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0 International Standard (@ *4g!b 3511/3 ,NTERNAT,ONAL ORGANIZATION +Ot? sTANDARoIzATIONoME)I(nYHAPO~HA~ OPrAHtI3AUMR no CTAH~APT~3AUM~*ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Process measurement control functions and instrumentation - Symbolic representation Part 3: Detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagrams Fonctions et instrumentations pour la mesure et la kgulation des processus industriels Partie 3: Symboles d&aill& pour /es diagrammes d’interconnexion d’instruments First edition UDC Descriptors - - Reprkentation - 1984-07-01 744.43 : 62-52 : 003.62 : technical symbolique drawings, graphic Ref symbols, measuring instruments, control devices, control No ISO3511/3-1984(E) functions Price based on 19 pages Foreword IS0 (the International national standards Organization bodies (IS0 Standards is carried interested in a subject out through right to be represented and non-governmental, Draft International the member the IS0 for Standardization) is a worldwide federation member bodies) The work of developing IS0 technical for which a technical on that committee committees committee Every member has been authorized International of International organizations, body has the governmental in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work Standards adopted by the technical committees bodies for approval before their acceptance are circulated as International to Standards by ISO/TC 10, Council International Technical Standard drawings, IS0 3511/3 was developed by Technical and was circulated It has been approved by the member to the member bodies of the following Australia India Austria Belgium Netherlands Germany, The member technical F R body of the following countries: Sweden Switzerland New Zealand Poland Spain Finland Committee bodies in July 1983 United Kingdom USA USSR country expressed disapproval of the document on grounds: Italy This part of IS0 3511 was developed mentation by sub-committee 3, Graphicalsymbols The symbols are intended to be used to represent functions forinstru- and, in special cases, equipment on technical drawings such as schematic diagrams or process flowdiagrams However, this field of engineering is closely related to electrical instrumentation dealt with by IEC/TC close coordination 65 or in part by IEC/SC 3A For this reason there has been in a joint working group and the results were accepted of IS0 and IEC International Printed Organization in Switzerland for Standardization, 1994 l by members IS0 INTERNATIONALSTANDARD 3511/3-1984 (E) Process measurement control functions and instrumentation - Symbolic representation Part 3: Detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagrams Introduction This International Standard has been universal means of communication involved in the design, manufacture, of measurement devised to provide a among the various interests installation and control equipment and operation Scope and field of application This part of IS0 3511 specifies instrument interconnection maintenance diagrams symbols for use on used for the design, installation, of process measurement used in the process inThese detailed symbols are not normally intended dustries that Requirements recognition within the industries vary of this, this International considerably; Standard in is presented in use the IS0 351112 four parts as follows: those employing comparatively towards the needs of simple measurements and symbols However, between information (directed functional given the symbols for drawings in IS0 3511 /l specified IS0 3511 show, by detailing the components, nections Part : Basic requirements and and control systems and in this part of the external con- units of equipment on the internal connections included, but references diagrams may be provided in units is not normally to the appropriate circuit or wiring control means) When Part 2: Extension Part 3: Detailed of basic requirements symbols for part, instrument an instrument the different interconnection The dimensions shared display/control functions interface, and of the symbols a) meet the requirements ing more sophisticated may wish to techniques means depict - hydraulic, to: of those who, such possibly employ- and control aspects as the in a particular pneumatic, means, measurement instrument, electrical, or the mechanical - used for its actuation; b) provide standard measurement symbols electrical symbolic control functions are not intended equipment Recommended to replace graphical symbols; 1) At present at the stage of draft 2) This rule has been adopted tion of graphical symbols representation for process and instrumentation as contained provisionally used on technical provided the to this part of stated, contact symbols should be shown open measure’ment embodied according IS0 3511.2) 11 are intended for example, are