitions given in ISO 22300 apply NOTE All terms and de finitions contained in ISO 22300 are available on the ISO Online Browsing Platform: 4.1 The EMSI message General An EMSI describes a part of the operational picture at a particular time It is exchanged between nodes in order to transfer information and describes events, resources and missions (see Figure 1) © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) O rgan i z ati o n A O rgan i z ati o n B N o d e A1 N o de B Fi xe d o r m o b i l e EMSI co n tro l ro o m , e tc F i xe d o r m o b i l e co n tro l ro o m , e tc N e e d fo r i n fo rm ati o n exch an ge E ve n t E ve n t E ve n t Figure — Exchange of EMSI between organizations An EMSI can be used peer-to-peer at the same level of the command hierarchy or up and down the hierarchy This information contributes to the situational awareness of organizations involved for fac i l i tati n g c o o rd i n ati o n o f p l a n s a n d ac tio n s F i g u re 2 describes in an object model the entities which are involved in the EMSI I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Police, ϐire services, Call centre, ϐixed or Trafϐic accident, ϐire Ambulance services, mobile control room, natural disaster, health services, co-ordination centre, man made accident, Red Cross, etc etc etc Organization Owns Manages [1 ,n] [0,n] Node Divided into [0,n] Event Provides Describes [0,n] [1 ] EMSI Describes Describes [0,n] [0,n] Related resources Related missions Divided into [0,n] Key Cardinality: [1 ] [0 , [0 n ] The element is mandatory Only one value can be provided The element is optional If it is present, only one value can be provided T h e e l e m e n t i s o p ti o n al I f i t i s p re s e n t, s e ve ral val u e s can b e p ro vi d e d The element is mandatory Several values can be provided [1 n ] NOTE Arrows in the diagram represent relationships according to cardinality but not information flows Figure — EMSI described in an object model A n o rga n i z ati o n o w n s o ne o r mo re no de s A no de c a n m a n a ge e ve n ts T he me s s a ge s tr uc tu re is h i dde n fro m the u s e r T he ap p l i c atio n s h a nd l i n g information to users in their own language, applying their own set of symbols the EMSI p re s e n t the The objective of this Technical Report is to agree on the set of information with the following properties: — u s e fu l to s h a re b e t we en re s p o nde r s a nd th at re p re s e n t the s i tu ati o n ; — s i mp le e no u gh i n o rde r to e n ab le a g re e me n t o n u s e a n d i mp le me n t ati o n ; — e x te n s i ve e no u gh to s up p o r t the p l a n n i n g a n d de c i s io n m a ki n g p ro ce s s 4.2 EMSI content The Emergency Management Information Sharing contains the following information a) Identi fication of the EMSI: 1) identi fier of the individual message; 2) identi fication of its originator; © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) 3) time of creation; 4) relation to any other EMSI; 5) organization level, fidentiality and urgency of the information; b) c) d) 4.3 6) links to external information; 7) date and time of creation of EMSI Description of the event: 1) limited assessment of the event; 2) date and time when the event was declared; 3) date and time of the observation; 4) location of the event and associated geographical information; 5) enumeration of the casualties found; 6) prediction of future casualties Description of the resources: 1) resources each organization has available for the event; 2) resources in use; 3) resource capabilities; 4) resource position Description of the missions: 1) missions in progress; 2) missions foreseen EMSI structure An EMSI is organized in four elements groups — CONTEXT: identi fication of the EMSI; — E VEN T: description of the event; — RESOURCE: allocated or available resource(s) to/for the event; — MISSION: description of mission(s) CONTEXT and EVENT are mandatory while RESOURCE and MISSION are optional Figure shows this structure I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /M AT/EQ/ELC Code NAVRAD De finition Navigation Additional description A radar used to monitor the moving parameters of a craft radar /M AT/EQ/ELC O TH O ther /M AT/EQ/ELC POWGN Power generator Portable unit used to generate electrical power /M AT/EQ/ELC RIDD Remote intrusion (to be continued) A term to describe equipment used to detect objects moving into or within an area of interes t detection device /M AT/EQ/ELC SEN Sensor /M AT/EQ/ELC SONAR SonarSound Navigation A device that detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it (subtypes to be de fined) A sonic device used primarily for the detection and location of underwater Ranging /M AT/EQ/ELC THIMC Thermal image Specialis t heat seeking equipment used to locate heat cameras sources at incidents /M AT/EQ/ELC VIBRA Vibraphone /M AT/EQ/ELC/ MEGPHN Megaphone COMS YS /M AT/EQ/ELC/ Electronic equipment used at search and rescue emergency to detect any sound from personnel who may be trapped Portable, usually hand-held, funnel-shaped device whose application is to send a person’s natural voice toward a tar- geted direction for a speci fied purpose (from Wikipedia) PAGER COMS YS Pager system Simple personal telecommunications device for short mes- sages