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Tiêu Chuẩn Iso 00229-1973 Scan.pdf

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL iii ORGANIZATION FOR STANOAROIUllON~ME>KIIYHAPOIIHAI M ach i n e tool s - Fi rst ed i ti on 973-1 2-1 U DC - 621 06 Deecri pton : m ech i n e OPTAHHSAUHII IlO CTAH IIAPTW3AU~~ORGANISAl ION INTERNATIONALE Ref rotati on , DE NORMALISATION Speed s an d feed s - 85 tool s, 229 wl o ci ty, m sch i n e to o l feed s, u ti l i zeti o n , perform sn co N o I SO 229-1 973 (E) evel u eti on ? !i i? Pri ce based on peg es FOREWRD ISO of (th e I ntern ati onal n ati on al Stan d ard s In tern ati on al Mem ber to Stan dard s by th e be represen ted Borfies for Pri or to 972, Recom m end ati on s; tran sformed the i n to I SO/TC tran sformati on Recomm en dati on 39 of fed erati on d evel opi n g Comm i ttees Comm i ttee i n tern ati on al Everv has been set org an i zati on s, ISO, al so take part i n th e work by th e Tech ni cal th ei r Comm i ttees acceptance are ci rcu l ated as In tern ati on al h as of th e Tech n i cal d ocu men ts Stan d ard s revi ewed ISO In tern ati on al are As Com m i ttees now part in of the th i s Recom men d ati on Stan d ard ISO 229 were publ i sh ed process of process, R 229 and th erefore bei n g Tech n i cal fou n d it repl aces ISO R 229-1 961 Recomm en dati on Th e these In tern ati on al Comm i ttee ISO work ISO Tech n i cal i n l i son wi th before Th e a Tech n i cal on th at Comm i ttee resul ts of th e work su i tabl e for cou n tri es th rou g h approval i s a worl dwi de Bedi es) ISO Cou nci l as ISO ou t Stan d ard s ad opted Mem ber Stan d ard i zati on ) Mem ber i n a subj ect for wh ich and n on -g overn m en tal , I n ternati on al th e for (ISO i s carri ed i n terested up has th e ri g h t Draft i nsti tu tes Stan dard s Bod y govern m en tal to Org an i zati on R 229 was approved by th e Mem ber Bodies of th e fol l owi n g : Bel giu m G erm an y Rom ani a Burma Hu n g ary Sou th Czech osl ovaki a Ital y Swed en Denmark Pakistan Swi tzerl an d Fi n l and Phi l i ppi nes Un ited Fran ce Poland U S S.R Mem ber Borl ies Recom men d ati on of th e on techn i cal fol l owi ng coun tri es expressed Afri ca, Rep of Ki n gd om d i sapproval of the g rou n d s : Netherl and s USA.’ Th e Mem ber ISO/R 229 Bod y of the fol l owi n g i n to an In tern ati on al Uni ted l Su bseq u en tl y,th i s M em ber B od y In tern ati on al Org an i zati onfor Pri n ted i n Swi tzerl an d cou n try Stan d ard d i sapproved : Ki n g d om approved Stan d ard kati on th e Recom m en d ati on 973 l th e tran sform ati on of INTERNATIONAL ISO 229-1 973 (E) STANDARD Machine tools - Speeds and feeds SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard specifies the Speeds (number of revolutions or strokes per minute) and the feeds (in millimetres or in inches, per minute, per revolution, or per stroke) of machine tools working by removal of metal and driven directly by an electrical motor lt is not applicable, for obvious technical reasons, to machines with continuous Speed variations, feeds for thread forming, etc 2.2 The permissible limits for the actual valueo have been determined not from the basic values, but from the corresponding theoretical values of the geometric series with ratio ‘“xfiii The limits of tolerante, compared with these theoretical values, are given in table TABLE - Limits of tolerantes Tolerante % rolrmmo % f0rm-b GENERALITIES number of wolutions or strokes per minute for foeds millimetres per minute inches per minute inches millimetres per per revolution revolution or per stroke or per strok 2.1 The basic values of the speeds, as well as those of the feeds, are taken from the R 20 series of preferred numbers (See ISO 3) ISO 229-1 973 (EI 2.3 The adoption of percentage limits, slightly different according as the feed is expressed either in millimetres or in inches, is justified by the necessity to make the prescribed limits coincide, whatever the unit of measurement used (So as to achieve this