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Related ASTM Publications Resistance to Plane-Stress Fracture (R-Curve Behavior) of A572 Structural Steel, STP 591 (1976), $5 25, 04-591000-30 Cracks and Fracture, STP 601 (1976) $51.75, 04-601000-30 Properties Related to Fracture Toughness, STP 605 (1976), $15.00, 04-605000-30 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized A Note of Appreciation to Reviewers This publication is made possible by the authors and, also, the unheralded efforts of the reviewers This body of technical experts whose dedication, sacrifice of time and effort, and collective wisdom in reviewing the papers must be acknowledged The quality level of ASTM publications is a direct function of their respected opinions On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation their contribution ASTM Committee on Publications Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Editorial Staff Jane B Wheeler, Managing Editor Helen M Hoersch, Associate Editor Ellen J McGlinchey, Assistant Editor Kathleen P Turner, Assistant Editor Sheila G Pulver, Assistant Editor Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Contents Introduction ANALYSES OF THE CRACK ARREST PROBLEM Comments on Dynamic Fracturing—c R IRWIN Dynamic Analysis of Cracli Propagation and Arrest in tlie DoubleCantilever-Beam Specimen—M F KANNINEN, C POPELAR, AND p C GEHLEN 19 Preliminary Approaches to Experimental and Numerical Study on Fast Crack Propagation and Crack Arrest—TAKESHI KANAZAWA, SUSUMU MACHIDA, AND TOKUO TERAMOTO 39 Elastodynamic Effects on Crack Arrest—J D ACHENBACH AND p K TOLIKAS 59 A Suddenly Stopping Crack in an Infinite Strip Under Tearing Action—FRED NILSSON 77 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS METHODS FOR FAST FRACTURE AND CRACK ARREST Dynamic Finite Element and Dynamic Photoelastic Analyses of Crack Arrest in Homalite-100 Plates—A S KOBAYASHI, A F EMERY, AND S MALL 95 Analysis of a Rapidly Propagating Crack Using Finite Elements— G YAGAWA, Y SAKAI, AND Y ANDO 109 Singularity-Element Simulation of Crack Propagation—j A ABERSON, J M ANDERSON, AND W W KING 123 Effect of Poisson's Ration on Crack Propagation and Arrest in the Double-Cantilever-Beam Specimen—M SHMUELY 135 Dynamic Finite Difference Analysis of an Axially Cracked Pressurized Pipe Undergoing Large Deformations— A F EMERY, W J LOVE, AND A S KOBAYASHI 142 CRACK ARREST DETERMINATION USING THE DOUBLECANTILEVER-BEAM SPECIMEN Measurements of Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors for Fast Running and Arresting Cracks in Double-Cantilever-Beam Specimens—J F KALTHOFF, J BEINERT, AND S WINKLER Copyright Downloaded/printed University by ASTM 161 Int'l (all by of Washington (University of A Crack Arrest Measuring Procedure for Ki„, K^,, and K^ Properties—R G HOAGLAND, A R ROSENFIELD, P C GEHLEN, AND G T HAHN Cliaracteristics of a Run-Arrest Segment of Cracl( Extension— p B CROSLEY AND E J RIPLING 177 203 Crack Propagation with Crack-Tip Critical Bending Moments in Double-Cantiiever-Beam Specimens—s J BURNS AND C L CHOW 228 MATERIAL RESPONSE TO FAST CRACK PROPAGATION On Effects of Plastic Flow at Fast Crack Growtli—K B BROBERG 243 Relation Between Crack Velocity and the Stress Intensity Factor in Birefringent Polymers—T KOBAYASHI AND J W DALLY 257 Computation of Crack Propagation and Arrest by Simulating Microfacturing at the Crack Tip—D A SHOCKEY, L SEAMAN, AND D R CURRAN 274 Effects of Grain Size and Temperature on Flat Fracture Propagation and Arrest in Mild Steel—G BULLOCK AND E SMITH 286 Fracture Initiation in Metals Under Stress Wave Loading Conditions—L, S COSTIN, J DUFFY, AND L B FREUND 301 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS FOR FAST FRACTURE AND CRACK ARREST An Investigation of Axisymmetric Crack Propagation—HANS BERGKVIST 321 Measurement of Fast Crack Growth in Metals and Nonmetals— JOHN CONGLETON AND B K DENTON 336 A High-Speed Digital Technique for Precision Measurement of Crack Velocities—R J WEIMER AND H C ROGERS 359 Towards Development of a Standard Test for Measuring Ku— p B CROSLEY AND E J RIPLING 372 Influence of the Geometry on Unstable Crack Extension and Determination of Dynamic Fracture Mechanics Parameters— G C ANGELINO 392 SUMMARY Summary 410 Index 417 Copyright Downloaded/printed University by by of STP627-EB/JUI.1977 Introduction Structural integrity can be normally assured by preventing the onset of unstable crack extension With fracture mechanics, this is done by designing structural components so that the stresses will not exceed limits imposed by flaw size and material toughness considerations However, designs which preclude crack instablility under all conditions can be far too costly There