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ASTM INTERNATIONAL Selected Technical Papers Roofng Research and Standards Development: 8th Volume STP 1590 Editors: Walter J Rossiter, Jr Sudhakar Molleti Selected technical PaPerS StP1590 Editors: Walter J Rossiter, Jr., Sudhakar Molleti Roofng Research and Standards Development: 8th Volume ASTM Stock #STP1590 DOI: 10.1520/STP1590-EB ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISBN: 978-0-8031-7625-6 ISSN: 1050-8104 Copyright © 2015 ASTM INTERNATIONAL, West Conshohocken, PA All rights reserved This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, flm, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent o f the publisher Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use o f specifc clients, is granted by ASTM International provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/ The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions expressed in this publication ASTM International does not endorse any products represented in this publication Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one editor The authors addressed all o f the reviewers’ comments to the satis faction o f both the technical editor(s) and the ASTM International Committee on Publications The quality o f the papers in this publication re f ects not only the obvious e forts o f the authors and the technical editor(s), but also the work o f the peer reviewers In keeping with long-standing publication practices, ASTM International maintains the anonymity o f the peer reviewers The ASTM International Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution o f time and e fort on behal f o f ASTM International Citation of Papers When citing papers from this publication, the appropriate citation includes the paper authors, “paper title”, STP title, STP number, book editor(s), page range, Paper doi, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, year listed in the footnote o f the paper A citation is provided on page one o f each paper Printed in Bay Shore, NY November, 2015 Foreword THIS COMPILATION OF Selected Technical Papers, STP1 590, Roofng Research and Standards Development: 8th Volume, contains peer-reviewed papers presented T at a symposium held December 6, 2015, in Tampa, FL, USA e symposium was sponsored by ASTM International Committee D08 on Roofng and Waterproofng and Subcommittee D08.20 Roofng Membrane Systems Symposium Chairpersons and STP Editors: Walter J Rossiter, Jr RCI, Inc Raleigh, NC, USA Sudhakar Molleti National Research Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Contents Overview vii Testing and Evaluation Developing a Test Method for a Very Severe Hail Rating for Low Slope Roof ng Assemblies Daniel A Boardman and Daniel E Brown Understanding the Puncture Resistance of Thermoplastic Polyolef n Membranes 14 Evaluation of Air Leakage Properties of Seam-Fastened Mechanically Attached Single-Ply and Polymer-Modi f ed Bitumen Roof Membrane Assemblies 30 Sarang Bhawalkar, Tammy Yang, and Thomas J Taylor Sudhakar Molleti, Bas Baskaran, Peter Kalinger, Mark Graham, J F Cote, Joe  Malpezzi, and Joe  Schwetz Performance Considerations Thermal Performance Evaluation of Roo f ng Details to Improve Thermal E f ciency and Condensation Resistance 44 Quantitatively Assessing the Service Life of 55 % Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated Steel Standing Seam Roof Systems 68 Shear Resistance of Paving and Waterproo f ng Systems 103 Eric K Olson, Cheryl M Saldanha, and Jessica W Hsu Ron Dutton and Rob Haddock Philip S Moser, Gregory R Doelp, and Joseph Haydu Durability Moisture and Durability Performance of Low- Sloped Roof Structures with Varying Surface Types Christoph Buxbaum and Simon Paulitsch v 123 Accelerated Aging of Thermoplastic Polyolef n Membranes—Prediction of Actual Performance 139 Long-Term Ref ective Performance of Roof Surfaces in the Chicago Area 153 Thomas J Taylor and L Xing Maciek Rupar and Mark S Graham Hygrothermal Evaluation of Steeped Roo f ng Hygrothermal Analysis for Pitched Roof in Consideration of Water Penetration Through Interface Between Fastener and Roof ng Underlayment 206 Hygrothermal Conditions in Attic Spaces of Wooden Houses with Eave Ventilation During Winter in a Mild Climate Region in Japan 223 Hiroaki Saito Daisuke Matsuoka, Shuichi Hokoi, and Hiroaki Saito vi Overview T e Symposium Series on Roofng Research and Standards Development was f initiated almost 30 years ago In 986, ASTM Technical Committee D08 on Roo ing and Waterproofng hosted a technical symposium that occurred immediately f f Development T f f ollowing its all task group and subcommittee meetings one described in these Proceedings, was entitled T at symposium, like the Roofng Research and Standards e 986 participants