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I S0 I N TERN ATI ON AL 0324 STAN DARD First edition 997-04- I nformation and - statements documentation Summary lnforma tion et documentation This material is Organization lH SllCCll996 Not reproduced in any as in the consent of allowed written +41 22 734 reprodu ced for 79) , kats - from for form, resale part electronic copyright I S0 (Case IHS or the de collection law I S0 of retrieval of postale the - docu ments (1 50) No Holdings level I S0 Standardization - Licenser’s of succincf I nternational License I S0 system country 56, 21 l u nder Copyright these Niveau n u mber docu men ts or use, Geneva may otherwise, or with be except the 20, Switzerland, prior Fax mem bers Reference I S0 number 0324:1 997(E) IS0 0324:1 997(E) Contents Page Scope Normative references Definitions Holdings statement structure 4.1 Data areas 4.2 Data elements 4.3 Levels 4.4 Punctuation and separators 4.5 Holdings statement composition 4.6 Different physical media 4.7 Multiple locations/copies Data areas and data elements 5.1 Item identification area 5.2 Location data area 5.2.1 Institution identifier 5.2.2 Sublocation identifier 5.2.3 Copy identifier 5.2.4 Call number 5.3 Date of report area 5.4 General holdings area 5.4.1 Type of unit designator 5.4.2 Physical form designator 54.3 Completeness designator 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 Q IS0 997 All tights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and miorofilm, without permission In writing from We publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l CH-1 21 Gen&ve 20 l Switzerland car&al9 iso.ch Internet c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central x.400 Printed in Switzerland ii I S0 Q I S0 status designator 4 Acquisition 54 Retention designator 5 Extent of holdings 0324: 997(E) 15 15 area 16 16 5 Guidelines 5 N ame of unit 19 5 Extent of unit 19 55 Enumeration 19 55 Chronology 22 5 Speci fi c extent note 23 Holdings note area 24 Annexes of a bibliographic i tem A Taxonomy B Display formats for holdings statements C Examples D Guidelines for applying this I nternational Standard 25 26 27 31 IS0 0324:1 997(E) Q IS0 Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 0324 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee SC 9, Presentation, identification and description of documents I N TERN ATI ON AL STAN DARD I n form ati on an d Su m m ary I S0 I S0 docu m en tati on - H ol di n g s 0324:1 997(E) statem en ts - l evel Scope This I nternational and non-serial intended display Standard i tems, speci fi es to promote for use in reporting holdings form , the data elements Standard when specifi ed etc , may be different in the machine This I nternational display and sequence for holdings in the communication reporting in this is in display International statements and of holdings should be included, level for serial information For machine-readable form Standard at the summary exchange reporting although I t is not in their order, record identifies and defines serial i tems at a summary level appropriate the content requirements consistency the data elements for listings of holdings of data elements within for statements of holdings of serial and data areas and requirements for inclusion non- I t specifies in one or more libraries or institutions of data areas in the holdings statement This international Standard requires that the holdings statement be linked to an identification statement pertains; however, the method of identifying This I nternational This Standard applies to holdings statements for bibliographic International machine-readable statements N orm ati ve The following possibility not specify the nor the medium are independent way in which (medi a) parties of cataloguing I S0 832:i 994, items in any physical data elements for storage, should display, Standard medium be represented or transfer in a of the holdings rule systems contain provisions which, At the ti me of publication, to agreements based through reference the editions on this valid International information and of bibliographic in this indicated I nternational of applying the most recent editions of the standards registers of currently abbreviation the employed of the i tem to which the from this International referen ces Standard and does data form at, standards I nternational revision, Standard The guidelines the i tem is excluded Standard indicated text, were valid below are constitute provisions All standards encouraged to of this are su bject investigate Members of I EC and I S0 to the maintain