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Tiêu chuẩn iso 15818 2017

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© ISO 2017 Earth moving machinery — Lifting and tying down attachment points — Performance requirements Engins de terrassement — Points d’ancrage pour le levage et l’arrimage — Exigences de performanc[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15818 First edition 2017-03 Earth-moving machinery — Lifting and tying-down attachment points — Performance requirements Engins de terrassement — Points d’ancrage pour le levage et l’arrimage — Exigences de performance Reference number ISO 15818:2017(E) © ISO 2017 ISO 15818:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Lifting attachment points Tying-down attachment points 6 Attachment points — Common requirements Identification 10 4.1 4.2 Location and number Strength 5.1 5.2 5.3 Location and number Acceleration coe fficient Strength 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Common locational requirements Material requirements 10 Pull-pin type devices 10 Common devices 10 Lifting and tying-down instructions 11 Verification 12 Annex A (normative) Lifting and tying-down information for disassembled machines 13 Annex B (informative) Lifting, loading, tying down and transporting earth-moving machinery — Methods and recommendations 14 Annex C (informative) Method for calculation of forces on tying-down attachment points in diagonal lashing disposition 19 Bibliography 20 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii ISO 15818:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the voluntary nature o f standards, the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as in formation about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso org/iso/foreword html This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 127, Earth-moving machinery, Subcommittee SC 3, Machine characteristics, electrical and electronic systems, operation and maintenance iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Introduction This document has been developed to define the per formance requirements o f li fting and tying-down attachment points fitted on, or incorporated into, earth-moving machinery for the purposes o f its effective and safe transportation Although manu facturers o f machines not have direct responsibility for such transportation, the method and precautions necessary for li fting, tying down and disassembling for transportation are described in in formative annexes which can be used by the manu facturer as guidance when preparing the operator’s manual The tying-down requirements and recommendations given in this document are intended to match with widely applied practices such as those described in IMO/ILO/UNECE guidelines However, where this is not the case, another or other supplemental methods for securing the machine can be provided in the operator’s manual © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15818:2017(E) Earth-moving machinery — Lifting and tying-down attachment points — Performance requirements Scope T h i s c u ment s p e c i fie s the p er formance re qu i rements for the l i fti ng a nd tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts o f e ar th-movi ng mach i ner y a s defi ne d i n I S O 616 T h i s c u me n t a l s o ap p l i e s to c o mp o ne n ts a nd s ub a s s e m b l i e s o f e a r th- mo v i n g m ac h i ne r y wh i c h the m a nu fac tu re r attachment points NO TE i nte nd s to be l i fte d or ti e d w n s e p a r ate l y by using l i fti n g or t y i n g- w n S ome comp onents (e g tyre s , tyre s with whe el s , track s ho e a s s emb l ie s , hyd rau l ic c yl i nders) c a n b e s e c u rel y tie d down without s p e c i fic tyi n g- down attach ment p oi nts This document applies to the following modes of transport: — l i fti ng with cra ne s (e g mobi le c rane s , gantr y cra ne s) ; — ro ad tra n s p or t (e g truck, trai ler) ; — rail transport, including combined transport (e.g wagons with containers, swap-bodies, semitrai lers , trucks) ; — sea transport It is not applicable to — a i rl i ft or tran s p or t b y a i r, or — rai l tran s p or t o f mach i ne s on wagon s s ubj e c t to shu nti ng NOTE National or local regulations can be more stringent This document does not include requirements for attaching the machine to a platform of the rail car, boat, etc., from which the machine is intended to work Normative references T he fol lowi ng i nd i s p en s able c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normatively re ference d i n th i s c u ment a nd are for its appl ic ation For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s ISO 2867, Earth-moving machinery — Access systems ISO 