unspecified, ratio of the side lengths is maintained If not otherwise The four parts together of more than one functional may be combined, recorder controller diagrams Part 4: Basic symbols for process computer, is composed symbols graphic graphical may employ single line or multi-line with, or replaced representa- by tables, pro- viding clarity is maintained For further assistance, tion of interconnection see IEC Publication diagrams 113 Part 5, Prepara- and tables Definitions These symbols in IEC Publication The diagrams tion and may be combined for 117, symbols until such time as technical The following definitions this part of IS0 3511, standing committee are used solely for the purposes to assist in the application of and under- of the symbol system ISO/TC 10 prepares an International Standard for the representa- drawings IS0 3!511/3-1994 2.1 point (E) of measurement: a measurement The point in a process at which 2.6 actuating element: That which adjusts the correcting is or may be made part of the correcting element, for example unit a response to a signal from the controller 2.2 instrument: directly or variable A device or combination indirectly to measure, display of devices and/or This term does not apply to internal the instruments, for example used control components a of 2.7 panel-mounted mounted element: That part of the correcting unit conditions resistor or receiver bellows 2.8 2.3 correcting which directly adjusts the value of the correcting instrument: in a group normally An instrument that is alarm a defined and/or accessible to the operator : A device which is intended to attract attention abnormal condition by means of a discrete to audible visible signal, but which does not itself institute correc- tive action 2.4 locally mounted instrument: An instrument that is not 2.9 panel-mounted set value : The value of the controlled the controller 2.5 correcting (actuating ditions, unit: The and correcting) unit comprising which adjust those to which elements the correcting in response to a signal from the controller condition is set con- 2.10 interconnection connections between diagram the different : Diagram representing the units of an installation Symbols Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No .l Instruments l.l Non-converting instruments Examples : indicators, recorders, counters l.l.l Basic symbol Preferred ratio of sides : i.l.l.l.l Basic symbol with connections Terminals may be placed on any basic symbol Indicator Arrow points upwards to left Analogue indicator Digital indicator Recorder Analogue recorder Digital recorder Counter Symbol - I State number of records if more than one I I IS0 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No Measuring point selection switch State lelectrical) number lfor example, of measuring Measuring point selection valve State number (for example, (gas or liquid) points -I- 12 points) of measuring points) 12 points 9- I Switch Position for alarm signal or initiator Input = = Left Right If symbol is turned control v I = = Upper Manual minimum maximum 90”, Lower S.1.1.8 minimum maximum station I Manual control station or remote/local 1.1.2 Converting Basic symbol (E) Symbol El L1.1.6 3511/3-1994 with hand/auto switch @a3 El Examples: relays instruments Preferred transmitters, controllers, ratio of sides : n L1.2.1.1 Basic symbol with Terminals connections may be placed on any basic symbol L1.2.2 Controller, The apex of the inscribed closed-loop output-signal shall be 90° V is on the side The apex angle El L1.2.3 When symbol is turned, the arrow indicating the direction of output action shall remain in the vertical up position Controller with increasing input signal giving increasing output signal t La Controller giving with decreasing increasing output input signal signal When symbol is turned, the arrow indicating the direction of output shall remain in the vertical down position action r q El Ratio controller `,,,,,`,```,,`,,`,```,,,````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - IS0 3!511/3-1984 (E) 1.2.6 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No Converter, transmitter, transducer, etc State type and range of input output signals Symbol and PI 1.2.7 Computing State relay computing function : d +, -, x, For example, 1.2.8 X”, s- ’ dt” square root ,y etc f extractor El q Amplifier D 1.2.9 Signal memory rl - Analogue signal memory n ri Digital signal memory rl In accordance IEC Publication 1.3 Logic 1.4 Examples of instruments Indicating controller 1.4.1 elements for minimum with # with 117, Part 15 switch signal vz v?v q I?I Recorder and counter with for minimum and maximum Recording switches signal controller ;u IS0 No ;.1.4.4 Indicating controller for second Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description Recording switches signal with measured (E) Symbol recorder variable ratio controller for