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916 nous intoxication is thought to be the most likely diagnosis at the time of ICU admission Dialysis Equipment Catheter The choice of catheter has to balance between the aim of achieving an adequate[.]

L Barcat et al 916 Ammonia clearance Leucine clearance 35 35 30 30 L/h 25 L/h 20 L/h 15 10 Clearance (ml/min) Clearance (ml/min) L/h L/h 25 20 L/h 15 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Blood flow (ml/min) 10 20 30 40 50 60 Blood flow (ml/min) Fig 47.3  Effect of blood and dialysate flow rate on ammonium and leucine removal by hemodialysis in a neonatal setting (simulation study using Baxter BM25 device and Bellco Spiraflo HFT02 dialyzer) (Modified from Schaefer et al [17]) nous intoxication is thought to be the most likely diagnosis at the time of ICU admission involving two shortened umbilical catheters have been used anecdotally in small neonates Dialysis Equipment Dialyzer Catheter Polysulfone dialyzers should be preferred because of their superior biocompatibility and lower anticoagulation requirements The surface of the dialyzer membrane should approximately match the body surface area of the patient We have had excellent experience with the Fresenius FX paed (FMC, Bad Homburg, Germany) and the Spiraflo HFT02 (Bellco, Mirandola, Italy), which have fill volumes of 18 and 25 mL respectively The choice of catheter has to balance between the aim of achieving an adequate blood flow and the risks of catheter insertion in a newborn Ideally, a blood flow of 150  mL/min/m2 should be attained, that is, 30–35 mL/min in an average neonate This goal can be reached by inserting a 6.5-French double-lumen catheter (e.g., Gambro 6.5 Fr, 3.5 in.) into a femoral vein This catheter provides excellent blood flow rates, but insertion may be difficult in small neonates Alternatively, two 5-French single-lumen catheters (e.g., Medcomp Fr, 3.0  in.) can be inserted [39] Umbilical catheters are less suitable for dialysis because of high flow resistance determined by their length, but special extracorporeal setups Dialysis Machines and Tubing In principle, emergency dialysis in neonates with inborn errors of metabolism can be performed using adjusted tubing systems on standard hemodialysis machines, such as the neonatal tubing 47  Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Case of Acute Decompensation for the Fresenius 2008 or 4008 devices These tubing sets have a fill volume of 47  mL.  Even when used with the smallest neonatal dialyzers available, the total volume of the extracorporeal system exceeds 10% of the estimated blood volume of an average neonate In that case, the circuit can be primed with blood or albumin to have a better hemodynamic tolerance at dialysis start Another disadvantage is that an incorrect blood flow rate is displayed when small-volume neonatal tubes are used Moreover, due to the fixed high dialysate flow rate of at least 500  mL/min with the 2008 device (300  mL/min with the 4008), critical depletions of phosphate and other solutes not present in the dialysis fluid may occur with prolonged use of this technique Machines specifically designed for continuous renal replacement treatment in children are available, such as the BM25 (Baxter) or the PRISMAFLEX device (Gambro) The main advantages of these systems are the small volume of the extracorporeal system, accurate and fine-scaled setting of blood flow even in the low range typical for neonatal dialysis, precise control and variable choice of dialysate flow, and the mobile, reverse osmosis-­ independent device setup Dialysis Management In order to achieve maximal treatment efficacy, blood flow should be set to the maximal value provided by the machine without alarms, which should be set as wide as possible The dialysate flow rate required to achieve maximal clearance is determined by the blood flow achieved In a neonatal dialysis simulation study, we found a linear relationship between blood flow and ammonium and leucine clearance up to the maximal blood flow rate usually achievable in neonates (i.e., 30 mL/min) with a dialysate flow rate of 5 L/h (Fig. 47.2) As a rule of thumb, extraction of these metabolites is maximal when dialysate flow exceeds blood flow by at least three times This target can easily be achieved by passing bag dialysis fluid along the filter utilizing the 917 filtration/substitution pump system of a pediatric continuous renal replacement machine such as the Prismaflex Beginning by intermittent hemodialysis, to have a high removal of metabolite first, then continued by continuous hemodialysis to avoid rebound Clearance is at least 35-50 mL/ min/1.73 