6165, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Identification and terms and definitions ISO 6405-1, Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common symbols ISO 7000, Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols Terms and definitions For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the term s and defi nition s given i n I S O 616 and the © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved fol lowi ng apply ISO 15818:2017(E) 3.1 lifting attachment point device fitte d on, disassembled unit or i ncorp orate d i nto , an e a r th-movi ng mach i ne, used for l i fti ng the mach i ne or N o te to entr y: T he attach ment p o i nt c a n b e a hole , a l i fti ng e ye o r a ny s p e c i fic p a r t o f the m ach i ne a s s p e c i fie d b y the m a nu fac tu rer 3.2 lifting accessory combination of materials (e.g shackles, wire ropes, slings, chains) used for lifting the machine or disassembled unit 3.3 tying-down attachment point device fitte d on, or i ncorp orate d i nto , an e ar th-movi ng mach i ne, u s e d the machine or disassembled unit for tyi ng down when tra n s p or ti ng N o te to entr y: T he attach ment p o i nt c a n b e a hole , a tyi n g- down e ye or a ny s p e c i fic p a r t o f the m ach i ne a s s p e c i fie d b y the m a nu fac tu rer 3.4 tying-down accessory combi nation o f materi a l s (e g ch n s , wi re rop e s , shackle s , braci ng , whe el cho cks) u s e d and fastening when transporting a machine or disassembled unit for tyi ng down 3.5 sling as s emb ly o f sl i ngi ng comp onents , s uch a s ch n s , wi re rop e s or tex ti le materi a l j oi ne d to upp er or lower terminals, suitable for attaching to a lifting attachment point (3.1) 3.6 f manufacturer’s recommended position of the machine for lifting m a c h i n e l i t i n g c o n f i g u r a t i o n 3.7 manufacturer’s recommended position of the machine for transport m a c h 3.8 i n e t y i n g - d o w n c o n f i g u r a t i o n Masses for calculation 3.8.1 mass of each disassembled unit ma s s o f e ach un it o f a mach i ne (e g comp onent, s ub a s s embly, b a s e mach i ne) that i s d i s a s s emble d transport N o te to entr y: I t i s u s e d points (3.3) of the unit fo r c a lc u l ati n g fo rce s e xer te d on lifting attachment points for (3.1) or tying-down attachment 3.8.2 whole machine mass for calculation ma s s o f the mach i ne, i nclud i ng the he avie s t combi nation o f c ab , c anop y, op erator-pro te c tive s tr uc tu re s , i f any, with a l l thei r comp onents and mou nti ngs , and a ny combi nation o f e qu ipment a nd attach ment approve d b y the manu fac tu rer o f the mach i ne, i nclud i ng N o te to entr y: I t i s u s e d points fo r c a lc u l ati n g fo rce s (3.3) of the whole machine e xer te d on fu l l-l iqu id s ys tem s exclud i ng p aylo ad s lifting attachment points (3.1) or tying-down attachment © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) 3.9 distributed lifting force force applied onto each lifting attachment point (3.1) from lifting equipment through lifting accessories (3.2) during lifting N o te to entr y: T he d i s tribute d l i fti ng fo rce m agn itude a nd d i re c tio n c a n b e d i fferent point due to unequal distribution of loads and non-vertical lifting accessories 3.10 distributed tying-down force restraining force force p o tenti a l ly appl ie d onto e ach tying-down accessories tying-down attachment point (3.4) during transport fo r e ach l i fti n g attach ment (3.3) from transport vehicle through 3.11 working load limit WLL maximum load (mass) that the lifting accessory (3.2 the manufacturer ) i s de s igne d to l i ft u nder the cond ition s s p e c i fie d by 3.12 lashing capacity LC maximum allowable direct force that a tying-down accessory (3.4) can sustain in use 3.13 transport vehicle vehicle to which the earth-moving machine is tied down for transportation purposes 3.14 proof force calculated force including proof factor for distributed lifting force (3.9) or distributed tying-down force (3.10) 3.15 breaking force c a lc u l ate d force (3.10) fo rce i nclud i n g s a fe t y fac to r fo r distributed lifting force (3.9) or distributed tying-down 3.16 number of effective tying-down attachment points n number of tying-down attachment points (3.3 ) u s e d s i mu ltane ou s ly i n the s ame d i re c tion o f force 3.17 number of effective lifting attachment points n number of lifting attachment points (3.1 ) u s e d s i mu ltane ou s ly 3.18 lashing restraining (as cargo) of earth-moving machine movement in relation to the transport vehicle (3.13) f f f tying-down accessories (3.4) agai n s t orce s appl ie d on the mach i ne du ri ng tran s p or t by me