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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 61 82 4 First edi tion 1 993 09 01 Fire protection Automatic sprinkler systems Part 4 Requi rements and test methods for quick opening devices Protection contre I ’ i ncendi[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 61 82-4 First edition 993-09-01 Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems Part 4: Requirements and test methods for quick-opening devices Protection contre I’incendie - Syst&mes d’extinction automatique du type sprinkler Pat-tie 4: Prescriptions et m&hodes d’essai des dispositifs i) ouverture rapide Reference number IS0 61 82-4:1 993(E) IS0 61 62-4:1 993(E) Contents Page Scope Normative references Definitions Requirements Production testing and quality control Performance Marking tests Instruction charts and trim 1 6 IS0 993 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher international Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-1 21 Get-&e 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland IS0 61 8%4:1 993(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 61 82-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 21 , Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting, Sub-Committee SC 5, Fixed fire extinguishing systems IS0 61 82 consists of the following parts, under the general title Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems: - Part : Requirements and test methods for sprinklers - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for wet alarm valves, retard chambers and water motor a/arms - Part 3: Requirements and test methods for dry pipe valves - Part 4: Requirements and test methods for quick-opening devices - Part 5: Requirements and test methods for deluge valves Ill I S0 61 62- 4: 993(E) I ntroducti on I S0 61 82 ponents I S0 compri ses for 61 82 is several automati c i ncl uded parts spri nkl ers in a prepared by seri es of I nternati onal cover: - carbon - expl osi on - foam iv di oxi de systems suppressi on systems (I S0 (I S0 61 83) ; systems 7076) I SO/TC 21 coveri ng com- systems (I S 61 84) ; Standards pl anned to I N TERN ATI ON AL Fi re protecti on Part - Au tomati c spri nkl er an d test meth od s for part testi ng wi th of I S0 hasten pi pe the spri nkl ers val ves fi re of the Th e the performan ce qui ck-openi ng in operati on protecti on val ves exhau sters for data i n thi s of u se u sed systems wh en qu i ck-openi ng an d an d devi ces to on e or more devi ces i ncl ude wi th speci fi c dry val ves pressu re g au g e speci fi es for operate accel erators Al l 61 82 requ i rements dry pi pe pressu re part I S0 61 82 are gi ven 898-l Parr I S0 Part edi ti ons to of in I S0 of an d I S0 were 61 82 of val i d standards i ndi cated mai ntai n regi sters to are appl yi ng text, At the parti es possi bi l i ty provi si ons consti tute I S0 7-l I S0 61 82-l kl er systems ods for spri nkl ers Defi ni ti ons I S0 : 982, ti me Al l of publ i cati on, standards ag reemen ts encou rag ed the most bel ow of Pi pe an d 37: 977, tensi l e stress-s I S0 49: 983, I S0 7/l I S0 88: 982, to Members currentl y are subj ect based on i nvesti gate recent edi ti ons of thi s the of I EC an d val i d the 1) properti es speci fi ed proof - Fi re Part fasteners of fasteners l oad protecti on - val ues Au tomati c 7: Requ i rements on threads the the I S0 I nternati onal wh ere threads - - an d spri n- test meth - trai n cast Qu i ck- openi ng of i cal mean s Ru bber, or h ea t-resi stance bar = I O5 Pa = 0, l I: pi pework tests I S0 61 82, the fol l ow- other a dry devi ce pi pe than by val ve whi ch usi ng reduci ng has- mech an - i nstal l ati on pressu re anti fl oodi ng excessi ve 3 Desi gnati on, Determi nati on fi tti ngs vul cani zed MPa operati on devi ce: water rel evant thi s or other part mi ght Devi ce forei gn i ntended matter or parts of prevent su bseqhent the to prohi bi t from enteri ng qui ck- openi ng devi ce operati on of threaded to - Accel erated materi al : corrosi on- resi stant - materi al s bronze, steel , i ron of accel erator: properti es Mal l eabl e part pressure-ti ght Part - thi s the resi stari t vul cani zed of appl y tens any tol erances Ru bber, pu rposes - pl asti cs agei ng : 993, defi ni ti ons wh ere are mad e di mensi ons Mechani cal wi th Nu ts of studs whi ch, provi si ons Standards j oi nts properti es an d thread For the contai n thi s 61 82 i ndi cated revi si on, part standards reference part screws as referen ces