condition in a more precise way, the limits in inches have been directly converted from the limits in millimetres.) SPEEDS 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply : 3.1 speeds : The spindle Speeds per minute the spindie of the machine lt is the sum of an electrical tolerante of + z%and a mechanical tolerante of approximately z % Table gives : - in columns and : the limits of the actual values, corresponding to the prescribed tolerante (total tolerante) : electrical + mechanical; - in columns and : the limits for calculating the mechanical tolerante TABLE - Speeds : number Of rWOhJtiOnS or strokes per minute under Load of 3.1.2 basic value: The value shown on the plate of the machine and used for calculating cutting times 3.1 actual value: The value, which must lie within the limits of the prescribed tolerantes, conventionally given by the formula : NC spindle Speed under load = spindle Speed without load XN” where N, is the Speed of the motor, under load, inscribed on the plate; N, is the Speed of the motor, measured with the machine running without load Basic values The complete range of basic values for the Speeds of a machine tool shall include only values taken from the R 20 series of preferred numbers, as shown in column of table 2, or from their decimal multiples or submultiples Provided that this condition is satisfied, the scaling is left free and the values may be Chosen so as to meet the requirements of the machine tool Basic value R 20 Limits corresponding to the total tolerante : electricel + mechenical -2+ % approximately Limits for calculrting the mechanical tolerancel ) -2+ % approximately maX max 100 112 125 140 160 98 110 123 138 155 106 119 133 150 166 98 110 123 138 155 103 116 130 145 163 180 2cla 224 174 196 219 188 212 237 174 196 219 50 46 66 46 280 276 299 276 183 206 231 259 290 315 365 400 450 500 310 348 390 438 491 335 376 422 473 531 310 348 390 438 491 326 365 410 460 516 560 630 710 800 900 551 618 694 778 596 669 750 842 945 551 618 694 778 579 650 729 818 918 3.3 Tolerantes The actual values of the Speeds, checked as indicated above, shall lie within the limits of the total tolerante Compared with the theoretical numbers in the geometric this total tolerante is series with ratio “~6, approximately equal to lt For the calculation of the transmission ratio of the driving equipment, the Speed at the input is taken as lower by % than the synchronous Speed of the motor (The quotient of the Speed at the input by each of the two tabulated limits gives the extreme values of the transmission ratio.) g % of the value To extend the table upwards or downwards, divide or multiply the given values by 10 or a power of 10 1000 73 980 060 73 980 030 ISO 229-1 973 (EI 4.1 It is the sum of FEEDS an electrical tolerante of about + i %, and of Definitions For the purposes of this following definitions apply : International Standard, a mechanical tolerante equal about to : the + z % for feeds in millimetres per minute, 4.1 feeds : Either the feed per minute under Load if the feed mechanism is directly driven by the motor, or the feed per revolution (or per stroke), if it is driven by the spindle 4.1 bade value : The value shown on the plate of the machine and used for calculating cutting times 2”% for feeds in inches per minute Table gives, in millimetres, and table in inches - in columns and : the limits of the actual values, corresponding to the tolerante specified (total tolerante : electrical i- mechanical), 4.1 actual value: The value which must lie within the limits of the prescribed tolerantes a) In the case of feed by minufe, convention, by the formula : in columns and : the limits for calculating the mechanical tolerante of the feed per minute (coinciding with the limits of the actual values corresponding to the tolerante specified below for the feed per revolution (or per stroke)) it is given, by feed under load = feed without load x$- Y where 4.4 Nc is the Speed of the motor under load, indicated on the plate; N, is the Speed of the