Standards - documentation Bibliographic description and references - Rules for the terms I S0 8601 : 988, Data elements and interchange form ats - information interchange - Representation of dates and ti mes Defi ni ti ons For the purposes of this International NOTE - Standard, the following definitions The defined term s are arranged in alphabetical order in the English and French texts The equivalent terms in English or French are given in parentheses to facilitate simultaneous consultation apply accompanying material: See secondary (French term: materiel d’accompagnement) bibliographic unit I S0 Q I S0 0324:1 997(E) acqu i si ti on acquired statu s designator: by the reporting (French term: indicateur 3 al tern ati ve Data element indicating whether a bibliographic unit has been or will be institution du statut d’acquisition) en u merati on: Additional, secondary enumeration assigned to som e multipart units or serial units (French term : NOTE - This is done to provide For example, autre num6rotation) “v 3:pt l=fasc 7” a continuously reflects nu mbered sequence a pri mary enumeration in addition of volumes to a set of hierarchical and parts, and an alternative designations enumeration of file, A fascicles basi c bi bli ographi c u n i t: Primary bibliographic (French term: unite bibliographique NOTE - Examples bibliographic multiple of basic i tem com posed basic bibliographic unit for which holdings are being reported principale) bibliographic of several units are: a book, bibliographic units; examples include a ten-volume units of which a multimedia encyclopedia, a com pu ter one does not predom inate ki t or a musical a m ap is considered score and parts to have See also secondary bibliographic unit, bibliographic unit bi bli ographi c serial i tem ; or non-serial, bibliographic i tem : that Bibliographic are published, unit or set of bibliographic issued or treated as an units entity, in any and form physical the form , basis for either a single description (French term: document) NOTE - In this bibliographic one or m ore secondary musical score videotape journal, I nternational items consist with with bibliographic parts, an Standard, the bibliographic of one or m ore basic accompanying Examples units a com pact digital disc, pamphlet, a i tem bibliographic is the units; entity referred to by the others consist of a basic of bibliographic a multimedia loose-leaf ki t, i tem s are: a manuscript publication together a single collection, with its i tem identifier bibliographic book, Som e unit and a set of m aps, a m i croform serially-issued a journal, a u pdates, a a newspaper bi bli ograph i c bibliographic u n i t: Discrete bibliographic entity that constitutes either the whole or a part of the item (French term: unite bibliographique) NOTE - A bibliographic part unit, a multipart of bibliographic pamphlet, cal l unit m ay be a basic bibliographic unit, or a serial units are: a set of serially nu mber: or bibliographic a unit single A bibliographic volume, a serial unit, or a secondary bibliographic unit m ay or m ay not correspond publication, a multivolume unit; it may be a single- to a physical m onograph, an unit Examples accompanying issued updates Data element in the location data area indicating the physical location of a bibliographic i tem unit in a collection (French term: tote) N OTE - For the purposes of this accompany I nternational a call number are considered separate Standard, sublocation data elements identifier and copy identifier which m ay I S0 is0 capti on : been Word , divided (French term : NOTE “H eft”, phrase, by the ordinarily “num ber”, “1 Teil”, or surrounding 3 1 chronology: term : chronologie) NOTE - The chronology (French term : sublocations, consolidated term : into Data piece immediately (for a sound-recording publisher element on a preceding di sc) , serial a multipart unit the enumeration, although unit or publication, indicating statem ent unit held a single or serial unit has it may also e g “volume”, appear “Band”, following it, e g how multipart copyright, much of the unit to help identify it and/or or printing published part of a serial unit or consisting at a single statem ent of information location See also about or sublocation, copy-specific a) two or m ore or b) copies copies at two of a or m ore statem ent com posi te) element identificateur See (French term : date Holdings or bibliographic i den ti fi er: area; indicating the specific copy of a bibliographic unit for which holdings are statem en t: also area: zone el em en t; term : of de I ’exemplaire) Holdings