considered the frst symposium to be quite in- ormative and success ul Acknowledging the success, the D08 leadership at that time f f recommended that plans be made or a ollow-up symposium on the same subject f A second symposium took place in 990, leading to the birth o the D08-sponsored symposium series that bears the same general title and that survives to this day f symposia have occurred about every our years f T ese A driving orce behind D08’s symposium series is the tenet, “Sound standards T is symposium on Roofng Research and Standards Development is the eighth in the 3-decade old series is symposium and the papers have strong technical bases.” T described in the Proceedings illustrate D08’s commitment to developing standards that have strong technical bases, which ultimately contributes to improved roofng f per ormance Proceedings in this series are: Roofng Research and Standards Development, ASTM STP959 (1 986), Roofng Research and Standards Development, 2nd Volume, ASTM STP1088 (1 990), Roofng Research and Standards Development, 3rd Volume, ASTM STP1224 (1 994), Roofng Research and Standards Development, 4th Volume, ASTM STP1349 (1 998), Roofng Research and Standards Development, 5th Volume, ASTM STP1451 (2003), Roofng Research and Standards Development, 6th Volume, ASTM STP1504 (2007), and Roofng Research and Standards Development, 7th Volume STP1538 (201 ) Volume was edited by R A Critchell Volumes through were edited by T J Wallace and W J Rossiter, Jr Volume was edited by W J Rossiter, Jr ASTM International Technical Committee D08 on Roofng and Waterproofng f f f f is the ocal point in North America or the development o standards or low-sloped and steep roofng, and also waterproofng f T f e extent o its activities stretches across the typical categories o ASTM standards including specifcations, test methods, f practices, and guides Fortunately, D08 members bring a broad variety o necessary expertise and backgrounds to cover these activities T f e importance o having such broad expertise today cannot be underestimated, since issues addressed in D08’s f f standards deliberations range rom the practical to the undamental Moreover, the vii materials and components that comprise roofng and waterproofng systems cover a myriad of synthetic and natural materials used either alone or in combination with each other, and similarly within the systems there are diferent installation and attachment methods Te bottom line is that, when all D08 standards are considered collectively, their development represents an enormous efort; in contrast, taken individually, it is a tedious one Te symposia in the D08 series are just one small, yet vitally important, task supporting these standards development eforts Consistent with the broad range of D08 standards activities, the symposium papers assembled in these current Proceedings range from the practical to the fundamental and include: • Hygrothermal conditions in attic spaces o f wooden houses with eaves ventilation • A test method for a very severe hail rating for low-slope roofng assemblies • Puncture resistance and accelerated aging of TPO membranes • Air leakage properties o f seam- fastened roo f membrane assemblies • Hygrothermal analysis o f pitched-roof underlayment assemblies • Long-term refective performance of roo f surfaces • Service-life assessment o f 55% Al-Zn alloy-coated steel standing seam roof systems • Performance of low sloped roo f structures with varying surface types and ballast layers • Termal performance evaluation o f roofng details • Shear resistance o f paving and waterproofng systems Tese papers represent a signifcant contribution to D08’s commitment to expanding the knowledge base that supports successful roof performance From a practical point of view, the availability of data can help accelerate the standards development process as decisions can be made on fact and not opinion In announcing this symposium, authors were informed that its primary emphasis would be on current research and standards development work Consistent with the title of the symposium series, in many cases, the authors have made recommendations for development of new ASTM standards or improvement of those already issued As co-chairs of this symposium, we hope that the D08 members will review, digest, and critique these recommendations and, as appropriate, initiate task group activities to consider them in the D08 standards development process As in the past, these Proceedings are dedicated to the members of ASTM Committee D08 who give unselfshly of their time and energy to improve the performance of roofng and waterproofng systems We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those many individuals who participated in the organization and conduct of the