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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 6164 ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz First edition 1994-05-01 Hydraulic fluid power - Four-screw, one-piece Square-flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar) Transmissions hydrauliques - Brides de raccordement carr6es monobloc a quatre vis pour des pressions d’utilisation de 25 MPa et 40 MPa (250 bar et 400 bar) Reference number ISO 6164:1994(E) ISO 6164:1994(E) ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (1EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard ISO 6164 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 131, Fluid power Systems, Subcommittee SC 4, Connectors and similar products and components Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only ISO 1994 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii ISO ISO 6164:1994(E) Introduction ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz In hydraulic fluid power Systems, power is transmitted and controlled through a liquid under pressure within an enclosed circuit Components are interconnected through their ports and associated fluid conductor fitting ends Ill ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz This page intentionally left blank INTERNATIONAL STANDARD * ISO ISO 6164:1994(E) Hydraulic fluid power - Four-screw, one-piece Square-flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar) ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz Members of IEC and ISO maintain rently valid International Standards Scope This International Standard gives complete general and dimensional specifications for four-screw, onepiece Square-flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar’) and 400 bar) For flange connections, a design factor of 2,5 is valid, not including weld joints, for which special instructions exist This International Standard also specifies the dimensions of the Seals to be used, as well as the grooves to house the Seals These connections are intended for application in hydraulic Systems, on industrial and commercial products, where it is desired to avoid the use of threaded connections Surges of pressure higher than the nominal ratings will reduce the ability of the flange connections to retain the hydraulic fluid and this should be taken into account in the design of the hydraulic System ISO 261:1973, ISO general threads - General plan ISO 273: 1979, Fasteners and screws ISO 630: 1980, Structural registers of cur- metric screw purpose Clearance holes for bolts steels ISO 724:1993, ISO general-purpose threads - Basic dimensions ISO 898-1: 1988, Mechanical properties - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs metric screw of fasteners ISO 898-2: 1992, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values Coarse thread ISO 2768-1: 1989, General tolerantes - Part 1: Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerante indica tions ISO 3601-1:1988, Fluid Systems - Sealing devices - O-rings - Part 1: Inside diameters, Cross-sections, tolerantes and size iden tifica tion Code Normative references The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Standards indicated below 1) bar=O,l MPa=105Pa;1 Pa=1 ISO 5598:1985, Fluid power nen ts - Vocabulary Systems and compo- Definitions For the purposes of this International definitions given in ISO 5598 apply Standard, the N/m* ISO ISO 6164:1994(E) 5.4 Select Seals and housing grooves in accordance with figures and 5, and tables and Material 4.1 Use screws of property specified in ISO 898-1 4.2 Use nuts of property ISO 898-2 class 8.8 or 10.9, as class 10, as specified in 4.4 Use flange heads made of Fe 360 C steel or weldable steel with minimum equivalent mechanical characteristics (structural steel in accordance with ISO 630) ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz Flange heads with Seals tan Seals that fit the same groove 5.1 For dimensions of the flanged joint and flanged connection assemblies, see figure and tables and Select Square flanges in accordance 5.2 and 3, and tables and with figures 5.3 Select flange heads in accordance and tables and with figure Refer to figures ments and for specific Statement Standard) a) FLanged joint assembly Dimensions or other with finish require- (Reference to Use the following Statement in test reports, catalogues and sales Iiterature when electing to comply with this International Standard: “Four-screw, one-piece Square-flange connections in accordance with ISO 6164: 1994, Hydraulic fluid power - Four-screw, one-piece Square-flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar).” - O-rings Finish Identification this International Dimensions Figure house Flange heads without Seals are used in