fol l owi ng of thi s 2: Coarse i ng throu gh Mechani cal : 988, : Bol ts, 898- 2: 992, - devi ces i n bar” Normati ve Th e - qu i ck- open i n g I S0 scope Thi s systems 61 82- 4: 993(E) 4: Req u i remen ts I S0 STAN DARD brass, conformi ng exhau ster: dry to val ve metal tri p or austeni ti c stai nl ess or wi th the Qu i ck- openi ng pi pe Corrosi on- be ei ther: Mon el or equi val ent; di scharge redu ce shal l system ti me requ i rements devi ce r di rectl y of i ntended to atmosph ere to I S0 61 82- 4: 993(E) rated pressu re to pressu re: worki ng at whi ch Maxi mu m a qu i ck-openi ng devi ce servi ce i s i ntended operate 3 If an d than servi ce pressu re: i nl et to a dry vi ce an d the pi pe dry Stati c val ve pi pe water wh en val ve the are pressu re at qui ck- openi ng i n the ready the devi ces de- to the dry of 20 mm condi ti on qu i ck- open i ng as defi ned i n devi ce: Accel erator an d or exhau ster respecti vel y ance wi th shal l not ch amber: hol di ng system r devi ce pressu re u pon a Ch amber suffi ci ent pressuri zed rate of l oss of system r pressure 4 i nternal 4 Leakage of are qui ck-openi ng wi th a connecti on in excess in accord- assembl ed exposu re of l ess pi pework the water comparabl e of pu rposes) test from fl ow devi ce the devi ce(s) throu gh a 20 m m an d covers of a devi ce materi al equi val ent to bodi es havi ng cast an d covers a corrosi on shal l resi stance i ron Requ i remen ts Rated Wh en in i nternal worki n g the bar shal l for cordance or mi n wi th operati ng i ntended wi thstand to a wi thout condi ti on, devi ce retai n pneu mati c l eakage Th e I S0 wh en al l di mensi on thi s i s not system r pressu re of tested in ac- 4 Th e l ecti ng shal l normal the not fi ed in Th e Al l parts devi ce an d l eakage of a qui ck-openi ng subj ect hydrostati c pressu re mi n, of an d twi ce wh en a) an anti fl oodi ng shal l the of l eakage i n accordance Materi al s Al l b) an d as shal l be sui tabl e determi ned in for thei r accordance i ntended wi th to Th e gaskets an d seal s, resi stance to of shal l non-metal l i c parts, be eval u ated deteri orati on due to nent absorpti on; fastener, n eg - of any tensi l e the the worki ng pressu re gasket, strength wh en rated on excl udi ng the basi s i s used, extendi ng edg e “0’ ‘-ri ng of the of agei ng; of the Wh ere shal l speci val ve is pressu re be cal cul ated the out area to of a l i ne force ap- defi ned by bol ts; or ri ng is gasket that “Off-ri ng normal l y erati on practi cabl e, can shoul d be be i s u sed, extendi ng the out area to the or gasket for empl oyed i t cannot by the respecti vel y, an y compo- duri ng be ser- reassembl ed usi ng al l parts onl y tool s trade di aphragms 000 of to di sassembl e repl acement an d duri ng that desi gn di sassembl ed be possi bl e fi el d Spri ngs the normal l y su ch I t shoul d i ntended an d seal appl i cati on whi ch ru pture water of Compon en ts vi ci ng sui tabi l i ty may compress 898- 2, the gasket i s that force wrongl y I S0 ti mes face i nner i f an materi al s to mi n i mu m an d of appl i cati on centrel i ne appl i cati on exi st standards or wi th of the 898-l to i f a ful l the worki ng nati onal l oad requi red exceed I S0 area desi gn force pl i cati on wi thstand rated evi dence tested form these as fol l ows: pressu res wi thout di storti on test devi ce worki ng pressu re for perman en t to appropri ate, shal l wh ere an d an Stren gth Standards be used pressuri zed of al l connecti ons I nternati onal Wh ere of a qui ck-openi ng devi ce pressu re to pressu res adj u stment compon ents anti fl oodi ng - devi ces, di ameter, Qu i ck-openi ng mad e 4 - body gaskets poi nt j oi nti ng system a fi re than openi ng at l east a pi pe of the or to exceed Bodi es be val ve other a mel ti ng wi th actu ates a qui ck- openi ng whi ch for anti fl oodi ng pi pe subj ected di ameter than wi th constructi on and/or be materi al s, or metal s “C (other i n the shal l seal s, 800 u sed non-metal l i c pi pe an d shal l 000 wh en not cycl es tested fracture of n ormal i n accordance or opwi th - physi cal deteri orati on associ ated wi th the above condi ti ons in accordance compon en ts shal l wi th ag ed be capabl e subj ected componen t to the in of to 3 accordance demonstrati ng appropri ate wi th A devi ce performance to wi th 3 Th ere shal l of d amag e to the testi ng the for be no seal i ng si gn, on el ements operati onal vi sual of the requi rements exami nati on, devi ce of to the after wh en