an s o the appropriate u s e o 3.19 resultant force , force acting on the tying-down transport vehicle (3.13 FRx F Ry attachment point (3.3) due to the direction of force relative to the ) ac tuate d on the lo ad i n either the x- or y- d i re c tion duri ng tran s p or t © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Lifting attachment points 4.1 Location and number Su fficient number o f li fting attachment points shall be placed so that the li fting force derived from the machine mass is relatively well distributed and balanced during li fting with a li fting accessory or accessories Where there is no appropriate central lifting attachment point (see Figure B.2), lifting attachment points shall be spaced the maximum practical distance for appropriate stability and balance A li fting attachment point or points should be designed to hold the terminal fittings o f the li fting accessories in the foreseen position to avoid slipping 4.2 Strength Dependent on transport procedure, the li fting attachment points shall fulfil the strength requirements to lift the whole machine or to lift the disassembled unit Table shall be used to define strength requirements for symmetric loadings Alternatively, taking uneven loadings into account, the strength requirement for each li fting attachment point shall be calculated individually using the mass o f each disassembled unit or (3.8.1) the whole machine mass for calculation (3.8.2) and the location of the lifting points relative to the centre of the in the calculations The strength o f each li fting point shall be verified according to Clause mass A proo f factor o f 1,5 for the proo f force and a sa fety factor o f for the breaking force shall be used Open-end li fting attachment points, such as hooks, shall have a sa fety latch or other device to prevent unintended disengagement o f the mating li fting accessory © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Table — Tying-down attachment points — Strength requirements Direction of force relative to transport vehicle Longitudinal direction Transverse direction m g Resultant force N FRx = ( C x − µ D × Cz ) × m × g N N , 25 × FRx × FRx ( C y D ì Cz ) ì m ì g , 25 × FRy × FRy n × ( cos ì cos x + D × sin α ) FRy = Strength requirement Proof force Breaking force n × ( cos α × cos β y + D ì sin ) is the machine mass for calculation or mass of each disassembled unit (kg) is the acceleration due to the force o f gravity (g = 9,8 m/s ) n is the number o f e ffective tying-down attachment points, used simultaneously for each direction with a α is the angle between a horizontal plane and the tying-down accessory at the tying-down attachment point maximum of for the calculation using this table It is recommended that the machine manufacturer indicate in the operator’s manual that the angle alpha not be negative βx βy is the angle between the longitudinal axis and the tying-down accessory at the tying-down attachment point in the loading plane of the transport vehicle is the angle between the lateral axis and the tying-down accessory at the tying-down attachment point in the loading plane of the transport vehicle, where βy = 90°− βx is the dynamic friction coe fficient for design ( μ D = 0,2 re ference value) FRx is the resultant force actuated by the load acting on each e ffective tying-down attachment point in the μD longitudinal direction FRy is the resultant force actuated by the load acting on each e ffective tying-down attachment point in the transverse (lateral) direction is the longitudinal direction acceleration coe fficient Cy is the transverse (lateral) direction acceleration coe fficient Cz is the vertical acceleration coe fficient Cx , Cy and Cz multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity, g, gives the acceleration, a = C × g, of the load Cx For larger machines, or i f one or more specific tying-down attachment points would not withstand the required force, another supplemental method or methods (such as blocking o f su fficient strength) to secure the machine shall be indicated in the operator’s manual Alternatively, i f guaranteed by the manu facturer and indicated in the operator’s manual, and i f given as part o f a machine tying-down configuration requirement, the friction coe fficient may be increased by using special materials, for example, strap rubber, between the machine and the transport vehicle surface (see, for example, EN 121951:2003, Table B.1) I f the friction coe fficient is di fferent from the re ference value (0,2), it shall be ensured by the earth-moving machine manu facturer and indicated in the operator’s manual I f the parking brake capacity (see ISO 3450 or ISO 10265) is less than friction e ffort, friction for calculation