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Tiêu chuẩn iso tr 21245 1 2016

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© ISO 2016 Railway applications — Rail project planning process — Part 1 Stakeholders and their needs/ interests Applications ferroviaires Processus de planification de projets ferroviaires — Partie 1[.]

TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 21245-1 First edition 2016-11-15 Railway applications — Rail project planning process — Part 1: Stakeholders and their needs/ interests Applications ferroviaires - Processus de planification de projets ferroviaires — Partie : Partie prenantes et leurs besoins/intérêts Reference number ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) © ISO 2016 ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword vi Introduction vii Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Stakeholders and their needs/interests of rail projects 4.1 General 4.2 Administrative authorities 4.2.1 Safety compliance 4.2.2 Security compliance 4.2.3 Environmental compliance 4.2.4 Health protection compliance 4.2.5 E ffect on national/regional/local economy 4.2.6 Financial resources/project cost/project funding 4.2.7 Environmental impact 4.2.8 Transport system coordination 4.3 Passengers 4.3.1 General 4.3.2 Safety 4.3.3 Security 4.3.4 Comfort 4.3.5 Accessibility 4.3.6 Service reliability/availability 4.3.7 Affordability o f fare 4.3.8 Total time to destination 4.3.9 Vehicle design 4.3.10 Supplemental in-station/onboard services 4.4 Consignors 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Transportation of goods 4.4.3 Safety and security 4.4.4 Reliability 4.4.5 Accessibility 4.4.6 Fare 4.4.7 Total time to destination 4.4.8 Added values 4.5 Owner of rolling stock 4.5.1 General 4.5.2 Return on investment (profit) 4.6 Owner of infrastructure 4.6.1 General 4.6.2 Return on investment (profit) 4.7 Managers of rolling stock 4.7.1 General 4.7.2 Safety 4.7.3 Profit 4.7.4 Li fe-cycle cost 4.7.5 Project funding 10 4.7.6 Charges/rents 10 4.7.7 Quality 10 4.7.8 Compliance 10 4.7.9 Time to place in service 10 4.7.10 Network connections between and within railways 10 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved iii ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 iv 4.7.11 Vehicle/network compatibility 10 4.7.12 Reliability, availability and maintainability 10 Managers of infrastructure 11 4.8.1 General 11 4.8.2 Safety 11 4.8.3 Profit 11 4.8.4 Li fe-cycle cost 11 4.8.5 Project funding 12 4.8.6 Charges/rents 12 4.8.7 Quality 12 4.8.8 Compliance 12 4.8.9 Time to place in service 12 4.8.10 Network connections between and within railways 12 4.8.11 Vehicle/network compatibility 12 4.8.12 Reliability, availability and maintainability 12 Railway undertakings 12 4.9.1 General 12 4.9.2 Operational safety 12 4.9.3 Cost of rail operation/operation cost 12 4.9.4 Budget for investment 13 4.9.5 Fare/subsidy 13 4.9.6 Energy 13 4.9.7 Transport capacity 13 4.9.8 Fare collection 13 4.9.9 Security 13 4.9.10 Transport capacity o ffer 13 4.9.11 Reliability o f rolling stock and infrastructure 13 4.9.12 Availability o f rolling stock and infrastructure 13 Infrastructure operators 13 4.10.1 General 13 4.10.2 Operational safety 14 4.10.3 Cost of rail operation/operation cost 14 4.10.4 Budget for investment 14 4.10.5 Fare/subsidy 14 4.10.6 Energy 14 4.10.7 Transport capacity 14 4.10.8 Fare collection 14 4.10.9 Security 14 4.10.10 Reliability o f rolling stock and infrastructure 14 4.10.11 Availability o f rolling stock and infrastructure 14 Construction/manufacturing contractors 15 4.11.1 General 15 4.11.2 Quality 15 4.11.3 Cost 15 4.11.4 Contract schedule/delay 15 4.11.5 Contract price 15 4.11.6 Procurement procedure 15 4.11.7 Selection and qualification o f subcontractor 15 4.11.8 Compliance 16 4.11.9 Vehicle/network compatibility 16 4.11.10 Testing facility 16 4.11.11 Market demand 16 Persons/organizations engaged in related transport modes 16 4.12.1 General 16 4.12.2 Changes in demand induced by the project 16 4.12.3 Compatibility/interface management 16 Others 16 4.13.1 General 16 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 17 17 17 ff Bibliography 18 S a fety and s ecurity Quality o f li fe Eventuality o © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved o rced removal v ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part www.iso.org/directives Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received www.iso.org/patents Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 269, Railway applications vi © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Introduction Rai lway repre s ents a n e ffic ient tran s p or t mo de to overcome s o c ie ta l and envi ron menta l i s s ue s , s uch as e conom ic grow th, ro ad tra ffic conge s tion, p ol lutant em i s s ion re duc tion, acce s s ibi l ity, a nd s o on T here fore, rai l proj e c ts c an provide gre at b enefits for p e ople a l l over the world However, de s i re d outcome s c an no t a lways b e gai ne d , s i nce a l l i l proj e c ts are i n fluence d b y ma ny e xterna l fac tors and cond ition s as wel l as b y s ta keholder ’s e xp e c tation s I t there fore ta ke s ti me and there are co s ts i nvolve d i n identi fyi ng cond ition s a nd tra n sl ati ng s ta keholder ’s exp e c tation s i nto s p e ci fic ation s a nd requirements E xp e c tation s a nd cond ition s c an b e b o th the s ame or they c an d i ffer a mong proj e c ts T he s e e xp e c tation s and cond ition s are identi fie d , ana lys e d, prioriti z e d and ta ken i nto accou nt wh i le advanc i ng the proj e c t I f no t, the proj e c t may no t pro duce the e xp e c te d b enefits and re s u lts i n a wa s te o f ti me and money I n order to avoid such a waste, these factors are generalized and standardized as much as possible B y b e tter identi fyi ng s ta keholders , ta ki ng i nto accou nt thei r ne e d s as wel l a s e xterna l cond ition s , proj e c t pl an n i ng c an b e op ti m i s e d T he proj e c t’s ma nagement wi l l then pro ce e d more s mo o th ly a fter the pl an n i ng s tage, with e xp e c te d b enefits on co s ts , qua l ity and del iver y It is expected that this series of documents will be useful to contracting entities for: — identi fyi ng a nd prioriti z i ng ne e d s , i ntere s ts and cond ition s; — a s s u ri ng the coverage o f a l l relevant regiona l and envi ron menta l cond ition s; — adva nc i ng te ch n ic a l a nd fi nanci a l op ti m i z ation o f a proj e c t In addition, this series of documents will be useful to suppliers for: — prep a ri ng a n op ti mu m prop o s a l; — m i n i m i z i ng ti me and co s t i n the plan n i ng s tage; and — clari fyi ng thei r role a nd relate d re s p on s ibi l ity i n j u s ti fyi ng the pla n o f a proj e c t to the relevant contrac ti ng entity T here fore, b o th cl ients and s uppl iers wi l l b e able to promo te i l proj e c ts s mo o th ly wh i le contributi ng to rail development This series of Technical Reports will be developed as two provisional groups: — Par t Sta keholders and thei r ne e d s/i ntere s ts; and — Part Conditions Pending approval of ISO/TC 269, additional standards will be developed using those reports, addressing correl ation, i nterac tion and c au s a l ity © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved vii TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Railway applications — Rail project planning process — Part 1: Stakeholders and their needs/interests Scope This document aims to identi fy typical stakeholders o f rail projects and their generic needs/interests and does not interfere with existing national and local laws, legal requirements and regulations It covers only the planning stage o f rail projects and does not cover the execution stage Any type o f rail project is included (building a new line, retrofitting or upgrading existing lines or changes o f operation or maintenance) In this document, needs/interests of stakeholders are dealt with as issues, which are subject to modification or change by all stakeholders concerned in the project Normative references There are no normative references in this document Terms and definitions For the purposes o f this document, the following terms and definitions apply terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp ISO and IEC maintain 3.1 construction erection o f railway-related facilities excluding vehicles 3.2 contracting entity entity, whether public or private, which orders the design and/or construction or the retrofitting or upgrading system/articles related to railway 3.3 feasibility study study to identi fy and analyse a problem and its potential solutions to determine their viability, costs, and benefits [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382-20:1990 (EN), 20.02.02] 3.4 life-cycle consecutive and interlinked stages o f a product system, from raw material acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposal [SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006 (EN), 3.20] 3.5 manufacturing production o f railway vehicles and railway-related products © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 3.6 need prere qu i s ite identi fie d a s ne ce s s ar y to ach ieve an i ntende d outcome, i mpl ie d or s tate d [S O U RC E : I S O/I E C : 014 (E N ) , 19, mo d i fie d, remove d re ference to u s er] 3.7 pre-feasibility study prel i m i na r y s tudy o f a fe as ibi l ity s tudy 3.8 rail project unique set of processes consisting of coordinated activities with start and end dates, performed to cre ate or cha nge a u n ique i lway pro duc t, s ys tem, op eration or s er vice [S O U RC E : I S O 0 : 01 (E N ) , , clari fie d for rai lways] 3.9 railway operation work, activities, or processes, such as driving a train, accommodating passengers/cargos or d iagra m m i ng , conduc te d b y a bu s i ne s s or orga n i z ation 3.10 retrofit(ting) i ncorp oration o f new te ch nolo g y or new de s ign p ar ts re s u lti ng from an approve d engi ne eri ng cha nge to a n a l re ady s uppl ie d item i n order to ma i nta i n p er forma nce [S O U RC E : I E C/ T S 614 0 -2 -1 , e d , mo d i fie d, “I n order to mai nta i n p er forma nce” adde d ] 3.11 safety freedom from unacceptable risk of harm [SOURCE: IEC 62278: 2002, 3.35] 3.12 service re s u lt o f ac tivitie s b e twe en a s uppl ier a nd a c us tomer, and the i nterna l ac tivitie s ca rrie d out b y the supplier to meet the requirements of the customer [SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 14:2003] 3.13 stakeholder i nd ividua l or orga n i z ation havi ng a right, sh are, cla i m or i ntere s t i n a s ys tem or i n its p o s s e s s ion o f characteristics that meet their needs and expectations [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27032:2012 (EN), 4.45] 3.14 supplier p ar ty that pro duce s , provide s , or fu rn i s he s a n item or s er vice [SOURCE: ISO 28219:2009 (EN), 10.30] 3.15 upgrading i ncorp oration o f new te ch nolo g y or new de s ign p ar ts re s u lti ng from an approve d engi ne eri ng cha nge to a n a l re ady s uppl ie d item i n order to i mprove p er formance © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Onboard comfort Pa s s engers ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude onb o a rd com for t, wh ich i s a ffe c te d by the — vibration; — noi s e; — temp eratu re a nd hum id ity; — s mel l; — cle a n l i ne s s; — brightne s s; — r tightne s s (ai r s e a l i ng) ; — provi s ion o f on-b o ard s er vice s (fo o d , d ri n k, I T, e tc) ; — p as s enger conge s tion; — s e ati ng; — ergonom ics; and fol lowi ng elements: — amenities (e.g restrooms and nursing rooms) 4.3.5 Accessibility Pa s s engers ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude acce s s ibi l ity, wh ich compri s e the — i n formation avai labi l ity; — u s abi l ity — e as e o f pu rchas i ng ticke ts; — e as e o f cle ari ng b order control; — i mp e d i ment remova l; — flo or level cha nge s; — conne c tivity with o ther trai n s or o ther tra n s p or t mo de s; and — fre quenc y for fol lowi ng elements: older p ers on s a nd p ers on s with d i s abi l itie s (S e e I S O/I E C Guide 71) ; (nu mb er o f s er vice s p er hou r, p er day) 4.3.6 Service reliability/availability Pa s s engers ’ elements: ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude s er vice — punc tua l ity; — c ancel lation; — s ta ff pre s ence; and — i n formation acc u rac y and ti mel i ne s s rel i abi l ity/ava i l abi l ity, wh ich compri s e the fol lowi ng 4.3.7 Affordability of fare Pa s s engers ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude a fford abi l ity o f fa re or the s tate i n wh ich fa re i s re as onably s e t © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.3.8 Total time to destination Passengers’ needs/interests include total time to destination, which comprise the following elements: — ti me table/ he adway (i nclud i ng m i x tu re o f trai n typ e s , nu mb er o f s tation s) ; and — time to wait for a train or change from one line to another at a station 4.3.9 Vehicle design Passengers’ needs/interests include vehicle exterior and interior designs Preference based on cultural or religious background is also taken into account for vehicle design 4.3.10 Supplemental in-station/onboard services Passengers’ needs/interests include supplemental in-station services, which correspond to usage of rai lway, s uch as: — i n- s tation shoppi ng; — i n formation; — luggage s torage; — re s tro om s; and — b ab y changers 4.4 Consignors 4.4.1 General Consignors are individuals or organizations having a need to transport goods, such as: materials, pro duc ts , s ol id s , l iqu id s re s p on s ibi l ity o f p ayi ng or gas e s , either on thei r own b eh a l f or for a th i rd p ar ty T hey have the fare s 4.4.2 Transportation of goods Consignor’s needs/interests include transportation of goods which affect the following features: — ma xi mu m p aylo ad; — ma xi mu m s i z e; — ma xi mu m weight; — c u s tom re qui rement; — ava i l abi l ity o f s p e ci a l a rrangements , s uch a s venti lation, re frigeration, he ati ng; and — ava i l abi l ity o f s a fe ty e qu ipments (i e when tran s p or ti ng toxic, chem ic a l, fl am mable , p eri sh able goods etc.) 4.4.3 Safety and security C on s ignors ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude s a fe ty to avoid d amage to go o d s up on lo ad i ng , tran s p or tation a nd unloading © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.4.4 Reliability C on s ignors ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude rel iabi l ity, wh ich compri s e the — punc tua l ity; — c ancel lation; — i n formation acc u rac y and ti mel i ne s s; a nd — del iver y acc urac y for fol lowi ng elements: de s ti nation 4.4.5 Accessibility C on s ignors ’ ne e d s/i ntere s ts i nclude acce s s ibi l ity, wh ich compri s e the fol lowi ng elements: — i n formation avai labi l ity; — e as e o f d i s p atch i ng and re ceivi ng go o d s , i nclud i ng lo c ation o f lo gi s tics hub s; — e as e o f cle ari ng c us tom s; and — fre quenc y (nu mb er o f s er vice s p er hou r, p er day) 4.4.6 Fare Consignors’ needs/interests include fare, which comprise the following elements: a ffordabi l ity; a nd — — fare coordination among operators including other transport modes 4.4.7 Total time to destination Consignors’ needs/interests include total time to destination 4.4.8 Added values Consignors’ needs/interests include added values (IT, loading service, etc) 4.5 Owner of rolling stock 4.5.1 General Owners of rolling stock are organizations that own rolling stock, regardless of whether the organization f ff purchasing rolling stock a l s o manage s or op erate s the rai lway R e t u r n o n i nv e s t m e n t ( p r o f i or its own pu r p o s e s T hey have the re s p on s ibi l ity o u nd i ng and t ) Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f owners o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude re tu rn on i nve s tment, wh ich i s ga i ne d b y a go o d b a l ance o f p ayments or fu nd i ng (for example b y a govern ment) © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.6 Owner of infrastructure 4.6.1 General Owners of infrastructure are organizations that own infrastructure, regardless of whether the f f funding infrastructure orga ni z ation a l s o manage s or op erate s the rai lway 4.6.2 or its own pu rp o s e s T hey h ave the re s p on s ibi l ity o Return on investment (profit) Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f owners o f i n fras tr uc tu re i nclude re turn on i nve s tment, wh ich i s ga i ne d by a go o d b a lance o f p ayments 4.7 Managers of rolling stock 4.7.1 General M a nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck a re organ i z ation s th at have the re s p on s ibi l ity o f: — ma nagi ng as s e ts (i nclud i ng le a s i ng) ; — pl an n i ng ma i ntenance ac tivity (re trievi ng veh icle s from s er vice s) ; and — developing a maintenance program as well as its execution, regardless of whether the organization a l s o own s rol l i ng s to ck or op erate s the i lway for its own