CASE STUDIES CASE STUDIES Hoàng Thị Hằng hanght1416@gmail com www facebook com/MedicalEnglishinUse mailto hanght1416@gmail com Cholecystectomy Cholelithiasis Cholecystitis Hemorrhagic Histop[.]
CASE STUDIES Hoàng Thị Hằng Cholecystectomy Cholelithiasis Cholecystitis Hemorrhagic Histopathologic Dysphagia Dyspepsia Colonoscopy 10 Flatulence (n): uncomfortable feeling caused by too much gas in the stomach Rebound tenderness Blumberg’s signs – peritonitis quadrant (n): a quarter of a circle Scapula (n): shoulder intraoperative cholangiogram The doctor places a small tube called a catheter into the cystic duct, which drains bile from the gallbladder into the common bile duct Sludge (n): substance like thick, soft, wet mud Prn: as needed Infiltrate (v): pass slowly into sth Regimen (n): set of rules about medication Facilitate (v): make a passage Cholecyst : gall bladder -ectomy: removal (cholecystectomy) Lith: stone -iasis: condition (lithiasis) Lapar: abdoment -scopic: pertaining to visual examination (laparoscopic) -scopy: visual examination Ile: ileum Cec: cecum -al: pertaining to ileocecal CHOLECYSTECTOMY Definition Types of the surgery How to perform Why is it done? Risks/ complication How to prepare CHOLECYSTECTOMY Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Open cholecystectomy To treat gallstones Gallstones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis) Gallstones in the bile duct (choledocholithiasis) Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) Pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis) due to gallstones MINIMALLY INVASIVE (LAPAROSCOPIC) CHOLECYSTECTOMY Small incisions is made Tiny video camera inserted Surgeons work Suturing 1-2 hours TRADITIONAL (OPEN) CHOLECYSTECTOMY 15cm incision into abdomen Muscle & tissue pulled back to reveal liver & gall bladder Bile leak, bleeding, blood clots, heart problems, pancreatitis, pneumonia, 12.2 Specimen Dull (a) not bright A serous membrane (also referred to as a serosa) is one of the thin membranes that cover the walls and some organs of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities Gangrene is a type of tissue death caused by not enough blood supply COLONOSCOPY Definition Procedure To detect changes & abnormalities in large intestines & rectum A long flexible tube with video at tip inserted into rectum Dysphagia Dyspepsia Aphthous stomatitis is a common condition characterized by the repeated formation of benign and non-contagious mouth ulcers (aphthae) Buccal mucosa refers to the inside lining of the cheeks and floor of the mouth The right colic flexure or hepatic flexure (as it is next to the liver) is the sharp bend between the ascending colon and the transverse colon CASE STUDY QUESTIONS C D A E D A C B C 10 B 11 B 12 E 13 E ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography RUQ right upper quadrant NG nasogastric IBD inflammatory bowel disease 18 Duodenal 19 Mesentoric 20 Focal 21 Exudate 22 Occult blood 23 Roterus 24 Antiemetic 25 Cholelithiasis 26 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 27 Cholecystitis 28 Cholangiogram 29 Sphincter 30 biopsy