composi te Defined element coverage: limits (French date term : for a single copy of a bibliographic unit m ade up of one data held at a single propre segment a I ’exemplaire) of the holdings statement or m ore elements de donnees) el em en t: chronological statem ent statem ent etat de collection term : (French which reported location data the Data etat de collection copy-speci fi c data into de com pletude) i tem (French indicateur statem en t: (French parts by an institution bibliographic copy by designator: is held term : on the “side” may reflect the date of coverage, com posi te being 3 used (French (French Date(s) it was issued unit the it, e g “ti than” when completeness appears “tom e”, indicate multipart indicating publisher libelle) A caption “part”, or abbreviation 0324: 997(E) Basic unit of identifiable date designated and definable data de donnees) Period or of the content of the by the publisher on a bibliographic unit to define the unit de recouvrement) I S0 @ I S0 0324: 997(E) date of pri n ti n g: Date of impression and/or production of a bibliographic unit, as designated by the publisher on the unit (French term: date de I ’impression) date of pu bli cati on : Date of issue of a bibliographic unit, as used by the publisher on the unit (French term: date de publication) date of repri n ti n g: Date of a subsequent used by the publisher reproduction of a previously published bibliographic unit, as on the reproduction (French term: date de r6impression) 20 date of report area: Data area that gives the date on which updated, thus indicating the currency the holdings statement was created or last of the information (French term : zone de la date d’enregistrement) 21 di splay: Rendering of data in a form directly interpretable by a human (French term: affi chage) 22 enu merati on : to identify Sequential the bibliographic individual numeric/alphabetic bibliographic designation or physical parts used by a publisher and to show the on a multiparl or serial relationship of each enumeration, and/or unit part to the unit as a whole (French term: numerotation) 23 exten t of (whichever h oldi ngs area: is appropriate) Data area conveying about the bibliographic the extent of unit, unit for which holdings chronology are being reported (French term : zone de l’btendue de la collection) 24 exten t of u n i t: Data element containing unit lacking sequential designations (French term: importance 25 gap: specifi c information held by the reporting about the number of parts of a bibliographic institution materielle de I’unite) Break or discontinuity in the holdings of the published parts of a multipart unit or serial unit See also policy, retention non-gap break (French term: lacune) 26 general h oldi ngs policy and general area: Data area conveying completeness (French term: zone d’informations of the holdings generales information concerning of a unit sur I ’etat de collection) the acquisition I S0 I S0 27 h i erarch i cal term: numkrotation (French NOTE - 28 enum erati on: For example, holdi ngs note Enumeration into two or more vertical levels of organization hickarchiske) a work m ay be divided area: logically divided 0324:1 997(E) into volumes Data area containing and, within free-text parts: v , pt -4;v 2, pt l-4; etc each volume, information, generally of a local nature (French term : zone des notes sur ’6tat de collection) NOTE - The holdings corresponding 29 holdi ngs note area may include information not recorded elsewhere in the holdings bibliographic statem en t: record that amplifies or aids in the interpretation Record of the locations of the holdings of a specifi c bibliographic statem ent or in the statement item and, optionally, the units of that item held at a location (French term: dtat de collection) NOTE - For the pu rposes of this I nternational Standard, known no longer to be held nor i tem s expected a holdings to be acquired statem ent The holdings reflects only current holdings, can be open-ended, not i tem s as is com m on with serial units 30 i n sti tu ti on i den ti fi er: Data element indicating a library, organization, collection, consortium or a physical site (French term: identificateur 31 i tem i den ti fi cati on de I ’organisme) area: Data area containing the identification of the bibliographic item for which holdings are being repotted (French term : zone de I ’identification 32 i tem i den ti fi er: du document) Data element that uniquely identifies the bibliographic i tem for which holdings are being reported (French term: identificateur NOTE - The i tem identifier Standard 33 Book