INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 17854 First edition 2013-06-01 Space data and information transfer systems — Flexible advanced coding and modulation scheme for high rate telemetry applications Systèmes de transfert des informations et données spatiales — Schéma de modulation et de codage flexible avancé pour applications en télémesure haut débit Reference number ISO 17854:2013(E) © ISO 2013 ISO 17854:2013(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2013 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement ISO 17854 was prepared by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) (as CCSDS 131.2-B-1, March 2012) and was adopted (without modifications except those stated in Clause of this International Standard) by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Subcommittee SC 13, Space data and information transfer systems © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved iii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 17854:2013(E) Space data and information transfer systems — Flexible advanced coding and modulation scheme for high rate telemetry applications Scope This International Standard defines an efficient and comprehensive coding and modulation solution able to support a wide range of spectral efficiency values and data rates The main target is given by high data rate telemetry applications, i.e Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) telemetry payload, where the increase of the system throughput by means of advanced adaptive techniques is deemed essential in order to fulfil the requirements imposed by future missions This International Standard presents a turbo-like coding/modulation scheme based on one possible realization of a Serial Concatenated Convolutional Code (SCCC) This scheme makes use of a set of a large variety of modulation techniques (including QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK, and 64APSK) and a wide range of coding rates The number of different modulation schemes available, combined with a properly selected coding rate, allows the overall system to make efficient use of the available bandwidth, adapting itself to the variable conditions of the link The proposed scheme can implement Variable Coding and Modulation (VCM) mode, which varies the transmission scheme to the channel conditions following a predetermined schedule (for example, as a function of the elevation angle) When a channel is available to provide feedback (e.g via Telecommand), the transmission scheme can be dynamically adjusted using the Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) mode The proposed coding scheme is easily adapted to any of the available modulation formats thanks to the pragmatic approach adopted: the outputs of the binary encoders are mapped to the considered modulation scheme, after being interleaved In other words, a bit-interleaved coded modulation scheme is proposed (reference [F1]) The use of SCCC is intended mainly for high data rate applications The Forward Error Correction (FEC) scheme is based on the concatenation of two simple four-state encoder structures The SCCC scheme implies a Physical Layer frame of constant length, with pilots inserted in fixed positions This architecture simplifies the synchronization procedure, thus further allowing fast and efficient acquisition at very high rates for the receiver This International Standard describes a technique incorporating multiple modulation formats paired with a flexible coding and synchronization method in a tightly integrated fashion In particular, this International Standard provides a series of recommended formats where each format pairs a modulation technique with a tailored implementation of the coding and synchronization method However, where these modulations and/or codes are recommended in other CCSDS documents, this International Standard does not limit the choice of modulations and/or codes consistent with those recommendations The scope and field of application are furthermore detailed in subclause 1.3 of the enclosed CCSDS publication Requirements Requirements are the technical recommendations made in the following publication (reproduced on the following pages), which is adopted as an International Standard: CCSDS 131.2-B-1, March 2012, Flexible advanced coding and modulation scheme for high rate telemetry applications © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) For the purposes of international standardization, the modifications outlined below shall apply to the specific clauses and paragraphs of publication CCSDS 131.2-B-1 Pages i to v This part is information which is relevant to the CCSDS publication only Page 1-5 Add the following information to the reference indicated: [1] Document CCSDS 131.0-B-2, August 2011, is equivalent to ISO 22641:2012 [2] Document CCSDS 132.0-B-1, September 2003, is equivalent to ISO 22645:2005 [3] Document CCSDS 732.0-B-2, July 2006, is equivalent to ISO 22666:2007 Revision of publication CCSDS 131.2-B-1 It has been agreed with the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems that Subcommittee ISO/TC 20/SC 13 will be consulted in the event of any revision or amendment of publication CCSDS 131.2B-1 To this end, NASA will act as a liaison body between CCSDS and ISO © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) Recommendation for Space Data System Standards FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED STANDARD CCSDS 