symposium: ‐ viii • D08 committee members : Steve C ondren, Rene D upuis, Mike Franks, Mark f Graham, Tom Hutchins on, Jenni er Keegan, B ill Kirn, Mas on Knowles, Larr y Meyers, Ted Michels en, Ralph Paroli, George Smith, Tom Smith, Jim Strong, and D ick O ne o Wallace f their stracts Tes e D08 memb ers compris ed the steering committee f the ab - developing the primar y resp onsibilities was the obj ective evaluation o received in resp ons e to the call- for- p ap ers issued in symp o sium • ASTM headquarters staf : Jo e Hugo, Alyss a C onaway, Mar y Mikolaj ewski, industrious, f pro ess ional ASTM f sta provided ments and assisted with the development o and e • f f the Kathy D erno ga, and Hannah for the Sp arks symp o sium Pro ceedings Teir Tes e arrange- assistance orts are sincerely appreciated ASTM’s editorial ofce, J&J Editorial: were resp onsible in prep aration • Kelly D ennis on, f Jenni er Ro dgers , for for Tey publication Te authors and reviewers and reviewers o S ara Welliver and Heather Blas co the symp o sium p ap ers, directing the reviews and editing f the : Ab ove all, sp ecials thanks are given to the authors p ap ers without who s e outstanding e f orts in writing and reviewing, resp ectively, the symp o sium and Pro ceedings would not have b een p o ssib le Walter J Ro ssiter, Jr Sudhakar Molleti ix 240 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 20 Daily average airflow rate through eave vents Although 20 % of the air through the southern wall flowed to the attic ventilation opening, 96 % of the air from the northern wall flowed into the attic space The downward flow through the southern wall cavity was two times larger than that through the northern cavity This was probably because of the house location and the local weather conditions, as described earlier; that is, the upward airflow to the northern eave ventilation opening was large Of the flow rate through the vented cavity in the southern wall, the ratio among the upward airflow into the attic space, the upward airflow into the eave ventilation opening, and the downward flow was approximately 5:1:4 Considering that 20 % of the upward airflow through the vented wall did not contribute to ventilating the attic, the eave space should be incorporated into the simulation model in order to investigate the proper size of the attic ventilation opening FIG 21 Daily average flow rate through the vented wall cavity MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 Hygrothermal Analysis of Attic Space CALCULATION MODEL The attic used in the simulation is shown in Fig 22 Because the upward airflow through the ventilation wall cavity may not have contributed to ventilating the attic, as described earlier, the eave space was considered in the analysis In regions with temperate climates, ceiling insulation enclosed by a vapor tight film (bagged insulation) is commonly used Two paths (i.e., one through the moisture-proof film and insulation and the other into the attic space through the air gap between the insulation materials) for the vapor flow passing through the ceiling gypsum board were possible in the model (Fig 23 ) The latter was expressed as a vapor flow caused by the air exchange between the attic space and an air layer with a height of approximately cm and an air volume of 0.265 m3 (hereinafter known as the “ceiling air layer”) between the ceiling gypsum board and the bagged insulation Fig 24 shows building elements and materials enclosing the attic space A onedimensional flow was assumed in the beams and roof pillars as well as through other wooden materials with no heat or moisture flow conditions at their centers The surface areas of these elements are shown in Table Three surfaces of the beams and two surfaces of the roof pillars and rafters were assumed to be exposed in the attic space OUTLINE OF CALCULATION The simultaneous transfer of the heat and moisture in the hygroscopic regime was analyzed using Eqs and [6] The boundary conditions for heat and vapor were provided by Eqs and 6, respectively The heat and moisture balance of the attic and eave spaces were given by Eqs and 8, while those for the ceiling space were given by Eqs and 10 In the case of the eave space, the three terms to the right in Eqs and were unnecessary Given the conditions (the outdoor air and surface temperatures), the absolute humidity of the ambient air in the room, the vented wall cavity, and the outdoor air were calculated using a average as input Because the airflow FIG 22 Calculation model 241 242 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 23 Model of the ceiling air layer coming from outside directly hit the surface of the sheathing boards of the eave space with a relatively large air velocity, the heat and moisture transfer coefficients