N um ber, locati on data collection at which sublocation, du document) may consist a record control area: Data area number, unit and shelving is as an I nternational Standard or a partial or full bibliographic containing a bibliographic copy identifier, of such information information located that or from identifies which Serial description the it may N u mber, institution, be I nternational of the i tem available, physical along site, with or any location (French term: zone de la localisation) 34 m andatory: Required Standard i f the situation to be included addressed in a holdings statement formulated according to this I nternational by the data element applies (French term: obligatoire) I S0 Q I S0 0324:1 997(E) 35 monograph: 36 m u l ti part See non-serial u n i t: separate unit Basic bibliographic physical units that (French term: unite en plusieurs NOTE For example, - unit or secondary are complete or intended bibliographic to be complete unit that is composed of a number of in a finite number of parts parties) a multivolume monograph, a map set A mu lti part unit may be i n any physical form or mediu m See also single-part unit, serial unit 37 38 m u l ti vol u m e name of monograph: See non-serial u n i t: Data element by the catalogu er formu lated that for the unit, multipart indicates pu rpose the name of identifying unit, or title of a bibliographic unit appearing on it or it (French term: nom de I ’unite) 39 non-gap break: Break between parts or discontinuity (French 40 term: interruption non -seri al u n i t: the recorded in the publisher’s parts of a multipart sequential unit or serial unit caused by unpublished designations dans la parution) Bibliographic unit that is a single-part unit or a multipart unit (French term: unit6 non periodique) NOTE - 41 A non-serial opti on al: unit may be in any physical May or may not be included Standard, depending See also serial unit form or medi u m in a holdings upon the needs of the recording statement formulated according to this I nternational agency (French term: facultati f) 42 ph ysi cal form bibliographic designator: (French term: indicateur NOTE - 43 Data element that indicates the physical medium or type of material of the unit Examples of de la form e materielle) physical paperback, m ap, com pu ter physi cal u n i t: form file, sound Discrete physical designators recording, are: m i croform , microfiche, videorecording, text, Braille, binder, m odel object that comprises the whole or part of the bibliographic unit (French term: unite mathrielle) 44 pu nctu ation mark: Non-numeric, separators (French term : signe de ponctuation) non-alphabetic characters that carry speci fic meaning and serve as Q IS0 IS0 0324: 997(E) 5.52 Name of unit The Name of Unit may be used when recording the Extent of Holdings for a basic or secondary bibliographic unit, such as a part of a kit, accompanying material, or supplements when it is necessary to identify the unit being specified It is used primarily for non-serial units for which the name may be the only designation The Name of Unit shall be enclosed in quotation marks It shall consist of the bibliographic title of the unit, or a briefer supplied designation describing the item The conventions for recording the name are not specified by this International Standard; it is suggested that an applicable existing standard be used EXAMPLES “Statistical update for 982” “Supplement I ” [/tern reads “First Supplement to the Guide”.] “Atlas” [/tern reads “A Demographic atlas of Northwest Ireland”.] “Teacher’s Guide” “Administrative law appendix” “Aachen to Kodesh” “Koeberle to Zwischen” [/tern carries on/y title designators to record Extent of Ho/dings.] “T&tigkeitsbericht” 980- + “Neuetwerbungen” 979[/tern is a two-part serial for which the parts are distinguished only by the title.] 5.5.3 Extent of unit The Extent of Unit is recorded for items lacking sequential designations Extent of Unit is used primarily for nonserial units Serial units usually carry sequential designations (either enumeration or chronology) Extent is reported as a total count of the number of parts followed by a term indicating the specific class of material For units having a large number of pieces, an estimate of the total may be given If the unit is a single item, the extent is not necessary if the Name of Unit is given EXAMPLES 2sound cassettes microfiche 79 sheets ca 000 items 5.5.4 Enumeration Holdings are reported by enumeration if a unit has an enumerative sequential designation Serial units usually have enumeration (Some serials may only bear