pur p o s e s Note Maintenance can be carried out in-house or outsourced It is carried out either on a preventive basis (preventive maintenance) or upon occurrence of failure (repair maintenance), upon consideration of f f maintenance, the following elements are taken into account: rel i ab i l ity a nd c r itic a l ity o a s ys tem o r p ro duc t I n s p e c tion a nd mon itor i ng c a n b e ne ce s s a r y — c ap ac ity o f m a i nten a nce — te ch n ic a l c ap ab i l ity (tra i n i ng) o f workers — s upp l y o f rep l acement or m a i nten a nce I n fac i l itie s; for m a i nten a nce; a nd 4.7.2 Safety Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude s a fe ty, wh ich s a s p e c ts o f pro duc t/s ys tem a nd maintenance processes 4.7.3 Profit Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude pro fit i mprovement, wh ich i s a ffe c te d b y l i fe - c ycle cost and revenue 4.7.4 Life-cycle cost Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude l i fe - c ycle co s t, wh ich i s the co s t o f a n a s s e t or its p a r ts th roughout its l i fe - c ycle (op eration o f rai l proj e c t del iverable s) , wh i le requirements fu l fi l l i ng its p er forma nce [S OU RC E : I S O 670 7-2 : 014 (E N ) , 4, mo d i fie d , adde d s p e c i ficity to rai lways] L i fe - c ycle co s t s i s t o f i n itia l co s ts , ru n n i ng co s ts a nd de com m i s s ioni ng co s ts I t i s i mp or tant to a l lo c ate re s ou rce s prop erly, i n order to re duce to ta l l i fe - c ycle co s ts © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) Initial cost Initial costs includes the cost of rolling stock, the cost of public relations, preparation costs, etc Running cost Ru n n i ng co s t for managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i s the co s t o f ma i ntenance, wh ich i s ne ce s s ar y to mai ntai n the required performance of their facilities Decommissioning cost Decommissioning cost is the cost of product decommission Related tax Rol l i ng s to ck may i nc u r ta xe s and o ther publ ic charge s 4.7.5 Project funding Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude proj e c t fu nd i ng (i nclud i ng s ub s idy) 4.7.6 Charges/rents Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude ch arge s/rents p a id b y u s ers o f thei r rol l i ng s to ck 4.7.7 Quality Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude pro duc t qua l ity, s uch as the de gre e o f workman s h ip and the de gre e to wh ich a set o f i n herent ch arac teri s tics fu l fi l s re qu i rements (e xcep t rel i abi l ity, ava i labi l ity and ma i nta i nabi l ity) S e e I S O 01 4.7.8 Compliance Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude compl i ance, wh ich i s ach ieve d b y complyi ng with existing applicable laws and regulations 4.7.9 Time to place in service Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude ti me to pl ace i n s er vice (del ay) 4.7.10 Network connections between and within railways Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude i lway ne twork ne c tion s b e twe en and with i n rai lways , s uch as rai l ferrie s , pigg yb acks a nd p a rk- and-ride s 4.7.11 Vehicle/network compatibility Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude veh icle/ne twork comp atibi l ity 4.7.12 Reliability, availability and maintainability Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f rol l i ng s to ck i nclude rel iabi l ity, avai labi l ity and mai ntai nabi l ity 10 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.8 Managers of infrastructure 4.8.1 General M a nagers of i n fra s truc tu re are organ i z ation s th at have the re s p on s ibi l ity of as s e t ma nagement (network development, maintenance), regardless of whether the organization also owns infrastructure or op erate s the rai lway Note for its own pu r p o s e s Maintenance is carried out in-house or outsourced It is carried out either on a preventive basis ( pre ventive m a i nten a nce) or up on o cc u r rence o f fa i lu re (rep a i r m a i nten a nce) , i n s ideratio n o f rel i ab i l ity a nd c r itic a l ity o f a s ys tem o r p ro duc t I n s p e c tio n a nd mon ito ri n g c a n b e ne ce s s a r y the following elements can be taken into account: — c ap ac ity o f m a i nten a nce — te ch