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Concert Ithaca College Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble Ithaca College Ithaca College Digital Commons IC Digital Commons IC All Concert & Recital Programs Concert & Recital Programs 10 12 1987 Concert I[.]

Ithaca College Digital Commons IC All Concert & Recital Programs Concert & Recital Programs 10-12-1987 Concert: Ithaca College Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble Ithaca College Symphonic Band Ithaca College Wind Ensemble Henry G Neubert Rodney K Winther Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/music_programs Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation Symphonic Band, Ithaca College; Wind Ensemble, Ithaca College; Neubert, Henry G.; and Winther, Rodney K., "Concert: Ithaca College Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble" (1987) All Concert & Recital Programs 8209 https://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/music_programs/8209 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Concert & Recital Programs at Digital Commons IC It has been accepted for inclusion in All Concert & Recital Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons IC ITHACA - Ithaca College School of Music SYMPHONIC BAND Henry G Neubert, Conductor PROGRAM Chorale Prelude: Turn Not Thy Face Symphony for Band I II III IV Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987) Vincent Persichetti Adagio-Allegro Adagio sostenuto Allegretto Vivace ITHACA COLLEGE WIND ENSEMBLE Rodney K Winther, Conductor Gustav Holst (1874-1934) First Suite in E-flat (1909) I II III Chaconne Intermezzo March Mark Mandarano, Guest Conductor Gregory Woodward (b 1954) The Silver Web (1987)* Introduction I Calmly II Wistfully lll Calmly Gordon Stout, Marimba * Premiere Performance WALTER FORD HALL AUDITORIUM Monday, October 12, 1987 8:15 P.M - The Syupurl.c Band is dedicating tonight's performance to the irerrory of Vinceat Persi.detti who died on August 14, 1987 at the age of 72 The New York Tines of Saturday, August 15, 1987 wrote, " ••• during a career that spanned half a century, Mr Persichetti wrote nine symphonies, chamber compositions for many different combinations of instrurrents, unre than a dozen sonatas for piano and harpsichord, songs and choral ~rks, an opera - ''The Sibyl," based on the fable of Chicken Little - and an enotllDUS quantity of Ill.lSiC for wind band• 11 The " ~ for Band" is Persichetti's best known composition for winds Written in 1958, this composition stands alongside his other wind ~rks which have "provided an engaging, sophisticated introduction to conten:porary T!llsic for thousands of young TlllSicians" (New York Tines, August, 1987) - Gregory S (b 1954) is an Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition at the School of Music at Ithaca College, fu holds a B.M and M.M in composition from the University of Connecticut and Ithaca College, and the D.M.A from Cornell University His lll3.jor teachers have been Karel Husa and Charles Whittenberg, with additional study with Steven Stucky and Donald Martino Mr Woodward has received composition grants from the National Endowirent for the Arts and Meet the Composer of New York State fu is also in the fourth year of a six year appointrrent as a Guest of the Sanford Visiting Lecturer Series at Yale University's School of Music Recently, Mr Woodward has received comnissions and perform3.nces from the Oberlin Conservatory, Yale University, the Ithaca Festival of the Arts, the Syracuse Society for New Music, Speculum Musicae, Chris Vadala of the Chuck Mangione Q 1artet, the Billy Taylor Trio, and llJJJlerllege School of Music A composer as ~11 as percussionist who specializes on marimba, he has studied composition with Sanuel Adler and Warren Benson, and percussion with Janes Alrron and John Beck As a composer-recitalist he has premiered a number of his original compositions and ~rks by other contemporary composers Many of his compositions for marimba are published and have already becoire standard repertoire for rnarimbists world-wide is the only Anerican concert marimbist to have recorded extensively fu A frequent lecture-recitalist for the Percussive Arts Society, he has appeared at six International PAS Conventions to date as featured narimbist fu has also appeared throughout the US and Canada and is Director of the Mallet Workshop at the Birch Creek Performing Arts Academy in lx>or