131.2-B-1 BLUE BOOK March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS AUTHORITY Issue: Date: Location: Recommended Standard, Issue March 2012 Washington, DC, USA This document has been approved for publication by the Management Council of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) and represents the consensus technical agreement of the participating CCSDS Member Agencies The procedure for review and authorization of CCSDS documents is detailed in Organization and Processes for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, and the record of Agency participation in the authorization of this document can be obtained from the CCSDS Secretariat at the address below This document is published and maintained by: CCSDS Secretariat Space Communications and Navigation Office, 7L70 Space Operations Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546-0001, USA CCSDS 131.2-B-1 Page i March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS STATEMENT OF INTENT The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) is an organization officially established by the management of its members The Committee meets periodically to address data systems problems that are common to all participants, and to formulate sound technical solutions to these problems Inasmuch as participation in the CCSDS is completely voluntary, the results of Committee actions are termed Recommended Standards and are not considered binding on any Agency This Recommended Standard is issued by, and represents the consensus of, the CCSDS members Endorsement of this Recommendation is entirely voluntary Endorsement, however, indicates the following understandings: o Whenever a member establishes a CCSDS-related standard, this standard will be in accord with the relevant Recommended Standard Establishing such a standard does not preclude other provisions which a member may develop o Whenever a member establishes a CCSDS-related standard, that member will provide other CCSDS members with the following information: The standard itself The anticipated date of initial operational capability The anticipated duration of operational service o Specific service arrangements shall be made via memoranda of agreement Neither this Recommended Standard nor any ensuing standard is a substitute for a memorandum of agreement No later than three years from its date of issuance, this Recommended Standard will be reviewed by the CCSDS to determine whether it should: (1) remain in effect without change; (2) be changed to reflect the impact of new technologies, new requirements, or new directions; or (3) be retired or canceled In those instances when a new version of a Recommended Standard is issued, existing CCSDS-related member standards and implementations are not negated or deemed to be non-CCSDS compatible It is the responsibility of each member to determine when such standards or implementations are to be modified Each member is, however, strongly encouraged to direct planning for its new standards and implementations towards the later version of the Recommended Standard CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved Page ii March 2012 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS FOREWORD This document describes a Serially Concatenated Convolutional turbo Coding (SCCC) scheme for telemetry applications The flexibility, performance, and proper architecture of the proposed coding scheme together with a new frame structure make the scheme suitable for achieving a significantly high spectral and power efficiency while maintaining compatibility with the existing data layer protocols The proposed coding scheme and its associated frame structure are specifically designed to support reconfiguration of the downlink channel (variable or adaptive coding and modulation) and to provide means for reliable synchronization at the Physical Layer and the Data Link Layer Through the process of normal evolution, it is expected that expansion, deletion, or modification of this document may occur This Recommended Standard is therefore subject to CCSDS document management and change control procedures, which are defined in the Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Current versions of CCSDS documents are maintained at the CCSDS Web site: Questions relating to the contents or status of this document should be addressed to the CCSDS Secretariat at the address indicated on page i CCSDS 131.2-B-1 Page iii March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 19 89 253 115 163 64 263 69 255 113 259 99 275 45 282 87 175 96 83 117 227 47 288 19 164 53 108 42 202 104 82 25 55 101 93 26 36 89 41 140 51 20 39 178 30 40 37 291 29 53 23 293 15 17 106 28 209 58 251 84 176 22 289 68 134 65 243 28 206 63 154 19 56 77 27 110 184 111 94 73 75 119 13 69 91 35 81 284 118 127 90 250 97 123 46 260 143 44 240 116 204 74 85 114 225 274 101 70 82 36 22 35 38 31 112 50 290 42 179 76 233 94 128 21 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 62 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 109 85 278 103 289 42 12 126 40 55 95 74 58 274 22 242 29 13 42 58 117 129 26 143 84 323 114 110 34 41 69 27 204 36 59 15 43 66 229 20 77 37 33 10 179 86 148 45 159 79 117 106 212 98 152 97 98 25 151 24 160 64 182 100 103 61 48 98 120 23 238 17 28 91 180 87 121 72 221 75 101 33 64 71 147 63 135 55 72 74 115 99 138 82 269 12 73 82 52 52 108 210 101 19 50 166 35 189 18 57 92 87 222 112 290 53 257 83 194 116 157 22 237 46 235 