minimum 3511/3-19&I with and maximum c Transmitter: - Signal - ‘.1.4.8 Signal - ‘.1.4.9 input, to 250 kPa differential pressure; output, siqnal 20 to 100 kPa standard converter with output indicator: input, 20 to 100 kPa; output, to 20 mA ~ converter: input, 20 to 100 kPa: output, 20 to mA Indicator with selector for measuring points switch z -El Digital indicator maximum Oxygen ~ ~ with switch for signal transmitter: input to 10 % 0,; output to 50 mA Rate-of-change switch relay with high-rate IS0 3511/3-1964 (El No Use of equipment Description 3.2 Correcting units 3.2.1 Correcting elements Valve or explanation If type of valve is to be shown, the relevant 3.2.2 Actuating Manual Symbol of symbol IS0 symbol shall be used A vertical line shall be connected to the correcting element symbol element H actuator I Y Diaphragm actuator f Solenoid Piston actuator Preferred side relationship : Preferred side relationship : ? actuator Rotary motor actuator M Spring actuator f Float actuator L Weight actuator Centrifugal force actuator + 3.2.3 Accessories Lock-up to block movement to the left The separate to the symbol vertical line should for an actuator connect such L- as a solenoid Lock-up initially permitting movement to left and right, but which blocks return Limit to left after switch movement to right The separate vertical line should connect to the symbol such as a solenoid “Make” contact, closed for an actuator when I actuated _IEl Limit switch “Break” contact, open when actuated `,,,,,`,```,,`,,`,```,,,````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - IS0 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol No Description 2.3.5 Correcting element takes fail-safe position when actuation energy fails 3511/3-1984 Symbol Opens on failure c% Closes on failure -c% Retains position on failure &I.2.4 Examples When of correcting-unit confusion mechanical assemblies may occur and electrical between connections, a double line may be used for mechanical connections Switches be shown in non-actuated Orientation shall position of switch symbol is units with integrally optional .2.4.1 Correcting mounted 2.4.1 I switches Control valve with diaphragm actuator with integrally mounted switch actuated in valve-closed closes when (0 %) position switch Contact is actuated ( 0% /i 10 % I % B !. Control valve with integrally mounted piston actuator with switches actuated in valve-closed (0 %) position and valve-opened ( 100 % position Contacts close when switches are actuated Control valve operated by rotary motor with integrally mounted switch with two contacts, one actuated closed (0 %) and the other opened torque switches (100 o/o) position, switch Contacts are actuated in valvein valveand with close when (El IS0 3511/3-1984 (El No Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description Control valve with positioner, diaphragm and with manual Symbol actuator, operation Control valve, hand-actuated spring-actuated to open, to close Normal operating position for valve is in closed position and latched Latch is released by a solenoid when solenoid is actuated I ;,1:,{\] 3.3 Detectors and connections for detectors 3.3.1 Basic symbol for detectors Basic symbol for nozzle or boss Ratio of sides : If necessary, the letter of the measuring function may be inserted in the symbol for detector (see IS0 3511 /l) Ratio of sides : on line or vessel IJ Protecting Nozzle well for detectors or boss with well for detector B Insertion Nozzle pipe or boss with insertion pipe -$7 3.3.2 Detectors for flow and volumetric flow If necessary, function for detector Flow the letter of the measuring may be inserted (see IS0 in the symbol 3511/ 1) (general) I Volumetric Venturi flow-meter (general) This symbol must be used in conjunction with mechanical integrator, transmitter, or other functional element El tube El Flow nozzle I=1 Orifice plate F FC IS0 No Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description Variable-area meter Turbine meter Positive displacement Electromagnetic 3.3.3 Detectors Symbol meter flowmeter for temperature If necessary, function symbol 3511/3-19&I the letter of the measuring may be inserted (see IS0 in detector 3511/ 1) General I I I El El Gas filled Bi-metallic Glass thermometer El T (E) IS0 3!511/3-1984 (El Description Examples of detectors Detector and interpretation Symbol of the examples for temperature for skin-temperature measurement Nozzle with well and resistance Nozzle with temperature Nozzle with indicating Nozzle with blind bi-metallic and with well of thermocouple element detection bi-metallic by means by means of radiation thermometer and well thermometer with switch for minimum alarm Qzi # Nozzle with indicating and with well glass thermometer Nozzle with thermometer, and indicator Description Detectors for level with switch for minimum alarm v+\ R-i for example gas filled, with capillary Use of equipment or explanation of symbol If necessary, the letter Symbol of measured variable may be inserted in the dector symbol (see IS0 3511 /l ) 10 General Float Displacer El L IS0 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No Electrode - - - Electrode 3!511/3-1984 (EI Symbol (capacitive) Indicate (conductive) the number per connection, Sonic integral source Sonic separate Source source of electrodes (for example, 2) - _ and detector and detector El Detector El Radioactive source Further and detector indication of radiation as to type may be added - Source El Detector Photoelectric Source Detector Propeller Membrane Resistance, light type source and detector (diaphragm) for example strain gauge 11 IS0 3511/3-1994 Nn (E) and interoretation Descriotion 3.3.6 Examples Nozzle with of detectors float and minimum Nozzle with float and indicator Membrane Nozzles with with alarm (float switch) and indicator and displacer in chamber Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No 3.3.7 for level capillary valves Detectors Svmbol of the examoles If necessary for pressure the letter Symbol of the measured variable may be inserted in the symbol for the detector (see IS0 351111 J General Liquid-filled system bulb El Membrane type Pressure-sensitive (diaphragm) strain gauge Description No 3.3.8 Examples Nozzle with F of detectors block and interpretation of the examples Symbol for pressure valve and indicating pressure gauge ZF Nozzle with block valve and strain-gauge Nozzle pressure 12 with gauge with detector liquid-filled system IS0 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No 3.3.9 Detectors for other initiating variables General measured or See IS0 3511/l letters indicating variables and 3511/2, table the required for The letter Q may be supplemented by a further indication of the measured for quality General for nuclear I General General for gauging, position, General for weight General for other measurement Description No Examples Nozzle with of detectors W variables El 3.3.10 G or force I s or length I R for speed or frequency El radiation El and interpretation for other measuring of the examples X Symbol functions pH detector I (E) Symbol variable 3511/3-1994 pH detector mounted between flanges in process PH line +I2 PH Nozzle with valve, filter, and CO, indicator ‘\Ll co2 Speed indicator (tachometer) on turbine shaft 13 IS0 3511/3-1984 (E) No Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description 3.4 Lines 3.4.1 Process 3.4.2 Measuring Signal Symbol lines lines lines, general I When 3.4.3 it is necessary I I I to distinguish between different kinds of signal lines, notes may be added or the following lines may be applied Electric 11 General 2) Shows the number of separate electrical signal lines following Pneumatic Hydraulic Capillary Conducted (E) fL the same route /,I 11, 11, 11, h I \ h I, I L I L ” ” /# I, $I I, (Al (L) Example: radio waves in wave visible light in optical fibres radiation 3.5 Auxiliary 3.5.1 Miscellaneous Reducer: differential Reducer, hand-adjusted guide, devices pressure valve A Ii Differential connection Filter JL pressure valve with external for reference pressure -pJ- 14 r L Combination of hand-adjustable reducer and pressure filter `,,,,,`,```,,`,,`,```,,,````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - indicator IS0 Use of equipment or explanation of symbol Description No Condensate pot, sediment trap; capacity vessel, seal pot, etc Fixed restriction Adjustable Valve Position vertically symbol horizontally as needed 3511/3-19&I (E) Symbol or - restriction Example manifold shows If required, Description No of auxiliary and interpretation a 3-valve indicate manifold internal - arrangement of the examples 3.5.2 Examples Combination flow meter of hand-adjustable differential pressure valve, and variable-area Combination flow meter, of hand-adjustable and needle valve differential pressure valve, variable-area Symbol devices `,,,,,`,```,,`,,`,```,,,````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 15 IS0 3611/3-1964 (E) Annex Example A.1 Flow of the use of graphical symbols measurement 50 mm i r -.-.- Piping L - Boundary tt Instrument Detail of switching scheme Basic svmbol 16 IS0 3511/3-1994 A.2 Temperature control (E) and alarm Electrical Electrical alarm diagram alarm diagram ‘\ J : Panel instrumentation Boundary -. _ -~ Compensating t Field instrumentation cable -1 - -t -.~ - -.- Instrument air supplyLxt - Field instrumentation Boundary /II -_- - ICI I I I I i Heat exchaq Piping 3er Basic symbol `,,,,,`,```,,`,,`,```,,,````,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 17 IS0 3511/3-1984 A.3 Wiring (El diagram PT -277 FT- 276 to 20 mm W 4to20 m lizl L /+\ d0 r -l -w37 -WfI6 -w95 NOTE 18 - Symbols may be indicated outside the device symbol only if the space is limited

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