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Tiêu chuẩn iso 01187 1983 scan

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International INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDAADIZATION.MEXJWtAPO~HAR OPTAHHBAUHR IlO CTAHAAPTH3ALWWORGANlSATlON Special wrought copper alloys - Chemical and forms of wrought products Alliages de cuivre spkiaux corroyks - Composition chimique et formes des produits INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION composition corroy&s First edition - 983-1 0-1 62 UDC 669.3.1 31 g Descriptors : copper alloys, chemical composition, I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Ref No IS0 1 87-1 983 (E) electrical properties, wrought products Price based on pages Foreword I S0 ( the nati onal i nternati onal stan dards Standards i nterested ri ght is Organi zati on bodi es carri ed ou t i n a subj ect to be represented Draft I nternati onal th e I S0 for whi ch on that bodi es) I S0 commi ttee wi th by th e before thei r Every of I nternati onal member h as been au thori zed I nternati onal al so take federati on of devel opi ng commi ttees commi ttee I SO, adopted bodi es for approval i s a worl dwi de Th e work techni cal a techni cal i n l i son Standards Standardi zati on) member th rou gh for an d non - governmen tal , th e member ( I S0 organi zati ons, body h as the governmen tal part i n th e work techni cal commi ttees acceptan ce are ci rcul ated as I nternati onal Standards to by Counci l I nternati onal Stan dard Copper copper an d I S0 1 87 was devel oped by Techni cal an d to al l oys, was ci rcul ated the Commi ttee member bodi es I SO/TC 26, i n November 881 I t h as been approved by the member countri es Germany, Brazi l Hu n g ary Sou th Bul gari a I ndi a Spai n Can ad a I tal y Swed en Ch i n a J apan Czechosl ovaki a Korea, Arab Rep of N o member body I nternati onal of whi ch expressed Stan dard i t consti tutes i nternati onal Organi zati on Pri nted i n Swi tzerl and I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Afri ca, Rep of Swi tzerl and Dem P Rep of Tu rkey Un i ted Norway USA cancel s a techni cal Roman i a F R Netherl ands di sapproval : Pol an d Fran ce Bel gi um Fi nl and of th e fol l owi ng Austri a Egypt, Thi s bodi es Ki n gdom of th e docu men t an d repl aces I S0 Recommen dati on revi si on for Standardi zati on, 993 R 1 87- 971 , IS0 1 67-1 983 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Special wrought copper alloys - Chemical composition and forms of wrought ,products Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies the chemicalcomposition of special wrought copper alloys and lists their electrical properties and the forms of wrought products in which they are currently available in commercial quantities References IS0 197, Copper and copper alloys - Terms and definitions Part : Materials Part : Wrought products IS0 1190/l, Copper and copper alloys - Code of designation - Part : Designation of materials IS0 1634, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Mechanical properties Part : Plate, sheet and strip for general purposes 1) Part : Plate and sheet for boilers, pressure vessels and condensers 1) IS0 1635, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Round tubes for general purposes - Mechanical properties 1) IS0 1637, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Rod and bar Mechanical properties 2) IS0 1636, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Wire Mechanical properties 2) IS0 6957, Wrought copper alloys - Strip for springs 1) Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the definitions given in IS0 197/l and IS0 197/3 apply Chemical composition The chemical composition of the copper alloys is given in table The composition limits not preclude the possible presence of other elements not specified If the purchaser’s requirements necessitate