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IN TERN ATIO N AL S TAN D ARD IS 7226 Second edition 988-05-1 I N TERN ATI ON AL ORG AN I ZATI ON ORG AN I SATI ON I N TERN ATI ON ALE MEXAYH APOAH AR H exag on al OPI -AH M 3Au M R FOR STAN DARDI ZATI ON DE N ORM ALI SATI ON I -I O CTAH AAPTkl B ALkl M d i en u ts Fili&res hexegonales de filetage A main Reference n u m ber IS0 7226-1 966 (E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 7226 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 7226 : 19851 , of which it constitutes a minor revision Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated @ International Organization for Standardization, Printed in Switzerland 1988 INTERNATIONAL Hexag on al IS0 STANDARD d i en u ts Introduction IS0 263, for Ci rcu l ar IS0 screwi n g 2668, th read s, d i en u ts wi th I S0 it d i es 4230 are an d i n stead of ci rcu l ar of th ese for 4231 for m an u factu re d i m en si on s speci fi ed I S0 i s ven i en t th ei r For som e d i es an d an d , for it sh ou l d is be th read certai n pu rposes u se, d i en u ts certai n form s si zes to u se pu rposes d esi rabl e of IS0 screws, Th i s fi el d I n tern ati on al h exag on al (coarse i n ch and fi n e th read s an d pi pe IS0 228-1 , BSF an d for pi tch (U N C as wel l speci fi es certai n series an d th read s th ese h exag on al th e see seri es an d as certai n IS0 4230, for machine-operated Hand- taper pipe 4231, R - g en eral of IS0 I S0 68 metri c an d see I S0 seri es - n on -preferred d i m en si on s I S0 I S0 IS0 th read I S0 seri es an d BSW, and pipe selection in circular screwing dies circular screwing dies circular screwing dies stocks machine-operated - and R series machine-operated threads Di mensions See th e Marking fi g u re, an d h avi n g sh al l Pipe threads threads - where Part 1: pressure-tight joints Designation, are made dimensions on by th e general purpose screw threads - Basic - G series and tol erances tabl es an d Pipe the threads threads - where Part 1: pressure-tight Designation, joints I S0 be d i m en si on s m arked i n accord an ce wi th th e rel evan t wi th th ose th read g i ven in d esi g n ati on 2668 d i m en si on s marked d esi g n ati on of in wi th th e accord an ce th e l etter wi th th ose R i m med i atel y g i ven in fol l owed th read and profile A l /8 on be h avi n g sh al l Example IS0 228-l in Di en u ts tolerances IS0 and O,Q6 to BA 7-1 , made plan range 2631 , 7-1 References 68, Diameter th read s 261 , 68 an d see of tabl e IS0 die threads Hand- speci fi ed IS0 General and 2568, hand-operated Di en u ts the - Hand- IS0 and tabl e - n ected th at stan d ard i zed th e si zes - UNF (G threads nuts of appl ication Stan d ard d i en u ts an d screw and in IS0 Scope inch bolts for parallel 7226 : 988 (El are dimensions : h exag on al sh al l be d i en u t m arked for R seri es as fol l ows pi pe th read s wi th d esi g n ati on : not and R l /8 tolerances Where I S0 plan 261 , IS0 general purpose metric screw threads - General tool s n ati on al mark at com pl y Stan d ard s, th e in th e d i screti on of al l respects sym bol th e IS0 wi th m ay th e be rel evan t appen d ed I n terto th e m an u factu rer IS0 7226 : 966 (E) E L J Figure Table - General table of dimensional of thread diameter, R series of hexagonal pipe Metric 0.35 0.7 in 0,73 0,81 0.9 1 25 up to and up Over mm to and including I,5 48 40 36 32 28 24 22 18 for metric and inch threads pitches I,75 Number tlT3 Over dienuts threads) d I mm Dimensions characteristics (except Range - 2,5 of threads 16 per 13 12 ,4 3,5 ; 5 5 inch i:, including Cutting width, E (m m) js1 2,65 0,1 04 0,1 57 6,35 0,1 57 0,25 6,35 0.25 5" 18 0,354 21 1 0,354 0.4409 1 ,2 15 0,440 0,590 36 15 21 0,590 0,834 41 21 26.5 0,834 ,0433 26.5 37.5 ,043 ,476 60 37,5 42,5 ,476 ,673 70 27 18 50 22 8" These cutting widths, 36 22” which i n the table at the discretion are the lower of the two values specified of the manufacturer 25 30 :“t” l 25 for each range of thread diameter, 36 may be increased 25 30 36 36 36 36 36 to the higher value given IS0 Tabl e - Tabl e of d i m en si on al for Basi c Desi g n ati on ch aracteri sti cs R seri es pi pe Approxi m ate of h exag on al d i en u ts s Cu tti n g wi d th , h1 js1 mm mm mm mm l /l 7,723 0,907 21 10 l /6 9,728 0,907 27 10 l /4 3,1 57 ,337 36 14 31 6,662 ,337 41 15 l /2 20,955 ,81 50 19 31 26,441 ,81 80 20 33,249 2,309 60 24 114 2,309 85 26 112 47,803 2,309 85 26 59,61 2,309 00 31 : 988 (El th read s pi tch d i am eter 7226 E IS0 7226 U DC (E) 621 992 31 Descri ptors Pri ce : 996 based : tool s, on pages h an d tool s, cu tti n g tool s, th read i n g d i es, d i m en si on s

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:30