shall be replaced by the parking brake capacity Or the manu facturer shall indicate alternative restraining method(s) within the operator’s manual and load securing dockets (see 8.4) The earth-moving machine might not be oriented in the same direction as the transport vehicle and could have more than one possible orientation relative to that vehicle Moreover, the machine manufacturer in general cannot decide angles There fore, it is recommended that in each tying-down case for design and verification certain appropriate angle ranges are specified, together with a warning in the operator’s manual indicating that this geometric in formation range is the maximum E ffects o f using chocks may be incorporated for calculation purposes In such cases, use o f chocks shall be indicated in the operator’s manual and, if used, in the load securing docket (see 8.4) © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) z y F R F α x FM β x β y Key load lashing vertical axis lateral axis longitudinal axis loading plane FR restraining force of lashing FFM friction force as result of vertical force FZ NOTE See Table and Annex C f o r s ymb ol de fi n ition s Figure — Tying down the machine 5.3.2 The restraining force of common lashing means and transport vehicles are limited If the calculated restraining force with n f f workable size restraints, additional measures are required: — more restraining points, n = exceeds the cap ab ility o the res traint sys tem o r manually > 2; — i nc re a s e the fric tion co e ffic ient (e g fric tion mats) ; — blocking (e.g chocks) I f more than two tyi ng- down attachment p oints tying- down for any s ingle direc tion are provided, the di s tributed force at e ach tying- down attachment p oint shal l b e evaluated individual ly taking into the elas tic de formation o f the tying- down acces s ories and o ther s ys tem res traints (e g blo cking) To force NOTE ful fi l account fric tion mats , the s trength requirements o f this cument, the calculated di s tributed tying- down shal l b e multiplied by a fac tor of , for the pro o f force and a fac tor of , for the breaking force Annex C provides a road, rail and sea transportation calculation method for diagonal lashing Attachment points — Common requirements 6.1 Common locational requirements L i fti ng and tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts shou ld b e acce s s ible u s i ng the pri nciple s given i n I S O 67 I f acce s s i s ne e de d, it may b e ach ieve d b y e xterna l acce s s s ys tem s (e g p or table worki ng plat form) T here s l l b e enough s p ace a rou nd the l i fti ng and tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts for fi xi ng o f the corre s p ond i ng ( l i fti ng/tyi ng- down) acce s s orie s © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) T he l i fti ng a nd tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts s l l b e s o lo c ate d th at damage o f the corre s p ond i ng ( l i fti ng/tyi ng- down) acce s s orie s due to sh ar p e dge s , e tc , i s avoide d when the mach i ne i s l i fte d/tie d- down according to the manufacturer’s instructions E ach l i fti ng and tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nt sha l l be so lo c ate d to avoid contac t b e twe en the corre s p ond i ng ( l i fti ng/tyi ng- down) acce s s or y and the mach i ne (excep t at the attach ment p oi nt) I f th i s i s no t p o s s ible, a s p e ci fic pro ce dure for and on the mach i ne (e g s pre ader b ar l i fti ng/tyi ng down sh a l l b e de s crib e d i n the op erator ’s manua l for l i fti ng a nd appropri ate e dge pro te c tors for tyi ng down) T he d i men s ion s o f l i fti ng and tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts , s uch as hole s , s hou ld b e appropri ate for the appropri ate corre s p ond i ng ( l i fti ng/tyi ng- down) acce s s orie s I f a mach i ne s truc tu l memb er i s u s e d as a l i fti ng or tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nt, the me tho d for fi xi ng the corre s p ond i ng ( l i fti ng/tyi ng- down) acce s s orie s at the s truc tu l memb er sha l l b e de s crib e d in the operator’s manual 6.2 Material requirements Li fti ng and tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts s l l b e made o f materi a l s p ermanent de formation ( yield) or o ther e quiva lent vi s ible s ign s b e fore apparent that the point has been overloaded th at d i s pl ay vi s ible s ign s fai lu re (frac tu re) of s o th at it i s 6.3 Pull-pin type devices I f pu l l-pi n typ e device s are u s e d as l i fti ng or tyi ng- down attach ment p oi nts , provi s ion s sh a l l b e made to retain the pin in place during use and to provide a means of retention or storage when not