test i n cl au se for that pri ate Press fi t bu shi ngs requ i rements of I S0 shal l 49 form appro- IS0 61 82-4:1 993(E) 4.5.5 Where rotation or sliding motion is required, the part and its bearing shall be made of corrosionresistant material 4.6.2 There shall be no warping, creep or other signs of deterioration which may preclude the proper operation of the device There shall be no cracking of any component 4.5.6 Any non-reinforced elastomer sealing element, other than gaskets, shall have the following properties when tested in accordance with 6.3.3 and the appropriate clauses of IS0 37: a) maximum set of mm when 25 mm tong marks are stretched to 75 mm, held for min, and measured after release; and b) either: minimum tensile strength 00 bar (1 MPa) ) and minimum ultimate elongation 300 % (25 mm to 00 mm), or 2) minimum tensile strength 50 bar (1 MPa) and minimum ultimate elongation 200 % (25 mm to 75 mm), and after exposure to oxygen for 96h at (70 -t 1,5) “C and 20 bar (2,0 MPa), c) the tensile strength and ultimate elongation shall not be less than 70 % of the corresponding properties of specimens which have not been heated in oxygen, and change in hardness shall not be greater than type A durometer units; and after immersion in distilled water at (97,5 f 2,5) “C for 70 h, d) the tensile strength and ultimate elongation shall not be less than 70 % of the corresponding properties of specimens which have not been heated in water and the change of volume of the specimens shall not be greater than 20 % 4.7 Clearances 4.5.7 A reinforced elastomeric sealing element (of clapper, clapper assembly or seat seal) shall be capable of being flexed without cracking or breaking and shall have a change in volumetric expansion not greater than 20 % when tested in accordance with 6.3.3 4.6 Non-metallic components (excluding gaskets and seals) 4.6.1 After ageing of its non-metallic parts as described in 6.3.1 and 6.3.2, a quick-opening device shall meet the requirements of 4.9 when tested in accordance with 6.5 and 6.6 Separate samples shall be used when testing in accordance with 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 Clearances shall be provided between and between stationary and moving corrosion or deposits of foreign matter sembly will not render a quick-opening gish or inoperative moving parts parts so that within an asdevice slug- 4.8 Protection of orifices Orifices shall be protected from clogging and, when tested in accordance with 6.7, debris shall not pass through any antiflooding device, if provided 4.9 Gauge connection A connection shall be provided to the upper chamber (holding chamber) of a quick-opening device for a suitable pressure gauge which will facilitate the detection of a clogged pressure-equalizing orifice 4.1 Operation A quick-opening device shall operate a specific dry pipe valve when the rate of system air pressure drop exceeds a specific rate as a result of the operation of one or more sprinklers, at all water supply pressures from ,4 bar to the maximum working pressure, therefore hastening the operating time of the dry pipe valve as verified by testing in accordance with 6.6 4.1 Maintainability A quick-opening device (and its associated antiflooding component, if provided) shall be designed to permit cleaning and maintenance without the use of special tools which shall be demonstrated by testing in accordance with 6.7 4.1 Equilibrium time It shall be established that the device does not exceed the criteria specified in 6.8 Production testing and quality control It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer to implement a quality control programme to ensure that his production continuously meets the requirements of this part of IS0 61 82 in the same manner as the originally tested samples Every quick-opening device manufactured shall pass an aerostatic test at a minimum of 3,5 bar IS0 61 82-4:1 993(E) Every quick-opening device manufactured shall pass a test of operation which verifies correct function with the results recorded against each quick-opening device serial number Performance tests 6.1 General Representative samples of each quick-opening device shall be subjected to the tests described in these requirements 6.2 Metallic materials, components 6.3.2 Warm water ageing for non-metallic components (excluding gaskets and seals) See 4.6 Immerse four samples of each component in tap water at (87 f 2) “C for 80 days For parts which are occasionally exposed to water when the device operates, the test shall be conducted