are, in addition, applications where the large-scale extension of a crack would have catastrophic consequences In particular, in structures like LNG ships, arctic pipelines, and nuclear pressure vessels, unchecked crack propagation would be intolerable Provisions for the timely arrest of an unstable crack can at the very least represent an economical second line of defense and may be a practical necessity It is interesting to recognize that, in giving direct consideration to the arrest of unstable crack propagation, fracture mechanics is returning to an initial focal point of the subject Present day fracture mechanics has largely evolved from the failures of World War II all-welded merchant ships Attempts to control these were made by installing flame-cut longitudinal slots covered with riveted straps where unstable cracks were anticipated But, while many cases are on record of cracks being arrested by these devices and ships saved by their presence, this approach was quickly abandoned after the war in favor of designing against the initiation of crack growth This work was spearheaded by G R Irwin, the author of the first paper in this volume, and his colleagues at the Naval Research Laboratory Their work laid the foundations of present day linear elastic fracture mechanics which is now the basis for a more rational approach to crack-arrest design Since World War II, the crack-arrest strategy has found application in welded ships, aircraft structures, transmission pipelines, and nuclear pressure vessels Taking Unear elastic fracture mechanics concepts as the starting point, design guideUnes for arresters integral with ship hulls were developed in Japan in the 1960s An excellent review of the Japanese research by Professor T Kanazawa can be found in Dynamic Crack Propagation, G S Sih, Ed., Noordhoff, 1972, the proceedings of the last major conference devoted entirely to this topic As a more specialized example, fracture mechanics applications to crack arrest in gas transmission pipelines have also been made These are reported in Crack Propagation in Pipelines, published by the Institute of Gas Engineers, London, 1974 CopyrightCopyright® by 1977 Downloaded/printed University of Int'l b y ASTM A S TM International by Washington (all rights www.astm.org (University of reserved); Washington) Mon pursuant Dec to License 406 FAST FRACTURE AND CRACK ARREST a = dimensionless function of geometry and loading which accounts for the actual stress distribution in the specimen, E = Young modulus of the material, oy = applied stress at load instability, and B, W,L = dimensions of the specimen The maximum applied stress 100 ksi s/uT i\Q9 MNm'-'O Large specimen tests, fi > in (150 mm), are needed to validate the test results obtained with smaller specimens The recommendation for further research evolving from the discussions in the concluding session, as collected by Lynn and Marston, are as follows The behavior of the crack-tip stress intensity, K, as a function of time following the arrest of the crack needs to be explored The development of simplified K^^ techniques such as Battelle's technique based on the crack jump length in a DCB specimen with a blunted initial crack tip (or K^„, if applicable) needs to be pursued Further studies into the effect of energy damping on fast fracture and crack arrest need to be made The Kio versus crack velocity relationship should be measured in the same structural metal using at least two independent testing techniques to establish the reproducibility and experimental accuracy of the relationships The sensitivity of the results of current (and future) dynamic analyses on the nature of the Ki^ crack velocity dependence needs to be assessed Dynamic fracture analyses of some engineering structures are needed Effort should be directed to apply the existing dynamic analyses and develop simpUfied approximate analyses for practical applications Frequently, the volume of material available for characterization is insufficient for conventional specimens Therefore, compound or composite specimens must be developed in order to evaluate the initiation, propagation, and arrest properties of such a material Component verification tests of the extant theories of crack arrest should be expanded ^Ki^ is a measure of the stress intensity immediately after static equilibrium has been achieved following the arrest of a rapidly propagating crack Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized SUMMARY 415 Three-dimensional dynamic analyses of crack propagation should be developed to test the validity of the two-dimensional dynamic analyses and analyze geometries too complex for two-dimensional analyses It might be noted that these recommendations