chronological sequential designations, in which case enumeration is absent.) All serial holdings are recorded in terms of enumeration or chronology or both Some multipart non-serial units have enumeration, e.g multivolume monographs In those cases, the enumeration is used to report the nonserial holdings The enumeration for serial and multipart units may be recorded by giving the caption from the pieces (if one is present) in the singular, followed by the sequential designations of the pieces held EXAMPLES Band attiofemte upplagan third series becomes Bd becomes Uppl.85 becomes ser.3 If an item does not carry enumeration, it is not supplied 19 I S0 Q I S0 0324: 997(E) 5 Levels I f a unit Levels When has hierarchical enumeration, summary holdings below the fi rst level may only be used for purposes enumeration semicolon below the fi rst level is given, to separate each subsequent a colon shall be repotted at the highest level of enumeration of clarity shall be used to separate the fi rst and second level and a level EXAM PLES v :no l Bd :T l ;Nr :2;1 For both numbered and unnumbered first-level series designators the second-level enumeration shall be reported along with the fi rst level EXAM PLES ser :v l rhe fi rst /eve/ is a numbered series, “ser “ I n s :v l [The fi rst level is an unnumbered I f it is necessary enumeration to record both first-level “new series” ] and subsequent-level shall be repeated at the beginning enumeration in the holdings statement, the first-level and end of each range held EXAM PLES v :no 3-v 29:no :l O-4:24 5 Captions Captions associated optional When with enumeration a caption may is abbreviated be and recorded ends in with the a period, enumeration no blank The recording shall separate form appearing the of captions caption and is the enumeration EXAM PLE volume becomes I f the parts of a serial or multipart Captions associated transliterated Captions with v er unit have no captions, enumeration shall be none are supplied recorded in the when needed shall be abbreviated in accordance with I S0 832 EXAM PLES Captions tome becomes t number becomes no may be repeated after a hyphen EXAMPLE ser :v l -ser 3:v 25 20 when needed for clarity vernacular on the publication, @ I S0 5 I S0 Sequential 0324: 997(E) designators A final hyphen shall be used i f the holdings are open EXAMPLE Bd l- N o hyphen shall be used i f a single unit is held EXAM PLE vS( 970) I f the holdings are closed, no punctuation shall follow the closing enumeration EXAM PLE v l-1 05 I f typographic numbers or other designations in recording equivalents, the are used on the unit in lieu of sequential enumeration i f they have direct numeric designators, equivalents they shall be converted (I f there are no direct to numeric see 55 3) EXAM PLE v l-5 [Asterisks All numeric information are used on the items in place of volume numbers ] shall be converted to Arabic numbers Ordinal numbers may be converted to cardinal numbers EXAM PLES VII becomes fi rst becomes st er six becomes troisieme becomes 3e tretti otredje becomes 33 For alphabetic data, upper-case and lower-case er characters shall be recorded as they appear on the item EXAM PLES 23a no 36B v B When an item carries combined numbering, the numbers shall be separated by a diagonal EXAM PLE V 1 5 4 Multiple enumerations For a serial or multipart appropriate unit within a serial or multipart to the basic bibliographic unit speci fied unit, each with its own numbering in the I tem I dentification scheme, the enumeration Area shall be recorded 21 I S0 0324: 997(E) For alternative enumerations, schemes in addition recorded, following numbering exists, i f there is a scheme to a regular the regular there should scheme scheme of continuously of enumeration, of enumeration be correlation between incrementing the alternative and separated the di fferent issue numbers numbering using enumeration scheme an equals or other numbering or schemes sign When may be alternative schemes EXAM PLES v l -3=no l-36 ser :no l -ser :no 4, ser l 5 :no 6=no l-1 6, no 21 -24 Chronology Chronology is recorded unit only When chronology Serial speci fi es units usually or chronology Som e with enumeration, sequential the holdings, it is not enclosed have both enumeration non-serial holdings units an item carries only chronology the chronology speci fi es as it may be when All serial holdings or is a non-serial the holdings (When it appears with enumeration ) are recorded in terms of enumeration and chronology In those cases the chronology are present for a non-serial data, it is not supplied However, it may be supplied within is used to report unit, only enumeration i f a serial normally square brackets carries the non- is recorded chronology data i f desired Levels Only the highest may only purposes When in parentheses have only chronology I f both enumeration I f an i tem does not have chronology level when is present, and chronology and such data are omitted from some pieces, 5 except designation or both multipart serial in parallel a chronological level of chronology be used levels shall be reported of enumeration are for summary reported holdings or, when there Levels below the fi rst is no enumeration, for of clarity chronology semicolon data, the year, i f subsequent below the fi rst level to separate each subsequent is given, a colon shall be used to separate the fi rst and second level and a level EXAMPLE 982:Feb 5 Dates When more than dates, in the order indicated: one type of date is present on the item, the date shall be selected from the following preferred Date of coverage Date of publication Date of copyright Date of printing The date of associated reprinting shall with the original not work be used in the holdings Reprint information The form at for the year shall be all four digits A final hyphen (-) shall be used i f the holdings EXAMPLES 969Bd (1 968)- 22 statement is properly are open chronology information a part of the bibliographic as the description used is that of the work @ I S0 I S0 N o hyphen 0324:1 997(E) shall be used i f only a single year is held EXAM PLE 969 A diagonal shall be used as a separator i f the chronology data for a single bibliographic unit spans a non-calendar year or more than one year EXAM PLES 969/l 970- [non-calendar 9801 982 [triennialj I f the holdings are closed, no punctuation date or biennial] shall follow the closing year EXAM PLES 969-l 975 t 2(1 940) -9(1 947) I f there is chronology Gregorian data available, dates) , a question but the exact year cannot be precisely determined (for example, for some non- m ark shall be used to fill the space of the missing digit EXAMPLE 96? 8?? I f the century is not known, the date is not recorded Months, seasons, transliterated and days when needed shall be Chronology recorded in the vernacular data shall be abbreviated form according as they appear on the publication, to I S0 832 EXAM PLES 969:Jan 987:juil When one calendar scheme chronology data When publication, the Gregorian Any non-Gregorian is present more than on the publication, one calendar scheme that scheme should (for example, be used as the basis for recording Gregorian and I slamic) is present on the scheme should be used i f present dates required for a holdings statement shall be converted to the equivalent Gregorian dates at the highest level (usually year) and recorded in that form 5 Speci fi c extent note A Speci fic Extent Note may occur after any data element, the entire enclosed Extent of Holdings Area, depending and it relates either to the element on its wording and position in the area it directly The Speci fi c follows Extent or to Note is in angle brackets I nformation relating to the formal bibliographic description Speci fi c Extent N ote unless needed for clarification of the i tem being described shall not be recorded as a I S0 @ I S0 0324: 997(E) EXAMPLES videocassette [Holdings speci fic for a VH S videocassette are reported against a bibliographic record not reflecting a tape form at ] sound disc [Specifi c v l-9 type of sound disc is not reflected v v 1 numbered; Because information volumes /The and 1 have special titles, which have been added v lo- were issued after the initial publication tit/es are not reflected in the bibliographic v l-6 record ] [Vols are sequentially as optional in the bibliographic record against which holdings of the set, these are being reported ] v 7-1 institution has added an indication of the binding status of the volumes as Speci fic Extent N otes ], “Decisions”‘1 H oldi ngs All notes note relevant v area to asingle occurrence of the Location Data Area shall be combined into a single Holdings N ote Area N otes may include I tem I dentification I nformation relating such information as restrictions Area or elsewhere to the form al in the bibliographic on access, holdings physical statement description shall condition, etc not be repeated of the i tem shall I nformation in the not be recorded contained Holdings in the N ote Area in the Note Area unless needed to resolve ambiguity The Holdings N ote Area may be used to carry notes on speci fic extent be ambiguous or inappropriate I f it is desired to enumerate in the