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853 may help; another measure used by many centers is to run normal saline (which has an acidic pH) as a post filter replacement solution (being care ful to monitor electrolytes) CRRT Complications Be[.]

43  Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury in Children and Adolescents may help; another measure used by many centers is to run normal saline (which has an acidic pH) as a post-filter replacement solution (being careful to monitor electrolytes) 853  utritional Management for AKI N and RST-AKI Critically ill children with AKI are at high risk for malnutrition due to many factors: increased CRRT Complications energy requirements due to hypercatabolism, Being aware of potential CRRT complications is increased protein-energy wasting due to AKI, crucial to being able to avoid and prevent them and inadequate nutrition supplementation due to and to act quickly when they occur Catheter-­ severe fluid restriction Malnourished children related complications are highest in neonates and with AKI are also known to have worse outare often related to insertion (hemorrhage, infec- comes As a result, delivery of adequate nutrition) Pneumothorax and hemothorax after neck tion is often an indication for starting RST [1] line insertions are rare but potential risks [97] Nutrition guidelines for critically ill children are Vascular access risk is reduced using ultrasound-­ summarized in Table 43.12 A goal for children guided insertion Hypothermia is very important with AKI should include adequate nutrition, to prevent and can occur very quickly in patients rather than restriction Choice of nutrition is simon CRRT.  Measures to warm the blood in the ilar to other patients in the ICU and children with extracorporeal circuit should be routinely used CKD. Generally, children with oligoanuric AKI especially in the smallest patients Hypotension is require low salt, low potassium, and low phosa major risk with CRRT, occurring in up to 30% phate formulas Children with tubular dysfuncof patients shortly after initiation [97] Appropriate tion (particularly in the recovery phase of AKI) use of blood priming and avoiding excessive ultra- or children receiving CRRT may have increased filtration are vital Avoiding the use of AN69 mem- electrolyte losses, requiring supplementation branes is the best way to avoid bradykinin release In patients with AKI receiving RST, indirect syndrome-associated hypotension However, calorimetry remains the gold standard and recin centers using these membranes, measures ommended measurement tool for caloric requiredescribed above (see Hemofilters), being wary ments, but it is not used routinely in the ICU. The of the risks and being ready to administer and/or Caldwell-Kennedy equation is recommended by adjust inotropic medications when initiating CRRT KDIGO to approximate resting energy expenare important A preventable but important com- diture (bottom of Table  43.12) Some experts plication of CRRT is electrolyte imbalance, which suggest 20–30% increased requirements as a can be severe if not treated During CRRT, patient ballpark measure It is important to provide caloserum electrolytes will ultimately equilibrate with ries in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and the dialysis/replacement solution selected If not lipids Consider including glucose and citrate monitored and addressed quickly, profound hypo- in carbohydrate intake for patients on PD and kalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnese- CRRT, respectively mia can occur Circuit clotting risk is higher in Adequate protein intake is essential for hyperchildren, likely related to lower access size, blood catabolic critically ill children Protein intake flow, and hemofilter size used Several measures/ >1.5  g/kg/day was associated with the greatest aspects of CRRT described above are aimed at reduction in mortality for critically ill children in reducing risk of circuit clotting Incorrect or inad- one large systematic review [99] More studies are equate dosing of drugs and nutrition due to lack of needed to identify the optimal intake for patients accounting for clearance is another complication with AKI.  For children receiving PD or CRRT, to be keenly aware of In children receiving pro- there is increased need for supplemental protein longed CRRT with immobilization, reduced bone intake due to increased protein losses across the mass and fractures may occur This complication peritoneal membrane or through the hemofilter, may be masked by the use of citrate (which may respectively For patients receiving CRRT, probind calcium released from bone resorption) [98] tein losses may be even greater with convective E H Ulrich et al 854 Table 43.12  Nutritional guidelinesa for critically ill childrenb 1A Malnutrition, including obesity, is associated with adverse clinical outcomes Nutritional assessment should be performed weekly (at a minimum) 1B On admission, weight, height/length, and (for patients 0.7 L/kg are less likely to be cleared by CRRT Higher protein binding reflects higher Vd Drugs with protein binding >80% are less likely to be cleared during CRRT Anionic proteins retained on the blood side of the filter reduce clearance of cationic molecules, called the Gibbs-Donnan effect Polysulfone dialyzers are apolar and adsorb proteins High-flux hemofilter allows free passage of non-protein-bound molecules Increased surface area for body weight will increase clearance; particularly important in neonatal CRRT Clearance will gradually decrease with older filter (increased clotting, protein adsorption) Higher blood flow rate for weight will increase clearance, although to a lesser extent than with IHD Increased dialysate and replacement fluid flow rate will increase diffusive and convective clearance, respectively, by CRRT Increased ultrafiltration will increase convective clearance (“solute drag”) CRRT continuous renal replacement therapy, D Daltons, IHD intermittent hemodialysis Drugs in AKI Drug dosing with RST for AKI will not be covered in any detail in this chapter However, awareness of this issue is important An essential function of the kidney is the excretion of drugs and their metabolites When glomerular filtration rate falls below 50%, dosing of many drugs must be adjusted to avoid toxic accumulation and complications On the other hand, for patients on CRRT, drug dosing may need to be increased to account for losses Dosing adjustment is vital for life-sustaining medications, such as antimicrobials When deciding whether or not a drug is cleared by RST, it is important to consider drug pharmacokinetics (Table 43.13) [100, 101] If drug dosing is not available in references, then drug characteristics can be searched to make reasonable inferences about clearance on dialysis Institutional phar- macists are thus invaluable team members of the AKI care team Conclusion Development of a standardized, graded definition of AKI reflects a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology and reduced health outcomes for children with AKI. Medical and surgical advancements allow neonates and children to survive previously fatal illnesses As a result, the incidence of AKI in critically ill children is very high However, significant technological innovations have allowed us to perform RST in children with AKI safely and effectively This progress in critical care reflects the growing importance of understanding AKI as it relates to short-term and long-term health outcomes, as well as the need for further advancement in the prediction, prevention, and treatment of AKI 856 References Mehta NM, Skillman HE, Irving SY, et al Guidelines for the provision and assessment of nutrition support therapy in the pediatric critically ill patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Pediatr Crit Care Med 2017;18(7):675–715 Kaddourah A, Basu RK, Bagshaw SM, Goldstein SL, Investigators A.  Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in critically ill children and young adults N Engl J Med 2017;376(1):11–20 Jetton JG, Boohaker LJ, Sethi SK, et  al Incidence and outcomes of neonatal acute kidney injury (AWAKEN): a multicentre, multinational, observational 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Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 11:25