are confined to research directions within the context of linear elastic material behavior This is the focus of current research Fast fracture and arrest attended by inelastic material behavior also offer significant research opportunities In conclusion, perhaps the most remarkable aspect of fast fracture propagation and £U"rest research is its timeliness The advances described in this volume could not have been made before the availability of largescale computers, and the advances in experimental capabilities that are enabling researchers all over the world to address the problem in a fundamentally correct manner The new analytical capabilities will make it easier to meet the critical needs for energy, material conservation, and improvements in reliability and structural safety G T Hahn M F Kanninen Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio; editors Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized STP627-EB/JUI.1977 Index Aluminum, bonded, 207 Araldite B, 63, 161-175 Arrest toughness {see crack arrest stress intensity or minimum fast fracture toughness) Axisymmetric crack propagation, 321-335 B Beam-on-elastic foundation model, 19-38 Bonded silicon nitride, 353 Brittle crack propagation, 41 Broberg crack, 49, 67, 105, 124, 129 Caustics method {see shadow optical technique) Charpy test Interpretation of, 302 Specimen with nitride case, 286300 Compact specimen {see test specimen) Conclusions, from Agenda Discussion, Session, 413 Crack arrest, dynamic criterion for, 16, 20, 179 Crack arrest strategy, review of, Crack arrest stress intensity Assumption in, 162 Comparison with dynamic results, 174 Measurement of, 16 Relation to minimum fast fracture toughness, 204 Significance of, 16, 45, 173, 195200, 203-227, 275 Standard test instrumentation, 377 Standard test procedure, 372 Static calculation, 204 Temperature gradient tests, 45 Crack arrest toughness {see crack arrest stress intensity or minimum fast fracture toughness) Crack branching, 13, 186, 270, 282 Crack extension force Basic concept of, 8-11, 20, 33 Dependence on crack speed, 2829 Formulation of, 7-9, 20, 97, 100, 130 Relation to stress intensity factor, 10 Crack opening displacement, 12, 51, 117, 120, 156 Crack speed Dependence on system variables, 52 Discontinuous change in, 64, 77-91 Effect of plastic flow on, 251 Influence of specimen size on, 43 417 Copyright by Copyright 1977 Downloaded/printed University of ASTM by Washington Int'l b y A S TM International (all www.astm.org (University rights of reserved); Washington) Mon pursuant Dec to Licen 418 FAST FRACTURE AND CRACK ARREST Influence on stress intensity on, 10 Measurement techniques for, 207, 336-358, 359-371 Relation to specimen energy ratio, 399 Velocity ratio, 86 Crack speed measurements in A533B, 195, 207, 214-217, 223 Alloy steel, 347, 348, 399 Homolite-100, 99, 271 KTE epoxy, 271 PMMA, 321, 349, 350 SAE 4340/A533B, 184, 190 Ship steels, 43 Silicon nitride, 353 Soda-lime-silica glass, 355 Cranz Schardin camera, 14, 165 D DCB test specimen Agreement of analysis and experiments in, 14, 32, 96 Applications of, 14, 17, 96, 161242, 275, 279 Effect of loading conditions on, 35 Arm displacement measurements in, 190 Comparison of rectangular and contoured geometries of, 33 Crack extension requirement for, 185 Duplex, 181 Effect of Poisson's ratio in, O S MI Equations of motion for, 25 Influence of geometry on, 36 Influence of load system compliance on, 188 Influence of thickness on, 185 Initial crack tip, blunting in, 28, 162 Instrumented run arrest tests in, 190, 194 Instrumented shear force test in, 228 Interpretation of measurements on,196 Microfracture computations in, 278-284 Size requirements for, 181 Stress intensity factor measurements in, 161-176 Double cantilever beam test specimen (see DCB test specimen) Double tension test, 42 Drop weight tear test, 287 Dynamic analysis Beam on elastic foundation model, 19-38 Expanding central crack, 67-76 Clamped infinite strip, 77-89 DCB test specimen, 19-38, 135, 228 Discontinuous changes in crack velocity, 59-76, 77-91 Finite difference method, 7, 29, 46, 135, 143, 148, 274, 280 Finite element method, 95, 96, 109, 116, 123 Freund solution, 28, 97, 105, 353 Load system compliance, 33-36 Near tip stress field, 60-64 Necessity for, 32, 37, 169, 280 Quasi-dynamic approach, 325 Round bar with penny-shaped crack, 321-335 Single edge notched plate, 54, 95, 109, 123 Slender beam theory, 230-233 Solution for axial crack in a pipeline, 142-157 Dynamic fracture mechanics, definition of, 20 Dynamic fracture toughness {see fast fracture toughness or Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Dec 13:20:09 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized