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Tiêu chuẩn iso 09442 1988 scan

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IN TERN ATIO N AL IS 9442 S TAN D ARD First edition 988-1 0-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE MEMYHAPOAHAR Steel l eaves - H ot-rol l ed - Tol eran ces ri bbed and an d FOR STANDARDIZATION OPTAHMBA~MR g rooved DE n0 fl ats NORMALISATI ON CTAHjJ APTM3A~MM for spri ng d i m en si on s Acier - Plats rain&s lamin& B chaud pour lames de ressorts - Dimensions et tokrances Reference \ IS 9442: number 98 (E) IS0 9442 : 1998 (El Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 9442 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel International Organization for Standardization, Printed in Switzerland 1988 INTERNATIONAL Steel H ot-rol l ed - l eaves IS0 STANDARD ri bbed Tol eran ces - an d and g rooved ag reem en ts ag ed I n tern ati on al Stan d ard g rooved spri n g steel th e steel g rad es l i sted rai l veh i cl e wi th appl i es th e i n cl au se to h ot-rol l ed d i m en si on s 4, wh i ch ri bbed stated i n tabl e are preferabl y ed i ti on an d 1, u sed to of m n tai n of I S0 fol l owi n g referen ce text, Stan d ard At val i d stan d ard s All on stan d ard reg i sters th i s th e of I n tern ati on al possi bi l i ty l i sted of bel ow cu rren tl y val i d Stan d ard appl yi n g th e Mem bers of I n tern ati on al are en cou r- m ost I EC recen t an d I S0 Stan d ard s : 1973, steels - Heat-treated Part 14: steels, Steels for alloy steels hot-formed and and freeheat- springs reference stan d ard i n th i s th e 683-14 treated Th e spri n g for stru cti on Norm ati ve based i n vesti g ate cutting for d i m en si on s Scope Th i s fl ats 9442 : 988 (E) th e ti m e tai n s sti tu te of are provi si on s provi si on s pu bl i cati on , su bj ect th e to wh i ch , of th i s ed i ti on revi si on , th rou g h i n d i cated an d Dimensi ons and I n tern ati on al and tol erances on dimension shape was parti es For to d i m en si on s see tabl e For tol eran ces see tabl e Di m en si on s i n m i l l i m etres ‘/ b Tabl e Th i ckn ess d R Wi d th 10 Di mensi ons 14 13 kg /d m 20 8533 03 1 1 1 20 Cal cul l ated u si n g 85 91 70 00 16 i n ka/m I I 6, 32 15 4, MassI ) 90 1) - 3, 75 b 75 1 1 1 1 2, 4 Preferen ce sh ou l d be g i ven to th ose fl ats for wh i ch th e masses are sh own i n bol d pri n t 1 IS0 9442 : 1968 (E) Table - Tolerances Width b Dimensions in millimetres Rolling tolerances * 0,5 Thickness d Nominal dimensions 13 d< < d Tolerances 13 f 0,2 f 0,3 Convexity Concavity The faces can be slightly concave but the resultant total thickness shall be reduced by no more than the values below : Reduction of thickness (difference Nominal thickness of leaf between the thickness at the edge and the centre of the leaf) d< 10 < 0,2 10 < d < 0,3 Lateral offset of the groove and the rib < 0.3 Straightening defect q Normal straightening : The deviation is measured over the total length L of DFFT :e~~hsintheplaneof~qG Material Testing Hot-rolled ribbed and grooved spring steel according to this International Standard shall be produced from steel grades according to IS0 663-1 4, namely : 6.1 - preferably from 59 Si 7; - in exceptional cases from 51 CrV The desired steel grade and the treatment condition shall be stated in the designation on order Mode of delivery 5.1 For the supply of hot-rolled ribbed and grooved spring steel, the types of length according to table apply 5.2 When ordered by weight, the length may vary between the maximum and minimum dimensions specified for the manufacturing length o,2%ofL Extent of testing If an acceptance test is agreed, the number of bars which shall be tested for accuracy to size by measurements at the manufacturer’s works shall also be agreed when ordering 6.2 Testing procedure 6.2.1 The thickness and width shall be measured at least 150 mm from the end of the bars when manufacturing lengths are supplied and at any point when fixed or exact lengths are supplied 6.2.2 The thickness d shall be measured outside the area of the edge chamfer of the side faces IS0 Tabl e - Types of l en g th and tol erances 9442 : 988 (E) on l en g th Val u es i n mi l l i metres Type Ord eri n g Len g th of l en g th Ran g e’ ) M an u factu ri n g See 3OCOto8OOO l en g th 2) Fi xed l en g th 3060to8006 Exact l en g th 366Oto8600 for Tol eran ce f 003) th e d ata l en g th N on e*) Desi red fi xed l en g th , mm Desi red exact *xl f 25 or l en g th an d d esi red k 03) tol eran ce, mm 1) En q u i ri es sh ou l d be m ad e to th e m an u factu rer as to wh eth er sh orter or g reater l en g th s can be su ppl i ed 2) Ri bbed an d g rooved spri n g steel can al so be su ppl i ed i n l i m i ted m an u factu ri n g l en g th s wi th a l en g th ran g e to be stated wh en ord eri n g Th e span between th e sh ortest an d g reatest l en g th of th i s ran g e sh al l be at l east 006 m m (for exampl e, 3) Wh en ord eri n g , th e total span s for th e permi ssi bl e d evi ati on s m ay, by ag reemen t, be arran g ed en ti rel y on th e pl u s si d e, for exampl e + 2ocl o m m (i n stead of +50 006 to 060) o m m (i n stead of k f : 66 m m ) i n th e case of fi xed l en g th s, or 25 m m ) i n th e case of exact l en g th s IS0 9442 : 966 (El U DC 669.1 4.01 6.27-1 22.4-406.6 Descri ptors : steel s, i ron - an d steel prod u cts, Price based on pag es h ot rol l ed prod u cts, fl at bars, speci fi cati on s, d i men si on s, tests, d i m en si on al m easu rem en ts

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:34

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