of the surface were considered to be larger than those of the plywood board in the attic space Thus, different transfer coefficients were used ( Table ), although constant values were used irrespective of the external airflow direction The material properties used in the calculations are shown in Table and Fig 26 The time interval of the calculation was set to s, and the flow rate was assumed to be constant for The values of j and FIG 24 Materials used for building elements ? were calculated using the MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 TABLE Surface areas Plywood South & North Gable wall Ceiling Rafters and Beams East & West 7.19 2.10 12.50 Rafters Beams Total 7.04 7.04 14.08 TABLE Heat and moisture transfer coefficients used in calculations Heat transfer coefficient (W/m K) Moisture transfer coefficient (kg/m s(kg/kg(DA)) Plywood and woods in attic space, gable wall 0.0044 Plywood and woods in eaves space, board behind eaves 23 0.0178 Element temperature and absolute humidity at the previous time step The calculation was performed from Feb 25 to April ; before that a preconditioned calculation using the input rates from Feb 22 to 24 was performed ten times Heat and moisture transfer in porous materials: ð Cq ỵ L?ị @@ht ẳ kr h ỵ Lj @@Xt ; (3) TABLE Material properties used in calculations Material Density (kg/m ) Specific heat (J/kgK) Thermal conductivity (J/msK) Moisture conductivity (kg/ms(kg/ kg(DA)) Porosity (m 3/m ) References Plywood 600 1880 0.16 Change based on RH (Fig 25) 0.22 [7] Wood 400 1880 0.10 4.190 E-08 0.8 [7] Slate, Board behind eaves, Siding 1095 879 0.963 6.410E-07 0.22 [8] VS board 732 879 0.13 1.313E-06 0.22 [9] Gypsum board 700 870 0.24 3.540E-06 0.7 [6] 10 840 0.05 2.000E-05 0.99 [6] Fiberglass insulation Moisture transfer coefficient(kg/m 2s(kg/kg(DA)) Asphalt roofing felts — 5.556E-07 [8] Moisture-permeable waterproof sheet — 1.342E-03 [10] Polyethylene film — 3.254E-06 [8] 243 244 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 25 Moisture conductivity of plywood Cq 0 ỵ jị @X @h ẳ k r X ỵ ? @t @t (4) Boundary conditions: ? k @@hx ? k @X @x ẳ ẳ ? h s ị ; (5) a ð Xa ? Xs Þ (6) Heat and moisture balance of the attic and eave spaces: Cq a Va @h a @t ¼ XA FIG 26 Sorption curve a hs ? ị ỵ XC Q ? q j ja hj ? ? ỵ q c Qc ð hc ? hat Þ ; (7) MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 q Va @Xa @t ¼ X a A Xs ? Xa ị ỵ X q j Qja ? Xj ? Xa ? ỵ q c Qc ð Xc ? Xat Þ (8) Heat and moisture balance of the ceiling air layer CqVc @@htc q Vc @ Xc t @ XA ? X A X ?X ẳ ẳ a c hs hc ị ỵ q c Qc ð hat ? hc Þ ; (9) a c s cị ỵ q c Qc Xat ? Xc Þ (1 0) where C : Specific heat (J/kgK) C : Porosity of porous material (m3 /m3) q : Density (kg/m3 ) h : Temperature ( ? C) X : Absolute humidity (kg/kgDA) k : Thermal conductivity (W/mK) k : Moisture conductivity (kg/ms(kg/kgDA)) L : Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) j : Sorption curve incline corresponded to variation of absolute humidity (kg/m3(kg/kgDA)) : Sorption curve incline corresponded to variation of temperature (kg/m3K) a : Heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) a : Moisture transfer coefficient (kg/m2 s(kg/kgDA)) V : Air volume (m3) A : Area (m2) Qja : Amount of airflow from j space(m3/s) Qc : Amount of airflow from ceiling air layer (m3/s) 0 ? AIR INFLOW FROM THE CEILING AND TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY FOR EVERY ELEMENT The absolute humidity in the ceiling air layer is shown in Fig 27, the attic space temperature in Fig 28, the attic space absolute humidity in Fig 29, the plywood board (north) surface relative humidity in Fig 30, and the eave space (north) absolute humidity in Fig 31 The absolute humidity in the ceiling air layer (north) was significantly higher at night (approximately 2.0 g/kgDA) than the south (Fig 27) This difference could be because of a difference in how the insulation materials are laid out It was found that the calculated and measured values were in agreement when an airflow rate of m3/h at south and 20 m3/h at north were used Therefore, the airflow rate ofthe ceiling as a whole could be assumed to be around 10 m3/h The moisture advection flow at night (0:00 to 6:00) from ceiling air layer was approximately 2.5 g/m2h on average, and the average attic absolute humidity during the period increased by approximately 0.2 g/kgDA Because the average value at night was 245 246 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 27 Absolute humidity of the ceiling air layer 4.1 g/kgDA, this increase amounted to approximately % Because the relative humidity increased by % during its peak time in the early morning, it could be said that the convective moisture flow from the ceiling space through the insulation gap was an important contributing