28 111 53 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 163 18 58 343 107 144 118 124 27 96 72 221 87 188 46 111 38 323 20 172 107 214 65 169 84 89 15 247 93 297 62 342 270 64 286 103 335 102 37 325 115 346 111 191 45 293 10 34 44 121 94 99 264 14 334 47 86 113 185 136 80 338 104 14 92 39 33 339 40 107 25 61 59 160 48 90 70 187 32 78 31 230 33 73 36 352 104 78 305 16 340 105 197 53 265 17 84 64 174 63 299 80 95 312 15 37 102 202 119 320 75 278 25 152 116 47 34 182 22 231 44 313 59 341 86 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 189 72 380 252 45 297 70 307 92 329 98 117 101 102 25 154 107 250 136 54 238 17 330 32 199 50 70 363 52 266 161 77 45 63 245 34 133 74 126 44 83 19 116 49 185 22 286 40 346 64 152 53 62 64 83 92 244 68 135 55 257 116 148 60 26 17 97 26 22 115 315 93 345 28 253 85 232 111 184 104 77 66 143 88 251 11 98 260 96 76 275 58 278 39 49 75 353 53 372 71 366 106 180 73 240 90 370 343 113 273 80 37 52 298 97 368 57 235 12 111 43 128 103 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 175 53 316 41 348 99 374 78 44 93 119 60 116 300 47 334 22 310 44 88 60 162 108 212 28 41 72 21 82 28 49 264 58 57 47 317 49 254 392 56 10 55 137 20 239 87 286 81 26 12 382 114 377 108 283 39 190 282 83 172 67 353 32 183 159 14 98 389 116 206 17 67 112 265 89 274 378 86 325 110 98 68 78 43 227 109 102 114 281 52 410 12 109 78 267 115 368 91 355 36 143 91 14 62 361 38 222 34 196 106 356 105 241 48 129 99 184 35 108 74 42 95 197 55 Page B-8 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 365 19 245 107 447 119 23 37 223 51 103 42 290 46 443 93 296 99 224 266 10 73 114 201 17 193 44 130 97 284 22 120 41 195 214 36 327 18 100 118 136 56 87 86 196 87 275 60 346 24 338 26 349 90 167 82 425 91 155 101 105 115 119 69 41 61 241 113 95 71 306 64 422 59 371 279 34 125 95 234 76 117 80 364 62 21 30 377 78 177 57 332 13 392 74 169 53 331 16 151 58 311 75 29 51 384 61 129 14 446 27 181 15 165 90 428 21 256 105 191 29 237 109 114 18 131 32 27 40 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 357 90 448 77 101 403 82 432 79 370 43 356 47 203 23 339 22 249 21 435 10 106 380 383 56 107 346 29 382 34 300 30 469 254 14 364 89 94 86 456 31 95 104 330 94 338 20 304 110 471 32 181 114 266 115 440 96 388 71 452 135 384 428 404 55 447 98 190 35 154 42 294 245 109 399 117 368 92 134 26 431 108 244 48 11 27 136 31 29 111 179 54 343 65 208 95 233 116 221 49 446 111 318 44 402 100 250 33 441 80 31 79 415 39 129 103 389 99 211 76 240 87 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 294 15 192 71 381 346 113 384 40 243 12 379 23 394 112 344 98 237 486 86 251 72 147 117 193 27 326 80 119 107 462 51 488 111 200 100 400 24 124 91 101 455 481 62 338 97 145 82 207 53 29 85 86 56 205 54 94 93 487 21 57 26 224 99 39 84 97 14 58 24 234 60 214 76 222 87 392 110 416 114 72 26 188 18 14 31 257 51 454 39 352 19 39 178 58 85 98 458 115 493 351 31 32 102 184 108 264 75 343 107 23 45 417 59 201 65 229 68 474 119 24 89 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 258 111 221 446 24 141 114 444 201 37 216 31 39 20 45 15 492 203 19 168 18 227 47 23 284 113 64 27 135 91 211 112 435 17 10 443 102 179 51 322 14 369 72 522 479 45 393 70 417 92 473 101 504 25 478 107 53 54 123 17 332 32 453 119 195 337 77 92 63 423 73 271 34 374 421 74 304 44 335 93 19 406 49 353 115 75 22 484 23 52 64 292 103 62 100 92 541 68 450 55 291 116 153 89 386 26 339 35 41 118 519 64 48 505 28 21 111 390 104 464 66 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 27 247 70 139 15 193 39 44 34 220 55 216 103 60 116 183 85 80 32 180 40 239 77 168 62 114 54 14 79 120 18 205 65 131 87 117 105 190 33 93 71 261 13 62 83 174 170 14 172 59 34 45 276 24 64 88 74 60 107 115 213 38 102 70 101 66 155 113 201 102 76 49 158 106 110 29 13 226 36 195 89 258 108 161 101 48 104 79 111 71 92 25 121 75 217 95 24 112 167 35 135 97 207 23 54 26 238 83 257 64 46 19 223 96 173 48 266 107 228 17 31 38 236 20 241 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 168 91 299 61 30 173 68 131 16 14 155 41 56 115 88 77 108 62 38 217 96 301 34 145 88 150 10 317 30 286 117 90 81 207 76 304 77 65 107 321 118 188 69 267 60 36 67 137 11 54 104 246 93 17 101 123 39 224 40 240 47 260 119 252 215 95 241 50 32 313 18 113 51 288 36 213 73 102 111 169 102 190 78 144 133 66 243 94 248 23 219 104 71 86 127 44 256 29 60 250 63 47 100 263 55 320 87 141 19 202 262 57 309 51 273 79 302 65 70 46 67 59 76 93 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 162 106 301 67 123 115 281 13 259 97 175 20 133 75 183 57 33 91 235 66 99 135 104 113 26 119 50 348 314 11 213 35 292 42 88 12 52 83 21 52 83 345 257 95 242 78 271 85 69 62 205 19 290 31 249 114 298 88 40 66 140 77 272 109 330 46 210 96 154 56 328 53 217 82 227 118 201 40 291 79 141 98 236 101 74 126 29 77 61 27 13 13 149 43 54 90 245 99 43 81 326 37 19 42 304 76 311 110 45 331 23 36 65 120 71 116 55 155 34 283 21 11 69 333 29 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 147 37 213 109 268 100 288 311 29 103 56 108 81 59 28 57 32 226 105 149 33 187 38 46 71 386 352 54 373 117 204 16 337 35 203 78 101 179 30 312 67 134 23 376 81 281 61 296 59 310 44 201 62 61 57 264 99 160 86 130 119 236 21 347 14 70 91 218 41 359 95 267 26 207 46 357 48 76 80 65 99 290 77 93 95 384 15 29 93 239 50 14 12 78 42 274 114 115 328 73 80 79 15 88 35 84 378 17 336 33 344 111 254 13 211 32 340 102 20 77 223 349 82 106 129 70 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 100 105 105 61 302 117 23 101 371 