GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT FOR BRIDGES SUPERSTRUCTURE AND OTHER WORK ITEMS OF BRIDGE PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 TABLE OF CONTENTS I BRIDGE BEARINGS II ERECTION OF PRE-CAST BEAMS III CONSTRUCTION OF DECK SLAB, LINK SLAB IV WATERPROOFING V EXPANSION JOINTS VI BRIDGE DRAINAGE PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 I BRIDGE BEARINGS Material requirements 1.1 Reference standards AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges and thef ollowing Standards in their latest edition shall be particularly applied to the works covered by this Specification Section: ASTM A36 Carbon Structural Steel AASHTO M183 Structural steel ASTMA123 Zinc(Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel Products ASTMA570 Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality ASTMA615 Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Concrete Reinforcement ASTMC881 Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete ASTMC1107 Installation of Load Bearing (Transverse and Axial) Steel Studs and Related Accessories ASTMD412 Vulcanized Rubberand Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomer Tension ASTMD429 Rubber Property-Adhesion to Rigid Substrates ASTMD518 Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration- Surface Cracking ASTM D573 RubberDeteriorationinan Air Oven ASTMD746 Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact ASTMD1149 Rubber Deterioration- Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber ASTMD2240 Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness ASTMD3182 Materials, Equipment,and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized Sheets PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN Bars for GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 1.2 ASTMD3183 Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products ASTMD3184 Evaluation of NR (Natural Rubber) ASTMD3185 Evaluation of SBR (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber) Including Mixtures with Oil ASTMD3186 Rubber-Evaluation of SBR(Styrene-Butadiene Rubber) Mixed With Carbon Black or Carbon Black and Oil ASTMD3187 Evaluation of NBR (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber) ASTMD3188 Evaluation of IIR (Isobutene-Isoprene Rubber) ASTMD3189 Evaluation of Solution BR (Poly-butadiene Rubber) ASTMD3190 Evaluation of Chloroprene Rubber(CR) ASTMD3192 Carbon Black Evaluation in NR(Natural Rubber) ASTMD3192 Carbon Black Evaluation in NR(Natural Rubber) ASTMD4014 Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearings for Bridges Elastomeric materials The elastomeric materials of the compounds shall be either natural rubber or 100% virgin polychloroprenesyn the ticrubber meeting the requirements of Table.1.The properties of the elastomeric compounds shall be determined from tests pecimens complying with ASTMD3182 through D3190 inclusive and D3192 Avariation of ±10% intensile strength and ultimate elongation under “physical properties” will be permitted when tests pecimens are cut from the finished product 1.3 Internal steel laminates The internal steel laminates for the laminated elastomeric bearing pads shall be rolled carbon steel sheets complying withASTM A570 or ASTMA36 1.4 Laminated elastomeric bearing pads Laminated elastomeric bearing pads shall be individually moulded to the required size Corner sand edges may be rounded with a radius at the corners not exceeding mm and a radius at the edges not exceeding 6mm All edges of the steel laminations shall be covered with not less than 4mm and not more than 6mm of elastomer PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 Requirements of Elastomeric Bearing Pads: ASTM Standard Physical Properties Value D2240 Hardness, ASTM D2240 60 ± D412 Tensile strength, 175 Ultimate elongation, min.% 425 Heat Resistance D573, 70 HR at 100°C Change in durometer hardness, max.points + 15 Change in tensile strength, max % - 15 Change in ultimate elongation, max % - 40 Compressive Set D395 Method B 22 hours at 100°C max % 35 Ozone D1149 100 pphm ozone in air by volume, 20% strain, 37.7 ºC ± 1C, 100 hours mounting Procedure D 518, Procedure A No Cracks Adhesion Bond made during vulcanization 80% R(Z1) D429, A Bond Strength (per square cm) 2.8kg D429, B Peel Strength (per cm of width) kg The dimensions of the elastomeric bearings shall be within the following listed tolerances: Overall Vertical Rubber Dimension Average total rubber thickness 32 mm -0, +3 mm or less Average total rubber thickness over 32 mm PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN -0, +6 mm GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 Overall Horizontal Rubber Dimension 90 cm or less 0, + mm Thickness of individual layers of elastomer (60 Durometer Only) 20% Variation from a plane parallel to the theoretical surface per 300 mm tops 1.5 mm Edge cover of embedded metallic laminate mm sides mm mm max Compression Stress 35 kg/ 56 kg./ Strain (Percent of total thickness of all elastomer laminations 5% 7% Mechanical bearings Bearings shall have surface protecting in accordance with requirements and proceduresnoted under Specification Bearing installation The bearings shall be clearly marked with their longitudinal and transverse axes, their type number and their intended locations in the Works All bearings shall be set horizontal in both directions and shall be positioned so that the inscribed longitudinal axis is parallel to the structure axis at the point of support, unless otherwise noted on the Drawings Any devices such as steel packs used to hold bearings level whilst being fixed, must be removed so that the bearing seats only on its grout pad Where pre-cast beams and segments are placed on elastomeric bearings, immediately prior to the placing of each beam and segment the top of the bearing shall be coated with a sufficient thickness of approved mortar to take up any irregularities between the surface of the beams and segment and the bearings The installation location of bearings shall be accurately marked The area where the bearings will be seated shall be accurately levelled PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 When arranging steel reinforcing at bearing locations, a template showing bearing stud bolt positions shall be used to prevent interference between bearing studs and steel reinforcing The characteristics of all bearing shall be within the Manufacturer’s