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984 Inborn errors of metabolism (cont ) MSUD, 915 neurotoxic accumulation, 912 nutritional and pharmacological management, 913 organic aciduria, 915–916 polysulfone dialyzers, 916 treatment, 911, 914[.]

Index 984 Inborn errors of metabolism (cont.) MSUD, 915 neurotoxic accumulation, 912 nutritional and pharmacological management, 913 organic aciduria, 915–916 polysulfone dialyzers, 916 treatment, 911, 914 Increased intracranial pressure (ICP), 437 Infant hemodialysis (HD) anemia, 383, 384 anticoagulation, 382 blood flow, 381 CKD/MBD, 384, 385 clinical outcomes, 385, 386 connection and disconnection, 381, 382 CVC, 379, 380 dry weight assessment, 382 epidemiology/indications, 379 equipment, 380, 381 growth, 383 hypertension, 384 psychosocial impact, 385 schedule, 382, 383 ultrafiltration, 382 Infectious complications catheters, 401, 402 CRBSI (see catheter related blood stream infections (CRBSI)) guidelines, 401 risks with children, 401, 402 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), 104, 105 Inferior vena cava (IVC) thromboses, 948 Inflammatory reactions, 440 Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 520 Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), 732, 733, 840, 841, 875 Intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD), 5, 218 chronic, International Pediatric Dialysis Network (IPDN), 11 International Pediatric Hemodialysis Network (IPHN), 370 International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), 36, 37, 803 International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network (IPPN), 36, 49, 479, 621, 764 International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD), 60, 180, 181, 772, 842, 889 International Society for Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM), 479 International Society of Nephrology (ISN), 51, 803 Interventional algorithms, 320 Intracranial hypertension (ICH), 532 Intradialytic hypertension preventive management, 443 pathophysiology, 443 risk factors, 443 Intradialytic hypotension (IDH), 382, 439, 440, 443 Intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN), 480, 500–501 Intraperitoneal pressure (IPP), 202, 300, 301 Intraperitoneal volume (IPV), 201, 202 Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), 511 “Intrinsic” AKI, 833 Iso-osmolar contrast media (IOCM), 711 Isotope-dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS traceable), 116 ISPD Nursing Liaison Committee, 271 J Jaffe method, 116 K Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis, 750 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), 81, 82, 121, 613 Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI), 81, 82, 122, 210, 613, 761 Kidney replacement therapy (KRT), 325 Kidney transplantation benefits of transplant, 945–946 deceased donor kidney transplantation, 951, 952 history, 945 living donor kidneys, 952–954 medical and immunological considerations, 948–950 psychosocial considerations, 950–951 surgical considerations, 947–948 timing and indications, 946–947 transplant evaluation, 947, 951 L Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), 561, 594 Leptospirosis, 883 LERIC study, 755 Leukapheresis, 928, 929 Licensure, 71 Lipid apheresis, 929, 930 Longstanding anemia, 521 Long-term outcomes ANZDATA Registry, 750 cardiovascular disease in adults, 762 arrhythmia, 761 in children, 762–764, 769 Japanese registry, 761 management, 761 morbidity and mortality rate, 760, 761 surrogate markers, 761 cause of death, 755, 756 CKD-MBD abnormal bone metabolism, 764 bone disease, 764 longitudinal growth, 765 prognosis, 764 vascular and valvular calcification, 764 cognitive functioning, 773, 774 CORR Registry, 750 EPS (see Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS)) epidemiology, 747, 748, 750 ESPN/ERA-EDTA registry, 750 Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis, 750 Index mortality rate, 754, 755, 757 patient survival, 750, 752–754 peritoneal dysfunction, 765–767 Polish Registry, 750 quality of life, 774, 775 renal replacement therapy, 746 social outcome, 775, 776 technique failure rate, 757–760 USRDS Registry, 750, 751 Lower urinary tract (LUT), 132, 134 Low-molecular weight (LMW), 20 Low-molecular weight proteins (LMWP), 18 Low-osmolar contrast media (LOCM), 711 M Malaria, 883 Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), 915 Masked hypertension, 595 Mass transfer area coefficient (MTAC), 26, 199 Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), 69–70 Masters of Health Science (MHS), 71 Mean arterial pressure (MAP), 439 Mean SD scores (SDS), 517 Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, 637, 638 Measures assessment tool (MAT), 65 Medication adherence among HD and PD patients, 670 anti-hypertensive medication, 673 assessment of, 671 behavioral strategies, 674 community factors, 673 dietary restrictions, 670 educational strategies, 674 family-based interventions, 674 family factors, 672, 673 healthcare system factors, 673 individual factors, 671, 672 intervention studies, 674, 675 pediatric self-management model, 671 Medium cut-off (MCO) class, 24 Membrane attack complex (MAC), 936 Membrane diffusivity, 20 Membrane porosity, 20 Metabolic acidosis, 519, 520 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 101, 180 Methylmalonic acidemia, 946 Microbial colonization, 403, 404 Microbubbles, 449, 450 Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), 933 Middle-sized molecules, 212 Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), 468 Mineral bone disorder (MBD), 384, 385 Minerals, 473, 474 Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation, 117 Modified Schwartz equation, 116 Molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS), 734, 896, 899 985 Molecular weight (MW), 19, 20 Monthly capitation payment (MCP), 75, 76 N N-acetyl aspartate (NAA)/creatine ratio, 651 NAPRTCS Registry, 755 Nasogastric tube (NGT), 257, 492, 497, 525 National Academy of Medicine (NAM), 70 National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), 86 National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF KDOQI), 348, 618, 718 National Poison Data System (NPDS), 725 National Renal Administrator’s Association (NRAA), 86 Native kidney nephrectomy, 602, 603 Neonatal acute kidney injury acid-base homeostasis, 864 CRRT, 875, 876 definition, 862, 863 dysnatremias, 866–867 extracorporeal therapies, 872, 874 fluid management, 865–866 fluid overload, 864–865 fluid to prime machine, 874–875 hyperkalemia, 867 hyperphosphatemia & hypocalcemia, 868 intermittent hemodialysis, 875 KDIGO AKI guidelines, 869 limiting nephrotoxin exposure, 869 metabolic acidosis, 867–868 metabolic alterations, 868–869 methylxanthine, 869 modified KDIGO classification, 863 neonatal/infant extracorporeal therapies, 874 nutrition, 868–869 peritoneal dialysis, 871–872 rasburicase, 870 renal function, 862 RRT, 870 indication for, 870 modalities, 870–871 vascular access, 874 vasomotor nephropathy, 864 Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 861 Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, 717, 718 Nephropathic cystinosis, 518 Nephrotic syndrome, 948 Neurocognitive dysfunction, 490 Neurocognitive functioning acute dialysis, 652, 653 brain development, 649 chronic dialysis, 652 cognitive dysfunction management adolescence and adult transition, 658, 659 early intervention, 657, 658 empirically-based interventions, 657 evidence-based educational management strategies, 657 school-age, 658 seizures pre-dialysis, 657 986 Neurocognitive functioning (cont.) developmental delays, 654–656 follow-up studies, 654 kidney-brain connections, 650 memory impairments, 654 metabolic changes, 650, 651 neuroimaging findings, 656 RRT, 653 vascular integrity, 651, 652 verbal and nonverbal IQ, 654 Newcastle infant dialysis and ultrafiltration system (Nidus), 381, 876 Newer renal replacement therapy, 877 Nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis (NIPD), 205, 206 Nikkiso DDB07 and DBB-EXA haemodialysis system, 365 Nitric oxide (NO) deficiency, 562 Nocturnal HD, 396 Non-adherence, 221 Non-infectious (NI) complications, 292 acute pancreatitis, 309, 310 dialysate leakage abdominal weakness, 295 diagnosis, 300 management of, 300 risk factors and prevention, 295–300 spectrum of, 295 dyslipidemia, 306, 307 EPS, 305, 306 hemoperitoneum diagnosis, 308 overview, 308 pathogenesis, 308 treatment of, 308, 309 hernia anatomic weakness, 300 clinical features, 301 diagnosis, 301 incidence, 300 prevention, 301, 302 risk factors, 300, 301 treatment, 302 hydrothorax clinical symptom, 303 diagnosis, 303 incidence of, 302 pathogenesis, 302, 303 spontaneous leakage, 302 treatment, 303 hypermagnesemia, 307, 308 hypokalemia, 307 inflow obstruction catheter migration, 292 intraluminal blockage, 292, 293 outcome, 295 prevention strategies, 292–294 rate of, 292 treatment options, 294 insulin resistance, 306, 307 Index mechanical complications, 291 peritoneal membrane differential diagnosis, 304 management, 304, 305 pathogenesis, 303, 304 prognosis, 305 structural and functional changes, 303 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s), 831, 869, 888 Normal systolic function, 568 Normovolemia, 926 North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) registry, 11, 36, 49, 212, 590, 747 North American Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS), 249 Nurse practice acts (NPA), 70 Nurse practitioner (NP), 69–71 Nutritional assessment and prescription acceptable macronutrient distribution, 469 adolescents and young adults, 477–478 age based considerations, 474–478 anthropometric evaluation, 466–467 anthropometric measures, 466 bone mineral management, 471–472 breastmilk feeding, 475–476 calcium and phosphorus intake, 472 carbohydrate and fat, 470 childhood, 476–477 dietary assessment, 468, 469 electrolyte management, 470, 471 energy and macronutrient needs, 469–470 estimating energy requirements, 469 fluid control, 474 hemodialysis, 463, 464 IDPN, 480 KDOQI guidelines, 480, 481 minerals, 473, 474 MUAC, 468 nutrition guidelines, 465 nutritional challenges and priorities, 478 nutritional intake, 463 overweight and obesity, 479–480 parenteral nutrition, 480 PD therapy, 464 pediatric renal dietitian, 463 plotting growth, 467 prematurity, 478–479 preparation for transplant, 481 protein, 470 protein energy wasting, 479 recommended protein intake, 465 sub-optimal growth, 464–466 transition to oral feeding, 476 uremic failure, 479 vitamins, 472–473 weight gain, 467 NxStage PureFlow™ SL, 396 NxStage System One™, 396 Index O Occlusive dressings, 185 Open albumin dialysis (OPAL), 896 Operational management dialysis unit staffing employment, 58 leadership style, 60 nurse retention and intention, 59, 60 nursing units, 58–59 patient care, 58 regulations, 60 role definition, 58, 59 staff retention, 58 standards/guidelines, 58 structure standards components, 60 facility culture and organization, 55, 56 physical space needs, 56–58 Optimal Team Practice, 71 Optimal vascular access, 368 Organic acid transporters (OATs), 18 Organic aciduria, 915–916 Organic cation transporters (OCTs), 697 P Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 543 Parenteral nutrition (PN), 480 Pay-per-performance system, 82 PD-related infections diagnosis, 285 incidence of, 266 outcomes, 286, 287 peritonitis, 267, 268 culture negative peritonitis, 284 diagnosis, 275, 281 empiric treatment, 281, 282 fungal peritonitis, 284, 285 gram-negative peritonitis, 283, 284 gram-positive peritonitis, 283 refractory peritonitis, 285 relapsing peritonitis, 285 risk factors ACA, 275 antifungal prophylaxis, 274, 275 chronic exit-site care, 272, 273 ostomy sites, 274 patient age, 268, 269 post-operative exit-site care, 269, 270 prophylactic antibiotic therapy, 275 touch contamination, 273, 274 training, 270–272 treatment of, 286 Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (PCRRT), 442, 737 Pediatric dialysis bridge therapy, 820 children with developmental disabilities, 819 contraindications to transplant, 820 discontinuation of dialysis, 821 987 suspected ESKD in antenatal period, 818 suspected ESKD in neonatal period, 818–819 terminal therapy, 820 undocumented immigrants/refugees, 820–821 withdrawal from pediatric dialysis, 811 withdrawal of dialysis, 811 withholding and withdrawing dialysis treatment, 811 equivalence of, 814–815 forgoing dialysis (see Forgoing dialysis) interest standard and harm principle, 812–813 provision and ethical implications, 812 technological imperative, 814 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS), 104 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), 909 Pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP), 83 Pediatric peritoneal dialysis acute renal failure, AKI, CAPD, CCPD, 6, chronic IPD, dehydration, disposable nylon catheters, ESRD, extracorporeal blood circuits, guidelines, 12 intoxications, intra-peritoneal antibiotics, patient registries, 10, 11 patient survival rates, 6, permanent peritoneal catheter, physiologic sodium chloride solution, physiologic Tyrode’s solution, renal allograft, 6, ultrafiltration, vascular access, Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Study Consortium (PPDSC), 181 Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales, 786, 787 Pediatric self-management model, 671 PEN study, 242 Percutaneous procedure (PEG), 253 Peripheral vascular disease, 160 Peritoneal access catheter exit-site/tunnel infections, 187, 188 catheter placement, 185, 186 chronic exit-site care, 186 complications, 188 curled/straight intraperitoneal configuration, 175–177 Dacron cuffs, 175–178 fibrin glue, 181 kidney transplantation, 188 laparoscopic technique, 182–184 mechanical complications, 186, 187 omentectomy/omentopexy, 181 open technique, 184 overview, 175, 176 peritonitis, 187, 188 Index 988 Peritoneal access (cont.) postimplantation care, 184, 185 preoperative evaluation, 179–181 surgical technique, 181, 182 swan-neck tunnel configuration, 175, 176, 178–180 Peritoneal dialysis (PD), 464, 633, 735, 840, 871–872, 889 access placement, 252, 253 complications, 258, 259 ethics of, 250–252 hospitalization, 259, 260 incidence and etiology, 249, 250 long-term outcomes, 259, 260 non-infectious complications (see Non-infectious (NI) complications) nutrition and growth, 256–258 prescription amino acid-based solutions, 255, 256 complications, 255 dialysis schedule, 256 exchange volumes, 254, 255 factors, 253, 254 functional hyperpermeability, 254 geometry of diffusion, 254 icodextrin, 255 lower dialysate fill volume, 255 outcome parameters, 256 ultrafiltration capacity, 254 Peritoneal dialysis solution (PDS) alkalosis, 235 biocompatibility GDPs, 230 neutral pH solutions, 230, 233 technique failure and death, 229 UF failure, 229 buffer, 233, 234 calcium, 239, 240 carnitine, 241 HPG, 242 magnesium, 240 molecular hydrogen (H2), 241 osmotic agent, 235 glucose, 235, 236 icodextrin, 236, 237 Nutrineal™, 237–239 pediatric experience, 234, 235 PEN study, 242 pH, 233, 234 polydispersity, 241, 242 sodium, 239 Peritoneal equilibration test (PET), 199–201, 233 Peritoneal membrane (PM), 196 adapted APD, 208, 209 APD, 204, 205 CAPD, 203, 204 capillaries, 196 CCPD, 204, 207 continuous regimen, 203 differential diagnosis, 304 dwell duration, 202, 203 function tests, 198, 199 interstitium, 196 IPP, 202 IPV, 202 management, 304, 305 mesothelial cells, 196 MTAC, 199 NIPD, 205, 206 pathogenesis, 303, 304 PDC test, 201, 202 PET, 199–201 prognosis, 305 solute and water exchange convective mass transfer, 198 diffusive transport, 196, 197 ultrafiltration, 197, 198 SPA, 201 structural and functional changes, 303 TPD, 208 transport characteristics, 213 Peritoneal microcirculation, 195, 196 Peritoneal solute transport rate (PSTR), 233 Peritonitis, 771 Candida species, 268 catheter exit-site, 268 culture-negative peritonitis, 268, 284 diagnosis, 275, 281 empiric treatment, 281, 282 fungal peritonitis, 284, 285 gram-negative organism, 267 gram-negative peritonitis, 283, 284 gram-positive organisms, 267, 268 gram-positive peritonitis, 283 refractory peritonitis, 285 relapsing peritonitis, 285 SCOPE collaborative, 268 tunnel infections, 268 Persistent proteinuria, 147 Personal dialysis capacity (PDC) test, 201, 202 Pharmacological treatment, 442 Photopheresis, 929 Physician assistant (PA), 71 Physician Assistant National Certification Exam (PANCE), 71 Pierson syndrome, 553 Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, 94–98 Plasma adsorbers, 931 Plasmapheresis, 58, 926, 927 Plateletpheresis, 929 Pneumococcal vaccine, 639 Polarization process, 21, 22 Polish Registry, 750 Polycystic kidney disease, 946 Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), 275 Polysulfone dialyzers, 916 Polysulfone membranes, 445 Posterior urethral valves (PUV) antenatal diagnosis, 132 decompression, 133, 134 hydroureteronephrosis, 135 kidney failure, 133 LUT, 132, 134 prenatal interventions, 133 Index systemic stabilization, 133 ultrasound, 133 upper tract damage, 134, 135 UTI, 134 valve ablation, 134 VCUG, 133 vesicoamniotic shunting, 133 vesicostomy/bladder augmentation, 136 VUR, 133, 135, 136 VURD syndrome, 136 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD), 952 PowerHickman®, 923 Primary hyperoxaluria (PH), 553 Primary treatment, DDS, 438, 439 Prismaflex device (Gambro), 876, 917 Prospective-audit with feedback (PAF), 104 Protein-bound uremic toxins (PBUTs), 18 Protein energy wasting (PEW), 477 Protein-leaking membranes, 24 Proteinuria, 159 Prune belly syndrome (PBS) aggressive reconstruction, 145 clinical features, 142, 143 definition, 142 imaging findings, 142, 144 obstruction, 142 outcomes, 143, 144 patient survival, 145 renal dysplasia, 142 timing of, 145 Pseudo-prune disorder, 142 Psychosocial adjustment, 666 behavioral adjustment, 666 child adjustment, 665 emotional adjustment, 666 family adjustment, 668 parent and family adjustment, 667 parent psychological adjustment, 667, 668 parent stress, 668 sibling adjustment, 668 social adjustment, 666, 667 treatment children and adolescents, 669 parents and caregivers, 669 siblings, 669 Pulse wave velocity (PWV), 160, 565 Q Quality Assessment Performance Improvement (QAPI) program, 83, 91 adequacy, 88 anemia, 88 depression screening, 91 development, 87 education, 91 events, 91 hospitalizations, 88 immunizations, 90 infection control observations, 90 infections, 90 989 mineral bone disease, 89 plan of care compliance, 91 transplant, 90 vascular access, 89, 90 Quality improvement (QI) aims, 94, 95 anemia management, 92, 93 balancing measures, 95 CMS, 83 CPG, 81–83 CPM, 81 CROWNWeb, 86 cycle measures, 95 DFC, 87 DFR, 86, 87 ESRD Quality Incentive Program, 84–86 executive sponsors, 92 improvement factors, 93, 94 methodology, 94 networks, 83, 84 NHSN, 86 outcome measures, 95 PDSA cycle, 95–98 process measures, 95 QAPI program, 83, 91 adequacy, 88 anemia, 88 depression screening, 91 development, 87 education, 91 events, 91 hospitalizations, 88 immunizations, 90 infection control observations, 90 infections, 90 mineral bone disease, 89 plan of care compliance, 91 transplant, 90 vascular access, 89, 90 stakeholders, 92 sustainability, 98 team assembling, 87, 92 Quality improvement activities (QIA), 84 Quality incentive program (QIP), 84–86 Quality metrics, 81–83 R Radiological assessment and intervention contrast media, 709 contrast-induced nephropathy, 714 creatinine clearance, 714 GBCA, 710 iodinated contrast media, 710–713 negative contrast media, 714, 715 positive contrast media, 710 renal handling, 711 interventional radiology techniques, 709 pharmacological prophylaxis, 710 Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), 161, 257, 509, 526, 532, 533 ... complex (MAC), 936 Membrane diffusivity, 20 Membrane porosity, 20 Metabolic acidosis, 519, 520 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 101, 180 Methylmalonic acidemia, 946 Microbial... limiting nephrotoxin exposure, 869 metabolic acidosis, 867–868 metabolic alterations, 868–869 methylxanthine, 869 modified KDIGO classification, 863 neonatal/infant extracorporeal therapies, 874 nutrition,... nephropathy, 864 Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 861 Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, 717, 718 Nephropathic cystinosis, 518 Nephrotic syndrome, 948 Neurocognitive dysfunction, 490 Neurocognitive functioning

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 11:23

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