103 133 46 191 107 31 83 388 26 364 13 260 111 142 102 397 31 179 31 218 77 186 45 154 118 12 80 120 69 25 48 393 85 208 93 313 57 298 201 24 125 66 366 87 119 18 54 193 97 396 88 66 84 27 100 221 104 171 18 13 35 48 67 277 21 72 41 200 23 319 30 311 74 99 161 26 395 43 299 25 131 40 243 16 103 74 90 391 107 357 96 68 51 34 20 91 38 16 37 28 318 92 141 69 52 232 113 407 33 415 97 64 169 22 176 13 Page B-9 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 313 116 52 198 68 68 78 406 411 63 413 53 423 69 137 45 121 81 351 54 281 86 238 66 45 112 350 95 300 71 180 28 378 82 13 119 219 91 269 94 53 33 312 106 259 102 277 114 176 116 204 98 385 104 375 73 200 326 81 212 93 194 32 12 24 438 83 439 49 108 72 57 88 108 62 19 72 49 276 55 115 25 282 88 16 21 187 77 369 17 36 99 27 363 85 133 73 142 13 255 43 47 26 178 96 251 67 403 80 67 11 14 408 105 149 22 301 12 154 39 424 68 172 60 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 287 67 68 108 82 93 270 75 276 104 24 18 138 302 62 457 93 354 413 74 234 88 482 48 422 70 267 105 220 28 20 116 437 53 151 101 353 114 14 98 10 17 303 107 187 63 150 117 157 472 24 137 85 149 113 113 65 460 18 410 118 121 89 90 69 237 18 391 57 263 77 193 43 374 35 50 50 88 84 183 92 225 58 224 202 40 449 14 81 64 73 63 106 406 54 275 37 296 69 344 11 436 46 308 50 18 87 377 41 143 16 163 82 111 11 421 103 184 57 169 119 76 13 177 12 43 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 16 51 426 89 102 92 50 203 67 150 77 80 25 464 18 370 64 44 73 212 45 11 166 33 195 82 47 319 50 442 82 108 61 354 191 81 349 34 322 78 52 95 348 14 181 21 18 62 406 48 158 52 156 36 270 104 471 103 399 54 350 106 49 106 142 35 277 17 292 92 196 105 388 46 89 15 408 95 434 15 268 30 28 114 90 79 230 109 220 20 140 48 46 94 227 28 453 43 87 164 118 121 86 483 396 27 283 90 275 117 187 16 309 32 37 69 221 102 61 59 422 116 248 24 361 96 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 415 10 410 11 447 480 96 29 76 77 58 76 39 375 19 442 47 106 68 246 24 237 21 133 77 131 16 150 14 349 53 427 59 461 106 445 62 331 90 118 33 113 303 80 527 97 159 57 229 12 42 90 320 43 455 86 112 103 414 65 326 37 405 109 68 100 382 29 87 59 104 94 97 70 219 56 180 196 81 399 94 152 105 528 16 146 33 361 71 253 22 125 40 86 36 489 54 336 117 38 44 99 28 391 38 34 75 240 78 206 70 30 387 39 154 61 161 73 169 97 191 26 23 91 299 99 28 119 March 2012 63 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 98 37 67 23 56 224 68 90 119 292 50 214 26 142 41 104 30 211 10 246 16 96 100 267 71 278 22 41 10 12 48 219 67 252 60 148 57 150 98 273 50 47 87 107 152 58 92 96 280 90 151 84 215 118 191 27 37 118 249 15 106 93 116 79 245 62 146 149 114 51 87 109 286 72 58 15 125 34 100 22 45 95 68 110 18 115 12 230 80 248 73 43 117 33 94 198 19 200 92 157 103 47 54 86 95 64 46 237 59 97 55 81 61 262 52 113 68 118 31 84 89 63 36 138 24 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 64 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 174 108 66 94 130 117 271 113 259 84 20 112 15 40 183 106 253 70 87 12 223 32 296 61 284 68 153 303 14 89 18 99 56 40 26 318 98 187 29 125 31 25 68 308 20 276 24 26 170 171 37 272 82 93 85 78 247 88 91 60 72 203 228 181 74 39 63 255 43 142 98 14 84 97 76 47 176 90 110 54 124 83 112 13 51 16 95 36 132 101 107 14 275 105 258 66 83 118 156 25 196 77 85 58 149 75 312 44 198 33 294 102 41 64 75 35 277 21 84 73 199 99 53 41 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 23 94 240 84 156 88 254 49 116 252 94 50 46 209 83 319 74 207 28 277 158 93 62 20 239 117 322 71 164 59 302 57 171 12 138 100 35 108 18 23 75 103 176 68 324 27 241 69 206 47 56 57 321 49 223 263 63 92 111 273 38 109 18 300 77 30 97 91 33 76 112 296 81 216 51 251 104 146 45 347 72 114 180 60 93 37 66 22 16 35 170 73 179 23 285 48 24 85 70 40 112 84 248 192 26 168 58 15 59 97 117 349 43 229 108 128 107 211 90 350 15 145 196 14 150 109 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 42 150 27 19 97 71 316 108 332 38 56 41 191 75 27 67 220 94 34 113 73 114 173 35 32 13 54 59 381 49 23 61 249 63 319 31 51 98 361 22 283 25 79 116 206 83 379 107 228 101 112 117 292 23 156 96 383 42 224 47 256 81 295 79 242 72 280 216 24 74 107 186 89 24 110 88 40 110 48 122 109 259 335 51 331 110 255 56 123 53 86 54 198 113 229 67 64 169 34 105 87 306 10 75 31 157 200 91 127 17 214 76 371 69 313 88 118 22 351 137 85 47 104 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 127 49 402 64 220 95 61 111 261 61 280 90 87 75 198 110 242 71 246 19 303 17 130 98 335 70 333 14 258 63 70 70 312 106 49 45 210 33 188 86 367 54 287 67 324 73 177 29 400 65 338 78 19 10 36 37 151 101 81 63 174 88 163 112 383 112 269 50 387 10 215 83 106 27 123 57 290 76 209 99 262 51 332 82 43 394 29 107 96 347 56 29 31 273 116 211 44 45 106 253 15 86 23 158 56 5 292 62 413 71 330 75 234 320 37 136 32 122 36 52 77 351 39 217 103 379 81 343 72 Page B-10 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 401 34 343 14 50 88 26 89 145 74 303 101 18 47 48 82 103 308 15 429 79 101 310 51 383 103 183 64 270 58 101 44 333 36 321 37 320 33 421 44 416 97 271 56 118 59 389 117 82 94 203 84 295 89 444 83 34 344 57 75 67 297 65 405 31 230 41 97 20 102 210 10 106 70 218 16 361 29 379 92 273 115 441 109 85 107 35 109 46 63 305 116 40 135 30 76 434 45 427 16 397 52 93 54 228 42 184 69 322 23 414 26 146 92 366 72 250 87 268 19 209 26 314 112 69 48 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 265 55 132 22 78 91 236 81 331 59 272 79 195 