A one-way numeric pager can only receive a message consisting of a few digits; typically a phone number that the user is then expected to call Alphanumeric pagers are also available, and two-way ones can send email or SMS messages as well as receiving (from Wikipedia) /M AT/EQ/ELC/ PMRRDIO COMS YS PMR Radio system Private Mobile Radio (PMR) in the UK and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) in North America) are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios and are sometimes based on such standards as MP T-1 327, TE TRA, TE TRAPOL and APCO 25 which are designed for dedicated use by speci fic organizations (from Wikipedia) /M AT/EQ/ELC/ PUBADD Public address COMS YS Electronic ampli fication system with a mixer, ampli fier and loudspeakers, used to reinforce a given sound and distributing the ‘sound’ to the general public around a building (from Wikipedia) /M AT/EQ/ELC/ RDBRC T COMS YS /M AT/EQ/ENG Radio Broadcast equipment BRIDGG Bridging Equipment for transmitting information to a relatively large audience, using AM and/or FM radio frequencies Equipment designed for the crossing of gaps and other obs tacles /M AT/EQ/ENG CNS T VE Cons truction vehicle /M AT/EQ/ENG CONS T Cons truction /M AT/EQ/ENG DOZER Dozer A vehicle used in the construction industry Equipment and resources used to build a facility A heavy caterpillar tractor fitted with a broad steel blade in front, used for removing obs tacles, levelling uneven surfaces, etc /M AT/EQ/ENG ERTHM V Earthmover A vehicle designed for the excavation or shifting of large quantities of earth 78 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /M AT/EQ/ENG Code FIRFGT De finition Fire Fighting Additional description A vehicle designed to carry fire fighters and equipment to an incident /M AT/EQ/ENG IN TEL Intelligence Intelligence equipment (surveillance, etc.) equipment (surveillance, etc.) /M AT/EQ/ENG MINECL Mine-clearing Equipment whose purpose is to remove or destroy mines /M AT/EQ/ENG MINEDT Mine-detection Equipment whose purpose is to detect the presence of mines /M AT/EQ/ENG MINEMR Mine field Equipment used to delimit a mine field Weapons and Weapons and protection agains t weapons marking /M AT/EQ/ENG WPNPRT protection against weapons /M AT/EQ/ENG/ BRH TAP Breathing Self-contained equipment used to sustain the life of the Apparatus wearer when entering a non-breathable atmosphere Respiratory Respiratory assistance cell CEC Compressor cell Compressor cell CECH C hemical Chemical intervention cell FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ CE AR FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ assis tance cell FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ intervention cell CEE V FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Lighting and Lighting and ventilation cell ventilation cell CEM Emulsion cell Emulsion cell CEPC Command and Command and control cell FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ control cell CEPO Powder cell Powder cell CEPOL Anti-pollution Anti-pollution cell FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ cell CER FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Radio activity intervention cell Rescue and Rescue and clearing cell intervention cell CESD FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Radio activity clearing cell trailer Ground branch for applying large quantities of water or foam concentrate onto a fire Mobile pump used in fire fighting operations for the movement of water from any given location to the incident ground Also to remove water from areas of flooding Advanced Advanced Medical Pos t GRDMON Ground Monitor MPR Motor-driven FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ pump on a RAR FIRFGT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Medical Post UMIR FIRFGT Mobile chemical Mobile chemical intervention unit intervention unit /M AT/EQ/ENG/ VAM UR FIRFGT Mobile radio- activity Mobile radio-activity intervention unit intervention unit © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 79 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Code De finition Additional description C AMERA Camera Device used to capture images as s till photographs CC T VCM CC T V Camera C losed Circuit Television is the use of video cameras to IN TEL /M AT/EQ/ENG/ IN TEL transmit signal to a speci fic limited set of monitors CCTV systems may operate continuously or only as required to monitor a particular event, e g surveillance /M AT/EQ/ENG/ CDVDOG Cadaver Dog FSPDCM Fixed Speed Trained in detecting the odour of decomposing bodies IN TEL /M AT/EQ/ENG/ IN TEL Camera A system including a camera and a vehicle monitoring device used to detect and identify vehicles disobeying a speed limit or some other road legal requirement /M AT/EQ/ENG/ FTFLCM IN TEL /M AT/EQ/ENG/ PSPDCM IN TEL /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Fixed Traffic Used to detect vehicles which cross a s top-line or Light Camera designated stopping place after a red traffic light shows Portable Speed Portable Speed Camera Camera /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Tracking Dog BALVST Ballistic Vest BATON B aton An item of armour that absorbs the impact from gun- fired projectiles and explosive fragments fired at the