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Luận văn thạc sĩ an investigation into the use of semimodal verbs in political news

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY NGUYỄN THỊ THẢO NGA AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF SEMIMODAL VERBS IN POLITICAL NEWS FIELD: English Linguistics CODE: Supervisor: BÙI THỊ ĐÀO, Ph.D e GI O TR V Đ OT O Ọ QU NGUYỄN THỊ THẢO NGA Đ ỀU TRA VỀ VIỆC SỬ DỤ BÁ P ĐỘNG TỪ T ỨC TRONG TIN TỨC CHÍNH TRỊ : : : TS Bù T ị Đ o e I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby declare that this master thesis has been written by myself, and describes my own work that I have not used any sources other than those listed in the list of references All references or sources of information have been specifically acknowledged, and are presented in the references Moreover, verbatim extracts also have been quoted in detail This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any previous application for other degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution e II ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Foremost, I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Bui Thi Dao for the continuous support of my MA thesis, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge Her guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis Beside my supervisor, I am extremely grateful to the lectures who gave me valuable knowledge and experiences which have contributed to the foundation of my thesis I express my thanks to my friends for encouraging me and providing me with needed materials I am very much thankful to my beloved family for their love, caring, understanding and nonstop support to complete this research work e III ABSTRACT The study is to investigate the types of semi-modal verbs and their semantic aspects used in political news The data is collected from 30 pieces of political news from CNN website The study is conducted mainly with quantitative methods combining with some qualitative methods for explanation and discussion The findings reveal that out of the four categories of semi-modal verbs under investigation, semi-auxiliaries are the most commonly used category with a high rate, while modal idioms stand in the lowest position In terms of semantic features, extrinsic modality and intrinsic modality are examined to recognize the speakers‘ attitude Extrinsic modality is expressed by semi-modal verbs with 87 cases in total in order to reveal the speakers‘ judgement of the events With less frequency, intrinsic modality is presented in 67 times by semi-modal verbs so as to show the human control over the actions e IV TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS II ABSTRACT III TABLE OF CONTENTS IV LIST OF TABLE VI LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aim and Objectives 1.2.1 Aim 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Scope of the Study 1.5 Significant of the Study 1.6 Organization of the Study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Literature Review 2.2 Theoretical Background 10 2.2.1 An overview of modality 10 2.2.2 Definition and types of semi-modal verbs 12 2.2.3 The semantic characteristics of semi-modal verbs 22 2.2.4 Political news 25 2.3 Theoretical framework 26 2.4 Summary 26 e V CHAPTER 28 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 28 3.1 Research Design 28 3.2 Data Collection 29 3.2.1 Description of corpus 29 3.2.2 Corpus compilation procedure 32 3.2.3 Procedure of Data Collection 33 3.2.4 Data analysis 34 3.3 Reliability and Validity 34 3.4 Summary 35 CHAPTER 36 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 36 4.1 Marginal verbs 38 4.2 Modal idioms 40 4.3 Semi-auxiliaries 41 4.4 Catenative verbs 50 4.5 Summary 52 CHAPTER 54 CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 54 5.1 Concluding remarks 54 5.2 Pedagogical implications 56 5.3 Limitations of the study 58 5.4 Suggestions for further research 58 REFERENCES i APPENDICES v e VI LIST OF TABLE Table Name Page 2.1 The auxiliary verb-main verb scale 13 2.2 Meanings relating to intrinsic modality and extrinsic 23 modality 2.3 Meanings of marginal auxiliaries 24 2.4 Types of semi-modal verbs in English 26 3.1 The corpus of 30 pieces of political news 30 4.1 Frequencies of occurrence of semi-modal verbs in 30 36 pieces of political news e VII LIST OF FIGURES Figure Name Page 3.1 String matching of HAVE TO in the corpus 33 4.1 Frequencies of occurrence of semi-modal verbs in 30 37 political news e CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Generally, political journalism is always the branch that gets people‘s attention over the world in general and in each country in particular because it provides the readers the political situation in every place around the world and the hottest political events Political reporters use their own languages to report the political news according to their knowledge and experience through observing and