conjunction tubing, connected to a flange head with a Seal 4.3 Use flanges made of Fe 510 C steel or steel with minimum equivalent mechanical characteristics (structural steel in accordance with ISO 630) NOTES 12 b) FLanged connection assembly of flanged joint and flanged connection assemblies (250 bar and 400 bar) series (see tables and 2) - 25 MPa and 40 MPa ISO ISO 6164:1994(E) - Table Dimensions of flanged joint and flanged connection assemblies - 25 MPa (250 bar) series Dimensions Nominal flange size Thread length t, 4) Screw O-ring’) DN d, 3) 1, 4) l* 4) in millimetres Screw torque*) N.m 10 13 19 25 32 17 x 2,65 19 x 3,55 25 x 3,55 32,5 x 3,55 37‘5 x 3,55 M6 x M8 x 1,25 M8 x 1,25 MIO x 1,5 M12 x 1,75 45 50 55 65 75 30 35 35 40 50 12,5 15,5 13,5 15,5 20,5 10 25 25 53 95 38 51 56 63 47,5 x 3,55 56 x 3,55 69 x 3,55 85 x 3,55 Mi6 M16 M20 M20 90 100 110 120 60 65 80 90 24,5 25,5 33 33 220 220 390 390 x x x 2,5 x 2,5 ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz 1) See ISO 3601-1 (Annex A gives the equivalent SAE O-rings.) 2) These torque values are only a guide when using lubricated screws of property class 8.8, as specified in ISO 898-1, calculated with a coefficient of friction of 0,2 Net tightening torque depends on many factors, including lubrication, coating and surface finish When flange head screws of property class 10.9 or class 10.9 screws with heat-treated washers are used to increase the design factor, the recommended torque values may be increased by 25 % CAUTION - lt is important that all screws be Iightly to avoid breaking the flange during installation torqued before applying the final recommended torque values 3) Thread in accordance with ISO 724, with coarse pitch in accordance with ISO 261 4) Recommended lengths dimensions Screw lengths are calculated for steel; use of other materials may require different screw ISO 6164:1994(E) - Table ISO Dimensions of flanged joint and flanged connection assemblies - 40 MPa (400 bar) series Dimensions Nominal flange size Screw O-ring’ ) ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz DN d, 3) 2, 4) l* 4) Thread length t, 4) in millimetres Screw torque*) N-m 10 13 19 25 32 17 x 2,65 19 x 3,55 25 x 3,55 32,5 x 3,55 37,5 x 3,55 M6 x M8 x 1,25 M8 x 1,25 MIO x 1,5 Mi2 x 1,75 45 50 55 65 75 30 35 35 40 50 12,5 15,5 13,5 15,5 20,5 10 25 25 53 95 38 51 56 63 70 47,5 56 69 75 85 M16 M16 M20 M24 M24 x x x 2,5 x x 90 100 130 130 150 60 65 80 90 100 24,5 25,5 31 37,5 38,5 220 220 390 800 800 80 87,5 x 5,3 M30 x 3,5 170 120 48,5 600 x x x x x 3,55 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 1) See ISO 3601-1 (Annex A gives the equivalent SAE O-rings.) 2) These torque values are only a guide when using lubricated screws of property class 8.8, as specified in ISO 898-1, calculated with a coefficient of friction of 0,2 Net tightening torque depends on many factors, including lubrication, coating and surface finish When flange head screws of property class 10.9 or class 10.9 screws with heat-treated washers are used to increase the design factor, the recommended torque values may be increased by 25 % CAUTION - lt is important that all screws be lightly to avoid breaking the flange during installation 3) Thread in accordance 4) Recommended lengths torqued before with ISO 724, with coarse pitch in accordance dimensions Screw lengths are calculated applying the final recommended torque values with ISO 261 for steel; use of other materials may require different screw ISO 6164:1994(E) ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz Dimensions in millimetres, surface roughness in micrometres Figure - Dimensions of flanges - 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar) series (see tables and 4) ISO 6164:1994(E) It+’\ !! M ,/ ’ r: ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz r -, ’ Qe _-_ l- I i:: , , /’ , (45”) - : ” ,J$; / 1” I - threaded holes @d, on the port with fuLL thread Length t, i i e ” J-b- - AA Figure - Port dimensions for flange connections (see tables and ) ISO 6164:1994(E) Table - Dimensions of flanges - 25 MPa (250 bar) series Dimensions Nominal flange size AA 1) C ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz DN *’ d 14 Hl2 Hl3 Hl1 66 e * 02 g -025 10 13 19 25 32 43 48 53 68 80 24,7 29,7 35,4 43,8 51,6 25 31 38,9 45,3 51,6 9 11 13,5 18,5 24,3 32,2 38,5 43‘7 35 42 50 62 73 62 62 62 38 51 56 63 95 105 125 145 60,l 69,3 83,4 102,5 61,l 72,3 88 102,3 17,5 17,5 22 22 50,8 62,8 76,6 90,8 85 98 118 145 1) Recommended dimensions 2) In accordance with ISO 273, medium j 153’ in millimetres r 4’ max 7,5 7,5 40 45 50 65 75 18 20 22 25 30 8 10 12 7,5 9 90 100 120 140 36 40 45 52 14 16 20 20 series 3) The upper face of the flange may have any form However, the supporting face of the screw heads shall