Senator Barry Goldwater to make Montana State University appearance University of Montana University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana University o[.]
University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present University Relations 2-27-1962 Senator Barry Goldwater to make Montana State University appearance University of Montana Missoula Office of University Relations Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits you Recommended Citation University of Montana Missoula Office of University Relations, "Senator Barry Goldwater to make Montana State University appearance" (1962) University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present 1071 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Relations at ScholarWorks at University of Montana It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana For more information, please contact 2 -23-62 Dwyer FOR RELEASE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Sen Barry Goldwater's scheduled appearance at Montana State University on Thursday, March 29, has Brought a flood of inquiries•about tickets for the event to the MSU Public Lecturers Committee, Dr Ralph Y McGinnis, chairman, reports The MSU lecture series is open to the public without charge, Dr McGinnis explained No tickets are sold and no seats are reserved Requests for information from persons who plan to travel across the state to hear the spokesman for conservatism lead the committee to expect a record crowd In fact, Dr McGinnis points out, if the senator’s drawing power on other occasions is a reliable indication, thousands of persons will turn out for his MSU speech The committee has booked the event into the Field House, which seats more than 7,000 in the arena itself and can accommodate an overflow in the lobbies Sen Goldwater will speak at p m March 29 The best guarantee of hearing him is to arrive early, Dr McGinnis said m Publications and News Service MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Missoula ... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Sen Barry Goldwater'' s scheduled appearance at Montana State University on Thursday, March 29, has Brought a flood of inquiries•about tickets for the event to the MSU Public Lecturers... series is open to the public without charge, Dr McGinnis explained No tickets are sold and no seats are reserved Requests for information from persons who plan to travel across the state to hear the... speak at p m March 29 The best guarantee of hearing him is to arrive early, Dr McGinnis said m Publications and News Service MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Missoula