for a duration of only days Remove from the water and allow to cool to room temperature for examination If a material cannot withstand the temperature indicated without excessive softening, distortion or deterioration, carry out a water ageing test at a lower temperature (but not less than 70 “C) for a longer period of time Calculate the duration of exposure D, in days, from: D = 74 857 emovosg3r See 4.5.2 where t is the test temperature, in degrees Celsius NOTE See note Examine the component for cracking and warping, creep or other signs of deterioration which may preclude the proper operation of the device 6.3 Non-metallic components 6.3.3 Elastomeric sealing element tests Reinforced elastomeric sealing element test See 4.5.7 Subject samples of a spring and a diaphragm employed in a quick-opening device to 000 and 000 cycles respectively of normal operation The tests shall be conducted at a rate not exceeding cycles per 6.3.1 Air-oven ageing for non-metallic components (excluding gaskets and seals) See 4.6 Age four samples of each component in an air oven at (1 20 f 2) “C for 80 days Support the components so that they not touch each other or the sides of the oven Remove the samples from the oven and allow to cool in air at (23 f 2) “C and relative humidity (50 f 5) % for not less than 24 h before carrying out any test, measurement or examination If a material cannot withstand the temperature indicated without excessive softening, distortion or deterioration, carry out an air-oven ageing test at a lower temperature (but not less than 70 “C) for a longer period of time Calculate the duration of exposure D, in days, from D= 737 000 eso*o6g3 where t is the test temperature, in degrees Celsius NOTE This equation is based on the “C rule, i.e for every “C rise, the rate of a chemical reaction is approximately doubled When applied to plastic ageing, it is assumed that the life at a temperature, t, in degrees Celsius, is half the life at (t- 0) in degrees Celsius Examine the component for cracking and warping, creep or other signs of deterioration which can preclude the proper operation of the device Measure the volume of reinforced elastomer sealing ‘elements and identify each sample Expose six samples to an atmosphere of oxygen at a pressure of 20 bar for 96 h at 70 “C Submerge the remaining six samples in boiling distilled water for 70 h; remove the samples and allow to cool to room temperature Measure the volume of each sample before bending each through an arc of 80” three times Non-reinforced elastomeric sealing element test See 4.5.6 Prepare test specimens in accordance with IS0 37 Use four to satisfy the test requirements in either 4.5.6 b) ) or 4.5.6 b) 2) and four to satisfy each of the test requirements in 4.5.6 a), 4.5.6 c) and 4.5.6 d) 6.4 Pneumatic static pressure The quick-opening device shall have all external parts blanked off, except one which will enable the whole device to be pressurized pneumatically at bar for The device shall be assessed in accordance with 4.1 Leakag e an d deformati on test If the dty pressu re Th ere shal l suri zi ng venti ng be be the a connecti on down stream the r an d hydrostati cal l y rated worki ng a peri od of 6 pressuri zi ng pressure, wi th hydrostati cal l y not l ess devi ce devi ce to shal l be shal l not exceed of for assessed in of tests are , bar, tests unti l the rated pressu re in bar the pl us i s the Repeat i ncrement, cordance pressu re 000 condu cted each on e fi fth tank openi ng is of to the be set water the uti l i zed ti me of the shal l dry the pi pe At of h ave the tests val ue of entrance pressure or if each pressu re pi pi ng in acai r Th e a capaci ty of at shal l not an d exceed s N OTES An 000 I ori fi ce wi th capaci ty equ i val ent a K r to fi gu re factor of pressu re 80 tank For K factor, in see I produ ce the be i s provi ded, cl eaned to devi ce cm3 seeds of mm wi de of organi c approxi mate from between at the matter, tests from l arge en d pi pi ng of a qu i ck-openi ng debri s maki n g i ts way throu gh erati on of the dry pi pe val ve Repeat above tests a curve standard rou n d mm usi ng the 60 200 mm to the cm3 the or, qui ck- 20 40 Ti me (s) - Fi gu re 1 80 sunfl ower thi ck, si mul ate system mad e toothpi ck, approxi matel y 220 240 l ong by in the l oosened du ri ng op- pressure of wood en be aerati on requ i red 00 as mm at bar water shal l poi nted i nto by devi ce seg men ts i n di ameter, such di mensi ons I 80 between devi ce al l owed 60 qui ck-openi ng debri s