in use 6.4 Common devices I f a n attach ment p oi nt i s u s e d b o th as s p e ci fie d b y b o th 7.1 I d e n t i f i c a t i o 4.2 and 5.3 for but the l i fti ng and tyi ng down, it sh a l l force s fu l fi l the s treng th re qui rements ne e d no t b e eva luate d s i mu ltane ou s ly n Who le machine li fting attachment p o ints s hall b e identified adj acent to the p o ints us ing the symb o l I S O 0 - and in acco rdance with I S O 40 - The symb o l s ho uld b e o f a co ntras ting co lo ur to that of the machine 7.2 Who le machine tying- down attachment p o ints s hall b e identified adj acent to the p o ints us ing the symb o l I S O 0 - and in acco rdance with I S O 640 - The symb o l s ho uld b e o f a co ntras ting co lo ur to that of the machine 7.3 Li fting and tying- wn attachment p o ints s ho uld b e clearly des crib ed with text and figures in the 7.4 M aximum machine mas s s ho uld b e indicated o n the machine at a readily vis ib le lo catio n [e g o n 7.5 Li fting attachment p o ints and tying- down attachment o f co mp o nents o r s ub as s emb lies , which operator’s manual the PIN (ISO 10261) plate or on the instruction label] are no t intended with 7.1 and 7.2 fo r the li fting o r tying down o f the who le machine, s hall no t b e marked in acco rdance , and thes e p o ints s hall b e clearly des crib ed with text and figures in the manu facturer’ s ins tructio ns (e g o p erato r’ s manual, s ervice manual, field as s emb ly ins tructio n) 10 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Lifting and tying-down instructions The machine manufacturer shall provide instructions in the operator’s manual for the li fting, tying down and transportation o f the earth-moving machinery 8.1 EXAMPLE Machine tying down and li fting configuration See Annex B NOTE A transport professional, as the expert in how the machine is tied-down to the particular transport basic requirements of this document vehicle, has the flexibility to use a method other than manu facturer’s instructions i f it does not conflict with the It is recommended that the machine manufacturer provides information to prevent the machine from being damaged by the li fting accessories Manu facturers should in form the machine user not to use an angle θ (see Figure 1) greater than 60° The machine manufacturer should also provide instructions for li fting and tying down, pre ferably presented in a single sticker (or grouped), visible from outside the machine An example is given in Figure Figure — Lifting and tying-down instructions The machine manufacturer shall also indicate additional measures, if required, for example, spreader bars, chocks, friction materials and their use Information shall be provided to the effect that the loading area and shipping platform and contact areas on the machine are to be clean, free from ice, snow and other slippery materials The operator’s manual may also provide additional specific tying-down instruction appropriate to regional, national or local conditions © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 11 ISO 15818:2017(E) If an earth-moving machine is intended to be disassembled for transportation or lifting purposes 8.2 by the machine user, the mass o f each disassembled unit shall be provided in the operator’s manual or in a separate document provided by the manufacturer See Annex A 8.3 The operator’s manual shall indicate the acceptable range o f li fting accessory angles The operator’s manual shall indicate the acceptable range o f tying-down accessory angles The operator’s manual shall also indicate the calculated maximum distributed tying-down force o f each tying-down attachment point for the acceptable range o f tying-down accessory angles The operator’s manual should include appropriate recommendations for li fting or tying-down accessories so that they are o f the correct working load limit or lashing capacity in relation to the whole machine mass for calculation (3.8.2) and of mass of each disassembled unit (3.8.1) NOTE Including indication o f the minimum length o f the li fting or tying-down accessories (wire, ropes, chains slings and the like), satis fying the requirement o f maximum angle (re fer to applicable figures) according to the specific arrangement o f the machine li fting or tying-down points into the operator’s manual possibly provides more communication to the final user I f li fting or tying down the machine is foreseen with the operator’s station locked and with the operator’s manual unavailable to the li fting or tying-down workers, labels on the machine or separate dockets (such as the load securing docket specified in 8.4) for li fting or tying down that include these recommendations should be prepared In