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i Erosion-Corrosion Characterisation for Pipeline Materials Using Combined Acoustic Emission and Electrochemical Monitoring by Jonathan Item Ukpai Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Leeds School of Mechanical Engineering July 2014 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his own, except where work which has formed part of jointly authored publications has been included The contribution of the candidate and the other authors to this work has been explicitly indicated below The candidate confirms that appropriate credit has been given within the thesis where reference has been made to the work of others i The publications related to this work are as follows: Ukpai J.I.; Barker R.; Hu X.; Neville A.; Exploring the erosive wear of X65 carbon steel by acoustic emission method Wear, Volume 301, Issues 1-2, pp 370-382, 2013 Ukpai J.I.; Barker R.; Hu X.; Neville A.; Determination of particle impacts and impact energy in the erosion of X65 carbon steel using acoustic emission technique Tribology International Journal, Volume 65, pp 161-170, 2013 Ukpai J.I.; Barker R.; Hu X.; Neville A.; An in-situ investigation of flow-induced corrosion and erosion-corrosion degradation of X65 pipeline materials using combined acoustic emission and electrochemical techniques CORROSION/2013 paper no 2305, NACE International Conference, Orlando, FL 2013 Ukpai J.I.; Barker R.; Neville A., A combined electrochemical and acoustic emission technique for mechanistic and quantitative evaluation of erosion-corrosion and its components CORROSION/2014 paper no 4180, NACE International Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2014 All the work in the papers mentioned above is a contribution of the candidate, under the supervision of the co-authors This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement The right of Jonathan I Ukpai to be identified as Author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 © 2013 The University of Leeds and Jonathan I Ukpai i Acknowledgements I want to thank my supervisors, Professor Anne Neville and Dr Simon Hu for their kind words of advice, encouragement, guidance, exposure and for taking me round the world during conferences and symposia I also thank my colleagues, Richard Barker and Michael Bryant for answering all my numerous questions My gratitude goes to our lab technicians Ron Cellier, Graham Jakeman (of blessed memory) and Brian Leach for their assistance in the production of component parts of my research facilities and fixtures, and for constantly replenishing the laboratory consumables, and to Jacqueline Kidd and Fiona Slade for their sincere and warm administrative support I am very grateful to all the people who made enormous sacrifices of their time, energy, and resources to make this project possible I will not be able to name them one by one because of space Specifically, I thank my wife (Alice) and my kids (David, Jonathan and Michelle) for their love, patience and understanding throughout the period of the PhD study I promise to compensate you all for the fatherly love and care I denied you during my late night research activities I also thank my late father, Omezue (Chief) Ukpai Item (who did not live to see the end of this project) and Mother, Mrs Ugo Ukpai for their prayers and parental support The staff and management of Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Abuja, Nigeria, I cannot thank you enough for paying my tuition fees and maintenance allowance for three years in United Kingdom All I have to say to you is, please not relent in your good work, always keep the flag flying My gratitude also goes to the staff and management of National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Kaduna, Nigeria for all their support Above all, I say a big thank you to God almighty, for His grace, provisions, protection, good health and mercies throughout the period of this research To Him alone I give all the glory ii Abstract The prediction and monitoring of erosion and erosion-corrosion attack on oil and gas pipeline materials in service is useful for facilities design, material selection and maintenance planning so as to predict material performance accurately, operate safely, and prevent unplanned production outages Conventional methods such as failure records, visual inspection, weight-loss coupon analysis, can be time-consuming and can only determine erosion or erosion-corrosion rates when the damage has already occurred To improve on this, the acoustic emission (AE) technique combined with electrochemical monitoring was chosen and implemented in this study to investigate and characterize erosion and erosion-corrosion degradation rates of oil and gas pipeline materials (X65) under Submerged Impinging Jet (SIJ) systems in a saturated CO2 environment Measured acoustic emission energy was correlated with the mass loss from gravimetric measurement for different flow velocities and sand loadings Sand particle impacts were quantified and compared with theoretical predictions, and the associated impact energies predicted from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) were correlated with measured acoustic emission energy and mass loss The combined acoustic emission and electrochemical monitoring (involving Linear Polarisation Resistance (LPR) and Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS)) helped to simultaneously investigate the surface reactivity of the corroding materials as well as capture the sand impacts contribution during the erosion-corrosion degradation processes Results reveal that the effect of the mechanical damage which is not sensed by in-situ electrochemical measurement is adequately captured by the AE method, thus making the combined technique a novel approach for in-situ monitoring of both the electrochemical and mechanical damage contributions of erosion-corrosion degradation processes iii Contents Acknowledgements i Abstract ii Contents iii List of Figures .ix List of Tables xix Nomenclature .xx Abbreviations xxiii Chapter Introduction 1.1 Motivation .1 1.2 Aim and Objectives of Study 1.3 Statement of Novelty and Scientific Contribution 1.4 Thesis Outline Chapter Background Theory 2.1 Corrosion 2.2 Governing Mechanisms of Aqueous Corrosion .10 2.3 Corrosion Thermodynamics 12 2.4 Corrosion Kinetics 14 2.4.1 Mass Transport (Diffusion Controlled Mechanism) .15 2.4.2 Electrical Double Layer (EDL) 16 2.4.3 Charge Transfer (Activation Controlled Mechanism) 18 2.5 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion Measurement .21 2.5.1 Principles of Three-Electrode Cell 23 2.5.2 Uncertainties in Corrosion Measurement .25 2.6 Alternating Current (AC) Corrosion Measurement 25 2.7 Forms of Aqueous Corrosion Attack .30 2.7.1 Uniform Corrosion 30 2.7.2 Pitting Corrosion 31 2.7.3 Galvanic Corrosion 32 2.7.4 Flow-Induced Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion 35 iv 2.8 Summary 35 Chapter Literature Review I 36 3.1 CO2 Corrosion 36 3.1.1 Mechanisms 36 3.1.2 Controlling Factors .39 3.1.3 Mitigation .40 3.1.4 Models 40 3.1.5 Empirical Models 41 3.2 Erosion 55 3.2.1 Mechanism 55 3.2.2 Prediction 57 3.2.3 Erosion Models 57 3.2.4 Computational Techniques in Erosion Rate Prediction 64 3.3 CO2 Erosion-Corrosion 66 3.3.1 Meaning .66 3.3.2 Factors Affecting Erosion-Corrosion 67 3.3.3 Mechanisms of Erosion-Corrosion .74 3.3.4 Prediction of Erosion-Corrosion 76 3.3.5 Mitigation of Erosion-Corrosion 82 3.4 Summary 85 Chapter Literature Review II: Acoustic Emission (AE) 86 4.1 Introduction 86 4.2 Historical Background 87 4.3 Meaning of Acoustic Emission 89 4.4 Signal Processing and Analysis Techniques 92 4.4.1 Time–Domain Analysis 92 4.4.2 Frequency-Domain Analysis 93 4.4.3 Root Mean Square (RMS) 94 4.5 AE in Corrosion Prediction and Monitoring 94 4.6 AE in Erosion Prediction and Monitoring .99 v 4.7 Mechanism of Energy Transfer 100 4.8 AE in Erosion-Corrosion Prediction and Monitoring 107 4.9 Summary 110 Chapter Experimental Design, Materials and Procedures 111 5.1 Experimental Design 111 5.1.1 Centrifugal Pump .111 5.1.2 Dual Nozzle System 111 5.1.3 Two Sample Holders 111 5.1.4 Reservoir/Mixing Tank .112 5.1.5 Heating Device/Thermocouple 112 5.1.6 CO2 Tube 112 5.1.7 Acoustic Emission (AE) Hardware .113 5.1.8 Electrochemical Instruments 113 5.2 Materials .114 5.2.1 Specimen Material .114 5.2.2 Specimen Geometry and Dimensions 114 5.2.3 AE Test Cell/Specimen Holder 115 5.2.4 Sand Particle Size and Shape 116 5.3 Calibration 117 5.3.1 Flow Velocity and Sand Loading Calibration 117 5.3.2 Acoustic Emission (AE) Sensor Calibration 122 5.4 Experimental Procedures 126 5.5 AE Detection Gain Optimisation 129 Chapter Results and Discussion: Erosive Wear Investigation 135 6.1 Introduction 135 6.2 Results .135 6.2.1 Single Impingement Tests 136 6.2.2 Multiple Impingement Tests .138 6.2.3 Surface Analysis 147 6.3 Discussion 151 vi 6.3.1 Single Impingement Test 151 6.3.2 Multiple Impingement Tests .153 6.3.3 Surface Analysis 155 6.3.4 Mass Loss and AE Energy .157 6.3.5 Frequency Spectrum Analysis 160 6.4 Summary 166 Chapter Results and Discussion: Particle Impact and Impact Energy Quantification 167 7.1 Introduction 167 7.2 Understanding Particle Impact Detection and Interpretation .167 7.3 Results for Particle Impact 172 7.3.1 AE Event Count Rate 172 7.3.2 Particle Impacts Determination 175 7.3.3 Particle Impacts Comparison with Theoretical Prediction 177 7.4 Discussion for Particle Impact 180 7.4.1 AE Event Count Rate 180 7.4.2 Particle Impact Determination 181 7.4.3 Measured Particle Impact Comparison with Theoretical Prediction 183 7.5 Impact Energy Investigation .183 7.5.1 Submerged Impinging Jet (SIJ) Model .184 7.5.2 Prediction of Particle Motion and Impact Condition 187 7.5.3 Results for Impact Energy Investigation .195 7.5.4 Discussion for Impact Energy Investigation 198 7.6 Erosion Rate Estimation .199 7.7 Summary 201 Chapter Results and Discussion: Combined In-Situ AE and LPR Investigation of CO2 Flow-Induced Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion 202 8.1 Introduction 202 8.2 Results and Discussion 202 8.2.1 Flow-Induced Corrosion .202 vii 8.2.2 Erosion-Corrosion 207 8.2.3 Weight Loss and AE Energy 213 8.2.4 Main Findings 216 8.3 Summary 217 Chapter Results and Discussion: Mechanistic and Quantitative Evaluation of Erosion-Corrosion and Its Components with Combined EIS and AE218 9.1 Introduction 218 9.2 Results .219 9.2.1 Tests without Sand 219 9.2.2 Test with Sand 222 9.3 Equivalent Circuit Modelling of EIS Plots 226 9.4 Discussion 230 9.4.1 m/s Flow Velocity 230 9.4.2 Investigation of the Inductive Loop in the m/s EIS Plots 234 9.4.3 10 and 15 m/s Flow Velocities 236 9.4.4 Determination of Corrosion Rate 239 9.5 Evaluation of Erosion-Corrosion Degradation and Its Components 242 9.6 Summary 247 Chapter 10 Overview and General Discussion 248 10.1 Introduction 248 10.2 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Water wetting Hydrogen sulphide Year of development References of developer(s) 293 Appendix 2: Summary of selected CO2 corrosion semi-empirical models Input PCO2 DM DM DLM DLD Model Name IFE x x x x x T pH FR FRM SF Ptot SP WW H2S x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Year Ref 1975 1993 11 1995 12 2000 18 x x x 1991 10 CORMED x PREDICT x CASSAND x RA x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1985-991 19 1996-2000 20 1999 21 x ECE x x x x x x 2005 22 294 Appendix 3: Summary of selected CO2 corrosion mechanistic models Input PCO2 TULSA x T pH FR FRM SF Ptot SP WW H2S x x x Year Ref 1995-1998 x x x HYDROCOR x KSC x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1995 23 1998 24 x x x x OHIO x x x x x Model Name OLI DREAM x x MULTICORP x WWCORP x FREECORP x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2004-2005 29 2009 30 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1995-2001 25 1999 26 1996-2000 27 2002 28 295 Appendix 4: Summary of the governing equations of experimental methods used in erosion-corrosion studies S/N Method Governing Equation Mass Transfer Coefficient Shear Stress Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE) Rotating Disc (RD) Rotating Cage (RC) Flow Loop Jet Impingement References 115 73 73 - 40 - ( ) 41-43 where, , , and Other terms have their usual meanings [73] A comprehensive review of the range of validity of these methods with the governing equations is contained in ref [73] Corrosion rate (CR) can be calculated from shear stress as follows: And from the mass transfer as follows: 296

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