Extent of Holdings specifically EXAM PLES Vol is badly water-damaged Non-circulating Vol is lacking Vol missing p 345; vol is extremely Library set lacks slides 7-9 DE2 treated 984-05-l to safety fi lm 978-03-03 Master negative Vol not published Retain latest edition 24 only when the note information the parts of an item that are not held or to indicate may be done in the Holdings N ote Area Transferred of holdings Area, or when the Extent of Holdings brittle would Area is not present a non-gap break, this I S0 I S0 An n ex 0324: 997(E) A (n orm ati ve) Taxon om y Bibliographic of a bi bl i og raph i c i tem item Basi c bibliographic unit (Repeatable) Non-serial unit Single-part Multipart unit unit Serial unit Secondary bibliographic unit Non-serial (Repeatable) unit Single-part Multipart unit unit Serial unit EXAM PLES Bibliographic i tem: book Basi c bibliographic Bibliographic Secondary Bibliographic Bibliographic unit: Book (non-serial, bibliographic single-part) unit: map (non-serial, single-part) i tem: newspaper Basic bibliographic single-part) i tem: book with map in pocket Basi c bibliographic unit: Book (non-serial, unit: Newspaper i tem: multivolume Basic bibliographic (serial) monograph unit: Multivolume monograph (non-serial, multipart) 25 I S0 @ I S0 0324:1 997(E) An n ex B (i n form ati ve) Di spl ay The following examples Style form ats form ats may be used to arrange in this International Standard, for h ol d i n g s the holdings especially statement areas in a display Style A has been used for in annex C A: I tem I dentification Area Location Data Area Date of Report Area (General (General Holdings Area) Extent of Holdings I tem I dentification Location Area Data Area Date of Report Area (General Holdings Area) Extent of Holdings Area (General Holdings Area) Extent of Holdings Area Holdings Note Area Holdings Area Holdings Styl e B: 26 statem en ts Area) Extent of Holdings Note Area Area + _ + @ I S0 I S0 An n ex 0324: 997(E) C (i n form ati ve) Exam pl es In the following examples I tem I dentification Example 1: area “(XXX) ” “Ill” is used to indicate a system is used to indicate all institution A single-part identifier preceding codes recorded a record control in the Location number in the Data Area printed text (XXX) 801 -247897 Level : III Level 2: III Level 3: III NOTE - For level 2, the General Holdings Area is not included because all code values for its data elements are ones that can be omi tted for a non-serial unit Example 2: A single-part printed text held also in m i croform (Level 2) I SBN o-904351 -1 III Main Cl 979 981 003 PZ7 D684 Al III Main C2 Mic77-3276 981 003 (a, ta, 0, 0, 8) (a, he, 0, 0, 8) I SBN o-904351 -1 III Main Cl PZ7 D684 Al III Main C2 Mic77-3276 Example 3: 979 981 003 981 003 (text) (mi croform) A printed text with accompanying material (XXX) 2642345 Level : III QE653 H 59 Level 2: III QE653 H 59 Level 3: III QE653 H 59 Example 4: 98301 03 v + “Teacher’s Two copies of the same multivolume guide” v monograph at di fferent locations (Level for fi rst location, Level for second) (XXX) 841 -1 728 III Art Library III Journalism 55 444 982071 (I ncomplete) v v 6-20 N ote: Pages 356-382 of v-1 lacking 55 444 982071 27 I S0 @ I S0 0324: 997(E) Example One copy of a multipart 5: item divided between two locations (Level 3) (XXX) 841 -1 728 RA423 B24 III Spec Coll c III Reference c (a, ta, 2, 0, 8) 98601 1 RA423 B24 98601 1 v l-1 (a, ta, 2, 0, 8) v l-25 (I ncomplete) v l-1 (XXX) 841 -1 728 III Spec Coll c-1 RA423 B24 III Reference Example c A mi croform 6: 98601 1 RA423 B24 (I ncomplete) 98601 1 preservation v l-25 master and a service copy of the same i tem held by a single institution (Level 2) (XXX) 879432 III Microreel 489 98601 1 (mi croform ) Note: Preservation III Microreel 590 98601 1 (m i croform) N ote: Service copy Example 7: A multipart videocassette set m aster negative (Level 3) (XXX) 841 -5228 III Cl H N535 M3J68 9840525 (videocassette, incomplete) no -3, no N ote: VH S Does not circulate (XXX) 84 t -5228 III Cl H N535 M3J68 Example 8: 9840525 (a, va, 2, 0, 8) A printed text with various no l-3, no N ote: VH S Does not circulate kinds of accompanying material (Level 3) (XXX) 801 -2481 40 III 9830525 v + (model) ca 300 pieces + “Teacher’s (microfi che) Example 9: “Supplement” Audio record set guide” sound cassette + sound disc + no l-5 (Level 3) (XXX) 821 -5000 III Music Lib (sound disc) v l-3 Example 0: Audio N ote: Discs also circulate record set with accompanying printed individually plot summary described (Level 3) (XXX) 821 -9786 III Music Lib sound discs + (text) “Plot