provi ded, shal l i f provi ded adj usted remove - Operati on al l owed 40 the or devi ce is debri s devi ce, wh en pressu re 20 r between of the dry pi pe I n al l tests, anti fl oodi ng Th e wi th a ti mes be permi tted seg men ts I S0 61 82-I - N o operoti on combi n ati on wi l l bar ti me an d the tri ppi ng anti fl oodi ng devi ce anti fl oodi ng Pl ace l east of r rel ease val ve before the i ni ti al fi gure start no to four the not I t shal l openi ng whi ch- the system cu rve between r shal l test throu gh shal l I ni ti al r pressure pressure each pass devi ce of bar a water however, from decay at tri p then test I f an anti fl oodi ng pressures i s reached recommen d ed r water i ncrements i ni ti al I n n o case, exceed wi th wi th further pressu re test rel ease I Th e then worki ng hi gher r pressu re 30 be manu factu rers ever the to bar an d not s Cl oggi n g not Th e does tests, the 24 bar Operati onal val ve bar shal l twi ce than pi pe the bar r pressu re reach i n g pres- a mean s Th e i nternal l y but Th e an d fl ui d pressuri zed mi n accordance for connecti on in by toothpi ck cutti ng approxi matel y mm l engths a I S0 61 82- 4: 993(E) Equ i l i bri u m ti me test the b) di sti ncti ve nati on Su bj ect a qu i ck-openi ng vi ce, i f separate, ch amber, 3, to devi ce havi ng a constant r bar r i s admi tted the ti me to pressu re See to establ i sh hol di ng an d a restri cted pressu re the a anti fl oodi ng ori fi ce i nl et of of the pressu re ch amber an d shal l of not bar test cl sampl e, in d) the rated the di recti on words the worki ng Mou n t the etc the devi ce test qui ck-openi ng but pri med wi th the wi th water devi ce body wi th openi ngs seri al an d m2, central l y vol u me devi ce ture of beneath Measu re i ti oned I gni te or devi ce i n the a peri od 800 of not l ess Pl ace tray the from fuel exti ngui sh and, the the “C an d after fi re wi th an average 900 after than “C arou n d the tempera- a thermocou pl e surface of the mi n Cool the l ast of of three wi th manu factu re arrow manu factu re; mon ths the or the devi ces a cal endar year produ ced year may as the date of requi red in year of fol l owi ng Devi ces of a cal endar previ ous Th e 4, marki ngs devi ce mm i n the hi gh an d form as the i n the be marked fi rst wi th manu factu re of l etters preferabl y I f a manufcturer an d anti fl oodi ng factory, cast pos- of produ ces devi ces, shal l be i ncl uded an d fi gures at l east or pressed devi ce shal l the produ ct may a parti cul ar qui ck-openi ng i f separate, each by whi ch temperatu re by an a suffi ci ent to gi ve mi n or year the may be marked the the “C i s reached I O mm , the the fuel of between for 800 su rface area of of a sui tabl e r temperatu re the tray, in date on the fi re i ndi cated “outl et”; year a fl ow an d i n an operati ng condi ti on Posi ti on pressure; n u mber si x mon ths an d fi tti ngs seal ed as i f i t were of “i nl et” produ ced seal s, desi g- mi n exceed e) Fi re exposu re catal ogue After n u mber, equi val ent; de- hol di ng bar model or the have devi ces at more than a di sti ncti ve be i denti fi ed on e marki ng as the product factory devi ce remove devi ce the by fi re tray i mmersi ng I nstructi on charts an d tri m i n water Ch eck that I SS~ the tti i the devi ce the assembl y to worki ng an operates i nternal freel y hydrostati c an d ful l y pressure an d of pressure I nstructi ons Th e the val ve expl n Gaskets an d seal s may be Marki n g Each vi ce, qui ck-openi ng i f separate shal l the n ame vendor; or an d be suppl i ed i ncl ude an wi th each i l l ustrati on cross-secti on assembl y devi ce sh owi ng vi ews to operati on devi ce an d be marked wi th: anti fl oodi ng Th e for care for setti ng trademark of the manu factu rer i nstructi on an d shal l mai ntenance the devi ce i ncl ude an d an d shal l recommendati on s detai l the cl eani ng of any mad e the meth od debri s deProvi si ons devi ce a) tri m shal l repl aced shal l i nstructi ons or pai rs tem tri m can for be protecti on shal l be i sol ati ng mad e the wi thout in devi ce in el i mi nati ng qu i ck-openi ng order that spri nkl er resys- I S0 61 8241 993( E) U DC 61 844 2: 621 646 Descri ptors: performance Pri ce based fi re protecti on, eval uati on, on pages tests, fi re equ i pment, fi re performance tests, exti ngui shi ng marki ng i nstal l ati on, au tomati c equi pment, spri nkl ers, fi re val ves, speci fi cati ons,

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:06