74 334 51 222 34 176 111 116 44 194 20 32 53 259 97 371 91 159 102 400 27 396 45 405 109 206 118 423 116 465 85 337 393 119 463 38 345 31 351 73 395 68 332 84 147 41 189 36 109 30 38 127 75 104 83 107 62 95 91 109 325 66 148 98 278 42 84 37 167 24 292 71 229 106 398 78 105 408 28 30 101 72 56 61 21 227 112 54 32 192 15 246 60 160 72 480 27 31 381 102 36 66 64 115 434 110 164 61 455 69 261 23 38 14 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 284 11 314 62 42 256 69 62 23 366 38 38 18 238 93 261 41 389 63 508 67 198 97 17 53 78 54 359 58 40 58 209 85 304 42 213 40 100 100 436 66 274 114 280 44 175 43 98 75 329 10 296 45 115 66 110 129 115 92 55 218 116 339 99 143 84 69 65 74 70 278 22 318 12 313 29 460 107 266 56 267 26 127 111 428 55 105 37 103 72 63 28 68 88 449 33 387 21 323 76 31 46 300 101 504 11 302 77 503 19 93 78 41 63 245 363 25 287 57 232 13 473 102 83 32 478 34 459 73 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 408 100 403 91 537 41 223 49 185 95 205 27 117 38 27 78 544 115 198 52 178 46 202 48 22 72 139 45 431 95 338 15 186 50 503 12 346 42 458 114 378 394 79 21 496 88 439 82 272 107 364 156 66 315 521 389 84 236 76 538 33 66 104 32 233 102 193 41 278 30 407 13 190 82 95 79 329 106 263 70 462 27 366 17 404 48 94 357 108 122 55 330 119 307 67 392 14 456 57 314 31 252 32 448 35 289 86 302 83 486 37 242 59 222 39 400 69 162 63 50 109 457 51 517 98 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 136 39 66 137 51 287 112 122 229 40 242 41 197 44 49 33 277 87 66 59 144 46 160 71 59 21 57 17 212 76 105 38 234 30 166 91 177 50 254 97 153 70 185 88 132 111 133 10 268 23 11 106 91 63 187 69 111 244 14 124 90 281 21 77 222 61 39 44 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 73 139 80 298 110 136 70 226 89 232 48 118 34 319 27 177 109 62 91 233 64 266 114 195 15 230 85 280 95 185 20 100 17 24 71 128 22 163 94 225 72 105 114 96 87 119 57 92 134 115 22 102 10 113 244 59 200 46 172 93 306 28 231 41 283 92 268 34 197 10 45 24 261 161 47 314 116 234 96 249 67 79 49 75 220 42 264 52 49 30 80 39 245 103 11 107 287 17 50 18 81 106 23 295 75 291 186 38 35 62 16 27 178 104 205 12 300 55 46 61 311 56 251 118 211 40 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 151 42 65 63 131 96 115 25 48 215 161 67 195 10 101 31 48 17 17 27 51 54 316 78 186 65 219 64 71 280 106 165 36 184 76 189 15 327 28 132 62 294 32 85 77 105 269 20 38 68 127 118 22 95 275 50 288 54 204 95 81 53 28 64 279 93 10 117 30 134 11 218 72 344 109 26 39 44 98 267 66 53 47 148 61 237 86 79 69 82 13 337 114 309 33 244 29 45 104 225 39 110 116 157 79 31 25 220 113 234 55 41 351 102 268 17 12 203 16 95 89 212 222 105 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 36 14 334 98 171 12 181 102 131 20 72 101 217 55 289 78 272 36 270 60 285 106 177 52 39 66 48 65 106 21 276 118 163 57 369 34 317 62 302 69 92 43 105 183 45 348 74 19 209 112 208 108 212 43 327 116 230 107 120 69 139 97 341 40 304 30 287 35 41 26 60 24 231 117 58 100 190 33 164 18 42 95 44 377 55 99 74 176 67 18 72 25 78 284 21 342 114 365 16 339 47 271 53 94 68 219 103 325 90 12 29 299 84 326 97 300 39 362 83 55 282 80 124 13 221 58 142 98 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 327 41 354 35 308 46 248 64 173 109 145 344 89 255 79 372 117 43 58 79 91 21 349 118 231 38 205 74 59 22 360 245 309 24 294 45 301 58 150 34 138 54 268 105 275 297 102 148 114 295 272 93 363 113 412 18 322 22 103 411 40 329 180 108 199 53 194 17 153 42 92 59 94 110 115 414 15 192 73 46 86 352 60 63 25 401 11 321 13 370 95 189 94 111 71 80 39 168 21 304 26 381 53 279 80 135 18 114 26 55 202 314 111 223 106 178 78 74 160 81 Page B-11 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 395 76 246 319 182 62 10 96 225 95 153 50 402 77 104 117 94 102 404 99 134 24 373 114 387 90 64 23 139 104 358 38 442 54 316 25 150 86 388 24 12 42 362 96 158 79 156 86 38 61 43 70 15 173 57 87 144 78 170 61 376 160 66 294 93 229 100 74 85 299 27 391 35 244 48 132 33 143 21 390 94 179 12 59 40 298 110 315 63 207 46 409 67 197 83 431 70 357 102 54 52 248 49 215 34 89 32 335 28 60 51 113 116 342 47 334 107 417 55 356 61 84 114 24 287 119 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 329 64 336 19 439 43 324 21 348 481 22 28 51 185 90 427 89 409 107 443 25 426 67 289 70 444 60 125 76 42 96 92 10 350 52 379 72 173 107 218 39 311 82 256 93 235 45 133 80 342 26 140 49 420 397 90 168 48 335 12 16 78 392 80 328 40 305 29 199 94 58 54 419 81 22 119 293 100 285 35 207 65 475 113 360 56 25 22 284 74 28 290 114 66 20 252 96 69 47 48 104 15 42 340 44 34 71 243 53 369 86 215 467 59 355 401 55 390 17 178 68 424 49 197 103 117 43 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 374 94 35 93 163 38 391 97 429 70 376 39 148 113 308 87 425 23 362 83 450 108 210 31 301 107 17 445 81 265 342 71 120 76 254 49 410 60 355 28 440 98 36 118 364 16 413 69 21 324 18 217 79 161 27 505 12 402 61 490 340 105 315 103 365 71 83 438 225 50 189 74 418 68 306 118 335 37 152 39 472 72 463 53 136 109 186 47 70 80 130 60 101 404 78 104 51 53 285 91 10 16 317 20 235 98 360 241 282 34 430 79 19 331 52 73 101 64 30 231 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 269 104 248 93 24 25 143 112 465 110 23 301 103 148 101 509 117 251 96 30 84 20 370 105 372 64 16 510 21 363 81 126 31 296 40 514 107 347 12 73 469 110 467 26 55 51 516 63 93 220 72 19 56 102 12 268 61 238 47 508 53 309 115 147 92 542 113 274 526 34 166 34 57 88 498 101 502 10 254 109 422 108 85 17 81 226 44 35 26 160 