interviewing or they quote the politicians‘ speeches As Baym (Baym, 2005) stated, the lines between entertainment and factual news may seem faint while providing political updates According to Morrissey (Morrissey, 2016), political journalism frequently consists of opinion journalism, as current political events can be reported with their biased point of view in their reporting The reporters employed the language mechanisms to fulfil their attempts to initiate, construct and maximize newsworthiness of the news with the purpose of attracting the audience‘s attention According to Spolsky (Spolsky, 1998), ―language is regularly used in the exercise of political power‖ With the numerousness of political events and the development as well as the diversity of media channels, attracting the audience‘s attention and change their mind is becoming a highly hard mission of the news reporters With this regard, language seems to be a sufficiently effective method for the reporter in constructing the newsworthiness in their news Therefore, reading the political news requires the readers to have the knowledge not only about e viii 30 ―I fully realize we have to deal with bad actors and imperfect situations on the international stage,‖ he said 31 ―Department of Homeland Security can't actually spend money from Mexico,‖ Mulvaney said ―We have to get it from Treasury.‖ 32 ―If they want us to the fighting, they also have to pay a price,‖ Trump said at the Al Asad Air Base, where he landed after dark with his wife, Melania Trump 33 ―We want to make sure that if there is jurisdiction that we work that out in private and then go to our committees and what we have to do.‖ 34 She said that because some people are frustrated they are not getting paid and still have to work, they are not showing up to work 35 ―The President and Schumer and Pelosi are going to have to get together and say, 'this is what we agree on.' Otherwise, we can create a forum It goes nowhere,‖ said Sen Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican who chairs the Appropriations Committee and who sat in talks with the compromise group 36 ―The amount of time we have to spend making sure our statements and what we say is apolitical is astronomically higher than ever before,‖ one senior military officer told CNN 37 If he does, the Pentagon may have to pay the political price by identifying billions of dollars in military construction funds that could be shifted toward building the wall 38 Going forward, he would have to adopt a fundamental change of approach if he is to wring money for his border wall from Congress and revive a presidency badly damaged by his loss to Democrats in the first clash of the new era of divided government 39 The changed balance of power in Washington has put Trump in e ix a deeply ironic position that, to get the wall, he might have to something he's never done before: risk his connection to his base 40 You've got to watch them, you have to separate them from nonfamily members, you only have so much detention space,‖ he said 41 Here's what he had to say about it at a rally on Thursday night in Missouri: ―Now, we did have two maniacs stop our momentum that was incredible, because for seven days, nobody talked about the election to stop the tremendous momentum 42 The Senate initially passed the bill around Christmas, but they had to it again in the new Congress 43 This murder has to be revealed 44 Who gave the order has to be revealed.‖ 45 ―Pretty sad when you spend $7 trillion in the Middle East and going in has to be under this massive cover,‖ he said 46 ―The Mueller investigation has to be protected, absolutely,‖ said Rep Pramila Jayapal, a Washington state Democrat 47 So there've been a lot of allegations, but I think the tax returns, where he has to swear that the information is accurate, that would tell us a lot.‖ 48 And in Vermont, Democratic nominee Christine Hallquist already made history as the first transgender major party nominee for governor, but she was unable to defeat GOP Gov Phil Scott, BE ABLE TO CNN projected 49 Still, the reformulated offer — which includes easing restrictions on foreign investment and eliminating requirements for joint ventures with Chinese partners in some sectors — raises the stakes over whether the two sides will be able to strike a framework agreement in the two weeks ahead of the G20 summit 50 Democratic officials were able to track down voters, however, e x in Bladen County (part of North Carolina's 9th District) who claimed that non-family members came to their house and promised to deliver their ballots to the state for counting 51 If Trump were able to follow through on his impulse, it could also create more friction with Canada, Reinsch said 52 She said that for security reasons, the White House was able to invite the prime minister only two hours before the scheduled time of the meeting 53 and the Iraqi leader was in a different part of the country and unable to attend 54 Obama's administration was unable to strike a deal with the Iraqi government to allow for a residual US force to maintain stability in the country 55 ―But the goal has always been the same To be able to leave Syria and make sure ISIS never comes back.‖ 56 She's worried that if she puts those payments down now, and the shutdown continues, she won't be able to pay her rent and other more pressing bills in the coming months 57 Shutdown stretches into second week While some federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and Smithsonian museums were able to use other funds to remain open for the first week of the shutdown, as the shutdown enters week two, those funds have dried up 58 ―We just need to be able to provide more,‖ said Radha Muthiah, the food bank's CEO 59 But any new strategy will expose the President to significant political risks and require an ability to work the levers of power in Washington that Trump was unable to show even when the GOP had a monopoly on congressional power e xi 60 ―I'm going to kill more cops soon,‖ a grinning racamontes is shown saying in court as captions flash across the screen reading ― emocrats let him into our country 61 ―I know we're doing well in the Senate and it looks like we're doing OK in the House We're going to have to see,‖ Trump told reporters 62 ―We are sending 10 to 15,000 troops, which means we are going to spend between $100 (million) and $150 million so he can have, I guess his surprise, his October surprise,‖ she said on NN's ―The Situation Room 63 The Point: This is how Trump is going to end his 2018 push Not on the surging economy 64 ―Otherwise I'm going to look very bad with this statement.‖ BE GOING 65 Yes, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez won but we all knew she was TO going to after she beat Joe Crowley in a primary in an overwhelmingly Democratic district in New York City 66 ―He's going to learn that he's not above the law,‖ Nadler told CNN 67 ―They have a lot of work to and they‘re going to have to find a way to make up for lost time,‖ added the person, who described the bid as not ―forward leaning enough‖ to push the negotiating process to a positive outcome 68 He also said he was ―not going to destroy the economy of our country‖ over Khashoggi by giving up arms deals to Saudi Arabia 69 ―If you‘re going to it, the way to it is make the Chinese come to us,‖ Reinsch said 70 ―From the F I's end, we‘re going to continue to our job,‖ he said 71 ―The President‘s not going to not accept money for a border e xii wall,‖ Mulvaney said 72 ―What huck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have both told the President is we are not going to build a wall, period,‖ urbin said 73 ―A lot of people are going to come around to my way of thinking,‖ Trump predicted 74 ―We're not going to step on each other's toes,‖ he said 75 ―I think Democrats will be ready, but there is also going to be hundreds of thousands of documents requested and produced 76 It is going to be a little bit of drinking out of a fire hose in the beginning,‖ one source familiar with planning told NN 77 ―We're still trying to figure out who's doing what Because the last thing we want to is stepping on each other's toes Somebody's going to get into it.‖ 78 ―The President assured me he is going to make sure he gets the job done, and I assured him that nobody has done more to defeat ISIS than he has We are inside the 10-yard line,‖ Graham told reporters at the White House 79 ―We need to keep our troops there They're inside the ten-yard line in defeating ISIS, but we're not there yet If we leave now, the Kurds are going to get slaughtered.‖ 80 ―How are you going to convince President Trump to that?‖ Bash asked 81 The last few weeks have made clear that Democrats who run the House of Representatives are not going to give Trump anything 82 ―I‘m going to talk to him at lunch,‖ Graham replied 83 ―And this is something you're going to tell the President today?‖ ash asked 84 ―Yeah, I'm going to ask the President to something President e xiii Obama would never do: reconsider,‖ Graham replied 85 The message to Flynn is clear: either prove your worth to Mueller, or you're going to jail 86 ―That's thousands of dollars that I can't just put out somewhere not knowing when I'm going to get paid again,‖ she said 87 ―First thing was we can get almost all the bills paid, but what are we going to about rent, because our rent comes from my husband's pay, which includes housing allowance,‖ she says 88 Mc onnell objected to the move, saying that ―political stunts are not going to get us anywhere.‖ 89 Tim Kaine of Virginia objected to the Senate adjourning for the weekend, a day before furloughed workers are going to miss their first pay checks 90 Joe Manchin of West Virginia replied, ―It's hard I've got people back home I'm going to go visit food banks and different government workers and try give them some reassurances we're doing everything we can 91 ―The President and Schumer and Pelosi are going to have to get together and say, 'this is what we agree on.' Otherwise, we can create a forum It goes nowhere,‖ said Sen 92 ―At the end of the day the President is going to secure the border, one way or another,‖ Trump's acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said on ―Fox News Sunday 93 The last few weeks have made clear that Democrats who run the House of Representatives are not going to give Trump anything that looks like his campaign vision of a border wall without getting something serious in return e xiv BE DUE TO 94 He is due to depart Friday afternoon for an extended holiday stay at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida 95 ―There was supposed to be a formal reception and a meeting between Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi and the US President, but a variation of views to organize the meeting led it to be replaced by a telephone conversation,‖ a statement from the prime BE SUPPOSED TO minister's office read 96 Pelosi, in response, told him the meeting was supposed to be about re-opening the government, not impeachment, the people said 97 Troops were supposed to return from the border at the end of this month, but on Monday night the Pentagon extended the mission through September 30, 2019 BE PERMITTE D TO 98 Military personnel under regulations are not permitted to participate in political events But one officer said a 'gray area' appears to be emerging where Trump blows past historical norms, setting up situations imbued with politics BE SURE 99 More reaction is sure to come from Trump as he is scheduled to TO hold a news conference at 11:30 a.m ET in the East Room of the White House BE CERTAIN 100 Controversy over the new ad is certain to explode across the final days of the election … TO BE 101 They say he was injected with a drug that was meant to MEANT temporarily subdue the journalist, but that he was accidentally TO given an overdose BE 102 Gillibrand is likely to cast herself as a liberal warrior for LIKELY women in the Senate and as someone, being from New York, who e xv TO knows how to stand toe-to-toe with the current President 103 The bad news is that the challenges and threats that are making his mood so dark are likely to get worse before they get better 104 And things are unlikely to improve quickly a hotshot new staffer to shake up operations in the West Wing is unlikely to work 105 When 2019 dawns, a flurry of Democrats are likely to begin launching presidential campaigns, giving him an excuse to head out to the place where he always feels best: among his adoring throngs on the campaign trail 106 China retaliated with tariffs on $110 billion of US products and is likely to respond with more if the United States goes ahead with the increase at the start of January 107 Yet, in every other county in the district, absentee voters were more likely to vote for McCready than voters casting their ballot via a different method 108 In Bladen, absentee voters were points more likely to vote for Harris than other methods 109 Mueller plays strictly by the rules, but he is nobody's fool and is unlikely to allow his findings to be improperly suppressed 110 But what would be a certain court battle and a limit to the amount of funds that the President could juggle means such a strategy might save political face and unite his base but is unlikely to lead to swift wall construction that could boost his 2020 reelection race BE 111 (His web video featuring convicted cop killer Luis WILLING Bracamontes is the most clear example of the depths Trump is TO willing to plumb to scare his supporters into voting.) e xvi 112 It remained unclear in recent days whether the Chinese government would be willing to present any offer ahead of the planned dinner between the two leaders in Argentina 113 The House will still need to pass the extension, as will the Senate, and Trump will need to sign it, a move the President has signaled he's willing to do, not wanting to have a major showdown until after former President George H.W Bush's funeral proceedings (Congress will be out of session for part of the week because of it) 114 The President told reporters aboard Air Force One that he is willing to extend the deadline for funding the federal government to avoid a government shutdown 115 We protect nations all over the world, but Democrats are unwilling to protect our nation 116 He said Trump was ―willing to discuss a larger immigration solution,‖ however, as a way to resolve the standoff 117 One person familiar with the Democratic ramp-up in staffing told CNN, ―There are a lot of people willing to take pay cuts to come that work.‖ 118 Trump would be willing to negotiate and turn over his tax returns without a fight 119 According to two people familiar with what happened inside the room, Trump told the leaders his hard number was $5.6 billion for border wall funding, and he wasn't willing to negotiate 120 How much risk are you willing to take?‖ 121 It appeared he was willing to give the military more autonomy and not micromanage as many troops felt President Barack Obama had done 122 ―I believe he's willing to go even further and something e xvii reasonable with people who have been here a long time unlawfully, but are not criminals,‖ Rubio told Jake Tapper on CNN's ―State of the Union 123 Trump has repeatedly balked on the threshold of swapping DACA protection for money to build his wall, in apparent concern about how his base would respond, even when Democrats were willing to spend $25 billion on border security that he could have spun as funding for the wall 124 It's long been a mystery why Trump, who enjoys a bond with his political base unlike any other recent President has been unwilling to test the limits of that loyalty 125 But Democrats and Republicans appeared to be at an impasse over the President's promise of a border wall, raising the question: which side will blink first? Trump wants $5 billion in funding for the wall and Senate Republicans are now weighing the possibility of attempting to allocate $5 billion over the next two years 126 The case for election fraud appears to be strong 127 In what appeared to be a coordinated move, the Treasury APPEAR TO Department the same day announced sanctions against 17 Saudis over their alleged roles in the killing 128 Stocks, already trading lower because of the Federal Reserve's Wednesday decision to raise its benchmark interest rate, were sharply down as the scramble in Washington appeared to be leading toward a shutdown 129 and what the group would represent appeared to be a point of confusion for both sides 130 Graham appeared to acknowledge the effort's issues when he told CNN and other reporters, ―I don't see a pathway forward,‖ after several days of talks e xviii 131 Comey appeared to respond to Trump's tweet, writing on Twitter: ―I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made — FDR‖ 132 But one officer said a 'gray area' appears to be emerging where Trump blows past historical norms, setting up situations imbued with politics 133 The trend appears to be continuing into the new year 134 One way of looking at Trump's increasingly frantic approach is that it is a sign of political weakness, because it seems to be a bid to drive up turnout in red state Senate races but might imply that tight House elections, that could be affected by such rhetoric, are out of reach SEEM TO 135 While his strategy of division and tearing at cultural and racial divides helped him win the White House, it seemed to backfire in key House races 136 Trump tweeted Thursday, seeming to indicate he would pick up the border wall fight next year after Democrats take control of the House 137 The move seems to have stalled by Thursday afternoon 138 Though it's unclear how serious they are about that option— TEND TO two other people familiar with Trump's legal team say they are not aware of an effort to hire more lawyers— doing so would be a big shift for the president's family-owned business, which tends to rely on a tight group of longtime loyal executives and attorneys GET + ED PARTICIP LE 139 But a House Republican leadership news conference was delayed Thursday morning as lawmakers debated how to proceed, lending even more uncertainty to how the issue would get resolved 140 ―We need to keep our troops there They're inside the ten-yard line in defeating ISIS, but we're not there yet If we leave now, the e xix Kurds are going to get slaughtered.‖ 141 ―If we leave now the Kurds will get in a fight with Turkey, they could get slaughtered Who would help you in the future?‖ 142 All Manafort did in 2018 was get thrown in jail for witness tampering, 143 get convicted at trial, plead guilty to even more crimes, 144 and then get caught allegedly lying to Mueller in a failed effort at a cooperation deal 145 The letters suggest that employees ask to pay a reduced amount or create a payment plan in the coming months because they are out of work and not getting paid during the shutdown 146 On Thursday, he tweeted, ―Do the Dems realize that most of the people not getting paid are Democrats?‖ Trump offered no evidence that most of the 800,000 people working without pay or not working belong to the Democratic Party 147 ―None of us want the government shut down None of us want to be working and not getting paid 148 Democrats, Republicans, libertarians, Green parties, all of us that work, at least at my facility, we want to get paid.‖ 149 ―That's thousands of dollars that I can't just put out somewhere not knowing when I'm going to get paid again,‖ she said 150 She said that because some people are frustrated they are not getting paid and still have to work, they are not showing up to work 151 those reserve military members that drilled prior to the lapse in appropriation‖ will get paid on December 31 152 All of Democrats' BIG national rising stars got wiped out Quick, name the three Democrats running for statewide office that e xx Democrats who didn't live in their states knew and/or cared about: Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams and Beto O'Rourke, right? Well, Gillum lost narrowly 153 I could see him trying to use his narrow-ish defeat as a way to run for president in 2020.) I'd watch Gretchen Whitmer, who got elected governor in Michigan, Jared Polis, the first openly gay governor in the country (he's from Colorado) and the new governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham 154 A history of shady activity Many of the allegations in North KEEP + VING Carolina keep circling back to Dowless 155 House Democrats plan to continue voting on bills to end shutdown Despite the fact that any bills without Trump's request for wall funding are dead on arrival in the Senate for now, House Democrats plan to keep moving ahead with legislation to reopen government without new wall money LINKS OF 30 POLITICAL NEWS https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/31/politics/donald-trump-immigrationpaul-ryan-midterms/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/02/politics/midterms-trump-immigrationweek-in-review/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/04/politics/sunday-midterm-campaigntrump/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/07/politics/historic-firstsmidterms/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/06/politics/election-resultstakeaways/index.html e xxi https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/06/politics/2018-electionupdates/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/15/politics/donald-trump-white-housemood/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/15/politics/us-china-trade-warnegotiation/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/21/politics/trump-org-braces-fordems/index.html 10 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/26/politics/2018-midterms-democraticwave/index.html 11 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/03/politics/government-shutdowncongress-border-wall/index.html 12 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/03/politics/republican-lessons-2018election/index.html 13 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/05/politics/north-carolina-electionfraud/index.html 14 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/20/politics/trump-saudi-arabia/index.html 15 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/12/politics/trump-huawei-bargainingchip/index.html 16 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/20/politics/donald-trump-shutdownborder-wall-funding/index.html 17 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/23/politics/mick-mulvaneyshutdown/index.html 18 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/26/politics/donald-trump-iraqvisit/index.html 19 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/28/politics/house-democratsinvestigations-lawyers-hiring/index.html e xxii 20 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/30/politics/lindsey-graham-isis-syriatrump/index.html 21 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/29/opinions/brace-yourself-for-an-uglypolitical-brawl-honig/index.html 22 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/28/politics/shutdown-secondweek/index.html 23 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/04/politics/trump-calling-shutdownstrike/index.html 24 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/07/politics/food-stamps-governmentshutdown/index.html 25 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/10/politics/senate-blocks-vote-congressshutdown/index.html 26 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/13/politics/donald-trump-russiajeanine/index.html 27 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/17/politics/trump-frays-nerves-atpentagon/index.html 28 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/28/politics/donald-trump-governmentshutdown-nancy-pelosi-immigration/index.html 29 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/27/politics/john-kerry-alfalfaclub/index.html 30 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/28/politics/migrants-arizonaarrests/index.html e ... on semi-modal verbs and their semantic aspects in the political news is conducted on the theme: An Investigation into the Uses of Semi-Modal Verbs in Political News 1.2 Aim and Objectives 1.2.1... examining the speaker‘s use of the modal verbs in their semantic and pragmatic meanings In the Mote‘s speech, the modal verbs belonging to the two main semantic groups, deontic and epistemic are used... closely semimodal verbs tend to follow the pattern of the auxiliary verbs in the kinds of meaning they convey The largest groups of semi-modal verbs are modal in their semantic function Therefore, the

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2023, 06:24


