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Đề thi cuối kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Trường THPT Ngô Gia Tự năm 2020-2021

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TRƯỜNG THPT NGÔ GIA TỰ KIỂM TRA CUỐI KỲ II ( NH 2020 – 2021 ) TỔ TIẾNG ANH MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 (HỆ 10 NĂM) ĐÁP ÁN LISTENING TASK 1 Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T[.]

TRƯỜNG THPT NGÔ GIA TỰ TỔ: TIẾNG ANH KIỂM TRA CUỐI KỲ II ( NH: 2020 – 2021 ) MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 10 (HỆ 10 NĂM) ĐÁP ÁN LISTENING TASK 1: Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) by ticking the correct box You will hear the recording twice Information True False  Mr Chris Green is a tour guide ( an environmentalist) Ecotourists are interested in watching wildlife without damaging nature ( In this context: destroying = damaging)  Ecotourism does not harm the environment (Female voice): So ecotourism is environment- friendly Isn’t it? Mr Green: Yes and no Many tourists have the intention of protecting wildlife, but many of their activities cause harm to the environment without their awareness  The noise from the engines of the boats disturbs the animals, and they may get tired or sleep less ( get stresses or eat less)  TASK 2: Listen to the passage and fill in the numbered blank with the missing word(s) You will hear the recording twice I have to work with computers and phones all the time in my work, either sitting in front of a (1) screen or living by the apps on my mobile I think the number of voice-to-voice phone calls has gone down a lot in the last few years, but with Facebook, Twitter, and so on, I feel sort of chained to (2) technology the entire length of the working week So when the weekend comes – and I’m afraid for me that’s Saturday morning, not Friday night – there’s nothing I like better than (3) switching off the computer, the mobile and the landline and enjoying real peace and quiet We live near to some fields and open country, and I can listen to the birds sing, go for long walks, maybe drop in at our local pub and have a drink with some of the locals It’s not exciting, I grant you, but it’s very (4) relaxing and helps me remember I’m a human being, not a part of some computerised machine Of course, by Sunday night I’m already thinking about the working week ahead, but never mind I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries, as they say Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions from to A smart board is an interactive whiteboard It can be connected to one or more laptops, PCs, tablets, or other electronic devices Smart boards are extremely useful in a classroom because they can engage students, provide interactive opportunities that a traditional whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart can't Smart boards also have touch-screen technology so you not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality You can write on a smart board with special pens which are usually provided with the board, and anything written on the board can be saved for future reference, or printed out It is great, for example, if you are doing a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates and you want to keep a record of it If you don't want to draw with the pens, you can use a keyboard and type onto a program such as Word, and have it appear on the screen for everyone to see This is great if you are doing an exercise with your class and you want everyone to be able to see the answers during the checking stage You can also run PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard These can sometimes be great for grammar or vocabulary presentations and the advantage of them is that students can make contributions If you have the Internet access, you can access websites and put them onto a white board This is great in an English classroom if you have online quizzes or games you want to use Students can actually come up to the board and select their answers This involves them directly in the board work, which they usually love In short, a smart board can make the lessons more varied, and can give students a more active role in the lesson Câu 1: The word “them” in paragraph refers to _ A answers B games C quizzes D students Câu 2: All of the following are true about a smart board EXCEPT A anything written on the board can be saved for future reference B the lessons are more diverse and students are more active C it develops students’ English skills but not computer ones D you not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality Câu 3: A smart board is more useful than a traditional board because A teachers can engage students to have lessons B it can be used instead of a whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart C it can be connected to more electronic devices D it provides more interactive opportunities Câu 4: Smart boards which have touch-screen technology are great because A you can’t a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates B you not need anything to write on it C you can write on it, save information, or print it later D you needn’t use a keyboard and type onto a program such as Word Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions to 10 Câu 5: Nowadays, a number of parents still have preference for boys girls A than B over C instead D rather Câu 6: Many plant ans animal species are now in of extinction A verge B protection C danger D margin Câu 7: Do you know the man lives in the house opposite mine? A who B which C whom D what Câu 8: The economic conditions today are they were in the past A much better B the best than C much better than D much more good Câu 9: She told me that she _ to me the Sunday before A was writing B had written C wrote D has written Câu 10: Unless we find some ways to stop people from cutting down trees, all of our rain forests _ A destroy B will destroy C are destroyed D will be destroyed Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others 11 to 12 Câu 11: A male B apply C ahead D aware Câu 12: A however B knowledge C download D allow Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 13 to 14 Câu 13: Don’t you think this is most boring film you have ever seen A Don’t B this C ever seen D most boring Câu 14: He told me read the instructions before I switched on the machine A read B before C the machine D switched Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space 15 to 18 Ecotourism is booming and many tour operators say this is helpful to nature Every year, millions of people visit protected 15 areas to observe rare species However, a new report casts doubt on this form of tourism The report, published in the journal "Trends in Ecology and Evolution", suggests that ecotourism damages more than helps nature Researchers believe tourists disrupt animals in their natural habitat They point to a recent event in Costa Rica where turtles had problems laying their eggs 16 the many tourists who had gathered on the beach to watch them The report says that ecotourism is 17 animals bolder A human presence makes animals tamer and less cautious about other animals This could put them at risk of being attacked by their natural predators, so more of them will be killed The report says that when animals interact 18 humans, "they may let down their guard” The report also says it is essential, “to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how different species in different situations respond to human visitation, and under what precise conditions human exposure might put them at risk" Câu 15: A nature B natural C naturally D naturism Câu 16: A in spite of B although C however D because of Câu 17: A changing B adapting C making D altering Câu 18: A with B of C on D for Finish each of the following sentences, beginning with the given words so that it means the same as the sentence printed before it Câu 19 You must give students enough time to finish Students must be given enough time to finish Câu 20 He doesn’t practise speaking French, so he doesn’t speak it fluently.  If he practised speaking French, he would speak it fluently.  Write a paragraph of about 100-120 words about the causes of air pollution and give advice on how to solve it Use your own ideas or the following prompts Causes Advice - burning of fossil fuels - reducing the use of fossil fuels for energy - waste in landfills - recycling and reusing products instead of throwing them away - exhaust from industrial factories - raising awareness on the problems in the public and in education

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2023, 22:02

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