summary” Example 11: Music score with identical “combined pamphlet part” parts (XXX) 82 l-6493 III Music Lib 9801 206 28 score + combined parts Note: In box (Level 3) in one bibliographic record Q I S0 I S0 Example 2: The holdings statement for an archival manuscript collection 0324:1 997(E) (Level 3) (XxX)86-A508 III Archives Example 98601 09 (manuscript) Holdings for an archival 3: boxes record for a manuscript letter (Level 3) (XxX)86-A55 III Rare Bks 97501 04 (manuscript) Example A supplement 4: i tem that is a multipart unit, with 27 volumes parts 3-4 and volume 29, part are missing bound after publication (N ote: the basic bibliographic into 26; volume 28, i tem is not held ) (Level 3) (XXX) 021 -78909 III SQ Cl 8330 62 1 98601 1 “Supplement” III SQ Cl 8330 62 1 98601 1 (c, ta, l, 0, 8) Example 5: A work with cumulative v l-27 v 28-29 “Supplement”v l-29 supplements (Level 3) (XXX) 79-1 306 III Law Lib KF6452 A59D68 986 v + “Cumulative supplement” 986:no Example 6: A serially issued item I SSN 8946-8321 Level : III Level 2: III 9831 01 (a, ta, l, 4, 8) er III 9831 01 (text, complete, er III 9831 01 Level 3: III 9831 01 (a, ta, , 4, 8) PC III 9831 01 vyp (1 973)- Example 7: A two part serial bibliographic currently vyp received, permanent retention) (1 973)- item with title: “Ttitigkeitsbericht und Neuerwerbungen “ (Level 3) I SSN 234-5678 III “Tatigkeitsbericht” Example 980- + “Neuerwerbungen” A serial that is held in both textual 8: 979- and m i croform form s period but the mi croform is retained The textual form is discarded after a (Level 2) I SSN 234 5678 III Main Cl PZ7 D684 Al Ill Main C2 Mic77-3276 979 981 003 (a, ta, 0, 4, 7) 981 003 (a, hd, l, 4, 8) 29 I S0 Q I S0 0324:1 997(E) I SSN 234 5678 III Main Cl PZ7 D684 Al III Main C2 Mic77-3276 Example 979 981 003 (hard copy, currently 981 003 (mi croform , complete, A serial title currently 9: received, not retained) currently received, permanently retained) received but retained for only one year I SSN 2338-6229 Level : III Level 2: III (a, ta, 0, 4, 6) Level 3: III 9831 01 (a, ta, 0, 4, 6) v l08(1 983)- Example Note: Retain latest year only A journal title that is not currently 20: N ote: Retain latest year only received but earlier holdings are permanently retained (Level 3) I SSN 9876-3452 Ill 9831 01 (a, ta, 0, 5, 8) Bd (1 91 ) -Bd 21 (1 923/1 924), n F :Bd I (1 925/1 926)-n F :Bd 25(1 942/1 943) , n F :Bd 50(1 961 /1 963)-n F :Bd 51 (1 962 71 964) Exam pl e 21 : Two copies of a serial held in printed form , both currently received and perm’anently retained (Level 3) I SSN t294-3649 III Sci Cop 9831 01 (a, ta, , 4, 8) v (1 961 )- Ill Sci Cop 9831 01 (a, ta, , 4, 8) v-3(1 963)- Exam pl e 22: A journal that is published in three volumes each year, beginning in January, Wty, and September (Level 3) I SSN 9368-2394 Ill 98601 01 Example 23: (text, currently received, permanent A serial item with volumes I -1 retention) v (1 978:Sept ) - held in textual form and volumes I SSN 0201 -8654 Ill 985091 (a, mm, , 5, 8) v l-1 v ll-1 Ill 985091 (a, mm, , 5, 8) v l-1 Note: Volumes l-1 Ill 985091 (a, ta, 2, 5, 8) v l-1 III 985091 (a, hh, 3, 5, 8) 30 v ll-1 emi croform > in mi croform I -1 in mi croform (Level 3) I S0 An n ex 0324:1 997(E) D (i n form ati ve) G u i del i n es D l Level for appl yi n g th i s I n tern ati on al Stan d ard h ol d i n g s Report the institution identifier for each bibliographic i tem, regardless of retention policy or completeness of holdings D Level 1) and holdi n gs Determine the basic bibliographic unit(s) and the secondary bibliographic units for the bibliographic item EXAM PI -ES journal with no supplements basic single volume monograph basic multivolume basic monograph set of maps basic book with pocket fiche basic + secondary kit with components basic music score and parts basic journal with a journal basic + secondary videotape supplement with program notes basic + secondary basic phonorecord loose-leaf publication with serially basic + secondary issued updates multivolume monograph periodically with basic issued revised volumes 2) 3) Determine whether each unit is serial, multipart or single-part Report general descriptions holdings (level 2) or extent of holdings (level 3) for each unit as indicated under the of the data elements 31 I S0 0324:1 997(E) I CS 01 40 20 Descriptors: representation, docu m entation , data display Price based on 31 pages @ I S0 publications, bibliographic records, bibliographic entri es, i n form ati on interchange, data, data elements, data

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:38