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Zones of multifunctional public underground space in the new master plan of moscow

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Zones of Multifunctional Public Underground Space in the New Master Plan of Moscow Procedia Engineering 165 ( 2016 ) 469 – 473 Available online at www sciencedirect com 1877 7058 © 2016 The Authors Pu[.]

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 469 – 473 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development” Zones of multifunctional public underground space in the new master plan of Moscow Olga Glozman a,* a RAACS, Moscow, Russia Abstract The article features scientific research work conducted by the author aimed at creating methodology of functional zoning of the underground spaces of the cities Implementing of this methodology into the process of drafting town planning documentation on Moscow allowed defining the zones of underground spaces on the territory of Moscow which should be reserved in advance in order to be used later for municipal functions In the course of the academic research work 41 zones were defined by analyzing the entire territory of the city The methodology of identifying underground territories of the city which can be reserved in the town planning documentation for municipal functions implies consequential comparison of preconditions and restrictions of various levels All preconditions and restrictions (factors) are differentiated depending on the scale of researched territory and demanded division into three groups The methodology was fully applied on the territory of Moscow, the analysis becomes more detailed on each stage of the process and new factors were added Each factor if graphically represented on the map of a city at an appropriate scale: 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:2000 The catalogue featuring the addresses of the zones where it is planned to place multifunctional municipal underground objects was prepared on the grounds of the conducted analysis 11 zones were defined as suitable for top priority reclamation Architectural and planning concepts were worked out for these zoned, technical and economic indexes were defined and the engineering workload was calculated As a result of the conducted research work long range territories for utilizing the underground space were defined and detailed conceptions were prepared for the investors The results of the research work will be applied to the methodology of developing urban planning documentation The new master plan for Moscow is being worked out at the moment For the first time in history the master plan features zones of multifunctional municipal underground spaces © 2016 2016The TheAuthors Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd.is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © Published by Elsevier Ltd This Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under theSustainable scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Urbanisation as aresponsibility Prerequisiteoffor Development Prerequisite for Sustainable Development * Corresponding author Tel.: +7-495-629-50-54 E-mail address: olgasemenova77@mail.ru 1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.722 470 Olga Glozman / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 469 – 473 Keywords: town planning, urban geography, underground space, master plan of Moscow, municipal spaces; Introduction The research problem is the absence of a stated theory of urban use and development of underground spaces At least 60 % of the underground space of Moscow is utilized and there are not many free areas left In order to be able to use some of the underground territories for municipal needs in the future we should define the borders of the new underground territories and impose town-planning restrictions on them The only town-planning restriction for the construction of underground space is represented by the red lines, but this limitation is relative since it doesn’t preclude the laying of communications Restrictions on the use of territories are defined by town planning regulations in the town planning documentation of Russian Federation According to the town planning code of Russian Federation, town planning regulation determines the legal status of land plots as well as the legal status of everything that is on and under those land plots and is being used in the process of site development and the following exploitation of the objects of capital construction In order to define the zone and apply town planning regulation to it, we need to carry out functional zoning of the entire territory of the city At the moment there is no methodology of functional zoning of the underground spaces in the world town planning theory and practice The methodology of the conducted study is described below In the course of the academic research work conducted under my guidance a methodology that is aimed at defining the underground territories of the city which are fit to be reserved in the town planning documentation for the future municipal use was enunciated This methodology allows identifying the demand and defining the underground space aimed at multifunctional municipal use at any stage of town planning process from master plan to the draft area plan The methodology was described in detail in a separate research paper [1] According to the proprietary methodology in order to draw out the zones of the city where there is demand and the possibility of placing objects of multifunctional municipal underground space we need to conduct comprehensive assessment of the socioeconomic, transport, economical, architectural, town planning, engineeringgeological, ecological and natural environment and climatic factor The factors that represent preconditions and/or restrictions are subject to the comprehensice assessment These factors must be differentiated in accordance with the scale of the researched territory and necessary specification The assessment is conducted on a stage-by-stage basis Each further stage several the factors are added the territory is studied in a more detailed manner The first stage implies analyzing the entire territory of the city, the nest stage only a certain part of the city is subject to analyze and the third stage reduces the