n ic a l c ap ab i l ity (tra i n i ng) o f workers — s upp l y o f rep l acement for m a i nten a nce I n m a i nten a nce , fac i l itie s; for m a i nten a nce; a nd 4.8.2 Safety Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f i n fra s tr uc tu re i nclude s a fe ty, wh ich s a s p e c ts o f pro duc t/s ys tem a nd maintenance processes 4.8.3 Profit Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fras tr uc tu re i nclude pro fit i mprovement, wh ich i s a ffe c te d by l i fe c ycle co s t and revenue 4.8.4 Life-cycle cost Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fras tr uc tu re i nclude l i fe - c ycle co s t, wh ich i s the co s t o f an a s s e t or its p a r ts th roughout its l i fe - c ycle (op eration o f rai l proj e c t del iverable s) , wh i le requirements fu l fi l l i ng its p er forma nce [S OU RC E : I S O 670 7-2 : 014(en) , 4, mo d i fie d, adde d s p e ci fic ity to i n fra s tuc tu re a nd rai lways] L i fe - c ycle co s t s i s ts o f i n iti a l co s t, r un n i ng co s t and de com m i s s ion i ng co s t I t i s i mp or tant to a l lo c ate re s ource s prop erly, i n order to re duce to ta l l i fe - c ycle co s t Initial cost I n iti a l co s t i nclude s the co s t o f s truc tion, pu rcha s i ng relevant pro duc ts/s ys tem s , co s t relations, preparation cost, and more for publ ic Running cost Run n i ng co s t for ma nagers o f i n fra s truc tu re is the co s t maintaining the required performance of their facilities o f mai ntena nce, wh ich is ne ce s s a r y for Decommissioning cost Decommissioning cost is the cost of product decommission Related tax Infrastructure incurs taxes and other public charges © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 11 ISO/TR 21245-1:2016(E) 4.8.5 Project funding Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fra s truc tu re i nclude proj e c t fu nd i ng (i nclud i ng s ub s idy) 4.8.6 Charges/rents Ne e d s/i ntere s ts infrastructure of of managers i n fra s truc tu re i nclude ch arge s/rents p aid by the u s ers of thei r 4.8.7 Quality Ne e d s/i ntere s ts of of managers i n fra s truc tu re i nclude pro duc t qua l ity, workman s h ip , a nd the de gre e to wh ich a s e t o f i n herent ch arac teri s tics s uch fu l fi l s as the de gre e of re qu i rements (excep t rel i abi l ity, ava i labi l ity and ma i ntai nabi l ity) S e e I S O 01 4.8.8 Compliance Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f i n fra s truc tu re i nclude compl ia nce, wh ich i s ach ieve d b y complyi ng with the existing applicable regulation 4.8.9 Time to place in service Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fra s truc tu re i nclude ti me to place i n s er vice (del ay) 4.8.10 Network connections between and within railways Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f managers o f i n fra s truc tu re ferrie s , with i n i lways , s uch a s i l i nclude rai lway ne twork ne c tion s b e twe en and pigg yb acks and p ark-a nd-ride s 4.8.11 Vehicle/network compatibility Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fra s truc tu re i nclude veh icle/ne twork comp atibi l ity 4.8.12 Reliability, availability and maintainability Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f ma nagers o f i n fra s truc tu re i nclude go o d rel i abi l ity, avai labi l ity a nd mai ntai nabi l ity 4.9 Railway undertakings 4.9.1 General Rai lway u nder ta ki ngs are organ i z ation s c arr yi ng out a nd havi ng the re s p on s ibi l ity o f provid i ng transport service (passengers/goods), regardless of whether the organization also owns or manages the rolling stock for its own purposes 4.9.2 Operational safety Ne e d s/i ntere s ts of i lway u nder ta ki ngs i nclude op erationa l s a fe ty, wh ich compri s e s no t on ly p a s s engers ’ s a fe ty but a l s o relate d employe e s ’ s a fe ty and s a fe ty relate d to th i rd p ar tie s 4.9.3 Cost of rail operation/operation cost Ne e d s/i ntere s ts o f rai lway u nder ta ki ngs i nclude co s t o f i l op eration/op eration co s t (i nclud i ng energ y s upply) , wh ich compri s e s energ y co s t, lab ou r co s t, le a s e 12 fe e, track acce s s charge, a nd more © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 18:19

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