factor Considering these factors, the results calculated using a ceiling airflow rate of m3 /h will be shown in the following section Fig 30 depicts the relative humidity of the sheathing board’s (north) surface calculated using the attic’s absolute humidity and the surface temperature of the sheathing board (the measured value was also estimated in the same manner as the FIG 28 Temperature of attic space MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 FIG 29 Absolute humidity of the attic space absolute humidity near the sheathing board and the surface temperature) Overall, the calculation results were in agreement with those measured The calculated attic temperature ( Fig 28 ), the attic absolute humidity ( Fig 29 ), the relative humidity at the sheathing roof board surface (north, inner side) ( Fig 30 ), the absolute humidity of the eave space (north) ( Fig 31 ), and other temperatures and humidity (omitted) were also in agreement with the measured values, showing the validity of the proposed calculation model This also showed the validity of the airflow that was previously estimated through each path FIG 30 Relative humidity at the surface of sheathing roof board (north, inner side) 247 248 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 31 Absolute humidity of the eave space (north) MOISTURE CONTENT VARIATION Figs 32 – 34 show the calculated and measured moisture contents of the sheathing boards (south and north) and attic beams The calculated values are the average of the layers up to a depth of mm Regarding the sheathing board (north), a difference of up to (wt %) could be seen when the water content was high However, an overall agreement across all positions was obtained with the measured values; for example, there was agreement at all positions for the water accumulation when the weather was rainy for several days (from 2/28 to 3/3) and a subsequent reduction of this water level when it was dry (from 3/6 to 3/1 2) FIG 32 Moisture content of the sheathing board (south) MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 FIG 33 Moisture content of the sheathing board (north) FIG 34 Moisture content of the attic beams (wood) DAILY CHANGE IN MOISTURE ABSORPTION AND DESORPTION As an example on a sunny day, the moisture absorption between 3/17 is shown in This figure shows the moisture absorption from the sheathing board and wood material in the attic space (left axis, desorption is positive) along with the absolute humidity in the attic space (right axis) and the measured horizontal global solar radiation (right axis) The moisture absorption fluctuated in the same manner on both days The moisture absorption by the sheathing board decreased when solar radiation became incident at around 6:00 and changed to desorption at around 6:30 The moisture absorption by the wooden material in the attic increased at the time that the sheathing board changed from absorption Fig 35 249 250 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 35 Absorption and desorption from the sheathing board and attic beams to desorption The moisture absorption by the sheathing board became greatest shortly before the desorption peak, and then changed to desorption at 9:00 After taking the peak desorption values around 0:00, it decreased, although the amount of desorption was greater than that from the sheathing boards The moisture absorption by wooden materials in the attic space started around 6:00 From late afternoon to late night, a nearly constant moisture absorption (approximately g/min) continued DEHUMIDIFICATION OF THE ATTIC SPACE BY BUILDING ELEMENTS (DAILY AVERAGE) The daily average of the dehumidification of the attic space by the building elements during the experimental period is shown in Fig 36 Dehumidification from the attic space when outdoor air flowed in and absorption by the sheathing board and other wood material are shown as negative values The advection vapor flow from the ceiling air layer that was discussed earlier is called the “ceiling air layer,” and the vapor flow from the room through the air gap is denoted by “room.” The amount of dehumidification through the ventilation opening (north) was significant This was caused by wind coming from the north, which may have been due to the geographical and weather conditions of the location The moisture absorption and desorption from the sheathing boards (south and north) and the attic wood were slightly larger than the moisture desorption, which was consistent with the gradual decrease of the measured moisture content shown in Fig 10 Fig and Note that the amount of moisture desorption and absorption by the wooden materials in the attic was almost the same, and the humidification due to advection MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 FIG 