755 Ta bl e 39 6 C au se o f de at h Po lis h re gi st ry [ 13 ] N A PR T C S [2 5] N A PR T C S [3 6] E SP N /E R A E D TA [ 11 ] A N Z D A TA [4 ] Ja pa n [1 4] PD H D R T X To ta l 0– 1 y 2– 5 y 6–[.]
25.1 20.5 32.4 12.7 26.4 12.1 29.1 14.9 27.5 15 8.5 6.4 4.3 4 5.7 4.3 19.1 27.8 13.9 6.8 4.3 3.2 23.2 24.2 6.1 6.1 20.2 22.1 6–12 y 16.4 21.4 NAPRTCS [36] ≥13 y 1992−2001 2002−2011 22.9 21.2 17.1 Polish registry [13] NAPRTCS [25] PD HD RTX Total 0–1 y 2–5 y 34 27 50 21 23.4 16.9 23 23 12.5 21.3 22.8 18.3 19 15 8 0 8 11 6.8 2.9 12.7 4.3 2.3 1.4 3.1 1.8 4.2 PD peritoneal dialysis, HD hemodialysis, RTX renal transplantation, CVD cardiovascular disease Infection CVD Cardiopulmonary Sudden death Cerebrovascular accident Hyperkalemia Malignancy Hemorrhage Dialysis-related complications Other Unknown Table 39.6 Cause of death 17.1 30 3.1 10.3 6.6 ANZDATA ESPN/ERA-EDTA [11] [4] PD HD 20.3 43 57 8.9 21.4 14.2 0 Japan [14] PD 39.3 17.9 39 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 755 756 patient-years, for those older than 5 years and on HD and PD, respectively [22] (Table 39.5) In a USRDS study that included information on 23,401 children who started RRT between 1990 and 2010, the mortality rate was 98.8 per 1000 patient-years in children aged 5 years [23] In the Canadian long-term outcome study, age at onset of RRT of 8 years) was associated with the potential development of EPS. Membrane failure resulting from causes other than bacterial peritonitis was observed in patients who had been on PD for more than 5 years In these patients, peritoneal biopsy commonly showed peritoneal sclerosis with membrane thickening Therefore, membrane failure and EPS may be the main problems for long-term PD Table 39.9 Outcome and cause of PD termination in children after 1991 [30] Total Continuance of PD Transplantation Recovery Unknown, lost Transfer to HD Cause of transfer HD Death Cause of death Peritonitis UF failure Insufficient dialysis Catheter trouble Other, unknown Peritonitis Sepsis Pneumonia Cerebrovascular disorder Heart failure Pulmonary edema Shock, sudden death Others, unknown