County, Wisconsin 'De Silver Web, A Concerto for Marimba with Wind Ensemble, was composed during the sUI1I1Er of 1987 The original inspiration for the work was to write a piece to showcase the enorm:ius talents of tonight, s soloist, Gonkn Strut As the soloist and composer collaborated in the early stages it was decided to compose a concerto with wind ensemble This project was then greatly assisted by a sumrer research grant from Ithaca College in which the composer could study the evolution of concerto form and m:xiern marimba techniques, culminating in the work to be he:ird tonight work is loosely based on a poem, "June l" by Bradford Alan · Woodward, and is notivically based on t'io.U Ill.lSical ideas associated with the pretic text, a "June l" sonority, and a character of rising fourths and seconds/sevenths These t'io.U notives combine in a Ill.lSical arguirent and resolution within a large quasi-sonata allegro form in three sections with an introduction and coda This formal plan draws upon the traditional concerto fornat while creating a nore m:xiern, large single iroverent composition After all the materials are exposed in the Introduction, there follows a rather traditional Exposition with t'io.U "there" textures and tonal enviroI1Ill2nts, a central, contrasting lyrical section, functioning as one of the nany possible ~velopnental sections, and a Recapitulation and reconcilliation of the opening materials, follo~ by a Coda which recalls the opening and completes the arch-famed journey of the prem The composer I\U.Ud like to gratefully acknowledge the support of Ithaca College, the hard urk and considerable skills of the Wind Ensemble and it, s director, Rodney Winther, and the inspirational talents of Mr Stout Toni.ght, s perfornance is dedicated to the irenory of my greatgrandn:nther, Mary Hattie Woodward, the central subject of the prem, and to the pret, whose warmth and gracious hunanity are a constant inspiration (Program notes by the composer.) A W SYMPimIC HAID Imry G lbibert, Cocdnctor PIlllE Chris Foster Joan futton Creryl furrlee Susan Brace FRFRllllffl Robin Benowitz Julie Woods George Keo:la.11 Kelly Cran:lall Kerry An:lrews 1'R[fflET Steve Trowbridge Mark Nicholson Terry M::=!tzger Jennifer Ten Eyck Jon fun:itz Mark M::=!ier Ben Berner Tinnthy Q.ri.rk '.llOBIE Dan Burgess Kim Jones Dan Lopata Mike Osowski ElIPHlffiM Steve Rapp 1UBA Jeff Lacoff Kirsten H3af Corey futcrer TIMPANI Richard Fish Pl!BOE51Cll Adam Beacrer George Porpiglia Susan Boyd Mike Markus Peter Bell LIBRARIAN Ginny Shopland l1WlCA OXIFIB WIN) ERiEl1BIB Rodney K W:intler, Cooductor FWIE/PlaIID I.Dis Ferrari Whitney l:bose Kristina~* Sandra Laughnan Karla Scluerzinger OllE Micrelle Nethaway Margaret Waizecker* Kenneth Kayser Kristina Keller ClllmA~ Janes Krerrp ALID SAXCFHffi Lana Green* PffiOJSSIOO' Susan Boyd Richard Fish Jon funk.ins Matt t-brano Steven Palumbo Chris White* JWIT1.UE SAXCFimE Cu\RilET HEN Susan Irvine lhldi Farbstein Gibs Flock l.Dra Katz Steven Laifer* 'IRl.MPET BASS ClARilEf Kevin KaufllEll Constance Alvord Jare lbffman Lyrm llirris Sharon P~l* Scott Rabeler Lloyd Walton CllllRA-BASS ClARilEf '.llDBlE AL1U ClARilEf Robert Buonamici ~ri Harris TIMPANI SAXCFimE Kenneth Gioffre Eb ClARilEf Barbara Desjardins Richard Faria* Christina lliffat Deborah t-brris Nicholas Pauldine Karen Wright WBA David Hamilton* Janes Trowbridge David Gluck '.IDU.l Ian Whiting Patrick Fagan Bruce McFarland* Joseph lbrner F2G.ISHIIEN Nicola Peoples ElJPIINIIM OllSIE/PLWl l:€len Gregory LIBRARIAN Sharon P~l GRAilJA1E ASSISTANI.'S Robert Buonamici fulen Gregory Mark Maooarano Steven Button* John &efner Tim Mattison, bass * In::licates Section Leader ~ r s of the Wind Ensemble have been listed alphabetically to errphasize the rotation of parts within sorre sections and the importance of each individual .. .ITHACA - Ithaca College School of Music SYMPHONIC BAND Henry G Neubert, Conductor PROGRAM Chorale Prelude: Turn Not Thy Face Symphony for Band I II III IV Vincent Persichetti... quantity of Ill.lSiC for wind band? ?? 11 The " ~ for Band" is Persichetti''s best known composition for winds Written in 1958, this composition stands alongside his other wind ~rks which have "provided... Theory and Composition at the School of Music at Ithaca College, fu holds a B.M and M.M in composition from the University of Connecticut and Ithaca College, and the D.M.A from Cornell University

Ngày đăng: 11/03/2023, 22:45