tolerances andtothefollowingtolerances: Alignment,maximumdeparturefromrequiredverticalorhorizontalplane: Alignment, maximum departure from required vertical or horizontal plane: Entire assembly 1:400 Lower part of bearing 1:1000 relative to upper Plan position Laterally 3mm Longitudinally 6mm Center/Center Spacing 3mm Testing of bearings The testing of selected bearings shall be arranged with the Engineer prior to their inclusion in the Works The testing shall be done at an independent testing facility approved by the Engineer II ERECTION OF PRE-CAST BEAMS Procedure erection of PCI girder by crane Girder erection shall commence when the approach road has been finished so as to provide a way for girders onto the backwall of the abutment Procedure of girder launching: - Pre-fabricate I girder and ship to the crane position in abutments and piers - Unload each girder from the truck onto the design bearings for the first span by capable crane - Assemble reinforcing bars of the cross beams by welding Procedure erection of Super-T girder by crane Various erection methods shall be applied based on the Contractor’s capacity of building and machinery as the followings:erection of Super-T girder by crane Procedure of girder launching: - Pre-fabricate Super T girder PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 III - Transport the first girder by a trailer to the erection position - Unload each girder from the truck onto the design bearings for the first span by capable crane - Assemble reinforcing bars of the cross beams by welding CONSTRUCTION OF DECK SLAB, LINK SLAB Procedure statements of the superstructure as the following: IV - Launch span girders and put them on bearings of the design spans - Fabricate and install reinforcing bars, formworks for diaphragms - Manufacture and install at-place formworks and the reinforcing bars for deck slab - Casting concrete of diaphragms and deck slab - Manufacture and install pre-cast RC slabs for median between the two parallel bridges (if any) - Fabricate and install reinforcing bars, formworks and cast concrete for parapets and lighting post bearings - Continue to build cast-in-situ RC deck slab sections in the ranges of link slabs at designated positions as specified - Construct deck slab wearing surface, install extension joints as specified - Manufacture and install drainage system, lighting, WATERPROOFING Bridge deck waterproofing membrane All the materials to be used for furnishing and installing the deck waterproofing membrane shall be certified by the manufacturer and shall be approved by the Engineer before they are used in the Works The contractor must provide evidence to demonstrate that the proposed deck waterproofing system meets the following performance criteria and mitigates concerns regarding common problems such as leakage, poor bonding or softening of the membrane - Impermebale to water - Good adhesion to the deck ( at least 1Mpa after hours cure ) - Good adhesion to surfacing - Capable of bridging shrinkage cracks in concrete (up to 2mm) - Tolerant of deck texture and detail PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 - Tough to withstand site damage including paving equipment - Safe to apply - Able to withstand elevated surfacing temperatures - Applied over a wide range of ambient conditions - Non degradable The proposed system shall have an established reputation for excellent performance under similar conditions and on similar strutures, preferably in Vietnam Bituminous waterproofing membrane The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer certification from the manufacturer that the bituminous waterproofing membrane system has been used successfully in similar applications during the preceding five years The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer evidence that the applier of the material is a qualified, experienced applier and is approved by the manufacturer to apply his materials Primer: The furnished primer material shall be in accordance with ASTM-D41, or as approved by the Engineer Mastic: The furnished primer material shall be in accordance with AASHTO-M243, as applicable and as approved by the Engineer Asphalt: Asphalt for mop coat shall be in accordance with ASTM D449, Type III Waterproofing fabric: Asphalt saturated fabric shall be in accordance with ASTM D173 Asphalt plank: Material for asphalt plank, if used or if approved by the Engineer, shall be in accordancewithASTMD517 Product delivery, storage and handling The Contractor shall deliver products to the job site in their original unopened containers clearly labelled with the manufacturer’s name, brand designation, type and class as applicable The Contractor shall store products in an approved dry area and shall protect them from contact with soil and from exposure to the elements Products shall be kept dry at all times Products shall be handled in a manner that will prevent breakage of containers and damage to products Preparation of surface The surface to which the waterproofing is to be applied shall be cleaned of all loose and foreign materials, dirt, grease or oil and shall be dry When necessary the PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 Engineer may require the surface to be scrubbed with water and a stiff brush, after which the surface shall be allowed to dry before application of the primer Concrete to which the deck waterproofing membrane is to be applied shall be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations Application 5.1 Bridge deck waterproofing membrane The deck waterproofing membrane shall be a proprietary waterproofing system as approved by the Engineer, and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations The installation shall be undertaken by skilled operatives as approved by the product manufacturer Acceptance testing shall include testing by an electronic pinhole detector to demonstrate the absence of pinholes 5.2 Bituminous waterproofing membrane The Contractor shall furnish and install the bituminous membrane as specified herein to all surfaces indicated on the Drawings including, but no limited to, abutment, wing-walls, retaining walls, and similar foudations where directed by the Engineer The work shall include the supply and application of bituminous membranes on all surface specified to receive waterproof membrane They shall then be brush or spray painted with two coats of tar or asphalt primer for absorptive treatment Below ground not less than two coats shall be applied at a rate of 0.56 litters per square meter of surface On the well-primed surface one application of tar or asphalt seal coat shall be applied by brush at a rate of 0.45 liters per square meter Care shall be taken to confine all paints to the dripping or spreading of the tar or asphalt V EXPANSION JOINTS Reference standards The following Standards in their latest edition shall be particularly applied to the works covered by the Specification Section: AASHTOM297 Preformed polychloroprene elastomeric joint seals for Bridges ASTMA36 Standard Specification for General Requirementsf or Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling ASTMA536 Standard specification for Ductile iron castings JISG5502 Spheroidal Graphite Iron Castings PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 10 GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 ASTMA123 Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTMA588 High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Stee l50ksi Minimum Yield point ASTMD395 Rubber Property— Standard specification for structural Compression Set ASTM A709 Steel for bridges ASTMD412 Vulcanized Rubberand Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomer-Tension ASTMD471 Rubber Property-Effect of Liquids ASTMD994 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (BituminousType) ASTMD1149 Rubber Deterioration-Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber ASTMD2240 Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness ASTMD6690 Joint and Crack Sealants, Hot Applied, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements Method of construction and installation After coating the seat area with the specified sealant adhesive, the joint shall be positioned over the anchor bolts and the nuts securely tightened All loose or long anchor bolts shall be corrected in a manner approved by the Engineer All joints between units, around connecting bolts, and cavity plugs shall be carefully sealed with sealant in a neat workmanlike manner to keep out water and protect against corrosion Neoprene surfaces to be in contact with sealant shall be buffed at the plant or wire brushed prior to installation to provide a bonding surface for the sealant Prior to filling the space in the bolt wells, the Engineer shall inspect the anchor bolts and the tightening of the nuts to the manufacturer’s specified torque Any wells sealed without the Engineer’s approval shall be opened and resealed after approval at the Contractor’s expense PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 11 GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 The finished joint shall present a smooth, neat appearance with no protruding bolts or rough joints Excess sealant shall be wiped or scraped away before it becomes hard 2.1 Pre-moulded joint filler Pre-moulded joint filler shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D994 with a nominal thickness of 20 mm Joint filler must be compatible with joint sealant The filler for each joint shall be furnished in a single piece for the full depth and width required for the joint When the use of more than one piece is required for a joint, the abutting ends shall be fastened securely and held accurately to shape by stapling or other positive fastening means 2.2 Joint sealer Joint sealer shall be in accordance withASTM D6690 Each lot or batch of sealing compound shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturer's original sealed container Each container shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, batch or lot number, and the safe heating temperature and shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's certification stating that the compound meets the requirements of the specification Tolerance of finger joints Toleranceofinstalledfingerjointtypeexpansionjointsshallbeasfollows: Item Tolerance Length ±5mm Elevation ±3mm Note At edges and center of carriageway Uniformity of elevation 3mm in m Differential elevation of fingers 2mm between centers of fingers Longitudinal clearance ±2mm At edges and center of carriageway Transversal clearance to +2mm At edges and center of carriageway VI BRIDGE DRAINAGE Reference standards PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 12 GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 The following Standardsin their latestedition shall be particularly applied to the works coveredby this Specification Section: ASTMD1785 Standard specification for polyvinyl chloride (PVD) Plastic pipe ASTM A53/A53M Standard specification for pipe, steel, black and hotdipped, zinc coated, welded and seamless ASTMA48 Class50Specificationforgreyironcastings ASTMA36 Standard specification for Carbon structural steel ASTMA240 Standard specification for chromium and chromiumNickel stainless steel plate, sheet, and strip for pressure vessels and for General applications Installation - Drainage catch pits and gratings shall be installed complete at the locations indicated on the drawings Catch pits shall be cast in to the structure or cast in to a previously formed box out as detailed in the Contractor’s method statement Where the catch pits are to be cast into a box out all relevant details shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.Where catch pits are secured into box outs using concrete, the concrete shall be at least equal in strength to the concrete in the surrounding structure andall box out faces shall be prepared as required forconstructionjoints - Gratings should be installed using anti-theft measures - All pipes and fittings shall be installed to the locations, lines and grades indicated in the drawings - All pipe brackets shall be located and securely fixed in place before pipes are installed PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 13 ... At edges and center of carriageway Uniformity of elevation 3mm in m Differential elevation of fingers 2mm between centers of fingers Longitudinal clearance ±2mm At edges and center of carriageway... containers and damage to products Preparation of surface The surface to which the waterproofing is to be applied shall be cleaned of all loose and foreign materials, dirt, grease or oil and shall... reinforcing bars of the cross beams by welding CONSTRUCTION OF DECK SLAB, LINK SLAB Procedure statements of the superstructure as the following: IV - Launch span girders and put them on bearings of the