case it is desirable to provide more detailed information for tying down the earth-moving machine, the use o f a load securing docket is feasible for indicating how the system has been set up to 8.4 transport the machine A tying-down docket is called a “load securing docket” in EN 12195-1 [3] NOTE The operator’s manual shall have requirements for inspection o f li fting and tying-down attachment points Additionally, the manufacturer shall provide information so that i f the li fting or tying-down attachment points show signs of overloading (see 6.2 ), they need to be replaced in accordance with the 8.5 manufacturer’s instructions V e r i f i c a t i o n The strength requirements o f the li fting and tying-down attachment points as specified in 4.2 and 5.3 shall be verified by physical test, by calculation or by the use o f already proven vendor parts For tying-down attachment points, the most stringent mode (road, rail or sea) shall be considered as specified by the manu facturer For verification o f proo f force, no permanent structural de formation shall be visible a fter the required proof force is applied and then removed NOTE Localized de formation (e.g marks) due to contact with the li fting or tying-down accessories (e.g chain, hook, shackle) is not considered as permanent structural deformation For verification o f breaking force, no failure (fracture) shall be visible a fter the required breaking force is applied Permanent de formation o f li fting or tying-down attachment point is acceptable 12 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15818:2017(E) Annex A (normative) Lifting and tying-down information for disassembled machines Annex A transport the whole machine s p e c i fie s d i s a s s embly i n formation for e a r th-movi ng mach i ner y s o large that it i s d i ffic u lt to T he fol lowi ng i n formation s l l b e de s crib e d i n the op erator ’s or a s s embly pro ce dure manua l provide d a) s p e c i fic ation o f e ach d i s a s s emble d comp onent with the machine: 1) identi fic ation numb er 2) name 3) maj or d i men s ion s , i n m i l l i me tre s 4) mass, in tons or in kilograms 5) quantity, i f appropri ate 6) remarks, if required b) methods and precautions 1) lifting methods and precautions 2) tyi ng- down me tho d s and pre c aution s 3) special tool, if required © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 13 ISO 15818:2017(E) Annex B (informative) Lifting, loading, tying down and transporting earth-moving machinery — Methods and recommendations B.1 Overview Annex B f f and examples in Figures B.1 to B.6 provide s gu idance or l i ti ng , lo ad i ng , tyi ng down and tra n s p or ti ng e a r th-movi ng mach i ner y B.2 Li fting method and configurations B.2.1 General See Figures B.1 to B.2 and Figures B.4 to B.5 T he upp ermo s t l i fti ng ho ok p o s ition s s hou ld b e lo c ate d j oi n i ng the l i fti ng b ars from th re e or fou r l i fti ng attach ment p oi nts ab ove the mach i ne centre o f gravity and s hou ld a l s o b e i n l i ne with it T he attach ment p oi nts for the acce s s orie s on the lo ad shou ld b e lo c ate d over the mach i ne centre o f gravity It is also recommended that the manufacturer provides guidance, for each machine model or machine fam i ly, on the charac teri s tics o f the acce s s orie s a s wel l a s the leng th o f e ach leg o f the s l i ng B.2.2 Precautions for safe lifting T he engi ne shou ld b e s topp e d , control s d i s able d (where d i s abl i ng me an s are avai lable) a nd any mach i ne mo tion bra ke s ys tem, s uch a s p a rki ng bra ke a nd s wi ng p a rki ng bra ke, s hou ld b e appl ie d; a l s o, mach i ne motion locks, such as swing lock of machines with swinging upper-frame and the articulation lock of a machine with articulated frame, should be in the locked position and the transmission gear should be in engaged position, if so equipped and so far as appropriate T he mach i ne s hou ld b e l i fte d gradua l ly, pre s er vi ng e qu i l ibriu m, i n order to prevent l i fti ng acce s s orie s and attachment points from being impact loaded The lifting methods and the precautions should be stated in the operator’s maintenance and service manuals B.3 Tying-down method and configurations B.3.1 General See Figures B.3 to B.6 T he manu fac tu rer s hou ld s tate, for e ach mach i ne mo del or mach i ne fa m i ly, the mo s t appropri ate tyi ng- down me tho d and tyi ng- down acce s s orie s B.3.2 Machine preparation for tie-down The engine should be stopped and controls disabled (where disabling means are available) Where appropriate, the swing parking brake and parking brake should be applied 14 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 18:15