limits for any other element not specified, these shall be agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser Percentage content of elements shown as “remainder” is usually calculated by difference from 100 % The designations used are in accordance with the principles laid down in IS0 1190/l Electrical properties The electrical properties of these alloys, in the annealed temper at 20 OC, are given in table Forms of wrought products and mechanical properties , The forms of wrought products in which these copper alloys are available are given in table The mechanical properties for all forms of wrought products for which the symbol X is given, are defined in the following International Standards : IS0 1634/l, IS0 1634/2, IS0 1635, IS0 1637, IS0 1639, IS0 6957 I) At present at the stage of draft 2) Under revision I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n IS0 1 87-1 983 (E) Designation I CuBeI, CuBe2 , CuBeZPb Element max max -^ Table - Chemical I cu Rem Rem I Rem Be 11 ,801 ) ,80 2.1 13 I -.A Chemical co -2) -2) -3) composition composition by mass, % Mn Ni Fe Pb -2) -2) _ _ -2) -21 -3) -3) 0,2 0,6 1) - 0,20 I,4 Rem max 0,6 2,0 l,o CuNilSi Rem max I,6 I,6 CuNi2Si Rem max 2,5 Rem, CuPbl max CuSil Rem -max 0,7 68min 0,7 CuSiBMnl Rem max OS3 0,3 I,5 I) Up to but not including ,80 % (actual analysis) 2) Co + Ni : 0,20 - 0,60 % Co + Ni + Fe : 0.20 - 066 % 3) Co + Ni max 0,40 % Co + Ni + Fe max 0,6 % 4) Ni + Fe max 0,5 % 5) When the product is either for subsequent welding applications and so specified by the purchaser 0,2 % and lead max 0,02 % CuNiZBe Table - Electrical properties y,; - 0,050,035) I - Zn - 0,4 0,7 0,5 0,8 0,8 2,0 2,7 3,5 I,5 0,55) Si _ - Average density kgldm3 884 8,3 83 8.8 83 83 83 83 8.6 or to be used as welding filler, zinc shall be max at 20 OC NOTE - For specification purposes, maximum mass resistivity shall be quoted Except for alloy CuCoPBe, for which the specified value is stated to five significant figures, all values are approximate, rounded to three significant figures, and for information only The equivalent values are for guidance only and are rounded, except for the maximum volume resistivity of alloy CuCoPBe, which is given to six significant figures Equivalent values (for guidance only1 Maximum mass Minimum conductivity Maximum volume resistivity Designation resistivity Q-g m Q.mm2 % IACS m2 Sl.mm2 m 12 21 0.70 0,083 CuBel.71 ) 12 21 O,@ 0,083 CuBe21 ) 12 21 Or69 0,083 CuBQPbt) 26,1 45,0 0,337 0,038 31 CuCoZBel) 26 45 0,337 0,038 CuNiZBet) 20 35 04 0,005 CuNilSit) 17 29 0,51 0,058 CuNiZSil) 55 95 0,1 60 0,01 CuPbl2) 16 0.968 0,ll CuSil2) 2,82 0,33 CuSiBMn2) ) For the temper fully heat treated 2) For the annealed temper I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n I S0 Tabl e - Forms of wrou g h t 1 87- 983 (E) produ cts KE Y : X - mai n manu factu red ( XI - forms N OTE su ch manu factu red Wh ere a produ ct forms no symbol cannot i n smal l er quanti ti es, i s gi ven, Cu Be2 I Cu ’ Be2Pb I onl y or for speci al for that type of copper pu rposes al l oy, but i t does not necessari l y i ndi cate ( Xl I I I pu rpose X X x Rod, Condenser 00 I Extru ded Wi re profi l esl ) I (XI I I WJ I (XI I I X X X ( Xl X X ( Xl Cu Ni l Si X I X) X X I I Cu Si l Cu Si BMn l Profi l es I made by extrudi ng I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n (X) X I I I I (XI I 00 1 ( Xl or by a combi nati on of extrudi ng (XI I I X ’ Forgi ngs X ( X) 00 I bar Cu Ni ZBe Cu Pbl that Tu bes General Cu CoZBe Cu Ni ZSi 1) of i mportance Spri n gs purpose ( X) 1 General Boi l ers pu rpose I cou ntri es Stri p sheet General Cu Bel i s not consi dered i n certai n be manu factu red Pl ate, Desi gnati on the form for exampl e X ( Xl I X I I x I x I X ( X) I I I ( X) and drawi ng

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:23

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