torso Type of striking weapon ENFDOG Public Order A dog that is used to enforce public order by chasing and WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ Locate suspects or to find missing persons or objects TCKDOG IN TEL enforcement dog holding suspects FIRE ARM Firearm WPNPRT A device that can be used as a weapon that fires either a single or multiple projectiles propelled at high velocity by the gases produced through rapid fined burning of a propellant /M AT/EQ/ENG/ HNDCUF Handcuff WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ close together OFFPRT WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/ENG/ A restraint device designed to secure an individual’s wrists Officer Protection Officer Protection PRSCN T Prisoner Control Prisoner Control BLNKT Blanket WPNPRT /M AT/EQ/O TH A large, rectangular piece of soft fabric, often with bound edges, used esp for warmth as a bed covering /M AT/EQ/O TH CON TNR Container A receptacle in which material is held or carried /M AT/EQ/OTH CU TING Cutting Specialis t equipment used for cutting — this can be either Equipment manual, hydraulically, compressed air or electrically operated Equipamento Corte (Portugal) /M AT/EQ/OTH TANK Tank A large receptacle or storage chamber, especially for liquid or gas /M AT/EQ/OTH TEN T Tent /M AT/EQ/O TH WATPUR Water puri fier supported by one or more poles or a frame and often secured by ropes fastened to pegs in the ground Device used to make pure water, free from anything that Traffic — Device used to measure level of alcohol in a driver’s breath /M AT/EQ/POLICE BRTEST Breath Tes t A portable shelter of skins, canvas, plastic, or the like, debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates and to assess whether the amount is greater than the legal limit 80 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E De finition Code CONE Additional description Traffic A plastic or rubber cone-shaped object used as a temporary C o n tr o l — C o n e r o ad m a rke r o r b a r r i e r, e g to c l o s e o ff p a r t o f a r o ad a fte r a n ac c i de n t / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E L AM P Traffic Traffic Control — Lamp C o n tr o l — L a mp / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E S T I N GE R Traffic C o n tr o l — D e v i c e th a t i s c o ve r e d i n s p i ke s a n d c a n b e th r o w n ac r o s s a road to puncture an automobiles tyres S ti n ge r / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E T O RC H / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E U N F RM C To r c h U n i fo r m I te m — A hand-held portable electric spot light or flashlight U n i fo r m I te m — C l o th i n g C l o th i n g / M AT/ E Q / P O L I C E U N F RM N U n i fo r m I te m — U n i fo r m I te m — N o t C l o th i n g N o t C l o th i n g / M AT/ V E H A I RC R F A i r c r a ft A i r c r a ft / M AT/ V E H H ORS E H o rs e / M AT/ V E H R A I LV E R a i l c a r ve h i c l e s R a i l c a r ve h i c l e s / M AT/ V E H RO A D V E Ro ad c a r Ro ad c a r ve h i c l e s Employed for specialized duties ranging from patrol of parks to riot duty ve h i c l e s / M AT/ V E H VE S S E L Ve s s e l s / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F A I RT R S A i r tr a n s p o r t / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F CMD C TL C o m m a nd a nd c o n tr o l H e l i c o p te r c a r r i e r H e l i c o p te r / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F H E LC M D C o m m a nd a nd c o n tr o l h e l i c o p te r / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F H E LRE C A n a i r p l a n e de s i g n e d a n d e q u i p p e d to a l l o w a c o m m a n de r to exercise authority and direction over assigned and a t t ac h e d fo r c e s i n th e ac c o m p l i s h m e n t o f th e m i s s i o n HEL H E LM E D Transportations by air a i r p l a ne / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F Ve s s e l s A h e l i c o p te r de s i g n e d a n d e q u i p p e d to a l l o w a c o m m a n de r to exercise authority and direction over assigned and at t ac he d fo r c e s i n the ac c o mp l i s h me n t o f the m i s s i o n M e d i c a l e vac u a- A he l i c o p te r de s i g ne d a n d e qu i p p e d to p e r fo r m me d ic a l tio n h e l i c o p te r e vac u ati o n H e l i c o p te r, H e l i c o p te r u s e d fo r r e c o n n a i s s a n c e p u r p o s e s re co n n a i s s a nce / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F M E D E VC M e d i c a l e vac u a- A n a i r p l a n e de s i g n e d a n d e q u i p p e d to p e r fo r m me d i c a l ti o n a i r p l a ne e vac u a tio n Ai r p l a ne c a r r ier / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F PL AN E A i r p l a ne / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F POLH EL P o l i c e h e l i c o p te r Commonly used for traffic control, ground support, search a n d r e s c u e , h i g h- s p e e d c a r p u r s u i ts a n d r io t c o n tr o l Normally equipped with variants such as night vision, s u r ve i l l a n c e c a m e r a s a n d i n fr a r e d / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F RE C C E Re c o n n a i s s a n c e / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F S AR S e a rch a nd re s c ue / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F TA N K E R Ta n ke r / M AT/ V E H /A I RC R F UAV Un m a n ne d ae r i a l ve h i c l e A n a i r c r a ft u s e d fo r r e c o n n a i s s a nc e p u r p o s e s A n a i r c r a ft de s i g ne d a n d e qu i p p e d to l o o k fo r a n d b r i n g back any lost or incapacitated person or group of persons An aircraft used for carrying water in bulk, esp for forest fire fighting An unmanned aircraft which conducts its mission by being c o n tr o l l e d fr o m a d i s ta n t l o c ati o n th r o u gh a c o m mu n i c a ti o n l i n k © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 81 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels Code /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCMDSE De finition Locomotive, diesel/electric Additional description A locomotive that uses diesel engine(s) to produce electricity for electric engine(s) that provides the engine with its source of tractive power /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCMDSL /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCMELC Locomotive, A locomotive that uses diesel engine(s) as its source of diesel tractive power Locomotive, A locomotive that uses electric engine(s) as its source electric of tractive power, the electricity being supplied from an external source, typically via a pantograph (overhead electrical cable) /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCMSTM Locomotive, A locomotive that uses the principle of heating water above steam its boiling point to produce s team, the expansion in a sealed vessel the pressure becomes the engine(s) source of tractive power /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCM TND Locomotive, tender A locomotive tender is used to carry coal and water for a s team locomotive when not integral to the locomotive design /M AT/VEH/RAILVE LCM T VE Locomotive A detachable, wheeled engine used for pulling trains /M AT/VEH/RAILVE RLDEQP Railed equip- Mobile equipment that uses rails to move on, for example, ment /M AT/VEH/RAILVE RLLS TK Rolling stock dockyard cranes Generic term for wagons, either passenger, freight or specialized that are used to form a train /M AT/VEH/RAILVE TRAM Tram A passenger carrying vehicle that runs on rails normally along roads, with minimal earthworks, typically powered by electricity from overhead power cables via a pantograph /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNART Wagon, articulated vehicle Rolling stock speci fically designed to carry an articulated truck by rail (for example EUROSTAR) transporter /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNBRK Wagon, brake Rolling stock used to assist with the control of a formed train, that when used are manned and contain auxiliary braking apparatus /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNC AR /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNCRG transporter Rolling stock speci fically designed to carry civilian or military cars by rail (for example EURORAIL) Wagon, cargo Rolling s tock used to move boxed or palletised equipment/ Wagon, car (enclosed) stores and closed by means of fixed doors either sliding or hinged /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNCSS Wagon, cargo, sliding sides /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNC TL Wagon, cattle /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNFLB Wagon, flatbed Rolling s tock used to move boxed or palletised equipment/ stores and closed by means of sliding curtained side panels Rolling stock used to move livestock by rail Rolling stock used to move either large bulky cargoes, for example B vehicles, or large linear cargoes, for example logs/cut timber, replacement sections of track /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNFUL Wagon, bulk fuel Rolling stock used to move bulk fuel by rail (Also often known as tank wagons ) Rolling stock used to move bulk loose material by rail and unloaded by gravity through bottom doors (Mineral or foodstuffs, e.g grains are typical cargoes.) /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNHPR Wagon, hopper /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNISO Wagon, ISO Rolling s tock used to move standard ISO containers, either container(s) single or multiple containers Wagon, liquid Rolling stock used to move bulk liquids by rail /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNLQD 82 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels Code /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNMNR De finition Wagon, mineral Additional description Rolling stock used to move bulk mineral by rail with unloading facilities from either side /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNOPC Wagon, open container /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNPAS Wagon, Rolling stock used to move bulk loose items by rail Rolling s tock used for the transportation of passengers passenger /M AT/ VEH/RAILVE WGNRFG Wagon, refrigerated /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNRPR Wagon, track repair and maintenance /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGNSPP Wagon, special purpose /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGN WAT Wagon, potable water /M AT/VEH/RAILVE WGN WFL Rolling stock used to move refrigerated cargoes by rail Rolling stock used to repair (replace track) or maintain the railway track and track bed Rolling stock used to move specialized or outsized loads by rail, for example MB Ts, other outsized loads Rolling stock used to move potable water by rail Wagon, war flat Rolling stock used to move speci fic military loads, for example AIF Vs (UK Warrior) /M AT/VEH/ /M AT/VEH/ A vehicle for conveying sick, wounded, incapacitated, or injured persons AMBUL Ambulance AUTOMO Automobile A self-propelled passenger vehicle BIC YCL Bicycle A vehicle of two wheels held in a frame one behind the ROADVE ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel /M AT/VEH/ BUS Bus CC TRCK Cross-country A large passenger road vehicle ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ An automotive vehicle used for transporting loads over truck long distances CRANE Crane Mechanical lifting device FRFGTN Fire fighting HE T VEH Heavy equip - A vehicle designed to carry fire fighters and equipment to emergency incidents A vehicle designed to carry cumbersome or heavy items Maintenance A vehicle that, as its primary function, is designed to ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ment transport M AIN T ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ provide equipment support facilities MH VEH ROADVE Materiel handling A vehicle that, as its primary, is designed to provide mate riel handling facilities /M AT/VEH/ MILU V Military utility A small, sturdy, four-wheel-drive army vehicle MOTC YC Motorcycle A vehicle with two wheels in tandem, self-propelled and Portable unit Term used to describe a portable container providing ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ POD ROADVE sometimes having a sidecar with a third wheel specialist equipment or facilities, or providing accommodation for personnel /M AT/VEH/ POLICE ROADVE © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Police vehicle Term used to describe a vehicle to transport police resources and equipment 83 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /M AT/VEH/ Code De finition SEMI Semi TRAC TR Tractor TRAILR Trailer ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ A road trailer that has a wheel system at the rear only and is coupled to a suitable tractor to form an articulated lorry A powered vehicle that pulls or draws machinery A vehicle designed to be towed by another Speci fic Fire ighting trailers are detailed in a speci fic section (cf Materiel/Vehicle/Road car/Fire fighting trailers types) A bus powered by electricity obtained from an overhead cable by means of a trolley-wheel f TRLBUS Trolley bus TRUCK Truck An automotive vehicle used for transporting loads AERI AL Aerial This category includes ladders and platforms ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ Additional description ROADVE /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE/FRFGTN /M AT/VEH/ appliances BRE ATH ROADVE/FRFGTN Breathing Vehicles equipped with breathing apparatus support apparatus support /M AT/VEH/ C3 ROADVE/FRFGTN Command, control and Vehicles speci fically equipped for command, control and communications communications /M AT/VEH/ FRF ROADVE/FRFGTN Fire fighting vehicle Vehicle or trailer speci fically equipped for extinguishing ires The capabilities of this vehicle are detailed in the f RESOURCE/T YPE/C APABILI T Y element (on/off road, capacity of the pump, capacity of the tank, crew numbers, truck or trailer or pod) /M AT/VEH/ H AZM AT ROADVE/FRFGTN /M AT/VEH/ Hazmat and CBRN O THR ROADVE/FRFGTN Other types of fire services Vehicles speci fically equipped for managing hazardous materials For example: airport vehicles, investigation vehicles, for logis tics vehicles /M AT/VEH/ PERC AR ROADVE/FRFGTN /M AT/VEH/ Personnel carriers PUMP Pumping vehicle Vehicle for pumping large volume of liquids, not for ROADVE/FRFGTN /M AT/VEH/ extinguishing RSC Rescue Vehicles used for saving of life or preventing injuries COMLI A Community A standard production car, visibly marked, but without Dog Unit Car Used to transport police dogs to and from incidents or ROADVE/FRFGTN /M AT/VEH/ ROADVE/POLICE /M AT/VEH/ Liaison Car DOGUN T ROADVE/POLICE /M AT/VEH/ GENPUR Road traffic management vehicle H AZM AT ROADVE/POLICE Hazardous material management /M AT/VEH/ MBIKE ROADVE/POLICE 84 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n A marked car with uniformed crew Equipped with basic road signs for road traffic management A marked high performance vehicle with crew and equipped with road signs for road traffic management One of the crew will be trained to advise on the managing the vehicle spillage or release of hazardous material e.g C hemicals Police Motorbike Used for the enforcement of traffic laws and to escort ROADVE/POLICE /M AT/VEH/ audible and visual warning devices duties ROADVE/POLICE /M AT/VEH/ Vehicles with the primary function to carry personnel vehicles PATROL Patrol Car Convey normal police officers between their duties (taking statements, visiting witnesses etc.), will most likely be fitted with visual and audible warnings © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels / M AT/ V E H / Code RSPONSE De finition Re s p o n s e C a r RO A D V E / P O L I C E Additional description Almost only ever used to respond to emergency incidents, so are designed to travel fast, and may carry specialist e q u i p m e n t / M AT/ V E H / TR AFF IC RO A D V E / P O L I C E Road traffic m a n a ge m e n t A m a rke d h i g h p e r fo r m a n c e ve h i c l e w i th c r e w a n d equipped with road signs for road traffic management h i gh p e r fo r m a nc e ve h i c l e / M AT/ V E H / T R ANSI T Tr a n s i t ve h i c l e RO A D V E / P O L I C E A p e r s o n n e l c a r r i e r w i th a S e r ge a n t a n d C o n s t ab l e s t a ke n from those officers on duty who can be dispatched to an i n c i de n t w i th i n a n ho u r / M AT/ V E H / VA N P o l i c e va n A I RC A R A i r c r a ft c a r r i e r Used by police to transport people arrested and prisoners RO A D V E / P O L I C E / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L A s h i p d e s i g n e d to s up p o r t a n d o p e r ate s a i r c r a ft, e n ga ge i n attacks on targets a float or ashore, and engage in sustained o p e r a tio n s i n s up p o r t o f o the r fo r c e s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L A M PH Amp h ib i a n / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L B A RGE B a r ge A ve h i c l e de s i g n e d to tr ave l o ve r l a n d a n d o n wa te r A long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals, r i ve r s , e tc / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L B ARS H P B a r r ac k s s h ip A self-propelled ship employed as a mobile base facility a n d s up p o r t s h i p fo r the c r e ws o f o th e r ve s s e l s a n d w i th o u t r e p a i r fac i l i ti e s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L B RD GB T B r i d g i n g b o at / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L CN TSH P C o n ta i n e r s h i p A b o at u s e d to s u p p o r t a b r i d ge A ship specially constructed and equipped to carry s ta nd a rd co nta i ners / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L C S RS H P C S TSH P Casualty A ship not declared to and protected by ICRC/red crescent, re cei vi ng s h ip p r o v i d i n g m e d i c a l a n d s u r g i c a l tr e a tm e n t a n d nu r s i n g c a r e Casualty tr a n s p o r t s h ip for ill or injured people A ship, not declared to and protected by ICRC/red crescent, whose primary purpose is sustaining post-operative c a s u a l ti e s du r i n g tr a n s p o r t o u t o f th e a tr e / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L D P S M VS D eep - A ve s s e l ab l e to d i ve d e e p i n to th e wate r fo r i n ve s ti ga ti o n , s u b m e r ge n c e r e s c u e a n d r e tr i e va l ve s s e l Ferry / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F E R RY / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F I RB O T F i re b o at / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F LT C R N F l o ati n g c r a n e A ship or boat used to ferry passengers or goods A harbour vessel extensively equipped for fire fighting A barge-like vessel usually non-self-propelled equipped w i th a c r a n e / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F LT D RG / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F LT D RY F l o a ti n g d r e d ge r Floating dry A craft employed as a dredger A floating dock capable of docking or repairing ships c k / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F RE B L K F r e i gh te r, b u l k A ship designed to carry solid freight in cargo holds c a r go / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L F RE L I Q F r e i g h te r, l i q u i d A ship designed to carry liquid freight c a r go / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L HOSSHP © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n H o s pi ta l s h ip A ship, declared to and protected by ICRC/red crescent and marked accordingly, providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for ill or injured people 85 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels Code De finition / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L H O VC R F H o ve r c r a ft / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L I C E B RK I c e b r e a ke r Additional description A vehicle or craft that can be supported by a cushion of air ejected downwards against a surface close below it, and can in principle travel over any relatively smooth surface (as a body of water, marshland, gently sloping land) while having no signi ficant contact with it A vessel specially designed or adapted for breaking a c h a n n e l th r o u gh th e ic e / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L L AU N C H L au n c h A small vessel employed in sheltered waters for tr a n s p o r ti n g p e r s o n n e l / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L L GH T E R L i gh te r A b a r ge - l i ke ve s s e l u s e d i n l o ad i n g a n d u n l o ad i n g s h ip s o r i n tr a n s p o r ti n g l o ad s fo r s ho r t d i s ta n c e s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L LN D C RF L a n d i n g c r a ft / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L M E RS H P M e r c h a n t s h ip Any of several types of amphibious warfare floating spe cially designed for putting troops and equipment ashore - A n o n- n ava l s h ip de s i g n e d to tr a n s p o r t c a r go o r p a s s e n ge r s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L MOBLS M o b i l e l o g i s ti c s A wa r s h i p d e s i g n e d fo r l o g i s ti c s a s s i s t a n c e sh ip / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L OI LE R O i ler / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L PA S S G R P a s s e n ge r s h i p / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L PAT V E S P a tr o l ve s s e l/ co a s t gu a rd c u t te r A s h i p de s i g n e d to p r o v i de fu e l fo r o th e r s h i p s wh i l e a t s e a A merchant ship designed to carry persons A ve s s e l de s i g ne d fo r o n e o r m o r e o f the fo l l o w i n g functions: coastal defence, protection of life and property at s e a , a n d e n fo r c e m e n t o f c u s to m s , i m m i g r ati o n a n d n av i g ati o n l aws / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L P O L S PD P o l i c e s p e e d b o at / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L P RV P o l l u ti o n / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L R AF T R a ft / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L RPRS H P Re p a i r s h ip / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L S A I LVS S a i l i n g ve s s e l A s u r fac e ve s s e l who s e p r i me mo ti ve fo r c e i s w i n d p o we r / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L S AL SH P S a l va ge s h i p A s h i p o f at l e a s t m u s e d to p r o v id e m o b i l e s a l va ge , recovery vessel P o l i c e s p e e d b o at Pollution recovery vessel A flat floating structure of timber or other materials for conveying persons or goods A ship employed as a mobile repair facility rep a i r s , d i vi n g a nd re s c ue s e r vice s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L SM LLB O B o a t, s m a l l A s m a l l o p e n ve s s e l i n wh i c h to tr ave r s e the s u r fac e o f water, usually propelled by oars, though sometimes by a s ail / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L S U BM AR S ub m a r i ne A warship, capable of operating under water and usually e qu i p p e d w i th to r p e d o e s , m i s s i l e s a n d a p e r i s c o p e / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L TA N K E R Ta n ke r A ship designed for carrying liquids, especially mineral oils, i n bu l k / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L TEN DE R Te n de r A ve s s e l de s i g ne d to p r o v i de l o g i s ti c s up p o r t a n d d e p o t fac i l i ti e s to o the r ve s s e l s / M AT/ V E H / V E S S E L T UGB O T Tu g b o at /O RG AM BUL A m b u l a nc e s /O RG C I VP C i v i l P r o te c ti o n /O RG COAS TG M a r i ti m e a n d A s m a l l p o we r fu l b o at fo r to w i n g l a r ge r b o at s a n d s h i p s Specialist medical service providing emergency treatment and transportation from an incident to a medical facility O r ga n i z a ti o n p r o v i d i n g c i v i l p r o te c ti o n a r r a n ge m e n ts fo r the citizen from non-military Maritime and Coastguard Agency C o a s tg u a r d Agency 86 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /ORG Code DOC TOR De finition Medical Additional description Organization providing medical services, e g doctors organization /ORG EN VAGC Environment Agency responsible for dealing with all aspects of pollution Agency and damage to the environment /ORG FIRFS Fire services Fire services /ORG GEND Gendarmerie Organization with missions similar to the police missions in non-urban areas /ORG HOSP Hospitals /ORG IDCOM Identi fication Commission /ORG LCRESF Local Resilience Forum Building housing medical facilities A group representing all aspects of the identi fication process which is set up to consider and determine the identity of the deceased The group of all Category and Category responders within a police geographical area /ORG LOC AUT Local Authority Term to describe local government organization responsi- /ORG M ARAGC Maritime and This includes the mobilization, organization and tasking of Coastguard adequate resources to respond to persons either in distress Agency ble for delivery of public services with a geographical area at sea or to persons at risk of injury or death on the cliffs and shoreline E xamples: The Maritime and Coas tguard Agency (MCA) in the UK is responsible for the initiation and co-ordination of civil maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) Also known as Ryhswaterstrat Coast Gand (Netherlands) — Insea /ORG ME TAGC Meteorological /ORG MIL agency Military /ORG NGO Non- Organization providing information about the weather Term used to describe the armed forces C haritable organizations such as Red Cross, O xfam, etc Governmental Humanitarian organization /ORG POLCNG Police Community Organization representing a speci fic community group in their relationships with the police Consultative Group /ORG POLICE Police Organization that protects law and order /ORG RGRESF Regional A forum established by a government office to discuss civil Resilience resilience from a regional perspective Forum © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 87 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.19 (continued) Higher levels /ORG De finition Code SPADPV Additional description A few examples: Chemet — A scheme administered by the Meteorological Office providing information on weather conditions as they affect an incident involving hazardous Specialist Advice Providers chemicals Bellwin Scheme — UK Scheme for providing inancial assistance to local authorities in the event of a major emergency Chemdata — Specialist computer system for obtaining information on hazardous materials Tremcard — Emergency action card carried in vehicles f transporting hazardous materials Kemmler Code — Emer- gency action code for dealing with hazardous materials Hazchem — Specialist computer system for obtaining information on hazardous materials Emergency Action Code — Emergency action code on the side and backs of vehicles carrying hazardous materials Provides advice on mitigation methods evacuation and contact number UN Number — Database listing the properties and emergency action procedures for chemicals and hazardous materials /ORG TRS Technical rescue services /ORG WATAGC Water Undertakers For example the THW in Germany Water Undertakers: A term used to describe the compa- nies with a statuary duty to provide water NUTS — Dutch description for water undertakers and other utility service providers Table B.20 — RESOURCE UM Higher levels Definition Code LS V Length, surface and Additional description Length, surface and volume units volume units OTH O ther units O ther units PKG Packaging units Packaging units TIM Date and time units Date and time units WGT Weight units Weight units /LS V CM Cubic metre A s tandard international unit /LS V CMH Cubic metre(s) per Units of cubic metres divided by the elapsed time in hours hour /LS V CN TLTR Centilitre /LS V DEG Degree /LS V HC TLTR Hectolitre /LS V HC TM TR Hectometre A standard international unit of capacity in the metric system One of 360 equally divided parts of a circle A standard international unit of capacity in the metric system A standard international unit of area in the metric system /LS V KM Kilometre 00 m /LS V KPH Kilometre(s) per hour /LS V LI Litre /LS V LTPRHR Litre(s) per hour /LS V LTPRMN Litre(s) per minute /LS V ME TRE Metre /LS V MILLTR Millilitre /LS V MILM TR Millimetre 88 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Units of 000 m divided by the elapsed time in hours A standard international unit of capacity in the metric system Units of litres divided by the elapsed time in hours Units of litres divided by the elapsed time in minutes A standard international unit of length in the metric system A standard international unit of capacity in the metric system A standard international unit of area in the metric system © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Table B.20 (continued) Higher levels /LS V De finition Code SMH Square metre(s) per hour Additional description Units of square metres divided by the elapsed time in hours /LS V SQM Square metre A standard international unit of area in the metric system /O TH COIL Coil A series of connected spirals or concentric rings /O TH DOZEN Dozen A set of /O TH EA Each Singly /O TH GROSS Gross A group of 144 /O TH M ANH UR Man-hour An hour regarded in terms of the amount of work that could be /O TH MHPRHR Man-hour(s) per hour done by one person within this period Units of man-hours divided by the elapsed time in hours /PKG BALE B ale A large bound, often wrapped package of materiel /PKG BARREL B arrel A large cylindrical container having a flat top and bottom of equal diameter /PKG BLK Bulk /PKG BOX Box Issued en masse (usually applies to liquids) A rectangular container usually having a lid or cover /PKG C ASE Case A container /PKG CON TNR Container A receptacle for holding or carrying material /PKG CRATE Crate A container, as a slatted wooden case /PKG DRM Drum A container for holding or carrying materials or liquids /PKG JERC AN Jerrican A container that holds 20 l /PKG PAK Pack Holdall for carrying person equipment /PKG PAL Pallet Issued in units of standard NATO pallets /PKG RATION Ration /TIM DAY Day A fixed portion The date and time are de fined to the accuracy of a day /TIM HR Hour A unit of 60 s duration /TIM MIN UTE Minute A standard international unit of time /TIM MON Month The date and time are de fined to the accuracy of a month /TIM SECOND Second A standard international unit of time /TIM WEK Week /TIM YE A Year The date and time are de fined to the accuracy of a week The date and time are de fined to the accuracy of a year /WGT CN TGRM Centigram A standard international unit /WGT GRAM Gram A metric unit of mass and weight equal to 0 th of a kilogram /WGT KG Kilogram 000 g /WGT KGH Kilogram(s) per hour Units of 000 g divided by the elapsed time in hours /WGT KILTON Kiloton One thousand tons /WGT MILGRM Milligram A standard international unit /WGT M TRC TN Metric ton 0 kg © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 89 ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) Bibliography [1] 90 ISO 22320, I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Societal security — Emergency management — Requirements for incident response © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO/TR 2 51:2 015(E) ICS 03.100.01 Price based on 90 pages © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n