m2 The major complications to consider when dialyzing neonates or small infants with metabolic crises are clotting of the extracorporeal system, hemodynamic instability, and risk of cerebral edema increase, each of which can cause treatment interruptions and hence hazardous delays in the removal of toxic metabolites In order to prevent clotting, heparin should be administered at a dose sufficient to increase the activated clotting time (ACT) to 120–150 s We use an initial bolus of 1500  IU/m2 followed by continuous infusion of 300–600 IU/ m2/h Anticoagulation should be monitored by hourly ACT measurements Coagulation requirements are inversely related to the blood flow rate However, with the goal to avoid adverse effects due to heparine, a prospective, non-randomized descriptive study on 18 pediatric patients and 119 treatments was published using citrasate (a citrate-based dialysate) with promising results [42] Hemodynamic instability, leading to reduced cerebral perfusion pressure, is common in patients with a prolonged duration of hyperammonemia due to urea cycle disorders Another risk is a quick decrease in osmolarity during dialysis which may lead to intracellular water shift The challenge with both intermittent and continuous techniques is to accomplish rapid removal of ammonia without worsening cerebral edema by inducing hypotension and/or creating osmotic shifts This is achieved by the following measures (1): NaCl 0.9% or albumin 5% infusion before the start of extracorporeal therapy (2), priming the circuit with blood when extracorporeal circuit volume exceeds 10% of the child’s blood volume (80 mL/kg) (3), use of a dialysate fluid of osmolarity equal or greater than patient L Barcat et al 918 osmolarity (4), no ultrafiltration, and (5) if neurologic deterioration is observed during therapy, the toxic clearance should be reduced and mannitol infused CERT seemed to significantly decrease inflammation when compared to intermittent hemodialysis in 22 children [43] This supports the use of CERT in endogenous intoxications, as protein anabolism is one of the main goals of the treatment [43] In 2001, it was suggested in a case report that moderate hypothermia (34  °C) could be considered in order to decrease metabolic activity in severe hyperammonemia [44] This was confirmed later in a short series of seven cases [45] This effect was attributed to a slowing of metabolic ammonia generation Clinical Outcomes Metabolic encephalopathy due to inborn errors of metabolism represented 2% of admissions to a PICU serving a national reference center for metabolic diseases The mortality rate of these patients was 28.6% [6], stable across the years despite an increased use of aggressive treatment [4] In MSUD patients with neonatal onset who were dialyzed, good neurologic development is usually achieved Neonatal onset of urea cycle defects (UCD) and propionic or methylmalonic aciduria (PA/MMA) is characterized by a less favorable outcome than MSUD and late-onset UCD and PA/ MMA. F Deodato et al observed a mortality rate of 27.5% at 2 years and 48% at long-term followup, whereas late-onset patients showed only a 10% mortality rate [46] Similarly, long-term cognitive development worsened in neonatal onset patients but did not deteriorate in late-onset ones Novel therapies are in development for inherited metabolic diseases including enzyme replacement therapy, hepatocyte transplantation followed by liver transplantation, and gene therapy [47–49] For gene therapy the main obstacle to transfer in clinical practice remains the innate inflammatory acute response against the vector capsid protein, a complex and multifactorial phenomenon If such therapies are successful, the main challenge that will remain is to make a rapid diagnosis and initiate efficient treatment at the first onset However, a recent paper highlighted the difficulties of research in that field [50] All these observations emphasize the importance of expeditious diagnosis and prompt referral of infants with suspected inborn errors of metabolism to hospitals with a multidisciplinary team that includes metabolic experts, a skilled pediatric dialysis team, intensivists, laboratory staff, and dieticians [51] References Jouvet P, Rustin P, Taylor DL, Pocock JM, Felderhoff-­ Mueser U, Mazarakis ND, et al Branched chain amino acids induce apoptosis in neural cells without mitochondrial membrane depolarization or cytochrome c release: implications for neurological impairment associated with maple syrup urine disease Mol Biol Cell 2000;11(5):1919–32 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Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 11:25