motor, machine running without load measured with the b) In the case of feed per revolytion is not related to the motor 4.2 - (or per strokel, it Tolerantes on the feed per revolution (or per stroke) The actual value on the feed per revolution (or per stroke) shall Iie within the minimum and maximum limits shown in columns and of table 3, for millimetres, and of table 4, for inches, which correspond only to the mechanical tolerante of the gearbox, since the feed per revolution (or per stroke) is independent of the motor NOTE - The resulting fead per minute, which is the product of the feed per revolution (or per stroke) and the Speed per minute, may vary by the combined action of the tolerantes on these last two factors, Basic values The complete range of basic values for the feeds of a machine tool shall include only values taken from the R 20 series of preferred numbers, as shown in column of table 3, or their decimal multiples or submultiples between and - 96 and + %, if the feed is expressed in millimetres, between - % and + %, if it is expressed in inches Provided that this condition is satisfied, the scaling is left free and the values may be Chosen so as to meet the requirements of the machine tool 4.3 Tolerantes on the feed independently of the spindle) per minute (driven The actual value of the feed per minute, checked as indicated above, shall lie within the limits of the total tolerante Compared with the theoretical numbers in the geometric “m, series with ratio approximately equal to : this total tolerante IS T % for feeds in millimetres per minute, g % for feeds in inches per minute ISO 229-1 973 (EI TABLE - Feeds in inches TABLE - Feeds in millimetres 8wic valua R 20 Feeds per mitwatet) Feeds per rewolution (or per stroke12) Limits of the tolerante -2+ % approximately Limits of the tolerante -2+ % approximately Basic valuc R 20 Feeds per mittute’) Feeds per revolution (or per strokej2) Limits of the tolerante -3+ % approximately Limits of the tolerante -3+ % approximately max max nlaX max 1 1.12 14.25 1.4 0.98 ,lO 1.23 1.38 1.55 1.06 1.19 1.33 1.50 1.68 0.98 1,lO 1.23 1.38 1.55 1.03 1.16 1.30 1.45 1.63 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.066 0.063 0.038 0.043 0.048 0.054 0.061 1.74 1.96 2.19 2.46 2.76 1.88 2.12 2.37 1,83 2.99 1.74 1.96 2.19 2.46 2.76 2.31 2.59 2.90 0.071 0.080 0.090 O.ltnl 0.112 0.068 0.077 0.086 0.097 0.109 0.074 0.083 0.093 0.105 0.118 0.068 0.077 0.086 0.097 0.109 0.072 0.081 0.090 0.102 0.115 3.15 365 4.5 3,lO 3.48 3.90 4.38 4.91 3.35 3.76 4.22 4.73 5,31 3.10 3.48 3.90 4.38 4.91 3.26 3.65 4.10 4.60 5.16 0.125 0.140 0.166 0.180 0.200 0.122 0.137 0.154 0.172 0.193 0.132 0.148 0.166 0.186 0.209 0.122 0.137 0.154 0.172 0.193 0.128 0.144 0.162 0.181 0.203 5,6 5.51 6.18 5.96 5.51 6.18 5.79 6.50 7.29 8.18 9.18 0.224 0.250 0.280 0.315 0.355 0.217 0.243 0.273 0.306 0.344 0.235 0.263 0.295 0.331 0.372 0.217 0.243 0.273 0.306 0.344 0.228 0.256 0.287 0.322 0.362 0.400 0.388 0.417 0.386 0.406 2.24 2.5 B 7.1 10 66 69 7.50 8.42 9.45 94 7.78 8.73 9.80 10.6 694 7.78 8.73 9.80 06 10.3 0.0417 0.046 0.052 0.059 0.066 1 0.038 0.043 0.048 0.054 0.061 0.040 0.045 0.051 0.057 0.064 2 1) The limits given for the actual values of feeds per minute in columns and correspond to the sum of the electrical and mechanical tolerantes The mechanical tolerence is calculated as for feeds per revolution for per stroke) from valuas in columns and 5, but, for the calculation of the transmission ratio of the driving equipment, the Speed at the input is taken as lower by % than the synchronous Speed of the motor (The quotient of the speed at the input by each of the two tebulated limits gives the extreme values of the transmission ratio.) 2) The actual limits of feed per revolution (or per stroke) in columns and correspond to a mechanical tolerante only To extend the table downwards or upwards, divide or multiply the given values by ;3 Zr a power of 10

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:01


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