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soluble factors, and other cells Endothelial cells integrate these signals into a cohesive regulation of vascular responses The endothelium controls the vascular tone of the underlying smooth muscle cells through the production of vasodilator and vasoconstrictor mediators Endothelial cell activation in response to inflammation changes endothelial cellular physiology and alters vascular function Key words: Endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, vascular tone, coagulation, vasodilators, vasoconstrictors, leukocytes, vascular permeability, inflammation 10 26 Chapter Title Principles of Invasive Cardiovascular Monitoring CHAPTER AUTHOR MATTHEW R TIMLIN AND KENNETH A SCHENKMAN PEARLS • • To gain basic knowledge of the development of the eye To develop essential understanding how abnormalities at P Evarious A R L Sstages of development can arrest or hamper normal formation of the ocular structures and visual pathways • Hemodynamic monitoring refers to measurement of the functional characteristics of the heart and circulatory system that affect the perfusion of tissues with oxygenated blood • Hemodynamic monitoring can be performed invasively or noninvasively and can be used for diagnosis, surveillance, or titration of therapy • The central venous waveform is composed of three waves (a, c, and v) and two wave descents (x and y) • Role of Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring and pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) Invasive hemodynamic monitoring can provide the skilled intensivist with a plethora of valuable information but should still be integrated with all patient data rather than viewed in isolation Successful use of invasive hemodynamic measurements necessitates skills to obtain these measures safely with attention to the risks imposed on the patient As with any technology, the use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring is in evolution, and it is incumbent on the clinician to be familiar with developments as they arise This chapter aims to be a practical guide to the use of hemodynamic monitoring in the PICU It reviews general principles of measurement and discusses the three main types of invasive hemodynamic monitoring: CVC, arterial catheter, and PAC It addresses the indications and controversies, interpretation of waveforms, and potential complications and also reviews cardiac output (CO) monitoring and calculation of oxygen consumption and delivery New techniques coupling invasive monitoring with noninvasive devices are also discussed The specific techniques for gaining access to make these measurements are detailed in Chapter 14, which covers invasive procedures • • Since William Harvey’s observation in the early 1600s that the heart pumps blood in a continuous circuit, the function of the circulatory system has been the subject of intense scrutiny Hemodynamic monitoring refers to measurement of the functional characteristics of the heart and circulatory system that affect the perfusion of tissues with oxygenated blood in order to maintain homeostasis and to remove byproducts of metabolism Several different types of invasive hemodynamic monitoring can be used concurrently to guide management The goal of hemodynamic monitoring is to provide accurate diagnoses and to guide additional interventions to deliver improved care to the critically ill patient In his 1733 report “Statical essays: containing haemastaticks; or, an account of some hydraulick and hydrostatical experiments made on the blood and blood-vessels of animals,” Hales1 described early experiments in horses in which he used tubular devices inserted directly into arteries to measure intravascular pressures Fig 26.1 depicts Hales and an assistant in the process of these early experiments This figure also illustrates a simple method for inferring arterial versus venous placement of a vascular catheter, which can also give a quick bedside estimate of central venous pressure Frequently in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), noninvasive assessments of hemodynamics are supplemented by invasive hemodynamic measures that require entrance into the intravascular space Such invasive hemodynamic measurements include placement of central venous catheters (CVCs), arterial catheters, • • To acquire adequate information about normal anatomy of the eye and related structures and develop a strong foundation for the understanding of common ocular problems and their consequences The arterial waveform has three components: rapid upstroke, dicrotic notch, and runoff Pulse pressure variation has excellent specificity as an indicator of fluid responsiveness in many critically ill patients Cardiac output can be calculated using the Fick method or measured directly via thermodilution A pulmonary artery catheter can be used to measure cardiac output and indices of oxygen delivery and extraction Indications for Invasive Hemodynamic Measurements The three main indications for invasive hemodynamic monitoring are diagnosis, surveillance, and titration of therapy Diagnosis may include the differentiation of septic shock (through assessment of 227 ... PA, Mathie RT Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury London: Blackwell Science; 1999 48 Neary P, Redmond HP Ischemia-reperfusion injury and the systemic inflammatory response syndrome In: Grace PA, Mathie... Transplantation of autologous endothelial progenitor cells may be beneficial in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: a pilot randomized controlled trial J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:1566-1571... evolution, and it is incumbent on the clinician to be familiar with developments as they arise This chapter aims to be a practical guide to the use of hemodynamic monitoring in the PICU It reviews