36 Daily average dehumidification amount vapor flow from the ceiling air layer was nearly the same, as that by each of the north and south sheathing boards Both had a significant effect on the moisture balance in the attic space Although the absorption of the wooden materials per unit surface area was less than that of the sheathing board, the wooden materials had a total surface area two times larger (single-sided) than that of the sheathing board These results indicate that the existence of the wooden materials in the attic space as well as the air tightness of the ceiling surface and the method of constructing the ceiling insulation are essential when examining the moisture balance of an attic space DEHUMIDIFICATION BY EACH ATTIC ELEMENT AT NIGHT The amount of dehumidification (moisture absorption) by the building elements around the attic space at night (0:00 to 6:00) is shown in Fig 37 This value was closely related to the attic’s absolute humidity, which strongly influenced the relative humidity of the sheathing surface in the early morning (around 6:00) Each building element in the attic space showed almost no desorption Humidification by the ventilation opening sometimes occurred when the attic’s absolute humidity was lower than that of the outside If only the dehumidification effect was considered, the ventilation opening (north) had the greatest amount, but there were also times when humidification occurred depending on the absolute humidity difference with the outside air The net dehumidification amount became approximately 11 g/day and was slightly larger than that near the northern and southern sheathing boards 251 252 STP 1590 On Roofing Research and Standards Development FIG 37 Daily average dehumidification amount (at night) Moreover, the dehumidifying effect by the ventilation wall cavity was small compared to that through the north ventilation opening and to the humidification by the room or wooden materials However, ifonly the ventilation elements were considered (i.e., the openings and vented wall cavity), even though humidification sometimes occurred through the ventilation opening, it rarely occurred through either the north or south vented wall cavities Therefore, the amount ofnet dehumidification through the vented wall cavity was approximately 25 % When designing the ventilation openings, the importance oftaking the vented wall cavity effect into account is obvious Conclusions In this study, the amount of airflow in and out ofan attic space was measured in an experimental house, and a hygrothermal model was proposed for predicting the humidification and dehumidification effects The findings obtained in this study are summarized as follows: Of the total flow rate through the vented wall cavity on the southern side, the proportions among upward flow into the attic space, upward flow into the ventilation opening, and downward flow were approximately 5:1:4 Considering that 20 % of the upward airflow through the vented wall cavity did not contribute to the ventilation of the attic space, the eave space should be incorporated into hygrothermal models to predict the proper size of the attic ventilation opening The airflow (advection) between the insulation mats and the attic space was found to be 2–20 m3/h (equivalent to 0.2–2.0 times/h air exchange rate in the MATSUOKA ET AL., DOI 10.1520/STP159020150026 attic space) The average vapor flow by advection was approximately 2.5 g/m h at night (0:00 to 6:00), and the average absolute humidity in the attic increased by 0.2 g/kgDA during this period The absorption by the wooden materials in the attic space increased when the sheathing boards started desorbing As the desorption from the sheathing boards decreased, the desorbing wooden materials also changed when they became sufficiently warm The absorption by the sheathing board started at around 14:00, and the absorption by the wooden materials started at around 16:00 The amount of moisture absorbed and/or desorbed by the wooden materials in a daily cycle was almost the same as that by each of the northern and southern sheathing boards and thus had a significant effect This must be considered when calculating temperature and humidity in an attic space References [1 ] Construction Specifications for Wooden House, J apan H ousi ng Fi nance Agency Bu nkyoku , Tokyo, J apan, N ovember 201 [2] Rowl ey, F B., Al gren, A B., and Lund, S E., “Condensati on of M oi sture and I ts Rel ati on to Bui l d i ng Constru cti on and Operati on,” Transactions, Ameri can Soci ety of H eati ng and Venti l ati ng Engi neers, Vol 45, N o 1 5, 939, pp 239–249 W B., “Earl y H i story of Atti c Venti l ati on,” 12th International Roofing and Waterproofing Conference, Orl 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