106 80 10 194 18 385 85 381 68 105 351 23 14 215 13 452 99 317 20 67 234 16 192 21 138 78 295 36 214 March 2012 65 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 66 12 13 I=38880 I=42480 W=324 W=354 α β α β 164 97 199 35 137 194 41 336 82 276 107 147 91 266 68 58 57 75 310 115 200 38 63 81 228 110 261 37 353 117 100 50 103 93 287 59 59 42 166 57 159 40 60 21 20 58 42 36 114 66 256 42 32 15 102 56 243 13 153 32 102 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 132 140 59 166 291 49 66 15 197 79 144 106 375 301 100 62 39 17 76 55 37 246 26 385 61 309 101 107 38 33 323 44 178 64 170 93 308 17 146 110 145 30 11 58 233 222 96 153 77 237 22 248 66 182 71 100 94 92 91 354 87 165 114 364 105 243 14 320 102 175 82 356 59 44 261 85 321 91 355 196 27 31 118 241 31 305 13 188 40 314 76 113 83 104 112 89 262 115 33 52 192 72 360 68 13 87 138 42 52 111 125 107 194 90 162 63 155 101 109 43 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 289 59 182 104 404 54 97 90 95 386 48 403 27 113 62 132 85 71 30 126 119 384 12 342 109 278 96 24 256 31 117 398 83 68 24 46 390 83 229 75 339 43 157 70 144 45 259 20 101 29 167 92 350 17 228 118 337 87 346 74 140 47 244 10 35 52 380 68 38 90 340 104 305 36 230 40 331 47 165 41 263 35 40 103 128 60 77 43 84 15 51 116 216 48 328 25 166 61 251 77 17 66 75 14 15 111 32 79 149 84 56 32 271 115 369 94 409 80 139 38 195 58 181 117 50 225 22 Page B-12 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 252 44 418 30 260 33 81 112 41 159 80 205 226 68 393 64 341 128 113 247 59 19 317 20 231 101 243 40 157 112 286 54 339 62 348 18 78 93 239 82 400 127 77 382 115 254 22 55 111 293 106 152 105 11 28 61 189 29 419 71 253 118 445 82 96 60 329 111 141 19 164 47 26 372 42 25 12 171 67 340 16 235 43 432 91 91 91 217 98 380 92 45 58 35 138 94 22 73 81 18 188 103 258 76 285 90 174 65 98 16 345 58 31 108 370 21 34 249 72 190 96 199 109 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 347 34 376 15 306 116 39 24 186 373 33 60 118 239 75 65 171 108 385 87 316 62 323 58 44 117 77 36 118 77 26 65 257 119 21 94 98 92 213 11 359 99 231 309 85 99 46 47 69 242 101 299 36 161 84 212 16 12 112 37 33 286 47 358 14 407 24 461 75 93 468 97 70 79 283 22 214 18 100 97 30 262 78 219 95 87 301 105 41 41 363 76 445 63 462 126 81 201 59 319 115 416 238 74 411 65 375 117 418 108 55 44 268 98 430 100 321 110 313 107 477 57 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 288 73 138 117 131 68 491 40 307 95 77 71 502 101 128 106 22 107 146 108 31 271 33 439 46 122 99 240 36 310 59 118 81 395 115 509 35 216 53 444 75 19 45 13 77 452 84 424 74 250 89 272 65 446 114 325 85 290 72 111 64 42 27 332 15 427 47 87 259 476 99 421 109 114 44 15 431 17 208 70 495 47 494 77 246 86 67 40 369 82 211 42 109 14 403 50 457 59 66 125 90 153 67 367 117 113 62 382 100 347 24 168 55 57 54 92 141 26 233 43 135 49 498 22 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 395 60 43 82 83 93 515 93 157 65 350 118 380 76 481 42 51 29 321 91 235 73 342 98 249 80 311 62 345 348 55 256 45 328 52 96 113 267 97 18 45 91 74 111 99 499 19 463 59 451 30 140 108 313 116 536 106 523 91 59 37 525 22 429 56 73 62 308 54 79 98 477 65 532 79 82 69 40 70 360 74 69 28 466 18 132 77 409 24 287 117 243 100 412 33 487 95 113 42 290 11 493 45 37 117 286 87 109 59 388 49 115 33 134 104 340 78 354 114 49 85 495 46 459 83 231 10 127 103 199 53 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 118 55 112 107 336 62 375 66 284 101 288 21 236 96 296 57 82 102 224 65 276 11 89 345 112 270 69 30 34 47 376 61 306 32 365 38 214 19 155 25 185 87 235 91 408 105 20 57 164 112 85 33 326 85 Page B-13 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 318 117 236 32 398 87 71 89 304 13 44 46 381 104 90 37 352 89 43 104 52 69 222 36 374 48 192 38 240 84 355 66 110 99 367 76 50 336 105 288 30 330 81 449 79 265 92 436 78 233 33 415 112 63 30 166 31 227 116 448 118 122 63 399 10 257 102 325 24 42 58 309 208 17 162 20 65 59 272 75 216 15 39 74 433 14 140 48 274 85 368 40 66 66 213 86 148 323 34 328 45 360 93 291 57 107 17 103 283 99 278 94 15 14 124 347 49 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 320 104 349 54 297 38 258 27 223 37 209 32 417 39 180 17 72 53 70 114 34 255 63 458 42 62 99 264 13 281 66 144 82 247 28 314 20 120 26 205 33 191 25 122 89 429 16 152 29 453 52 97 86 139 21 174 41 79 116 365 50 282 57 414 114 217 31 372 45 277 55 182 118 102 12 273 68 260 10 46 49 232 92 162 54 450 75 367 45 45 198 61 295 69 288 378 18 124 112 19 228 73 57 50 394 88 188 91 474 36 85 103 204 35 438 79 23 55 13 102 196 109 412 27 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 468 37 456 113 295 111 65 105 311 66 467 27 11 43 255 112 297 63 182 29 386 116 263 84 126 12 393 286 68 479 71 215 16 465 497 56 461 92 252 78 253 113 27 96 492 49 484 67 334 45 477 51 312 79 407 119 236 115 194 11 96 106 46 139 91 405 96 242 25 75 54 398 13 390 107 299 25 59 371 31 412 62 480 57 496 69 219 118 33 17 247 22 507 110 239 83 30 84 144 97 356 90 204 94 249 114 345 48 353 102 485 33 160 31 56 13 373 55 172 21 88 79 48 89 273 110 20 33 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 244 430 47 212 57 14 13 490 14 171 75 472 119 533 29 151 110 167 32 319 35 266 38 124 25 324 39 31 44 418 111 440 36 494 80 101 41 200 115 25 58 371 31 298 164 95 283 50 316 72 476 71 142 79 483 73 71 27 177 48 255 119 497 52 275 518 76 365 67 524 48 333 29 32 97 173 26 89 101 11 40 204 51 312 543 114 428 102 56 38 373 32 175 102 88 22 239 23 280 64 535 108 54 52 225 181 68 90 100 270 92 520 89 344 40 119 46 368 43 273 81 197 62 213 98 341 110 March 2012 67 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 68 Page B-14 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 476 60 59 90 341 94 366 82 322 70 312 97 362 25 454 51 146 20 86 95 96 16 165 88 172 62 479 26 115 65 251 87 459 10 473 31 128 101 226 131 156 30 352 119 210 317 86 326 52 31 145 53 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 183 119 414 11 448 38 433 28 378 104 401 76 155 98 228 419 73 171 69 15 99 199 499 111 116 95 55 53 117 276 87 132 56 133 102 441 20 451 34 466 70 333 75 293 23 177 41 336 53 173 510 117 383 298 258 103 99 18 279 67 123 107 489 82 316 46 112 0 101 149 76 281 60 43 81 260 57 512 79 432 36 435 35 321 39 244 62 76 42 305 19 167 74 179 105 185 27 506 18 91 100 420 15 470 91 328 12 511 50 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 293 17 257 58 441 189 401 27 488 38 188 105 61 66 71 356 45 47 114 288 101 379 28 10 36 111 506 60 534 54 264 86 352 12 128 82 16 51 416 77 425 104 468 58 433 112 129 15 529 55 217 85 279 47 58 34 155 93 297 69 318 109 501 87 411 23 470 66 144 13 91 74 112 474 118 530 75 545 101 531 94 107 31 137 165 70 60 43 208 76 359 79 98 107 78 121 45 187 116 482 86 358 426 85 72 81 210 54 46 19 250 118 507 92 454 117 438 98 540 11 376 26 325 115 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS 11 I=35280 W=294 α β 12 I=38880 W=324 α β 13 I=42480 W=354 α β 14 I=46440 W=387 α β 15 I=50040 W=417 α β 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved Page B-15 16 I=54000 W=450 α β 17 I=57960 W=483 α β 18 I=61560 W=513 α β 19 I=65520 W=546 α β 183 73 158 96 294 83 402 107 377 42 383 22 460 44 449 13 176 21 334 59 63 83 241 56 170 87 327 111 276 63 149 72 163 71 413 260 67 419 72 420 14 114 434 39 306 103 432 21 March 2012 69 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS ANNEX C PHYSICAL LAYER PSEUDO-RANDOMIZATION (NORMATIVE) C1 OVERVIEW As specified in 5.5, PL pseudo-randomization is applied to all 16 codeword sections of a PL frame, including the data symbols as well as the pilots Randomization is not applied to the PL frame header (i.e., to the Frame Marker and the Frame Descriptor) C2 SPECIFICATIONS C2.1 The PL pseudo-randomization shall be obtained by multiplying the In-phase and Quadrature samples by the complex randomization sequence (CI + j CQ) defined in C2.3; i.e.: I_randomized={ I · CI – Q · CQ } Q_randomized ={ Q · CI + I · CQ } C2.2 The randomization sequence shall be reinitialized for each PL frame, i.e., at the end of the frame header (FM+FD) that is not randomized C2.3 The complex randomization sequence shall be constructed by combining two real m-sequences x and y (generated by means of two generator polynomials of degree 18) into a complex sequence (thus resulting in segments of Gold sequences), as follows: a) The x sequence is constructed using the primitive polynomial h(x)=1+x7+x18 b) The y sequence is constructed using the polynomial g(y)=1+ y5+ y7+ y10+ y18 c) If the sequence depending on the chosen scrambling code number n is denoted zn in the sequel, and x(i), y(i) and zn(i) denote the ith symbol of the sequence x, y, and zn, respectively, the m-sequences x and y are constructed as: 1) Initial conditions: x is constructed with x(0) = 1, x(1) = x(2) = = x(16) = x(17) = y(0) = y(1) = … = y(16) = y(17) = 2) Recursive definition of subsequent symbols: x(i+18) = x(i+7) + x(i) mod 2, i = 0, … , 218 – 20; y(i+18) = y(i+10) + y(i+7) + y(i+5) + y(i) mod 2, i = 0, …, 218 – 20 3) The nth Gold code sequence zn, n = 0,1,2,…,218–2, is then defined as: zn (i) = [x((i+n) mod (218–1)) + y(i)] mod 2, i = 0,…, 218–2 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 70 Page C-1 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS d) These binary sequences are converted to integer valued sequences Rn (Rn assuming values 0, 1, 2, 3) by the following transformation: Rn(i) = zn ((i + 131 072) mod (218-1)) + zn (i), i = 0, 1, …, 133440 e) Finally, the nth complex scrambling code sequence CI(i) + jCQ(i) is defined as: CI(i) + jCQ(i) = exp(j Rn (i) π/2) Table C-1: Scrambling Sequences Rn exp(j Rn π/2) I_randomized I Q j -1 -Q -I I -Q -j Q -I Q_randomized NOTE – Figure C-1 shows a possible block diagram for pseudo-randomization sequence generation for n = X(17) D X(0) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D zn(i) D 1+X +X 18 2-bit adder 1+Y +Y 7+Y 10 +Y 18 D D D Rn (i) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Y(0) Y(17) x zn (i+131072 mod(2 18 -1)) Initialization X(0)=1, X(1)=X(2)= =X(17)=0 Y(0)=Y(1)= =Y(17)=1 Figure C-1: Possible Block Diagram for Pseudo-Randomization Sequence Generation CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved Page C-2 March 2012 71 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS ANNEX D SECURITY, SANA, AND PATENT CONSIDERATIONS (INFORMATIVE) D1 D1.1 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS SECURITY BACKGROUND It is assumed that security is provided by encryption, authentication methods, and access control to be performed at higher layers (Application and/or Transport Layers) Mission and service providers are expected to select from recommended security methods, suitable to the specific application profile Specification of these security methods and other security provisions is outside the scope of this Recommended Standard The coding layer has the objective of delivering data with the minimum possible