be compatible with dimensions g and Z5 The upper part of the flanges shall not restritt the welding Tolerantes shall be in accordance with ISO 2768-1, tolerante class m 4) Optional Table - Dimensions of flanges - 40 MPa (400 bar) series Dimensions Nominal flange size AA 1) C DN 43 4*’ e dl4 Hl2 Hl3 Hl1 66 * 02 g 43 48 53 68 80 24,7 29,7 35,4 43,8 51,6 26,4 32,6 42,l 48,4 54,8 9 11 13,5 18,5 24,7 32,5 38,9 44,6 35 42 50 62 73 82 38 51 56 63 70 95 105 125 155 165 60,l 69,3 83,4 102,5 113,l 64,3 80,2 95 111 120 17,5 17,5 22 26 26 51,6 67,6 80,5 90,5 102,5 80 185 123,7 136 33 114,5 1) Recommended almensions In accordance with ISO 273, medium 153) -:,*5 10 13 19 25 32 2) j in millimetres r 4) max 93 40 45 50 65 75 18 20 22 25 30 8 10 12 85 98 118 145 160 12 12 16,l 16,l 17,5 90 100 120 150 160 36 40 50 52 60 14 16 20 20 20 175 21 180 70 24 7,2 7,2 series 3) The upper face of the flange may have any form However, the supporting face of the screw heads shall be compatible with dimensions g and Z5 The upper part of the flanges shall not restritt the welding Tolerantes shall be in accordance with ISO 2768-1, tolerante class m 4) Optional ISO 6164:1994(E) n ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz t-l- Figure - O-ring (see tables and 6) Dimensions in millimetres, surface roughness in micrometres Connection details are optior optional iaL FLange head without Seals Figure - Flange head with \ and without groove for O-rings 0,6 x 45” 0,4 x 45” (see tables and 6) ISO 6164:1994(E) - Table Dimensions of flange heads for flanges - 25 MPa (250 bar) series Dimensions ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz Nominal flange size DN O-ring b 4 k 025 max max 32 d7 max k 40 025 h m n Sl If: OJ5 nom nom -0,l 2,65 3,55 3,55 3,55 3,55 22 2,g 23 219 289 3,55 3,55 3,55 3,55 23 23 219 23 10 13 19 25 32 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 18 24 31,5 38 43 -12.5 15 20 25 32 22,05 25,65 31,75 39,25 44,15 Zl,90 25,50 31,60 39,lO 44,00 24,5 30,2 38,l 44,5 50,8 14 16 22 27 34 68 68 68 8 17 19 25 32,5 37,5 38 51 56 63 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 50 62 76 90 38 47 58 70 53,9 62,7 75,5 91,3 53,7 62,5 75,3 91,l 60,4 71,4 87,2 101,6 40 50 60 74 36 12 15 47,5 56 69 85 - Table Dimensions of flange heads for flanges - 40 MPa (400 bar) series Dimensions Nominal flange size DN ld5 n Sl * OJ5 nom nom -0,l 7,8 7,8 2,65 3,55 3,55 3,55 3,55 22 93 10,3 17 19 25 32,5 37,5 38 46 56 59 65 12,6 12,6 16,5 18 20 47,5 56 69 75 85 3,55 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 23 76 23,5 87,5 5,3 d3 k 025 max max max 10 13 19 25 32 3,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 18 24 32 38 44 11 14 18 22 29 22,05 25,65 31,75 39,25 44,15 Zl,90 25,50 31,60 39,lO 44,00 26 31,8 41,3 47,6 54 13 15 19 24 32 38 51 56 63 70 4,2 6,7 6,7 51 67 80 90 102 35 43 53 58 63 53,9 65,7 78,8 84,8 94,6 53,7 65,5 78,6 84,6 94,4 63,5 79,4 94,2 104 119 6,7 114 74 97,0 96,8 131 67 67 rt O-ring m d2 d7 in millimetres h d 10 b 80 in millimetres 025 88 23 23 23 23 4 4 ISO 6164:1994(E) Annex A (informative) Equivalent Table A.l gives a list of O-rings conforming SAE*) O-rings to SAE Jl20 that are equivalent to O-rings complying with ISO 3601-1 Table A.1 Dimensions in millimetres ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz O-rings 2) Society of Automotive Engineers 10 ISO 3601-1 SAE 17 x 2,65 17,12 x 2,62 19 x 3,55 18,64 x 3,53 25 x 3,55 24,99 x 3,53 32,5 x 3,55 32,92 x 3,53 37,5 x 3,55 37,69 x 3,53 47,5 x 3,55 47,22 x 3,53 56 x 3,55 56,74 x 3,53 69 x 3,55 69,44 x 3,53 85 x 3,55 85,32 x 3,53 56 x 5,3 56,52 x 5,33 69 x 5,3 69,22 x 5,33 75 x 5,3 75,57 x 5,33 85 x 5,3 85,09 x 5,33 87,5 x 5,3 88,27 x 5,33 ISO 6164:1994(E) Annex B (informative) Bibliography [ ] ISO 286-2: 1988, ISO System of limits and fits - Part 2: Tables of Standard tolerante grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts ISO 6162:1994, Hydraulic fluid power - Fourscrew Split-flange connections for use at pressUres of 2,5 MPa to 40 MPa (25 bar to 400 bar) - Type I metric series and type Il inch series ISO 1101 :1983, Technical drawings Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerancing of form, orien ta tion, loca tion and run-ou t - Generalities, de finitions, Symbols, indica tions on dra wings [4] ISO 1302:1992, Technical drawings o f indica ting surface texture - Method ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz [2] [3] 11 ON-Download - Service, 16.12.2004, 10370-1, Andritz AG Statteggerstrasse 18, Postfach 24, A-8045 Graz ISO 6164:1994(E) ICS 23.100.30 Descriptors: dimensions hydraulic fluid power, Price based on 11 pages hydraulic equipment, fluid circuits, flange connections, pipe flanges, Square flanges, specifications,

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