researched territory to a few blocks Preconditions and restrictions are graphically featured on the maps of appropriate scales Each factor is graphically represented on the map of a city at an appropriate scale: 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:2000 Introduction Architectural and town planning factors are researched in a more detailed manner on the third and on the fourth stage The borders of placing the object are defined which depend on the existing underground engineering communications and the stations of the underground railway system These stages feature the research into whether it is possible to combine the planned objects with the existing objects of the underground space and with the objects that are being designed at the moment At this stage the special aspects of the development of the aboveground territories and objects The possibility of connecting the underground objects with the above-ground territory is also studied The research was conducted on the territory of Moscow and was based on the developed methodology The research is aimed at forming functional zones of the underground space on the map of functional zones of the site plan of Moscow The research process is described below The catalogue featuring the addresses of the zones where it is planned to place multifunctional municipal underground objects was prepared on the grounds of the conducted analysis By analyzing the entire territory of the city we defined 41 zones and each of them was added to the master plan of Moscow and represented in the rules of the land use and development Olga Glozman / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 469 – 473 471 As a result of the conducted research work long range territories for utilizing the underground space were defined and detailed conceptions were prepared for the investors These results of the research are to be put into the practice of town planning documentation drafting 11 zones were defined as suitable for top priority reclamation Architectural and planning concepts were worked out for these zoned, technical and economic indexes were defined and the engineering workload was calculated The most promising territories for reclamation of the underground space are the places with the heaviest pedestrian traffic It is reasonable to develop the territories below the ground level where people have to move on the ground in constraint conditions The stations of the underground railway systems and certain railway stations are places of this kind and it is necessary to consider diffusing heavy pedestrian traffic in order to make moving through the city more comfortable and safe One of the development zones offered for consideration is the territory in the Sokolniki metro station area The main goals of development of the underground space of this zone are providing the pedestrians with more comfortable conditions for moving, dividing transport and pedestrian traffic, renewing the territory by placing the service objects there (picture 1) Sokolniki metro station is within the borders of the underground objects engineering, as well as several public transport stops and the streets Stromynka, Rusakovskaya, Sokolnicheskiy Val and Sokolnicheskaya ploschsad Fig 3D view of the underground complex in the existing development The attraction objects on the territory under examination are the place of application of the labor (city hospitals), offices, retail businesses and places of entertainment, ‘Sokolniki’ culture and leisure park (charter 1) The heaviest pedestrian traffic is registered from the Sokolniki metro station in the direction of the Stromynka and Rusakovskaya streets The pedestrian traffic from these streets is allocated to the neighboring streets and alleys Pedestrian traffic on the Sokolnicheskaya ploschsad square is of sporadic character and on weekends people are attracted to the ‘Sokolniki’ park The pedestrian move using the pavements along the streets and about 40 aboveground pedestrian crossings There are no underground pedestrian crossings in the area Due to a large number of 472 Olga Glozman / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 469 – 473 crossroads and intersections where traffic signalization is used there appear hindrances to traffic that affect both pedestrians and transport Table Main technical and economic index Name Square (m2) Shops 19168 Pedestrian areas 21243 Public dining zones 2320 Parking lots 19733 Total square 62 464 The project of multifunctional underground space in the area of Sokolniki metro station was presented in detail on the international scientific e-symposium ‘ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGIES OF THE XXI CENTURY’ and explicated in the collection of articles devoted to the symposium In the manner of the Sokolniki project 11 investment attractive projects were shaped In modern Russia considering free market economy the defining factor while choosing the zones for underground construction is the presence of social as well as technical and economical advantages which in other words is investment appeal The main advantage of the underground construction for the investor is reduced cost of acquiring the plot of land (purchasing or renting) and the following saving on paying the rent for the plot of land While reclaiming an underground space several factors should be taken into account which may lead to increased or reduced specific indicators of the cost of construction Thus, underground construction allows reducing the expenses on foundation, roof and a number of structural components of the above-ground buildings (outside window units, internal downpipes, front of the building finishing etc) The factors which can make underground construction more expensive are: x Complexity of the engineering solutions of the underground buildings; x Additional volume of engineering works; x Enforcement of bearing and supporting constructions and enclosure constructions; x More complicated work on water isolation; x More complicated sanitary installation; x Lack of space while conducting works on the construction site; Practice shows that those factors influence each other in the way that allows believing that in the usual geological and hydrogeological conditions the value of the estimated cost of the objects constructed underground is 1.5-1.6 times higher that of the objects constructed aboveground Organizing underground objects may provide the investor with the additional earnings gain by attracting guaranteed pedestrian traffic and increased commercial profit as well as reduced exploitation and promotional expenses Social advantages cannot be considered in terms of the cost since they are defined by the natural and green area provision index, they can also be defined while calculating the rating of the quality of the environment etc Social advantages may be defined after the following factors have been analyzed: x Safety of traffic for pedestrians, public transportation and automobilists on the street and road network intersections (amount of accidents, amount of injures on the street and road network intersections); x Provision with the objects of social infrastructure; x Provision of the territory with parking lots and other objects of transportation; x Provision of the territory with ‘open municipal spaces’: sport grounds, exhibit halls, mini-cinema theatres etc.; x Creating conditions for the development of small businesses – constructing the objects of immovable property, objects for development; Olga Glozman / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 469 – 473 It is necessary to conduct defining social advantages of the multifunctional underground spaces for the projects of placing multifunctional underground spaces on a certain territory Economical efficiency of the underground construction is related to a certain place where it is conducted in the city since the amount of prospective profit from the created immovable property objects varies in different areas of the city Apart from this, economical efficiency depends on the planning, engineering, functional, technological and architectural features of a project Total socio economical, town planning and budgetary effect of the underground construction can be defined for each separate object of the multifunctional underground construction if the abovementioned factors are taken into account In this work the average rates of economical and social efficiency of the projects of multifunctional underground space are defined Economical efficiency of multifunctional underground spaces was defined on he ground of efficiency of capital investments in the constructions by estimating the correlation between the cost of the expenses and prospective profit from the immovable property on the territory Additional payments to the city budget were estimated as well as increasing number of those occupied Defining economical efficiency of the multifunctional underground spaces was conducted with consideration for Methodological recommendations on estimating the efficiency of investment projects certified by the Ministry of Economy of Russian Federation, Ministry of Finances of Russian Federation, National Committee of Russian Federation on constructive, architectural and housing policy 21.06.1999 № ВК 477 (methodological recommendations shaped on the basis of the method of investment analysis UNIDO used in the international practice) Investment prospects of a project are to a large extent defined by the coordination between the supply of shopping and office spaces and the demand from the visitors (citizens, students, office workers, workers) In this regard it is necessary to create public-private partnership with the participation of not only investor developer, but also prospective residents – tenants of constructed buildings This will provide guaranteed higher demand on these spaces That is why the projects of multifunctional underground space must be developed on the grounds of publicprivate partnership and the selection of projects with highest priority should be conducted on the grounds of defined economic efficiency as well as taking into account qualitative analysis of social and town planning effects Methodology of economical grounding of the multifunctional underground spaces which was applied for estimating investment prospects of the objects in Moscow is described in a separate article [3] Conclusion The conducted research study leads to the following conclusions: x Segments of underground spaces in large cities must be reserved so that public spaces could be developed x A city’s master plan should stipulate the reservation of underground spaces x The methodology described above allows to locate the territories of the city where there is a demand for developing public spaces as well as the lack of above-ground space This can be done through the evaluation of the factors related to the existing conditions and limitations x As a result of this research study, the zones of multifunctional public underground spaces have been included in a city’s master plan, particularly, Moscow’s for the first time in the history of Russian urban planning At the time of writing this research study the document was still in development References [1] O S Semenova, Methodology of identifying zones of placing the objects of multifunctional municipal space as a part of transportation system in the process of functional zoning of the underground territories in large cities, J Gradostroitelstvo (30) (2014) 62-68 [2] O S Semenova, A S Mordvin, Concept of complex reclamation of underground space as exemplified by the territory of Sokolniki metro station in Moscow, Collection of articles of the international scientific e-symposium ‘Technique and technologies of the XXI century’: (2016) 89-95 [3] I V Fomenko, N A Chernyshova, O S Semenova, N S Volkov, Socioeconomical efficiency of organizing different types of multifunctional underground spaces, J Transport business of Russia (100) (2011) 161-165 473 ... grounds of the conducted analysis By analyzing the entire territory of the city we defined 41 zones and each of them was added to the master plan of Moscow and represented in the rules of the land... the territory of Moscow and was based on the developed methodology The research is aimed at forming functional zones of the underground space on the map of functional zones of the site plan of. .. there is no methodology of functional zoning of the underground spaces in the world town planning theory and practice The methodology of the conducted study is described below In the course of

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