amount of residual errors The Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes ensure a very low error probability and the Frame Error Control Field is used to insure that residual errors are detected and the frame flagged There is an extremely low probability of additional undetected errors that may escape this scrutiny These errors may affect the encryption process in unpredictable ways, possibly affecting the decryption stage and producing data loss, but will not compromise the security of the data D1.2 SECURITY CONCERNS Security concerns in the areas of data privacy, authentication, access control, availability of resources, and auditing are to be addressed in higher layers and are not related to this Recommended Standard The coding layer does not affect the proper functioning of methods used to achieve such protection at higher layers, except for undetected errors, as explained above The physical integrity of data bits is protected from channel errors by the coding systems specified in this Recommended Standard In case of congestion or disruption of the link, the coding layer provides methods for frame re-synchronization D1.3 POTENTIAL THREATS AND ATTACK SCENARIOS An eavesdropper can receive and decode the codewords, but will not be able to get to the user data if proper encryption is performed at a higher layer An interferer could affect the performance of the decoder by congesting it with unwanted data, but such data would be rejected by the authentication process Such interference or jamming must be dealt with at the Physical Layer and through proper spectrum regulatory entities CCSDS 131.2-B-1 72 Page D-1 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS D1.4 CONSEQUENCES OF NOT APPLYING SECURITY There are no specific security measures prescribed for the coding layer Therefore consequences of not applying security are only imputable to the lack of proper security measures in other layers Residual undetected errors may produce additional data loss when the link carries encrypted data D2 SANA CONSIDERATIONS The recommendations of this document not require any action from SANA D3 D3.1 PATENT CONSIDERATIONS HYBRID CONCATENATES CODES Implementers should be aware that ‘Hybrid concatenated codes and iterative decoding’ are covered by U.S Patent 6023783 Potential user agencies should direct their requests for licenses to the U.S Patent 6023783 patent rights holder, whose contact information is: Cellular Elements LLC 2215-B Renaissance Drive Las Vegas NV 89119 Attn: Managing Director D3.2 APSK MODULATIONS Implementers should be aware that the APSK modulations are covered by U.S Patents 7123663 and 7239668 Potential user agencies should direct their requests for licenses to: Mr Luz Becker Legal Department European Space Agency 8-10 Rue Mario Nikis 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: +33 536 97152 E-mail: CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved Page D-2 March 2012 73 ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS ANNEX E ACRONYMS AND TERMS (INFORMATIVE) ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation ASM Attached SYNC Marker AOS Advanced Orbiting Systems AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise BER Bit Error Ratio CCSDS Consultative Committee For Space Data Systems FD Frame Descriptor FER Frame Error Ratio FM Frame Marker PL Physical Layer TC Telecommand TM Telemetry SANA Space Assigned Numbers Authority SCCC Serially Concatenated Convolutional (Turbo) Code VCM Variable Coding and Modulation CCSDS 131.2-B-1 74 Page E-1 March 2012 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 17854:2013(E) CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR FLEXIBLE ADVANCED CODING AND MODULATION SCHEME FOR HIGH RATE TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS ANNEX F INFORMATIVE REFERENCES (INFORMATIVE) [F1] G Caire, G Taricco, and E Biglieri “Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44, no (May 1998): 927-946 [F2] Information Technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model International Standard, ISO/IEC 7498-1 2nd ed Geneva: ISO, 1994 [F3] S Benedetto, et al “Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes: Performance Analysis, Design, and Iterative Decoding.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44, no (May 1998): 909-926 [F4] S Benedetto and G Montorsi “Serial Concatenation of Block and Convolutional Codes.” Electronics Letters 32, no 10 (9 May 1996): 887-888 [F5] R De Gaudenzi, A Guillen i Fabregas, and A Martinez “Performance Analysis of Turbo-Coded APSK Modulations over Nonlinear Satellite Channels.” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5, no (September 2006): 2396-2407 [F6] S Benedetto, et al “MHOMS: High-Speed ACM Modem for Satellite Applications.” IEEE Wireless Communications 12, no (April 2005): 66-77 [F7] D.M Arnold, et al “Simulation-Based Computation of Information Rates for Channels with Memory.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52, no (August 2006): 3498-3508 [F8] D Arnold, et al “Simulation-Based Computation of Information Rates: Upper and Lower Bounds.” In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2003 (Kanagawa, Japan), 119- Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2003 CCSDS 131.2-B-1 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved Page F-1 March 2012 75 ISO 17854:2013(E) ICS 49.140 Price based on 75 pages © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved