778 SECTION VI Pediatric Critical Care Neurologic be limited by the time course over which the pathophysiologic monitoring is enacted For example, the following need to be con sidered what processes[.]
778 S E C T I O N V I Pediatric Critical Care: Neurologic be limited by the time course over which the pathophysiologic monitoring is enacted For example, the following need to be con sidered: what processes occur at the time of injury, what are the subsequent epiphenomena of these events, and what are the sec ondary factors that are amenable to treatment and altered out come?46–52 Mechanisms and occur at the time of injury, and mechanism starts during the interval between the accident and arrival in the ICU, although this mechanism may, in part, be avoid able with attention to emergency care and life support Mechanisms and are processes in which treatment that is directed by inten sive care monitoring presumably has the potential for altered out come (i.e., focal brain tissue shifts and hemodynamic perfusion failure) One important issue therefore is the natural history of brain swelling and local compartment syndrome after severe head injury In persons with a TBI, intracranial hypertension occurs when there is brain swelling or a hematoma that occupies signifi cant space In persons with severe TBI and abnormalities shown with CT scans on admission, a greater than 50% chance of raised ICP exists In adults, this complication may occur in persons whose CT scans appear normal, particularly if two of the following three features are present: age older than 40 years, unilateral or bilateral motor posturing, or systolic ABP below 90 mm Hg In children, the occurrence of this complication has been ana lyzed in a UK national dataset of all 501 children receiving critical care after sustaining a severe head injury Forsyth et al.35 found that by modeling demographic, acute physiologic, and cranial imaging variables they could derive an empiric decision rule that predicted the development of raised ICP at any point during ICU admission with a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 74% (positive predictive value, 82%; negative predictive value, 63%) Overall, raised ICP was present in 25% of those undergoing inva sive monitoring Importantly, the decision rule predicted raised ICP in 20% of children not undergoing ICP monitoring Natale et al.53 have shown that the natural history of raised ICP in chil dren not requiring surgery after head injury can be as short as days However, not infrequently, it lasts for to 10 days Thus, regarding brain tissue shifts and frontal compartment perfusion failure, the potential of a postinsult therapeutic window exists, which also implies a goal for therapy directed by ICP monitoring Key References Akhondi-Asl A, Vonberg FW, Au CC, Tasker RC Meaning of intracranial pressure-to-blood pressure Fisher-transformed Pearson correlationderived optimal cerebral perfusion pressure: testing empiric utility in a mechanistic model Crit Care Med 2018;46:e1160-e1166 Avery RA, Shah SS, Licht DJ, et al Reference range for cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure in children N Engl J Med 2010;363: 891-893 Davson H, Hollingsworth G, Segal MB The mechanism of drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid Brain 1970;93:665-678 Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Bell MJ, et al Management of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury: 2019 consensus and guidelines-based algorithm for first and second tier therapies Pediatr Crit Care Med 2019;20:269-279 Lundberg N Continuous recording and control of ventricular fluid pressure in neurosurgical practice Acta Psychiatr Neurol Scand 1960;36(suppl 149):1-193 Payne S Cerebral Autoregulation: Control of Blood Flow in the Brain Switzerland: Springer; 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a predetermined pathway/guideline can expedite management • Management goals include general supportive care, termination of status epilepticus, prevention of recurrence, correction of precipitating causes, and prevention and treatment of potential complications • Common errors include underdosing the initial ASM and delay in advancing to a second-line ASM A single drug should be maximized to a high therapeutic or supratherapeutic level before adding a second or third drug • The longer seizures continue, the more difficult they are to stop with medications Early diagnosis and aggressive intervention for both convulsive and nonconvulsive seizures are essential for successful treatment • Prolonged seizures may cause selective neuronal loss in the hippocampus, cortex, and thalamus, areas rich in glutamate receptors A seizure is a paroxysmal disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) gray matter characterized by an abnormal neuronal discharge associated with a change in function of the patient It results from the excessive hypersynchronous discharge of cortical neurons in the gray matter Factors that occur commonly in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and are known to provoke seizures include fever, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, meningitis, head trauma (accidental or nonaccidental), toxin exposure, ethanol, and many other drugs (both legal and illicit) Seizures are a common pediatric entity and occur in 5% to 8% of children, with the highest risk occurring during infancy and early childhood A seizure must be differentiated from other paroxysmal events, which may include syncope, breath-holding spells, movement disorders, or hyperventilation syndrome a shorter duration of seizure activity based on two ideas: (1) the time at which a seizure should be considered abnormally prolonged (t1) and (2) the time beyond which there is risk of longterm consequences (t2) In this approach, t1 determines the time at which treatment should be considered and t2 determines how aggressively treatment should be implemented to prevent longterm consequences The ILAE committee’s proposal is that t1 5 minutes (based on the mean normal seizure duration standard deviations) and t2 of 30 minutes or longer (based on historical experimental studies and literature) Hence, by definition, this new definition takes account of the fact that the majority of tonic-clonic generalized seizures will resolve within minutes without any medication.1 Thus, it is appropriate that in adults and older children (.5 years old) SE refers to minutes or more of either continuous seizure or two or more discrete seizures between which there is incomplete recovery of consciousness.2,3 Of note, however, this new approach to defining SE lacks supportive pediatric data that would help to make recommendations in children younger than years That said, there is general agreement that seizures continuing for more than minutes should be treated, but there is a concern that overaggressive treatment may lead to avoidable morbidity, such as respiratory depression and transient need for supportive mechanical ventilation For example, the study by DeLorenzo et al (which included 91 children) compared the outcome of patients with seizures lasting 10 to 29 minutes with that of traditionally defined SE (.30 minutes).1 Almost 50% of the seizures in the 10- to 29-minute group stopped spontaneously Definition of Status Epilepticus Status epilepticus (SE) is a common pediatric neurologic emergency estimated to affect between 25,000 to 50,000 children annually; 40% of all instances of SE will occur in children younger than years The incidence of convulsive SE (CSE) in children is approximately 10 to 27 per 100,000 per year The definition of SE has undergone revisions—it was previously defined as a seizure lasting for greater than 30 minutes or recurrent seizures lasting for more than 30 minutes without the patient regaining consciousness between seizures Recent definitions of SE—such as the one from the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)—include 779 ... and literature) Hence, by definition, this new definition takes account of the fact that the majority of tonic-clonic generalized seizures will resolve within minutes without any medication.1... drug should be maximized to a high therapeutic or supratherapeutic level before adding a second or third drug • The longer seizures continue, the more difficult they are to stop with medications... abnormally prolonged (t1) and (2) the time beyond which there is risk of longterm consequences (t2) In this approach, t1 determines the time at which treatment should be considered and t2 determines